Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.badlogic.gdx.math;


import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException;

/** A 3x3 <a href="">column major</a> matrix; useful for 2D
 * transforms.
 * @author mzechner */
public class Matrix3 implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7907569533774959788L;
    public static final int M00 = 0;
    public static final int M01 = 3;
    public static final int M02 = 6;
    public static final int M10 = 1;
    public static final int M11 = 4;
    public static final int M12 = 7;
    public static final int M20 = 2;
    public static final int M21 = 5;
    public static final int M22 = 8;
    public float[] val = new float[9];
    private float[] tmp = new float[9];

    public Matrix3() {

    public Matrix3(Matrix3 matrix) {

    /** Constructs a matrix from the given float array. The array must have at least 9 elements; the first 9 will be copied.
     * @param values The float array to copy. Remember that this matrix is in <a
     *           href="">column major</a> order. (The float array is
     *           not modified.) */
    public Matrix3(float[] values) {

    /** Sets this matrix to the identity matrix
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 idt() {
        val[M00] = 1;
        val[M10] = 0;
        val[M20] = 0;
        val[M01] = 0;
        val[M11] = 1;
        val[M21] = 0;
        val[M02] = 0;
        val[M12] = 0;
        val[M22] = 1;
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix with the provided matrix and stores the result in this matrix. For example:
     * <pre>
     * A.mul(B) results in A := AB
     * </pre>
     * @param m Matrix to multiply by.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations together. */
    public Matrix3 mul(Matrix3 m) {
        float v00 = val[M00] * m.val[M00] + val[M01] * m.val[M10] + val[M02] * m.val[M20];
        float v01 = val[M00] * m.val[M01] + val[M01] * m.val[M11] + val[M02] * m.val[M21];
        float v02 = val[M00] * m.val[M02] + val[M01] * m.val[M12] + val[M02] * m.val[M22];

        float v10 = val[M10] * m.val[M00] + val[M11] * m.val[M10] + val[M12] * m.val[M20];
        float v11 = val[M10] * m.val[M01] + val[M11] * m.val[M11] + val[M12] * m.val[M21];
        float v12 = val[M10] * m.val[M02] + val[M11] * m.val[M12] + val[M12] * m.val[M22];

        float v20 = val[M20] * m.val[M00] + val[M21] * m.val[M10] + val[M22] * m.val[M20];
        float v21 = val[M20] * m.val[M01] + val[M21] * m.val[M11] + val[M22] * m.val[M21];
        float v22 = val[M20] * m.val[M02] + val[M21] * m.val[M12] + val[M22] * m.val[M22];

        val[M00] = v00;
        val[M10] = v10;
        val[M20] = v20;
        val[M01] = v01;
        val[M11] = v11;
        val[M21] = v21;
        val[M02] = v02;
        val[M12] = v12;
        val[M22] = v22;

        return this;

    /** Premultiplies this matrix with the provided matrix and stores the result in this matrix. For example:
     * <pre>
     * A.mulLeft(B) results in A := BA
     * </pre>
     * @param m The other Matrix to multiply by
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 mulLeft(Matrix3 m) {
        float v00 = m.val[M00] * val[M00] + m.val[M01] * val[M10] + m.val[M02] * val[M20];
        float v01 = m.val[M00] * val[M01] + m.val[M01] * val[M11] + m.val[M02] * val[M21];
        float v02 = m.val[M00] * val[M02] + m.val[M01] * val[M12] + m.val[M02] * val[M22];

        float v10 = m.val[M10] * val[M00] + m.val[M11] * val[M10] + m.val[M12] * val[M20];
        float v11 = m.val[M10] * val[M01] + m.val[M11] * val[M11] + m.val[M12] * val[M21];
        float v12 = m.val[M10] * val[M02] + m.val[M11] * val[M12] + m.val[M12] * val[M22];

        float v20 = m.val[M20] * val[M00] + m.val[M21] * val[M10] + m.val[M22] * val[M20];
        float v21 = m.val[M20] * val[M01] + m.val[M21] * val[M11] + m.val[M22] * val[M21];
        float v22 = m.val[M20] * val[M02] + m.val[M21] * val[M12] + m.val[M22] * val[M22];

        val[M00] = v00;
        val[M10] = v10;
        val[M20] = v20;
        val[M01] = v01;
        val[M11] = v11;
        val[M21] = v21;
        val[M02] = v02;
        val[M12] = v12;
        val[M22] = v22;

        return this;

    /** Sets this matrix to a rotation matrix that will rotate any vector in counter-clockwise direction around the z-axis.
     * @param degrees the angle in degrees.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToRotation(float degrees) {
        return setToRotationRad(MathUtils.degreesToRadians * degrees);

    /** Sets this matrix to a rotation matrix that will rotate any vector in counter-clockwise direction around the z-axis.
     * @param radians the angle in radians.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToRotationRad(float radians) {
        float cos = (float) Math.cos(radians);
        float sin = (float) Math.sin(radians);

        this.val[M00] = cos;
        this.val[M10] = sin;
        this.val[M20] = 0;

        this.val[M01] = -sin;
        this.val[M11] = cos;
        this.val[M21] = 0;

        this.val[M02] = 0;
        this.val[M12] = 0;
        this.val[M22] = 1;

        return this;

    public Matrix3 setToRotation(Vector3 axis, float degrees) {
        return setToRotation(axis, MathUtils.cosDeg(degrees), MathUtils.sinDeg(degrees));

    public Matrix3 setToRotation(Vector3 axis, float cos, float sin) {
        float oc = 1.0f - cos;
        val[M00] = oc * axis.x * axis.x + cos;
        val[M10] = oc * axis.x * axis.y - axis.z * sin;
        val[M20] = oc * axis.z * axis.x + axis.y * sin;
        val[M01] = oc * axis.x * axis.y + axis.z * sin;
        val[M11] = oc * axis.y * axis.y + cos;
        val[M21] = oc * axis.y * axis.z - axis.x * sin;
        val[M02] = oc * axis.z * axis.x - axis.y * sin;
        val[M12] = oc * axis.y * axis.z + axis.x * sin;
        val[M22] = oc * axis.z * axis.z + cos;
        return this;

    /** Sets this matrix to a translation matrix.
     * @param x the translation in x
     * @param y the translation in y
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToTranslation(float x, float y) {
        this.val[M00] = 1;
        this.val[M10] = 0;
        this.val[M20] = 0;

        this.val[M01] = 0;
        this.val[M11] = 1;
        this.val[M21] = 0;

        this.val[M02] = x;
        this.val[M12] = y;
        this.val[M22] = 1;

        return this;

    /** Sets this matrix to a translation matrix.
     * @param translation The translation vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToTranslation(Vector2 translation) {
        this.val[M00] = 1;
        this.val[M10] = 0;
        this.val[M20] = 0;

        this.val[M01] = 0;
        this.val[M11] = 1;
        this.val[M21] = 0;

        this.val[M02] = translation.x;
        this.val[M12] = translation.y;
        this.val[M22] = 1;

        return this;

    /** Sets this matrix to a scaling matrix.
     * @param scaleX the scale in x
     * @param scaleY the scale in y
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToScaling(float scaleX, float scaleY) {
        val[M00] = scaleX;
        val[M10] = 0;
        val[M20] = 0;
        val[M01] = 0;
        val[M11] = scaleY;
        val[M21] = 0;
        val[M02] = 0;
        val[M12] = 0;
        val[M22] = 1;
        return this;

    /** Sets this matrix to a scaling matrix.
     * @param scale The scale vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 setToScaling(Vector2 scale) {
        val[M00] = scale.x;
        val[M10] = 0;
        val[M20] = 0;
        val[M01] = 0;
        val[M11] = scale.y;
        val[M21] = 0;
        val[M02] = 0;
        val[M12] = 0;
        val[M22] = 1;
        return this;

    public String toString() {
        return "[" + val[0] + "|" + val[3] + "|" + val[6] + "]\n" + "[" + val[1] + "|" + val[4] + "|" + val[7]
                + "]\n" + "[" + val[2] + "|" + val[5] + "|" + val[8] + "]";

    /** @return The determinant of this matrix */
    public float det() {
        return val[M00] * val[M11] * val[M22] + val[M01] * val[M12] * val[M20] + val[M02] * val[M10] * val[M21]
                - val[M00] * val[M12] * val[M21] - val[M01] * val[M10] * val[M22] - val[M02] * val[M11] * val[M20];

    /** Inverts this matrix given that the determinant is != 0.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations.
     * @throws GdxRuntimeException if the matrix is singular (not invertible) */
    public Matrix3 inv() {
        float det = det();
        if (det == 0)
            throw new GdxRuntimeException("Can't invert a singular matrix");

        float inv_det = 1.0f / det;

        tmp[M00] = val[M11] * val[M22] - val[M21] * val[M12];
        tmp[M10] = val[M20] * val[M12] - val[M10] * val[M22];
        tmp[M20] = val[M10] * val[M21] - val[M20] * val[M11];
        tmp[M01] = val[M21] * val[M02] - val[M01] * val[M22];
        tmp[M11] = val[M00] * val[M22] - val[M20] * val[M02];
        tmp[M21] = val[M20] * val[M01] - val[M00] * val[M21];
        tmp[M02] = val[M01] * val[M12] - val[M11] * val[M02];
        tmp[M12] = val[M10] * val[M02] - val[M00] * val[M12];
        tmp[M22] = val[M00] * val[M11] - val[M10] * val[M01];

        val[M00] = inv_det * tmp[M00];
        val[M10] = inv_det * tmp[M10];
        val[M20] = inv_det * tmp[M20];
        val[M01] = inv_det * tmp[M01];
        val[M11] = inv_det * tmp[M11];
        val[M21] = inv_det * tmp[M21];
        val[M02] = inv_det * tmp[M02];
        val[M12] = inv_det * tmp[M12];
        val[M22] = inv_det * tmp[M22];

        return this;

    /** Copies the values from the provided matrix to this matrix.
     * @param mat The matrix to copy.
     * @return This matrix for the purposes of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 set(Matrix3 mat) {
        System.arraycopy(mat.val, 0, val, 0, val.length);
        return this;

    /** Copies the values from the provided affine matrix to this matrix. The last row is set to (0, 0, 1).
     * @param affine The affine matrix to copy.
     * @return This matrix for the purposes of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 set(Affine2 affine) {
        val[M00] = affine.m00;
        val[M10] = affine.m10;
        val[M20] = 0;
        val[M01] = affine.m01;
        val[M11] = affine.m11;
        val[M21] = 0;
        val[M02] = affine.m02;
        val[M12] = affine.m12;
        val[M22] = 1;

        return this;

    /** Sets this 3x3 matrix to the top left 3x3 corner of the provided 4x4 matrix.
     * @param mat The matrix whose top left corner will be copied. This matrix will not be modified.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining operations. */
    public Matrix3 set(Matrix4 mat) {
        val[M00] = mat.val[Matrix4.M00];
        val[M10] = mat.val[Matrix4.M10];
        val[M20] = mat.val[Matrix4.M20];
        val[M01] = mat.val[Matrix4.M01];
        val[M11] = mat.val[Matrix4.M11];
        val[M21] = mat.val[Matrix4.M21];
        val[M02] = mat.val[Matrix4.M02];
        val[M12] = mat.val[Matrix4.M12];
        val[M22] = mat.val[Matrix4.M22];
        return this;

    /** Sets the matrix to the given matrix as a float array. The float array must have at least 9 elements; the first 9 will be
     * copied.
     * @param values The matrix, in float form, that is to be copied. Remember that this matrix is in <a
     *           href="">column major</a> order.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining methods together. */
    public Matrix3 set(float[] values) {
        System.arraycopy(values, 0, val, 0, val.length);
        return this;

    /** Adds a translational component to the matrix in the 3rd column. The other columns are untouched.
     * @param vector The translation vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 trn(Vector2 vector) {
        val[M02] += vector.x;
        val[M12] += vector.y;
        return this;

    /** Adds a translational component to the matrix in the 3rd column. The other columns are untouched.
     * @param x The x-component of the translation vector.
     * @param y The y-component of the translation vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 trn(float x, float y) {
        val[M02] += x;
        val[M12] += y;
        return this;

    /** Adds a translational component to the matrix in the 3rd column. The other columns are untouched.
     * @param vector The translation vector. (The z-component of the vector is ignored because this is a 3x3 matrix)
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 trn(Vector3 vector) {
        val[M02] += vector.x;
        val[M12] += vector.y;
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix by a translation matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param x The x-component of the translation vector.
     * @param y The y-component of the translation vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 translate(float x, float y) {
        tmp[M00] = 1;
        tmp[M10] = 0;
        tmp[M20] = 0;

        tmp[M01] = 0;
        tmp[M11] = 1;
        tmp[M21] = 0;

        tmp[M02] = x;
        tmp[M12] = y;
        tmp[M22] = 1;
        mul(val, tmp);
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix by a translation matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param translation The translation vector.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 translate(Vector2 translation) {
        tmp[M00] = 1;
        tmp[M10] = 0;
        tmp[M20] = 0;

        tmp[M01] = 0;
        tmp[M11] = 1;
        tmp[M21] = 0;

        tmp[M02] = translation.x;
        tmp[M12] = translation.y;
        tmp[M22] = 1;
        mul(val, tmp);
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param degrees The angle in degrees
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 rotate(float degrees) {
        return rotateRad(MathUtils.degreesToRadians * degrees);

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix with a (counter-clockwise) rotation matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param radians The angle in radians
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 rotateRad(float radians) {
        if (radians == 0)
            return this;
        float cos = (float) Math.cos(radians);
        float sin = (float) Math.sin(radians);

        tmp[M00] = cos;
        tmp[M10] = sin;
        tmp[M20] = 0;

        tmp[M01] = -sin;
        tmp[M11] = cos;
        tmp[M21] = 0;

        tmp[M02] = 0;
        tmp[M12] = 0;
        tmp[M22] = 1;
        mul(val, tmp);
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix with a scale matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param scaleX The scale in the x-axis.
     * @param scaleY The scale in the y-axis.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 scale(float scaleX, float scaleY) {
        tmp[M00] = scaleX;
        tmp[M10] = 0;
        tmp[M20] = 0;
        tmp[M01] = 0;
        tmp[M11] = scaleY;
        tmp[M21] = 0;
        tmp[M02] = 0;
        tmp[M12] = 0;
        tmp[M22] = 1;
        mul(val, tmp);
        return this;

    /** Postmultiplies this matrix with a scale matrix. Postmultiplication is also used by OpenGL ES' 1.x
     * glTranslate/glRotate/glScale.
     * @param scale The vector to scale the matrix by.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining. */
    public Matrix3 scale(Vector2 scale) {
        tmp[M00] = scale.x;
        tmp[M10] = 0;
        tmp[M20] = 0;
        tmp[M01] = 0;
        tmp[M11] = scale.y;
        tmp[M21] = 0;
        tmp[M02] = 0;
        tmp[M12] = 0;
        tmp[M22] = 1;
        mul(val, tmp);
        return this;

    /** Get the values in this matrix.
     * @return The float values that make up this matrix in column-major order. */
    public float[] getValues() {
        return val;

    public Vector2 getTranslation(Vector2 position) {
        position.x = val[M02];
        position.y = val[M12];
        return position;

    public Vector2 getScale(Vector2 scale) {
        scale.x = (float) Math.sqrt(val[M00] * val[M00] + val[M01] * val[M01]);
        scale.y = (float) Math.sqrt(val[M10] * val[M10] + val[M11] * val[M11]);
        return scale;

    public float getRotation() {
        return MathUtils.radiansToDegrees * (float) Math.atan2(val[M10], val[M00]);

    public float getRotationRad() {
        return (float) Math.atan2(val[M10], val[M00]);

    /** Scale the matrix in the both the x and y components by the scalar value.
     * @param scale The single value that will be used to scale both the x and y components.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining methods together. */
    public Matrix3 scl(float scale) {
        val[M00] *= scale;
        val[M11] *= scale;
        return this;

    /** Scale this matrix using the x and y components of the vector but leave the rest of the matrix alone.
     * @param scale The {@link Vector3} to use to scale this matrix.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining methods together. */
    public Matrix3 scl(Vector2 scale) {
        val[M00] *= scale.x;
        val[M11] *= scale.y;
        return this;

    /** Scale this matrix using the x and y components of the vector but leave the rest of the matrix alone.
     * @param scale The {@link Vector3} to use to scale this matrix. The z component will be ignored.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining methods together. */
    public Matrix3 scl(Vector3 scale) {
        val[M00] *= scale.x;
        val[M11] *= scale.y;
        return this;

    /** Transposes the current matrix.
     * @return This matrix for the purpose of chaining methods together. */
    public Matrix3 transpose() {
        // Where MXY you do not have to change MXX
        float v01 = val[M10];
        float v02 = val[M20];
        float v10 = val[M01];
        float v12 = val[M21];
        float v20 = val[M02];
        float v21 = val[M12];
        val[M01] = v01;
        val[M02] = v02;
        val[M10] = v10;
        val[M12] = v12;
        val[M20] = v20;
        val[M21] = v21;
        return this;

    /** Multiplies matrix a with matrix b in the following manner:
     * <pre>
     * mul(A, B) => A := AB
     * </pre>
     * @param mata The float array representing the first matrix. Must have at least 9 elements.
     * @param matb The float array representing the second matrix. Must have at least 9 elements. */
    private static void mul(float[] mata, float[] matb) {
        float v00 = mata[M00] * matb[M00] + mata[M01] * matb[M10] + mata[M02] * matb[M20];
        float v01 = mata[M00] * matb[M01] + mata[M01] * matb[M11] + mata[M02] * matb[M21];
        float v02 = mata[M00] * matb[M02] + mata[M01] * matb[M12] + mata[M02] * matb[M22];

        float v10 = mata[M10] * matb[M00] + mata[M11] * matb[M10] + mata[M12] * matb[M20];
        float v11 = mata[M10] * matb[M01] + mata[M11] * matb[M11] + mata[M12] * matb[M21];
        float v12 = mata[M10] * matb[M02] + mata[M11] * matb[M12] + mata[M12] * matb[M22];

        float v20 = mata[M20] * matb[M00] + mata[M21] * matb[M10] + mata[M22] * matb[M20];
        float v21 = mata[M20] * matb[M01] + mata[M21] * matb[M11] + mata[M22] * matb[M21];
        float v22 = mata[M20] * matb[M02] + mata[M21] * matb[M12] + mata[M22] * matb[M22];

        mata[M00] = v00;
        mata[M10] = v10;
        mata[M20] = v20;
        mata[M01] = v01;
        mata[M11] = v11;
        mata[M21] = v21;
        mata[M02] = v02;
        mata[M12] = v12;
        mata[M22] = v22;