Java tutorial
package; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; /** * Create a Lucene search index * * @author Martin Denham [mjdenham at gmail dot com] * @see gnu.lgpl.License for license details.<br> * The copyright to this program is held by it's author. */ public class SearchIndex extends CustomTitlebarActivityBase { private static final String TAG = "SearchIndex"; /** * Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Log.i(TAG, "Displaying SearchIndex view"); setContentView(R.layout.search_index); Log.d(TAG, "Finished displaying Search Index view"); } /** * Download the index from the sam place that Pocket Sword uses * * @param v */ public void onDownload(View v) { Log.i(TAG, "CLICKED"); boolean bOk = ControlFactory.getInstance().getSearchControl().downloadIndex(getDocumentToIndex()); if (bOk) { monitorProgress(); } } /** * Indexing is very slow * * @param v */ public void onIndex(View v) { Log.i(TAG, "CLICKED"); try { // start background thread to create index boolean bOk = ControlFactory.getInstance().getSearchControl().createIndex(getDocumentToIndex()); if (bOk) { monitorProgress(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "error indexing:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private Book getDocumentToIndex() { String documentInitials = getIntent().getStringExtra(SearchControl.SEARCH_DOCUMENT); Book documentToIndex = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(documentInitials)) { documentToIndex = SwordDocumentFacade.getInstance().getDocumentByInitials(documentInitials); } else { documentToIndex = ControlFactory.getInstance().getCurrentPageControl().getCurrentPage() .getCurrentDocument(); } return documentToIndex; } /** * Show progress monitor screen */ private void monitorProgress() { // monitor the progress Intent intent = new Intent(this, SearchIndexProgressStatus.class); // a search may be pre-defined, if so then pass the pre-defined search through so it can be executed directly if (getIntent().getExtras() != null) { intent.putExtras(getIntent().getExtras()); } // always need to specify which document is being indexed if (StringUtils.isEmpty(intent.getStringExtra(SearchControl.SEARCH_DOCUMENT))) { // must tell the progress status screen which doc is being downloaded because it checks it downloaded successfully intent.putExtra(SearchControl.SEARCH_DOCUMENT, getDocumentToIndex().getInitials()); } startActivity(intent); finish(); } }