Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Dorado 7.x ( * * Copyright (c) 2002-2012 BSTEK Corp. All rights reserved. * * This file is dual-licensed under the AGPLv3 ( * and BSDN commercial ( licenses. * * If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact the sales department * at */ package; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.bstek.dorado.core.Context; import com.bstek.dorado.core.bean.BeanFactoryUtils; import com.bstek.dorado.core.el.Expression; import com.bstek.dorado.core.el.ExpressionHandler; import com.bstek.dorado.core.resource.ResourceManager; import com.bstek.dorado.core.resource.ResourceManagerUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.bstek.dorado.util.Assert; /** * DataProvider * * @author Benny Bao ( * @since Jan 11, 2008 */ public class DataProviderInterceptorInvoker implements MethodInterceptor { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DataProviderInterceptorInvoker.class); private static final ResourceManager resourceManager = ResourceManagerUtils .get(DataProviderInterceptorInvoker.class); public static final String DEFAULT_METHOD_NAME = "getResult"; public static final String INTERCEPTING_METHOD_NAME = DEFAULT_METHOD_NAME; public static final String INTERCEPTING_PAGING_METHOD_NAME = "getPagingResult"; private static final String[] EMPTY_NAMES = new String[0]; private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARGS = new Object[0]; private static final String[] EXTRA_NAMES = new String[] { "criteria", "filterValue" }; private static final Class<?>[] EXTRA_TYPES = new Class<?>[] { Criteria.class }; private static final Object[] EXTRA_ARGS = new Object[] { null, null }; private static final class AbortException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3143779968350839581L; }; private static ExpressionHandler expressionHandler; private String interceptorName; private String methodName; private Object interceptor; /** * @param interceptorExpression * */ public DataProviderInterceptorInvoker(String interceptorExpression) { Assert.notEmpty(interceptorExpression, "\"interceptorExpression\" could not be empty."); int i = interceptorExpression.lastIndexOf("#"); if (i > 0) { interceptorName = interceptorExpression.substring(0, i); methodName = interceptorExpression.substring(i + 1); } else { interceptorName = interceptorExpression; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(methodName)) { methodName = DEFAULT_METHOD_NAME; } } public ExpressionHandler getExpressionHandler() throws Exception { if (expressionHandler == null) { expressionHandler = (ExpressionHandler) Context.getCurrent().getServiceBean("expressionHandler"); } return expressionHandler; } public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable { Method proxyMethod = methodInvocation.getMethod(); String currentMethodName = proxyMethod.getName(); if (!currentMethodName.equals(INTERCEPTING_METHOD_NAME) && !currentMethodName.equals(INTERCEPTING_PAGING_METHOD_NAME)) { return methodInvocation.proceed(); } if (interceptor == null) { interceptor = BeanFactoryUtils.getBean(interceptorName); } Method[] methods = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.getMethodsByName(interceptor.getClass(), methodName); if (methods.length == 0) { throw new NoSuchMethodException(resourceManager.getString("dorado.common/methodNotFoundInInterceptor", interceptorName, methodName)); } DataProvider dataProvider = (DataProvider) methodInvocation.getThis(); MethodAutoMatchingException[] exceptions = new MethodAutoMatchingException[4]; int i = 0; try { try { return invokeInterceptorByParamName(dataProvider, methods, methodInvocation, false); } catch (MoreThanOneMethodsMatchsException e) { throw e; } catch (MethodAutoMatchingException e) { exceptions[i++] = e; } catch (AbortException e) { // do nothing } try { return invokeInterceptorByParamName(dataProvider, methods, methodInvocation, true); } catch (MoreThanOneMethodsMatchsException e) { throw e; } catch (MethodAutoMatchingException e) { exceptions[i++] = e; } catch (AbortException e) { // do nothing } try { return invokeInterceptorByParamType(dataProvider, methods, methodInvocation, false); } catch (MoreThanOneMethodsMatchsException e) { throw e; } catch (MethodAutoMatchingException e) { exceptions[i++] = e; } catch (AbortException e) { // do nothing } try { return invokeInterceptorByParamType(dataProvider, methods, methodInvocation, true); } catch (MoreThanOneMethodsMatchsException e) { throw e; } catch (MethodAutoMatchingException e) { exceptions[i++] = e; } catch (AbortException e) { // do nothing } } catch (MethodAutoMatchingException e) { exceptions[i++] = e; } for (MethodAutoMatchingException e : exceptions) { if (e == null) { break; } logger.error(e.getMessage()); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(resourceManager.getString("dorado.common/noMatchingMethodError", interceptor.getClass().getName(), methodName)); } private Criteria mergeCriteria(Criteria criteria, Criteria sysCriteria) { if (sysCriteria == null) { return criteria; } Criteria newCriteria = new Criteria(); newCriteria.getCriterions().addAll(criteria.getCriterions()); newCriteria.getCriterions().addAll(sysCriteria.getCriterions()); newCriteria.getOrders().addAll(sysCriteria.getOrders()); return newCriteria; } private Criterion evaluateCriterion(Criterion criterion) throws Exception { Criterion newCriterion; if (criterion instanceof Junction) { Junction junction = (Junction) criterion; Junction newJunction = junction.getClass().newInstance(); for (Criterion subCriterion : junction.getCriterions()) { newJunction.addCriterion(evaluateCriterion(subCriterion)); } newCriterion = newJunction; } else if (criterion instanceof ExpressionFilterCriterion) { ExpressionFilterCriterion expressionFilterCriterion = (ExpressionFilterCriterion) criterion; SingleValueFilterCriterion svfc = new SingleValueFilterCriterion(); svfc.setProperty(expressionFilterCriterion.getProperty()); svfc.setPropertyPath(expressionFilterCriterion.getPropertyPath()); svfc.setFilterOperator(expressionFilterCriterion.getFilterOperator()); svfc.setDataType(expressionFilterCriterion.getDataType()); Object value = null; String expression = expressionFilterCriterion.getExpression(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expression)) { value = getExpressionHandler().compile(expression); if (value instanceof Expression) { value = ((Expression) value).evaluate(); } svfc.setValue(value); } newCriterion = svfc; } else { newCriterion = criterion; } return newCriterion; } private Criteria evaluateCriteria(Criteria criteria) throws Exception { Criteria newCriteria = new Criteria(); for (Criterion criterion : criteria.getCriterions()) { newCriteria.addCriterion(evaluateCriterion(criterion)); } newCriteria.getOrders().addAll(criteria.getOrders()); return newCriteria; } private Object invokeInterceptorByParamName(DataProvider dataProvider, Method[] methods, MethodInvocation methodInvocation, boolean disassembleParameter) throws Exception { Method proxyMethod = methodInvocation.getMethod(); Object[] proxyArgs = methodInvocation.getArguments(); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = proxyMethod.getParameterTypes(); String[] requiredParameterNames = null; Object[] requiredParameters = null; String[] optionalParameterNames = null; Object[] optionalParameters = null; String[] extraParameterNames = null; Object[] extraParameters = null; Object parameter = null; Map<String, Object> sysParameter = null; int parameterParameterIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(parameterTypes, Object.class); if (parameterParameterIndex >= 0) { parameter = proxyArgs[parameterParameterIndex]; } if (parameter instanceof ParameterWrapper) { ParameterWrapper parameterWrapper = (ParameterWrapper) parameter; parameter = parameterWrapper.getParameter(); sysParameter = parameterWrapper.getSysParameter(); } if (disassembleParameter && (parameter == null && !(parameter instanceof Map<?, ?>))) { throw new AbortException(); } String[] parameterParameterNames = EMPTY_NAMES; Object[] parameterParameters = EMPTY_ARGS; if (parameter != null) { if (parameter instanceof Map<?, ?>) { if (disassembleParameter) { Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) parameter; parameterParameterNames = new String[map.size()]; parameterParameters = new Object[parameterParameterNames.length]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof Criteria) { if (sysParameter == null) { sysParameter = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } Criteria sysCriteria = (Criteria) sysParameter.get("criteria"); sysParameter.put("criteria", mergeCriteria((Criteria) value, sysCriteria)); } else { parameterParameterNames[i] = (String) entry.getKey(); parameterParameters[i] = value; i++; } } } else { parameterParameterNames = new String[] { "parameter" }; parameterParameters = new Object[] { parameter }; } } else if (parameter instanceof Criteria) { parameterParameterNames = new String[0]; parameterParameters = new Object[0]; if (sysParameter == null) { sysParameter = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } Criteria sysCriteria = (Criteria) sysParameter.get("criteria"); sysParameter.put("criteria", mergeCriteria((Criteria) parameter, sysCriteria)); } else { parameterParameterNames = new String[] { "parameter" }; parameterParameters = new Object[] { parameter }; } } else { parameterParameterNames = new String[] { "parameter" }; parameterParameters = new Object[] { null }; } Page<?> page = null; int pageParameterIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(parameterTypes, Page.class); if (pageParameterIndex >= 0) { page = (Page<?>) proxyArgs[pageParameterIndex]; } DataType dataType = null; int dataTypeArgIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(parameterTypes, DataType.class); if (dataTypeArgIndex >= 0) { dataType = (DataType) proxyArgs[dataTypeArgIndex]; } if (dataType == null) { dataType = dataProvider.getResultDataType(); } requiredParameterNames = new String[((page != null) ? 1 : 0)]; requiredParameters = new Object[requiredParameterNames.length]; if (page != null) { requiredParameterNames[0] = "page"; requiredParameters[0] = page; } optionalParameterNames = new String[parameterParameterNames.length + 3]; optionalParameters = new Object[optionalParameterNames.length]; optionalParameterNames[0] = "dataProvider"; optionalParameterNames[1] = "dataType"; optionalParameterNames[2] = "methodInvocation"; optionalParameters[0] = dataProvider; optionalParameters[1] = dataType; optionalParameters[2] = methodInvocation; System.arraycopy(parameterParameterNames, 0, optionalParameterNames, 3, parameterParameterNames.length); System.arraycopy(parameterParameters, 0, optionalParameters, 3, parameterParameters.length); if (sysParameter != null && !sysParameter.isEmpty()) { Criteria criteria = (Criteria) sysParameter.get("criteria"); if (criteria != null) { sysParameter.put("criteria", evaluateCriteria(criteria)); } for (String extraName : EXTRA_NAMES) { if (!sysParameter.containsKey(extraName)) { sysParameter.put(extraName, null); } } extraParameterNames = new String[sysParameter.size()]; extraParameters = new Object[extraParameterNames.length]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : sysParameter.entrySet()) { extraParameterNames[i] = (String) entry.getKey(); extraParameters[i] = entry.getValue(); i++; } } else { extraParameterNames = EXTRA_NAMES; extraParameters = EXTRA_ARGS; } return MethodAutoMatchingUtils.invokeMethod(methods, interceptor, requiredParameterNames, requiredParameters, optionalParameterNames, optionalParameters, extraParameterNames, extraParameters); } private Object invokeInterceptorByParamType(DataProvider dataProvider, Method[] methods, MethodInvocation methodInvocation, boolean disassembleParameter) throws MethodAutoMatchingException, Exception { Method proxyMethod = methodInvocation.getMethod(); Object[] proxyArgs = methodInvocation.getArguments(); Class<?>[] proxyArgTypes = proxyMethod.getParameterTypes(); Object parameter = null; Map<String, Object> sysParameter = null; int parameterArgIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(proxyArgTypes, Object.class); if (parameterArgIndex >= 0) { parameter = proxyArgs[parameterArgIndex]; } if (parameter != null && parameter instanceof ParameterWrapper) { ParameterWrapper parameterWrapper = (ParameterWrapper) parameter; parameter = parameterWrapper.getParameter(); sysParameter = parameterWrapper.getSysParameter(); } if (disassembleParameter && (parameter == null && !(parameter instanceof Map<?, ?>))) { throw new AbortException(); } Map<Type, Object> extraArgMap = new HashMap<Type, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < EXTRA_TYPES.length; i++) { extraArgMap.put(EXTRA_TYPES[i], EXTRA_ARGS[i]); } if (sysParameter != null && !sysParameter.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : sysParameter.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value != null) { extraArgMap.put(MethodAutoMatchingUtils.getTypeForMatching(value), value); } } } Type[] optionalArgTypes = null; Object[] optionalArgs = null; if (parameter != null) { if (parameter instanceof Map<?, ?>) { if (disassembleParameter) { Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) parameter; optionalArgTypes = new Class[map.size()]; optionalArgs = new Object[optionalArgTypes.length]; int i = 0; for (Object value : map.values()) { if (value != null) { if (value instanceof Criteria) { Criteria sysCriteria = (Criteria) extraArgMap.get(Criteria.class); extraArgMap.put(Criteria.class, mergeCriteria((Criteria) value, sysCriteria)); } else { optionalArgTypes[i] = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.getTypeForMatching(value); optionalArgs[i] = value; i++; } } } } else { optionalArgTypes = new Type[] { MethodAutoMatchingUtils.getTypeForMatching(parameter) }; optionalArgs = new Object[] { parameter }; } } else if (parameter instanceof Criteria) { optionalArgTypes = new Class[0]; optionalArgs = new Object[0]; Criteria sysCriteria = (Criteria) extraArgMap.get(Criteria.class); extraArgMap.put(Criteria.class, mergeCriteria((Criteria) parameter, sysCriteria)); } else { optionalArgTypes = new Type[] { MethodAutoMatchingUtils.getTypeForMatching(parameter) }; optionalArgs = new Object[] { parameter }; } } else { optionalArgTypes = new Type[] { Object.class }; optionalArgs = new Object[] { null }; } Class<?>[] requiredArgTypes = null; Object[] requiredArgs = null; int pageArgIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(proxyArgTypes, Page.class); if (pageArgIndex >= 0) { requiredArgTypes = new Class[] { Page.class }; requiredArgs = new Object[] { proxyArgs[pageArgIndex] }; } DataType dataType = null; int dataTypeArgIndex = MethodAutoMatchingUtils.indexOfTypes(proxyArgTypes, DataType.class); if (dataTypeArgIndex >= 0) { dataType = (DataType) proxyArgs[dataTypeArgIndex]; } if (dataType == null) { dataType = dataProvider.getResultDataType(); } Class<?>[] exactArgTypes = new Class[3 + extraArgMap.size()]; Object[] exactArgs = new Object[exactArgTypes.length]; exactArgTypes[0] = DataProvider.class; exactArgs[0] = dataProvider; exactArgTypes[1] = DataType.class; exactArgs[1] = dataType; exactArgTypes[2] = MethodInvocation.class; exactArgs[2] = methodInvocation; Criteria criteria = (Criteria) extraArgMap.get(Criteria.class); if (criteria != null) { extraArgMap.put(Criteria.class, evaluateCriteria(criteria)); } int i = 3; for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : extraArgMap.entrySet()) { exactArgTypes[i] = (Class<?>) entry.getKey(); exactArgs[i] = entry.getValue(); i++; } return MethodAutoMatchingUtils.invokeMethod(methods, interceptor, requiredArgTypes, requiredArgs, exactArgTypes, exactArgs, optionalArgTypes, optionalArgs, null); } }