Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright (C) 2007-2011  BlueXML -
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package com.bluexml.xforms.actions;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.alfresco.repo.workflow.WorkflowModel;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
import org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.alfresco.AlfrescoTransaction;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.beans.PageInfoBean;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.beans.WorkflowTaskInfoBean;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.navigation.NavigationSessionListener;
import com.bluexml.xforms.controller.navigation.Page;
import com.bluexml.xforms.messages.MsgId;
import com.bluexml.xforms.messages.MsgPool;

 * Responds to workflow transition buttons on form.
 * @author Amenel
 * @author davidabad
public class WorkflowTransitionAction extends AbstractWorkflowAction {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.bluexml.xforms.actions.AbstractAction#getActionName()
    public String getActionName() {

        return MsgId.INT_ACT_CODE_WRKFLW_TRANSITION.getText();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.bluexml.xforms.actions.AbstractAction#getParamNames()
    protected String[] getParamNames() {

        return new String[] { TRANSITION_NAME };

     * Deals with redirecting the client in case the transition succeeded.
     * @param currentPage
     * @param resultBean
     * @param URLsuffix
    protected void redirectSuccess(Page currentPage, TransitionResultBean resultBean, String URLsuffix) {
        Map<String, String> initParams = currentPage.getInitParams();
        String nextPage = null;

        // decide whether to append parameters to the URL
        boolean foundInParams = initParams.containsKey(MsgId.PARAM_SKIP_ADDITIONAL_INFO.getText());
        boolean skipInfo = false;
        String formName = currentPage.getFormName();
        if (foundInParams) {
            skipInfo = (StringUtils.equals(initParams.get(MsgId.PARAM_SKIP_ADDITIONAL_INFO.getText()), "true"));
        } else { // #1656
            // there may be something specified in the Xtension property of this form
            skipInfo = controller.getXtensionSkipAdditionalInfo(formName, currentPage.getFormType());

        // compute the suffix (parameters string), if any.
        String suffix = "";
        if (skipInfo == false) {
            suffix += URLsuffix;
            // normally, the instance and process ids are available
            suffix = suffix + "&" + MsgId.PARAM_WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID + "=" + currentPage.getWkflwProcessId();
            suffix = suffix + "&" + MsgId.PARAM_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID + "=" + currentPage.getWkflwInstanceId();

        // determine the redirection URL if any
        nextPage = initParams.get(MsgId.PARAM_SUCCESS_PAGE.getText());
        if (nextPage == null) { // #1656
            // there may be something specified in the Xtension property of this form
            nextPage = controller.getXtensionSuccessPage(formName);

        // do the redirection
        if (nextPage != null) {
            // go to any url that was specified
            redirectToClientURL(formName, nextPage, suffix, skipInfo);
        } else {
            // we get to decide where to redirect
            redirectToWorkflowForm(currentPage, resultBean, suffix);

     * Deals with redirecting the client in case the transition failed.
     * @param currentPage
     * @param URLsuffix
    protected void redirectFailure(Page currentPage, String URLsuffix) {
        Map<String, String> initParams = currentPage.getInitParams();
        String nextPage = null;

        // determine the redirection page's URL
        nextPage = initParams.get(MsgId.PARAM_FAILURE_PAGE.getText());
        if (nextPage == null) { // #1656
            // there may be something specified in the Xtension property of this form
            nextPage = controller.getXtensionFailurePage(currentPage.getFormName());

        if (nextPage != null) {
            // determine whether to append the suffix
            boolean foundInParams = initParams.containsKey(MsgId.PARAM_SKIP_ADDITIONAL_INFO.getText());
            boolean skipInfo = false;
            if (foundInParams) {
                skipInfo = (StringUtils.equals(initParams.get(MsgId.PARAM_SKIP_ADDITIONAL_INFO.getText()), "true"));
            } else { // #1656
                // there may be something specified in the Xtension property of this form
                skipInfo = controller.getXtensionSkipAdditionalInfo(currentPage.getFormName(),

            redirectToClientURL(currentPage.getFormName(), nextPage, URLsuffix, skipInfo);

        PageInfoBean bean = new PageInfoBean(currentPage);
        setSubmissionDefaultLocation(getServletURL(), result);

     * Worker function.
     * @return false if exception or can't do the transition. Otherwise true.
     * @throws ServletException
    protected TransitionResultBean submitWork() throws ServletException {
        TransitionResultBean resultBean = new TransitionResultBean();
        HashMap<QName, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
        currentPage = navigationPath.peekCurrentPage();

        // check the transition although should never throw up... normally.
        String transitionToTake = requestParameters.get(TRANSITION_NAME);
        if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(transitionToTake).equals(StringUtils.EMPTY)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("XForms WorkflowTransitionAction: no transition name given.");

        // collect info for use later
        String wkFormName = currentPage.getFormName();
        WorkflowTaskInfoBean taskBean = controller.getWorkflowTaskInfoBean(wkFormName);
        userName = getCurrentUserName();

        // get process id; try url params first.
        String candidateId = currentPage.getInitParams().get(MsgId.PARAM_WORKFLOW_PROCESS_ID.getText());
        String processId = findProcessId(candidateId, wkFormName);
        if (processId == null) {
            navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Could not find the process Id. Giving up.");
            return resultBean;

        collectTaskProperties(properties, node, taskBean, processId);

        // check that the user is authorized. Already done for the initial task so don't redo.
        if (/*
            * (controller.isStartTaskForm(wkFormName) == false)
            * &&
            */(validateCurrentUser(taskBean, properties) == false)) {
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
            return resultBean;

        // add properties from the form fields
        String formTaskName = controller.getWorkflowBlueXMLTaskName(wkFormName);

        // no need to continue if in standalone mode
        if (controller.isInStandaloneMode()) {
                    "The Alfresco Controller is in standalone mode. Workflow actions are not available.");
            return resultBean;

        // check that there's some repository content to associate with the workflow package
        // # 1299: try to save the data form. In case of initial task, this will provide a data id.
        // In all cases, currentPage.getDataId() returns a valid id. Certified :-)
        String dataForm = controller.getUnderlyingDataFormForWorkflow(wkFormName);
        if (dataForm != null) { // #1284
            SubmitAction action = new SubmitAction();
            action.setProperties(controller, uri);
            action.setSubmitProperties(this.result, submission, node,
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Could not save the data form.");
                if (logger.isErrorEnabled()) {
                    logger.error("Auto-save at workflow: error when saving the data form.", e);
                return resultBean;

        // launch a workflow if on a start task form - also set the instance id
        if (initializeTask(wkFormName, taskBean, properties, processId) == false) {
            return resultBean;

        // there's no point in continuing without a workflow instance Id
        String wkflwInstanceId = currentPage.getWkflwInstanceId();
        if (StringUtils.trimToNull(wkflwInstanceId) == null) {
            navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Transition not followed. No workflow instance id is available.");
            return resultBean;

        // check that an active task for the workflow instance is consistent with the current form
        logger.debug("Getting the current tasks for workflow instance with id: " + wkflwInstanceId);
        List<String> tasks = controller.workflowGetCurrentTasksInfo(transaction, wkflwInstanceId);
        if (tasks.size() == 0) {
                    "Transition not followed. No tasks were found for instance id '" + wkflwInstanceId + "'.");
            return resultBean;

        logger.debug("Finding the relevant tasks for form " + formTaskName + " amongst tasks '" + tasks + "'");
        String taskInfoString = findRelevantTaskForForm(formTaskName, tasks);
        if (taskInfoString == null) {
            navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Transition not followed. The form '" + wkFormName
                    + "' is not consistent with the current task(s) on the workflow instance.");
            return resultBean;

        // save the task's current state
        logger.debug("Updating task " + taskInfoString);
        String taskId = getIdFromTaskIdNameTitle(taskInfoString);
        if (controller.workflowUpdateTask(transaction, taskId, properties) == false) {
            navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Transition not followed. Failed while updating the task.");
            return resultBean;

        // trigger the transition whose button was clicked
        logger.debug("Ending task " + taskId + " with transition " + transitionToTake);
        if (controller.workflowEndTask(transaction, taskId, transitionToTake) == false) {
            navigationPath.setStatusMsg("Transition not followed. Failed while ending the task.");
            return resultBean;

        // set assignment for next task(s) if any
        logger.debug("Reassigning workflow " + wkflwInstanceId);
        return reassignWorkflow(transaction, properties);

     * Collects information and performs checks before starting the workflow.<br/>
     * @param formName
     * @param properties
     *            the properties to set on the task. Must be non-null.
     * @param dataId
     *            the complete (including protocol & namespace) ref to the
     *            linked data
     * @param workflowTitle
     * @param isStartTask
     * @return false if any exception or error happens. Otherwise true.
     * @throws ServletException
    private boolean initializeTask(String formName, WorkflowTaskInfoBean taskBean,
            HashMap<QName, Serializable> properties, String processId) throws ServletException {
        if (controller.isStartTaskForm(formName)) {
            // check that the user is authorized to start the workflow
            // if (validateCurrentUser(taskBean) == false) {
            // navigationPath.setStatusMsg(MsgPool.getMsg(MsgId.MSG_STATUS_WKFLW_FAIL_INITIATOR));
            // return false;
            // }

            if (currentPage.getWkflwInstanceId() == null) {
                // navigationPath
                // .setStatusMsg("Cannot start workflow when an instance id already exists.");
                // return false;

                NodeRef assignee = controller.systemGetNodeRefForUser(transaction, userName);
                if (assignee == null) {
                    return false;

                // start a workflow instance and set some useful info
                String instanceId = controller.workflowStart(transaction, processId, null);
                if (instanceId == null) {
                    return false;

                // create a workflow package and link the data to the package. There's always an id.
                NodeRef wkPackage = controller.workflowCreatePackage(transaction, currentPage.getDataId());
                if (wkPackage == null) {
                    return false;
                properties.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_PACKAGE, wkPackage);
                properties.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_ASSIGNEE, assignee);

                String instanceDescription = taskBean.getProcessTitle();
                if (StringUtils.trimToNull(instanceDescription) == null) {
                    instanceDescription = taskBean.getTitle();
                if (StringUtils.trimToNull(instanceDescription) == null) {
                    instanceDescription = controller.workflowExtractProcessNameFromFormName(taskBean.getFormName());
                properties.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION, instanceDescription);

        logger.debug("Started a workflow instance with id :" + currentPage.getWkflwInstanceId());
        return true;

     * Updates the next task(s) so that the workflow instance appears as
     * assigned to a user and/or
     * group. <br/>
     * This updating is COMPULSORY: Alfresco will not do it automatically as one
     * could expect.
     * @param transaction
     * @param taskProperties
    private TransitionResultBean reassignWorkflow(AlfrescoTransaction transaction,
            HashMap<QName, Serializable> taskProperties) {
        TransitionResultBean result = new TransitionResultBean();
        HashMap<QName, Serializable> properties;
        List<String> tasks;
        try {
            tasks = controller.workflowGetCurrentTasksInfo(transaction, currentPage.getWkflwInstanceId());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.debug("Error getting the current tasks", e);
            tasks = null;
        if (tasks == null) {
            return result;
        if (tasks.size() == 0) {
            // the workflow is completed, no more tasks are available
            return result;

        List<String> failedAssignmentTasks = new Vector<String>();

        for (String taskInfoString : tasks) {
            String taskId = getIdFromTaskIdNameTitle(taskInfoString);
            String taskName = getNameFromTaskIdNameTitle(taskInfoString);
            WorkflowTaskInfoBean taskBean = controller.getWorkflowTaskInfoBeanByTaskId(taskName);
            if (taskBean == null) {
                // oups sorry try to get it 
                taskBean = controller.getWorkflowTaskInfoBean(taskName);
            String pooledActors = taskBean.getPooledActors();
            String actorIds = taskBean.getActorId();

            if ((StringUtils.trimToNull(pooledActors) != null) || (StringUtils.trimToNull(actorIds) != null)) {
                // we got some user(s)/group(s) to assign the task to

                // the list of users/groups allowed to manage the task
                List<NodeRef> refToActors = new Vector<NodeRef>();
                properties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
                if (StringUtils.trimToNull(actorIds) == null && StringUtils.trimToNull(pooledActors) == null) {
                    return result;
                if (StringUtils.trimToNull(pooledActors) != null) {
                    // #1514: support for multiple groups/users via comma-separated list
                    String[] actors = StringUtils.split(pooledActors, ",");
                    for (String anActor : actors) {
                        anActor = StringUtils.trim(anActor);
                        anActor = resolveActorId(anActor, taskProperties);
                        NodeRef nodeRef = controller.systemGetNodeRefForGroup(transaction, anActor);
                        addActor(refToActors, nodeRef);
                if (StringUtils.trimToNull(actorIds) != null) {
                    String[] actors = StringUtils.split(actorIds, ",");
                    for (String anActor : actors) {
                        anActor = StringUtils.trim(anActor);
                        anActor = resolveActorId(anActor, taskProperties);
                        NodeRef nodeRef = controller.systemGetNodeRefForUser(transaction, anActor);
                        addActor(refToActors, nodeRef);
                if (refToActors.size() == 0) {
                    return result;

                // perform the task assignment to the user(s)/group(s)
                properties.put(WorkflowModel.ASSOC_POOLED_ACTORS, (Serializable) refToActors);
                try {
                    controller.workflowUpdateTask(transaction, taskId, properties);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.debug("Error affecting the next tasks (id=" + taskId + ", name=" + taskName + ")", e);

        // all workflow tasks except the end task should lead to at least one successful rea
        int nbFailedAssignments = failedAssignmentTasks.size();
        if (nbFailedAssignments > 0) {
            String names = StringUtils.join(failedAssignmentTasks, ", ");
                    "" + nbFailedAssignments, "" + tasks.size(), names));
            return result;
        String nextTasksTitles = buildNextTasksTitles(tasks);
        String msg = MsgPool.getMsg(MsgId.MSG_STATUS_WKFLW_SUCCESS, nextTasksTitles,
        logger.debug("Workflow reassignment of task(s) '" + nextTasksTitles + "' is successful.");
        return result;

     * Gets the title from a task information string as formatted by
     * {@link XFormsWork.wfGetCurrentTasks}.
     * @param taskInfoString
     * @return the title of the task, e.g. "Demarrage de la dematerialisation"
    private String getTitleFromTaskIdNameTitle(String taskInfoString) { // #1534
        int pos = taskInfoString.lastIndexOf(TASK_SEPARATOR);
        String result = taskInfoString.substring(pos + TASK_SEPARATOR_LENGTH);
        return result;

     * Adds a node ref pointing to an authority into a list of actors.
     * @param refToActors
     *            the list, possibly modified on return
     * @param assignee
     *            a reference to a user or group
    private void addActor(List<NodeRef> refToActors, NodeRef assignee) {
        if (assignee != null) {

     * Builds a comma separated string with the titles of the tasks.
     * @param tasks
     * @return a non empty string
    private String buildNextTasksTitles(List<String> tasks) {
        String result = "";
        boolean first = true;
        for (String task : tasks) {
            if (!first) {
                result += ", ";
            result += getTitleFromTaskIdNameTitle(task);
            first = false;
        return result;
