Java tutorial
package com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.impl; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import; import com.belle.infrastructure.constant.Constant; import com.belle.infrastructure.orm.basedao.CritMap; import com.belle.infrastructure.orm.basedao.PageFinder; import com.belle.infrastructure.orm.basedao.Query; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.GetSessionUtil; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.JDBCUtils; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.Md5Encrypt; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.UUIDGenerator; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.UUIDUtil; import com.belle.infrastructure.util.XmlTool; import com.belle.other.dao.impl.SupplierContactDaoImpl; import com.belle.other.dao.impl.SupplierContractDaoImpl; import com.belle.other.model.pojo.SupplierContactSp; import com.belle.other.model.pojo.SupplierContract; import com.belle.other.model.pojo.SupplierSp; import com.belle.other.service.ISqlService; import com.belle.other.util.CodeGenerate; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantConsumableDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantExpressTemplateDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantGrantConsumableDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantUserDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantsAuthorityDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.MerchantsRoleDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.RoleAuthorityDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.SpLimitBrandDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.SpLimitCatDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.impl.UserAuthorityDaoImpl; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantExpressTemplate; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantOperationLog; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantOperationLog.OperationType; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantRejectedAddress; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantUser; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantsAuthority; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.MerchantsRole; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.RoleAuthority; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.SpLimitBrand; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.SpLimitCat; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.pojo.UserRole; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.model.vo.MerchantsVo; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.IMerchantOperationLogService; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.IMerchantsService; import com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.ISupplierYgContactService; import com.belle.yitiansystem.systemmgmt.dao.ISystemmgtUserDao; import com.belle.yitiansystem.systemmgmt.model.pojo.SystemmgtUser; import com.yougou.component.area.api.IAreaApi; import com.yougou.component.area.model.Area; import com.yougou.kaidian.common.commodity.pojo.Cat; import com.yougou.kaidian.common.constant.CacheConstant; import com.yougou.kaidian.common.vo.AuthorityComparator; import com.yougou.kaidian.common.vo.MerchantsAuthorityVo; import com.yougou.merchant.api.supplier.service.ISupplierService; import com.yougou.merchant.api.supplier.vo.SupplierVo; import com.yougou.pc.api.ICommodityBaseApiService; import com.yougou.pc.model.brand.Brand; import com.yougou.pc.model.category.Category; import com.yougou.purchase.api.IPurchaseApiService; import com.yougou.purchase.model.SupplierContact; /** * * -?service * * @author wang.m * @date 2012-03-05 * */ @Service public class MerchantsService implements IMerchantsService { @Resource private ISqlService sqlService; @Resource private SupplierContactDaoImpl SupplierContactDaoImpl; @Resource private ISystemmgtUserDao userDao; /*@Resource private SupplierDaoImpl supplierDaoImpl;*/ // ?? @Resource private SupplierContractDaoImpl supplierContractDaoImpl; @Resource private MerchantUserDaoImpl merchantUserDaoImpl; @Resource private SpLimitCatDaoImpl spLimitCatDaoImpl; @Resource private SpLimitBrandDaoImpl spLimitBrandDaoImpl; // ??? @Resource private MerchantsAuthorityDaoImpl merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl; // @Resource private MerchantsRoleDaoImpl merchantsRoleDaoImpl; @Resource private RoleAuthorityDaoImpl roleAuthorityDaoImpl; /*@Resource private ICostSetOfBooksDao costSetOfBooksDao;*/ @Resource private MerchantConsumableDaoImpl merchantConsumableDaoImpl; @Resource private MerchantGrantConsumableDaoImpl merchantGrantConsumableDaoImpl; @Resource private MerchantExpressTemplateDaoImpl merchantExpressTemplateDaoImpl; @Resource private MerchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl; @Resource private IMerchantOperationLogService merchantOperationLogService; @Resource private ICommodityBaseApiService commodityBaseApiService; @Resource private ISupplierService supplierService; @Resource private UserAuthorityDaoImpl userAuthorityDao; @Resource private ISupplierYgContactService supplierYgContactService; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MerchantsService.class); @Resource private IAreaApi areaApi; @Resource private IPurchaseApiService purchaseApiService; @Resource private com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.dao.mapper.MerchantBrandMapper merchantBrandMapper; @Resource private RedisTemplate<String, Object> redisTemplate; /** * ????? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-05 */ @Deprecated public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryMerchantsList(Query query, MerchantsVo merchantsVo) { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT,t1.supplier,t1.supplier_code,t1.coupons_allocation_proportion," + "t1.is_valid,t1.update_date,t1.update_user,t1.inventory_code,is_input_yougou_warehouse" + " FROM tbl_sp_supplier t1 LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand t2 ON = t2.supply_id" + " LEFT JOIN tbl_commodity_brand t3 ON t2.brand_no = t3.brand_no" + " WHERE supplier_type='' AND t1.delete_flag=1 "; // ? if (merchantsVo != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplier())) {// ?? sql += " AND t1.supplier LIKE '%" + merchantsVo.getSupplier().trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getBrandName())) { sql += " AND t3.brand_name LIKE '%" + merchantsVo.getBrandName().trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplierCode())) {// ? sql += " AND t1.supplier_code LIKE '" + merchantsVo.getSupplierCode().trim() + "%'"; } if (null != merchantsVo.getIsValid() && merchantsVo.getIsValid() != 0) {// ? sql += " AND t1.is_valid= " + merchantsVo.getIsValid(); } if (null != merchantsVo.getIsInputYougouWarehouse()) {// sql += " AND t1.is_input_yougou_warehouse= " + merchantsVo.getIsInputYougouWarehouse(); } } sql += " ORDER BY t1.update_date DESC"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * ?ID?? * @param merchantId * @return */ /*public List<Brand> getMerchantBrandListByMerchantId(String merchantId){ final String sql = "SELECT t2.brand_no,t2.brand_name FROM tbl_sp_limit_brand t1 INNER JOIN tbl_commodity_brand t2 ON t1.brand_no = t2.brand_no WHERE t1.supply_id = '"+merchantId+"'"; List<Map<String, Object>> lstBrand = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sql); List<Brand> lstBrandResult = new ArrayList<Brand>(0); for(Map<String, Object> mapBrand : lstBrand) { Brand brand = new Brand(); brand.setBrandNo(mapBrand.get("brand_no")!=null?mapBrand.get("brand_no").toString():""); brand.setBrandName(mapBrand.get("brand_name")!=null?mapBrand.get("brand_name").toString():""); lstBrandResult.add(brand); brand = null; } return lstBrandResult; }*/ /** * ?ID? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-05 */ @Deprecated public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> querySupplierContactSpList(Query query, MerchantsVo merchantsVo, String supplierId) { String sql = "SELECT,t1.supplier,t1.supplier_code,,t2.type,t2.tele_phone,t2.mobile_phone," + " t2.fax,,t2.address FROM tbl_sp_supplier t1 " + " INNER JOIN tbl_sp_supplier_contact t2 WHERE and t1.delete_flag=1 "; // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierId)) { // ID sql += " and'" + supplierId.trim() + "'"; } // ? if (merchantsVo != null) { // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplier())) { sql += " and t1.supplier like '" + merchantsVo.getSupplier().trim() + "%'"; } // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplierCode())) { sql += " and t1.supplier_code like '" + merchantsVo.getSupplierCode().trim() + "%'"; } // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getContact())) { sql += " and like '" + merchantsVo.getContact().trim() + "%'"; } // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getMobilePhone())) { sql += " and t2.mobile_phone like '" + merchantsVo.getMobilePhone().trim() + "%'"; } // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getEmail())) { sql += " and like '" + merchantsVo.getEmail().trim() + "%'"; } } sql += " ORDER BY t1.update_date DESC"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * ?ID?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-05 */ @Deprecated public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> querysupplierContractList(Query query, MerchantsVo merchantsVo, String supplierId) { String sql = "SELECT,t2.contract_no,t1.is_valid,t1.supplier,t1.supplier_code,t2.clearing_form,t2.effective_date," + " t2.failure_date,t2.update_time,t2.update_user,t2.attachment FROM tbl_sp_supplier t1 " + " INNER JOIN tbl_sp_supplier_contract t2 WHERE and t1.delete_flag=1 "; // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierId)) { // ID sql += " and'" + supplierId.trim() + "'"; } // ? if (merchantsVo != null) { // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplier())) { sql += " and t1.supplier like '" + merchantsVo.getSupplier().trim() + "%'"; } // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplierCode())) { sql += " and t1.supplier_code like '" + merchantsVo.getSupplierCode().trim() + "%'"; } // ??? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getContractNo())) { sql += " and t2.contract_no like '" + merchantsVo.getContractNo().trim() + "%'"; } // ? if (null != merchantsVo.getIsValid() && merchantsVo.getIsValid() != 0) { sql += " and t1.is_valid=" + merchantsVo.getIsValid(); } // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getEffectiveDate())) { sql += " and t2.effective_date >'" + merchantsVo.getEffectiveDate().trim() + "'"; } // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getFailureDate())) { sql += " and t2.failure_date <'" + merchantsVo.getFailureDate().trim() + "'"; } } sql += " ORDER BY t2.update_time DESC"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * * ???? * * @param telePhone * ? * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m */ @Override public boolean existsTelePhone(String telePhone) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(telePhone)) { String sql = "select count( from tbl_sp_supplier_contact t where t.tele_phone = '" + telePhone.trim() + "'"; Long count = sqlService.getCountBySql(sql, null, null); return count > 0; } return false; } /** * * ??? * * @param email * ? * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m */ public boolean existsEmail(String email) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(email)) { String sql = "select count( from tbl_sp_supplier_contact t where = '" + email.trim() + "'"; Long count = sqlService.getCountBySql(sql, null, null); return count > 0; } return false; } /** * * ?? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional public boolean add_linkmanList(SupplierContactSp supplierContactSp, String suplierName, String operator) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; try { SupplierContactSp supplierSp = new SupplierContactSp(); if (supplierContactSp != null) { SupplierSp SupplierSp = new SupplierSp(); SupplierVo vo = supplierService.getSupplierByName(suplierName); BeanUtils.copyProperties(SupplierSp, vo); supplierSp.setSupplier(SupplierSp); supplierSp.setContact(supplierContactSp.getContact());// ?? supplierSp.setTelePhone(supplierContactSp.getTelePhone());// ?? supplierSp.setType(supplierContactSp.getType());// supplierSp.setAddress(supplierContactSp.getAddress()); supplierSp.setEmail(supplierContactSp.getEmail()); supplierSp.setFax(supplierContactSp.getFax()); supplierSp.setMobilePhone(supplierContactSp.getMobilePhone());; SupplierContact supplierContact = new SupplierContact(); this.purchaseApiService.insertSupplierContact(supplierContact); /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(SupplierSp.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(operator); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.CONTACT); operationLog.setOperationNotes( merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantContactOperationNotes(null, supplierSp)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("??!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ?? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional public boolean update_linkmanList(Query query, ModelMap modelMap, SupplierContactSp supplierContactSp, String suplierName, SystemmgtUser systemmgtUser) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; try { SupplierContactSp supplierSp = new SupplierContactSp(); if (supplierContactSp != null) { // //SupplierSp SupplierSp = supplierDaoImpl.findSupplierByName(suplierName);// ???? SupplierSp SupplierSp = new SupplierSp(); SupplierVo vo = supplierService.getSupplierByName(suplierName); BeanUtils.copyProperties(SupplierSp, vo); supplierSp.setSupplier(SupplierSp); supplierSp.setContact(supplierContactSp.getContact());// ?? supplierSp.setTelePhone(supplierContactSp.getTelePhone());// ?? supplierSp.setType(supplierContactSp.getType());// supplierSp.setAddress(supplierContactSp.getAddress()); supplierSp.setEmail(supplierContactSp.getEmail()); supplierSp.setFax(supplierContactSp.getFax()); supplierSp.setMobilePhone(supplierContactSp.getMobilePhone()); supplierSp.setId(supplierContactSp.getId()); SupplierContactSp supplierSpInfo = SupplierContactDaoImpl.getById(supplierContactSp.getId()); String operationNotes = merchantOperationLogService .buildMerchantContactOperationNotes(supplierSpInfo, supplierSp); SupplierContactDaoImpl.merge(supplierSp); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(operationNotes)) { /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(SupplierSp.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(systemmgtUser.getUsername()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.CONTACT); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("??!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ??? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Deprecated @Transactional public boolean add_supplierContract(Query query, ModelMap modelMap, String effective, String failure, SupplierContract supplierContract, String suplierName, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { SupplierContract contract = new SupplierContract(); if (supplierContract != null) { // //SupplierSp SupplierSp = this.findSupplierByName(suplierName);// ???? SupplierSp SupplierSp = new SupplierSp(); SupplierVo vo = supplierService.getSupplierByName(suplierName); BeanUtils.copyProperties(SupplierSp, vo); contract.setSupplier(SupplierSp); contract.setContractNo(supplierContract.getContractNo());// ??? contract.setEffectiveDate(format.parse(effective));// contract.setFailureDate(format.parse(failure));// ? contract.setClearingForm(supplierContract.getClearingForm()); contract.setUpdateTime(formDate());// ? contract.setAttachment(supplierContract.getAttachment());// ?? SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } contract.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// ?; /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(SupplierSp.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(loginUser); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.CONTRACT); operationLog.setOperationNotes( merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantContractOperationNotes(null, contract)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ??? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Deprecated @Transactional public boolean update_supplierContract(Query query, ModelMap modelMap, String effective, String failure, SupplierContract supplierContract, String suplierName, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { SupplierContract contract = new SupplierContract(); if (supplierContract != null) { // //SupplierSp SupplierSp = supplierDaoImpl.findSupplierByName(suplierName);// ???? SupplierVo supplierInfo = supplierService.getSupplierByName(suplierName); SupplierSp SupplierSp = new SupplierSp(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(SupplierSp, supplierInfo); contract.setSupplier(SupplierSp); contract.setContractNo(supplierContract.getContractNo());// ??? contract.setEffectiveDate(format.parse(effective));// contract.setFailureDate(format.parse(failure));// ? contract.setClearingForm(supplierContract.getClearingForm()); contract.setUpdateTime(formDate());// ? contract.setAttachment(supplierContract.getAttachment());// ?? SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } contract.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierContract.getId())) { contract.setId(supplierContract.getId()); } SupplierContract contractInfo = supplierContractDaoImpl.getById(supplierContract.getId()); String operationNotes = merchantOperationLogService .buildMerchantContractOperationNotes(contractInfo, contract); supplierContractDaoImpl.merge(contract); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(operationNotes)) { /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(SupplierSp.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(loginUser); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.CONTRACT); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ? * * @return List<SupplierSp> */ public List<SupplierSp> getSupplies(String supplierspName) { List<SupplierSp> result = new ArrayList<SupplierSp>(); /*CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addDesc("updateTimestamp"); critMap.addEqual("supplierType", ""); critMap.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierspName)) { critMap.addLike("supplierCode", supplierspName); } result = supplierDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); */ SupplierVo _vo = new SupplierVo(); _vo.setSupplierType(""); _vo.setSupplierCode(supplierspName); try { List<SupplierVo> list = supplierService.querySupplierByVo(_vo); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { SupplierSp supplier = null; for (SupplierVo supplierVo : list) { supplier = new SupplierSp(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(supplier, supplierVo); result.add(supplier); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * * ??ID?? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ public SupplierContactSp initial_linkmanList(Query query, ModelMap modelMap, String id) { List<SupplierContactSp> result = new ArrayList<SupplierContactSp>(); CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("id", id); critMap.addFech("supplier"); result = SupplierContactDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); SupplierContactSp supplierContactSp = null; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { supplierContactSp = result.get(0); } return supplierContactSp; } /** * * ???ID?? * * @Date 2012-03-06 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ public SupplierContract initial_supplierContract(Query query, ModelMap modelMap, String id) { List<SupplierContract> result = new ArrayList<SupplierContract>(); CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("id", id); critMap.addFech("supplier"); SupplierContract supplierContract = null; result = supplierContractDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { supplierContract = result.get(0); } return supplierContract; } /** * * ???? * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m */ public boolean exitsLoginAccount(String loginAccount) { // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(loginAccount)) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("loginName", loginAccount.trim()); critMap.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 List<MerchantUser> merchantUser = merchantUserDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (merchantUser != null && merchantUser.size() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } /** * * ? * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional @Deprecated public Integer addSupplier(HttpServletRequest req, SupplierSp supplierSp) { Integer count = 0; try { SupplierSp supplier = new SupplierSp(); supplier.setUpdateTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());// supplier.setSupplier(supplierSp.getSupplier());// ?? supplier.setSimpleName(supplierSp.getSimpleName());// supplier.setAddress(supplierSp.getAddress());// ? supplier.setTaxRate(supplierSp.getTaxRate());// supplier.setRemark(supplierSp.getRemark());// if (null != supplierSp && supplierSp.getSupplierType() != null && "".equals(supplierSp.getSupplierType())) { if (supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion() == null) { supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion());// } else { supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(0.00);// } } else { supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(0.00);// } supplier.setSupplierType(supplierSp.getSupplierType());// supplier.setIsInputYougouWarehouse(supplierSp.getIsInputYougouWarehouse());// ? supplier.setSetOfBooksCode(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksCode());// ??? supplier.setSetOfBooksName(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName());// ???? supplier.setBalanceTraderCode(supplierSp.getBalanceTraderCode());// ? supplier.setBalanceTraderName(supplierSp.getBalanceTraderName());// ?? supplier.setPosSourceNo(supplierSp.getPosSourceNo());// pos? supplier.setIsUseYougouWms(supplierSp.getIsUseYougouWms());//?WMS supplier.setDeleteFlag(1);// supplier.setShipmentType(supplierSp.getShipmentType());// ? SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } supplier.setCreator(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateDate(new Date());// // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierSp.getId())) { // ? SupplierSp supplierInfo = getSupplierSpById(supplierSp.getId()); // ? if (supplierInfo != null) { supplier.setBank(supplierInfo.getBank()); supplier.setSubBank(supplierInfo.getSubBank()); supplier.setDutyCode(supplierInfo.getDutyCode()); supplier.setContact(supplierInfo.getContact()); supplier.setPayType(supplierInfo.getPayType()); supplier.setAccount(supplierInfo.getAccount()); supplier.setConTime(supplierInfo.getConTime()); } if (supplierInfo != null) { // ??() if (null != supplierSp && supplierSp.getSupplierType() != null && "".equals(supplierSp.getSupplierType())) { // Double proportion = supplierInfo.getCouponsAllocationProportion() == null ? 0.0 : supplierInfo.getCouponsAllocationProportion(); if (supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion() != null && !proportion.equals(supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion())) { count = addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "?", "", proportion.toString(), supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion().toString(), loginUser); } } // ???? String setOfBooksName = supplierInfo.getSetOfBooksName() == null ? "" : supplierInfo.getSetOfBooksName(); if (!setOfBooksName.equals(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName())) { count = addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "?", "????", setOfBooksName, supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName(), loginUser); } // Double taxRate = supplierInfo.getTaxRate() == null ? 0.0 : supplierInfo.getTaxRate(); if (!taxRate.equals(supplierSp.getTaxRate())) { count = addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "?", "", taxRate.toString(), supplierSp.getTaxRate().toString(), loginUser); } // ? Integer warehouse = supplierInfo.getIsInputYougouWarehouse() == null ? 1 : supplierInfo.getIsInputYougouWarehouse(); if (warehouse != supplierSp.getIsInputYougouWarehouse()) { String wareStr = ""; String wareStr1 = ""; if (warehouse == 1) { wareStr = ""; wareStr1 = "?"; } else { wareStr = "?"; wareStr1 = ""; } count = addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "?", "", wareStr, wareStr1, loginUser); } } supplier.setId(supplierSp.getId()); supplier.setSupplierCode(supplierSp.getSupplierCode());// ? supplier.setIsValid(supplierSp.getIsValid());// ? //supplierDaoImpl.merge(supplier); //TODO } else { String supplierCode = new CodeGenerate().getSupplierCode(); supplier.setSupplierCode(supplierCode);// ? supplier.setIsValid(2);// ? //; //TODO } count = 1; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } /** * * ? * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional @Deprecated public Integer addMerchant(HttpServletRequest req, SupplierSp supplierSp, String bankNoHidden, String catNameHidden) { Integer count = 0; String supplierCode = ""; String loginUser = ""; try { SupplierSp supplier = new SupplierSp(); if (supplierSp != null) { try { SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); supplier.setUpdateTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());// supplier.setSupplier(supplierSp.getSupplier()); supplierCode = new CodeGenerate().getSupplierCode(); supplier.setSupplierCode(supplierCode);// ? supplier.setContact(supplierSp.getContact());// ?? supplier.setAccount(supplierSp.getAccount());// ? supplier.setSubBank(supplierSp.getSubBank());// ? supplier.setBankLocal(supplierSp.getBankLocal());// supplier.setBusinessLicense(supplierSp.getBusinessLicense());// ?? supplier.setBusinessLocal(supplierSp.getBusinessLocal());// ? supplier.setBusinessValidity(supplierSp.getBusinessValidity());// ? supplier.setTaxpayer(supplierSp.getTaxpayer());// ? supplier.setInstitutional(supplierSp.getInstitutional());// ? supplier.setTallageNo(supplierSp.getTallageNo());// ?? supplier.setTaxRate(supplierSp.getTaxRate());// supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion());// supplier.setIsValid(2);// ? supplier.setSupplierType(supplierSp.getSupplierType());// supplier.setIsInputYougouWarehouse(supplierSp.getIsInputYougouWarehouse());// ? supplier.setIsUseYougouWms(supplierSp.getIsUseYougouWms());// ?WMS supplier.setSetOfBooksCode(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksCode());// ??? supplier.setSetOfBooksName(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName());// ???? if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } supplier.setCreator(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateDate(new Date());// supplier.setDeleteFlag(1);// supplier.setShipmentType(supplierSp.getShipmentType());// ? supplier.setTradeCurrency(supplierSp.getTradeCurrency()); //; //TODO /** Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplier.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(supplier.getCreator()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.BASIC_DATA); operationLog.setOperationNotes( merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantBasicDataOperationNotes(null, supplier)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); count = 0; } try { // ? MerchantUser merchantUser = new MerchantUser(); merchantUser.setLoginName(supplierSp.getLoginAccount());// ?? // ?MD5 String password = Md5Encrypt.md5(supplierSp.getLoginPassword()); merchantUser.setPassword(password);// ? merchantUser.setMerchantCode(supplierCode);// ? merchantUser.setUserName("");// ? merchantUser.setCreateTime(formDate()); merchantUser.setStatus(1);// ? 1? merchantUser.setIsAdministrator(1); // 1? merchantUser.setDeleteFlag(1);// merchantUser.setIsYougouAdmin(0);; /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplier.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(supplier.getCreator()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.ACCOUNT); operationLog.setOperationNotes( merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantAccountOperationNotes(null, merchantUser)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???!", e); count = 0; } } // ??? addMerchantBankAndCat(supplier, req, bankNoHidden, catNameHidden, null, null, "1"); count = 2; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); count = 0; } return count; } /** * * ? * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional public Integer updateMerchant(HttpServletRequest req, SupplierSp supplierSp, String bankNameHidden, String catNameHidden, String brandList, String catList) throws Exception { // ? SupplierSp supplierInfo = getSupplierSpById(supplierSp.getId()); //TODO // ???? String[] brandInfos = getSpLimitBrandBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? String[] catInfos = getSpLimitCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } SupplierSp supplier = new SupplierSp(); supplier.setId(supplierSp.getId()); // Id supplier.setUpdateTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());// supplier.setSupplier(supplierSp.getSupplier());// ?? supplier.setSupplierCode(supplierSp.getSupplierCode());// ? supplier.setContact(supplierSp.getContact());// ?? supplier.setAccount(supplierSp.getAccount());// ? supplier.setSubBank(supplierSp.getSubBank());// ? supplier.setBankLocal(supplierSp.getBankLocal());// supplier.setBusinessLicense(supplierSp.getBusinessLicense());// ?? supplier.setBusinessLocal(supplierSp.getBusinessLocal());// ? supplier.setBusinessValidity(supplierSp.getBusinessValidity());// ? supplier.setTaxpayer(supplierSp.getTaxpayer());// ? supplier.setInstitutional(supplierSp.getInstitutional());// ? supplier.setTallageNo(supplierSp.getTallageNo());// ?? supplier.setTaxRate(supplierSp.getTaxRate());// supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion());// supplier.setIsValid(supplierSp.getIsValid());// ? supplier.setSupplierType(supplierSp.getSupplierType());// supplier.setIsInputYougouWarehouse(supplierSp.getIsInputYougouWarehouse());// ? supplier.setSetOfBooksCode(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksCode());// ??? supplier.setSetOfBooksName(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName());// ???? supplier.setCreator(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateDate(new Date());// supplier.setDeleteFlag(1);// supplier.setShipmentType(supplierSp.getShipmentType());// ? supplier.setInventoryCode(supplierSp.getInventoryCode());//? if (supplierSp.getTradeCurrency() != null) { supplier.setTradeCurrency(supplierSp.getTradeCurrency()); } supplier.setIsUseYougouWms(supplierSp.getIsUseYougouWms());//?WMS String operationNotes = merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantBasicDataOperationNotes(supplierInfo, supplier); //supplierDaoImpl.merge(supplier); //TODO // ?Id??? deleteMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? addMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp, req, bankNameHidden, catNameHidden, brandList, catList, "2"); if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(brandInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(brandInfos[0], brandList)) { operationNotes += MessageFormat.format("????{0}?{1}", brandInfos[0], brandList); } } if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(catInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(catInfos[0], catList)) { operationNotes += MessageFormat.format("???{0}?{1}", catInfos[0], catList); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(operationNotes)) { /** Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplier.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(supplier.getCreator()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.BASIC_DATA); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } return 2; } /** * * ? * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ @Transactional public boolean update_merchants(ModelMap modelMap, Query query, SupplierSp supplierSp, HttpServletRequest req, String bankName, String catName) { boolean bool = false; try { SupplierSp supplier = new SupplierSp(); if (supplierSp != null) { try { supplier.setId(supplierSp.getId()); // Id supplier.setUpdateTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());// supplier.setSupplier(supplierSp.getSupplier());// ?? supplier.setSupplierCode(supplierSp.getSupplierCode());// ? supplier.setContact(supplierSp.getContact());// ?? supplier.setAccount(supplierSp.getAccount());// ? supplier.setSubBank(supplierSp.getSubBank());// ? supplier.setBankLocal(supplierSp.getBankLocal());// supplier.setBusinessLicense(supplierSp.getBusinessLicense());// ?? supplier.setBusinessLocal(supplierSp.getBusinessLocal());// ? supplier.setBusinessValidity(supplierSp.getBusinessValidity());// ? supplier.setTaxpayer(supplierSp.getTaxpayer());// ? supplier.setInstitutional(supplierSp.getInstitutional());// ? supplier.setTallageNo(supplierSp.getTallageNo());// ?? supplier.setTaxRate(supplierSp.getTaxRate());// supplier.setCouponsAllocationProportion(supplierSp.getCouponsAllocationProportion());// supplier.setIsValid(2);// ? 2 supplier.setSupplierType(""); supplier.setIsInputYougouWarehouse(supplierSp.getIsInputYougouWarehouse());// ? supplier.setSetOfBooksCode(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksCode());// ??? supplier.setSetOfBooksName(supplierSp.getSetOfBooksName());// ???? supplier.setBalanceTraderCode(supplierSp.getBalanceTraderCode());// ? supplier.setBalanceTraderName(supplierSp.getBalanceTraderName());// ?? SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } supplier.setCreator(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateUser(loginUser);// supplier.setUpdateDate(new Date());// supplier.setDeleteFlag(1);// //supplierDaoImpl.merge(supplier); //TODO // ?Id??? deleteMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? addMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp, req, "", "", bankName, catName, "2"); bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ?ID??? */ private List<SpLimitBrand> getBrankSupplier(String id) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("supplyId", id); List<SpLimitBrand> list = spLimitBrandDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); return list; } /** * ?ID??? */ private List<SpLimitCat> getCatSupplier(String id) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("supplyId", id); List<SpLimitCat> list = spLimitCatDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); return list; } /** * ?ID? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-07 */ public SupplierSp getSupplierSpById(String id) { SupplierSp supplierSp = new SupplierSp(); SupplierVo _vo = new SupplierVo(); SupplierVo supplier = null; _vo.setId(id); _vo.setIsValid(null); List<SupplierVo> vos = null; try { vos = supplierService.querySupplierByVo(_vo); supplier = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(vos) ? vos.get(0) : null; BeanUtils.copyProperties(supplierSp, supplier); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return supplierSp; } private SupplierVo getSupplierVoById(String id) { SupplierVo _vo = new SupplierVo(); SupplierVo supplier = null; _vo.setId(id); List<SupplierVo> vos = null; try { vos = supplierService.querySupplierByVo(_vo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(vos) ? vos.get(0) : null; } /** * ?ID??? * * @author wang.m * @throws SQLException * @Date 2012-03-08 */ @Deprecated public String[] getSpLimitCatBysupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { String str[] = new String[2]; String catStr = ""; String catHide = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { /* CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("supplyId", id); List<SpLimitCat> spLimitCat = spLimitCatDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (null != spLimitCat && spLimitCat.size() > 0) { for (SpLimitCat spLimitCat2 : spLimitCat) { // ??3?? String threeCatName = this.getCatName(spLimitCat2.getCatNo()); // ?3??2?? String twoCatName = this.getTowCatName(threeCatName, spLimitCat2.getStructName()); // ?3??1?? String structName = spLimitCat2.getStructName().substring(0, 5); String OneCatName = this.getOneCatName(twoCatName, structName); catStr += OneCatName + "-" + twoCatName + "-" + threeCatName + ";"; catHide += spLimitCat2.getStructName() + ";" + spLimitCat2.getId() + "_"; } catStr = catStr.substring(0, catStr.length() - 1); catHide = catHide.substring(0, catHide.length() - 1); } */ List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandMaps = sqlService.getDatasBySql( "select id, cat_no, struct_name from tbl_sp_limit_cat where supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (null != spLimitBrandMaps && spLimitBrandMaps.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> spLimitBrandMap : spLimitBrandMaps) { String cat_no = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "cat_no"); String struct_name = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "struct_name"); // ??3?? String threeCatName = this.getCatName(cat_no); // ?3??2?? String twoCatName = this.getTowCatName(threeCatName, struct_name); // ?3??1?? String structName = struct_name.substring(0, 5); String OneCatName = this.getOneCatName(twoCatName, structName); catStr += OneCatName + "-" + twoCatName + "-" + threeCatName + ";"; catHide += struct_name + ";" + spLimitBrandMap.get("id") + "_"; } catStr = catStr.substring(0, catStr.length() - 1); catHide = catHide.substring(0, catHide.length() - 1); } } str[0] = catStr; str[1] = catHide; return str; } /** * ?ID??--?? * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException */ @Deprecated public String[] getSpLimitBrandCatBysupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { String str[] = new String[2]; String catStr = ""; String catHide = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandMaps = sqlService.getDatasBySql( "SELECT, c.cat_no, c.struct_name, b.brand_no FROM tbl_sp_limit_cat c LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand_cat bc ON = bc.cat_id LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand b ON bc.brand_id = WHERE c.supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spLimitBrandMaps)) { for (Map<String, Object> spLimitBrandMap : spLimitBrandMaps) { String struct_name = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "struct_name"); String brand_no = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "brand_no"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(struct_name)) continue; Category cat = commodityBaseApiService.getCategoryByStructName(struct_name); com.yougou.pc.model.brand.Brand brand = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brand_no)) { brand = commodityBaseApiService.getBrandByNo(brand_no); } catStr += (brand == null ? "" : brand.getBrandName()) + "|" + cat.getStructCatName() + ";"; catHide += brand_no + ";" + struct_name + ";" + cat.getId() + "_"; } catStr = catStr.substring(0, catStr.length() - 1); catHide = catHide.substring(0, catHide.length() - 1); } } str[0] = catStr; str[1] = catHide; return str; } /** * ID???-?? */ public List<String> queryAuthorizationBrandCatBysupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { return null; } List<String> brandStructs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandMaps = sqlService.getDatasBySql( "SELECT, c.cat_no, c.struct_name, b.brand_no FROM tbl_sp_limit_cat c LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand_cat bc ON = bc.cat_id LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand b ON bc.brand_id = WHERE c.supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spLimitBrandMaps)) { for (Map<String, Object> map : spLimitBrandMaps) { String struct_name = MapUtils.getString(map, "struct_name"); String brand_no = MapUtils.getString(map, "brand_no"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(struct_name) || StringUtils.isBlank(brand_no)) continue; brandStructs.add(brand_no + ";" + struct_name); } } return brandStructs; } /** * ?ID???? * * @author wang.m * @throws SQLException * @Date 2012-03-08 */ @Deprecated public String[] getSpLimitBrandBysupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { String str[] = new String[2]; String brandStr = ""; String brandHide = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandMaps = sqlService .getDatasBySql("select id, brand_no from tbl_sp_limit_brand where supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (null != spLimitBrandMaps && spLimitBrandMaps.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> spLimitBrandMap : spLimitBrandMaps) { String brand_no = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "brand_no"); // ????? Brand brand = commodityBaseApiService.getBrandByNo(brand_no); String brandName = (brand != null) ? brand.getBrandName() : ""; brandStr += brandName + ";"; brandHide += spLimitBrandMap.get("id") + "_" + brand_no + "_" + brandName + ";"; } brandStr = brandStr.substring(0, brandStr.length() - 1); brandHide = brandHide.substring(0, brandHide.length() - 1); } } str[0] = brandStr; str[1] = brandHide; return str; } /** * ID?? */ public List<String> getAuthorizationBrandNos(String id) throws SQLException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { return null; } List<String> brandNos = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandMaps = sqlService .getDatasBySql("select id, brand_no from tbl_sp_limit_brand where supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spLimitBrandMaps)) { for (Map<String, Object> spLimitBrandMap : spLimitBrandMaps) { String brand_no = MapUtils.getString(spLimitBrandMap, "brand_no"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(brand_no)) continue; brandNos.add(brand_no); } } return brandNos; } /* * ID?? * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.IMerchantsService#queryAuthorizationBrandBysupplierId(java.lang.String) */ public String queryAuthorizationBrandBysupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { List<String> brandNos = this.getAuthorizationBrandNos(id); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(brandNos)) return sb.toString(); for (String brandNo : brandNos) { com.yougou.pc.model.brand.Brand brand = commodityBaseApiService.getBrandByNo(brandNo); if (brand == null) continue; String brandName = brand.getBrandName(); if (sb.length() == 0) sb.append(brandNo).append(";").append(brandName); else sb.append("_").append(brandNo).append(";").append(brandName); } return sb.toString(); } /** * ??? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-08 */ public SystemmgtUser getSystemmgtUserByUserName(String loginUserName) { SystemmgtUser systemmgtUser = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(loginUserName)) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("loginName", loginUserName); List<SystemmgtUser> systemmgtUserList = userDao.findByCritMap(critMap); if (systemmgtUserList != null && systemmgtUserList.size() > 0) { systemmgtUser = systemmgtUserList.get(0); } } return systemmgtUser; } /** * ?3??2?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-20 * */ public String getTowCatName(String brandNo, String structName) throws SQLException { List<Object> obj = null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); buffer.append( "SELECT cat_name FROM tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE struct_name=(SELECT SUBSTRING(struct_name,1,5) FROM tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE cat_name=? and struct_name=?) "); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brandNo)) { obj = new ArrayList<Object>(); obj.add(brandNo); obj.add(structName); } String cat = getResouseBySql(buffer.toString(), obj); return cat; } /** * ?2??1?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-20 * */ public String getOneCatName(String brandNo, String structName) throws SQLException { List<Object> obj = null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); buffer.append( "SELECT cat_name FROM tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE struct_name=(SELECT SUBSTRING(struct_name,1,2) FROM tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE cat_name=? and struct_name=?)"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brandNo) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(structName)) { obj = new ArrayList<Object>(); obj.add(brandNo); obj.add(structName); } String cat = getResouseBySql(buffer.toString(), obj); return cat; } /** * wms? ? * * @param merchantsCode * ? * @param warehouseName * ? * @throws Exception */ public boolean update_merchant_virtualWarehouseCode(String merchantsCode, String warehouseCode, HttpServletRequest req) { boolean bool = false; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsCode) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(warehouseCode)) { try { String sql = "select 1 from tbl_wms_warehouse where warehouse_code = ? and isoutwarehouse = ?"; Object[] obj = new Object[2]; obj[0] = warehouseCode; obj[1] = NumberUtils.INTEGER_ONE; /** **/ if (JDBCUtils.getInstance().count(sql, obj) != 1) { //return bool; } SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String updateUser = ""; if (user != null) { updateUser = user.getUsername(); } /** **/ sql = "update tbl_sp_supplier set inventory_code = null, update_user = ?, update_date = ? where inventory_code = ?"; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = updateUser;// obj[1] = new Date(); // ?? obj[2] = warehouseCode; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); /** **/ sql = "update tbl_sp_supplier set inventory_code = ?, update_user = ?, update_date = ? where supplier_code = ?"; obj = new Object[4]; obj[0] = warehouseCode; obj[1] = updateUser;// obj[2] = new Date(); // ?? obj[3] = merchantsCode; bool = sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("wms? ?!", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return bool; } /** * ??? * * @throws Exception * @throws Exception * */ private void update_SpLimitBrand(String id) throws Exception { String sql = "delete from tbl_sp_limit_brand where id=?"; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } /** * ?? * * @throws Exception * */ private void update_SpLimitCat(String id) throws Exception { String sql = "delete from tbl_sp_limit_cat where id=?"; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } /** * ?-- * * @throws Exception * */ private void update_SpLimitBrand_Cat(String id) throws Exception { String sql = "delete from tbl_sp_limit_brand_cat where id=?"; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } /** * ???3? * * @throws SQLException * */ private List<Map<String, Object>> getCommodityCatb2cByStructName(String structName) throws SQLException { List<Map<String, Object>> maps = null; String sql = "select struct_name,id,no,cat_name from tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE level = 3 and delete_flag=1 "; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(structName)) { // struct_name LIKE ? AND sql += " and struct_name like '" + structName + "%'"; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Map<String, Object> map = null; maps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); while ( { map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount();) { ++i; String key = rsmd.getColumnLabel(i).toLowerCase(); if (map.containsKey(key)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("?key " + key); } map.put(key, rs.getObject(i)); } maps.add(map); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception logger.error("???3?!", e); } finally { close(conn, pstmt, rs); } } return maps; } /** * ??3?? * * @author wang.m param catNo * @throws SQLException */ private String getCatName(String catNo) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); buffer.append("SELECT cat_name FROM tbl_commodity_catb2c WHERE 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(catNo)) { buffer.append(" and NO ='" + catNo + "'"); } String cat = getResouseBySql(buffer.toString(), null); return cat; } /** * ????? * * @author wang.m param brandNo * @throws SQLException */ /*private String getBrandName(String brandNo) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); buffer.append("SELECT brand_name FROM tbl_commodity_brand WHERE 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brandNo)) { buffer.append(" and brand_no='" + brandNo + "'"); } String cat = getResouseBySql(buffer.toString(), null); return cat; }*/ /** * ?sql? * * @throws SQLException * **/ private String getResouseBySql(String sql, List<Object> params) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String str = ""; try { conn = getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) { pstmt.setObject(j + 1, params.get(j)); } } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount();) { ++i; str = (String) rs.getObject(i); } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception logger.error("sql?!" + sql, e); } finally { close(conn, pstmt, rs); } return str; } /** * ? * * @param conn * @param pstmt * @param rs */ private void close(Connection conn, Statement pstmt, ResultSet rs) { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); rs = null; } if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } if (conn != null) { if (!conn.isClosed()) { conn.close(); } conn = null; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception logger.error("?!", e); } } private Connection getConnection() { return userDao.getHibernateSession().connection(); } /** * ? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 * */ public List<MerchantsRole> getMerchantsRoleList() { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addAsc("createTime"); List<MerchantsRole> merchantsAuthorityList = merchantsRoleDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); return merchantsAuthorityList; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 * */ public List<MerchantsAuthority> getMerchantsAuthorityList(String uid) { List<MerchantsAuthority> list = new ArrayList<MerchantsAuthority>(); try { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addAsc("authrityModule"); critMap.addNotEqual("parentId", "0"); List<MerchantsAuthority> merchantsAuthorityList = merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); for (MerchantsAuthority merchantsAuthority : merchantsAuthorityList) { String sql = "SELECT t1.authority_id FROM tbl_merchant_user_authority t1 WHERE t1.authority_id=? and t1.user_id=?"; List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); params.add(merchantsAuthority.getId()); params.add(uid); String aid = getResouseBySql(sql, params); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(aid)) { if (aid.equals(merchantsAuthority.getId())) { } else { list.add(merchantsAuthority); } } else { list.add(merchantsAuthority); } } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("??!", e); } return list; } /** * Id * * @author wang.m * @throws SQLException * @Date 2012-03-26 * */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getMerchantsRoleDaoImplById(String id) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT,t1.role_name FROM tbl_merchant_role t1 INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_user_role t2 ON WHERE 1=1 AND t2.user_id='" + id + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> maps = getMapBysql(sql, null); return maps; } /** * ? * * @author wang.M * */ public boolean delete_merchants(String id, String supplierCode) throws Exception { boolean isDeleteSuccess = false; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierCode)) { // ? 0 /** String sql = "UPDATE tbl_sp_supplier SET delete_flag=0 WHERE is_valid=2 and id=?"; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); */ // ??? String sql2 = "UPDATE tbl_merchant_user SET delete_flag=0,create_time=? WHERE merchant_code=? "; Object[] obj2 = new Object[2]; obj2[0] = formDate(); obj2[1] = supplierCode; sqlService.updateObject(sql2, obj2); // ?? /** String sql3 = "DELETE FROM tbl_sp_supplier_contact WHERE supply_id = ?"; Object[] obj3 = new Object[1]; obj3[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql3, obj3); */ this.purchaseApiService.deleteSupplierContact(id); // ??? String sql4 = "DELETE FROM tbl_sp_supplier_contract WHERE supplier_id = ?"; Object[] obj4 = new Object[1]; obj4[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql4, obj4); // ?? String sql5 = "DELETE FROM tbl_merchant_operation_log WHERE merchant_code = ?"; Object[] obj5 = new Object[1]; obj5[0] = supplierCode; sqlService.updateObject(sql5, obj5); isDeleteSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", ex); isDeleteSuccess = false; } return isDeleteSuccess; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 */ public boolean saveUserAuthority(String uid, String authority) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(uid) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(authority)) { // deleteMerchantsAuthorityByPramas(uid); // String sql = "insert into tbl_merchant_user_role(id,user_id,role_id,create_date,remark) values (?,?,?,?,?)"; String[] strAdd = authority.split(";"); if (strAdd.length > 0) { for (String string : strAdd) { Object[] obj = new Object[5]; // ?uuid String uuid = UUIDGenerator.getUUID(); obj[0] = uuid; obj[1] = uid; obj[2] = string; obj[3] = formDate(); obj[4] = ""; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); bool = true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("??!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryMerchantsAuthorityList(Query query, MerchantsAuthority merchantsAuthority) { String sql = "SELECT,t1.parent_id,t2.authrity_name as parent_name,t1.authrity_name,t1.authrity_url,t1.authrity_module,t1.sort_no,t1.create_time,t1.remark from tbl_merchant_authority t1 LEFT JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t2 on where 1=1 "; // ? if (merchantsAuthority != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsAuthority.getAuthrityName())) {// ?? sql += " and t1.authrity_name like '" + merchantsAuthority.getAuthrityName().trim() + "%' "; } } sql += " ORDER BY t1.sort_no asc,t1.create_time desc"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryAllMerchantsAuthorityList() { String sql = "SELECT,t1.parent_id,t1.authrity_name,t1.authrity_url,t1.authrity_module,t1.sort_no,t1.create_time,t1.remark from tbl_merchant_authority t1 where 1=1 "; sql += " ORDER BY t1.sort_no asc"; List<Map<String, Object>> authorityList = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sql); return authorityList; } /** * * ?Id?? */ public MerchantsAuthority getMerchantsAuthorityByid(String id) { List<MerchantsAuthority> result = new ArrayList<MerchantsAuthority>(); MerchantsAuthority merchantsAuthority = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { critMap.addEqual("id", id); } result = merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { merchantsAuthority = result.get(0); } return merchantsAuthority; } /** * * ?Id?? */ public List<MerchantsAuthority> getMerchantsAuthorityByPid(String pid) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("parentId", pid); return merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); } /** * * ? */ @Transactional public boolean updateMerchantsAuthority(MerchantsAuthority merchantsAuthority) { boolean bool = false; try { merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.merge(merchantsAuthority); bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ? */ @Transactional public boolean addMerchantsAuthority(MerchantsAuthority merchantsAuthority) { boolean bool = false; try { merchantsAuthority.setId(null); merchantsAuthority.setCreateTime(formDate());; bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ?Id ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-27 */ private void deleteMerchantsAuthorityByPramas(String userId) { try { String sql = "delete from tbl_merchant_user_role where user_id=? "; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = userId; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?Id ??!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * ?? */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryMerchantsUser(Query query, MerchantUser merchantUser) { String sql = "SELECT,t1.merchant_code,t2.supplier AS merchant_name,t1.user_name,t1.login_name," + "t1.mobile_code,t1.creater,t1.create_time,t1.status,t1.remark,t1.is_yougou_admin" + " FROM tbl_merchant_user t1 LEFT JOIN tbl_sp_supplier t2 ON t1.merchant_code = t2.supplier_code" + " WHERE t1.delete_flag=1 "; // ? if (merchantUser != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantUser.getUserName())) { sql += " AND t1.user_name LIKE '" + merchantUser.getUserName().trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantUser.getLoginName())) {// ?? sql += " AND t1.login_name LIKE '" + merchantUser.getLoginName().trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantUser.getMerchantCode())) {// ? sql += " AND t1.merchant_code LIKE '" + merchantUser.getMerchantCode().trim() + "%'"; } if (NumberUtils.INTEGER_ONE.equals(merchantUser.getIsYougouAdmin())) { sql += " AND t1.is_yougou_admin = " + merchantUser.getIsYougouAdmin(); } else { sql += " AND (t1.is_yougou_admin = 0 OR t1.is_yougou_admin is null)"; } } sql += " ORDER BY t1.create_time DESC"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * * * @author wang.m */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryMerchantsRole(Query query, MerchantsRole merchantsRole, String authorityName) { String sql = "SELECT,t1.role_name,t1.create_time,t1.remark,t1.operator,t1.status FROM tbl_merchant_role t1 where 1=1 "; // ? if (merchantsRole != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsRole.getRoleName())) {// ?? sql += " and t1.role_name like '" + merchantsRole.getRoleName().trim() + "%' "; } } if (authorityName != null && !"".equals(authorityName.trim())) { sql += " and in (select ra.role_id from tbl_merchant_role_authority ra left join tbl_merchant_authority a on where a.authrity_name like '%" + authorityName + "%')"; } sql += " ORDER BY t1.create_time desc"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * * * @author wang.m */ public List<MerchantsRole> queryAllMerchantsRole() { return merchantsRoleDaoImpl.findBy("status", "1", false); } /** * * * @author wang.m */ public List<UserRole> queryUserRole(String user_id) { return userAuthorityDao.findBy("userId", user_id, false); } /** * * * @author wang.m */ public List<UserRole> queryUserRoleByRole(String id) { return userAuthorityDao.findBy("roleId", id, false); } @Transactional public void saveUserRole(String userId, String[] role, String merchantCode, String opertor) throws Exception { List<UserRole> userRoles = userAuthorityDao.findBy("userId", userId, false); // for (UserRole userRole : userRoles) { boolean exist = false; if (role != null) { for (String r : role) { if (userRole.getRoleId().equals(r)) { exist = true; break; } } } if (!exist) { userAuthorityDao.removeById(userRole.getId()); } } // CritMap critMap = null; UserRole userRole = null; MerchantsRole merchantsRole = null; String roleName = ""; if (role != null) { for (String r : role) { critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("userId", userId); critMap.addEqual("roleId", r); List<UserRole> userRole2 = userAuthorityDao.findByCritMap(critMap, false); if (userRole2 == null || userRole2.size() == 0) { userRole = new UserRole(); userRole.setRoleId(r); userRole.setUserId(userId); userRole.setCreateDate(new Date()); this.addUserRole(userRole); merchantsRole = this.initialMerchantsRole(r); roleName = roleName + "[" + merchantsRole.getRoleName() + "] "; } } } /** Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(merchantCode); operationLog.setOperator(opertor); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.ACCOUNT); operationLog.setOperationNotes("????(" + roleName + ")"); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } @Transactional public void addUserRole(UserRole userRole) throws Exception {; } /** * * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-27 * */ @Transactional public boolean addMerchantsRole(MerchantsRole merchantsRole, String[] authritys) { boolean bool = false; try { String roleid = (String); if (authritys != null && authritys.length > 0) { for (String authrity : authritys) { this.addRoleAuthority(roleid, authrity); } } bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-27 * */ @Transactional public boolean update_merchants_role(MerchantsRole merchantsRole, String[] authritys) { boolean bool = false; try { merchantsRoleDaoImpl.merge(merchantsRole); List<RoleAuthority> roleAuthorityList = this.findRoleAuthoriryList(merchantsRole.getId()); //? for (RoleAuthority roleAuthority : roleAuthorityList) { boolean exist = false; for (String authrity : authritys) { if (roleAuthority.getAuthorityId().equals(authrity)) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { roleAuthorityDaoImpl.removeById(roleAuthority.getId()); } } for (String authrity : authritys) { int count = findRoleAuthoriryExits(merchantsRole.getId(), authrity); if (count == 0) { this.addRoleAuthority(merchantsRole.getId(), authrity); } } bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ??? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-27 * */ public MerchantsRole initialMerchantsRole(String rid) { MerchantsRole merchantsRole = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("id", rid); List<MerchantsRole> merchantsRoleList = merchantsRoleDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (merchantsRoleList != null && merchantsRoleList.size() > 0) { merchantsRole = merchantsRoleList.get(0); } return merchantsRole; } /** * ?? * * @throws SQLException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getRoleAuthorityList(String rid) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT t2.authrity_name FROM tbl_merchant_role_authority t1 INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t2 ON WHERE authrity_module<>0 AND t1.role_id='" + rid + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> maps = getMapBysql(sql, null); return maps; } /** * sql? * * @author wang.m * @throws SQLException */ private List<Map<String, Object>> getMapBysql(String sql, Object[] param) throws SQLException { List<Map<String, Object>> maps = null; Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = getConnection(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (null != param && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { pstmt.setObject(i + 1, param[i]); } } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Map<String, Object> map = null; maps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); while ( { map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); for (int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount();) { ++i; String key = rsmd.getColumnLabel(i).toLowerCase(); if (map.containsKey(key)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("?key " + key); } map.put(key, rs.getObject(i)); } maps.add(map); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception logger.error("sql?!", e); } finally { close(conn, pstmt, rs); } return maps; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * */ @Transactional public boolean addRoleAuthority(String roleId, String authorityId) { boolean bool = false; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(roleId) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(authorityId)) { String[] aid = authorityId.split(";"); if (aid.length > 0) { for (String str : aid) { try { // ?? Integer counts = findRoleAuthoriryExits(roleId, str); if (counts < 1) { RoleAuthority roleAuthoriry = new RoleAuthority(); roleAuthoriry.setAuthorityId(str); roleAuthoriry.setRoleId(roleId); roleAuthoriry.setCreateDate(new Date()); roleAuthoriry.setRemark("");; bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("??!", e); bool = false; } } } } return bool; } /** * ??? * */ public Integer findRoleAuthoriryExits(String roleId, String authorityId) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("roleId", roleId); critMap.addEqual("authorityId", authorityId); List<RoleAuthority> roleAuthorityList = roleAuthorityDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); return roleAuthorityList.size(); } /** * ??? * */ public List<RoleAuthority> findRoleAuthoriryList(String roleId) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("roleId", roleId); List<RoleAuthority> roleAuthorityList = roleAuthorityDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); return roleAuthorityList; } /** * ???? * * @author wang.m * @throws Exception * @Date 2012-03-29 */ public Integer existMerchantSupplieName(String supplieName) { Integer counts = 0; try { SupplierVo vo = supplierService.getSupplierByName(supplieName.trim()); if (null != vo && "".equals(vo.getSupplierType())) { counts = 1; } else if (null != vo && "".equals(vo.getSupplierType())) { counts = 2; } else if (null != vo && "".equals(vo.getSupplierType())) {//? counts = 3; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return counts; } public void update_roleStatus(String id) throws Exception { MerchantsRole merchantsRole = merchantsRoleDaoImpl.findUniqueBy("id", id, false); if (merchantsRole.getStatus() == null || "".equals(merchantsRole.getStatus()) || "0".equals(merchantsRole.getStatus())) { merchantsRole.setStatus("1"); } else { merchantsRole.setStatus("0"); } String sql = "update tbl_merchant_role set status = ? where id=? "; Object[] obj = new Object[2]; obj[0] = merchantsRole.getStatus(); obj[1] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } /** * * * @author wang.m */ public boolean delete_role(String id) { boolean bool = false; try { String sql0 = "select count(1) from tbl_merchant_user_role where role_id=? "; List<Object> obj0 = new ArrayList<Object>(); obj0.add(id); Long count = sqlService.getCountBySql(sql0, null, obj0); if (count == 0) { String sql1 = "delete from tbl_merchant_role_authority where role_id=? "; Object[] obj1 = new Object[1]; obj1[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql1, obj1); String sql2 = "delete from tbl_merchant_role where id=? "; Object[] obj2 = new Object[1]; obj2[0] = id; sqlService.updateObject(sql2, obj2); bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ? * * @author wang.m */ public boolean delete_authority(String id) { boolean bool = false; try { Object[] objects = { id }; if ("0".equals(id)) { logger.error("??"); return false; } // ??? sqlService.updateObject("delete from tbl_merchant_user_authority where authority_id = ?", objects); // ??? sqlService.updateObject("delete from tbl_merchant_role_authority where authority_id = ?", objects); // ?? sqlService.updateObject("delete from tbl_merchant_authority where id = ?", objects); bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ??? */ public MerchantUser getMerchantsBySuppliceCode(String supplierCode) { MerchantUser merchantUser = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("merchantCode", supplierCode); critMap.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 critMap.addEqual("isAdministrator", 1);// ? List<MerchantUser> merchantUserList = merchantUserDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (merchantUserList != null && merchantUserList.size() > 0) { merchantUser = merchantUserList.get(0); } return merchantUser; } /** * * ?Id?? * * @author wang.m * @DATE 2012-03-31 */ public String getSupplerNameById(String supplierId) { String supplierName = ""; SupplierVo supplierSp = null; SupplierVo vo = new SupplierVo(); vo.setId(supplierId); List<SupplierVo> list; try { list = supplierService.querySupplierByVo(vo); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Id??", e); return supplierName; } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { supplierSp = list.get(0); if (null != supplierSp) { supplierName = supplierSp.getSupplier(); } } return supplierName; } /** * ? * * @author wang.m * @DATE 2012-04-06 * */ @Transactional public boolean updatePassword(MerchantUser merchantUser, SystemmgtUser systemmgtUser) { boolean bool = false; try { // ?MD5 String password = Md5Encrypt.md5(merchantUser.getPassword()); MerchantUser merchantUserInfo = merchantUserDaoImpl.getById(merchantUser.getId()); String sql = "update tbl_merchant_user set password=? where id=? and delete_flag=1"; Object[] obj = new Object[2]; obj[0] = password; obj[1] = merchantUser.getId(); sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); bool = true; /** Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(merchantUserInfo.getMerchantCode()); operationLog.setOperator(systemmgtUser.getUsername()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.ACCOUNT); operationLog.setOperationNotes("???"); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ???Id? * * @throws SQLException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getMerchantsAuthorityByUserId(String userId) throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT,t1.authrity_name FROM tbl_merchant_authority t1 INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_user_authority t2 ON WHERE t1.authrity_module<>0 AND t2.user_id='" + userId + "'"; List<Map<String, Object>> maps = getMapBysql(sql, null); return maps; } /** * ????? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-26 */ @Transactional public boolean addUserAuthority(String userid, String authority, SystemmgtUser systemmgtUser) throws Exception { boolean bool = false; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userid)) { String diffSql = "select group_concat(t2.authrity_name separator '?') from tbl_merchant_user_authority t1 inner join tbl_merchant_authority t2 on(t1.authority_id = where t1.user_id = ?"; Object ownPermissions = JDBCUtils.getInstance().uniqueResult(diffSql, new Object[] { userid }); // ? deleteUserAuthorityByPramas(userid); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(authority)) { // String sql = "insert into tbl_merchant_user_authority(id,user_id,authority_id,create_date,remark) values (?,?,?,?,?)"; String[] strAdd = authority.split(";"); if (strAdd.length > 0) { for (String string : strAdd) { Object[] obj = new Object[5]; // ?uuid String uuid = UUIDGenerator.getUUID(); obj[0] = uuid; obj[1] = userid; obj[2] = string; obj[3] = formDate(); obj[4] = ""; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); bool = true; } // ???????????? sql = "select, t3.authority_id from tbl_merchant_user t1 inner join tbl_merchant_user t2 on(t1.merchant_code = t2.merchant_code) inner join tbl_merchant_user_authority t3 on( = t3.user_id) where = ? and t2.is_administrator = ?"; List<Map<String, Object>> resultMaps = JDBCUtils.getInstance().listResultMap(sql, new Object[] { userid, NumberUtils.INTEGER_ZERO }); List<Object[]> sqlParams = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (Map<String, Object> resultMap : resultMaps) { if (!ArrayUtils.contains(strAdd, MapUtils.getString(resultMap, "authority_id"))) { sqlParams.add(new Object[] { MapUtils.getString(resultMap, "id") }); } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlParams)) { JDBCUtils.getInstance().executeBatch(new JDBCUtils.SQLBatch( "delete from tbl_merchant_user_authority where id = ?", sqlParams)); } } } Object finalPermissions = JDBCUtils.getInstance().uniqueResult(diffSql, new Object[] { userid }); if (!ObjectUtils.equals(ownPermissions, finalPermissions)) { MerchantUser merchantUser = merchantUserDaoImpl.getById(userid); /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(merchantUser.getMerchantCode()); if (systemmgtUser != null) { operationLog.setOperator(systemmgtUser.getUsername()); } else { operationLog.setOperator("system"); } operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.ACCOUNT); operationLog.setOperationNotes(MessageFormat.format( "????{0}?{1}", ownPermissions, finalPermissions)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?????!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ?Id ?? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-27 */ private void deleteUserAuthorityByPramas(String userId) { try { String sql = "delete from tbl_merchant_user_authority where user_id=? "; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = userId; sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?Id ??!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * ???? * * @param contractNo * ??? */ public boolean exits_contractNo(String contractNo, String supplierSpId) { boolean bool = false; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("contractNo", contractNo); critMap.addFech("supplier", "supplier"); critMap.addEqual("", supplierSpId); List<SupplierContract> supplierSpList = supplierContractDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (supplierSpList != null && supplierSpList.size() > 0) { bool = true; } return bool; } /** * * ?Id?Id * * @throws SQLException */ public String getMerchantUserBySupplierId(String id) throws SQLException { String userId = ""; String sql = "SELECT FROM tbl_merchant_user t1 INNER JOIN tbl_sp_supplier t2 ON t1.merchant_code=t2.supplier_code WHERE'" + id + "' AND t1.is_administrator=1 and t1.delete_flag=1 and t2.delete_flag=1"; List<Map<String, Object>> maps = getMapBysql(sql, null); if (maps != null && maps.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> map : maps) { userId = map.get("id").toString(); } } return userId; } /** * * ?Id */ public MerchantUser getMerchantUserById(String merchantUserId) throws SQLException { return merchantUserDaoImpl.getById(merchantUserId); } /** * * ? * @throws Exception */ @Transactional public void saveMerchantUser(MerchantUser merchantUser) throws Exception {; } /** * * ? ???????(??) * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m */ @Deprecated @Transactional public boolean update_historyMerchants(SupplierSp supplierSp, HttpServletRequest req, String bankNameHidden, String catNameHidden, String brandList, String catList) { boolean bool = false; try { if (supplierSp != null) { // bool = updateSupplierById(supplierSp.getId(), req); // ? MerchantUser merchantUser = new MerchantUser(); merchantUser.setLoginName(supplierSp.getLoginAccount());// ?? // ?MD5 String password = Md5Encrypt.md5(supplierSp.getLoginPassword()); merchantUser.setPassword(password);// ? merchantUser.setMerchantCode(supplierSp.getSupplierCode());// ? merchantUser.setUserName("");// ? merchantUser.setCreateTime(formDate()); merchantUser.setStatus(1);// ? 1? merchantUser.setIsAdministrator(1); // 1? merchantUser.setDeleteFlag(1);// 1?; String username = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req).getUsername(); /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplierSp.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(username); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.ACCOUNT); operationLog.setOperationNotes( merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantAccountOperationNotes(null, merchantUser)); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); // ?Id??? deleteMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? addMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp, req, bankNameHidden, catNameHidden, brandList, catList, "2"); // ? SupplierSp supplierInfo = getSupplierSpById(supplierSp.getId()); // ???? String[] brandInfos = getSpLimitBrandBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? //String[] catInfos = getSpLimitCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); String[] catInfos = getSpLimitBrandCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); StringBuilder operationNotes = new StringBuilder(); if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(brandInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(brandInfos[0], brandList)) { operationNotes.append(MessageFormat.format( "????{0}?{1}", brandList, brandInfos[0])); } } if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(catInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(catInfos[0], catList)) { operationNotes.append(MessageFormat.format( "???{0}?{1}", catList, catInfos[0])); } } if (operationNotes.length() > 0) { /** Modifier by **/ operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplierInfo.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req).getUsername()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.BASIC_DATA); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes.toString()); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???????(??)!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * * ? ???????(??) * * @Date 2012-03-07 * @author wang.m */ @Deprecated @Transactional public boolean update_merchantsBankAndCat(SupplierSp supplierSp, HttpServletRequest req, String bankNameHidden, String catNameHidden, String brandList, String catList) { boolean bool = false; try { if (supplierSp != null) { // bool = updateSupplierById(supplierSp.getId(), req); // ?Id??? deleteMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? addMerchantBankAndCat(supplierSp, req, bankNameHidden, catNameHidden, brandList, catList, "2"); // ? SupplierSp supplierInfo = getSupplierSpById(supplierSp.getId()); // ???? String[] brandInfos = getSpLimitBrandBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? //String[] catInfos = getSpLimitCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); String[] catInfos = this.getSpLimitBrandCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); StringBuilder operationNotes = new StringBuilder(); if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(brandInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(brandInfos[0], brandList)) { operationNotes.append(MessageFormat.format( "????{0}?{1}", brandList, brandInfos[0])); } } if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(catInfos)) { if (!StringUtils.equals(catInfos[0], catList)) { operationNotes.append(MessageFormat.format( "???{0}?{1}", catList, catInfos[0])); } } if (operationNotes.length() > 0) { /** Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(supplierInfo.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req).getUsername()); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.BASIC_DATA); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes.toString()); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???????(??)!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ?Id??? id ID */ private void deleteMerchantBankAndCat(String id) { try { //?? List<Map<String, Object>> spLimitBrandCatMaps = sqlService.getDatasBySql( "SELECT FROM tbl_sp_limit_cat c INNER JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand_cat bc ON = bc.cat_id INNER JOIN tbl_sp_limit_brand b ON bc.brand_id = WHERE c.supply_id = '" + id + "'"); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spLimitBrandCatMaps)) { for (Map<String, Object> map : spLimitBrandCatMaps) { String brand_cat_id = MapUtils.getString(map, "id"); update_SpLimitBrand_Cat(brand_cat_id); } } // ??? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { List<SpLimitBrand> brank = this.getBrankSupplier(id); if (brank != null && brank.size() > 0) { for (SpLimitBrand spLimitBrand : brank) { update_SpLimitBrand(spLimitBrand.getId()); } } } // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { List<SpLimitCat> spCat = this.getCatSupplier(id); if (spCat != null && spCat.size() > 0) { for (SpLimitCat spLimitCat : spCat) { update_SpLimitCat(spLimitCat.getId()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?Id???!", e); } } /** * ?Id??? id ID * * @flag 1 2 */ @Transactional private void addMerchantBankAndCat(SupplierSp supplierSp, HttpServletRequest req, String bankNoHidden, String catNameHidden, String brandList, String catList, String flag) { try { // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(flag) && "2".equals(flag)) { SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } // ???? String[] str = getSpLimitBrandBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); // ??? //String[] str1 = getSpLimitCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); String[] str1 = this.getSpLimitBrandCatBysupplierId(supplierSp.getId()); // ?? SupplierSp supplierInfo = getSupplierSpById(supplierSp.getId()); if (supplierInfo != null) { if (str != null && str.length > 0) { String brandStr = str[0]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brandStr)) { // ? if (!brandStr.trim().equals(brandList.trim())) { addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "????", "???", brandStr, brandList, loginUser); } } } } if (str1 != null && str1.length > 0) { String catStr = str1[0]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(catStr)) { // if (!catStr.trim().equals(catList.trim())) { addMerhcantlog(supplierSp.getId(), "???", "??", catStr, catList, loginUser); } } } } //brand_no, key=uuid ??? Map<String, String> brand_uuid_key = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> cat_uuid_key = new HashMap<String, String>(); // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bankNoHidden)) { String[] brandNos = bankNoHidden.split(";"); for (String brandNo : brandNos) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brandNo)) { brand_uuid_key.put(brandNo, UUIDUtil.getUUID()); sqlService.updateObject( "insert into tbl_sp_limit_brand(id, brand_no, supply_id) values(?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { brand_uuid_key.get(brandNo), brandNo, supplierSp.getId() }); } } } /* * [brand_no;struct_name] * ??-? */ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(catNameHidden)) { //[struct_name;brand_no] Set<String> cat_brand_list = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> struct_name_list = new HashSet<String>(); String[] catNameStr = catNameHidden.split("_"); for (String string : catNameStr) { String[] catStr = string.split(";"); List<Category> temp_cats = null; if (catStr.length >= 2) { temp_cats = commodityBaseApiService.getCategoryListLikeStructName(catStr[1], (short) 1, (short) 3); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(temp_cats)) { for (Category category : temp_cats) { cat_brand_list.add(category.getStructName() + ";" + catStr[0]); struct_name_list.add(category.getStructName());//StructName?? } } } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(struct_name_list)) { for (String struct_name : struct_name_list) { Category _c = commodityBaseApiService.getCategoryByStructName(struct_name); if (null == _c) continue; cat_uuid_key.put(struct_name, UUIDUtil.getUUID()); sqlService.updateObject( "insert into tbl_sp_limit_cat(id, cat_no, supply_id, struct_name) values(?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { cat_uuid_key.get(struct_name), _c.getCatNo(), supplierSp.getId(), _c.getStructName() }); } } //??tbl_sp_limit_brandtbl_sp_limit_catid for (String string : cat_brand_list) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(string)) { String[] a = string.split(";"); sqlService.updateObject( "insert into tbl_sp_limit_brand_cat(id, brand_id, cat_id) values(?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { UUIDUtil.getUUID(), brand_uuid_key.get(a[1]), cat_uuid_key.get(a[0]) }); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?Id???!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?Id???!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * ?? ? * */ private String formDate() { Date da = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sim = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String str = sim.format(da); return str; } /** * ?? Date? * */ private Date stringFormDate() { Date date = null; try { Date da = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sim = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); date = sim.parse(sim.format(da)); return date; } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("?? Date?!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return date; } /** * ???? * * @return * @throws Exception */ @Deprecated public List<CostSetofBooks> getCostSetofBooksList() throws Exception { //List<CostSetofBooks> listCostSetOfBooks = costSetOfBooksDao.queryAllCostSetOfBooks(); return null; } /** * ??? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-04-28 */ public PageFinder<SupplierSp> getSupplierSpList(SupplierSp supplierSp, Query query) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("supplierType", ""); critMap.addEqual("isValid", 1); critMap.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 PageFinder<SupplierSp> supplierSpList = null;//supplierDaoImpl.pagedByCritMap(critMap, query.getPage(), query.getPageSize()); //TODO return supplierSpList; } /** * ???? * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-05-02 */ @Transactional public boolean saveExpressTemplate(HttpServletRequest req, MerchantExpressTemplate merchantExpressTemplate) { boolean bool = false; try { MerchantExpressTemplate template = new MerchantExpressTemplate(); if (null != merchantExpressTemplate && StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantExpressTemplate.getId())) { template.setId(merchantExpressTemplate.getId()); } template.setBackGroundImage(merchantExpressTemplate.getBackGroundImage()); template.setLogisticsId(merchantExpressTemplate.getLogisticsId()); template.setWidth(merchantExpressTemplate.getWidth()); template.setHeigth(merchantExpressTemplate.getHeigth()); template.setCommodityNum(merchantExpressTemplate.getCommodityNum()); template.setConsigneeAdress(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeAdress()); template.setConsigneeDay(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeDay()); template.setConsigneeEmail(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeEmail()); template.setConsigneeMonth(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeMonth()); template.setConsigneeName(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeName()); template.setConsigneeOneArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeOneArea()); template.setConsigneePhone(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneePhone()); template.setConsigneeTell(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeTell()); template.setConsigneeThreeArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeThreeArea()); template.setConsigneeTwoArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeTwoArea()); template.setConsigneeYear(merchantExpressTemplate.getConsigneeYear()); template.setExpressName(merchantExpressTemplate.getExpressName()); template.setMoney(merchantExpressTemplate.getMoney()); template.setNumber(merchantExpressTemplate.getNumber()); template.setOrderSourceId(merchantExpressTemplate.getOrderSourceId()); template.setOrderSubNo(merchantExpressTemplate.getOrderSubNo()); template.setRemark(merchantExpressTemplate.getRemark()); template.setShipmentsAdress(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsAdress()); template.setShipmentsEmail(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsEmail()); template.setShipmentsName(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsName()); template.setShipmentsOneArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsOneArea()); template.setShipmentsPhone(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsPhone()); template.setShipmentsTell(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsTell()); template.setShipmentsThreeArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsThreeArea()); template.setShipmentsTwoArea(merchantExpressTemplate.getShipmentsTwoArea()); template.setIsBold(merchantExpressTemplate.getIsBold()); template.setFontSize(merchantExpressTemplate.getFontSize()); template.setTbody(merchantExpressTemplate.getTbody()); merchantExpressTemplateDaoImpl.merge(template); bool = true; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("????!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * ???Id??? */ public MerchantExpressTemplate getExpressTemplateByLogisticsId(String id) { MerchantExpressTemplate merchantExpressTemplate = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { critMap.addEqual("logisticsId", id); List<MerchantExpressTemplate> templateList = merchantExpressTemplateDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (templateList != null && templateList.size() > 0) { merchantExpressTemplate = templateList.get(0); } } return merchantExpressTemplate; } /** * ???? */ public Map<String, Object> getMerchantConsignmentadress(String supplyid) { String sql = " SELECT,t1.consignment_name,,t1.tell,t1.post_code,t1.area, " + " t1.adress FROM tbl_merchant_consignmentadress t1 where t1.supply_id='" + supplyid + "'"; Map<String, Object> orderMap = sqlService.getDataBySql(sql, null, null); return orderMap; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @date 2012-05-11 */ public PageFinder<MerchantRejectedAddress> getMerchantRejectedAddressList(Query query, MerchantRejectedAddress merchantRejectedAddress, String brand) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); if (null != merchantRejectedAddress) { // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierName())) { critMap.addLike("supplierName", merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierName()); } // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierCode())) { critMap.addLike("supplierCode", merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierCode()); } // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeName())) { critMap.addLike("consigneeName", merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeName()); } // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneePhone())) { critMap.addLike("consigneePhone", merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneePhone()); } // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeTell())) { critMap.addLike("consigneeTell", merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeTell()); } // List<String> merchantCodes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierYgContacts())) { merchantCodes = supplierYgContactService .getSupplierList(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierYgContacts()); } // ? List<String> merchantCodes_brand = new ArrayList<String>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(brand)) { List<Brand> brandList = commodityBaseApiService.getBrandListLikeBrandName("%" + brand, (short) 1); StringBuffer brand_in = new StringBuffer(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(brandList)) { for (Brand brandVo : brandList) { brand_in.append("\"" + brandVo.getBrandNo() + "\","); } if (brand_in.length() > 0) { brand_in.setLength(brand_in.length() - 1); } Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("brands", brand_in.toString()); merchantCodes_brand = merchantBrandMapper.queryMerchantByBrands(map); } } // ??merchantCodelist if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(merchantCodes) && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(merchantCodes_brand)) { merchantCodes.retainAll(merchantCodes_brand); if (null != merchantCodes && merchantCodes.size() > 0) { critMap.addIN("supplierCode", merchantCodes.toArray()); } } else if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(merchantCodes)) { critMap.addIN("supplierCode", merchantCodes.toArray()); } else if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(merchantCodes_brand)) { critMap.addIN("supplierCode", merchantCodes_brand.toArray()); } critMap.addDesc("createrTime"); } PageFinder<MerchantRejectedAddress> pageFinder = merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.pagedByCritMap(critMap, query.getPage(), query.getPageSize()); // PageFinder<MerchantRejectedAddress> pageFinder = // merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.pagedByHQL(hql, toPage, pageSize, // values) return pageFinder; } /** * ???? * * @author wang.m * @date 2012-05-11 */ @Transactional public boolean saveMerchantRejectedAddress(HttpServletRequest req, MerchantRejectedAddress merchantRejectedAddress) { boolean bool = false; try { MerchantRejectedAddress reject = new MerchantRejectedAddress(); // ? if (null != merchantRejectedAddress) { reject.setConsigneeName(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeName()); reject.setConsigneePhone(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneePhone()); reject.setConsigneeTell(merchantRejectedAddress.getConsigneeTell()); SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String loginUser = ""; if (user != null) { loginUser = user.getUsername(); } reject.setCreaterPerson(loginUser); reject.setCreaterTime(formDate()); reject.setSupplierName(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierName()); reject.setSupplierCode(merchantRejectedAddress.getSupplierCode()); reject.setWarehousePostcode(merchantRejectedAddress.getWarehousePostcode()); reject.setWarehouseArea(merchantRejectedAddress.getWarehouseArea()); reject.setWarehouseAdress(merchantRejectedAddress.getWarehouseAdress()); String operationNotes; // , if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantRejectedAddress.getId())) { reject.setId(merchantRejectedAddress.getId()); MerchantRejectedAddress rejectInfo = merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl .getById(merchantRejectedAddress.getId()); operationNotes = merchantOperationLogService .buildMerchantAfterServiceAddrOperationNotes(rejectInfo, reject); merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.merge(reject); } else {// ?; operationNotes = merchantOperationLogService.buildMerchantAfterServiceAddrOperationNotes(null, reject); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(operationNotes)) { /** ? Modifier by **/ MerchantOperationLog operationLog = new MerchantOperationLog(); operationLog.setMerchantCode(reject.getSupplierCode()); operationLog.setOperator(loginUser); operationLog.setOperated(new Date()); operationLog.setOperationType(OperationType.AFTER_SERVICE); operationLog.setOperationNotes(operationNotes); merchantOperationLogService.saveMerchantOperationLog(operationLog); } bool = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("????!", e); bool = false; } return bool; } /** * id?? * * @author wang.m * @date 2012-05-11 */ public MerchantRejectedAddress getMerchantRejectedAddressById(String id) { MerchantRejectedAddress merchantRejectedAddress = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { critMap.addEqual("id", id); } List<MerchantRejectedAddress> addressList = merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (addressList != null && addressList.size() > 0) { merchantRejectedAddress = addressList.get(0); } return merchantRejectedAddress; } @Override public MerchantRejectedAddress getMerchantRejectedAddressByCode(String supplierCode) { MerchantRejectedAddress merchantRejectedAddress = null; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierCode)) { critMap.addEqual("supplierCode", supplierCode); } List<MerchantRejectedAddress> addressList = merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (addressList != null && addressList.size() > 0) { merchantRejectedAddress = addressList.get(0); } return merchantRejectedAddress; } /** * ?ID? * * @param id * @return */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getChildAreaByNo(String no, Integer level) { // no = no + "-"; // String sql = " SELECT, FROM tbl_systemmg_area t1 WHERE t1.level= " + level + " and like '%" + no + "%'"; // List<Map<String, Object>> areaList = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sql, null, null, null); // return areaList; List<Map<String, Object>> relist = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Area> areaList = areaApi.getChildAreaByNo(no); if (null != areaList && 0 < areaList.size()) { for (com.yougou.component.area.model.Area area : areaList) { if (area.getLevel() == level) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", area.getName()); map.put("no", area.getNo()); relist.add(map); } } } return relist; } /* * ??? */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getAreaList() { // String sql = "SELECT, FROM tbl_systemmg_area t1 WHERE t1.level=1 "; // List<Map<String, Object>> areaList = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sql, null, null, null); // return areaList; List<Map<String, Object>> relist = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (com.yougou.component.area.model.Area area : areaApi.getAreaByLevel(1)) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("name", area.getName()); map.put("no", area.getNo()); relist.add(map); } return relist; } /** * ??? * * @throws Exception */ public boolean exictRejectedAddressCount(String supplierCode) { boolean bool = false; CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); // ?? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplierCode)) { critMap.addEqual("supplierCode", supplierCode); } else { return bool; } List<MerchantRejectedAddress> addressList = merchantRejectedAddressDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (addressList != null && addressList.size() > 0) { bool = true; } return bool; } /** * ??id * * @author wang.m * @Date 2012-03-07 */ public String getSupplierSpBySupplier(String supplier) { String supplierId = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(supplier)) { SupplierVo vo = new SupplierVo(); vo.setSupplier(supplier); List<SupplierVo> list; try { list = supplierService.querySupplierByVo(vo); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Id??", e); return supplierId; } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { supplierId = list.get(0).getId(); } } return supplierId; } /** * ?Id * * @id Id * @author wang.m * @throws Exception */ private boolean updateSupplierById(String id, HttpServletRequest req) { boolean bool = false; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { try { String sql = "update tbl_sp_supplier set update_user=?,update_date=? where id=? and delete_flag=1 "; Object[] obj = new Object[3]; SystemmgtUser user = GetSessionUtil.getSystemUser(req); String updateUser = ""; if (user != null) { updateUser = user.getUsername(); } obj[0] = updateUser;// // ?? obj[1] = new Date(); obj[2] = id; bool = sqlService.updateObject(sql, obj); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?Id!", e); bool = false; } } return bool; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @param conductType * * @param operateField * ?? * @param conductBeforeInfo * ? * @param conductAfterInfo * ? * @param updateUser * */ public Integer addMerhcantlog(String supplierId, String conductType, String operateField, String conductBeforeInfo, String conductAfterInfo, String updateUser) { Integer count = 0; try { String sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_sp_supplier_update_history VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; Object[] obj = new Object[8]; String uuid = UUIDGenerator.getUUID(); obj[0] = uuid; obj[1] = supplierId; obj[2] = updateUser;// obj[3] = formDate();// obj[4] = conductType;// obj[5] = operateField;// ?? obj[6] = conductBeforeInfo;// ? obj[7] = conductAfterInfo;// ? boolean bool = sqlService.insertObject(sql, obj); if (bool) { count = 1; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block logger.error("??!", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } /** * ?? * * @author wang.m * @param model * @return * @throws Exception */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> getSupplierUpdateHistoryList(Query query, MerchantsVo merchantsVo, String id) { PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { String sql = "SELECT t2.supplier,t2.supplier_code,t1.update_field,t1.operator,t1.operation_time,t1.processing,t1.update_before," + " t1.update_after FROM tbl_sp_supplier_update_history t1 " + " INNER JOIN tbl_sp_supplier t2 ON " + " WHERE t2.delete_flag=1 and t1.supplier_id='" + id + "'"; // ? if (merchantsVo != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplier())) {// ?? sql += " and t2.supplier like '%" + merchantsVo.getSupplier().trim() + "%' "; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantsVo.getSupplierCode())) {// ? sql += " and t2.supplier_code like '" + merchantsVo.getSupplierCode().trim() + "%'"; } } sql += " ORDER BY t1.operation_time DESC"; pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); } return pageFinder; } /* * ?? * * @author wang.m * * @throws Exception */ public List<Map<String, Object>> getTraderMaintainList() { String sql = "SELECT,t1.balance_trader_code,t1.balance_trader_name FROM TBL_FIN_TRADER_MAINTAIN t1 WHERE t1.is_del=1 "; List<Map<String, Object>> map = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sql, null, null, null); return map; } /** * ? * * @author zhuang.rb * @Date 2013-01-18 */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryYougouAdminMerchantList(Query query, String merchantUserId, String merchantCode, String merchantName, Integer isInputYougouWarehouse) { String sql = "SELECT,t1.supplier,t1.supplier_code,t1.is_input_yougou_warehouse,t1.delete_flag,t1.is_valid" + " FROM tbl_sp_supplier t1 INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_user_supplier t2 ON t1.supplier_code = t2.merchant_code" + " WHERE t2.merchant_user_id = '" + merchantUserId + "' AND t1.supplier_type=''"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantCode)) { sql += " AND t1.supplier_code LIKE '" + merchantCode.trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantName)) { sql += " AND t1.supplier LIKE '" + merchantName.trim() + "%'"; } if (isInputYougouWarehouse != null) { sql += " AND t1.is_input_yougou_warehouse = '" + isInputYougouWarehouse + "'"; } sql += " ORDER BY CONVERT(t1.supplier USING GBK)"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * ?? * * @author zhuang.rb * @Date 2013-01-18 */ public PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> queryMerchantNotHadList(Query query, String merchantUserId, String merchantCode, String merchantName, Integer isInputYougouWarehouse) { String sql = "SELECT t1.supplier,t1.supplier_code,t1.is_input_yougou_warehouse,t1.delete_flag,t1.is_valid" + " FROM tbl_sp_supplier t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS" + " (SELECT t2.merchant_code FROM tbl_merchant_user_supplier t2 WHERE t1.supplier_code = t2.merchant_code AND t2.merchant_user_id = '" + merchantUserId + "')" + " AND t1.supplier_type='' AND t1.delete_flag = 1"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantCode)) { sql += " AND t1.supplier_code LIKE '" + merchantCode.trim() + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantName)) { sql += " AND t1.supplier LIKE '%" + merchantName.trim() + "%'"; } if (isInputYougouWarehouse != null) { sql += " AND t1.is_input_yougou_warehouse = '" + isInputYougouWarehouse + "'"; } sql += " ORDER BY CONVERT(t1.supplier USING GBK)"; PageFinder<Map<String, Object>> pageFinder = sqlService.getObjectsBySql(sql, query, null, null, null); return pageFinder; } /** * ?id?? */ @Transactional public boolean delYougouAdminsMerchant(String id) { boolean isDeleteSuccess = false; try { String sql = "DELETE FROM tbl_merchant_user_supplier WHERE id = ?"; Object[] obj = new Object[1]; obj[0] = id; sqlService.deleteObject(sql, obj); isDeleteSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("?id??!", e); isDeleteSuccess = false; } return isDeleteSuccess; } /** * ??? */ public boolean saveYougouAdminMerchant(String merchantUserId, String[] merchantCodes) throws Exception { boolean isSaveSuccess = false; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(merchantUserId) && merchantCodes != null) { int length = merchantCodes.length; Map<String, List<Object[]>> mapYougouAdminMerchant = new HashMap<String, List<Object[]>>(1); List<Object[]> lstYougouAdminMerchant = new ArrayList<Object[]>(length); String sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_merchant_user_supplier (id, merchant_user_id, merchant_code) VALUES (?,?,?)"; if (merchantCodes.length > 0) { for (String merchantCode : merchantCodes) { Object[] obj = new Object[3]; String uuid = UUIDGenerator.getUUID(); obj[0] = uuid; obj[1] = merchantUserId; obj[2] = merchantCode; lstYougouAdminMerchant.add(obj); } } mapYougouAdminMerchant.put(sql, lstYougouAdminMerchant); sqlService.batchAllSaveOrUpdate(mapYougouAdminMerchant); isSaveSuccess = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error("???!", ex); isSaveSuccess = false; } return isSaveSuccess; } @Override public boolean update_user_auth(String roleId) { boolean flag = false; try { List<UserRole> userRoles = userAuthorityDao.findBy("roleId", roleId, false); for (UserRole ur : userRoles) { loadAuthResource(ur.getUserId()); } flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("????{}", e); } return flag; } /** * distributeAuthResourceToChildRen:?????? * @author li.n1 * @param userId ?ID * @param id ??ID * @throws Exception * @since JDK 1.6 */ private void distributeAuthResourceToChildRen(String userId, String id) throws Exception { // ? long enter = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> authrityUrls = null; Set<String> childauthrityUrls = null; Document document = XmlTool .createDocument(MerchantsService.class.getClassLoader().getResource("authority.xml").getPath()); Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>> _map = null; Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>> _childmap = null; List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> auths = this.getMerchantAuthorityById(id); Map<String, Set<String>> authReseMap = (Map<String, Set<String>>) redisTemplate.opsForHash() .get(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap"); //????url if (authReseMap != null) { authrityUrls = authReseMap.get(userId); childauthrityUrls = authReseMap.get(id); } Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>> aMap = (Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>>) redisTemplate .opsForHash().get(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap"); //????? if (aMap != null) { _map = aMap.get(userId); _childmap = aMap.get(id); } for (MerchantsAuthorityVo _authority : auths) { if (authrityUrls != null && !(authrityUrls.contains("/" + _authority.getAuthrityURL()))) { //???????????? DefaultElement node = (DefaultElement) XmlTool.findElementByProperty(document, "url", _authority.getAuthrityURL()); if (node != null) { for (Object obj : node.elements()) { childauthrityUrls.remove(XmlTool.getAttributeVal((Element) obj, "url")); } } childauthrityUrls.remove("/" + _authority.getAuthrityURL()); } MerchantsAuthority auth = merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.findUniqueBy("id", _authority.getParentAuthrityId(), false); if (_map != null && !(_map.containsKey(auth.getAuthrityName() + "@~" + auth.getSortNo()))) { //???????????? _childmap.remove(auth.getAuthrityName() + "@~" + auth.getSortNo()); } } if (authReseMap != null) { authReseMap.remove(id); authReseMap.put(id, childauthrityUrls); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap", authReseMap); } if (aMap != null) { aMap.remove(id); aMap.put(id, _childmap); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap", aMap); } //this.addUserAuthority(id, id, null); System.out.println("======spent time(unit:s):=======" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - enter) / 1000.0); } @Override public void loadAuthResource(String userId) throws Exception { long enter = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> authrityUrls = null; Document document = XmlTool .createDocument(MerchantsService.class.getClassLoader().getResource("authority.xml").getPath()); Element root = XmlTool.getRootElement(document); Element indexElement = root.element("index"); Element menuEle = null; String key = ""; List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> childAuthorityList = null; Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>> _map = null; List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> auths = this.getMerchantAuthorityById(userId); _map = new TreeMap<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>(new AuthorityComparator()); authrityUrls = new HashSet<String>(); for (MerchantsAuthorityVo _authority : auths) { //parenAuth = merchantsAuthorityDaoImpl.findUniqueBy("id", _authority.getParentId(), false); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_authority.getAuthrityURL())) { for (Iterator<Element> it = root.elementIterator(); it.hasNext();) { menuEle =; if (_authority.getAuthrityURL().indexOf(XmlTool.getAttributeVal(menuEle, "url")) != -1) { for (Iterator<Element> eit = menuEle.elementIterator(); eit.hasNext();) { authrityUrls.add(XmlTool.getAttributeVal(, "url")); } break; } } authrityUrls.add("/" + _authority.getAuthrityURL()); } key = _authority.getParentAuthrityName() + "@~" + _authority.getSortNo(); childAuthorityList = _map.get(key); if (childAuthorityList == null) { childAuthorityList = new ArrayList<MerchantsAuthorityVo>(); _map.put(key, childAuthorityList); } childAuthorityList.add(_authority); } for (Iterator<Element> indexIt = indexElement.elementIterator(); indexIt.hasNext();) { authrityUrls.add(XmlTool.getAttributeVal(, "url")); } Map<String, Set<String>> authReseMap = (Map<String, Set<String>>) redisTemplate.opsForHash() .get(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap"); if (authReseMap != null) { authReseMap.remove(userId); authReseMap.put(userId, authrityUrls); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap", authReseMap); } Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>> aMap = (Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>>) redisTemplate .opsForHash().get(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap"); if (aMap != null) { aMap.remove(userId); aMap.put(userId, _map); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap", aMap); } //???redis //?? //???????????? //?????? MerchantUser user = merchantUserDaoImpl.findUniqueBy("id", userId, false); CritMap map = new CritMap(); map.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 map.addEqual("status", 1); //?? map.addEqual("isAdministrator", 0);// ?? map.addEqual("merchantCode", user.getMerchantCode());// ?? List<MerchantUser> childMerUser = merchantUserDaoImpl.findByCritMap(map, false); for (MerchantUser u : childMerUser) { distributeAuthResourceToChildRen(user.getId(), u.getId()); } System.out.println("======spent time(unit:s):=======" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - enter) / 1000.0); } private List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> getMerchantAuthorityById(String id) { List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> authList = new ArrayList<MerchantsAuthorityVo>(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append( "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT t2.authrity_name,t2.authrity_url,t2.parent_id,t3.authrity_name AS parent_authrityname,"); sb.append("t3.sort_no,t2.sort_no as c_sort_no FROM tbl_merchant_user_authority t1"); sb.append( " INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t2 ON t1.authority_id = LEFT JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t3 ON t2.parent_id ="); sb.append(" WHERE t1.user_id = '" + id + "' AND t2.authrity_module != 0 UNION SELECT t22.authrity_name,t22.authrity_url,t22.parent_id,"); sb.append( " t23.authrity_name AS parent_AuthrityName,t23.sort_no,t22.sort_no as c_sort_no FROM tbl_merchant_role_authority t11"); sb.append( " INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t22 ON t11.authority_id = LEFT JOIN tbl_merchant_authority t23 ON t22.parent_id ="); sb.append( " INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_user_role r11 ON t11.role_id = r11.role_id INNER JOIN tbl_merchant_role r22 ON t11.role_id ="); sb.append(" WHERE r11.user_id = '" + id + "' AND r22.`status` = '1' ) AS s ORDER BY s.sort_no,s.c_sort_no"); List<Map<String, Object>> listMap = sqlService.getDatasBySql(sb.toString()); MerchantsAuthorityVo methAuth = null; for (Map<String, Object> map : listMap) { methAuth = new MerchantsAuthorityVo(); methAuth.setAuthrityURL((String) map.get("authrity_url")); methAuth.setAuthrityName((String) map.get("authrity_name")); methAuth.setParentAuthrityId((String) map.get("parent_id")); methAuth.setParentAuthrityName((String) map.get("parent_authrityname")); methAuth.setSortNo((Integer) map.get("sort_no")); authList.add(methAuth); } return authList; } /** * ??? * @see com.belle.yitiansystem.merchant.service.IMerchantsService#existsTelePhoneInMerchants(java.lang.String) * @param ???? * @param ???? * @return true ?? false ??? */ @Override public boolean existsTelePhoneInMerchants(String mobileCode, String name) { // ? if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mobileCode)) { CritMap critMap = new CritMap(); critMap.addEqual("mobileCode", mobileCode.trim()); critMap.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { critMap.addNotEqual("loginName", name);//?? } List<MerchantUser> merchantUser = merchantUserDaoImpl.findByCritMap(critMap); if (merchantUser != null && merchantUser.size() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } @Override public void delAuthResource(String userId) throws Exception { long enter = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<String> authrityUrls = null; Document document = XmlTool .createDocument(MerchantsService.class.getClassLoader().getResource("authority.xml").getPath()); Element root = XmlTool.getRootElement(document); Element indexElement = root.element("index"); authrityUrls = new HashSet<String>(); List<MerchantsAuthorityVo> auths = this.getMerchantAuthorityById(userId); for (Iterator<Element> indexIt = indexElement.elementIterator(); indexIt.hasNext();) { authrityUrls.add(XmlTool.getAttributeVal(, "url")); } Map<String, Set<String>> authReseMap = (Map<String, Set<String>>) redisTemplate.opsForHash() .get(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap"); if (authReseMap != null) { authReseMap.remove(userId); authReseMap.put(userId, authrityUrls); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_REOURCE_AUTH, "authReourecesMap", authReseMap); } Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>> aMap = (Map<String, Map<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>>) redisTemplate .opsForHash().get(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap"); if (aMap != null) { aMap.remove(userId); aMap.put(userId, new TreeMap<String, List<MerchantsAuthorityVo>>(new AuthorityComparator())); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(Constant.C_USER_AUTH, "authMap", aMap); } Map<String, Integer> userAuthCountMap = (Map<String, Integer>) redisTemplate.opsForHash() .get(CacheConstant.C_USERS_AUTH_COUNT, "authCount"); if (userAuthCountMap != null) { userAuthCountMap.remove(userId); userAuthCountMap.put(userId, auths != null ? auths.size() : 0); redisTemplate.opsForHash().put(CacheConstant.C_USERS_AUTH_COUNT, "authCount", userAuthCountMap); } //???redis //?? //???????????? //?????? MerchantUser user = merchantUserDaoImpl.findUniqueBy("id", userId, false); CritMap map = new CritMap(); map.addEqual("deleteFlag", 1);// 1 map.addEqual("status", 1); //?? map.addEqual("isAdministrator", 0);// ?? map.addEqual("merchantCode", user.getMerchantCode());// ?? List<MerchantUser> childMerUser = merchantUserDaoImpl.findByCritMap(map, false); for (MerchantUser u : childMerUser) { distributeAuthResourceToChildRen(user.getId(), u.getId()); } System.out.println("======spent time(unit:s):=======" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - enter) / 1000.0); } @Override public int deleteCacheByKey(String key) { int result = 0; Long len1 = 0L, len2 = 0L, len3 = 0L, len4 = 0L, len5 = 0L; try { len1 = redisTemplate.opsForHash().size(key); } catch (Exception e) { len1 = 0L; logger.error("redisTemplate.opsForHash()?"); } try { len2 = redisTemplate.opsForList().size(key); } catch (Exception e) { len2 = 0L; logger.error("redisTemplate.opsForList()?"); } try { len3 = redisTemplate.opsForSet().size(key); } catch (Exception e) { len3 = 0L; logger.error("redisTemplate.opsForSet()?"); } try { len4 = redisTemplate.opsForValue().size(key); } catch (Exception e) { len4 = 0L; logger.error("redisTemplate.opsForValue()?"); } try { len5 = redisTemplate.opsForZSet().size(key); } catch (Exception e) { len5 = 0L; logger.error("redisTemplate.opsForZSet()?"); } try { redisTemplate.delete(key); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("redisTemplate.delete??", e); } if (NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(len1)) > 0) { result += len1; } if (NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(len2)) > 0) { result += len2; } if (NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(len3)) > 0) { result += len3; } if (NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(len4)) > 0) { result += len4; } if (NumberUtils.toInt(String.valueOf(len5)) > 0) { result += len5; } return result; } @Override public List<Cat> buildBrandCatSecondLevelList(String supplierId) throws Exception { List<Cat> result = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(supplierId)) { // ?? List<com.yougou.kaidian.common.commodity.pojo.Brand> resultList = merchantBrandMapper .querySecondLevelCatsBySupplierId(supplierId); if (null != resultList && 0 < resultList.size()) { result = new ArrayList<Cat>(); Map<String, Brand> accordingMapForBrand = new HashMap<String, Brand>(); Map<String, Category> accordingMapForCatFirst = new HashMap<String, Category>(); for (com.yougou.kaidian.common.commodity.pojo.Brand brand : resultList) { String brand_NO = brand.getBrandNo(); String cat_struct = brand.getBrandName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(brand_NO) || StringUtils.isEmpty(cat_struct)) { continue; } String first_cat_struct = cat_struct.substring(0, 2); Cat category = new Cat(); Brand brandVo = null; if (accordingMapForBrand.containsKey(brand_NO)) { brandVo = accordingMapForBrand.get(brand_NO); } else { brandVo = commodityBaseApiService.getBrandByNo(brand_NO); accordingMapForBrand.put(brand_NO, brandVo); } Category catFirst = null; if (accordingMapForCatFirst.containsKey(first_cat_struct)) { catFirst = accordingMapForCatFirst.get(first_cat_struct); } else { catFirst = commodityBaseApiService.getCategoryByStructName(first_cat_struct); accordingMapForCatFirst.put(first_cat_struct, catFirst); } Category catSecond = commodityBaseApiService.getCategoryByStructName(cat_struct); if (null != brandVo) { category.setNo(brandVo.getBrandName()); } if (null != catFirst) { category.setCatName(catFirst.getCatName()); } if (null != catSecond) { category.setStructName(catSecond.getCatName()); } result.add(category); } } } return result; } } /** * ?? * @author zhuang.rb * */ class GBKOrder extends Order { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private String encoding = "GBK"; private boolean ascending; private boolean ignoreCase; private String propertyName; @Override public String toString() { return "CONVERT( " + propertyName + " USING " + encoding + " ) " + (ascending ? "asc" : "desc"); } @Override public Order ignoreCase() { ignoreCase = true; return this; } protected GBKOrder(String propertyName, boolean ascending) { super(propertyName, ascending); this.propertyName = propertyName; this.ascending = ascending; } @Override public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException { String[] columns = criteriaQuery.getColumnsUsingProjection(criteria, propertyName); Type type = criteriaQuery.getTypeUsingProjection(criteria, propertyName); StringBuffer fragment = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { SessionFactoryImplementor factory = criteriaQuery.getFactory(); boolean lower = ignoreCase && type.sqlTypes(factory)[i] == Types.VARCHAR; if (lower) { fragment.append(factory.getDialect().getLowercaseFunction()).append('('); } fragment.append("CONVERT( " + columns[i] + " USING " + encoding + " )"); if (lower) fragment.append(')'); fragment.append(ascending ? " asc" : " desc"); if (i < columns.length - 1) fragment.append(", "); } return fragment.toString(); } /** * Ascending order * * @param propertyName * @return Order */ public static Order asc(String propertyName) { return new GBKOrder(propertyName, true); } /** * Descending order * * @param propertyName * @return Order */ public static Order desc(String propertyName) { return new GBKOrder(propertyName, false); } }