Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Sebastien Diot * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ // $codepro.audit.disable debuggingCode, methodChainLength, useBufferedIO package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import com.blockwithme.longdb.client.BackendClient; import com.blockwithme.longdb.client.ClientLoader; import com.blockwithme.longdb.client.DBInfo; import com.blockwithme.longdb.discovery.BackendInstance; import com.blockwithme.longdb.discovery.BackendServiceLoader; import com.blockwithme.longdb.discovery.BackendType; import com.blockwithme.longdb.entities.Base36; import com.blockwithme.longdb.util.DBUtils; /** TODO: Could we somehow reuse the configure & setup code and allow * "user-defined" commands to be executed by this tool? I mean, we define some * interface with a perform method that receives all required objects/data, plus * maybe some generic parameter, and allow the user to add a user-defined class * that implement this interface to the classpath, and have the user specify the * name of the class implementing this interface as a command, with optional * parameter. The idea would be to make it easy to perform some kind of one-shot * data manipulation, without having to create a full-blown app with * initialization code and all. */ @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public final class DBTool { /** args passed to main method. */ private static String[] ARGS; /** current Command line. */ private static CommandLine CMD_LN; /** compress option '-z' */ private static Option COMPRESS_OPT; /** all possible command options */ private static Options CURR_OPTS; /** export/import data format '-f' option. */ private static Option DATA_FORMAT; /** database name option */ private static Option DB_DATABASE_NAME_OPT; /** backend instance name option */ private static Option DB_INSTANCE_OPT; /** backend type option */ private static Option DB_TYPE_OPT; /** destination database name option */ private static Option DESTINATION_DATABASE_NAME_OPT; /** destination backend instance name option */ private static Option DESTINATION_DB_INSTANCE_OPT; /** destination backend type option */ private static Option DESTINATION_DB_TYPE_OPT; /** destination table name option */ private static Option DESTINATION_TABLE_OPT; /** constant used to boolean value false */ private static final boolean FALSE = false; /** used as file name prefix while creating file to export table data. */ private static final String FILENAME_PREFIX = "export_"; /** help option */ private static Option HELP_OPTS; /** input file name option */ private static Option INPUTFILE_OPT; /** merge tables option */ private static Option MERGE_TABLES; /** character used for line feed. */ private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** output file option */ private static Option OUTPUTFILE_OPT; /** command line parser object */ private static PosixParser PARSER; /* Different command options */ /** row id option */ private static Option ROW_OPT; /** stdIn option flag that indicate if input needs to be read from stdIn */ private static Option STD_IN; /** stdOut option flag that indicate if output needs to be written to stdOut */ private static Option STD_OUT; /** table name option */ private static Option TABLE_OPT; /** constant used to boolean value true */ private static final boolean TRUE = true; /** Data Formats supported for Import/Exports TODO: Should not be hardwired. */ private static final String[] VALIDFORMATS = { "csv", "json" }; /** verbose flag */ private static boolean VERBOSE; /** verbose option */ private static Option VERBOSE_OPT; /** DB info. */ private static DBInfo dBInfo(final boolean theDBName) throws Exception { return new DBInfo(dBType(DB_TYPE_OPT), getDBInstance(DB_INSTANCE_OPT), getDB(DB_DATABASE_NAME_OPT, theDBName)); } /** DB type. */ private static String dBType(final Option theDBtype) throws Exception { return optionVal(theDBtype); } /** Destination DB info. */ private static DBInfo destinationDBInfo(final boolean theDBName) throws Exception { return new DBInfo(dBType(DESTINATION_DB_TYPE_OPT), getDBInstance(DESTINATION_DB_INSTANCE_OPT), getDB(DESTINATION_DATABASE_NAME_OPT, theDBName)); } /** Export to stream. */ // TODO: theStdout is kind of superfluous here, as you could just say that a // null theFilePath means that @CheckForNull private static void exportToStream(final String theFilePath, final String theFormat, final String theTable, final boolean theStdout) throws Exception { final boolean compress = CMD_LN.hasOption(COMPRESS_OPT.getOpt()); OutputStream os = null; final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); try { if (!theStdout) os = new FileOutputStream(theFilePath); else os = System.out; CRC32 checksum = null; OutputStream chesumStr; if (compress) chesumStr = new CRCGZipOutputStream(os); else if (theStdout) chesumStr = os; else { checksum = new CRC32(); chesumStr = new CheckedOutputStream(os, checksum); } final PrintWriter ouputWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(chesumStr, "UTF-8")); final ClientLoader loader = ClientLoader.newInstance(info).outputFormat(theFormat) .outWriter(ouputWriter).verbose(VERBOSE).verboseStream(System.err); final BackendClient client = loader.loadClient(); client.export(theTable, getRowFilter()); if (!theStdout) writeCRC(theFilePath, chesumStr, compress, checksum); } finally { DBUtils.closeQuitely(os); } } /** Loads BackendClient using ClientLoader */ private static BackendClient getClient(final DBInfo theInfo) { final ClientLoader loader = ClientLoader.newInstance(theInfo).verbose(VERBOSE).verboseStream(System.err); return loader.loadClient(); } /** Gets the DB name from command options */ private static String getDB(final Option theDB, final boolean theDBName) throws Exception { return optionVal(theDB, theDBName); } /** Gets the DB instance name from command options */ private static String getDBInstance(final Option theDBInstance) throws Exception { return optionVal(theDBInstance); } /** Performs CRC checksum, checks if file is compressed, created file input * stream */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") private static InputStream getFileInputStream(final File theInfile) throws Exception { final boolean isCompressed = Utils.compressed(theInfile); if (!Utils.checkSum(theInfile, isCompressed)) showWarn("CRC-32 check is not being perfromed on input file: " + theInfile.getAbsolutePath() + " either .crc32 file doesn't exist or its invalid"); return isCompressed ? new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(theInfile)) : new FileInputStream(theInfile); } /** Returns format of files to be imported by import command. If format * option is not specified and input source is a 'file' then format is read * from file extension. Formats should be one of the elements in * VALIDFORMATS array. */ private static String getFormat(final String theFile) { String format = optionVal(DATA_FORMAT, true); if (format == null) { final File fl = new File(theFile); // $codepro.audit.disable // com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.pathManipulation if (fl.exists() && !fl.isFile()) { final int mid = theFile.lastIndexOf('.'); format = theFile.substring(mid + 1, theFile.length()); } } if (format == null) invalidCommand("File format not specified. Use -f option for file format"); if (!ArrayUtils.contains(VALIDFORMATS, format)) invalidCommand("Valid file formats are :" + Arrays.toString(VALIDFORMATS)); return format; } /** Returns String specified for input files in the command line. Valid * values are 'stdIn' or existing folder name where files to be imported are * present */ private static String getInputOption() { String outFileStr = optionVal(INPUTFILE_OPT, true); if (outFileStr == null) outFileStr = CMD_LN.hasOption(STD_IN.getOpt()) ? "stdin" : null; else { final File fl = new File(outFileStr); // $codepro.audit.disable // com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.pathManipulation if (!fl.exists()) { invalidCommand("Invalid file " + fl.getAbsolutePath()); } } if (outFileStr == null) errorAbort("Either -o or -stdout options are needed to export data"); return outFileStr; } /** Gets the output option for export command, from command line options */ private static String getOutputOption() { String outFileStr = optionVal(OUTPUTFILE_OPT, true); if (outFileStr == null) outFileStr = CMD_LN.hasOption(STD_OUT.getOpt()) ? "stdout" : null; if (outFileStr == null) errorAbort("Either -o or -stdout options are needed to export data"); return outFileStr; } /** Gets the row filter, for copy command */ private static String getRowFilter() { return optionVal(ROW_OPT, true); } /** Import from stream. */ private static void importFromStream(final InputStream theInputStream, final String theTableName, final String theFormat) throws Exception { final boolean mergeTables = CMD_LN.hasOption(MERGE_TABLES.getOpt()); final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(theInputStream, "UTF-8"); final ClientLoader loader = ClientLoader.newInstance(dBInfo(FALSE)).inputFormat(theFormat).inReader(reader) .verbose(VERBOSE).verboseStream(System.err); final BackendClient client = loader.loadClient(); client.importData(theTableName, mergeTables); } /** Initialization done in this method. */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") private static void init() throws Exception { PARSER = new PosixParser(); CURR_OPTS = new Options(); HELP_OPTS = new Option("help", "print help message"); VERBOSE_OPT = new Option("v", "verbose"); DB_TYPE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dbtype").hasArg() .withDescription("database type of the database to be connected, use -show " + "option to see the list of available database types and instances") .create("type"); DB_INSTANCE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("instance").hasArg() .withDescription("database instance of the database to be connected, use -show " + "option to see the list of available database types and instances") .create("instance"); DB_DATABASE_NAME_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("database_name").hasArg() .withDescription("select table by table_name").create("d"); OUTPUTFILE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription("use given file for export") .create("o"); DATA_FORMAT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("format").hasArg() .withDescription("supported output file format json/csv").create("f"); INPUTFILE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription("use given file for import") .create("i"); TABLE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("table_name").hasArg().withDescription("select table by table_name") .create("t"); ROW_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("row_id").hasArg().withDescription("row identifier").create("r"); COMPRESS_OPT = OptionBuilder.withDescription("compress the output file.").create("z"); DESTINATION_DB_TYPE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dest_dbtype").hasArg() .withDescription("dbtype of the destination database, use -show " + "option to see the list of available database types and instances") .create("dtype"); DESTINATION_DB_INSTANCE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dest_dbtype").hasArg() .withDescription("instance of the destination database, use -show " + "option to see the list of available database types and instances") .create("dinstance"); DESTINATION_TABLE_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("table_name").hasArg() .withDescription("select destination table name ").create("dt"); DESTINATION_DATABASE_NAME_OPT = OptionBuilder.withArgName("database_name").hasArg() .withDescription("select destination database name ").create("dd"); STD_OUT = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Exported data will be written to 'Stdout'").create("stdout"); STD_IN = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Imported data will be read from 'Stdin'").create("stdin"); MERGE_TABLES = OptionBuilder.withDescription("Use 'mergeTables' to import/copy data into existing tables.") .create("mergeTables"); CURR_OPTS.addOption("", true, "valid arguments - help, showtables, showdatabases, export, import, rowcount, " + "columncount, dropdatabase, droptable " + "createdatabase, createtable copy " + NEW_LINE + "example 1: 'DBTool -u cassandra:@localhost:9160:mydb showtables' " + NEW_LINE + "example 2: 'DBTool -u cassandra:embedded:@abc_cluster: showdatabases' " + NEW_LINE + "example 3: 'DBTool -u voltdb:@localhost:mydb -t mytable rowcount' " + NEW_LINE); CURR_OPTS.addOption(HELP_OPTS); CURR_OPTS.addOption(VERBOSE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DB_TYPE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DB_INSTANCE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DB_DATABASE_NAME_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(OUTPUTFILE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(INPUTFILE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(TABLE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(ROW_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DESTINATION_DB_TYPE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DESTINATION_DB_INSTANCE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DESTINATION_DATABASE_NAME_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DESTINATION_TABLE_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(COMPRESS_OPT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(DATA_FORMAT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(STD_OUT); CURR_OPTS.addOption(STD_IN); CURR_OPTS.addOption(MERGE_TABLES); } /** Throw exception for Invalid command message */ private static void invalidCommand() { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command, use -help for full list of options"); } /** Throw exception for Invalid command message */ private static void invalidCommand(final String theMessage) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(theMessage + " use -help for full list of options"); } /** Retrieve value for specified option from command line. throws * IllegalArgumentException if option is missing. */ private static String optionVal(final Option theOption) { return optionVal(theOption, false); } /** Retrieve value for specified option from command line. return null if * optional is true */ @CheckForNull private static String optionVal(final Option theOptions, final boolean isOptional) { if (!isOptional && !CMD_LN.hasOption(theOptions.getOpt())) invalidCommand("Required option -" + theOptions.getOpt() + " is missing."); return CMD_LN.getOptionValue(theOptions.getOpt()); } /** Identify which command is being invoked and send the request to the * corresponding method. */ private static void perform(final CommandType theCmdType) throws Exception { switch (theCmdType) { case HELP: showHelp(); break; case SHOW: show(); break; case SHOWDATABASES: processShowDatabase(); break; case SHOWTABLES: processShowTables(); break; case ROWCOUNT: processTableRowCount(); break; case COLUMNCOUNT: processColumnCount(); break; case CREATEDATABASE: processCreateDatabase(); break; case CREATETABLE: processCreateTable(); break; case DROPDATABASE: processDropDatabase(); break; case DROPTABLE: processDropTable(); break; case EXPORT: processExport(); break; case IMPORT: processImport(); break; case COPY: processTransfer(); break; default: invalidCommand(); } } /** Retrieve column count for a row id */ private static void processColumnCount() throws Exception { final ClientLoader loader = ClientLoader.newInstance(dBInfo(FALSE)).verbose(VERBOSE) .verboseStream(System.err); final BackendClient client = loader.loadClient(); final long rowCount = client.columnCount(optionVal(TABLE_OPT), Long.valueOf(optionVal(ROW_OPT))); // $codepro.audit.disable // handleNumericParsingErrors System.out.println(rowCount); } /** Parsing and Validation of command line args, and delegation to perform() * method for further processing */ private static void processCommand(final String[] theArgs) throws Exception { CMD_LN = PARSER.parse(CURR_OPTS, theArgs); if (CMD_LN.hasOption(HELP_OPTS.getOpt())) { showHelp(); return; } VERBOSE = CMD_LN.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPT.getOpt()); if ((CMD_LN.getArgs() == null || CMD_LN.getArgs().length == 0)) { invalidCommand(); return; } try { final String commandName = CMD_LN.getArgs()[0]; final CommandType cmdType = CommandType.valueOf(commandName.toUpperCase()); perform(cmdType); } catch (final Exception e) { invalidCommand(e.getMessage()); } } /** Processes create database command */ private static void processCreateDatabase() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); final String dbname = info.dbName(); assert (dbname != null); client.createDatabase(dbname); if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("Database " + info.dbName() + " Created."); } /** Processes create table command */ private static void processCreateTable() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); client.createTable(optionVal(TABLE_OPT)); if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("Table " + info.dbName() + " Created."); } /** Processes drop database command */ private static void processDropDatabase() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); final String dbName = info.dbName(); assert (dbName != null); client.dropDatabase(dbName); if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("Database " + info.dbName() + " Dropped."); } /** Processes drop table command */ private static void processDropTable() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); client.dropTable(optionVal(TABLE_OPT)); if (VERBOSE) System.err.println("Table " + optionVal(TABLE_OPT) + " Dropped."); } /** Export single row or entire table to a file. */ private static void processExport() throws Exception { final String outFileStr = getOutputOption(); final String format = optionVal(DATA_FORMAT); final String tableOpt = optionVal(TABLE_OPT, true); final boolean stdout = "stdout".equalsIgnoreCase(outFileStr); if (tableOpt == null && stdout) invalidCommand("Required option -t is missing. " + "All tables cannot be written to stdout"); if (stdout) { exportToStream(null, format, tableOpt, true); } else { final Map<String, String> map = tableMap(outFileStr, tableOpt, format); for (final Entry<String, String> tableEntry : map.entrySet()) { exportToStream(tableEntry.getValue(), format, tableEntry.getKey(), false); } } } /** Processes import command. */ private static void processImport() throws Exception { final String infile = getInputOption(); final String format = getFormat(infile); // table name is optional parameter for import command // if table name is not passed, its read from the file name // file name is of the format 'export_tableName.extn' String tableName = optionVal(TABLE_OPT, true); if ("stdin".equalsIgnoreCase(infile)) { importFromStream(, optionVal(TABLE_OPT), format); } else { final File fl = new File(infile); // $codepro.audit.disable // com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.pathManipulation if (fl.isDirectory()) { final Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(fl, new String[] { format }, false); if (files.isEmpty()) { showWarn("No files to be imported"); } for (final File file : files) { if (tableName == null) tableName = tableFromFileName(file, format); if (tableName != null) // checks if fileName is valid. importFromStream(getFileInputStream(file), tableName, format); } } else { importFromStream(getFileInputStream(fl), optionVal(TABLE_OPT), format); } } } /** show available databases. */ private static void processShowDatabase() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(TRUE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); final String[] dbNames = client.databases(); if (dbNames == null || dbNames.length == 0) { return; } for (final String dbName : dbNames) { System.out.println(dbName); } } /** show tables in a database. */ private static void processShowTables() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); final Base36[] tables = client.tables(); if (tables == null || tables.length == 0) { return; } for (final Base36 tableName : tables) { System.out.println(tableName.toString()); } } /** Retrieve row count for a table */ private static void processTableRowCount() throws Exception { final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); final long rowCount = client.tableRowCount(optionVal(TABLE_OPT)); System.out.println(rowCount); } /** Processes copy command */ private static void processTransfer() throws Exception { final DBInfo sourceInfo = dBInfo(FALSE); final DBInfo targetInfo = destinationDBInfo(FALSE); final ClientLoader loader = ClientLoader.newInstance(sourceInfo).targetDB(targetInfo).verbose(VERBOSE) .verboseStream(System.err); final BackendClient client = loader.loadClient(); client.transferData(optionVal(TABLE_OPT, true), optionVal(DESTINATION_TABLE_OPT, true), CMD_LN.hasOption(MERGE_TABLES.getOpt())); } /** Show command prints available Backend configurations. */ private static void show() { final Iterator<BackendType> itr = BackendServiceLoader.getInstance().availableBackends(); if (!itr.hasNext()) { System.out.println("No Backend databases are configured currently."); return; } System.out.println("Following Backend databases are configured currently :"); while (itr.hasNext()) { final BackendType backendType =; System.out.println("type: " + + " has following instances: "); final List<BackendInstance> instances = backendType.instances(); for (final BackendInstance backendInstance : instances) { System.out.println("\t" + + " - " + backendInstance.description()); } } } // CHECKSTYLE stop magic number check /** Show help. */ private static void showHelp() { final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(300); formatter.printHelp("DBTool", CURR_OPTS); } // CHECKSTYLE resume magic number check /** Show warn. */ private static void showWarn(final String theWarning) { System.err.println(theWarning); } /** If file name is of the format export_tableName.extn extracts the table * name from this file name, else returns null */ @CheckForNull private static String tableFromFileName(final File theFile, final String theFormat) { final String fileName = theFile.getName(); String tName = null; try { if (fileName.startsWith(FILENAME_PREFIX) && fileName.endsWith(theFormat)) { final String tmp = fileName.substring(FILENAME_PREFIX.length(), fileName.indexOf("." + theFormat)); Base36.get(tmp); // validate if the name is Base36 convertible. tName = tmp; } } catch (final Exception e) { // ignore the exception and return null // if null is returned file will not be considered to be imported. } return tName; // returns null if fileName is not valid } /** Creates a map of Tables names and File names for each table. File name is * of the format export_tableName.extn */ private static Map<String, String> tableMap(final String theOutFile, final String theTableOption, final String theFormat) throws Exception { final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); final File outputDir = new File(theOutFile); // $codepro.audit.disable // com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.pathManipulation if (!outputDir.exists() || !outputDir.isDirectory()) invalidCommand(outputDir.getAbsolutePath() + " must be an existing directory."); Base36[] tables; final DBInfo info = dBInfo(FALSE); final BackendClient client = getClient(info); if (theTableOption == null) tables = client.tables(); else tables = new Base36[] { Base36.get(theTableOption) }; String fileDir = outputDir.getAbsolutePath(); fileDir = fileDir.endsWith(File.separator) ? fileDir : fileDir + File.separator; for (final Base36 base36 : tables) { map.put(base36.toString(), fileDir + FILENAME_PREFIX + base36.toString() + "." + theFormat); } return map; } /** Write CRC value in the meta-data file */ private static void writeCRC(final String theOutFile, final OutputStream theBOStrm, final boolean isCompressed, final CRC32 theChecksum) throws IOException { final Long chksum = isCompressed ? ((CRCGZipOutputStream) theBOStrm).getCRC().getValue() : theChecksum.getValue(); final File crcFile = new File((new File(theOutFile)).getAbsolutePath() // $codepro.audit.disable // com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.pathManipulation + ".crc32"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(crcFile, Long.toHexString(chksum)); } /** Throw exception to print Error abort message */ static void errorAbort(final String theMessage) { throw new RuntimeException(theMessage); } /** DBTool main method performs initialization and delegates to * processCommand() NB: I prefer the main() to always be at the end... * * @param theArgs * the arguments */ public static void main(final String[] theArgs) { // $codepro.audit.disable // illegalMainMethod try { init(); ARGS = Arrays.copyOf(theArgs, theArgs.length); if (ARGS == null || ARGS.length == 0 || ARGS[0].trim().length() == 0) { invalidCommand(); return; } processCommand(ARGS); } catch (final Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); // System.exit(-1); } // System.exit(0); } /** Private constructor only main method of this class invoked externally */ private DBTool() { } }