Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2012 John W. Krupansky d/b/a Base Technology
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.json.JSONException;

import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolException;
import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolValues;
import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.ParserException;
import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.tokenizer.TokenizerException;

public class AgentInstanceList implements Iterable<AgentInstance> {
    List<AgentInstance> agentInstances = new ArrayList<AgentInstance>();

    public void add(AgentInstance agentInstance) {

    public boolean containsKey(String agentInstanceName) {
        // Scan all agent instances of this user for the name
        for (AgentInstance agentInstance : this)
            if (
                // Found an instance with the specified name
                return true;

        // No matching instance for specified name
        return false;

    public AgentInstance get(String agentInstanceName) {
        // Scan all agent instances of this user for the name
        for (AgentInstance agentInstance : this)
            if (
                // Found an instance with the specified name
                return agentInstance;

        // No matching instance for specified name
        return null;

    public AgentInstance get(int index) {
        return agentInstances.get(index);

    public AgentInstance getByDefinitionName(String agentDefinitionName) {
        // Scan all agent instances of this user for an instance of the named definition
        // TODO: Handle multiples
        for (AgentInstance agentInstance : this)
            if (
                // Found an instance with the specified agent definition name
                return agentInstance;

        // No matching instance for specified name
        return null;

    public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition, SymbolValues parameters)
            throws RuntimeException, SymbolException, AgentServerException, JSONException, TokenizerException,
            ParserException {
        return getAgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, parameters, false);

    public AgentInstance getAgentInstance(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition, SymbolValues parameters,
            boolean create) throws AgentServerException {
        // See if we already have an instance to this definition and parameter values on the list
        for (AgentInstance agentInstance : this)
            // Check for match based on agent definition and parameters
            if (agentInstance.equals(agentDefinition, parameters))
                // Found match. Return the existing agent Instance
                return agentInstance;

        // No match
        if (create) {
            AgentInstance newAgentInstance = new AgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, parameters);

            // Add the new instance to the list

            // Return the new instance
            return newAgentInstance;
        } else
            // Without the create option, return nothing
            return null;

    public AgentInstance put(User user, AgentDefinition agentDefinition, String agentInstanceName,
            String agentDescription, SymbolValues parameterValues, String triggerIntervalExpression,
            String reportingIntervalExpression, boolean publicOutput, int limitInstanceStatesStored,
            boolean enabled, long timeCreated, long timeModified) throws AgentServerException {
        // Make sure no existing instance with that name for the user
        for (AgentInstance agentInstance : agentInstances)
            if (
                throw new AgentServerException("Instance already exists with name '" + agentInstanceName
                        + "' for user '" + + "' - existing instance is for definition named '"
                        + + "'; new instance is for definition named '"
                        + + "'");

        // Create new instance
        AgentInstance agentInstance = new AgentInstance(user, agentDefinition, agentInstanceName, agentDescription,
                parameterValues, triggerIntervalExpression, reportingIntervalExpression, publicOutput,
                limitInstanceStatesStored, enabled, timeCreated, timeModified, null, false, false);
        return agentInstance;

    public AgentInstance put(AgentInstance agentInstance) throws AgentServerException {
        // No-op if agent instance is already on the list
        if (!agentInstances.contains(agentInstance)) {
            // Add the new instance to the list

        // Return the instance
        return agentInstance;

    public Iterator<AgentInstance> iterator() {
        return agentInstances.iterator();

    public void remove(String agentInstanceName) {
        AgentInstance agentInstance = get(agentInstanceName);
        if (agentInstance != null)

    public void remove(AgentInstance agentInstance) {
        if (agentInstance != null)

    public int size() {
        return agentInstances.size();