Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix3; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Matrix4; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntIntMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool; /** @author Xoppa A BaseShader is a wrapper around a ShaderProgram that keeps track of the uniform and attribute locations. It does * not manage the ShaderPogram, you are still responsible for disposing the ShaderProgram. */ public abstract class BaseShader implements Shader { public interface Validator { /** @return True if the input is valid for the renderable, false otherwise. */ boolean validate(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID, final Renderable renderable); } public interface Setter { /** @return True if the uniform only has to be set once per render call, false if the uniform must be set for each renderable. */ boolean isGlobal(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID); void set(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID, final Renderable renderable, final Attributes combinedAttributes); } public abstract static class GlobalSetter implements Setter { @Override public boolean isGlobal(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID) { return true; } } public abstract static class LocalSetter implements Setter { @Override public boolean isGlobal(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID) { return false; } } public static class Uniform implements Validator { public final String alias; public final long materialMask; public final long environmentMask; public final long overallMask; public Uniform(final String alias, final long materialMask, final long environmentMask, final long overallMask) { this.alias = alias; this.materialMask = materialMask; this.environmentMask = environmentMask; this.overallMask = overallMask; } public Uniform(final String alias, final long materialMask, final long environmentMask) { this(alias, materialMask, environmentMask, 0); } public Uniform(final String alias, final long overallMask) { this(alias, 0, 0, overallMask); } public Uniform(final String alias) { this(alias, 0, 0); } public boolean validate(final BaseShader shader, final int inputID, final Renderable renderable) { final long matFlags = (renderable != null && renderable.material != null) ? renderable.material.getMask() : 0; final long envFlags = (renderable != null && renderable.environment != null) ? renderable.environment.getMask() : 0; return ((matFlags & materialMask) == materialMask) && ((envFlags & environmentMask) == environmentMask) && (((matFlags | envFlags) & overallMask) == overallMask); } } private final Array<String> uniforms = new Array<String>(); private final Array<Validator> validators = new Array<Validator>(); private final Array<Setter> setters = new Array<Setter>(); private int locations[]; private final IntArray globalUniforms = new IntArray(); private final IntArray localUniforms = new IntArray(); private final IntIntMap attributes = new IntIntMap(); public ShaderProgram program; public RenderContext context; public Camera camera; private Mesh currentMesh; /** Register an uniform which might be used by this shader. Only possible prior to the call to init(). * @return The ID of the uniform to use in this shader. */ public int register(final String alias, final Validator validator, final Setter setter) { if (locations != null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot register an uniform after initialization"); final int existing = getUniformID(alias); if (existing >= 0) { validators.set(existing, validator); setters.set(existing, setter); return existing; } uniforms.add(alias); validators.add(validator); setters.add(setter); return uniforms.size - 1; } public int register(final String alias, final Validator validator) { return register(alias, validator, null); } public int register(final String alias, final Setter setter) { return register(alias, null, setter); } public int register(final String alias) { return register(alias, null, null); } public int register(final Uniform uniform, final Setter setter) { return register(uniform.alias, uniform, setter); } public int register(final Uniform uniform) { return register(uniform, null); } /** @return the ID of the input or negative if not available. */ public int getUniformID(final String alias) { final int n = uniforms.size; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (uniforms.get(i).equals(alias)) return i; return -1; } /** @return The input at the specified id. */ public String getUniformAlias(final int id) { return uniforms.get(id); } /** Initialize this shader, causing all registered uniforms/attributes to be fetched. */ public void init(final ShaderProgram program, final Renderable renderable) { if (locations != null) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Already initialized"); if (!program.isCompiled()) throw new GdxRuntimeException(program.getLog()); this.program = program; final int n = uniforms.size; locations = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final String input = uniforms.get(i); final Validator validator = validators.get(i); final Setter setter = setters.get(i); if (validator != null && !validator.validate(this, i, renderable)) locations[i] = -1; else { locations[i] = program.fetchUniformLocation(input, false); if (locations[i] >= 0 && setter != null) { if (setter.isGlobal(this, i)) globalUniforms.add(i); else localUniforms.add(i); } } if (locations[i] < 0) { validators.set(i, null); setters.set(i, null); } } if (renderable != null) { final VertexAttributes attrs = renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes(); final int c = attrs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { final VertexAttribute attr = attrs.get(i); final int location = program.getAttributeLocation(attr.alias); if (location >= 0) attributes.put(attr.getKey(), location); } } } @Override public void begin(Camera camera, RenderContext context) { = camera; this.context = context; program.begin(); currentMesh = null; for (int u, i = 0; i < globalUniforms.size; ++i) if (setters.get(u = globalUniforms.get(i)) != null) setters.get(u).set(this, u, null, null); } private final IntArray tempArray = new IntArray(); private final int[] getAttributeLocations(final VertexAttributes attrs) { tempArray.clear(); final int n = attrs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tempArray.add(attributes.get(attrs.get(i).getKey(), -1)); } return tempArray.items; } private Attributes combinedAttributes = new Attributes(); @Override public void render(Renderable renderable) { if (renderable.worldTransform.det3x3() == 0) return; combinedAttributes.clear(); if (renderable.environment != null) combinedAttributes.set(renderable.environment); if (renderable.material != null) combinedAttributes.set(renderable.material); render(renderable, combinedAttributes); } public void render(Renderable renderable, final Attributes combinedAttributes) { for (int u, i = 0; i < localUniforms.size; ++i) if (setters.get(u = localUniforms.get(i)) != null) setters.get(u).set(this, u, renderable, combinedAttributes); if (currentMesh != renderable.mesh) { if (currentMesh != null) currentMesh.unbind(program, tempArray.items); currentMesh = renderable.mesh; currentMesh.bind(program, getAttributeLocations(renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes())); } renderable.mesh.render(program, renderable.primitiveType, renderable.meshPartOffset, renderable.meshPartSize, false); } @Override public void end() { if (currentMesh != null) { currentMesh.unbind(program, tempArray.items); currentMesh = null; } program.end(); } @Override public void dispose() { program = null; uniforms.clear(); validators.clear(); setters.clear(); localUniforms.clear(); globalUniforms.clear(); locations = null; } /** Whether this Shader instance implements the specified uniform, only valid after a call to init(). */ public final boolean has(final int inputID) { return inputID >= 0 && inputID < locations.length && locations[inputID] >= 0; } public final int loc(final int inputID) { return (inputID >= 0 && inputID < locations.length) ? locations[inputID] : -1; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final Matrix4 value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformMatrix(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final Matrix3 value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformMatrix(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final Vector3 value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final Vector2 value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final Color value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final float value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final float v1, final float v2) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], v1, v2); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final float v1, final float v2, final float v3) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], v1, v2, v3); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final float v1, final float v2, final float v3, final float v4) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformf(locations[uniform], v1, v2, v3, v4); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final int value) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], value); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final int v1, final int v2) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], v1, v2); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final int v1, final int v2, final int v3) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], v1, v2, v3); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final int v1, final int v2, final int v3, final int v4) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], v1, v2, v3, v4); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final TextureDescriptor textureDesc) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], context.textureBinder.bind(textureDesc)); return true; } public final boolean set(final int uniform, final GLTexture texture) { if (locations[uniform] < 0) return false; program.setUniformi(locations[uniform], context.textureBinder.bind(texture)); return true; } }