Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 John W. Krupansky d/b/a Base Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.field.Field; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.field.FieldList; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.goals.Goal; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.notification.NotificationDefinition; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.ExpressionNode; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.ScriptNode; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.Symbol; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolManager; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolTable; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolValues; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.ParserException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.ScriptParser; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.parser.tokenizer.TokenizerException; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.runtime.value.Value; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.DateUtils; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.JsonListMap; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.JsonUtils; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.NameValue; import com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.util.NameValueList; public class AgentDefinition { static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AgentDefinition.class); public final static long DEFAULT_TRIGGER_INTERVAL = 50; public final static String DEFAULT_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION = Long.toString(DEFAULT_TRIGGER_INTERVAL); public final static long DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TRIGGER_INTERVAL = 5; public final static String DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION = Long .toString(DEFAULT_MINIMUM_TRIGGER_INTERVAL); public final static long DEFAULT_REPORTING_INTERVAL = 200; public final static String DEFAULT_REPORTING_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION = Long.toString(DEFAULT_REPORTING_INTERVAL); public final static long DEFAULT_MINIMUM_REPORTING_INTERVAL = 5; public final static String DEFAULT_MINIMUM_REPORTING_INTERVAL_EXPRESSION = Long .toString(DEFAULT_MINIMUM_REPORTING_INTERVAL); public long timeCreated; public long timeModified; public AgentServer agentServer; public User user; public String name; public String description; public FieldList parameters; public DataSourceReferenceList inputs; public NameValueList<AgentTimer> timers; public NameValueList<AgentCondition> conditions; public NameValueList<ScriptDefinition> scripts; public FieldList scratchpad; public FieldList memory; public FieldList outputs; public List<Goal> goals; public NameValueList<NotificationDefinition> notifications; public String triggerIntervalExpression; public String reportingIntervalExpression; public SymbolManager symbolManager; public Boolean enabled; public AgentDefinition(AgentServer agentServer) throws SymbolException, RuntimeException { this.timeCreated = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.timeModified = this.timeCreated; this.agentServer = agentServer; this.user = User.noUser; this.parameters = new FieldList(); this.inputs = new DataSourceReferenceList(); this.timers = new NameValueList<AgentTimer>(); this.conditions = new NameValueList<AgentCondition>(); this.scripts = new NameValueList<ScriptDefinition>(); this.scratchpad = new FieldList(); this.memory = new FieldList(); this.notifications = new NameValueList<NotificationDefinition>(); this.outputs = new FieldList(); this.goals = new ArrayList<Goal>(); this.triggerIntervalExpression = agentServer.getDefaultTriggerInterval(); this.reportingIntervalExpression = agentServer.getDefaultReportingInterval(); this.enabled = true; } public AgentDefinition(AgentServer agentServer, User user, String name, String description, FieldList parameters, DataSourceReferenceList inputs, NameValueList<AgentTimer> timers, NameValueList<AgentCondition> conditions, NameValueList<ScriptDefinition> scripts, FieldList scratchpad, FieldList memory, NameValueList<NotificationDefinition> notifications, FieldList outputs, List<Goal> goals, String triggerIntervalExpression, String reportingIntervalExpression, long timeCreated, long timeModified, Boolean enabled, boolean update) throws AgentServerException { this.timeCreated = update ? timeCreated : (timeCreated > 0 ? timeCreated : System.currentTimeMillis()); this.timeModified = update ? timeModified : (timeModified > 0 ? timeModified : this.timeCreated); this.agentServer = agentServer; this.user = user != null ? user : update ? null : User.noUser; = name; this.description = description; this.parameters = parameters != null ? parameters : update ? null : new FieldList(); this.inputs = inputs != null ? inputs : update ? null : new DataSourceReferenceList(); this.timers = timers != null ? timers : update ? null : new NameValueList<AgentTimer>(); this.conditions = conditions != null ? conditions : update ? null : new NameValueList<AgentCondition>(); this.scripts = scripts != null ? scripts : update ? null : new NameValueList<ScriptDefinition>(); this.scratchpad = scratchpad != null ? scratchpad : update ? null : new FieldList(); this.memory = memory != null ? memory : update ? null : new FieldList(); this.notifications = notifications != null ? notifications : update ? null : new NameValueList<NotificationDefinition>(); this.outputs = outputs != null ? outputs : update ? null : new FieldList(); this.goals = goals != null ? goals : update ? null : new ArrayList<Goal>(); this.triggerIntervalExpression = triggerIntervalExpression; this.reportingIntervalExpression = reportingIntervalExpression; this.enabled = enabled; validateSyntax(); } static public AgentDefinition fromJson(AgentServer agentServer, String agentJsonSource) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException, JSONException { return fromJson(agentServer, null, new JSONObject(agentJsonSource), false); } static public AgentDefinition fromJson(AgentServer agentServer, JSONObject agentJson) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException { return fromJson(agentServer, null, agentJson, false); } static public AgentDefinition fromJson(AgentServer agentServer, User user, JSONObject agentJson) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException { return fromJson(agentServer, user, agentJson, false); } static public AgentDefinition fromJson(AgentServer agentServer, User user, JSONObject agentJson, boolean update) throws AgentServerException, SymbolException { // Parse the JSON for the agent definition // If we have the user, ignore user from JSON if (user == null) { String userId = agentJson.optString("user"); if (userId == null || userId.trim().length() == 0) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition user id ('user') is missing"); user = agentServer.getUser(userId); if (user == User.noUser) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition user id does not exist: '" + userId + "'"); } // Parse agent definition name String agentDefinitionName = agentJson.optString("name"); if (agentDefinitionName == null || agentDefinitionName.trim().length() == 0 && !update) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition name ('name') is missing"); // Parse agent definition description String agentDescription = agentJson.optString("description"); if (agentDescription == null || agentDescription.trim().length() == 0) agentDescription = ""; //"Adding new agent definition named: " + agentDefinitionName + " for user: " +; // TODO: Parse comment AgentDefinitionList agentMap = agentServer.agentDefinitions.get(; if (agentMap == null) { agentMap = new AgentDefinitionList(); agentServer.agentDefinitions.add(, agentMap); } // Check if named agent definition already exists if (agentMap.containsKey(agentDefinitionName)) throw new AgentServerException("Agent definition name already exists: '" + agentDefinitionName + "'"); AgentDefinition agent = null; SymbolManager symbolManager = new SymbolManager(); String invalidParameterNames = ""; // Parse 'parameter' fields FieldList parameters = null; if (agentJson.has("parameters")) { JSONArray parameterJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("parameters"); parameters = new FieldList(); int numparameter = parameterJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numparameter; i++) { JSONObject outputJson = parameterJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("parameter"), outputJson); // TODO: give error for dup names parameters.add(field); } } // Parse inputs - data source references DataSourceReferenceList inputs = null; if (agentJson.has("inputs")) { SymbolTable symbolTable = symbolManager.getSymbolTable("parameter_values"); JSONArray inputsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("inputs"); inputs = new DataSourceReferenceList(); int numInputs = inputsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { Object element = inputsJson.opt(i); String dataSourceName = null; DataSourceReference dataSourceReference = null; if (element instanceof JSONObject) { // Ignore empty data sources JSONObject elementJson = (JSONObject) element; if (elementJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the 'name' for data source if (!elementJson.has("name")) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON object is missing 'name' key"); dataSourceName = elementJson.optString("name"); // Parse the 'data_source' if (!elementJson.has("data_source")) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON object is missing 'data_source' key"); String dataSourceDataSource = elementJson.optString("data_source"); // Validate the data source reference AgentDefinition dataSourceDefinition = agentMap.get(dataSourceDataSource); if (dataSourceDefinition == null) throw new AgentServerException( "Inputs JSON for data source name '" + dataSourceName + "' references data source '" + dataSourceDataSource + "' which is not a defined data source"); // Parse the optional 'parameter_values' SymbolValues parameterValues = null; if (elementJson.has("parameter_values")) { Object parametersObject = elementJson.opt("parameter_values"); if (!(parametersObject instanceof JSONObject)) throw new AgentServerException( "Inputs parameters_values value expected JSON object but found " + parametersObject.getClass().getSimpleName()); JSONObject parameterValuesJson = elementJson.optJSONObject("parameter_values"); parameterValues = SymbolValues.fromJson(symbolTable, parameterValuesJson); } else parameterValues = new SymbolValues("parameters"); // Validate that parameter value keys are all valid data source definition parameters Map<String, Value> treeMap = new TreeMap<String, Value>(); for (Symbol symbol : parameterValues) treeMap.put(, null); invalidParameterNames = ""; for (String parameterName : treeMap.keySet()) if (!dataSourceDefinition.parameters.containsKey(parameterName)) invalidParameterNames += (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + parameterName; if (invalidParameterNames.length() > 0) throw new AgentServerException("Invalid parameter field names for inputs name '" + dataSourceName + "' for data source '" + agentDefinitionName + "': " + invalidParameterNames); // Construct the data source reference, including parameter values dataSourceReference = new DataSourceReference(dataSourceName, dataSourceDefinition, parameterValues); } else if (element instanceof String) { String dataSourceDataSource = (String) element; dataSourceName = dataSourceDataSource; // Validate the data source reference AgentDefinition dataSourceDefinition = agentMap.get(dataSourceDataSource); if (dataSourceDefinition == null) throw new AgentServerException("Inputs JSON references data source '" + dataSourceDataSource + "' which is not a defined data source"); // Construct the data source reference dataSourceReference = new DataSourceReference(dataSourceName, dataSourceDefinition); } else throw new AgentServerException( "Expected JSON object or string for input data source, but encountered " + element.getClass().getSimpleName()); // Add this data source reference to the list inputs.add(dataSourceReference); } } // Parse 'timers' list NameValueList<AgentTimer> timers = null; if (agentJson.has("timers")) { timers = new NameValueList<AgentTimer>(); JSONArray timersJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("timers"); if (timersJson != null) { int numScripts = timersJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++) { // Get JSON for next timer JSONObject timerJson = timersJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty timers if (!timerJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; AgentTimer timerDefinition = AgentTimer.fromJson(timerJson); timers.put(, timerDefinition); } } } // Parse 'conditions' list NameValueList<AgentCondition> conditions = null; if (agentJson.has("conditions")) { conditions = new NameValueList<AgentCondition>(); JSONArray conditionsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("conditions"); if (conditionsJson != null) { int numScripts = conditionsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++) { // Get JSON for next condition JSONObject conditionJson = conditionsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty conditions if (!conditionJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; AgentCondition conditionDefinition = AgentCondition.fromJson(conditionJson); conditions.put(, conditionDefinition); } } } // Parse 'notifications' list NameValueList<NotificationDefinition> notifications = null; if (agentJson.has("notifications")) { notifications = new NameValueList<NotificationDefinition>(); JSONArray notificationsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("notifications"); if (notificationsJson != null) { int numScripts = notificationsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++) { // Get JSON for next notification JSONObject notificationJson = notificationsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty notifications if (!notificationJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; NotificationDefinition notificationDefinition = NotificationDefinition .fromJson(notificationJson); notifications.put(, notificationDefinition); } } } // Parse 'scripts' list NameValueList<ScriptDefinition> scripts = null; if (agentJson.has("scripts")) { scripts = new NameValueList<ScriptDefinition>(); JSONArray scriptsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("scripts"); if (scriptsJson != null) { int numScripts = scriptsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numScripts; i++) { // Get JSON for next script JSONObject scriptJson = scriptsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty scripts if (!scriptJson.keys().hasNext()) continue; ScriptDefinition scriptDefinition = ScriptDefinition.fromJson(scriptJson); scripts.put(, scriptDefinition); } } } FieldList outputsList = null; if (agentJson.has("outputs")) { JSONArray outputsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("outputs"); outputsList = new FieldList(); int numOutputs = outputsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; i++) { // Get next output field definition JSONObject outputJson = outputsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty field definitions if (outputJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the output field definition Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("outputs"), outputJson); // TODO: give error for dup names // Add parsed field to the outputs field list outputsList.add(field); } } // Parse 'scratchpad' fields FieldList scratchpad = null; if (agentJson.has("scratchpad")) { JSONArray scratchpadJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("scratchpad"); scratchpad = new FieldList(); int numMemory = scratchpadJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numMemory; i++) { JSONObject fieldJson = scratchpadJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("scratchpad"), fieldJson); // TODO: give error for dup names scratchpad.add(field); } } // Parse 'memory' fields FieldList memory = null; if (agentJson.has("memory")) { JSONArray memoryJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("memory"); memory = new FieldList(); int numMemory = memoryJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numMemory; i++) { JSONObject fieldJson = memoryJson.optJSONObject(i); Field field = Field.fromJsonx(symbolManager.getSymbolTable("memory"), fieldJson); // TODO: give error for dup names memory.add(field); } } // Parse 'goals' List<Goal> goalsList = null; if (agentJson.has("goals")) { JSONArray goalsJson = agentJson.optJSONArray("goals"); goalsList = new ArrayList<Goal>(); int numGoals = goalsJson.length(); for (int i = 0; i < numGoals; i++) { // Get next goal definition JSONObject goalJson = goalsJson.optJSONObject(i); // Ignore empty goal definitions if (goalJson.length() == 0) continue; // Parse the goal definition Goal goal = Goal.fromJson(goalJson); // Add parsed goal to the goals list goalsList.add(goal); } } String reportingIntervalExpression = agentJson.has("reporting_interval") ? agentJson.optString("reporting_interval") : update ? null : agentServer.getDefaultReportingInterval(); String triggerIntervalExpression = agentJson.has("trigger_interval") ? agentJson.optString("trigger_interval") : update ? null : agentServer.getDefaultTriggerInterval(); String created = agentJson.optString("created", null); long timeCreated = -1; try { timeCreated = created != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(created) : -1; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AgentServerException("Unable to parse created date ('" + created + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } String modified = agentJson.optString("modified", null); long timeModified = -1; try { timeModified = modified != null ? DateUtils.parseRfcString(modified) : -1; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AgentServerException( "Unable to parse modified date ('" + modified + "') - " + e.getMessage()); } Boolean enabled = update ? null : true; if (agentJson.has("enabled")) enabled = agentJson.optBoolean("enabled"); // Validate keys JsonUtils.validateKeys(agentJson, "Agent definition", new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("user", "name", "description", "parameters", "inputs", "timers", "conditions", "notifications", "scripts", "outputs", "scratchpad", "memory", "goals", "created", "modified", "reporting_interval", "trigger_interval", "enabled"))); // TODO: Differentiate create vs. recreate vs. update - handling of SHA agent = new AgentDefinition(agentServer, user, agentDefinitionName, agentDescription, parameters, inputs, timers, conditions, scripts, scratchpad, memory, notifications, outputsList, goalsList, triggerIntervalExpression, reportingIntervalExpression, timeCreated, timeModified, enabled, update); // Return the created agent definition return agent; } public JSONObject toJson() throws AgentServerException { try { JSONObject agentJson = new JsonListMap(); agentJson.put("user",; agentJson.put("name", name); agentJson.put("description", description); agentJson.put("created", DateUtils.toRfcString(timeCreated)); agentJson.put("modified", DateUtils.toRfcString(timeModified)); // Output parameter field definitions JSONArray parametersArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (Field parameter : parameters) parametersArrayJson.put(parameter.toJson()); agentJson.put("parameters", parametersArrayJson); // Output data source definitions JSONArray inputsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (DataSourceReference input : inputs) inputsArrayJson.put(input.toJson()); agentJson.put("inputs", inputsArrayJson); // Output timers JSONArray timersArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (NameValue<AgentTimer> timerNameValue : timers) timersArrayJson.put(timerNameValue.value.toJson()); agentJson.put("timers", timersArrayJson); // Output conditions JSONArray conditionsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (NameValue<AgentTimer> timerNameValue : timers) timersArrayJson.put(timerNameValue.value.toJson()); agentJson.put("conditions", conditionsArrayJson); // Output notifications JSONArray notificationsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (NameValue<NotificationDefinition> notificationNameValue : notifications) notificationsArrayJson.put(notificationNameValue.value.toJson()); agentJson.put("notifications", notificationsArrayJson); // Output scripts JSONArray scriptsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (NameValue<ScriptDefinition> scriptNameValue : scripts) scriptsArrayJson.put(scriptNameValue.value.toJson()); agentJson.put("scripts", scriptsArrayJson); // Output scratchpad field definitions JSONArray scratchpadFieldsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (Field scratchpadField : scratchpad) scratchpadFieldsArrayJson.put(scratchpadField.toJson()); agentJson.put("scratchpad", scratchpadFieldsArrayJson); // Output memory field definitions JSONArray memoryFieldsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (Field memoryField : memory) memoryFieldsArrayJson.put(memoryField.toJson()); agentJson.put("memory", memoryFieldsArrayJson); // Output output field definitions JSONArray outputFieldsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (Field outputField : outputs) outputFieldsArrayJson.put(outputField.toJson()); agentJson.put("outputs", outputFieldsArrayJson); // Output goal definitions JSONArray goalsArrayJson = new JSONArray(); for (Goal goal : goals) goalsArrayJson.put(goal.toJson()); agentJson.put("goals", goalsArrayJson); agentJson.put("trigger_interval", triggerIntervalExpression); agentJson.put("reporting_interval", reportingIntervalExpression); agentJson.put("enabled", enabled); return agentJson; } catch (JSONException e) { throw new AgentServerException("Unexpected JSON error generating JSON for agent definition"); } } public void update(AgentServer agentServer, AgentDefinition updated) throws AgentServerException { boolean modified = false; if (updated.description != null && !this.description.equals(updated.description)) { modified = true; this.description = updated.description; } if (updated.inputs != null) { this.inputs = updated.inputs; } if (updated.timers != null) { modified = true; this.timers = updated.timers; } if (updated.conditions != null) { modified = true; this.conditions = updated.conditions; } if (updated.scripts != null) { modified = true; this.scripts = updated.scripts; } if (updated.memory != null) { modified = true; this.memory = updated.memory; } if (updated.outputs != null) { modified = true; this.outputs = updated.outputs; } if (updated.goals != null) { modified = true; this.goals = updated.goals; } if (updated.triggerIntervalExpression != null && !this.triggerIntervalExpression.equals(updated.triggerIntervalExpression)) { modified = true; this.triggerIntervalExpression = updated.triggerIntervalExpression; } if (updated.reportingIntervalExpression != null && !this.reportingIntervalExpression.equals(updated.reportingIntervalExpression)) { modified = true; this.reportingIntervalExpression = updated.reportingIntervalExpression; } // Did anything actually change? if (modified) { // Yes, record time of modification this.timeModified = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Persist the changes agentServer.persistence.put(this); } } public String toString() { try { return toJson().toString(); } catch (AgentServerException e) {"Unable to output AgentState as string - " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return "[AgentState: Unable to output AgentState as string - " + e.getMessage(); } } public void validateSyntax() throws AgentServerException { // Create a dummy instance for validation AgentInstance agentInstance = new AgentInstance(this, true); // Check syntax for all scripts if (scripts != null) for (NameValue<ScriptDefinition> scriptDefinitionNameValue : scripts) { ScriptDefinition scriptDefinition = scriptDefinitionNameValue.value; checkScript(agentInstance, "'" + + "'", scriptDefinition.script); } // Check syntax for all condition interval expressions and scripts if (conditions != null) for (NameValue<AgentCondition> conditionNameValue : conditions) { AgentCondition agentCondition = conditionNameValue.value; checkExpression(agentInstance, "condition '" + + "' interval", agentCondition.interval); checkExpression(agentInstance, "condition '" + + "' condition", agentCondition.condition); checkScript(agentInstance, "condition '" + + "'", agentCondition.script); } // Check syntax for timer interval expressions and scripts if (timers != null) for (NameValue<AgentTimer> timerNameValue : timers) { AgentTimer timer = timerNameValue.value; checkExpression(agentInstance, "timer '" + + "' interval", timer.intervalExpression); checkScript(agentInstance, "timer '" + + "'", timer.script); } // Check syntax for notification condition and timeout expressions and scripts if (notifications != null) for (NameValue<NotificationDefinition> notificationNameValue : notifications) { NotificationDefinition notificationDefinition = notificationNameValue.value; checkExpression(agentInstance, "notification '" + + "' condition", notificationDefinition.condition); checkExpression(agentInstance, "notification '" + + "' timeout", notificationDefinition.timeoutExpression); for (NameValue<ScriptDefinition> scriptDefinitionNameValue : notificationDefinition.scripts) { ScriptDefinition scriptDefinition = scriptDefinitionNameValue.value; checkScript(agentInstance, "notification '" + + "' '" + + "'", scriptDefinition.script); } } // Check syntax for trigger and reporting intervals checkExpression(agentInstance, "trigger_interval", triggerIntervalExpression); checkExpression(agentInstance, "reporting_interval", reportingIntervalExpression); } public void checkExpression(AgentInstance agentInstance, String description, String expression) throws AgentServerException { try { ScriptParser parser = new ScriptParser(agentInstance); ExpressionNode expressionNode = parser.parseExpressionString(expression); } catch (TokenizerException e) { throw new AgentServerException("TokenizerException parsing " + description + " expression \"" + expression + "\" - " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ParserException e) { throw new AgentServerException("ParserException parsing " + description + " expression \"" + expression + "\" - " + e.getMessage()); } } public void checkScript(AgentInstance agentInstance, String description, String script) throws AgentServerException { try { ScriptParser parser = new ScriptParser(agentInstance); ScriptNode scriptNode = parser.parseScriptString(script); } catch (TokenizerException e) { throw new AgentServerException( "TokenizerException parsing " + description + " script \"" + script + "\" - " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ParserException e) { throw new AgentServerException( "ParserException parsing " + description + " script \"" + script + "\" - " + e.getMessage()); } } }