Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 See AUTHORS file.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.NumberUtils;

/** <p/>
 * Represents a sprite in 3d space. Typical 3d transformations such as translation, rotation and scaling are supported. The
 * position includes a z component other than setting the depth no manual layering has to be performed, correct overlay is
 * guaranteed by using the depth buffer.
 * <p/>
 * Decals are handled by the {@link DecalBatch}. */
public class Decal {
    // 3(x,y,z) + 1(color) + 2(u,v)
    /** Size of a decal vertex in floats */
    private static final int VERTEX_SIZE = 3 + 1 + 2;
    /** Size of the decal in floats. It takes a float[SIZE] to hold the decal. */
    public static final int SIZE = 4 * VERTEX_SIZE;

    /** Temporary vector for various calculations. */
    private static Vector3 tmp = new Vector3();
    private static Vector3 tmp2 = new Vector3();

    /** Set a multipurpose value which can be queried and used for things like group identification. */
    public int value;

    protected float[] vertices = new float[SIZE];
    protected Vector3 position = new Vector3();
    protected Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
    protected Vector2 scale = new Vector2(1, 1);
    protected Color color = new Color();

    /** The transformation offset can be used to change the pivot point for rotation and scaling. By default the pivot is the middle
     * of the decal. */
    public Vector2 transformationOffset = null;
    protected Vector2 dimensions = new Vector2();

    protected DecalMaterial material = new DecalMaterial();
    protected boolean updated = false;

    public Decal() {

    /** Sets the color of all four vertices to the specified color
     * @param r Red component
     * @param g Green component
     * @param b Blue component
     * @param a Alpha component */
    public void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a) {
        color.set(r, g, b, a);
        int intBits = ((int) (255 * a) << 24) | ((int) (255 * b) << 16) | ((int) (255 * g) << 8)
                | ((int) (255 * r));
        float color = NumberUtils.intToFloatColor(intBits);
        vertices[C1] = color;
        vertices[C2] = color;
        vertices[C3] = color;
        vertices[C4] = color;

    /** Sets the color used to tint this decal. Default is {@link Color#WHITE}. */
    public void setColor(Color tint) {
        float color = tint.toFloatBits();
        vertices[C1] = color;
        vertices[C2] = color;
        vertices[C3] = color;
        vertices[C4] = color;

    /** @see #setColor(Color) */
    public void setColor(float color) {
        vertices[C1] = color;
        vertices[C2] = color;
        vertices[C3] = color;
        vertices[C4] = color;

    /** Sets the rotation on the local X axis to the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to set rotation to */
    public void setRotationX(float angle) {
        rotation.set(Vector3.X, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the rotation on the local Y axis to the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to set rotation to */
    public void setRotationY(float angle) {
        rotation.set(Vector3.Y, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the rotation on the local Z axis to the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to set rotation to */
    public void setRotationZ(float angle) {
        rotation.set(Vector3.Z, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Rotates along local X axis by the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to rotate by */
    public void rotateX(float angle) {
        rotator.set(Vector3.X, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Rotates along local Y axis by the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to rotate by */
    public void rotateY(float angle) {
        rotator.set(Vector3.Y, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Rotates along local Z axis by the specified angle
     * @param angle Angle in degrees to rotate by */
    public void rotateZ(float angle) {
        rotator.set(Vector3.Z, angle);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the rotation of this decal to the given angles on all axes.
     * @param yaw Angle in degrees to rotate around the Y axis
     * @param pitch Angle in degrees to rotate around the X axis
     * @param roll Angle in degrees to rotate around the Z axis */
    public void setRotation(float yaw, float pitch, float roll) {
        rotation.setEulerAngles(yaw, pitch, roll);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the rotation of this decal based on the (normalized) direction and up vector.
     * @param dir the direction vector
     * @param up the up vector */
    public void setRotation(Vector3 dir, Vector3 up) {
        rotation.setFromAxes(tmp.x, tmp2.x, dir.x, tmp.y, tmp2.y, dir.y, tmp.z, tmp2.z, dir.z);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the rotation of this decal based on the provided Quaternion
     * @param q desired Rotation */
    public void setRotation(Quaternion q) {
        updated = false;

    /** Returns the rotation. The returned quaternion should under no circumstances be modified.
     * @return Quaternion representing the rotation */
    public Quaternion getRotation() {
        return rotation;

    /** Moves by the specified amount of units along the x axis
     * @param units Units to move the decal */
    public void translateX(float units) {
        this.position.x += units;
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the position on the x axis
     * @param x Position to locate the decal at */
    public void setX(float x) {
        this.position.x = x;
        updated = false;

    /** @return position on the x axis */
    public float getX() {
        return this.position.x;

    /** Moves by the specified amount of units along the y axis
     * @param units Units to move the decal */
    public void translateY(float units) {
        this.position.y += units;
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the position on the y axis
     * @param y Position to locate the decal at */
    public void setY(float y) {
        this.position.y = y;
        updated = false;

    /** @return position on the y axis */
    public float getY() {
        return this.position.y;

    /** Moves by the specified amount of units along the z axis
     * @param units Units to move the decal */
    public void translateZ(float units) {
        this.position.z += units;
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the position on the z axis
     * @param z Position to locate the decal at */
    public void setZ(float z) {
        this.position.z = z;
        updated = false;

    /** @return position on the z axis */
    public float getZ() {
        return this.position.z;

    /** Translates by the specified amount of units
     * @param x Units to move along the x axis
     * @param y Units to move along the y axis
     * @param z Units to move along the z axis */
    public void translate(float x, float y, float z) {
        this.position.add(x, y, z);
        updated = false;

    /** @see Decal#translate(float, float, float) */
    public void translate(Vector3 trans) {
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the position to the given world coordinates
     * @param x X position
     * @param y Y Position
     * @param z Z Position */
    public void setPosition(float x, float y, float z) {
        this.position.set(x, y, z);
        updated = false;

    /** @see Decal#setPosition(float, float, float) */
    public void setPosition(Vector3 pos) {
        updated = false;

    /** Returns the color of this decal. The returned color should under no circumstances be modified.
     * @return The color of this decal. */
    public Color getColor() {
        return color;

    /** Returns the position of this decal. The returned vector should under no circumstances be modified.
     * @return vector representing the position */
    public Vector3 getPosition() {
        return position;

    /** Sets scale along the x axis
     * @param scale New scale along x axis */
    public void setScaleX(float scale) {
        this.scale.x = scale;
        updated = false;

    /** @return Scale on the x axis */
    public float getScaleX() {
        return this.scale.x;

    /** Sets scale along the y axis
     * @param scale New scale along y axis */
    public void setScaleY(float scale) {
        this.scale.y = scale;
        updated = false;

    /** @return Scale on the y axis */
    public float getScaleY() {
        return this.scale.y;

    /** Sets scale along both the x and y axis
     * @param scaleX Scale on the x axis
     * @param scaleY Scale on the y axis */
    public void setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) {
        this.scale.set(scaleX, scaleY);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets scale along both the x and y axis
     * @param scale New scale */
    public void setScale(float scale) {
        this.scale.set(scale, scale);
        updated = false;

    /** Sets the width in world units
     * @param width Width in world units */
    public void setWidth(float width) {
        this.dimensions.x = width;
        updated = false;

    /** @return width in world units */
    public float getWidth() {
        return this.dimensions.x;

    /** Sets the height in world units
     * @param height Height in world units */
    public void setHeight(float height) {
        this.dimensions.y = height;
        updated = false;

    /** @return height in world units */
    public float getHeight() {
        return dimensions.y;

    /** Sets the width and height in world units
     * @param width Width in world units
     * @param height Height in world units */
    public void setDimensions(float width, float height) {
        dimensions.set(width, height);
        updated = false;

    /** Returns the vertices backing this sprite.<br/>
     * The returned value should under no circumstances be modified.
     * @return vertex array backing the decal */
    public float[] getVertices() {
        return vertices;

    /** Recalculates vertices array if it grew out of sync with the properties (position, ..) */
    protected void update() {
        if (!updated) {

    /** Transforms the position component of the vertices using properties such as position, scale, etc. */
    protected void transformVertices() {
        /** It would be possible to also load the x,y,z into a Vector3 and apply all the transformations using already existing
         * methods. Especially the quaternion rotation already exists in the Quaternion class, it then would look like this:
         * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * v3.set(vertices[xIndex] * scale.x, vertices[yIndex] * scale.y, vertices[zIndex]); rotation.transform(v3);
         * v3.add(position); vertices[xIndex] = v3.x; vertices[yIndex] = v3.y; vertices[zIndex] = v3.z;
         * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, a half ass
         * benchmark with dozens of thousands decals showed that doing it "by hand", as done here, is about 10% faster. So while
         * duplicate code should be avoided for maintenance reasons etc. the performance gain is worth it. The math doesn't change. */
        float x, y, z, w;
        float tx, ty;
        if (transformationOffset != null) {
            tx = -transformationOffset.x;
            ty = -transformationOffset.y;
        } else {
            tx = ty = 0;
        /** Transform the first vertex */
        // first apply the scale to the vector
        x = (vertices[X1] + tx) * scale.x;
        y = (vertices[Y1] + ty) * scale.y;
        z = vertices[Z1];
        // then transform the vector using the rotation quaternion
        vertices[X1] = rotation.w * x + rotation.y * z - rotation.z * y;
        vertices[Y1] = rotation.w * y + rotation.z * x - rotation.x * z;
        vertices[Z1] = rotation.w * z + rotation.x * y - rotation.y * x;
        w = -rotation.x * x - rotation.y * y - rotation.z * z;
        x = vertices[X1];
        y = vertices[Y1];
        z = vertices[Z1];
        vertices[X1] = w * rotation.x + x * rotation.w + y * rotation.z - z * rotation.y;
        vertices[Y1] = w * rotation.y + y * rotation.w + z * rotation.x - x * rotation.z;
        vertices[Z1] = w * rotation.z + z * rotation.w + x * rotation.y - y * rotation.x;
        rotation.conjugate(); // <- don't forget to conjugate the rotation back to normal
        // finally translate the vector according to position
        vertices[X1] += position.x - tx;
        vertices[Y1] += position.y - ty;
        vertices[Z1] += position.z;
        /** Transform the second vertex */
        // first apply the scale to the vector
        x = (vertices[X2] + tx) * scale.x;
        y = (vertices[Y2] + ty) * scale.y;
        z = vertices[Z2];
        // then transform the vector using the rotation quaternion
        vertices[X2] = rotation.w * x + rotation.y * z - rotation.z * y;
        vertices[Y2] = rotation.w * y + rotation.z * x - rotation.x * z;
        vertices[Z2] = rotation.w * z + rotation.x * y - rotation.y * x;
        w = -rotation.x * x - rotation.y * y - rotation.z * z;
        x = vertices[X2];
        y = vertices[Y2];
        z = vertices[Z2];
        vertices[X2] = w * rotation.x + x * rotation.w + y * rotation.z - z * rotation.y;
        vertices[Y2] = w * rotation.y + y * rotation.w + z * rotation.x - x * rotation.z;
        vertices[Z2] = w * rotation.z + z * rotation.w + x * rotation.y - y * rotation.x;
        rotation.conjugate(); // <- don't forget to conjugate the rotation back to normal
        // finally translate the vector according to position
        vertices[X2] += position.x - tx;
        vertices[Y2] += position.y - ty;
        vertices[Z2] += position.z;
        /** Transform the third vertex */
        // first apply the scale to the vector
        x = (vertices[X3] + tx) * scale.x;
        y = (vertices[Y3] + ty) * scale.y;
        z = vertices[Z3];
        // then transform the vector using the rotation quaternion
        vertices[X3] = rotation.w * x + rotation.y * z - rotation.z * y;
        vertices[Y3] = rotation.w * y + rotation.z * x - rotation.x * z;
        vertices[Z3] = rotation.w * z + rotation.x * y - rotation.y * x;
        w = -rotation.x * x - rotation.y * y - rotation.z * z;
        x = vertices[X3];
        y = vertices[Y3];
        z = vertices[Z3];
        vertices[X3] = w * rotation.x + x * rotation.w + y * rotation.z - z * rotation.y;
        vertices[Y3] = w * rotation.y + y * rotation.w + z * rotation.x - x * rotation.z;
        vertices[Z3] = w * rotation.z + z * rotation.w + x * rotation.y - y * rotation.x;
        rotation.conjugate(); // <- don't forget to conjugate the rotation back to normal
        // finally translate the vector according to position
        vertices[X3] += position.x - tx;
        vertices[Y3] += position.y - ty;
        vertices[Z3] += position.z;
        /** Transform the fourth vertex */
        // first apply the scale to the vector
        x = (vertices[X4] + tx) * scale.x;
        y = (vertices[Y4] + ty) * scale.y;
        z = vertices[Z4];
        // then transform the vector using the rotation quaternion
        vertices[X4] = rotation.w * x + rotation.y * z - rotation.z * y;
        vertices[Y4] = rotation.w * y + rotation.z * x - rotation.x * z;
        vertices[Z4] = rotation.w * z + rotation.x * y - rotation.y * x;
        w = -rotation.x * x - rotation.y * y - rotation.z * z;
        x = vertices[X4];
        y = vertices[Y4];
        z = vertices[Z4];
        vertices[X4] = w * rotation.x + x * rotation.w + y * rotation.z - z * rotation.y;
        vertices[Y4] = w * rotation.y + y * rotation.w + z * rotation.x - x * rotation.z;
        vertices[Z4] = w * rotation.z + z * rotation.w + x * rotation.y - y * rotation.x;
        rotation.conjugate(); // <- don't forget to conjugate the rotation back to normal
        // finally translate the vector according to position
        vertices[X4] += position.x - tx;
        vertices[Y4] += position.y - ty;
        vertices[Z4] += position.z;
        updated = true;

    /** Resets the position components of the vertices array based ont he dimensions (preparation for transformation) */
    protected void resetVertices() {
        float left = -dimensions.x / 2f;
        float right = left + dimensions.x;
        float top = dimensions.y / 2f;
        float bottom = top - dimensions.y;

        // left top
        vertices[X1] = left;
        vertices[Y1] = top;
        vertices[Z1] = 0;
        // right top
        vertices[X2] = right;
        vertices[Y2] = top;
        vertices[Z2] = 0;
        // left bot
        vertices[X3] = left;
        vertices[Y3] = bottom;
        vertices[Z3] = 0;
        // right bot
        vertices[X4] = right;
        vertices[Y4] = bottom;
        vertices[Z4] = 0;

        updated = false;

    /** Re-applies the uv coordinates from the material's texture region to the uv components of the vertices array */
    protected void updateUVs() {
        TextureRegion tr = material.textureRegion;
        // left top
        vertices[U1] = tr.getU();
        vertices[V1] = tr.getV();
        // right top
        vertices[U2] = tr.getU2();
        vertices[V2] = tr.getV();
        // left bot
        vertices[U3] = tr.getU();
        vertices[V3] = tr.getV2();
        // right bot
        vertices[U4] = tr.getU2();
        vertices[V4] = tr.getV2();

    /** Sets the texture region
     * @param textureRegion Texture region to apply */
    public void setTextureRegion(TextureRegion textureRegion) {
        this.material.textureRegion = textureRegion;

    /** @return the texture region this Decal uses. Do not modify it! */
    public TextureRegion getTextureRegion() {
        return this.material.textureRegion;

    /** Sets the blending parameters for this decal
     * @param srcBlendFactor Source blend factor used by glBlendFunc
     * @param dstBlendFactor Destination blend factor used by glBlendFunc */
    public void setBlending(int srcBlendFactor, int dstBlendFactor) {
        material.srcBlendFactor = srcBlendFactor;
        material.dstBlendFactor = dstBlendFactor;

    public DecalMaterial getMaterial() {
        return material;

    final static Vector3 dir = new Vector3();

    /** Sets the rotation of the Decal to face the given point. Useful for billboarding.
     * @param position
     * @param up */
    public void lookAt(Vector3 position, Vector3 up) {
        setRotation(dir, up);

    // meaning of the floats in the vertices array
    public static final int X1 = 0;
    public static final int Y1 = 1;
    public static final int Z1 = 2;
    public static final int C1 = 3;
    public static final int U1 = 4;
    public static final int V1 = 5;
    public static final int X2 = 6;
    public static final int Y2 = 7;
    public static final int Z2 = 8;
    public static final int C2 = 9;
    public static final int U2 = 10;
    public static final int V2 = 11;
    public static final int X3 = 12;
    public static final int Y3 = 13;
    public static final int Z3 = 14;
    public static final int C3 = 15;
    public static final int U3 = 16;
    public static final int V3 = 17;
    public static final int X4 = 18;
    public static final int Y4 = 19;
    public static final int Z4 = 20;
    public static final int C4 = 21;
    public static final int U4 = 22;
    public static final int V4 = 23;

    protected static Quaternion rotator = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);

    /** Creates a decal assuming the dimensions of the texture region
     * @param textureRegion Texture region to use
     * @return Created decal */
    public static Decal newDecal(TextureRegion textureRegion) {
        return newDecal(textureRegion.getRegionWidth(), textureRegion.getRegionHeight(), textureRegion,
                DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND, DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND);

    /** Creates a decal assuming the dimensions of the texture region and adding transparency
     * @param textureRegion Texture region to use
     * @param hasTransparency Whether or not this sprite will be treated as having transparency (transparent png, etc.)
     * @return Created decal */
    public static Decal newDecal(TextureRegion textureRegion, boolean hasTransparency) {
        return newDecal(textureRegion.getRegionWidth(), textureRegion.getRegionHeight(), textureRegion,
                hasTransparency ? GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA : DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND,
                hasTransparency ? GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND);

    /** Creates a decal using the region for texturing
     * @param width Width of the decal in world units
     * @param height Height of the decal in world units
     * @param textureRegion TextureRegion to use
     * @return Created decal */
    // TODO : it would be convenient if {@link} had a getFormat() method to assume transparency
    // from RGBA,..
    public static Decal newDecal(float width, float height, TextureRegion textureRegion) {
        return newDecal(width, height, textureRegion, DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND, DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND);

    /** Creates a decal using the region for texturing
     * @param width Width of the decal in world units
     * @param height Height of the decal in world units
     * @param textureRegion TextureRegion to use
     * @param hasTransparency Whether or not this sprite will be treated as having transparency (transparent png, etc.)
     * @return Created decal */
    public static Decal newDecal(float width, float height, TextureRegion textureRegion, boolean hasTransparency) {
        return newDecal(width, height, textureRegion, hasTransparency ? GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA : DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND,
                hasTransparency ? GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA : DecalMaterial.NO_BLEND);

    /** Creates a decal using the region for texturing and the specified blending parameters for blending
     * @param width Width of the decal in world units
     * @param height Height of the decal in world units
     * @param textureRegion TextureRegion to use
     * @param srcBlendFactor Source blend used by glBlendFunc
     * @param dstBlendFactor Destination blend used by glBlendFunc
     * @return Created decal */
    public static Decal newDecal(float width, float height, TextureRegion textureRegion, int srcBlendFactor,
            int dstBlendFactor) {
        Decal decal = new Decal();
        decal.setBlending(srcBlendFactor, dstBlendFactor);
        decal.dimensions.x = width;
        decal.dimensions.y = height;
        decal.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1);
        return decal;