Java tutorial
/*************************DA-BOARD-LICENSE-START********************************* * Copyright 2014 CapitalOne, LLC. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *************************DA-BOARD-LICENSE-END*********************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * This is the primary implemented/extended data collector for the feature * collector. This will get data from the source system, but will grab the * majority of needed data and aggregate it in a single, flat MongoDB collection * for consumption. * * @author kfk884 * */ public class StoryDataClientImpl implements StoryDataClient { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoryDataClientImpl.class); private static final ClientUtil TOOLS = ClientUtil.getInstance(); private static final String TO_DO = "To Do"; private static final String IN_PROGRESS = "In Progress"; private static final String DONE = "Done"; private static final Comparator<Sprint> SPRINT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Sprint>() { @Override public int compare(Sprint o1, Sprint o2) { int cmp1 =, o2.getStartDateStr()); if (cmp1 != 0) { return cmp1; } return, o2.getEndDateStr()); } }; // works with ms too (just ignores them) private final DateFormat SETTINGS_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); private final FeatureSettings featureSettings; private final FeatureRepository featureRepo; private final FeatureCollectorRepository featureCollectorRepository; private final TeamRepository teamRepository; private final JiraClient jiraClient; // epicId : list of epics private Map<String, Issue> epicCache; private Set<String> todoCache; private Set<String> inProgressCache; private Set<String> doneCache; /** * Extends the constructor from the super class. */ public StoryDataClientImpl(CoreFeatureSettings coreFeatureSettings, FeatureSettings featureSettings, FeatureRepository featureRepository, FeatureCollectorRepository featureCollectorRepository, TeamRepository teamRepository, JiraClient jiraClient) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Constructing data collection for the feature widget, story-level data..."); } this.featureSettings = featureSettings; this.featureRepo = featureRepository; this.featureCollectorRepository = featureCollectorRepository; this.teamRepository = teamRepository; this.jiraClient = jiraClient; this.epicCache = new HashMap<>(); todoCache = buildStatusCache(coreFeatureSettings.getTodoStatuses()); inProgressCache = buildStatusCache(coreFeatureSettings.getDoingStatuses()); doneCache = buildStatusCache(coreFeatureSettings.getDoneStatuses()); } /** * Explicitly updates queries for the source system, and initiates the * update to MongoDB from those calls. */ public int updateStoryInformation() { int count = 0; epicCache.clear(); // just in case class is made static w/ spring in future //long startDate = featureCollectorRepository.findByName(FeatureCollectorConstants.JIRA).getLastExecuted(); String startDateStr = featureSettings.getDeltaStartDate(); String maxChangeDate = getMaxChangeDate(); if (maxChangeDate != null) { startDateStr = maxChangeDate; } startDateStr = getChangeDateMinutePrior(startDateStr); long startTime; try { startTime = SETTINGS_DATE_FORMAT.parse(startDateStr).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } int pageSize = jiraClient.getPageSize(); updateStatuses(); boolean hasMore = true; for (int i = 0; hasMore; i += pageSize) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Obtaining story information starting at index " + i + "..."); } long queryStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Issue> issues = jiraClient.getIssues(startTime, i); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Story information query took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - queryStart) + " ms"); } if (issues != null && !issues.isEmpty()) { updateMongoInfo(issues); count += issues.size(); }"Loop i " + i + " pageSize " + issues.size()); // will result in an extra call if number of results == pageSize // but I would rather do that then complicate the jira client implementation if (issues == null || issues.size() < pageSize) { hasMore = false; break; } } return count; } /** * Updates the MongoDB with a JSONArray received from the source system * back-end with story-based data. * * @param currentPagedJiraRs * A list response of Jira issues from the source system */ @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts", "PMD.NPathComplexity" }) private void updateMongoInfo(List<Issue> currentPagedJiraRs) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug( "Size of paged Jira response: " + (currentPagedJiraRs == null ? 0 : currentPagedJiraRs.size())); } if (currentPagedJiraRs != null) { List<Feature> featuresToSave = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> issueEpics = new HashMap<>(); ObjectId jiraFeatureId = featureCollectorRepository.findByName(FeatureCollectorConstants.JIRA).getId(); Set<String> issueTypeNames = new HashSet<>(); for (String issueTypeName : featureSettings.getJiraIssueTypeNames()) { issueTypeNames.add(issueTypeName.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } for (Issue issue : currentPagedJiraRs) { String issueId = TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getId()); Feature feature = findOneFeature(issueId); if (feature == null) { feature = new Feature(); } Map<String, IssueField> fields = buildFieldMap(issue.getFields()); IssueType issueType = issue.getIssueType(); User assignee = issue.getAssignee(); IssueField epic = fields.get(featureSettings.getJiraEpicIdFieldName()); IssueField sprint = fields.get(featureSettings.getJiraSprintDataFieldName()); if (issueTypeNames .contains(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issueType.getName()).toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()))) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug(String.format("[%-12s] %s", TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getKey()), TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getSummary()))); } // collectorId feature.setCollectorId(jiraFeatureId); // ID feature.setsId(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getId())); // Type feature.setsTypeId(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issueType.getId())); feature.setsTypeName(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issueType.getName())); processFeatureData(feature, issue, fields); // delay processing epic data for performance if (epic != null && epic.getValue() != null && !TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epic.getValue()).isEmpty()) { issueEpics.put(feature.getsId(), TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epic.getValue())); } processSprintData(feature, sprint); processAssigneeData(feature, assignee); featuresToSave.add(feature); } } // Load epic data into cache if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Processing epic data"); } long epicStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Collection<String> epicsToLoad = issueEpics.values(); loadEpicData(epicsToLoad); for (Feature feature : featuresToSave) { String epicKey = issueEpics.get(feature.getsId()); processEpicData(feature, epicKey); } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Processing epic data took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - epicStartTime) + " ms"); } // Saving back to MongoDB; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "PMD.ExcessiveMethodLength", "PMD.NPathComplexity" }) private void processFeatureData(Feature feature, Issue issue, Map<String, IssueField> fields) { BasicProject project = issue.getProject(); String status = this.toCanonicalFeatureStatus(issue.getStatus().getName()); String changeDate = issue.getUpdateDate().toString(); // sNumber feature.setsNumber(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getKey())); // sName feature.setsName(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getSummary())); // sStatus feature.setsStatus(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(status)); // sState feature.setsState(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(status)); // sUrl (Example: '') feature.setsUrl(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() + (featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() .substring(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl().length() - 1).equals("/") ? "" : "/") + "browse/" + TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(issue.getKey())); int originalEstimate = 0; // Tasks use timetracking, stories use aggregatetimeoriginalestimate and aggregatetimeestimate if (issue.getTimeTracking() != null && issue.getTimeTracking().getOriginalEstimateMinutes() != null) { originalEstimate = issue.getTimeTracking().getOriginalEstimateMinutes(); } else if (fields.get("aggregatetimeoriginalestimate") != null && fields.get("aggregatetimeoriginalestimate").getValue() != null) { // this value is in seconds originalEstimate = ((Integer) fields.get("aggregatetimeoriginalestimate").getValue()) / 60; } feature.setsEstimateTime(originalEstimate); // sStoryPoints IssueField storyPointsField = fields.get(featureSettings.getJiraStoryPointsFieldName()); if (storyPointsField != null && storyPointsField.getValue() != null && !TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(storyPointsField.getValue()).isEmpty()) { Double value = Double.parseDouble(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(storyPointsField.getValue())); feature.setsEstimate(String.valueOf(value.intValue())); } else { feature.setsEstimate("0"); } // sChangeDate feature.setChangeDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalDate(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(changeDate))); // IsDeleted - does not exist for Jira feature.setIsDeleted("False"); // sProjectID feature.setsProjectID(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(project.getId())); // sProjectName feature.setsProjectName(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(project.getName())); // sProjectBeginDate - does not exist in Jira feature.setsProjectBeginDate(""); // sProjectEndDate - does not exist in Jira feature.setsProjectEndDate(""); // sProjectChangeDate - does not exist for this asset level in Jira feature.setsProjectChangeDate(""); // sProjectState - does not exist in Jira feature.setsProjectState(""); // sProjectIsDeleted - does not exist in Jira feature.setsProjectIsDeleted("False"); // sProjectPath - does not exist in Jira feature.setsProjectPath(""); IssueField team = fields.get(featureSettings.getJiraTeamFieldName()); if (team != null && team.getValue() != null && !TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(team.getValue()).isEmpty()) { String teamID = TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(team.getValue()); Team scopeOwner = teamRepository.findByTeamId(teamID); // sTeamID feature.setsTeamID(teamID); if (scopeOwner != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(scopeOwner.getName())) { // sTeamName feature.setsTeamName(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(scopeOwner.getName())); } } // sTeamChangeDate - not able to retrieve at this asset level from Jira feature.setsTeamChangeDate(""); // sTeamAssetState feature.setsTeamAssetState(""); // sTeamIsDeleted feature.setsTeamIsDeleted("False"); // sOwnersState - does not exist in Jira at this level feature.setsOwnersState(Arrays.asList("Active")); // sOwnersChangeDate - does not exist in Jira feature.setsOwnersChangeDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalList(Collections.<String>emptyList())); // sOwnersIsDeleted - does not exist in Jira feature.setsOwnersIsDeleted(TOOLS.toCanonicalList(Collections.<String>emptyList())); } private void processEpicData(Feature feature, String epicKey) { if (epicKey != null && !epicKey.isEmpty()) { Issue epicData = getEpicData(epicKey); if (epicData != null) { String epicId = epicData.getId().toString(); String epicNumber = epicData.getKey().toString(); String epicName = epicData.getSummary().toString(); String epicBeginDate = epicData.getCreationDate().toString(); String epicStatus = epicData.getStatus().getName(); // sEpicID feature.setsEpicID(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicId)); // sEpicNumber feature.setsEpicNumber(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicNumber)); // sEpicName feature.setsEpicName(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicName)); // sEpicUrl (Example: '') feature.setsEpicUrl(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() + (featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() .substring(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl().length() - 1).equals("/") ? "" : "/") + "browse/" + TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicNumber)); // sEpicBeginDate - mapped to create date if ((epicBeginDate != null) && !(epicBeginDate.isEmpty())) { feature.setsEpicBeginDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalDate(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicBeginDate))); } else { feature.setsEpicBeginDate(""); } // sEpicEndDate if (epicData.getDueDate() != null) { feature.setsEpicEndDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalDate(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicData.getDueDate()))); } else { feature.setsEpicEndDate(""); } // sEpicAssetState if (epicStatus != null) { feature.setsEpicAssetState(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(epicStatus)); } else { feature.setsEpicAssetState(""); } } else { feature.setsEpicID(""); feature.setsEpicNumber(""); feature.setsEpicName(""); feature.setsEpicBeginDate(""); feature.setsEpicEndDate(""); feature.setsEpicType(""); feature.setsEpicAssetState(""); feature.setsEpicChangeDate(""); } } else { feature.setsEpicID(""); feature.setsEpicNumber(""); feature.setsEpicName(""); feature.setsEpicBeginDate(""); feature.setsEpicEndDate(""); feature.setsEpicType(""); feature.setsEpicAssetState(""); feature.setsEpicChangeDate(""); } // sEpicType - does not exist in jira feature.setsEpicType(""); // sEpicChangeDate - does not exist in jira feature.setsEpicChangeDate(""); // sEpicIsDeleted - does not exist in Jira feature.setsEpicIsDeleted("False"); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.NPathComplexity") private void processSprintData(Feature feature, IssueField sprintField) { if (sprintField != null && sprintField.getValue() != null && !"".equals(sprintField.getValue())) { Object sValue = sprintField.getValue(); try { List<Sprint> sprints = TOOLS.parseSprints(sValue); // Now sort so we can use the most recent one // yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format so string compare will be fine Collections.sort(sprints, SPRINT_COMPARATOR); if (!sprints.isEmpty()) { // Use the latest sprint Sprint sprint = sprints.get(sprints.size() - 1); // sSprintID if (sprint.getId() != null) { feature.setsSprintID(String.valueOf(sprint.getId())); } else { feature.setsSprintID(""); } // sSprintName if (sprint.getName() != null) { feature.setsSprintName(sprint.getName()); } else { feature.setsSprintName(""); } // sSprintUrl (Example: '' where sprintID = 1597 and rapidViewID = 123) if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(feature.getsSprintID()) && sprint.getRapidViewId() != null) { feature.setsSprintUrl(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() + (featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl() .substring(featureSettings.getJiraBaseUrl().length() - 1).equals("/") ? "" : "/") + "secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=" + sprint.getRapidViewId() + "&view=reporting&chart=sprintRetrospective&sprint=" + feature.getsSprintID()); } // sSprintBeginDate if (sprint.getStartDateStr() != null) { feature.setsSprintBeginDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalDate(sprint.getStartDateStr())); } else { feature.setsSprintBeginDate(""); } // sSprintEndDate if (sprint.getEndDateStr() != null) { feature.setsSprintEndDate(TOOLS.toCanonicalDate(sprint.getEndDateStr())); } else { feature.setsSprintEndDate(""); } // sSprintAssetState if (sprint.getState() != null) { feature.setsSprintAssetState(sprint.getState()); } else { feature.setsSprintAssetState(""); } } else { LOGGER.error("Failed to obtain sprint data from " + sValue); } } catch (ParseException | RuntimeException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to obtain sprint data from " + sValue, e); } } else { // Issue #678 - leave sprint blank. Not having a sprint does not imply kanban // as a story on a scrum board without a sprint is really on the backlog feature.setsSprintID(""); feature.setsSprintName(""); feature.setsSprintBeginDate(""); feature.setsSprintEndDate(""); feature.setsSprintAssetState(""); } // sSprintChangeDate - does not exist in Jira feature.setsSprintChangeDate(""); // sSprintIsDeleted - does not exist in Jira feature.setsSprintIsDeleted("False"); } private void processAssigneeData(Feature feature, User assignee) { if (assignee != null) { // sOwnersID List<String> assigneeKey = new ArrayList<String>(); // sOwnersShortName // sOwnersUsername List<String> assigneeName = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!assignee.getName().isEmpty() && (assignee.getName() != null)) { assigneeKey.add(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(assignee.getName())); assigneeName.add(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(assignee.getName())); } else { assigneeKey = new ArrayList<String>(); assigneeName = new ArrayList<String>(); } feature.setsOwnersShortName(assigneeName); feature.setsOwnersUsername(assigneeName); feature.setsOwnersID(assigneeKey); // sOwnersFullName List<String> assigneeDisplayName = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!assignee.getDisplayName().isEmpty() && (assignee.getDisplayName() != null)) { assigneeDisplayName.add(TOOLS.sanitizeResponse(assignee.getDisplayName())); } else { assigneeDisplayName.add(""); } feature.setsOwnersFullName(assigneeDisplayName); } else { feature.setsOwnersUsername(new ArrayList<String>()); feature.setsOwnersShortName(new ArrayList<String>()); feature.setsOwnersID(new ArrayList<String>()); feature.setsOwnersFullName(new ArrayList<String>()); } } /** * ETL for converting any number of custom Jira statuses to a reduced list * of generally logical statuses used by Hygieia * * @param nativeStatus * The status label as native to Jira * @return A Hygieia-canonical status, as defined by a Core enum */ private String toCanonicalFeatureStatus(String nativeStatus) { // default to backlog String canonicalStatus = FeatureStatus.BACKLOG.getStatus(); if (nativeStatus != null) { String nsLower = nativeStatus.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()); if (todoCache.contains(nsLower)) { canonicalStatus = FeatureStatus.BACKLOG.getStatus(); } else if (inProgressCache.contains(nsLower)) { canonicalStatus = FeatureStatus.IN_PROGRESS.getStatus(); } else if (doneCache.contains(nsLower)) { canonicalStatus = FeatureStatus.DONE.getStatus(); } } return canonicalStatus; } /** * Retrieves the maximum change date for a given query. * * @return A list object of the maximum change date */ public String getMaxChangeDate() { String data = null; try { List<Feature> response = featureRepo.findTopByCollectorIdAndChangeDateGreaterThanOrderByChangeDateDesc( featureCollectorRepository.findByName(FeatureCollectorConstants.JIRA).getId(), featureSettings.getDeltaStartDate()); if ((response != null) && !response.isEmpty()) { data = response.get(0).getChangeDate(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("There was a problem retrieving or parsing data from the local " + "repository while retrieving a max change date\nReturning null", e); } return data; } private void loadEpicData(Collection<String> epicKeys) { // No need to lookup items that are already cached Set<String> epicsToLookup = new HashSet<>(); epicsToLookup.addAll(epicKeys); epicsToLookup.removeAll(epicCache.keySet()); List<String> epicsToLookupL = new ArrayList<>(epicsToLookup); if (!epicsToLookupL.isEmpty()) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Obtaining epic information for epics: " + epicsToLookupL); } // Do this at most 50 at a time as jira doesn't seem to always work when there are a lot of items in an in clause int maxEpicsToLookup = Math.min(featureSettings.getPageSize(), 50); for (int i = 0; i < epicsToLookupL.size(); i += maxEpicsToLookup) { int endIdx = Math.min(i + maxEpicsToLookup, epicsToLookupL.size()); List<String> epicKeysSub = epicsToLookupL.subList(i, endIdx); List<Issue> epics = jiraClient.getEpics(epicKeysSub); for (Issue epic : epics) { String epicKey = epic.getKey(); epicCache.put(epicKey, epic); } } } } /** * Retrieves the related Epic to the current issue from Jira. To make this * thread-safe, please synchronize and lock on the result of this method. * * @param epicKey * A given Epic Key * @return A valid Jira Epic issue object */ private Issue getEpicData(String epicKey) { if (epicCache.containsKey(epicKey)) { return epicCache.get(epicKey); } else { Issue epic = jiraClient.getEpic(epicKey); epicCache.put(epicKey, epic); return epic; } } private String getChangeDateMinutePrior(String changeDateISO) { int priorMinutes = this.featureSettings.getScheduledPriorMin(); return DateUtil.toISODateRealTimeFormat( DateUtil.getDatePriorToMinutes(DateUtil.fromISODateTimeFormat(changeDateISO), priorMinutes)); } private Feature findOneFeature(String featureId) { List<Feature> features = featureRepo.getFeatureIdById(featureId); // Not sure of the state of the data if (features.size() > 1) { LOGGER.warn("More than one collector item found for scopeId " + featureId); } if (!features.isEmpty()) { return features.get(0); } return null; } private Map<String, IssueField> buildFieldMap(Iterable<IssueField> fields) { Map<String, IssueField> rt = new HashMap<String, IssueField>(); if (fields != null) { for (IssueField issueField : fields) { rt.put(issueField.getId(), issueField); } } return rt; } private Set<String> buildStatusCache(List<String> statuses) { Set<String> rt = new HashSet<>(); if (statuses != null) { for (String status : statuses) { rt.add(status.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } } return rt; } private void updateStatuses() { Map<String, String> statusMap = jiraClient.getStatusMapping(); for (String status : statusMap.keySet()) { String statusCategory = statusMap.get(status); if (TO_DO.equals(statusCategory)) { todoCache.add(status.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } else if (IN_PROGRESS.equals(statusCategory)) { inProgressCache.add(status.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } else if (DONE.equals(statusCategory)) { doneCache.add(status.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault())); } } } }