Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Bonsai Software, Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. package com.bonsai.wallet32; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import; import ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent; import ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender; import ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy; import; import hashengineering.groestlcoin.wallet32.R; public class WalletApplication extends Application implements OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private static Logger mLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WalletApplication.class); public String mPasscode; public KeyCrypter mKeyCrypter; public KeyParameter mAesKey; public String mIntentURI = null; private BTCFmt mBTCFmt = null; private String mWalletDirName; private WalletService mWalletService = null; private long mPasscodeValidTimestamp = 0L; private boolean mEntered = false; // Came through lobby? private boolean mLoggedIn = false; // Past the passcode? @Override public void onCreate() { // Apply PRNGFixes. PRNGFixes.apply(); initLogging(); super.onCreate(); // Log the About contents so we have the version string.; SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String btcUnits = sharedPref.getString(SettingsActivity.KEY_BTC_UNITS, ""); setBTCUnits(btcUnits); // Register for future preference changes. sharedPref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this);"WalletApplication created"); } public void doExit() {"Application exiting"); if (mWalletService != null) mWalletService.shutdown();"Stopping WalletService"); stopService(new Intent(this, WalletService.class)); // Cancel any remaining notifications. NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); nm.cancelAll(); // Kill everything"Exiting"); System.exit(0); } public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) {"saw pref key " + key); if (key.equals(SettingsActivity.KEY_BTC_UNITS)) { SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String btcUnits = sharedPref.getString(SettingsActivity.KEY_BTC_UNITS, ""); setBTCUnits(btcUnits); } } public void setWalletService(WalletService walletService) { mWalletService = walletService; } public WalletService getWalletService() { return mWalletService; } public void startBackgroundTimeout() { if (mWalletService != null) mWalletService.startBackgroundTimeout(); } public void cancelBackgroundTimeout() { if (mWalletService != null) mWalletService.cancelBackgroundTimeout(); } public void setPasscodeValidTimestamp() { mPasscodeValidTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public boolean passcodeFreshlyEntered() { long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - mPasscodeValidTimestamp; return delta < (5 * 60 * 1000); } public void setEntered() { mEntered = true; } public boolean hasEntered() { return mEntered; } public void setLoggedIn() { mLoggedIn = true; } public boolean isLoggedIn() { return mLoggedIn; } private void setBTCUnits(String src) { if (src.equals("UGRS")) {"Setting GRS units to uGRS"); mBTCFmt = new BTCFmt(BTCFmt.SCALE_UBTC, this); } else if (src.equals("MGRS")) {"Setting GRS units to MGRS"); mBTCFmt = new BTCFmt(BTCFmt.SCALE_MBTC, this); } else if (src.equals("GRS")) {"Setting GRS units to GRS"); mBTCFmt = new BTCFmt(BTCFmt.SCALE_BTC, this); } else if (src.equals("")) {"Defaulting GRS units to MGRS"); mBTCFmt = new BTCFmt(BTCFmt.SCALE_MBTC, this); } else { mLogger.warn("Unknown grs units " + src); return; } } public BTCFmt getBTCFmt() { return mBTCFmt; } public void setIntentURI(String uri) { mIntentURI = uri; } public String getIntentURI() { return mIntentURI; } public static class WalletEntry { public String mName; // User friendly name. public String mPath; // Wallet directory path name. public WalletEntry(String name, String path) { mName = name; mPath = path; } public JSONObject dumpJSON() throws JSONException { JSONObject entobj = new JSONObject(); entobj.put("name", mName); entobj.put("path", mPath); return entobj; } public static WalletEntry loadJSON(JSONObject entobj) throws JSONException { return new WalletEntry(entobj.getString("name"), entobj.getString("path")); } } public List<WalletEntry> listWallets() { List<WalletEntry> wallets = new ArrayList<WalletEntry>(); File walletDirFile = new File(getFilesDir(), getWalletPrefix() + ".walletdir"); // Does the directory not exist? if (!walletDirFile.exists()) { // Yes, we don't have a directory file yet. Create a // default one with a single entry for default wallet."creating default wallet directory in " + walletDirFile.getPath()); wallets.add(new WalletEntry("Default", ".")); persistWalletDirectory(wallets); } else {"reading wallet directory in " + walletDirFile.getPath()); wallets = loadWalletDirectory(); } return wallets; } public int nextAvailableWallet() { // Find the first available wallet directory. for (int ndx = 1; ndx < 64; ++ndx) { String path = String.format("wallet%03d", ndx); File dir = new File(getFilesDir(), path); if (!dir.exists()) {"nextAvailableWallet " + path); return ndx; } } throw new RuntimeException("no wallet space available"); } public void renameWallet(String path, String newName) {"renmaing wallet " + path + " to " + newName); List<WalletEntry> wallets = loadWalletDirectory(); for (WalletEntry entry : wallets) { if (entry.mPath.equals(path)) { entry.mName = newName; persistWalletDirectory(wallets); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("wallet " + path + " not found"); } public void deleteWallet(String path) {"deleting wallet " + path); File dir = new File(getFilesDir(), path); // Special case, the root wallet is not in a subdirectory. File child = null; if (path.equals(".")) { try { child = new File(dir, "salt"); child.delete(); child = new File(dir, "wallet32.spvchain"); child.delete(); child = new File(dir, "wallet32.hdwallet"); child.delete(); child = new File(dir, "wallet32.wallet"); child.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { mLogger.error("delete of " + child.toString() + " failed"); } } else { File[] directoryListing = dir.listFiles(); for (File child2 : directoryListing) { try {"deleting " + child2.toString()); child2.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { mLogger.error("delete of " + child2.toString() + " failed"); } } try { dir.delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { mLogger.error("delete of " + path + " failed"); } } // Re-persist the wallet list without the deleted entry. List<WalletEntry> newWalletList = new ArrayList<WalletEntry>(); List<WalletEntry> walletList = loadWalletDirectory(); for (WalletEntry entry : walletList) if (!entry.mPath.equals(path)) newWalletList.add(entry); persistWalletDirectory(newWalletList); } public String addWallet() { int ndx = nextAvailableWallet(); List<WalletEntry> wallets = loadWalletDirectory(); String name = String.format("Wallet %d", ndx); String path = String.format("wallet%03d", ndx); wallets.add(new WalletEntry(name, path)); makeWalletDirectory(path); persistWalletDirectory(wallets); return name; } public String walletName(String walletpath) { List<WalletEntry> walletList = loadWalletDirectory(); for (WalletEntry entry : walletList) { if (entry.mPath.equals(walletpath)) return entry.mName; } throw new RuntimeException("wallet path " + walletpath + " not found"); } public void persistWalletDirectory(List<WalletEntry> wallets) { File walletDirFile = new File(getFilesDir(), getWalletPrefix() + ".walletdir"); try { File tmpFile = new File(walletDirFile.getPath() + ".tmp"); if (tmpFile.exists()) {"deleting existing at " + tmpFile.getPath()); tmpFile.delete(); } JSONArray listobj = new JSONArray(); for (WalletEntry entry : wallets) listobj.put(entry.dumpJSON()); JSONObject rootobj = new JSONObject(); rootobj.put("wallets", listobj); String jsonstr = rootobj.toString(4); // indentation byte[] jsondata = jsonstr.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));"persisting: " + jsonstr); FileOutputStream ostrm = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); ostrm.write(jsondata); ostrm.close(); // Swap the tmp file into place. if (!tmpFile.renameTo(walletDirFile)) mLogger.warn("failed to rename to " + walletDirFile.getPath()); else"persisted to " + walletDirFile.getPath()); } catch (Exception ex) { mLogger.error("persistWalletDirectory failed: " + ex.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public List<WalletEntry> loadWalletDirectory() { File walletDirFile = new File(getFilesDir(), getWalletPrefix() + ".walletdir"); try { int len = (int) walletDirFile.length(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(walletDirFile)); byte[] jsondata = new byte[len]; dis.readFully(jsondata); String jsonstr = new String(jsondata);"loading: " + jsonstr); JSONObject rootobj = new JSONObject(jsonstr); JSONArray listobj = rootobj.getJSONArray("wallets"); ArrayList<WalletEntry> wallets = new ArrayList<WalletEntry>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < listobj.length(); ++ii) wallets.add(WalletEntry.loadJSON(listobj.getJSONObject(ii))); return wallets; } catch (Exception ex) { mLogger.error("loadWalletDirectory failed: " + ex.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public void makeWalletDirectory(String walletDirName) { File dir = new File(getFilesDir(), walletDirName); boolean success = dir.mkdir(); } public void setWalletDirName(String walletDirName) { mWalletDirName = walletDirName; } public File getWalletDir() { return new File(getFilesDir(), mWalletDirName); } public String getWalletPrefix() { return "wallet32"; } public File getHDWalletFile(String suffix) { String filename = getWalletPrefix() + ".hdwallet"; if (suffix != null) filename = filename + suffix; return new File(getWalletDir(), filename); } private void initLogging() { // We can't log into the wallet specific directories because // logging is initialized well before we've selected one. final File logDir = getDir("log", MODE_PRIVATE); // Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE final File logFile = new File(logDir, "wallet32.log"); final LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); final PatternLayoutEncoder filePattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); filePattern.setContext(context); filePattern.setPattern("%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %logger{0} - %msg%n"); filePattern.start(); final RollingFileAppender<ILoggingEvent> fileAppender = new RollingFileAppender<ILoggingEvent>(); fileAppender.setContext(context); fileAppender.setFile(logFile.getAbsolutePath()); final TimeBasedRollingPolicy<ILoggingEvent> rollingPolicy = new TimeBasedRollingPolicy<ILoggingEvent>(); rollingPolicy.setContext(context); rollingPolicy.setParent(fileAppender); rollingPolicy.setFileNamePattern(logDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/wallet32.%d.log.gz"); rollingPolicy.setMaxHistory(7); rollingPolicy.start(); fileAppender.setEncoder(filePattern); fileAppender.setRollingPolicy(rollingPolicy); fileAppender.start(); final PatternLayoutEncoder logcatTagPattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); logcatTagPattern.setContext(context); logcatTagPattern.setPattern("%logger{0}"); logcatTagPattern.start(); final PatternLayoutEncoder logcatPattern = new PatternLayoutEncoder(); logcatPattern.setContext(context); logcatPattern.setPattern("[%thread] %msg%n"); logcatPattern.start(); final LogcatAppender logcatAppender = new LogcatAppender(); logcatAppender.setContext(context); logcatAppender.setTagEncoder(logcatTagPattern); logcatAppender.setEncoder(logcatPattern); logcatAppender.start(); final ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger log = context.getLogger(Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME); log.addAppender(fileAppender); log.addAppender(logcatAppender); log.setLevel(Level.INFO); } } // Local Variables: // mode: java // c-basic-offset: 4 // tab-width: 4 // End: