Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 John W. Krupansky d/b/a Base Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.appserver.AgentAppServer; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.config.AgentServerConfig; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.config.AgentServerProperties; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.config.AgentServerWebAccessConfig; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.mailaccessmanager.MailAccessManager; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.persistence.Persistence; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.persistence.persistentfile.PersistentFileException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.scheduler.AgentScheduler; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.Symbol; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolManager; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolTable; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolValues; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.ParserException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.tokenizer.TokenizerException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.runtime.value.Value; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.DateUtils; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.ListMap; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.NameValueList; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.webaccessmanager.WebAccessManager; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.webaccessmanager.WebPage; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.webaccessmanager.WebSiteAccessConfig; public class AgentServer { static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AgentServer.class); public AgentAppServer agentAppServer; public static AgentServer singleton = null; public List<String> fieldTypes = Arrays.asList("string", "int", "float", "money", "option", "choice", "multi_choice", "date", "location", "text", "help"); public long startTime = 0; public AgentScheduler agentScheduler; public Persistence persistence; public AgentServerConfig config; public NameValueList<User> users; public NameValueList<AgentDefinitionList> agentDefinitions; public NameValueList<AgentInstanceList> agentInstances; public AgentServerProperties agentServerProperties; public AgentServerWebAccessConfig webAccessConfig; public WebSiteAccessConfig webSiteAccessConfig; public WebAccessManager webAccessManager; public MailAccessManager mailAccessManager; public AgentServer(AgentAppServer agentAppServer) throws RuntimeException, AgentServerException, IOException, InterruptedException, PersistentFileException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException { this(agentAppServer, true); } public AgentServer(AgentAppServer agentAppServer, boolean start) throws RuntimeException, AgentServerException, IOException, InterruptedException, PersistentFileException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException {"Creation of AgentServer object"); // Link back to app server this.agentAppServer = agentAppServer; // Singleton access is now permitted singleton = this; // Start the agent server start(start); } public static AgentServer getSingleton() throws AgentServerException, InterruptedException, IOException, PersistentFileException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException { if (singleton == null) return (singleton = new AgentServer(null, false)); //throw new AgentServerException("Cannot access singleton of AgentServer until server is instantiated"); else return singleton; } public AgentDefinition addAgentDefinition(AgentDefinition agentDefinition) throws AgentServerException { if (agentDefinition != null) { // Check if the user has any agents yet if (!agentDefinitions.containsKey( { // No, so create an empty agent table for user agentDefinitions.put(, new AgentDefinitionList()); } // Get agent definition table for the user AgentDefinitionList usersAgentDefinitions = agentDefinitions.get(; // Store the new agent definition for the user usersAgentDefinitions.put(agentDefinition); // Persist the new agent definition persistence.put(agentDefinition); } // Return the agent definition itself return agentDefinition; } public AgentDefinition addAgentDefinition(String agentJsonString) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException { if (agentJsonString == null || agentJsonString.trim().length() == 0) agentJsonString = "{}"; try { return addAgentDefinition(new JSONObject(agentJsonString)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AgentServerException("JSON parsing exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } public AgentDefinition addAgentDefinition(JSONObject agentJson) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException { return addAgentDefinition(null, agentJson); } public AgentDefinition addAgentDefinition(User user, JSONObject agentJson) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException { // Parse the JSON for the agent definition AgentDefinition agentDefinition = AgentDefinition.fromJson(this, user, agentJson); // Add it to table of agent definitions addAgentDefinition(agentDefinition); // Return the new agent definition return agentDefinition; /* // If we have the user, ignore user from JSON if (user == null){ String userId = agentJson.optString("user"); if (userId == null || userId.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition user id ('user') is missing"); user = getUser(userId); if (user == User.noUser) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition user id does not exist: '" + userId + "'"); } // Parse agent definition name String agentDefinitionName = agentJson.optString("name"); if (agentDefinitionName == null || agentDefinitionName.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition name ('name') is missing"); // Parse agent definition description String agentDescription = agentJson.optString("description"); if (agentDescription == null || agentDescription.trim().length() == 0) agentDescription = "";"Adding new agent definition named: " + agentDefinitionName + " for user: " +; // TODO: Parse comment AgentDefinitionList agentMap = agentDefinitions.get(; if (agentMap == null){ agentMap = new AgentDefinitionList(); agentDefinitions.add(, agentMap); } // Check if named agent definition already exists if (agentMap.containsKey(agentDefinitionName)) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition name already exists: '" + agentDefinitionName + "'"); AgentDefinition agent = null; SymbolManager symbolManager = new SymbolManager(); String invalidParameterNames = ""; String invalidDataSourceNames = ""; String invalidEventNames = ""; // Parse 'parameter' fields FieldList parameters = null; if (agentJson.has("parameters")){ JSONArray parameterJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("parameters"); parameters = new FieldList(); int numparameter = parameterJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numparameter; i++){ JSONObject outputJson = parameterJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("parameter"), outputJson); // TODO: give error for dup names parameters.add(field); } } // Parse inputs - data source references DataSourceReferenceList inputs = null; if (agentJson.has("inputs")){ SymbolTable symbolTable = symbolManager.getSymbolTable("parameter_values"); JSONArray inputsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("inputs"); inputs = new DataSourceReferenceList(); int numInputs = inputsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++){ Object element = inputsJson.opt(i); String dataSourceName = null; DataSourceReference dataSourceReference = null; if (element instanceof JSONObject){ // Ignore empty data sources JSONObject elementJson = (JSONObject)element; if (elementJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the 'name' for data source if (! elementJson.has("name")) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON object is missing 'name' key"); dataSourceName = elementJson.optString("name"); // Parse the 'data_source' if (! elementJson.has("data_source")) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON object is missing 'data_source' key"); String dataSourceDataSource = elementJson.optString("data_source"); // Validate the data source reference AgentDefinition dataSourceDefinition = agentMap.get(dataSourceDataSource); if (dataSourceDefinition == null) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON for data source name '" + dataSourceName + "' references data source '" + dataSourceDataSource + "' which is not a defined data source"); // Parse the optional 'parameter_values' SymbolValues parameterValues = null; if (elementJson.has("parameter_values")){ Object parametersObject = elementJson.opt("parameter_values"); if (! (parametersObject instanceof JSONObject)) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs parameters_values value expected JSON object but found " + parametersObject.getClass().getSimpleName()); JSONObject parameterValuesJson = elementJson.optJSONObject("parameter_values"); parameterValues = SymbolValues.fromJson(symbolTable, parameterValuesJson); } else parameterValues = new SymbolValues("parameters"); // Validate that parameter value keys are all valid data source definition parameters Map<String, Value> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, Value>(); for (Symbol symbol: parameterValues) treeMap.put(, null); invalidParameterNames = ""; for (String parameterName: treeMap.keySet()) if (! dataSourceDefinition.parameters.containsKey(parameterName)) invalidParameterNames += (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + parameterName; if (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0) throw new AgentServerException("Invalid parameter field names for inputs name '" + dataSourceName + "' for data source '" + agentDefinitionName + "': " + invalidParameterNames); // Construct the data source reference, including parameter values dataSourceReference = new DataSourceReference(dataSourceName, dataSourceDefinition, parameterValues); } else if (element instanceof String){ String dataSourceDataSource = (String)element; dataSourceName = dataSourceDataSource; // Validate the data source reference AgentDefinition dataSourceDefinition = agentMap.get(dataSourceDataSource); if (dataSourceDefinition == null) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON references data source '" + dataSourceDataSource + "' which is not a defined data source"); // Construct the data source reference dataSourceReference = new DataSourceReference(dataSourceName, dataSourceDefinition); } else throw new AgentServerException("Expected JSON object or string for input data source, but encountered " + element.getClass().getSimpleName()); // Add this data source reference to the list inputs.add(dataSourceReference); } } // Parse 'timers' list NameValueList<AgentTimer> timers = new NameValueList<AgentTimer>(); if (agentJson.has("timers")){ JSONArray timersJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("timers"); if (timersJson != null){ int numScripts = timersJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++){ // Get JSON for next timer JSONObject timerJson = timersJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty timers if (! timerJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; AgentTimer timerDefinition = AgentTimer.fromJson(timerJson); timers.put(, timerDefinition); } } } // Parse 'conditions' list NameValueList<AgentCondition> conditions = new NameValueList<AgentCondition>(); if (agentJson.has("conditions")){ JSONArray conditionsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("conditions"); if (conditionsJson != null){ int numScripts = conditionsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++){ // Get JSON for next condition JSONObject conditionJson = conditionsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty conditions if (! conditionJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; AgentCondition conditionDefinition = AgentCondition.fromJson(conditionJson); conditions.put(, conditionDefinition); } } } // Parse 'scripts' list NameValueList<ScriptDefinition> scripts = new NameValueList<ScriptDefinition>(); if (agentJson.has("scripts")){ JSONArray scriptsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("scripts"); if (scriptsJson != null){ int numScripts = scriptsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++){ // Get JSON for next script JSONObject scriptJson = scriptsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty scripts if (! scriptJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; ScriptDefinition scriptDefinition = ScriptDefinition.fromJson(scriptJson); scripts.put(, scriptDefinition); } } } // Parse notifications NameValueList<NotificationDefinition> notifications = new NameValueList<NotificationDefinition>(); if (agentJson.has("notifications")){ JSONArray notificationsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("notifications"); if (notificationsJson != null){ int numScripts = notificationsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++){ // Get JSON for next notification JSONObject notificationJson = notificationsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty notifications if (! notificationJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; NotificationDefinition notificationDefinition = NotificationDefinition.fromJson(notificationJson); notifications.put(, notificationDefinition); } } } // Parse outputs FieldList outputsList = null; if (agentJson.has("outputs")){ JSONArray outputsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("outputs"); outputsList = new FieldList(); int numOutputs = outputsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++){ // Get next output field definition JSONObject outputJson = outputsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty field definitions if (outputJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the output field definition Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("outputs"), outputJson); // TODO: give error for dup names // Add parsed field to the outputs field list outputsList.add(field); } } // Parse 'scratchpad' fields FieldList scratchpad = null; if (agentJson.has("scratchpad")){ JSONArray scratchpadJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("scratchpad"); scratchpad = new FieldList(); int numMemory = scratchpadJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numMemory; i++){ JSONObject fieldJson = scratchpadJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("scratchpad"), fieldJson); // TODO: give error for dup names scratchpad.add(field); } } // Parse 'memory' fields FieldList memory = null; if (agentJson.has("memory")){ JSONArray memoryJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("memory"); memory = new FieldList(); int numMemory = memoryJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numMemory; i++){ JSONObject fieldJson = memoryJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("memory"), fieldJson); // TODO: give error for dup names memory.add(field); } } // Parse 'goals' List<Goal> goalsList = null; if (agentJson.has("goals")){ JSONArray goalsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("goals"); goalsList = new ArrayList<Goal>(); int numGoals = goalsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numGoals; i++){ // Get next goal definition JSONObject goalJson = goalsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty goal definitions if (goalJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the goal definition Goal goal = Goal.fromJson(goalJson); // Add parsed goal to the goals list goalsList.add(goal); } } long reportingInterval = agentJson.optLong("reporting_interval", AgentDefinition.DEFAULT_REPORTING_INTERVAL); long triggerInterval = agentJson.optLong("trigger_interval", AgentDefinition.DEFAULT_TRIGGER_INTERVAL); String created = agentJson.optString("created", null); long timeCreated = -1; try { timeCreated = created != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(created): -1; } catch (ParseException e){ throw new AgentServerException("Unable to parse created date ('" + created + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } String modified = agentJson.optString("modified", null); long timeModified = -1; try { timeModified = modified != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(modified): -1; } catch (ParseException e){ throw new AgentServerException("Unable to parse modified date ('" + modified + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } // Validate keys JsonUtils.validateKeys(agentJson, "Agent definition", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList( "user", "name", "definition", "description", "parameter_values", "trigger_interval", "reporting_interval", "enabled", "instantiated", "updated", "state", "status", "inputs_changed", "triggered", "outputs_changed"))); if (invalidParameterNames.length() == 0){ agent = new AgentDefinition(this, user, agentDefinitionName, agentDescription, parameters, inputs, timers, conditions, scripts, scratchpad, memory, notifications, outputsList, goalsList, triggerInterval, reportingInterval, timeCreated, timeModified); addAgentDefinition(agent); } else { throw new AgentServerException("Invalid field names for agent of class " + agentDefinitionName + ": " + invalidParameterNames); } // Return the created agent definition return agent; */ } public AgentDefinition getAgentDefinition(User user, String agentDefinitionName) { AgentDefinitionList agentMap = agentDefinitions.get(; if (agentMap == null) return null; else return agentMap.get(agentDefinitionName); } public void clearAgentDefinitions(String userId) throws AgentServerException { // Check if the user has any agents yet if (!agentDefinitions.containsKey(userId)) // No, so nothing more to do return; // Get agent table for the user AgentDefinitionList usersAgents = agentDefinitions.get(userId); // Clear the user's agent list usersAgents.clear(); } public void removeAgentDefinition(AgentDefinition agentDefinition) throws AgentServerException { String userId =; String agentName =; // Check if the user has any agents yet if (!agentDefinitions.containsKey(userId)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent definition ('" + agentName + "') for a user ('" + userId + "') that has no agents"); // Get agent table for the user AgentDefinitionList usersAgents = agentDefinitions.get(userId); // Check if that agent exists for user if (!usersAgents.containsKey(agentName)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent definition ('" + agentName + "') that does not exist for user ('" + userId + "')"); // Delete the named agent definition for the user usersAgents.remove(agentName); } public void removeAgentDefinition(String userId, String agentName) throws AgentServerException { // Check if the user has any agents yet if (!agentDefinitions.containsKey(userId)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent definition ('" + agentName + "') for a user ('" + userId + "') that has no agents"); // Get agent table for the user AgentDefinitionList usersAgents = agentDefinitions.get(userId); // Check if that agent exists for user if (!usersAgents.containsKey(agentName)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent definition ('" + agentName + "') that does not exist for user ('" + userId + "')"); // Delete the named agent definition for the user usersAgents.remove(agentName); } public AgentInstance addAgentInstance(AgentInstance agentInstance) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException, JSONException { // Get instance list for the user AgentInstanceList agentInstanceList = agentInstances.get(; if (agentInstanceList == null) { // Need to do the initial creation of the instance list for this user agentInstanceList = new AgentInstanceList(); agentInstances.put(, agentInstanceList); } // Store the instance in the instance list for the user agentInstanceList.put(agentInstance); // Persist the new agent instance persistence.put(agentInstance); // Return the agent instance return agentInstance; } public AgentInstance addAgentInstance(User user, JSONObject agentInstanceJson) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException, JSONException, TokenizerException, ParserException { // Get instance list for the user AgentInstance agentInstance = getAgentInstance(user, agentInstanceJson); // Return the agent instance return agentInstance; } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(String userId, String agentInstanceName) { return getAgentInstance(getUser(userId), agentInstanceName); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, String agentInstanceName) { AgentInstanceList agentMap = agentInstances.get(; if (agentMap == null) return null; else return agentMap.get(agentInstanceName); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition) throws RuntimeException, SymbolException, AgentServerException, JSONException, TokenizerException, ParserException { return getAgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, null, true); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition, SymbolValues parameters) throws RuntimeException, SymbolException, AgentServerException, JSONException, TokenizerException, ParserException { return getAgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, parameters, true); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition, SymbolValues parameters, boolean create) throws AgentServerException { // Get instance list for the user AgentInstanceList agentInstanceList = agentInstances.get(; if (agentInstanceList == null) { // Need to do the initial creation of the instance list for this user agentInstanceList = new AgentInstanceList(); agentInstances.put(, agentInstanceList); } // Get the instance from the user's instance list (or add if it doesn't exist yet) return agentInstanceList.getAgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, parameters, create); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(String agentJsonString) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException, TokenizerException, ParserException { if (agentJsonString == null || agentJsonString.trim().length() == 0) agentJsonString = "{}"; try { return getAgentInstance(new JSONObject(agentJsonString)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AgentServerException("JSON parsing exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(JSONObject agentJson) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException, JSONException, TokenizerException, ParserException { return getAgentInstance(null, agentJson); } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, JSONObject agentJson) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException, AgentServerException, JSONException, TokenizerException, ParserException { // Parse the JSON for the agent instance // If we have the user, ignore user from JSON if (user == null) { String userId = agentJson.optString("user"); if (userId == null || userId.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException("Agent instance user id ('user') is missing"); user = getUser(userId); if (user == User.noUser) throw new AgentServerException("Agent instance user id does not exist: '" + userId + "'"); } // Parse the agent instance name String agentInstanceName = agentJson.optString("name"); if (agentInstanceName == null || agentInstanceName.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException("Agent instance name ('name') is missing"); // Parse the agent definition name String agentDefinitionName = agentJson.optString("definition"); if (agentDefinitionName == null || agentDefinitionName.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException( "Agent instance definition name ('definition') is missing for user '" + + "'"); String agentDescription = agentJson.optString("description"); if (agentDescription == null || agentDescription.trim().length() == 0) agentDescription = "";"Adding new agent instance named: " + agentInstanceName + " for agent definition '" + agentDefinitionName + "' for user: " +; AgentInstanceList agentMap = agentInstances.get(; if (agentMap == null) { agentMap = new AgentInstanceList(); agentInstances.add(, agentMap); } // Check if referenced agent definition exists AgentDefinitionList userAgentDefinitions = agentDefinitions.get(; if (userAgentDefinitions == null) throw new AgentServerException( "Agent instance '" + agentInstanceName + "' references agent definition '" + agentDefinitionName + "' which does not exist for user '" + + "'"); AgentDefinition agentDefinition = agentDefinitions.nameValueMap.get(; if (agentDefinition == null) throw new AgentServerException( "Agent instance '" + agentInstanceName + "' references agent definition '" + agentDefinitionName + "' which does not exist for user '" + + "'"); // Parse the agent instance parameter values String invalidParameterNames = ""; SymbolManager symbolManager = new SymbolManager(); SymbolTable symbolTable = symbolManager.getSymbolTable("parameter_values"); JSONObject parameterValuesJson = null; SymbolValues parameterValues = null; if (agentJson.has("parameter_values")) { // Parse the parameter values parameterValuesJson = agentJson.optJSONObject("parameter_values"); parameterValues = SymbolValues.fromJson(symbolTable, parameterValuesJson); // Validate that they are all valid agent definition parameters Map<String, Value> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, Value>(); for (Symbol symbol : parameterValues) treeMap.put(, null); for (String parameterName : treeMap.keySet()) if (!agentDefinition.parameters.containsKey(parameterName)) invalidParameterNames += (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + parameterName; if (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0) throw new AgentServerException("Parameter names for agent instance " + agentInstanceName + " are not defined for referenced agent definition " + agentDefinitionName + ": " + invalidParameterNames); } // Check if instance of named agent definition with specified parameters exists yet if (agentMap.getAgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, parameterValues) != null) throw new AgentServerException("Agent instance name already exists: '" + agentInstanceName + "' with paramters " + parameterValues.toString()); String triggerIntervalExpression = agentJson.optString("trigger_interval", AgentDefinition.DEFAULT_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION); String reportingIntervalExpression = agentJson.optString("reporting_interval", AgentDefinition.DEFAULT_REPORTING_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION); boolean publicOutput = agentJson.optBoolean("public_output", false); int limitInstanceStatesStored = agentJson.optInt("limit_instance_states_stored", -1); boolean enabled = agentJson.optBoolean("enabled", true); String created = agentJson.optString("created", null); long timeCreated = -1; try { timeCreated = created != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(created) : -1; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AgentServerException("Unable to parse created date ('" + created + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } String modified = agentJson.optString("modified", null); long timeModified = -1; try { timeModified = modified != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(modified) : -1; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AgentServerException( "Unable to parse modified date ('" + modified + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } AgentInstance agentInstance = agentMap.put(user, agentDefinition, agentInstanceName, agentDescription, parameterValues, triggerIntervalExpression, reportingIntervalExpression, publicOutput, limitInstanceStatesStored, enabled, timeCreated, timeModified); // Persist the new agent instance persistence.put(agentInstance); // Return the created/shared agent instance return agentInstance; } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(String userId, String agentInstanceName, String dataSourceName) { AgentInstanceList agentMap = agentInstances.get(userId); if (agentMap == null) return null; AgentInstance agentInstance = agentMap.get(agentInstanceName); if (agentInstance == null) return null; return agentInstance.getDataSourceInstance(dataSourceName); } public String getAgentInstanceName(String userId, String agentInstanceName, String dataSourceName) { AgentInstance dataSourceInstance = getAgentInstance(userId, agentInstanceName, dataSourceName); if (dataSourceInstance != null) return; else return null; } public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, String agentInstanceName, String dataSourceName) { AgentInstanceList agentMap = agentInstances.get(; if (agentMap == null) return null; AgentInstance agentInstance = agentMap.get(agentInstanceName); if (agentInstance == null) return null; return agentInstance.getDataSourceInstance(dataSourceName); } public void removeAgentInstance(AgentInstance agentInstance) throws AgentServerException { String userId =; String agentName =; // Check if the user has any agents yet if (!agentInstances.containsKey(userId)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent instance ('" + agentName + "') for a user ('" + userId + "') that has no agents"); // Get agent table for the user AgentInstanceList usersAgents = agentInstances.get(userId); // Check if that agent exists for user if (!usersAgents.containsKey(agentName)) throw new AgentServerException("Attempt to delete agent instance ('" + agentName + "') that does not exist for user ('" + userId + "')"); // First step in deleting an agent instance is to pause it agentInstance.disable(); // Wait a little for agent activity to settle down try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Ignore any non-problem here } // Flush any pending activities for this agent agentScheduler.flushAgentActivities(agentInstance); // De-reference any input agents agentInstance.deReferenceInputs(); // Delete the named agent definition for the user usersAgents.remove(agentName); } public User addUser(String userId) throws AgentServerException { return addUser(new User(userId)); } public User addUser(User user) throws AgentServerException { // Add the new user users.add(, user); // Persist the new user persistence.put(user); // Return the new user return user; } public User getUser(String userId) { if (userId == null || userId.trim().length() == 0) return null; else if (userId.equals("*")) return User.allUser; else { User user = users.get(userId); return user == null ? User.noUser : user; } } public void recreateUser(String userJsonSource) throws AgentServerException, JSONException { User newUser = User.fromJson(new JSONObject(userJsonSource)); addUser(newUser); } public void recreateAgentDefinition(String agentDefinitionJsonSource) throws AgentServerException, JSONException, SymbolException { AgentDefinition newAgentDefinition = AgentDefinition.fromJson(this, agentDefinitionJsonSource); addAgentDefinition(newAgentDefinition); } public void recreateAgentInstance(String agentInstanceJsonSource) throws AgentServerException, JSONException, SymbolException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException { AgentInstance newAgentInstance = AgentInstance.fromJson(this, agentInstanceJsonSource); addAgentInstance(newAgentInstance); } public void shutdown() throws Exception { stop(); // TODO: Should this do something else in addition to stop? } public void start() throws AgentServerException, InterruptedException, IOException, PersistentFileException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException { start(true); } public void start(boolean start) throws AgentServerException, InterruptedException, IOException, PersistentFileException, ParseException, TokenizerException, ParserException { // No-op if already started if (startTime > 0) return; // Record start time for server startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Initialize members this.users = new NameValueList<User>(); this.agentDefinitions = new NameValueList<AgentDefinitionList>(); this.agentInstances = new NameValueList<AgentInstanceList>(); // Initialize agent server properties agentServerProperties = new AgentServerProperties(agentAppServer.commandLineproperties); // Initialize the agent scheduler, but keep it suspended for now if (agentScheduler == null) agentScheduler = new AgentScheduler(this, false); else agentScheduler.initialize(); // Initialize persistence if (persistence == null) persistence = new Persistence(this, getPersistentStorePath()); else persistence.initialize(); // Force a reload of config if (config == null) config = new AgentServerConfig(this); config.load(); // Initialize the web access configuration parameters if (webAccessConfig == null) webAccessConfig = new AgentServerWebAccessConfig(config); // Initialize the web site access control lists if (webSiteAccessConfig == null) webSiteAccessConfig = new WebSiteAccessConfig(this); webSiteAccessConfig.load(); // Initialize the web access manager this.webAccessManager = new WebAccessManager(webAccessConfig, webSiteAccessConfig); // Initialize the web access manager this.mailAccessManager = new MailAccessManager(this); mailAccessManager.readConfig(); // Optionally start scheduler if (start) agentScheduler.start(); } public void stop() throws AgentServerException, InterruptedException, IOException { // First shut down the agent scheduler and wait for it to fully stop agentScheduler.shutdown(); // Now close the persistent store persistence.close(); // Indicate that the agent server is no longer running startTime = 0; } public String getStatus() { return agentScheduler.getStatus(); } public String getDefaultReportingInterval() { return config.get("default_reporting_interval"); } public String getDefaultTriggerInterval() { return config.get("default_trigger_interval"); } public void addWebSiteAccessControls(User user, JSONObject accessControlsJson) throws JSONException, AgentServerException { webAccessManager.addWebSiteAccessControls(, accessControlsJson); } public WebPage getWebPage(String userId, String url) { return webAccessManager.getWebPage(userId, url); } public WebPage getWebPage(String userId, String url, boolean useCache, long refreshInterval, boolean wait) { return webAccessManager.getWebPage(userId, url, useCache, refreshInterval, wait); } public WebPage postUrl(String userId, String url, String data) { return webAccessManager.postUrl(userId, url, data); } public WebPage postUrl(String userId, String url, String data, long refreshInterval, boolean wait) { return webAccessManager.postUrl(userId, url, data, refreshInterval, wait); } public ListMap<String, String> getWebSiteAccessControls(User user) throws JSONException, AgentServerException { return webAccessManager.getWebSiteAccessControls(user); } public String getAdminPassword() { return config.agentServerProperties.adminPassword; } public String getPersistentStorePath() { return agentServerProperties.persistent_store_dir + "/" + AgentServerProperties.DEFAULT_PERSISTENT_STORE_FILE_NAME; } public long getMinimumTriggerInterval() { return config.getLong("minimum_trigger_interval"); } public long getMinimumReportingInterval() { return config.getLong("minimum_reporting_interval"); } }