Java tutorial
package com.cedarsoftware.ncube; import com.cedarsoftware.ncube.formatters.JsonFormatter; import com.cedarsoftware.ncube.util.CdnClassLoader; import com.cedarsoftware.util.IOUtilities; import com.cedarsoftware.util.StringUtilities; import com.cedarsoftware.util.UniqueIdGenerator; import; import; import; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import ncube.grv.method.NCubeGroovyController; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * This class manages a list of NCubes. This class is referenced * by NCube in one place - when it joins to other cubes, it consults * the NCubeManager to find the joined NCube. * <p/> * This class takes care of creating, loading, updating, releasing, * and deleting NCubes. It also allows you to get a list of NCubes * matching a wildcard (SQL Like) string. * * @author John DeRegnaucourt ( * <br/> * Copyright (c) Cedar Software LLC * <br/><br/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <br/><br/> * * <br/><br/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class NCubeManager { private static final Map<String, NCube> cubeList = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NCubeManager.class); private static Map<String, Map<String, Advice>> advices = new LinkedHashMap(); private static Map<String, GroovyClassLoader> urlClassLoaders = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private static List<String> urlList = new ArrayList(); static { urlClassLoaders.put("file", new CdnClassLoader(NCubeManager.class.getClassLoader(), true, true)); } /** * @param name String name of an NCube. * @return NCube instance with the given name. Please note * that the cube must be loaded first before calling this. */ public static NCube getCube(String name, String version) { return cubeList.get(makeCacheKey(name, version)); } static String makeCacheKey(String name, String version) { return name + '.' + version; } public static void setBaseResourceUrls(List<String> urls, String version) { if (urlClassLoaders.containsKey(version)) { LOG.warn("RESETTING URLs for n-cube version: " + version + ", urls: " + urls); } urlList.clear(); urlList.addAll(urls); GroovyClassLoader urlClassLoader = new CdnClassLoader(NCubeManager.class.getClassLoader(), true, true); addUrlsToClassLoader(urls, urlClassLoader); urlClassLoaders.put(version, urlClassLoader); } @Deprecated public static void setUrlClassLoader(List<String> urls, String version) { setBaseResourceUrls(urls, version); } private static void addUrlsToClassLoader(List<String> urls, GroovyClassLoader urlClassLoader) { for (String url : urls) { try { if (!url.endsWith("/")) { url += "/"; } urlClassLoader.addURL(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A URL in List of URLs is malformed: " + url, e); } } } public static URLClassLoader getUrlClassLoader(String version) { return urlClassLoaders.get(version); } /** * Add a cube to the internal map of available cubes. * * @param ncube NCube to add to the list. */ static void addCube(NCube ncube, String version) { synchronized (cubeList) { ncube.setVersion(version); cubeList.put(makeCacheKey(ncube.getName(), version), ncube); for (String wildcard : advices.keySet()) { String regex = StringUtilities.wildcardToRegexString(wildcard); Axis axis = ncube.getAxis("method"); if (axis != null) { // Controller methods for (Column column : axis.getColumnsWithoutDefault()) { String method = column.getValue().toString(); String classMethod = ncube.getName() + '.' + method + "()"; if (classMethod.matches(regex)) { for (Advice advice : advices.get(wildcard).values()) { ncube.addAdvice(advice, method); } } } } else { // Expressions String classMethod = ncube.getName() + ".run()"; if (classMethod.matches(regex)) { for (Advice advice : advices.get(wildcard).values()) { ncube.addAdvice(advice, "run"); } } } } } } /** * @return Map<String, NCube> of all NCubes that are currently * loaded (cached) in memory. A copy of the internal cache * is returned. */ public static Map<String, NCube> getCachedNCubes() { synchronized (cubeList) { return new TreeMap<String, NCube>(cubeList); } } /** * Used for testing. */ public static void clearCubeList() { synchronized (cubeList) { cubeList.clear(); GroovyBase.clearCache(); NCubeGroovyController.clearCache(); for (String version : urlClassLoaders.keySet()) { GroovyClassLoader classLoader = urlClassLoaders.get(version); classLoader.clearCache(); // free up Class cache } advices.clear(); } } /** * Associate Advice to all n-cubes that match the passed in regular expression. */ public static void addAdvice(String wildcard, Advice advice) { synchronized (cubeList) { Map<String, Advice> current = advices.get(wildcard); if (current == null) { current = new LinkedHashMap(); advices.put(wildcard, current); } current.put(advice.getName(), advice); String regex = StringUtilities.wildcardToRegexString(wildcard); for (NCube ncube : cubeList.values()) { Axis axis = ncube.getAxis("method"); if (axis != null) { // Controller methods for (Column column : axis.getColumnsWithoutDefault()) { String method = column.getValue().toString(); String classMethod = ncube.getName() + '.' + method + "()"; if (classMethod.matches(regex)) { ncube.addAdvice(advice, method); } } } else { // Expressions String classMethod = ncube.getName() + ".run()"; if (classMethod.matches(regex)) { ncube.addAdvice(advice, "run"); } } } } } private static void jdbcCleanup(PreparedStatement stmt) { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("Error closing JDBC Statement", e); } } } private static void validateConnection(Connection c) { try { if (c == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection cannot be null"); } else if (c.isClosed()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Connection already closed."); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Error closing connection.", e); } } public static void validateApp(String app) { if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(app)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("App cannot be null or empty"); } } public static void validateCubeName(String cubeName) { if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(cubeName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n-cube name cannot be null or empty"); } Matcher m = Regexes.validCubeName.matcher(cubeName); if (m.find()) { if (cubeName.equals( { return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("n-cube name can only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, :, ., _, -, #, and |"); } public static void validateVersion(String version) { if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(version)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n-cube version cannot be null or empty"); } Matcher m = Regexes.validVersion.matcher(version); if (m.find()) { return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "n-cube version must follow the form n.n.n where n is a number 0 or greater. The numbers stand for major.minor.revision"); } public static void validateStatus(String status) { if ("RELEASE".equals(status) || "SNAPSHOT".equals(status)) { return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("n-cube status must be RELEASE or SNAPSHOT"); } /** * Load an NCube from the database (any joined sub-cubes will also be loaded). * * @return NCube that matches, or null if not found. */ public static NCube loadCube(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, String status, Date sysDate) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } synchronized (cubeList) { // This is Java 7 specific, but will autoclose the statement // when it leaves the try statement. If you want to change to this // let me know and I'll change the other instances. try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT cube_value_bin FROM n_cube WHERE n_cube_nm = ? AND app_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?) AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = ?")) { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt.setString(1, name); stmt.setString(2, app); stmt.setDate(3, systemDate); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); stmt.setString(5, version); stmt.setString(6, status); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] jsonBytes = rs.getBytes("cube_value_bin"); String json = new String(jsonBytes, "UTF-8"); NCube ncube = ncubeFromJson(json); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("More than one NCube matching name: " + ncube.getName() + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", status: " + status + ", sysDate: " + sysDate); } addCube(ncube, version); Set<String> subCubeList = ncube.getReferencedCubeNames(); for (String cubeName : subCubeList) { final String cacheKey = makeCacheKey(cubeName, version); if (!cubeList.containsKey(cacheKey)) { loadCube(connection, app, cubeName, version, status, sysDate); } } return ncube; } return null; // Indicates not found } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to load nNCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", status: " + status + ", sysDate: " + sysDate + " from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } } } /** * Load an NCube from the database (any joined sub-cubes will also be loaded). * * @return NCube that matches, or null if not found. */ public static boolean doesCubeExist(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, String status, Date sysDate) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); validateStatus(status); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_nm FROM n_cube WHERE n_cube_nm = ? AND app_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?) AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = ?"); stmt.setString(1, name); stmt.setString(2, app); stmt.setDate(3, systemDate); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); stmt.setString(5, version); stmt.setString(6, status); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); return; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Error finding cube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", status: " + status + ", sysDate: " + sysDate + " from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Retrieve all cube names that are deeply referenced by the named app, cube (name), version, and status. */ public static void getReferencedCubeNames(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, String status, Date sysDate, Set<String> refs) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); validateStatus(status); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } if (refs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null passed in for Set to hold referenced n-cube names"); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT cube_value_bin FROM n_cube WHERE n_cube_nm = ? AND app_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?) AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = ?"); stmt.setString(1, name); stmt.setString(2, app); stmt.setDate(3, systemDate); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); stmt.setString(5, version); stmt.setString(6, status); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] jsonBytes = rs.getBytes("cube_value_bin"); String json = new String(jsonBytes, "UTF-8"); NCube ncube = ncubeFromJson(json); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException( "More than one NCube matching name: " + ncube.getName() + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", status: " + status + ", sysDate: " + sysDate); } Set<String> subCubeList = ncube.getReferencedCubeNames(); refs.addAll(subCubeList); for (String cubeName : subCubeList) { if (!refs.contains(cubeName)) { getReferencedCubeNames(connection, app, cubeName, version, status, sysDate, refs); } } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to load nNCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", status: " + status + ", sysDate: " + sysDate + " from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } /** * Retrieve all n-cubes that have a name that matches the SQL like statement, within the specified app, status, * version, and system date. */ public static Object[] getNCubes(Connection connection, String app, String version, String status, String sqlLike, Date sysDate) { validate(connection, app, version); validateStatus(status); if (sqlLike == null) { sqlLike = "%"; } if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_id, n_cube_nm, notes_bin, version_no_cd, status_cd, app_cd, create_dt, update_dt, " + "create_hid, update_hid, sys_effective_dt, sys_expiration_dt, business_effective_dt, business_expiration_dt FROM n_cube WHERE n_cube_nm LIKE ? AND app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?)"); stmt.setString(1, sqlLike); stmt.setString(2, app); stmt.setString(3, version); stmt.setString(4, status); stmt.setDate(5, systemDate); stmt.setDate(6, systemDate); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<NCubeInfoDto> records = new ArrayList<NCubeInfoDto>(); while ( { NCubeInfoDto dto = new NCubeInfoDto(); = Long.toString(rs.getLong("n_cube_id")); = rs.getString("n_cube_nm"); byte[] notes = rs.getBytes("notes_bin"); dto.notes = new String(notes == null ? "".getBytes() : notes, "UTF-8"); dto.version = rs.getString("version_no_cd"); dto.status = rs.getString("status_cd"); = rs.getString("app_cd"); dto.createDate = rs.getDate("create_dt"); dto.updateDate = rs.getDate("update_dt"); dto.createHid = rs.getString("create_hid"); dto.updateHid = rs.getString("update_hid"); dto.sysEffDate = rs.getDate("sys_effective_dt"); dto.sysEndDate = rs.getDate("sys_expiration_dt"); dto.bizEffDate = rs.getDate("business_effective_dt"); dto.bizExpDate = rs.getDate("business_expiration_dt"); records.add(dto); } return records.toArray(); } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to fetch NCubes matching '" + sqlLike + "' from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } /** * Duplicate the specified n-cube, given it the new name, and the same app, version, status as the source n-cube. */ public static void duplicate(Connection connection, String newName, String name, String newApp, String app, String newVersion, String version, String status, Date sysDate) { NCube ncube = loadCube(connection, app, name, version, status, sysDate); NCube copy = ncube.duplicate(newName); createCube(connection, newApp, copy, newVersion); String json = getTestData(connection, app, name, version, sysDate); updateTestData(connection, newApp, newName, newVersion, json); String notes = getNotes(connection, app, name, version, sysDate); updateNotes(connection, newApp, newName, newVersion, notes); } /** * Return an array [] of Strings containing all unique App names. */ public static Object[] getAppNames(Connection connection, Date sysDate) { validateConnection(connection); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT app_cd FROM n_cube WHERE sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?)"); stmt.setDate(1, systemDate); stmt.setDate(2, systemDate); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<String> records = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { records.add(rs.getString(1)); } Collections.sort(records); return records.toArray(); } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to fetch all ncube app names from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } /** * Return an array [] of Strings containing all unique App names. */ public static Object[] getAppVersions(Connection connection, String app, String status, Date sysDate) { validateConnection(connection); validateApp(app); validateStatus(status); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT DISTINCT version_no_cd FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? and status_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?)"); stmt.setString(1, app); stmt.setString(2, status); stmt.setDate(3, systemDate); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List<String> records = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { records.add(rs.getString(1)); } Collections.sort(records); // May need to enhance to ensure 2.19.1 comes after 2.2.1 return records.toArray(); } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to fetch all ncube app versions from database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } /** * Update the passed in NCube. Only SNAPSHOT ncubes can be updated. * * @param connection JDBC connection * @param ncube NCube to be updated. * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ public static boolean updateCube(Connection connection, String app, NCube ncube, String version) { validate(connection, app, version); if (ncube == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NCube cannot be null for updating"); } synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE n_cube SET cube_value_bin=?, update_dt=? WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); stmt.setBytes(1, new JsonFormatter().format(ncube).getBytes("UTF-8")); stmt.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt.setString(3, app); stmt.setString(4, ncube.getName()); stmt.setString(5, version); int count = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (count != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only one (1) row should be updated."); } ncube.setVersion(version); return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to update NCube: " + ncube.getName() + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Persist the passed in NCube * * @param connection JDBC connection * @param ncube NCube to be persisted */ public static void createCube(Connection connection, String app, NCube ncube, String version) { validate(connection, app, version); if (ncube == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("NCube cannot be null when creating a new n-cube"); } validateCubeName(ncube.getName()); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_id AS \"id\" FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ?"); stmt.setString(1, app); stmt.setString(2, ncube.getName()); stmt.setString(3, version); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { // NCube with same name and version number already exists. throw new IllegalStateException( "NCube '" + ncube.getName() + "' (" + version + ") already exists."); } else { // Do INSERT stmt.close(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO n_cube (n_cube_id, app_cd, n_cube_nm, cube_value_bin, version_no_cd, create_dt, sys_effective_dt) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); stmt.setLong(1, UniqueIdGenerator.getUniqueId()); stmt.setString(2, app); stmt.setString(3, ncube.getName()); String json = new JsonFormatter().format(ncube); // String json = JsonWriter.objectToJson(ncube); stmt.setBytes(4, json.getBytes("UTF-8")); stmt.setString(5, version); java.sql.Date now = new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); stmt.setDate(6, now); stmt.setDate(7, now); int rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (rowCount != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("error saving new NCube: " + ncube.getName() + "', app: " + app + ", version: " + version + " (" + rowCount + " rows inserted, should be 1)"); } } addCube(ncube, version); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to save NCube: " + ncube.getName() + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + " to database"; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Move ncubes matching the passed in version and APP_CD from SNAPSHOT to RELEASE * state. All ncubes move version at the same time. This is by design so that the * cube join commands do not need to mess with determining what ncube versions * they join with. * * @param connection JDBC connection * @param version String version to move from SNAPSHOT to RELEASE * @return int count of ncubes that were released */ public static int releaseCubes(Connection connection, String app, String version) { validate(connection, app, version); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; try { stmt1 = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_id FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.RELEASE + "'"); stmt1.setString(1, app); stmt1.setString(2, version); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("A RELEASE version " + version + " already exists. Have system admin renumber your SNAPSHOT version."); } stmt2 = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE n_cube SET update_dt = ?, status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.RELEASE + "' WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); stmt2.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt2.setString(2, app); stmt2.setString(3, version); return stmt2.executeUpdate(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to release NCubes for app: " + app + ", version: " + version + ", due to an error: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt1); jdbcCleanup(stmt2); } } } /** * This API creates a SNAPSHOT set of cubes by copying all of * the RELEASE ncubes that match the oldVersion and app to * the new version in SNAPSHOT mode. Basically, it duplicates * an entire set of NCubes and places a new version label on them, * in SNAPSHOT status. */ public static int createSnapshotCubes(Connection connection, String app, String relVersion, String newSnapVer) { validate(connection, app, relVersion); validateVersion(newSnapVer); if (relVersion.equals(newSnapVer)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "New SNAPSHOT version " + relVersion + " cannot be the same as the RELEASE version."); } synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt0 = null; PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; try { stmt0 = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT n_cube_id FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ?"); stmt0.setString(1, app); stmt0.setString(2, newSnapVer); ResultSet rs = stmt0.executeQuery(); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("New SNAPSHOT Version specified (" + newSnapVer + ") matches an existing version. Specify new SNAPSHOT version that does not exist."); } rs.close(); stmt1 = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_nm, cube_value_bin, create_dt, update_dt, create_hid, update_hid, version_no_cd, status_cd, sys_effective_dt, sys_expiration_dt, business_effective_dt, business_expiration_dt, app_cd, test_data_bin, notes_bin\n" + "FROM n_cube\n" + "WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.RELEASE + "'"); stmt1.setString(1, app); stmt1.setString(2, relVersion); rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); stmt2 = connection.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO n_cube (n_cube_id, n_cube_nm, cube_value_bin, create_dt, update_dt, create_hid, update_hid, version_no_cd, status_cd, sys_effective_dt, sys_expiration_dt, business_effective_dt, business_expiration_dt, app_cd, test_data_bin, notes_bin)\n" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); int count = 0; while ( { count++; stmt2.setLong(1, UniqueIdGenerator.getUniqueId()); stmt2.setString(2, rs.getString("n_cube_nm")); stmt2.setBytes(3, rs.getBytes("cube_value_bin")); stmt2.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt2.setDate(5, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt2.setString(6, rs.getString("create_hid")); stmt2.setString(7, rs.getString("update_hid")); stmt2.setString(8, newSnapVer); stmt2.setString(9,; stmt2.setDate(10, rs.getDate("sys_effective_dt")); stmt2.setDate(11, rs.getDate("sys_expiration_dt")); stmt2.setDate(12, rs.getDate("business_effective_dt")); stmt2.setDate(13, rs.getDate("business_expiration_dt")); stmt2.setString(14, rs.getString("app_cd")); stmt2.setBytes(15, rs.getBytes("test_data_bin")); stmt2.setBytes(16, rs.getBytes("notes_bin")); stmt2.executeUpdate(); } return count; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to create SNAPSHOT NCubes for app: " + app + ", version: " + newSnapVer + ", due to an error: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt0); jdbcCleanup(stmt1); jdbcCleanup(stmt2); } } } private static void validate(Connection connection, String app, String relVersion) { validateConnection(connection); validateApp(app); validateVersion(relVersion); } /** * Change the SNAPSHOT version value. */ public static void changeVersionValue(Connection connection, String app, String currVersion, String newSnapVer) { validate(connection, app, currVersion); validateVersion(newSnapVer); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; PreparedStatement stmt2 = null; try { stmt1 = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT n_cube_id FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.RELEASE + "'"); stmt1.setString(1, app); stmt1.setString(2, newSnapVer); ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery(); if ( { throw new IllegalStateException("RELEASE n-cubes found with version " + newSnapVer + ". Choose a different SNAPSHOT version."); } stmt2 = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE n_cube SET update_dt = ?, version_no_cd = ? WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); stmt2.setDate(1, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt2.setString(2, newSnapVer); stmt2.setString(3, app); stmt2.setString(4, currVersion); int count = stmt2.executeUpdate(); if (count < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("No SNAPSHOT n-cubes found with version " + currVersion + ", therefore nothing changed."); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to change SNAPSHOT version from " + currVersion + " to " + newSnapVer + " for app: " + app + ", due to an error: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt1); jdbcCleanup(stmt2); } } } public static boolean renameCube(Connection connection, String oldName, String newName, String app, String version) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(oldName); validateCubeName(newName); if (oldName.equalsIgnoreCase(newName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Old name cannot be the same as the new name, name: " + oldName); } synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt1 = null; try { stmt1 = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE n_cube SET n_cube_nm = ? WHERE app_cd = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); stmt1.setString(1, newName); stmt1.setString(2, app); stmt1.setString(3, version); stmt1.setString(4, oldName); int count = stmt1.executeUpdate(); if (count < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No n-cube found to rename, for app:" + app + ", version: " + version + ", original name: " + oldName); } cubeList.remove(makeCacheKey(oldName, version)); return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to rename n-cube due to an error: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt1); } } } /** * Delete the named NCube from the database * * @param connection JDBC connection * @param name NCube to be deleted */ public static boolean deleteCube(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, boolean allowDelete) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { if (allowDelete) { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ?"); } else { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "DELETE FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); } stmt.setString(1, app); stmt.setString(2, name); stmt.setString(3, version); int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (rows > 0) { cubeList.remove(makeCacheKey(name, version)); return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to delete NCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version + " from database: " + e.getMessage(); LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Update the notes associated to an NCube * * @return true if the update succeeds, false otherwise */ public static boolean updateNotes(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, String notes) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE n_cube SET notes_bin = ?, update_dt = ? WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ?"); stmt.setBytes(1, notes == null ? null : notes.getBytes("UTF-8")); stmt.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt.setString(3, app); stmt.setString(4, name); stmt.setString(5, version); int count = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (count > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only one (1) row's notes should be updated."); } if (count == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No NCube matching app: " + app + ", name: " + name + ", version: " + version); } return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to update notes for NCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Get the notes associated to an NCube * * @return String notes. */ public static String getNotes(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, Date sysDate) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT notes_bin FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?)"); stmt.setString(1, app); stmt.setString(2, name); stmt.setString(3, version); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); stmt.setDate(5, systemDate); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] notes = rs.getBytes("notes_bin"); return new String(notes == null ? "".getBytes() : notes, "UTF-8"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No NCube matching passed in parameters."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to fetch notes for NCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } /** * Update the test data associated to an NCube * * @return true if the update succeeds, false otherwise */ public static boolean updateTestData(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, String testData) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); synchronized (cubeList) { PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE n_cube SET test_data_bin=?, update_dt=? WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND status_cd = '" + ReleaseStatus.SNAPSHOT + "'"); stmt.setBytes(1, testData == null ? null : testData.getBytes("UTF-8")); stmt.setDate(2, new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); stmt.setString(3, app); stmt.setString(4, name); stmt.setString(5, version); int count = stmt.executeUpdate(); if (count > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only one (1) row's test data should be updated."); } if (count == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No NCube matching app: " + app + ", name: " + name + ", version: " + version); } return true; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to update test data for NCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } } /** * Get the Test Data associated to the NCube. * * @return String serialized JSON test data. Use JsonReader to turn it back into * Java objects. */ public static String getTestData(Connection connection, String app, String name, String version, Date sysDate) { validate(connection, app, version); validateCubeName(name); if (sysDate == null) { sysDate = new Date(); } PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { java.sql.Date systemDate = new java.sql.Date(sysDate.getTime()); stmt = connection.prepareStatement( "SELECT test_data_bin FROM n_cube WHERE app_cd = ? AND n_cube_nm = ? AND version_no_cd = ? AND sys_effective_dt <= ? AND (sys_expiration_dt IS NULL OR sys_expiration_dt >= ?)"); stmt.setString(1, app); stmt.setString(2, name); stmt.setString(3, version); stmt.setDate(4, systemDate); stmt.setDate(5, systemDate); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] testData = rs.getBytes("test_data_bin"); return new String(testData == null ? "".getBytes() : testData, "UTF-8"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No NCube matching passed in parameters."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Unable to fetch test data for NCube: " + name + ", app: " + app + ", version: " + version; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } finally { jdbcCleanup(stmt); } } private static String getResourceAsString(String name) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192); URL url = NCubeManager.class.getResource("/" + name); IOUtilities.transfer(new File(url.getFile()), out); return new String(out.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"); } public static NCube getNCubeFromResource(String name) { try { String json = getResourceAsString(name); NCube ncube = ncubeFromJson(json); addCube(ncube, "file"); return ncube; } catch (IOException e) { String s = "Failed to load ncube from resource: " + name; LOG.error(s, e); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } } /** * Still used in getNCubesFromResource */ private static JsonObject getJsonObjectFromResource(String name) throws IOException { JsonReader reader = null; try { URL url = NCubeManager.class.getResource("/" + name); File jsonFile = new File(url.getFile()); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(jsonFile)); reader = new JsonReader(in, true); return (JsonObject) reader.readObject(); } finally { IOUtilities.close(reader); } } public static List<NCube> getNCubesFromResource(String name) { String lastSuccessful = ""; try { JsonObject ncubes = getJsonObjectFromResource(name); Object[] cubes = ncubes.getArray(); List<NCube> cubeList = new ArrayList<NCube>(cubes.length); for (Object cube : cubes) { JsonObject ncube = (JsonObject) cube; String json = JsonWriter.objectToJson(ncube); NCube nCube = NCube.fromSimpleJson(json); addCube(nCube, "file"); lastSuccessful = nCube.getName(); cubeList.add(nCube); } return cubeList; } catch (Exception e) { String s = "Failed to load ncubes from resource: " + name + ", last successful cube: " + lastSuccessful; LOG.warn(s); throw new RuntimeException(s, e); } } static NCube ncubeFromJson(String json) throws IOException { try { return NCube.fromSimpleJson(json); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to load n-cube from simple JSON format. Trying in serialized JSON format.", e); return (NCube) JsonReader.jsonToJava(json); } } }