Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 BlackLocus * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.blacklocus.jres; import com.blacklocus.jres.handler.JresJsonResponseHandler; import com.blacklocus.jres.handler.JresPredicatedResponseHandler; import com.blacklocus.jres.http.HttpClientFactory; import com.blacklocus.jres.http.HttpMethods; import com.blacklocus.jres.request.JresBooleanRequest; import com.blacklocus.jres.request.JresJsonRequest; import com.blacklocus.jres.request.JresRequest; import com.blacklocus.jres.response.JresBooleanReply; import com.blacklocus.jres.response.JresJsonReply; import com.blacklocus.jres.response.JresReply; import com.blacklocus.jres.response.common.JresErrorReplyException; import com.blacklocus.jres.strings.JresPaths; import com.blacklocus.jres.strings.ObjectMappers; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class Jres { private final Supplier<String> hosts; private final HttpClient http; public Jres(String elasticSearchHost) { this(Suppliers.ofInstance(elasticSearchHost)); } public Jres(final List<String> elasticSearchHostOrHosts) { this(new Supplier<String>() { final Iterator<String> cycler = Iterators.cycle(elasticSearchHostOrHosts); @Override public String get() { return; } }); } /** * @param elasticSearchHostOrHosts externalized host name provider to support arbitrary request load allocation. Use * <code>{@link Suppliers#ofInstance(Object) Suppliers.ofInstance(host)}</code> for single entry. */ public Jres(Supplier<String> elasticSearchHostOrHosts) { this.hosts = elasticSearchHostOrHosts; this.http = HttpClientFactory.create(30 * 1000, 300 * 1000); // 30 sec & 5 min } /** * There are a few requests that return no JSON and are based entirely on status codes. */ public <REQUEST extends JresBooleanRequest> JresBooleanReply bool(REQUEST request) { String url = JresPaths.slashed(hosts.get()) + request.getPath(); try { HttpUriRequest httpRequest = HttpMethods.createRequest(request.getHttpMethod(), url, request.getPayload()); // We like the one that takes a ResponseHandler because supposedly that should prevent http resource // leaks whether botched local code or unexpected exceptions. return http.execute(httpRequest, new JresPredicatedResponseHandler(request.getPredicate())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @param <QUEST> request - type of request object * @param <REPLY> response - type of response object produced as the returned value * @return corresponding response object ({@link JresRequest}'s RESPONSE type) */ public <REPLY extends JresJsonReply, QUEST extends JresJsonRequest<REPLY>> REPLY quest(QUEST quest) { String url = JresPaths.slashed(hosts.get()) + quest.getPath(); try { HttpUriRequest httpRequest = HttpMethods.createRequest(quest.getHttpMethod(), url, quest.getPayload()); // We like the one that takes a ResponseHandler because supposedly that should prevent http resource // leaks whether botched local code or unexpected exceptions. return http.execute(httpRequest, new JresJsonResponseHandler<REPLY>(quest.getResponseClass())); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Like {@link #quest(JresJsonRequest)} but wraps in a try-catch for {@link JresErrorReplyException} and returns * it gracefully if the status code matches that given. This is sometimes preferable to inline try-catch blocks for * expected error responses, but otherwise functionally equivalent -- e.g. checking if an index exists will return * a 404 which is normally translated into a thrown JresErrorResponseException. If 404 was given as the * tolerated status then such a JresErrorResponseException will be wrapped up into a {@link Tolerance}. * <p/> * Currently assumes a JsonNode basis for now, to keep exposed signatures' generics simpler. * * @param quest JresRequest with JsonNode basis * @param toleratedStatus which if encountered will return wrapped up in a Tolerance instead of being thrown * @param <QUEST> request - type of request object * @param <REPLY> response - type of response object produced as the returned value * @return a Tolerance which wraps up the possible ok response or error response. Check {@link Tolerance#isError()}. * @see Tolerance */ public <REPLY extends JresJsonReply, QUEST extends JresJsonRequest<REPLY>> Tolerance<REPLY> tolerate( QUEST quest, int toleratedStatus) { try { return new Tolerance<REPLY>(false, quest(quest)); } catch (JresErrorReplyException e) { if (e.getStatus() != toleratedStatus) { throw e; } else { return new Tolerance<REPLY>(true, e); } } } /** * @param <REPLY> response - type of response object produced for a successful ElasticSearch response. Currently assumes * a JsonNode basis. */ public static class Tolerance<REPLY extends JresReply> { // Assume JsonNode basis for now, keep exposed signatures' generics simpler. private final boolean error; private final JresErrorReplyException exception; private final REPLY reply; Tolerance(boolean error, REPLY reply) { this.error = error; this.reply = reply; this.exception = null; } Tolerance(boolean error, JresErrorReplyException exception) { this.error = error; this.exception = exception; this.reply = null; } /** * @return whether or not an error response was captured: <code>true</code> {@link #getError()} is not null, * <code>false</code> {@link #getReply()} is not null */ public boolean isError() { return error; } /** * @return captured {@link JresErrorReplyException}, if the request resulted in an error response */ public JresErrorReplyException getError() { return exception; } /** * @return captured {@link JresReply}, if the request was ok */ public REPLY getReply() { return reply; } } public static <T> T load(URL script, Class<T> klass) { try { // Don't use ObjectMapper.readValue(URL, ?), doesn't seem to be able to find local resources. return ObjectMappers.fromJson(script.openStream(), klass); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static <T> T load(URL script, TypeReference<T> typeReference) { try { // Don't use ObjectMapper.readValue(URL, ?), doesn't seem to be able to find local resources. return ObjectMappers.fromJson(script.openStream(), typeReference); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }