Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Bubblegum Developers * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; public abstract class AbsAdapterPlugin<T extends BaseEntry> { WeakReference<BaseActivity> activityRef; public abstract Class<T> getSupportedClass(); public abstract String getPrimaryText(T entry); public abstract String getSecondaryText(T entry); public abstract long getTimestamp(T entry); public abstract Drawable getImageDrawable(T entry); public AbsAdapterPlugin(BaseActivity activity) { activityRef = new WeakReference<>(activity); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // We already check the class in BaseEntryAdapter public void bind(final BaseEntry entry, final BaseEntryAdapter.EntryViewHolder holder, final BaseEntryAdapter adapter) { if (entry.getClass() == getSupportedClass()) { boolean isThisItemSelected = holder.index == adapter.getSelectedIndex(); holder.topSeparator.setVisibility(isThisItemSelected ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); holder.bottomSeparator.setVisibility(isThisItemSelected ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); holder.vhPrimaryText.setText(getPrimaryText((T) entry)); holder.vhPrimaryText.setMaxLines(isThisItemSelected ? 5 : 2); ViewCompat.setTranslationZ(holder.itemView, isThisItemSelected ? 5 : 0); holder.vhSecondaryText.setText(getSecondaryText((T) entry)); holder.vhTimestampText .setText(systemTimeInMillisToSystemDateFormat(getBaseActivity(), getTimestamp((T) entry))); holder.vhIcon.setImageDrawable(getImageDrawable((T) entry)); holder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (adapter.getSelectedIndex() == holder.index) { adapter.setSelectedIndex(-1); } else { adapter.setSelectedIndex(holder.index); } adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } }); boolean atLeastOneItemVisible = false; if (getPrimaryActionText() != null) { atLeastOneItemVisible = true; holder.vhPrimaryAction.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.vhPrimaryAction.setText(getPrimaryActionText()); holder.vhPrimaryAction.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onPrimaryButtonClicked((T) entry); } }); } else { holder.vhPrimaryAction.setVisibility(View.GONE); } if (getSecondaryActionText() != null) { atLeastOneItemVisible = true; holder.vhSecondaryAction.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); holder.vhSecondaryAction.setText(getSecondaryActionText()); holder.vhSecondaryAction.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { onSecondaryButtonClicked((T) entry); } }); } else { holder.vhSecondaryAction.setVisibility(View.GONE); } holder.vhButtonLayout .setVisibility(atLeastOneItemVisible && isThisItemSelected ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } protected abstract void onPrimaryButtonClicked(T entry); protected abstract void onSecondaryButtonClicked(T entry); protected abstract String getPrimaryActionText(); protected abstract String getSecondaryActionText(); protected BaseActivity getBaseActivity() { return activityRef.get(); } private String systemTimeInMillisToSystemDateFormat(Context context, long millis) { return DateUtils.getRelativeDateTimeString(context, millis, DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS, 2 * DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS, DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_RELATIVE).toString(); } }