Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.xforms.generator.mapping; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.AbstractClass; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Aspect; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Association; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Attribute; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz; import com.bluexml.side.clazz.Enumeration; import com.bluexml.side.common.DataType; import com.bluexml.side.common.ModelElement; import com.bluexml.side.common.Tag; import com.bluexml.side.form.ActionField; import com.bluexml.side.form.ChoiceField; import com.bluexml.side.form.ChoiceWidgetType; import com.bluexml.side.form.Field; import com.bluexml.side.form.FileField; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormClass; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormContainer; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormElement; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormGroup; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormSearch; import com.bluexml.side.form.FormWorkflow; import com.bluexml.side.form.ModelChoiceField; import com.bluexml.side.form.ModelChoiceWidgetType; import com.bluexml.side.form.Reference; import com.bluexml.side.form.SearchField; import com.bluexml.side.form.VirtualField; import com.bluexml.side.form.utils.DOMUtil; import com.bluexml.side.workflow.Process; import com.bluexml.side.workflow.StartState; import com.bluexml.side.workflow.Swimlane; import com.bluexml.side.workflow.TaskNode; import com.bluexml.side.workflow.impl.StartStateImpl; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ActionFieldType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AspectType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AssociationType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AttributeType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.CanisterType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ClassType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.EnumType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FileFieldType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FormFieldType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FormType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenInfoType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.Mapping; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ModelChoiceType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ObjectFactory; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ReferenceType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.SearchFieldType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.SearchFormType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.VirtualFieldType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.WorkflowTaskType; import com.bluexml.xforms.generator.AbstractGenerator; import com.bluexml.xforms.generator.FormGeneratorsManager; import; import; import; import com.bluexml.xforms.messages.MsgId; /** * The Class MappingGenerator. */ public class MappingGenerator extends AbstractGenerator { private static final String BLUEXML_WORKFLOW_PREFIX = "wfbx"; /** The mapping marshaller. */ private static Marshaller mappingMarshaller; protected static ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory(); static { try { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding", MappingGenerator.class.getClassLoader()); mappingMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); mappingMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** The output mapping. */ private File outputMapping; /** The mapping. */ private Mapping mapping; /** The aspect types. */ private Map<Aspect, AspectType> aspectTypes = new TreeMap<Aspect, AspectType>(AspectComparator.INSTANCE); /** The class types. */ private Map<Clazz, ClassType> classTypes = new TreeMap<Clazz, ClassType>(ClasseComparator.INSTANCE); /** The file for outputting the list of CSS classes defined in the models. */ private File CSSFile; /** The output file for the redirection table of workflow forms. */ private File RedirectFile; /** The style collector specific to CSS */ private List<String> CSSCollector = new ArrayList<String>(); public static String workflowGetProcessNameFromFormName(String formName) { return formName.substring(0, formName.indexOf("_")); } public static String workflowBuildBlueXMLTaskName(String formName) { return BLUEXML_WORKFLOW_PREFIX + formName.replace('_', ':'); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#addAspectForClass(com * .bluexml * .side.clazz.Clazz, com.bluexml.side.clazz.Aspect, * com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz) */ public void addAspectForClass(Clazz classe, Aspect aspect, Clazz owner) { AspectType aspectType = objectFactory.createAspectType(); aspectType.setName(aspect.getName()); aspectType.setPackage(ModelTools.getPackage(aspect)); aspectType.setAlfrescoName(formGenerator.getClassQualifiedName(aspect)); getClassType(classe).getAspect().add(aspectType); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#addAttributeForAspect * (com. * bluexml.side.clazz.Aspect, com.bluexml.side.clazz.Attribute) */ public void addAttributeForAspect(Aspect aspect, Attribute attribute) { AttributeType asAttributeType = processAttribute(aspect, attribute); getAspectType(aspect).getAttribute().add(asAttributeType); } /** * Gets the aspect type. * * @param aspect * the aspect * @return the aspect type */ private AspectType getAspectType(Aspect aspect) { return aspectTypes.get(aspect); } /** * Gets the class type. * * @param classe * the classe * @return the class type */ private ClassType getClassType(Clazz classe) { Clazz realClasse = (Clazz) formGenerator.getRealObject(classe); ClassType classType = classTypes.get(realClasse); if (classType == null) { System.err.println("Bad missing class in classTypes :" + realClasse); } return classType; } /** * As attribute type. * * @param classe * the classe * @param attribute * the attribute * @return the attribute type */ private AttributeType processAttribute(AbstractClass classe, Attribute attribute) { String result; AttributeType attributeType = objectFactory.createAttributeType(); attributeType.setName(attribute.getName()); attributeType.setAlfrescoName(getAlfrescoNameForAttribute(classe, attribute)); attributeType.setType(attribute.getTyp().getLiteral()); if (classe instanceof Clazz) { attributeType.setClassType(copyClassType(getClassType((Clazz) classe))); } else if (classe instanceof Aspect) { attributeType.setAspectType(copyAspectType(getAspectType((Aspect) classe))); } if (attribute.getValueList() != null) { attributeType.setEnumQName(ModelTools.getCompleteName(attribute.getValueList())); } // // properties stored as attributes if different from the default result = ModelTools.getMetaInfoValue(attribute, "multiple"); if (result != null) { if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(result, "true")) { attributeType.setMultiple(true); } } boolean isDisabled = false; result = ModelTools.getMetaInfoValue(attribute, "read-only"); if (result != null) { isDisabled = (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(result, "true")); attributeType.setReadOnly(isDisabled); } String initialValue = attribute.getInitialValue(); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(initialValue) != null) { attributeType.setDefault(initialValue); } String fieldSize = ModelTools.getMetaInfoValue(attribute, "size"); if ((fieldSize != null) && (!fieldSize.equals("0"))) { attributeType.setFieldSize(fieldSize); } return attributeType; } private AspectType copyAspectType(AspectType aspectType) { AspectType result = objectFactory.createAspectType(); result.setName(aspectType.getName()); result.setPackage(aspectType.getPackage()); result.setAlfrescoName(aspectType.getAlfrescoName()); return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#addAttributeForClass( * com.bluexml * .side.clazz.Clazz, com.bluexml.side.clazz.Attribute, * com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz) */ public void addAttributeForClass(Clazz classe, Attribute attribute, Clazz owner) { AttributeType asAttributeType = processAttribute(owner, attribute); getClassType(classe).getAttribute().add(asAttributeType); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginAspect(com.bluexml * .side * .clazz.Aspect) */ public void beginAspect(Aspect aspect) { AspectType aspectType = objectFactory.createAspectType(); aspectType.setName(aspect.getName()); aspectType.setPackage(ModelTools.getPackage(aspect)); aspectType.setAlfrescoName(formGenerator.getClassQualifiedName(aspect)); aspectTypes.put(aspect, aspectType); mapping.getAspect().add(aspectType); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginClasse(com.bluexml * .side * .clazz.Clazz, boolean) */ public void beginClasse(Clazz classe, boolean rendered) { ClassType classType = objectFactory.createClassType(); classType.setName(classe.getName()); classType.setPackage(ModelTools.getPackage(classe)); classType.setAlfrescoName(formGenerator.getClassQualifiedName(classe)); classTypes.put(classe, classType); mapping.getClazz().add(classType); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginGeneration() */ public void beginGeneration() { monitor.setTaskName("Generating resources."); mapping = new Mapping(); GenInfoType genInfoType = objectFactory.createGenInfoType(); genInfoType.setReadOnlyFormsSuffix(formGenerator.getReadOnlySuffix()); genInfoType.setDebugMode(formGenerator.isDebugMode()); Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); String dateString = formatter.format(date); genInfoType.setTimeStamp(dateString); mapping.setGenInfo(genInfoType); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginListAspects() */ public void beginListAspects() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginListAssociations() */ public void beginListAssociations() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginListClasses() */ public void beginListClasses() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginListEnums() */ public void beginListEnums() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#addAssociation(org.blueXML * .xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface.AssociationKind, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, * com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz, com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz, * java.lang.String, boolean, * com.bluexml.side.clazz.Association, com.bluexml.side.clazz.Clazz) */ public void addAssociation(AssociationKind type, String name, String title, Clazz source, Clazz destination, String role, boolean doublenav, Association association, Clazz owner) { if (owner == source) { ClassType sourceType = getClassType(source); AssociationType associationType = objectFactory.createAssociationType(); associationType.setPackage(ModelTools.getPackage(association)); associationType.setCaption(title); associationType.setName(name); ClassType classType = getClassType(destination); if (classType == null) { monitor.addErrorTextAndLog("No classType found for class '" + destination.getLabel() + "'. Please add the containing model to the generation project.", null, null); } else { associationType.setType(copyClassType(classType)); } String associationName = formGenerator.getAssoQualifiedName(association, owner); associationType.setAlfrescoName(associationName); if (type.getAssociationCardinality().isMultiple()) { associationType.setMultiple(true); // optional attribute } if (type.isInline()) { associationType.setInline(true); // optional attribute } sourceType.getAssociation().add(associationType); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endAspect(com.bluexml * .side * .clazz.Aspect) */ public void endAspect(Aspect aspect) { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endClasse(com.bluexml * .side .clazz.Clazz) */ public void endClasse(Clazz classe) { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endGeneration() */ /** * Writes all generated files. <br/> * NOTE: the enumeration files for search operators are written by the * template generator. */ public void endGeneration() { // mapping file try { mappingMarshaller.marshal(mapping, outputMapping); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // CSS try { writeSkeletonCSS(); } catch (IOException e) { monitor.addErrorTextAndLog("File error while trying to write the CSS file.", e, null); } // redirector configuration file try { writeSkeletonRedirector(); } catch (IOException e) { monitor.addErrorTextAndLog("File error while trying to write the redirection file.", e, null); } monitor.addText("Finished generating resources."); } /** * Writes a dictionary of all user-given styles in a file. If no styles were * indicated, the file * is not created. * * @throws IOException */ private void writeSkeletonCSS() throws IOException { if (CSSCollector.size() > 0) { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(CSSFile); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw); int nbClasses = 0; pw.println("/* ************************ */"); pw.println("/* BlueXML XForms Generator */"); pw.println("/* Generated CSS Template */"); pw.println("/* ************************ */"); pw.println("/* Modify this template as suits your needs.*/"); pw.println("/* If this file is available as 'resources/styles/custom.css' under */"); pw.println("/* your webapp's folder, it will be used by the client browsers.*/"); pw.println("/* Otherwise, indicating its location via a URL parameter will be */"); pw.println("/* necessary. See the SIDE documentation for further details.*/"); pw.println("\n\n"); pw.println("/* CLASSES */"); for (String elt : CSSCollector) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(elt) != null) { if (!(elt.charAt(0) == '#')) { nbClasses++; pw.println("." + elt + " {"); pw.println("}"); pw.println(); } } } pw.println(); pw.println("/* ID's */"); for (String elt : CSSCollector) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(elt) != null) { if ((elt.charAt(0) == '#')) { pw.println(elt + " {"); pw.println("}"); pw.println(); } } } pw.close(); } } /** * Writes a skeleton of the redirection file filled with default values. The * file is not created * if no workflow forms were generated. * <p/> * The format is: * * <pre> * <entry> * <name>FORM_NAME</name> * <url>URL</url> * <auto>false</auto> * <addParams>true</addParams> * </entry> *</pre> * * @throws IOException */ private void writeSkeletonRedirector() throws IOException { // redirector configuration Document doc = DOMUtil.getNewDocument(); if (doc != null) { List<JAXBElement<? extends CanisterType>> elements = mapping.getCanister(); Element entriesElt = doc.createElement("entries"); doc.appendChild(entriesElt); int numberOfEntries = 0; for (JAXBElement<? extends CanisterType> element : elements) { if (element.getValue() instanceof WorkflowTaskType) { WorkflowTaskType taskType = (WorkflowTaskType) element.getValue(); Element nameElt = doc.createElement(MsgId.INT_REDIRECTION_NAME.getText()); nameElt.setTextContent(taskType.getName()); Element urlElt = doc.createElement(MsgId.INT_REDIRECTION_URL.getText()); Element autoElt = doc.createElement(MsgId.INT_REDIRECTION_AUTO_ADVANCE.getText()); autoElt.setTextContent("false"); Element addElt = doc.createElement(MsgId.INT_REDIRECTION_ADD_PARAMS.getText()); addElt.setTextContent("true"); Element entryElt = doc.createElement(MsgId.INT_REDIRECTION_ENTRY.getText()); entryElt.appendChild(nameElt); entryElt.appendChild(urlElt); entryElt.appendChild(autoElt); entryElt.appendChild(addElt); entriesElt.appendChild(entryElt); numberOfEntries++; } } if (numberOfEntries > 0) { String docStr = DOMUtil.convertDocument2String(doc); FileWriter fw; fw = new FileWriter(RedirectFile); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw); pw.print(docStr); pw.close(); } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endListAspects() */ public void endListAspects() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endListAssociations() */ public void endListAssociations() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endListClasses() */ public void endListClasses() { Set<Entry<Clazz, ClassType>> entrySet = classTypes.entrySet(); for (Entry<Clazz, ClassType> entry : entrySet) { Clazz classe = entry.getKey(); if (formGenerator.isDebugMode()) { monitor.addText("Adding Generalizations to '" + classe.getLabel() + "'"); } addGeneralizations(classe, classe, 0); } } /** * Adds the generalizations. * * @param leafClasse * the leaf classe * @param classe * the classe * @param level * the level */ private void addGeneralizations(Clazz leafClasse, Clazz classe, int level) { EList<Clazz> generalizations = leafClasse.getGeneralizations(); for (Clazz generalization : generalizations) { if (generalization != null) { Clazz parentClasse = generalization; ClassType classType = getClassType(classe); ClassType parentClassType = getClassType(parentClasse); if (parentClassType != null) { if (!classe.isAbstract()) { parentClassType.getSubClass().add(copyClassType(classType)); } if (level == 0) { classType.setParentClass(copyClassType(parentClassType)); } } addGeneralizations(parentClasse, classe, level + 1); } } } /** * Copy class type. * * @param classType * the class type * @return the class type */ private ClassType copyClassType(ClassType classType) { ClassType result = objectFactory.createClassType(); result.setName(classType.getName()); result.setPackage(classType.getPackage()); result.setAlfrescoName(classType.getAlfrescoName()); return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endListEnums() */ public void endListEnums() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#processEnum(com.bluexml * .side * .clazz.Enumeration) */ public void processEnum(Enumeration enumeration) { EnumType enumType = objectFactory.createEnumType(); enumType.setPackage(ModelTools.getPackage(enumeration)); enumType.setName(enumeration.getName()); String alfrescoName = ModelTools.getCompleteName(enumeration).replace('.', '_'); enumType.setAlfrescoName(alfrescoName); if (enumeration.getDynamic()) { enumType.setDynamic(true); } mapping.getEnum().add(enumType); } /** * Sets the mapping output file. * * @param mappingOutput * the new output file */ public void setOutputMappingFile(String mappingOutput) { outputMapping = new File(mappingOutput); outputMapping.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } /** * Sets the CSS output file and creates path. * * @param name * the path to the CSS file */ public void setOutputCSSFile(String name) { CSSFile = new File(name); CSSFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } /** * Sets the redirector's configuration output file and creates path. * * @param name * the path to the redirector's configuration file */ public void setOutputRedirectFile(String name) { RedirectFile = new File(name); RedirectFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginForm(com.bluexml * .side .form.Form) */ public void beginForm(FormContainer form) { FormContainer realContainer = form; realContainer = (FormContainer) formGenerator.getRealObject(form); // #1225 String xtension = StringUtils.trimToNull(formGenerator.getXtensionAsString(form)); // #1656 if (realContainer instanceof FormClass) { FormType formType = newFormType(realContainer); if (xtension != null) { formType.setXtension(xtension); } FormClass formClass = (FormClass) realContainer; if (formClass.isContent_enabled()) { formType.setContentEnabled(true); } formType.setRealClass(copyClassType(getClassType(formClass.getReal_class()))); processFormElement(formType, realContainer, realContainer, realContainer); mapping.getCanister().add(objectFactory.createForm(formType)); } else if (realContainer instanceof FormSearch) { SearchFormType sfType = objectFactory.createSearchFormType(); if (xtension != null) { sfType.setXtension(xtension); } sfType.setName(realContainer.getId()); FormSearch formSearch = (FormSearch) realContainer; String operator = formSearch.getCombinationOperator().getName(); sfType.setOperator(operator); sfType.setRealClass(copyClassType(getClassType(formSearch.getReal_class()))); processFormElement(sfType, realContainer, realContainer, realContainer); mapping.getCanister().add(objectFactory.createSearch(sfType)); } else if (realContainer instanceof FormWorkflow) { WorkflowTaskType taskType = objectFactory.createWorkflowTaskType(); if (xtension != null) { taskType.setXtension(xtension); } FormWorkflow formWorkflow = ((FormWorkflow) realContainer); String formName = formWorkflow.getId(); String taskId = workflowBuildBlueXMLTaskName(formName); taskType.setName(formName); taskType.setTaskId(taskId); FormClass attached = formWorkflow.getDataForm(); if (attached != null) { taskType.setDataForm(attached.getId()); } else { monitor.addErrorTextAndLog("No data form attached to workflow form '" + formName + "'. Please check that this is indeed your intent.", null, null); } taskType.setTitle(formWorkflow.getLabel()); // set the assignment. ModelElement mel = formWorkflow.getRef(); Swimlane swimlane; if (mel instanceof StartStateImpl) { taskType.setStartTask(true); StartState start = ((StartStateImpl) mel); swimlane = start.getInitiator(); Process process = (Process) start.eContainer(); String processTitle = process.getTitle(); taskType.setProcessTitle(processTitle); } else { // taskType.setStartTask(false); // optional attribute so we don't set it TaskNode aTask = (TaskNode) mel; swimlane = aTask.getSwimlane(); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(swimlane.getActorid() + swimlane.getPooledactors()) == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Wrong assignment in form '" + formName + "'. Needs either 'actorId' or 'pooledActors'."); } taskType.setActorId(swimlane.getActorid()); taskType.setPooledActors(swimlane.getPooledactors()); processFormElement(taskType, realContainer, realContainer, realContainer); mapping.getCanister().add(objectFactory.createTask(taskType)); } } /** * @param formType * placeholder for a form (should be of the appropriate mapping * type for search * forms, i.e. if the modeler did his job of restraining search * fields to search * forms) * @param formContainer * SHOULD be a FormSearch * @param searchField */ private void processSearchField(CanisterType formType, FormContainer formContainer, SearchField searchField) { if (!(formContainer instanceof FormSearch)) { throw new RuntimeException("Search fields are allowed only on FormSearch objects. '" + formContainer.getLabel() + "' is not a FormSearch."); } SearchFieldType fieldType = objectFactory.createSearchFieldType(); // name fieldType.setName(searchField.getId()); // default operator String defaultOp = formGenerator.getSearchFieldDefaultOperator(searchField); fieldType.setPick(defaultOp); // number of UI input controls Attribute attribute = (Attribute) formGenerator.getRealObject(searchField.getRef()); DataType typ = attribute.getTyp(); if (isDateType(typ)) { fieldType.setInputs("2"); } else if (isNumericType(typ)) { fieldType.setInputs("2"); } // we set the 'type' attribute for data types whose inputs will be initialized if (isDateType(typ)) { fieldType.setType(typ.getName()); } // enums need special processing by the controller at runtime so let's be courteous if (attribute.getValueList() != null) { fieldType.setEnum(ModelTools.getCompleteName(attribute.getValueList())); } // style String style = searchField.getStyle(); if (style != null) { CSSCollector.add(style); } ((SearchFormType) formType).getField().add(fieldType); } private boolean isDateType(DataType typ) { return typ.equals(DataType.DATE) || typ.equals(DataType.DATE_TIME); } private boolean isNumericType(DataType typ) { return typ.equals(DataType.BYTE) || typ.equals(DataType.LONG) || typ.equals(DataType.INT) || typ.equals(DataType.SHORT) || typ.equals(DataType.DOUBLE) || typ.equals(DataType.FLOAT); } /** * Process form element. * * @param canister * placeholder for a form (either a workflow or class) * @param parent * the parent * @param formElement * the form element * @param formContainer * either a FormClass or FormWorkflow object */ private void processFormElement(CanisterType canister, FormContainer formContainer, @SuppressWarnings("unused") FormElement parent, FormElement formElement) { if (formElement instanceof FormGroup) { FormGroup formGroup = (FormGroup) formElement; EList<FormElement> children = formGroup.getChildren(); for (FormElement child : children) { processFormElement(canister, formContainer, formGroup, child); } } else { if (formElement instanceof Reference) { processReference(canister, formContainer, (Reference) formElement); } else if (formElement instanceof ModelChoiceField) { processChoiceField(canister, formContainer, (ModelChoiceField) formElement); } else if (formElement instanceof VirtualField) { processVirtual(canister, (VirtualField) formElement); } else if (formElement instanceof ActionField) { processActionField(canister, formContainer, (Field) formElement); } else if (formElement instanceof Field) { processField(canister, formContainer, (Field) formElement); } else if (formElement instanceof SearchField) { processSearchField(canister, formContainer, (SearchField) formElement); } } } /** * Process action field. * * @param canister * the FormType or workflowTaskType * @param formContainer * the form container: FormClass or FormWorkflow * @param field * the field * @deprecated I don't see any motive in this function since the info kept * here (except for the * style) is never used anywhere (@Amenel). */ @Deprecated private void processActionField(CanisterType canister, FormContainer formContainer, Field field) { ActionFieldType actionFieldType = objectFactory.createActionFieldType(); // inherited properties actionFieldType.setUniqueName(FormGeneratorsManager.getUniqueName(field)); String style = field.getStyle(); if (style != null) { CSSCollector.add(style); } // own properties if (formContainer instanceof FormWorkflow) { actionFieldType.setInWorkflow(true); } actionFieldType.setLabel(field.getLabel()); // enlist canister.getAction().add(actionFieldType); } /** * Process field. * * @param canister * the FormType or workflowTaskType * @param field * the field * @param formClass * the form class */ private void processField(CanisterType canister, FormContainer formContainer, Field field) { FormFieldType formFieldType = objectFactory.createFormFieldType(); List<FormFieldType> fieldTypesList; if (canister instanceof WorkflowTaskType) { fieldTypesList = ((WorkflowTaskType) canister).getField(); } else { fieldTypesList = ((FormType) canister).getField(); } formFieldType.setUniqueName(FormGeneratorsManager.getUniqueName(field)); formFieldType.setShortName(field.getId()); String style = field.getStyle(); if (style != null) { CSSCollector.add(style); } ModelElement ref = (ModelElement) formGenerator.getRealObject(field.getRef()); if (formContainer instanceof FormClass) { FormClass formClass = (FormClass) formContainer; Clazz realClass = getRealClassForFormClass(formClass); // // check that the ref'ed attribute is legitimate for this FormClass if (checkClassAttributeInclusion(realClass, ref) == false) { throw new RuntimeException("The field '" + field.getLabel() + "' on form '" + formClass.getId() + "' has a bad <Ref> property: either the model element is not an attribute or the attribute belongs to another class."); } String alfrescoName = getAlfrescoNameForAttribute(realClass, ref); if (alfrescoName == null) { String message = "Couldn't compute the Alfresco name for field '" + field.getLabel() + "' with Ref to attribute '" + ((Attribute) ref).getFullName() + "' on Form :" + formClass.getId(); throw new RuntimeException(message); } formFieldType.setAlfrescoName(alfrescoName); } else { com.bluexml.side.workflow.Attribute attribute = (com.bluexml.side.workflow.Attribute) ref; formFieldType.setAlfrescoName(attribute.getName()); } String initialValue = field.getInitial(); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(initialValue) != null) { formFieldType.setDefault(initialValue); // optional attribute } if (field.isMandatory()) { formFieldType.setMandatory(true); // optional attribute } if (field instanceof ChoiceField) { ChoiceField choiceField = (ChoiceField) field; if (choiceField.getWidget() == ChoiceWidgetType.LIST_ALL) { // FIXME: why would the widget determine where the captions of the enum literals are // fetched from ? formFieldType.setSearchEnum(true); // optional attribute } } if (ref instanceof Attribute) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) ref; formFieldType.setType(attribute.getTyp().getLiteral()); if (attribute.getValueList() != null) { if (!attribute.getValueList().getDynamic()) { formFieldType.setStaticEnumType(ModelTools.getCompleteName(attribute.getValueList())); } // for now, setting the xtension depends on data source being present String xtensionDataSourceUri = formGenerator.getXtensionDataSourceUri(field); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(xtensionDataSourceUri) != null) { String xtension = formGenerator.getXtensionAsString(field); formFieldType.setXtension(xtension); } } boolean canBeMultiple = formGenerator.isFieldMultipleCapable(field); if (canBeMultiple) { formFieldType.setMultiple(true); // optional attribute } } else if (ref instanceof com.bluexml.side.workflow.Attribute) { com.bluexml.side.workflow.Attribute attribute = ((com.bluexml.side.workflow.Attribute) ref); formFieldType.setType(attribute.getTyp().getLiteral()); // for now, setting the xtension depends on data source being present String xtensionDataSourceUri = formGenerator.getXtensionDataSourceUri(field); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(xtensionDataSourceUri) != null) { String xtension = formGenerator.getXtensionAsString(field); formFieldType.setXtension(xtension); } } else { formFieldType.setType("String"); } // // boolean attributes boolean disabled = field.isDisabled(); if (disabled) { formFieldType.setReadOnly(disabled); // optional attribute } // whether the value is entered via a selection widget boolean selectionCapable = formGenerator.isFieldSelectionCapable(field); if (selectionCapable) { formFieldType.setSelectionCapable(true); // String xtension = formGenerator.getXtensionAsString(field); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(xtension) != null) { formFieldType.setXtension(xtension); } } if (field instanceof FileField) { FileFieldType fileFieldType = initFileFieldFromFormField(formFieldType); if (((FileField) field).isInRepository()) { fileFieldType.setInRepository(true); } fieldTypesList.add(fileFieldType); } else { // check that if mandatory, the field has an initial value if (field.isMandatory() && (StringUtils.trimToNull(field.getInitial()) == null)) { monitor.addErrorTextAndLog("Attribute '" + formFieldType.getAlfrescoName() + "' is mandatory: it should have an initial value!", null, null); } fieldTypesList.add(formFieldType); } } /** * Gets the real class for a FormClass, with exception throwing in case the * linked element is * not a Clazz object. * * @param formClass * @return * @throws RuntimeException */ private Clazz getRealClassForFormClass(FormClass formClass) throws RuntimeException { Clazz realClass = null; try { realClass = (Clazz) formGenerator.getRealObject(formClass.getReal_class()); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new RuntimeException("The model element in property <Real class> of form '" + formClass.getId() + "' is not a class."); } return realClass; } /** * Computes the name of an attribute as specified in the model files in XML, * including native * Alfresco models. * * @param classe * @param ref * @return */ private String getAlfrescoNameForAttribute(AbstractClass classe, ModelElement ref) { boolean noPrefix = false; Attribute attribute = (Attribute) ref; for (Tag tag : attribute.getTags()) { if (tag.getKey().contains(MsgId.INT_GEN_REVERSED_TAG_KEY.getText())) { if (tag.getValue().contains(MsgId.INT_GEN_REVERSED_TAG_VAL_ALFRESCO.getText())) { noPrefix = true; break; } } } // this happens for native Alfresco models, or any model element with the appropriate tags if (noPrefix) { return attribute.getName(); } // #1547: inherited attributes names must be mapped to the appropriate parent class EObject container = ((EObject) ref).eContainer(); ModelElement realContainer = (ModelElement) formGenerator.getRealObject(container); if (classe.equals(realContainer)) { return formGenerator.getClassQualifiedName(classe) + "_" + attribute.getName(); } // the attribute may be in a parent class or in an aspect of either base or parent classes if (classe instanceof Clazz) { Clazz classRef = (Clazz) classe; for (Clazz parentClass : classRef.getInheritedClasses()) { Clazz realParentClass = (Clazz) formGenerator.getRealObject(parentClass); if (realParentClass.equals(realContainer)) { return getAlfrescoNameForAttribute(realParentClass, attribute); } } for (Aspect aspect : ModelTools.getClassAspects(classRef).keySet()) { Aspect realAspect = (Aspect) formGenerator.getRealObject(aspect); if (realAspect.equals(realContainer)) { return getAlfrescoNameForAttribute(realAspect, attribute); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Can't determine the Alfresco name of attribute '" + attribute.getName() + "' (" + attribute.getTitle() + ") because the container object is not a Clazz"); } return null; } /** * Checks that the field reference belongs to the class reference, taking * into account * generalizations and aspects. If the attribute is directly included in the * class or comes from * a parent class or a linked aspect, then the return value if <em>true</em> * . * * @param classRef * the class the form is supposed to be based on * @param fieldRef * the element pointed to by the 'ref' property of the form field * @return false if the field reference is not a class diagram attribute or * does not belong to * the given class. True otherwise. */ private boolean checkClassAttributeInclusion(Clazz classRef, ModelElement fieldRef) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Attribute attr = (Attribute) fieldRef; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { return false; } EObject container = ((EObject) fieldRef).eContainer(); ModelElement realContainer = (ModelElement) formGenerator.getRealObject(container); if (classRef.equals(realContainer) == true) { return true; } // the field ref's container may be a superclass of the class ref for (Clazz parentClass : classRef.getGeneralizations()) { Clazz realParentClass = (Clazz) formGenerator.getRealObject(parentClass); if (checkClassAttributeInclusion(realParentClass, fieldRef)) { return true; } } // the field ref's container may be one of the class' aspects for (Aspect aspect : classRef.getAspects()) { Aspect realAspect = (Aspect) formGenerator.getRealObject(aspect); if (realAspect.equals(realContainer)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Provides a dummy value for a specific type. * * @param type * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String pickDummyValue(String type) { String[] strings = { "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "kappa", "sigma", "zeta", "omega", "everything", "something" }; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")) { return null; } Random alea = new Random(); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("String")) { return strings[alea.nextInt(strings.length)]; } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { if (alea.nextInt() % 2 == 0) { return "true"; } return "false"; } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("int") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")) { return "" + alea.nextInt(); } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("float")) { return "" + alea.nextFloat(); } return null; } /** * Initializes a FileFieldType with info from a FormFieldType. The * 'multiple' property with * value 'true' is not supported. * * @param formFieldType * @return a FileFieldType object that has the same info as the parameter */ private FileFieldType initFileFieldFromFormField(FormFieldType formFieldType) { FileFieldType res = objectFactory.createFileFieldType(); res.setUniqueName(formFieldType.getUniqueName()); res.setShortName(formFieldType.getShortName()); res.setAlfrescoName(formFieldType.getAlfrescoName()); res.setType(formFieldType.getType()); res.setStaticEnumType(formFieldType.getStaticEnumType()); // // optional attributes (FileFields are not selection-capable) if (StringUtils.trimToNull(formFieldType.getDefault()) != null) { res.setDefault(formFieldType.getDefault()); } try { // res.setMultiple(formFieldType.isMultiple()); // not supported on file fields res.setSearchEnum(formFieldType.isSearchEnum()); } catch (Exception e) { // nothing to do, these are optional attributes } return res; } /** * Process virtual. * * @param canister * the FormType or workflowTaskType * @param virtualField * the virtual field */ private void processVirtual(CanisterType canister, VirtualField virtualField) { Field linkedField = virtualField.getLink(); if (linkedField instanceof VirtualField) { processVirtual(canister, (VirtualField) linkedField); } FormClass formClass = getFormClass(linkedField); VirtualFieldType virtualFieldType = objectFactory.createVirtualFieldType(); // inherited properties virtualFieldType.setUniqueName(FormGeneratorsManager.getUniqueName(virtualField)); String style = virtualField.getStyle(); if (style != null) { CSSCollector.add(style); } // own properties virtualFieldType.setFieldName(FormGeneratorsManager.getUniqueName(linkedField)); virtualFieldType.setFormName(formClass.getId()); if (canister instanceof FormType) { FormType formType = (FormType) canister; formType.getVirtual().add(virtualFieldType); } } /** * Gets the form class. * * @param field * the field * @return the form class */ private FormClass getFormClass(Field field) { EObject container = field.eContainer(); while (!(container instanceof FormClass)) { container = container.eContainer(); } FormClass formClass = (FormClass) container; return formClass; } /** * Process choice field. * * @param canister * the FormType or workflowTaskType * @param formElement * the form element * @param formClass * the form class */ private void processChoiceField(CanisterType canister, FormContainer formContainer, ModelChoiceField formElement) { List<ModelChoiceType> list = null; if (canister instanceof WorkflowTaskType) { list = ((WorkflowTaskType) canister).getModelChoice(); } else { list = ((FormType) canister).getModelChoice(); } ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType = objectFactory.createModelChoiceType(); processChoiceFieldCommon(formElement, formContainer, modelChoiceType); list.add(modelChoiceType); } /** * Process reference. * * @param canister * the FormType or workflowTaskType * @param reference * the reference * @param formClass * the form class */ private void processReference(CanisterType canister, FormContainer formContainer, Reference reference) { if ((canister instanceof FormType) || (canister instanceof WorkflowTaskType)) { ReferenceType referenceType = objectFactory.createReferenceType(); processChoiceFieldCommon(reference, formContainer, referenceType); if (canister instanceof FormType) { ((FormType) canister).getReference().add(referenceType); } else { ((WorkflowTaskType) canister).getReference().add(referenceType); } } } /** * New form type. * * @param formContainer * the form container object * @return the form type */ private FormType newFormType(FormContainer form) { FormContainer realContainer = (FormContainer) formGenerator.getRealObject(form); // #1225 FormType childFormType = objectFactory.createFormType(); childFormType.setName(realContainer.getId()); return childFormType; } /** * Process choice field common. * * @param modelChoice * the model choice field * @param modelChoiceType * the model choice type * @param formClass * the form class */ private void processChoiceFieldCommon(ModelChoiceField modelChoice, FormContainer formContainer, ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType) { String style = modelChoice.getStyle(); if (style != null) { CSSCollector.add(style); } modelChoiceType.setDisplayLabel(modelChoice.getLabel()); // #1212 modelChoiceType.setMaxBound(modelChoice.getMax_bound()); modelChoiceType.setMinBound(modelChoice.getMin_bound()); modelChoiceType.setUniqueName(FormGeneratorsManager.getUniqueName(modelChoice)); // this checks that the Ref is an association String shortName = getAssociationNameForModelChoice(modelChoice, formContainer); modelChoiceType.setShortName(shortName); Association asso = (Association) formGenerator.getRealObject(modelChoice.getRef()); FormClass formClass = (FormClass) formContainer; // #980 Clazz realClass = (Clazz) formGenerator.getRealObject(formClass.getReal_class()); String alfrescoName = formGenerator.getAssoQualifiedName(asso, realClass); modelChoiceType.setAlfrescoName(alfrescoName); modelChoiceType.setRealClass(copyClassType(getClassType(realClass))); EList<FormContainer> targets = modelChoice.getTarget(); int nbAddedTargets = 0; for (FormContainer target : targets) { if (target instanceof FormClass) { FormType childFormType = newFormType(target); modelChoiceType.getTarget().add(childFormType); nbAddedTargets++; } } // // optional attributes and applicable verifications // if (modelChoice.getWidget() == ModelChoiceWidgetType.INLINE) { modelChoiceType.setInline(true); if (nbAddedTargets == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Association '" + modelChoiceType.getDisplayLabel() + "' has 'Inline' property set to 'true', which REQUIRES at least one form in the 'Target' property. Please add a target FormClass."); } // the first target cannot be based on an abstract class FormContainer target = modelChoice.getTarget().get(0); Clazz realClassForTarget = getRealClassForFormClass((FormClass) target); if (realClassForTarget.isAbstract()) { throw new RuntimeException("The first form in the 'Target' property of form '" + modelChoiceType.getDisplayLabel() + "' MUST NOT be based on an abstract class."); } } if (modelChoice.getWidget().equals(ModelChoiceWidgetType.ITEM_SELECTOR)) { modelChoiceType.setExtendedWidget(true); } // if (asso.isOrdered()) { modelChoiceType.setOrdered(true); } // if (modelChoice.getField_size() > 0) { String lsize = "" + modelChoice.getField_size(); modelChoiceType.setFieldSize(StringUtils.trim(lsize)); } // String formatPattern = modelChoice.getFormat_pattern(); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(formatPattern) != null) { modelChoiceType.setFormatPattern(formatPattern); } // String xtension = formGenerator.getXtensionAsString(modelChoice); if (StringUtils.trimToNull(xtension) != null) { modelChoiceType.setXtension(xtension); } } /** * Gets the name of the association that a model choice field implements. * * @param modelChoiceField * @param form * @return */ public String getAssociationNameForModelChoice(ModelChoiceField modelChoiceField, FormContainer form) { ModelElement ref = modelChoiceField.getRef(); if (ref == null) { throw new RuntimeException("The 'Ref' property of model choice field '" + modelChoiceField.getLabel() + "' on form '" + form.getLabel() + "' is not set. Can't continue. Please fix that errror before generating again."); } ModelElement refModelElement = (ModelElement) formGenerator.getRealObject(ref); if (refModelElement instanceof Association) { return ((Association) refModelElement).getName(); } throw new RuntimeException("The 'Ref' property of model choice field '" + modelChoiceField.getLabel() + "' on form '" + form.getLabel() + "' is not an association. Can't continue. Please fix that errror before generating again."); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#beginListForms() */ public void beginListForms() { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endForm(com.bluexml.side * .form .Form) */ public void endForm(FormContainer form) { // nothing } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.bluexml.xforms.generator.GeneratorInterface#endListForms() */ public void endListForms() { // nothing } }