Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) 2007-2011  BlueXML -
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package com.bluexml.xforms.controller.mapping;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import com.bluexml.side.form.utils.DOMUtil;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoController;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoTransaction;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.beans.FileUploadInfoBean;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.beans.PersistFormResultBean;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AssociationActions;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AssociationType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ClassType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FileFieldType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FormFieldType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.FormType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAssociation;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAssociations;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAttribute;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericClass;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericClassReference;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.Mapping;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ModelChoiceType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ReferenceType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ValueType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.WorkflowTaskType;
import com.bluexml.xforms.messages.MsgId;

 * The Class MappingToolFormsToAlfresco.
public class MappingToolFormsToAlfresco extends MappingToolCommon {

    /** The logger. */
    protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MappingToolFormsToAlfresco.class);

     * Instantiates a new mapping tool forms to alfresco.
     * @param mapping
     *            the mapping
     * @param controller
     *            the controller
    public MappingToolFormsToAlfresco(Mapping mapping, AlfrescoController controller) {
        super(mapping, controller);

     * Transform forms to alfresco.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param formName
     *            the form name
     * @param formNode
     *            the form node
     * @return the com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.binding. class
     * @throws ServletException
    public GenericClass transformsToAlfresco(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, String formName, Node formNode,
            Map<String, String> initParams, boolean isMassTagging) throws ServletException {
        Element rootElt = getRootElement(formName, formNode);

        VirtualResolver virtualResolver = new VirtualResolver(this);
        virtualResolver.prepareXFormsToAlfresco(rootElt, formName);

        GenericClass result = persistFormElement(transaction, formName, rootElt, initParams, isMassTagging);

        return result;

     * Returns a JSON string reflecting the content of the GenericClass object built from the
     * instance. The example used as a specification is:
     * <p>
     * <pre>
     * {type:"{}bluexml_demo_rh_Personne",
     *  properties:{"{}bluexml_demo_rh_Personne_nom":"abad", 
     *              "{}bluexml_demo_rh_Personne_prenom":"david"
     *             }
     * }
     * <pre>
     * @param transaction
     * @param formName
     * @param shortPropertyNames
     * @param instance
     * @return
     * @throws ServletException
    public String transformsToJSON(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, String formName, Node formNode,
            boolean shortPropertyNames, Map<String, String> initParams) throws ServletException {

        Element root = getRootElement(formName, formNode);

        FormType formType = getFormType(formName);
        GenericClass alfClass = persistFormElement(transaction, formName, root, initParams, false);

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(256);
        String propName = "";
        String typeName = "";

        ClassType classType = formType.getRealClass();
        String packageName = classType.getPackage();
        String rootPackage = packageName;
        int pos = packageName.indexOf('.');
        if (pos != -1) {
            rootPackage = packageName.substring(0, pos);
        String namespace = MsgId.INT_NAMESPACE_BLUEXML_CLASS + "/" + rootPackage + "/1.0";

        buf.append("{"); // open JSON string

        // the title
        typeName = "{" + namespace + "}" + classType.getAlfrescoName();

        // the properties
        boolean first = true;
        for (GenericAttribute attribute : alfClass.getAttributes().getAttribute()) {
            if (first == false) {
            first = false;
            propName = "{";
            propName += namespace;
            propName += "}";
            propName += attribute.getQualifiedName();
            if (shortPropertyNames) {
                propName = StringUtils.replace(propName, typeName, "");
        buf.append("}"); // close properties

        buf.append("}"); // close the JSON string

        return buf.toString();

     * Builds a GenericClass from fields and associations defined on the form only: the special
     * attribute for data node content is added afterwards.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param formName
     *            the form name
     * @param rootElt
     *            the relevant root element. Normally, its node name is the form name.
     * @return the com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.binding. class
     * @throws ServletException
    private GenericClass persistFormElement(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, String formName, Element rootElt,
            Map<String, String> initParams, boolean isMassTagging) throws ServletException {

        GenericClass alfClass = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericClass();
        // ** #1241
        alfClass.setMassTagging("" + isMassTagging);
        if (isMassTagging) {
            String massIds = patchMassIds(initParams);
        // ** #1241
        GenericAssociations createAssociations = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociations();

        FormType formType = getFormType(formName);
        if (formType != null) { // this is a FormClass
            ClassType classType = getClassType(formType.getRealClass());

            List<Element> children = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(rootElt);
            String elementId = xformsIdToAlfresco(children);


            collectFields(formName, rootElt, formType.getField(), alfClass, initParams, isMassTagging);

            if (isMassTagging == false) {
                if (elementId != null) {
                    collectAssocsToClear(formType, classType, alfClass);

                collectAssocs(transaction, rootElt, formType.getModelChoice(), formType.getReference(), alfClass,
        } else { // dealing with a FormWorkflow
            WorkflowTaskType taskType = getWorkflowTaskType(formName, false);
            collectFields(formName, rootElt, taskType.getField(), alfClass, initParams, false);
            // change the references list if references become supported in FormWorkflow's
            collectAssocs(transaction, rootElt, taskType.getModelChoice(), new ArrayList<ReferenceType>(), alfClass,

            // set the name of the form as qualified name: in case the worfklow form has FileFields
            // that upload to the filesystem, the name will serve as a directory name.
        return alfClass;

     * @param initParams
     * @return
    private String patchMassIds(Map<String, String> initParams) {
        String ids = initParams.get(MsgId.PARAM_MASS_IDS.getText());
        StringBuffer massIds = new StringBuffer();
        String[] splittedIds = StringUtils.split(ids, ',');
        boolean first = true;
        for (String splitId : splittedIds) {
            if (first == false) {
            first = false;
        return massIds.toString();

     * Collect assocs to clear.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param element
     *            the element
     * @param formType
     *            the form type
     * @param classType
     *            the class type
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
    private void collectAssocsToClear(FormType formType, ClassType classType, GenericClass alfClass) {
        List<ModelChoiceType> modelChoices = new ArrayList<ModelChoiceType>(formType.getModelChoice());

        List<ModelChoiceType> presentModelChoices = new ArrayList<ModelChoiceType>();

        List<AssociationType> associations = new ArrayList<AssociationType>();

        ClassType type = classType;
        do {
            type = getClassType(type);
            type = type.getParentClass();
        } while (type != null);

        for (AssociationType associationType : associations) {
            String alfrescoName = associationType.getAlfrescoName();
            ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType = getModelChoice(modelChoices, alfrescoName);
            if (modelChoiceType != null) {

        for (ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType : presentModelChoices) {

            String associationAlfrescoName = modelChoiceType.getAlfrescoName();
            // String targetAlfrescoName = getClassType(
            // modelChoiceType.getRealClass()).getAlfrescoName();

            GenericAssociation association = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociation();
            // Target alfTarget = alfrescoObjectFactory.createTarget();
            // alfTarget.setQualifiedName(targetAlfrescoName);
            // alfTarget.setValue("notused");
            // association.getAssociationClassOrTarget().add(alfTarget);

     * Gets the model choice that matches the alfresco name from the list.
     * @param modelChoices
     *            a list of model choices
     * @param alfrescoName
     *            the alfresco name
     * @return the model choice
    private ModelChoiceType getModelChoice(List<ModelChoiceType> modelChoices, String alfrescoName) {
        for (ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType : modelChoices) {
            if (modelChoiceType.getAlfrescoName().equals(alfrescoName)) {
                return modelChoiceType;
        return null;

     * Collect assocs.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param element
     *            the element
     * @param formType
     *            the form type
     * @param classType
     *            the class type
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @throws ServletException
    // private void collectAssocs(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, Element
    // element, FormType formType,
    // GenericClass alfClass) throws ServletException {
    private void collectAssocs(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, Element element, List<ModelChoiceType> modelChoices,
            List<ReferenceType> references, GenericClass alfClass, Map<String, String> initParams)
            throws ServletException {
        for (ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType : modelChoices) {
            Element modelChoiceElement = DOMUtil.getChild(element, modelChoiceType.getUniqueName());
            if (isExtendedWidget(modelChoiceType) || isInline(modelChoiceType)) {
                collectModelChoices(transaction, alfClass, modelChoiceType, modelChoiceElement, initParams);
            } else {
                // plain select widget applies only when the field is: not inline and not extended
                collectModelChoiceSelectWidget(modelChoiceType, modelChoiceElement, alfClass);
        for (ReferenceType referenceType : references) {
            Element referenceElement = DOMUtil.getChild(element, referenceType.getUniqueName());
            List<FormType> targets = referenceType.getTarget();
            collectTargets(transaction, alfClass, referenceType, referenceElement, targets, initParams);

     * Collect model choices.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @param modelChoiceType
     *            the model choice type
     * @param modelChoiceElement
     *            the model choice element
     * @throws ServletException
    private void collectModelChoices(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, GenericClass alfClass,
            ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType, Element modelChoiceElement, Map<String, String> initParams)
            throws ServletException {
        List<Element> values = new ArrayList<Element>(DOMUtil.getAllChildren(modelChoiceElement));
        if (modelChoiceType.getMaxBound() != 1) {
            values.remove(values.size() - 1);
        for (Element value : values) {
            collectModelChoice(alfClass, modelChoiceType, value, transaction, initParams);

     * Analyzes the value when the association widget is a select in order to add the relevant
     * associations in the GenericClass object.
     * @param modelChoiceType
     *            the mapping entry for the association field
     * @param rootElt
     *            the node for the association field in the form instance
     * @param alfClass
     *            the object to be sent to the webscript
    private void collectModelChoiceSelectWidget(ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType, Element rootElt,
            GenericClass alfClass) {
        Element item = DOMUtil.getChild(rootElt, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_ASSOCIATION_ITEM.getText());
        String textContent = item.getTextContent();
        String[] ids = StringUtils.split(textContent, " ");
        for (String id : ids) {
            collectAddAssociation(alfClass, id, modelChoiceType);

     * Collect model choice.
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @param modelChoiceType
     *            the model choice type
     * @param value
     *            the value
     * @param at
     * @throws ServletException
    private void collectModelChoice(GenericClass alfClass, ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType, Element value,
            AlfrescoTransaction at, Map<String, String> initParams) throws ServletException {
        String id = getModelChoiceId(value, modelChoiceType, at, initParams);
        if (id != null) {
            collectAddAssociation(alfClass, id, modelChoiceType);

    private String getModelChoiceId(Element value, ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType, AlfrescoTransaction at,
            Map<String, String> initParams) throws ServletException {
        String id = null;
        if (isInline(modelChoiceType)) {
            PersistFormResultBean result = controller.persistForm(at, modelChoiceType.getTarget().get(0).getName(),
                    DOMUtil.getFirstElement(value), initParams, false);
            id = result.getResultStr();
        } else {
            id = getId(value);
        return id;

     * Collect targets.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @param referenceType
     *            the reference type
     * @param referenceElement
     *            the reference element
     * @param targets
     *            the targets
     * @throws ServletException
    private void collectTargets(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, GenericClass alfClass, ReferenceType referenceType,
            Element referenceElement, List<FormType> targets, Map<String, String> initParams)
            throws ServletException {

        int i = 0;
        for (FormType target : targets) {
            String targetId = null;
            Element targetElement = null;

            targetElement = DOMUtil.getChild(referenceElement, target.getName());

            PersistFormResultBean result = controller.persistForm(transaction, target.getName(), targetElement,
                    initParams, false);
            targetId = result.getResultStr();
            collectAddAssociation(alfClass, targetId, referenceType);

     * Collect add association.
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @param targetId
     *            the target id
     * @param modelChoiceType
     *            the model choice type
     * @param associationClassId
     *            the association class id
    private void collectAddAssociation(GenericClass alfClass, String targetId, ModelChoiceType modelChoiceType) {

        String associationAlfrescoName = modelChoiceType.getAlfrescoName();
        String targetAlfrescoName = getClassType(modelChoiceType.getRealClass()).getAlfrescoName();

        GenericAssociation association = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociation();

        GenericClassReference alfTarget = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericClassReference();


     * Collect fields. //$$ TRACE LOG
     * @param formName
     *            the name of the current form, used for messages.
     * @param rootElt
     *            the root element of the instance
     * @param formType
     *            the form type
     * @param classType
     *            the class type
     * @param alfClass
     *            the GenericClass to be filled
     * @param isMassTagging
     *            if <code>true</code>, only fields that have a value will end in the GenericClass
    private void collectFields(String formName, Element rootElt, List<FormFieldType> fields, GenericClass alfClass,
            Map<String, String> initParams, boolean isMassTagging) {
        for (FormFieldType fieldType : fields) {
            String uniqueName = fieldType.getUniqueName();
            String alfrescoName = fieldType.getAlfrescoName();
            Element fieldElement = DOMUtil.getChild(rootElt, uniqueName);
            if (fieldElement == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No DOM element was found in the instance for field: " + uniqueName
                        + "' (" + alfrescoName + "). Probably another form has the same id as this one ('"
                        + formName + "') or there's a bug in the XForms engine.");

            // whether the attribute will make it into the genericClass object
            boolean gotValue = false;
            GenericAttribute attribute = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAttribute();
            String type = fieldType.getType();
            String inputTextContent = fieldElement.getTextContent();
            boolean readOnly = isReadOnly(fieldType);
            if (loggertrace.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Received value '" + inputTextContent + "' for attribute '" + alfrescoName
                        + "' with type '" + type + "'. Read-only status '" + readOnly + "'. isFileField: "
                        + (fieldType instanceof FileFieldType) + " . isServletRequest: N/A");

            // convert the XForms field value to an attribute (possibly multiple) value
            if (isMultiple(fieldType)) {
                gotValue = convertXformsMultipleAttributeToAlfresco(attribute, inputTextContent, fieldElement, type,
                        fieldType.getStaticEnumType(), initParams, isMassTagging);
            } else {
                if ((isMassTagging == false)
                        || (isMassTagging && (StringUtils.trimToNull(inputTextContent) != null))) {
                    String alfrescoValue = null;
                    // if applicable, take the user format into account
                    if (isAmendable(type, isReadOnly(fieldType), false)) {
                        inputTextContent = getReadOnlyDateOrTimeModifiedValue(type, inputTextContent);
                    if (type.equals("DateTime")) {
                        String date;
                        String time;
                        if (readOnly) {
                            date = extractDateFromDateTimeModified(inputTextContent);
                            time = extractTimeFromDateTimeModified(inputTextContent);
                        } else {
                            date = DOMUtil.getChild(fieldElement, "date").getTextContent();
                            time = DOMUtil.getChild(fieldElement, "time").getTextContent();
                        alfrescoValue = getDateTimeFromDateAndTime(date, time);
                    } else if (isSearchEnum(fieldType)) {
                        alfrescoValue = DOMUtil.getChild(fieldElement, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDEID.getText())
                    } else if (isSelectionCapable(fieldType)) {
                        alfrescoValue = DOMUtil
                                .getElementInDescentByName(fieldElement, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDEID.getText())
                    } else {
                        alfrescoValue = convertXformsAttributeToAlfresco(inputTextContent, type,
                                fieldType.getStaticEnumType(), initParams, isMassTagging);
                    ValueType valueType = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();
                    gotValue = true;
            // mark FileFields with their destination. Useful for the webscript and for the upload
            // processing by the controller.
            if ((fieldType instanceof FileFieldType) && (isMassTagging == false)) {
                FileFieldType fileField = (FileFieldType) fieldType;
                String destination = isInRepository(fileField) ? MsgId.INT_UPLOAD_DEST_REPO.getText()
                        : MsgId.INT_UPLOAD_DEST_FILE.getText();

                // we need a name for the node (in case of upload to the repository)
                ValueType valueTypeNameAndExt = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();
                String nameAndExt = fieldElement.getAttribute("file");

                // we also want the MIME type; not needed but it won't hurt
                ValueType valueTypeMIME = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();
                String mimetype = fieldElement.getAttribute("type");

            if ((isMassTagging == false) || (isMassTagging && gotValue)) {

        // if applicable, append the implicit attribute that will keep info about the node content
        Element nodeContentElt = DOMUtil.getChild(rootElt, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDE_NODE_CONTENT.getText());
        if ((isMassTagging == false) && (nodeContentElt != null)) {
            GenericAttribute contentAttr = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAttribute();
            contentAttr.setSkipMe("true"); // <-- this is MANDATORY!

            ValueType pathValue = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();
            ValueType nameValue = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();
            ValueType mimeValue = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType();

            String path = nodeContentElt.getTextContent();

            String nameAndExt = nodeContentElt.getAttribute("file");

            String mimetype = nodeContentElt.getAttribute("type");


            // append the attribute for content

     * Gets the (repository) content attribute.
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @return the repository content attribute
    private GenericAttribute getNodeContentAttribute(GenericClass alfClass) {

        List<GenericAttribute> attributes = alfClass.getAttributes().getAttribute();
        for (GenericAttribute attribute : attributes) {
            String qualifiedName = attribute.getQualifiedName();

            if (qualifiedName != null && qualifiedName.equals(MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDE_NODE_CONTENT.getText())) {
                return attribute;
        return null;

     * Gets the file info bean about the repository content that may be in the class object.
     * @param transaction
     *            the login
     * @param alfClass
     *            the alf class
     * @return null if no repository content file name was detected
    public FileUploadInfoBean getNodeContentInfo(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, GenericClass alfClass) {
        GenericAttribute contentAttribute = getNodeContentAttribute(alfClass);
        if (contentAttribute != null) {
            String path = contentAttribute.getValue().get(0).getValue();
            String name = contentAttribute.getValue().get(1).getValue();
            String type = contentAttribute.getValue().get(2).getValue();

            return new FileUploadInfoBean(path, name, type, contentAttribute,
        return null;
