Java tutorial
/** * * This file is part of the open source project * * Copyright 2015-2018 BITPlan GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.bitplan.mediawiki.japi; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import com.bitplan.mediawiki.japi.api.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.Builder; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache.ApacheHttpClient; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache.config.ApacheHttpClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.client.apache.config.DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.core.util.MultivaluedMapImpl; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.file.StreamDataBodyPart; /** * access to Mediawiki api * * @author wf * */ public class Mediawiki extends MediaWikiApiImpl implements MediawikiApi { /** * current Version */ protected static final String VERSION = "0.0.22"; /** * if true main can be called without calling system.exit() when finished */ public static boolean testMode = false; /** * see <a href= * ''> * Iden t i f y i n g your client:User-Agent</a> */ protected static final String USER_AGENT = "Mediawiki-Japi/" + VERSION + " (;"; /** * default script path */ public static final String DEFAULT_SCRIPTPATH = "/w"; protected String siteurl; protected String scriptPath = DEFAULT_SCRIPTPATH; // FIXME - default should be json soon protected String format = "xml"; protected String apiPath = "/api.php?"; // the client and it's cookies private Client client; private ArrayList<Object> cookies; // mediaWikiVersion and site info protected String userid; SiteInfo siteinfo; // Json unmarshaller private Gson gson; /** * enable debugging * * @param debug */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } @Override public boolean isDebug() { return this.debug; } /** * @return the siteurl */ public String getSiteurl() { return siteurl; } /** * @param siteurl * the siteurl to set */ public void setSiteurl(String siteurl) { this.siteurl = siteurl; } /** * @return the scriptPath */ public String getScriptPath() { return scriptPath; } /** * @param scriptPath * the scriptPath to set */ public void setScriptPath(String scriptPath) { this.scriptPath = scriptPath; } public String getFormat() { return format; } public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = format; } /** * construct me with no siteurl set * * @throws Exception */ public Mediawiki() throws Exception { this(null); } /** * construct a Mediawiki for the given url using the default Script path * * @param siteurl * - the url to use * @throws Exception */ public Mediawiki(String siteurl) throws Exception { this(siteurl, DEFAULT_SCRIPTPATH); } /** * construct a Mediawiki for the given url and scriptpath * * @param siteurl * - the url to use * @param pScriptPath * - the scriptpath to use * @throws Exception */ public Mediawiki(String siteurl, String pScriptPath) throws Exception { init(siteurl, pScriptPath); } /** * overrideable e.g for SSL configuration * * @throws Exception */ @Override public void init(String siteurl, String scriptpath) throws Exception { ApacheHttpClientConfig config = new DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig(); config.getProperties().put(ApacheHttpClientConfig.PROPERTY_HANDLE_COOKIES, true); client = ApacheHttpClient.create(config); client.setFollowRedirects(true); // org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("httpclient").setLevel(Level.ERROR); this.siteurl = siteurl; this.scriptPath = scriptpath; } /** * get a current IsoTimeStamp * * @return - the current timestamp */ public String getIsoTimeStamp() { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX"); df.setTimeZone(tz); String nowAsISO = df.format(new Date()); return nowAsISO; } /** * get a String from a given URL * * @param urlString * @return */ public static String getStringFromUrl(String urlString) { ApacheHttpClient lclient = ApacheHttpClient.create(); WebResource webResource = lclient.resource(urlString); ClientResponse response = webResource.get(ClientResponse.class); if (response.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("HTTP error code : " + response.getStatus()); } String result = response.getEntity(String.class); return result; } /** * get the given Builder for the given queryUrl this is a wrapper to be able * to debug all QueryUrl * * @param queryUrl * - either a relative or absolute path * @return * @throws Exception */ public Builder getResource(String queryUrl) throws Exception { if (debug) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, queryUrl); WebResource wrs = client.resource(queryUrl); Builder result = wrs.header("USER-AGENT", USER_AGENT); return result; } /** * public String paramEncode(String param) { // * // nead to be encoded String * ntbe="!#$&'()*+,/:;=?@[]|"; StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer(); for (int * i=0;i<param.length();i++) { char c = param.charAt(i); if * (ntbe.indexOf(c)>=0) { out.append("%"); out.append(Integer.toHexString(c)); * } else { out.append(c); } } return out.toString(); } */ /** * get a Post response * * @param queryUrl * @param params * - direct query parameters * @param token * - a token if any * @param pFormData * - the form data - either as multipart of urlencoded * @return - the client Response * @throws Exception */ public ClientResponse getPostResponse(String queryUrl, String params, TokenResult token, Object pFormDataObject) throws Exception { params = params.replace("|", "%7C"); params = params.replace("+", "%20"); // modal handling of post FormDataMultiPart form = null; MultivaluedMap<String, String> lFormData = null; if (pFormDataObject instanceof FormDataMultiPart) { form = (FormDataMultiPart) pFormDataObject; } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> pFormData = (Map<String, String>) pFormDataObject; lFormData = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); if (pFormData != null) { for (String key : pFormData.keySet()) { lFormData.add(key, pFormData.get(key)); } } } if (token != null) { switch (token.tokenMode) { case token1_24: if (lFormData != null) { lFormData.add(token.tokenName, token.token); } else { form.field(token.tokenName, token.token); } break; default: params += token.asParam(); } } Builder resource = getResource(queryUrl + params); // FIXME allow to specify content type (not needed for Mediawiki itself // but // could be good for interfacing ) ClientResponse response = null; if (lFormData != null) { response = resource.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE).post(ClientResponse.class, lFormData); } else { response = resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE).post(ClientResponse.class, form); } return response; } public enum Method { Post, Get, Head, Put }; /** * get a response for the given url and method * * @param url * @param method * @return * @throws Exception */ public ClientResponse getResponse(String url, Method method) throws Exception { Builder resource = getResource(url); ClientResponse response = null; switch (method) { case Get: response = resource.get(ClientResponse.class); break; case Post: response =; break; case Head: response = resource.head(); break; case Put: response = resource.put(ClientResponse.class); break; } return response; } /** * get the Response string * * @param response * @return the String representation of a response * @throws Exception */ public String getResponseString(ClientResponse response) throws Exception { if (debug) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "status: " + response.getStatus()); String responseText = response.getEntity(String.class); if (response.getStatus() != 200) { handleError("status " + response.getStatus() + ":'" + responseText + "'"); } return responseText; } /** * get a Map of parameter from a & delimited parameter list * * @param params * - the list of parameters * @return the map FIXME - should check that split creates and even number of * entries - add test case for this */ public Map<String, String> getParamMap(String params) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] paramlist = params.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < paramlist.length; i++) { String[] parts = paramlist[i].split("="); if (parts.length == 2) result.put(parts[0], parts[1]); } return result; } /** * get the action result for the given parameters * * @param action * @param params * @param token * @param pFormData * @param format * - json or xml * @return the String e.g. xml or json * @throws Exception */ public String getActionResultText(String action, String params, TokenResult token, Object pFormData, String format) throws Exception { String queryUrl = siteurl + scriptPath + apiPath + "action=" + action + "&format=" + format; ClientResponse response; // decide for the method to use for api access response = this.getPostResponse(queryUrl, params, token, pFormData); String text = this.getResponseString(response); return text; } /** * get the result for the given action and params * * @param action * @param params * @param token * (may be null) * @param formData * (may be null) * @format - the format to use e.g. json or xml * @return the API result for the action * @throws Exception */ public Api getActionResult(String action, String params, TokenResult token, Object pFormData, String format) throws Exception { String text = this.getActionResultText(action, params, token, pFormData, format); Api api = null; if ("xml".equals(format)) { if (debug) { // convert the xml to a more readable format String xmlDebug = text.replace(">", ">\n"); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, xmlDebug); } if (text.startsWith("<?xml version")) api = fromXML(text); else { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, text); throw new Exception("invalid xml:" + text); } } else if ("json".equals(format)) { if (debug) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, text.substring(0, Math.min(240, text.length() - 1))); } if (gson == null) gson = new Gson(); api = gson.fromJson(text, Api.class); api.setRawJson(text); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("unknown format " + format); } return api; } /** * get the action result for the default format * * @param action * @param params * @param token * @param pFormData * @return - the action result * @throws Exception */ public Api getActionResult(String action, String params, TokenResult token, Object pFormData) throws Exception { return getActionResult(action, params, token, pFormData, format); } /** * get the result for the given action and query * * @param action * @param params * @return the API result for the action * @throws Exception */ public Api getActionResult(String action, String params) throws Exception { Api result = this.getActionResult(action, params, null, null); return result; } /** * get the Result for the given query * * @param query * @return the API result for the query * @throws Exception */ public Api getQueryResult(String query) throws Exception { Api result = this.getActionResult("query", query, null, null); return result; } /** * get a normalized | delimited (encoded as %7C) string of titles * * @param examplePages * - the list of pages to get the titles for * @return a string with all the titles e.g. Main%20Page%7CSome%20Page * @throws Exception */ public String getTitles(List<String> titleList) throws Exception { String titles = ""; String delim = ""; for (String title : titleList) { titles = titles + delim + normalizeTitle(title); delim = "%7C"; } return titles; } /** * get the siteinfo * * @return the siteinfo * @throws Exception */ public SiteInfo getSiteInfo() throws Exception { if (siteinfo == null) { Api api = getQueryResult("&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general%7Cnamespaces"); Query query = api.getQuery(); setUpSiteInfo(query); } return siteinfo; } /** * setup siteinfo for a query (e.g. for testing) * * @param query */ public void setUpSiteInfo(Query query) { General general = query.getGeneral(); siteinfo = new SiteInfoImpl(general, query.getNamespaces()); } /** * check whether this is MediaWiki 1.28 or higher but make sure getVersion * calls with readapidenied are ignored see * * * @return */ public boolean isVersion128() { String mwversion = "Mediawiki 1.27 or before"; try { mwversion = this.getVersion(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Could not retrieve Mediawiki Version via API - will assume " + mwversion + " you might want to set the Version actively if you are on 1.28 and have the api blocked for non-logged in users"); } boolean result = mwversion.compareToIgnoreCase("Mediawiki 1.28") >= 0; return result; } /** * prepare the login by getting the login token * * @param username * @return the ApiResult * @throws Exception */ public TokenResult prepareLogin(String username) throws Exception { username = encode(username); Api apiResult = null; TokenResult token = new TokenResult(); token.tokenName = "lgtoken"; token.tokenMode = TokenMode.token1_19; // see if (this.isVersion128()) { apiResult = this.getQueryResult("&meta=tokens&type=login"); super.handleError(apiResult); token.token = apiResult.getQuery().getTokens().getLogintoken(); } else { apiResult = getActionResult("login", "&lgname=" + username, null, null); super.handleError(apiResult); Login login = apiResult.getLogin(); token.token = login.getToken(); } return token; } /** * second step of login process * * @param token * @param username * @param password * @return * @throws Exception */ public Login login(TokenResult token, String username, String password) throws Exception { return login(token, username, password, null); } /** * second step of login process * * @param token * @param username * @param password * @param domain * @return * @throws Exception */ public Login login(TokenResult token, String username, String password, String domain) throws Exception { username = encode(username); if (domain != null) { domain = encode(domain); } Api apiResult = null; // depends on MediaWiki version see // if (this.isVersion128()) { Map<String, String> lFormData = new HashMap<String, String>(); lFormData.put("lgpassword", password); lFormData.put("lgtoken", token.token); if (domain != null) { apiResult = getActionResult("login", "&lgdomain=" + domain + "&lgname=" + username, null, lFormData); } else { apiResult = getActionResult("login", "&lgname=" + username, null, lFormData); } // apiResult = getActionResult("clientlogin", "&lgname=" + // username+"&loginreturnurl="+this.siteurl, null, lFormData); } else { password = encode(password); if (domain != null) { apiResult = getActionResult("login", "&lgdomain=" + domain + "&lgname=" + username + "&lgpassword=" + password, token, null); } else { apiResult = getActionResult("login", "&lgname=" + username + "&lgpassword=" + password, token, null); } } Login login = apiResult.getLogin(); userid = login.getLguserid(); return login; } /** * login with the given username, password and domain * * @param username * @param password * @param domain * @return Login * @throws Exception */ public Login login(String username, String password, String domain) throws Exception { // login is a two step process // first we get a token TokenResult token = prepareLogin(username); // and then with the token we login using the password Login login = login(token, username, password, domain); return login; } /** * login with the given username and password * * @param username * @param password * @return Login * @throws Exception */ public Login login(String username, String password) throws Exception { return login(username, password, null); } @Override public boolean isLoggedIn() { boolean result = userid != null; return result; } /** * end the session * * @throws Exception */ public void logout() throws Exception { Api apiResult = getActionResult("logout", "", null, null); if (apiResult != null) { userid = null; // FIXME check apiResult } if (cookies != null) { cookies.clear(); cookies = null; } } /** * get the page Content for the given page Title * * @param pageTitle * @param queryParams * - extra query params e.g. for sections * @param checkNotNull * - check if the content should not be null * @return the page Content * @throws Exception */ public String getPageContent(String pageTitle, String queryParams, boolean checkNotNull) throws Exception { Api api = getQueryResult( "&prop=revisions&rvprop=content" + queryParams + "&titles=" + normalizeTitle(pageTitle)); handleError(api); List<Page> pages = api.getQuery().getPages(); String content = null; if (pages != null) { Page page = pages.get(0); if (page != null) { if (page.getRevisions().size() > 0) { content = page.getRevisions().get(0).getValue(); } } } if (checkNotNull && content == null) { String errMsg = "pageTitle '" + pageTitle + "' not found"; this.handleError(errMsg); } return content; } /** * Gets the last revisions of the page with the given <code>pageTitle</code> or an empty <code>List</code> if no revisions can be found. * <p> * Latest revisions first unless specified otherwise in the <code>queryParams</code>. * <p> * {@see} * * @param pageTitle title of the page whose revisions to retrieve * @param revisionLimit max number of revisions >0, <=500 * @param rvprop revision properties to return, e.g. "content|ids|timestamp" * @param queryParams extra query params e.g. for sections * @return page revisions * @throws Exception */ public List<Rev> getPageRevisions(String pageTitle, int revisionLimit, final String rvprop, String queryParams) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isBlank(pageTitle)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please provide a valid page title."); } if (revisionLimit < 1 || revisionLimit > 500) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Revision limit must be > 0 and <= 500."); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(rvprop)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please provide a meaningful rvprop string."); } final Api api = getQueryResult("" + "&prop=revisions" + "&rvprop=" + rvprop + "&rvlimit=" + revisionLimit + (queryParams != null ? queryParams : "") + "&titles=" + normalizeTitle(pageTitle)); handleError(api); final List<Page> pages = api.getQuery().getPages(); final List<Rev> pageRevisions = new LinkedList<>(); if (pages != null) { Page page = pages.get(0); if (page != null) { pageRevisions.addAll(page.getRevisions()); } } return Collections.unmodifiableList(pageRevisions); } /** * get the page Content for the given page Title * * @param pageTitle * @return the page Content * @throws Exception */ public String getPageContent(String pageTitle) throws Exception { String result = this.getPageContent(pageTitle, "", false); return result; } /** * get the text for the given section * * @param pageTitle * @param sectionNumber * @return * @throws Exception */ public String getSectionText(String pageTitle, int sectionNumber) throws Exception { String result = this.getPageContent(pageTitle, "&rvsection=" + sectionNumber, false); return result; } @Override public List<S> getSections(String pageTitle) throws Exception { String params = "&prop=sections&page=" + pageTitle; Parse parse = getParse(params); List<S> sections = parse.getSections(); return sections; } @Override public String getPageHtml(String pageTitle) throws Exception { String params = "&page=" + encode(pageTitle); Parse parse = getParse(params); String html = parse.getText(); return html; } /** * get the parse Result for the given params * * @param params * @return the Parse Result * @throws Exception */ public Parse getParse(String params) throws Exception { String action = "parse"; Api api = getActionResult(action, params); super.handleError(api); return api.getParse(); } /** * get a list of pages for the given titles see * <a href=''>API:Query</a> * * @param titleList * @param rvprop * - the revision properties * @return the list of pages retrieved * @throws Exception * * FIXME should be part of the Java Interface */ public List<Page> getPages(List<String> titleList, String rvprop) throws Exception { String titles = this.getTitles(titleList); // Api api = getQueryResult("&titles=" + titles + "&prop=revisions&rvprop=" + rvprop); handleError(api); Query query = api.getQuery(); if (query == null) { throw new Exception("query is null for getPages '" + titleList + "' rvprop='" + rvprop + "'"); } List<Page> pages = query.getPages(); return pages; } /** * get a list of pages for the given titles see * <a href=''>API:Query</a> * * @param titleList * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<Page> getPages(List<String> titleList) throws Exception { String rvprop = "content|ids|timestamp"; List<Page> result = this.getPages(titleList, rvprop); return result; } /** * the different modes of handling tokens - depending on MediaWiki version */ enum TokenMode { token1_19, token1_20_23, token1_24 } /** * helper class to handle the different token modes * * @author wf * */ class TokenResult { String tokenName; String token; TokenMode tokenMode; /** * set my token - remove trailing backslash or +\ if necessary * * @param pToken * - the token to set */ public void setToken(String pToken) { token = pToken; } /** * get me as a param string e.g. &lgtoken=1234 make sure the trailing \ or * +\ are handled correctly see * <a href= ''>Manual: * Edit_token</a> * * @return - the resulting string * @throws Exception */ public String asParam() throws Exception { String lToken = token; /* * switch (tokenMode) { case token1_24: lToken=lToken.replace("+",""); * lToken=lToken.replace("\\",""); break; default: * * } */ // token=pToken+"%2B%5C"; // String result = "&" + tokenName + "=" + encode(lToken); if (debug) LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "token " + token + "=>" + result); return result; } } /** * get an edit token for the given page Title see * <a href=''>API:Tokens</a> * * @param pageTitle * @param type * e.g. edit or delete * @return the edit token for the page title * @throws Exception */ public TokenResult getEditToken(String pageTitle, String type) throws Exception { pageTitle = normalizeTitle(pageTitle); String editversion = ""; String action = "query"; String params = "&meta=tokens"; TokenMode tokenMode; if (getVersion().compareToIgnoreCase("Mediawiki 1.24") >= 0) { editversion = "Versions 1.24 and later"; tokenMode = TokenMode.token1_24; params = "&meta=tokens"; } else if (getVersion().compareToIgnoreCase("Mediawiki 1.20") >= 0) { editversion = "Versions 1.20-1.23"; tokenMode = TokenMode.token1_20_23; action = "tokens"; params = "&type=" + type; } else { editversion = "Version 1.19 and earlier"; tokenMode = TokenMode.token1_19; params = "&prop=info&7Crevisions&intoken=" + type + "&titles=" + pageTitle; } if (debug) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "handling " + type + " token for wiki version " + getVersion() + " as " + editversion + " with action=" + action + params); } Api api = getActionResult(action, params); handleError(api); TokenResult token = new TokenResult(); token.tokenMode = tokenMode; token.tokenName = "token"; switch (tokenMode) { case token1_19: Page page = api.getQuery().getPages().get(0); if (type.equals("edit")) { token.setToken(page.getEdittoken()); } else if (type.equals("delete")) { token.setToken(page.getDeletetoken()); } break; case token1_20_23: if (type.equals("edit")) { token.setToken(api.getTokens().getEdittoken()); } else if (type.equals("delete")) { token.setToken(api.getTokens().getDeletetoken()); } break; default: token.setToken(api.getQuery().getTokens().getCsrftoken()); break; } return token; } /** * */ @Override public Edit edit(String pageTitle, String text, String summary) throws Exception { Edit result = this.edit(pageTitle, text, summary, true, false, -2, null, null); return result; } /** * * * @return info */ @Override public Delete delete(String pageTitle, String reason) throws Exception { Delete result = new Delete(); String pageContent = getPageContent(pageTitle); if (pageContent != null && pageContent.contains(protectionMarker)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "page " + pageTitle + " is protected!"); } else { TokenResult token = getEditToken(pageTitle, "delete"); if (token.token == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "could not get " + token.tokenMode.toString() + " delete token for " + pageTitle + " "); } Map<String, String> lFormData = new HashMap<String, String>(); lFormData.put("title", pageTitle); lFormData.put("reason", reason); String params = ""; Api api = this.getActionResult("delete", params, token, lFormData); handleError(api); result = api.getDelete(); } return result; } @Override public Edit edit(String pageTitle, String text, String summary, boolean minor, boolean bot, int sectionNumber, String sectionTitle, Calendar basetime) throws Exception { Edit result = new Edit(); String pageContent = getPageContent(pageTitle); if (pageContent != null && pageContent.contains(protectionMarker)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "page " + pageTitle + " is protected!"); } else { TokenResult token = getEditToken(pageTitle, "edit"); Map<String, String> lFormData = new HashMap<String, String>(); lFormData.put("text", text); lFormData.put("title", pageTitle); lFormData.put("summary", summary); if (minor) lFormData.put("minor", "1"); if (bot) lFormData.put("bot", "1"); switch (sectionNumber) { case -1: lFormData.put("section", "new"); if (sectionTitle != null) lFormData.put("sectiontitle", sectionTitle); break; case -2: break; default: lFormData.put("section", "" + sectionNumber); break; } String params = ""; Api api = this.getActionResult("edit", params, token, lFormData); handleError(api); result = api.getEdit(); } return result; } /** * */ @Override public synchronized void upload(File fileToUpload, String filename, String contents, String comment) throws Exception { this.upload(new FileInputStream(fileToUpload), filename, contents, comment); } /** * upload from the given inputstream * * @param fileToUpload * @param filename * @param contents * @param comment * @throws Exception */ public synchronized void upload(InputStream fileToUpload, String filename, String contents, String comment) throws Exception { TokenResult token = getEditToken("File:" + filename, "edit"); final FormDataMultiPart multiPart = new FormDataMultiPart(); // multiPart.bodyPart(new StreamDataBodyPart("file", fileToUpload)); multiPart.field("filename", filename); multiPart.field("ignorewarnings", "true"); multiPart.field("text", contents); if (!comment.isEmpty()) multiPart.field("comment", comment); String params = ""; Api api = this.getActionResult("upload", params, token, multiPart); handleError(api); } @Override public void upload(Ii ii, String fileName, String pageContent) throws Exception { String url = ii.getUrl(); InputStream imageInput = new URL(url).openStream(); String comment = ii.getComment(); this.upload(imageInput, fileName, pageContent, comment); } /** * getAllPages * * @param apfrom * - may be null or empty * @param aplimit * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<P> getAllPages(String apfrom, int aplimit) throws Exception { String query = "&list=allpages"; if (apfrom != null && !apfrom.trim().equals("")) { query += "&apfrom=" + apfrom; } query += "&aplimit=" + aplimit; Api api = getQueryResult(query); List<P> pageRefList = api.getQuery().getAllpages(); return pageRefList; } @Override public List<Img> getAllImagesByTimeStamp(String aistart, String aiend, int ailimit) throws Exception { String query = "&list=allimages&aisort=timestamp"; if (aistart != null && !aistart.trim().equals("")) { query += "&aistart=" + aistart; } if (aiend != null && !aiend.trim().equals("")) { query += "&aiend=" + aiend; } query += "&ailimit=" + ailimit; Api api = getQueryResult(query); handleError(api); List<Img> result = api.getQuery().getAllImages(); return result; } @Override public List<Bl> getBacklinks(String pageTitle, String params, int bllimit) throws Exception { String query = "&list=backlinks&bltitle=" + normalizeTitle(pageTitle); query += "&bllimit=" + bllimit; query += params; Api api = getQueryResult(query); handleError(api); List<Bl> result = api.getQuery().getBacklinks(); return result; } @Override public List<Iu> getImageUsage(String imageTitle, String params, int limit) throws Exception { String query = "&list=imageusage&iutitle=" + normalizeTitle(imageTitle); query += "&iulimit=" + limit; query += params; Api api = getQueryResult(query); handleError(api); List<Iu> result = api.getQuery().getImageusage(); return result; } /** * handle the given Throwable (in commandline mode) * * @param t */ public void handle(Throwable t) { System.out.flush(); System.err.println(t.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + t.getMessage()); if (debug) t.printStackTrace(); } /** * show the Version */ public static void showVersion() { System.err.println("Mediawiki-Japi Version: " + VERSION); System.err.println(); System.err.println(" github:"); System.err.println(""); } /** * show a usage */ public void usage(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); showVersion(); System.err.println(" usage: java com.bitplan.mediawiki.japi.Mediawiki"); parser.printUsage(System.err); exitCode = 1; } /** * show Help */ public void showHelp() { String msg = "Help\n" + "Mediawiki-Japi version " + VERSION + " has no functional command line interface\n" + "Please visit for usage instructions"; usage(msg); } private CmdLineParser parser; static int exitCode; /** * set to true for debugging */ @Option(name = "-d", aliases = { "--debug" }, usage = "debug\nadds debugging output") protected boolean debug = false; @Option(name = "-h", aliases = { "--help" }, usage = "help\nshow this usage") boolean showHelp = false; @Option(name = "-v", aliases = { "--version" }, usage = "showVersion\nshow current version if this switch is used") boolean showVersion = false; /** * main instance - this is the non-static version of main - it will run as a * static main would but return it's exitCode to the static main the static * main will then decide whether to do a System.exit(exitCode) or not. * * @param args * - command line arguments * @return - the exit Code to be used by the static main program */ protected int maininstance(String[] args) { parser = new CmdLineParser(this); try { parser.parseArgument(args); if (debug) showVersion(); if (this.showVersion) { showVersion(); } else if (this.showHelp) { showHelp(); } else { // FIXME - do something // implement actions System.err.println("Commandline interface is not functional in " + VERSION + " yet"); exitCode = 1; // exitCode = 0; } } catch (CmdLineException e) { // handling of wrong arguments usage(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { handle(e); exitCode = 1; } return exitCode; } /** * entry point e.g. for java -jar called provides a command line interface * * @param args */ public static void main(String args[]) { Mediawiki wiki; try { wiki = new Mediawiki(); int result = wiki.maininstance(args); if (!testMode && result != 0) System.exit(result); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * create the given user account * * @param name * @param eMail * @param realname * @param mailpassword * @param reason * @param language * @throws Exception */ public Api createAccount(String name, String eMail, String realname, boolean mailpassword, String reason, String language) throws Exception { String createtoken = "?"; if (getVersion().compareToIgnoreCase("Mediawiki 1.27") >= 0) { Api apiResult = this.getQueryResult("&meta=tokens&type=createaccount"); super.handleError(apiResult); createtoken = apiResult.getQuery().getTokens().getCreateaccounttoken(); } Api api = null; if (getVersion().compareToIgnoreCase("Mediawiki 1.27") >= 0) { Map<String, String> lFormData = new HashMap<String, String>(); lFormData.put("createtoken", createtoken); lFormData.put("username", name); lFormData.put("email", eMail); lFormData.put("realname", realname); lFormData.put("mailpassword", mailpassword ? "1" : "0"); lFormData.put("reason", reason); lFormData.put("createcontinue", "1"); String params = ""; api = getActionResult("createaccount", params, null, lFormData); } else { String params = "&name=" + this.encode(name); params += "&email=" + this.encode(eMail); params += "&realname=" + this.encode(realname); params += "&mailpassword=" + mailpassword; params += "&reason=" + this.encode(reason); params += "&token="; api = getActionResult("createaccount", params); handleError(api); String token = api.getCreateaccount().getToken(); params += token; api = getActionResult("createaccount", params); } return api; } @Override public Ii getImageInfo(String pageTitle) throws Exception { // example //|user|userid|comment|parsedcomment|canonicaltitle|url|size|dimensions|sha1|mime|thumbmime|mediatype|metadata|commonmetadata|extmetadata|archivename|bitdepth|uploadwarning&titles=File%3AAlbert%20Einstein%20Head.jpg String props = "timestamp"; props += "%7Cuser%7Cuserid%7Ccomment%7Cparsedcomment%7Curl%7Csize%7Cdimensions"; props += "%7Csha1%7Cmime%7Cthumbmime%7Cmediatype%7Carchivename%7Cbitdepth"; Api api = getQueryResult("&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=" + props + "&titles=" + normalizeTitle(pageTitle)); handleError(api); Ii ii = null; List<Page> pages = api.getQuery().getPages(); if (pages != null) { Page page = pages.get(0); if (page != null) { Imageinfo imageinfo = page.getImageinfo(); if (imageinfo != null) { ii = imageinfo.getIi(); } else { String errMsg = "imageinfo for pageTitle '" + pageTitle + "' not found"; this.handleError(errMsg); } } } if (ii == null) { String errMsg = "pageTitle '" + pageTitle + "' not found"; this.handleError(errMsg); } return ii; } @Override public List<Im> getImagesOnPage(String pageTitle, int imLimit) throws Exception { String query = "&titles=" + normalizeTitle(pageTitle) + "&prop=images&imlimit=" + imLimit; Api api = getQueryResult(query); handleError(api); List<Im> result = new ArrayList<Im>(); Query lquery = api.getQuery(); if (lquery != null) { List<Page> pages = lquery.getPages(); if (pages.size() > 0) { Page page = pages.get(0); result = page.getImages(); } } return result; } @Override public List<Ii> getImageInfosForPage(String pageTitle, int imLimit) throws Exception { List<Im> images = this.getImagesOnPage(pageTitle, imLimit); List<Ii> result = new ArrayList<Ii>(); for (Im image : images) { Ii imageinfo = this.getImageInfo(image.getTitle()); if (imageinfo.getCanonicaltitle() == null) { imageinfo.setCanonicaltitle(image.getTitle()); } result.add(imageinfo); } return result; } /** * get the recent changes see * * @param rcstart * The timestamp to start listing from (May not be more than * $wgRCMaxAge into the past, which on Wikimedia wikis is 30 days[1]) * @param rcend * @param rclimit * @return - the list of recent changes * @throws Exception */ public List<Rc> getRecentChanges(String rcstart, String rcend, Integer rclimit) throws Exception { String query = "&list=recentchanges&rcprop=title%7Ctimestamp%7Csha1%7Cids%7Csizes%7Cflags%7Cuser"; if (rclimit != null) { query += "&rclimit=" + rclimit; } if (rcstart != null) { query += "&rcstart=" + rcstart; } if (rcend != null) { query += "&rcend=" + rcend; } Api api = getQueryResult(query); handleError(api); List<Rc> rcList = api.getQuery().getRecentchanges(); rcList = sortByTitleAndFilterDoubles(rcList); return rcList; } /** * sort the given List by title and filter double titles * * @param rcList * @return */ public List<Rc> sortByTitleAndFilterDoubles(List<Rc> rcList) { List<Rc> result = new ArrayList<Rc>(); List<Rc> sorted = new ArrayList<Rc>(); sorted.addAll(rcList); Collections.sort(sorted, new Comparator<Rc>() { @Override public int compare(Rc lRc, Rc rRc) { int result = lRc.getTitle().compareTo(rRc.getTitle()); if (result == 0) { result = rRc.getTimestamp().compare(lRc.getTimestamp()); } return result; } }); Rc previous = null; for (Rc rc : sorted) { if (previous == null || (!rc.getTitle().equals(previous.getTitle()))) { result.add(rc); } previous = rc; } Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<Rc>() { @Override public int compare(Rc lRc, Rc rRc) { int result = rRc.getTimestamp().compare(lRc.getTimestamp()); return result; } }); return result; } /** * convert a data to a MediaWiki API timestamp * * @param date * @return */ public String dateToMWTimeStamp(Date date) { SimpleDateFormat mwTimeStampFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); String result = mwTimeStampFormat.format(date); return result; } /** * get the most recent changes * * @param days * @param rcLimit * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<Rc> getMostRecentChanges(int days, int rcLimit) throws Exception { Date today = new Date(); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(today); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -days); Date date30daysbefore = cal.getTime(); String rcstart = dateToMWTimeStamp(today); String rcend = dateToMWTimeStamp(date30daysbefore); List<Rc> rcList = this.getRecentChanges(rcstart, rcend, rcLimit); List<Rc> result = this.sortByTitleAndFilterDoubles(rcList); return result; } }