Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2011 BlueXML - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.bluexml.xforms.controller.mapping; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.bluexml.side.form.utils.DOMUtil; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoController; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoTransaction; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AspectType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AssociationActions; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AssociationType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.AttributeType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ClassType; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAssociation; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAssociations; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAttribute; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericAttributes; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericClass; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.GenericClassReference; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.Mapping; import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.binding.ValueType; import com.bluexml.xforms.messages.MsgId; /** * The Class MappingToolClassFormsToAlfresco. */ public class MappingToolClassFormsToAlfresco extends MappingToolCommon { protected static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MappingToolClassFormsToAlfresco.class); /** * Instantiates a new mapping tool class forms to alfresco. * * @param mapping * the mapping * @param controller * the controller */ public MappingToolClassFormsToAlfresco(Mapping mapping, AlfrescoController controller) { super(mapping, controller); } /** * Fill alfresco class. * * @param login * the login * @param alfrescoClass * the alfresco class * @param xformsNode * the xforms node * @param isServletRequest */ private void fillAlfrescoClass(GenericClass alfrescoClass, Node xformsNode, boolean isServletRequest, Map<String, String> initParams) { Element element = null; if (xformsNode instanceof Document) { element = ((Document) xformsNode).getDocumentElement(); } else { element = (Element) xformsNode; } List<Element> children = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(element); ClassType classType = null; Element sideDataType = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDE_DATATYPE.getText()); if (sideDataType != null) { classType = getClassType(sideDataType.getTextContent()); } else { classType = getClassType(element.getTagName()); } alfrescoClass.setQualifiedName(classType.getAlfrescoName()); List<ClassType> classTypes = getParentClassTypes(classType); GenericAttributes attributes = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAttributes(); GenericAssociations associations = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociations(); associations.setAction("replace"); for (ClassType subClassType : classTypes) { xformsAttributesToAlfresco(attributes, children, subClassType, isServletRequest, initParams); xformsAssociationsToAlfresco(associations, children, subClassType); } alfrescoClass.setAttributes(attributes); alfrescoClass.setAssociations(associations); String elementId = xformsIdToAlfresco(children); if (elementId != null) { alfrescoClass.setId(elementId); } } /** * Process association. * * @param login * the login * @param associations * the associations * @param associationType * the association type * @param associationElement * the association element * @deprecated */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void processAssociation(AlfrescoTransaction transaction, GenericAssociations associations, AssociationType associationType, Element associationElement, Map<String, String> initParams) { String targetId = null; Element targetNode = null; targetNode = associationElement; if (targetNode != null) { if (isInline(associationType)) { targetId = processSave(transaction, targetNode, initParams); } else { Element specificElement = DOMUtil.getChild(targetNode, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDEID.getText()); if (specificElement != null) { targetId = StringUtils.trimToNull(specificElement.getTextContent()); targetId = controller.patchDataId(targetId); } } } if (targetId != null) { GenericAssociation association = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociation(); association.setQualifiedName(associationType.getAlfrescoName()); association.setAction(AssociationActions.ADD); GenericClassReference target = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericClassReference(); target.setQualifiedName(associationType.getType().getAlfrescoName()); target.setValue(targetId); association.setTarget(target); associations.getAssociation().add(association); } } /** * Transform class forms to alfresco. * * @param node * the node * @param isServletRequest * * @return the com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.binding. class */ public GenericClass transformClassFormsToAlfresco(Node node, boolean isServletRequest, Map<String, String> initParams) { logXML(node, "transformXFormsToAlfresco", "input"); GenericClass alfrescoClass = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericClass(); fillAlfrescoClass(alfrescoClass, node, isServletRequest, initParams); // String datas = marshal(alfrescoClass); // logXML(null, "transformXFormsToAlfresco", "output", datas); // AlfrescoData alfrescoData = new AlfrescoData(datas, alfrescoClass // .getId()); return alfrescoClass; } /** * Xforms associations to alfresco. * * @param login * the login * @param associations * the associations * @param children * the children * @param classType * the class type */ private void xformsAssociationsToAlfresco(GenericAssociations associations, List<Element> children, ClassType classType) { List<AssociationType> xformsAssociations = classType.getAssociation(); xformsAssociationsToAlfresco(children, associations, xformsAssociations); } /** * Xforms associations to alfresco. * * @param login * the login * @param children * the children * @param associations * the associations * @param xformsAssociations * the xforms associations */ private void xformsAssociationsToAlfresco(List<Element> children, GenericAssociations associations, List<AssociationType> xformsAssociations) { for (AssociationType associationType : xformsAssociations) { xformsAssociationToAlfresco(children, associations, associationType); } } /** * Interprets an association field tag from the form's XML instance and builds the appropriate * elements of the generic class object being built. * * @param children * the first-level nodes in the form instance. Each node is a field. * @param associations * the associations being built in the generic class object * @param associationType * the mapping entry for the association field */ private void xformsAssociationToAlfresco(List<Element> children, GenericAssociations associations, AssociationType associationType) { // find the node that stores the info for this association field Element associationElement = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, associationType.getName()); if (associationElement != null) { // simple precaution; should always turn true. Element item = DOMUtil.getChild(associationElement, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_ASSOCIATION_ITEM.getText()); String textContent = item.getTextContent(); String[] ids = StringUtils.split(textContent, " "); for (String targetId : ids) { GenericAssociation association = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAssociation(); association.setQualifiedName(associationType.getAlfrescoName()); association.setAction(AssociationActions.ADD); GenericClassReference target = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericClassReference(); target.setQualifiedName(associationType.getType().getAlfrescoName()); target.setValue(targetId); association.setTarget(target); associations.getAssociation().add(association); } } // This section is deprecated since the widget was changed to a plain select list. Inline // associations are no longer supported in these default forms since "simplifyClasses" was // forced to true. // // List<Element> associationElements = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(associationElement); // for (int i = 0; i < associationElements.size(); i++) { // if (!isMultiple(associationType) || i != (associationElements.size() - 1)) { // processAssociation(transaction, associations, associationType, // associationElements.get(i), initParams); // } // } } /** * Xforms attributes to alfresco. * * @param attributes * the attributes * @param children * the children * @param classType * the class type * @param isServletRequest */ private void xformsAttributesToAlfresco(GenericAttributes attributes, List<Element> children, ClassType classType, boolean isServletRequest, Map<String, String> initParams) { List<AttributeType> xformsAttributes = classType.getAttribute(); xformsAttributesToAlfresco(children, attributes, xformsAttributes, isServletRequest, initParams); List<AspectType> aspects = classType.getAspect(); for (AspectType aspectType : aspects) { Element aspect = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, aspectType.getName()); if (aspect != null) { List<AttributeType> aspectAttributes = getAspectType(aspectType).getAttribute(); List<Element> aspectChildren = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(aspect); xformsAttributesToAlfresco(aspectChildren, attributes, aspectAttributes, isServletRequest, initParams); } } } /** * Xforms attributes to alfresco. * * @param children * the children * @param attributes * the attributes * @param xformsAttributes * the xforms attributes */ private void xformsAttributesToAlfresco(List<Element> children, GenericAttributes attributes, List<AttributeType> xformsAttributes, boolean isServletRequest, Map<String, String> initParams) { for (AttributeType xformsAttribute : xformsAttributes) { Element child = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, xformsAttribute.getName()); if (child != null) { attributes.getAttribute() .add(xformsAttributeToAlfresco(child, xformsAttribute, isServletRequest, initParams)); } } } /** * Xforms attribute to alfresco. //$$ TRACE LOG * * @param child * the child * @param attributeType * the xforms attribute * @param isServletRequest * * @return the attribute */ private GenericAttribute xformsAttributeToAlfresco(Element child, AttributeType attributeType, boolean isServletRequest, Map<String, String> initParams) { GenericAttribute result = alfrescoObjectFactory.createGenericAttribute(); String alfrescoName = attributeType.getAlfrescoName(); result.setQualifiedName(alfrescoName); String enumName = isDynamicEnum(attributeType) ? null : attributeType.getEnumQName(); String inputTextContent = child.getTextContent(); String type = attributeType.getType(); if (isMultiple(attributeType)) { convertXformsMultipleAttributeToAlfresco(result, inputTextContent, child, type, enumName, initParams, false); } else { String value = null; boolean attributeIsReadOnly = isReadOnly(attributeType); if (loggertrace.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Received value '" + inputTextContent + "' for attribute '" + alfrescoName + "' with type '" + type + "'. Read-only status '" + attributeIsReadOnly + "'. isFileField: " + isFileField(attributeType) + " . isServletRequest: " + isServletRequest); } if (isAmendable(type, attributeIsReadOnly, isServletRequest)) { inputTextContent = getReadOnlyDateOrTimeModifiedValue(type, inputTextContent); } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(MsgId.INT_TYPE_XSD_DATETIME.getText())) { String date; String time; if (attributeIsReadOnly) { date = extractDateFromDateTimeModified(inputTextContent); time = extractTimeFromDateTimeModified(inputTextContent); } else { date = DOMUtil.getChild(child, "date").getTextContent(); time = DOMUtil.getChild(child, "time").getTextContent(); } value = getDateTimeFromDateAndTime(date, time); } else { value = convertXformsAttributeToAlfresco(inputTextContent, type, enumName, initParams, false); } result.getValue().clear(); ValueType valueType = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType(); valueType.setValue(value); result.getValue().add(valueType); if (isRepositoryContent(attributeType)) { // we need a name for the node when uploaded in the repository ValueType valueTypeNameAndExt = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType(); String nameAndExt = child.getAttribute("file"); valueTypeNameAndExt.setValue(nameAndExt); result.getValue().add(valueTypeNameAndExt); // we also need the MIME type ValueType valueTypeMIME = alfrescoObjectFactory.createValueType(); String mimetype = child.getAttribute("type"); valueTypeMIME.setValue(mimetype); result.getValue().add(valueTypeMIME); } } return result; } /** * Removes the reference. * * @param node * the node * @param elementId * the element id */ public void removeReference(Node node, String elementId) { String relementId = controller.patchDataId(elementId); Element element = null; if (node instanceof Document) { element = ((Document) node).getDocumentElement(); } else { if (node instanceof Element) { element = (Element) node; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknow type of DOM node element"); } } List<Element> children = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(element); ClassType classType = null; Element dataType = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDE_DATATYPE.getText()); if (dataType != null) { classType = getClassType(dataType.getTextContent()); } else { classType = getClassType(element.getTagName()); } List<ClassType> classTypes = getParentClassTypes(classType); List<Element> elementsToRemove = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (ClassType subClassType : classTypes) { List<AssociationType> xformsAssociations = subClassType.getAssociation(); for (AssociationType associationType : xformsAssociations) { Element associationElement = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(children, associationType.getName()); if (associationElement != null) { List<Element> associationElements = DOMUtil.getAllChildren(associationElement); for (Element association : associationElements) { processRemoveReference(relementId, elementsToRemove, associationType, association, isMultiple(associationType)); } } } } for (Element elementToRemove : elementsToRemove) { element.removeChild(elementToRemove); } } /** * Process remove reference. * * @param relementId * the relement id * @param elementsToRemove * the elements to remove * @param associationType * the association type * @param associationElement * the association element * @param multiple * the multiple */ private void processRemoveReference(String relementId, List<Element> elementsToRemove, AssociationType associationType, Element associationElement, boolean multiple) { String targetId = null; Element targetNode = null; targetNode = associationElement; if (targetNode != null) { targetId = getId(targetNode); if (StringUtils.equals(targetId, relementId)) { if (multiple) { elementsToRemove.add(associationElement); } else { Element eltTargetId = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(DOMUtil.getAllChildren(targetNode), MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDEID.getText()); Element eltTargetLabel = DOMUtil.getOneElementByTagName(DOMUtil.getAllChildren(targetNode), MsgId.INT_INSTANCE_SIDELABEL.getText()); eltTargetId.setTextContent(""); eltTargetLabel.setTextContent(""); } } else if (isInline(associationType)) { removeReference(targetNode, relementId); } } } /** * Checks for sub types. * * @param dataType * the data type * * @return true, if successful and the datatype actually has some subtypes. */ public boolean hasSubTypes(String dataType) { ClassType classType = getClassType(dataType); if (classType == null) { return false; } return (classType.getSubClass().size() > 0); } }