Java tutorial
/** * Axelor Business Solutions * * Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Axelor (<>). * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.axelor.db; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException; import org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection; import com.axelor.db.mapper.Mapper; import com.axelor.db.mapper.Property; import com.axelor.db.mapper.PropertyType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class provides easy access to {@link EntityManager} and related API. It * also provides some convenient methods like create {@link Model} instances or * creating {@link Query}.<br> * <br> * This class should be initialized using Guice container as eager singleton * during application startup. * */ @Singleton public final class JPA { private Provider<EntityManager> emp; private static JPA INSTANCE = null; @Inject private JPA(Provider<EntityManager> emp) { this.emp = emp; INSTANCE = this; } private static JPA get() { if (INSTANCE == null) { throw new RuntimeException("JPA context not initialized."); } return INSTANCE; } /** * Get an instance of {@link EntityManager}. * */ public static EntityManager em() { return get().emp.get(); } /** * Execute a JPQL update query. * * @param query * JPQL query */ public static int execute(String query) { return em().createQuery(query).executeUpdate(); } /** * Prepare a {@link Query} for the given model class. * * @param klass * the model class */ public static <T extends Model> Query<T> all(Class<T> klass) { return Query.of(klass); } /** * Find by primary key. * * @see EntityManager#find(Class, Object) */ public static <T extends Model> T find(Class<T> klass, Long id) { return em().find(klass, id); } private static boolean isAutoFlushEnabled() { return !Objects.equal("false", em().getEntityManagerFactory().getProperties().get("JPA.auto_flush")); } /** * Make an entity managed and persistent. * * @see EntityManager#persist(Object) */ public static <T extends Model> T persist(T entity) { // optimistic concurrency check checkVersion(entity, entity.getVersion()); em().persist(entity); if (isAutoFlushEnabled()) { em().flush(); } return entity; } /** * Merge the state of the given entity into the current persistence context. * * @see EntityManager#merge(Object) */ public static <T extends Model> T merge(T entity) { // optimistic concurrency check checkVersion(entity, entity.getVersion()); T result = em().merge(entity); if (isAutoFlushEnabled()) { em().flush(); } return result; } /** * Save the state of the entity.<br> * <br> * It uses either {@link #persist(Model)} or {@link #merge(Model)} and calls * {@link #flush()} to synchronize values with database. * * @see #persist(Model) * @see #merge(Model) * */ public static <T extends Model> T save(T entity) { if (em().contains(entity) || entity.getId() == null) { return persist(entity); } return merge(entity); } /** * Remove the entity instance. * * @see EntityManager#remove(Object) */ public static <T extends Model> void remove(T entity) { EntityManager manager = em(); if (manager.contains(entity)) { manager.remove(entity); } else { // optimistic concurrency check checkVersion(entity, entity.getVersion()); Model attached = manager.find(entity.getClass(), entity.getId()); manager.remove(attached); } } /** * Refresh the state of the instance from the database, overwriting changes * made to the entity, if any. * * @see EntityManager#refresh(Object) */ public static <T extends Model> void refresh(T entity) { em().refresh(entity); } /** * Synchronize the persistence context to the underlying database. * * @see EntityManager#flush() */ public static void flush() { em().flush(); } /** * Clear the persistence context, causing all managed * entities to become detached. * * @see EntityManager#clear() */ public static void clear() { em().clear(); } private static <T extends Model> void checkVersion(T bean, Object version) { if (bean == null || version == null) { return; } final Class<T> klass = EntityHelper.getEntityClass(bean); final Model entity = JPA.em().find(klass, bean.getId()); if (entity == null || !Objects.equal(version, entity.getVersion())) { Exception cause = new StaleObjectStateException(klass.getName(), bean.getId()); throw new OptimisticLockException(cause.getMessage(), cause, bean); } } /** * Verify the values against the database values to ensure the records * involved are not modified. * * @throws OptimisticLockException * if version mismatch of any a record is deleted */ @SuppressWarnings("all") public static void verify(Class<? extends Model> model, Map<String, Object> values) { if (values == null) { return; } Long id = null; try { id = Long.parseLong(values.get("id").toString()); } catch (Exception e) { } Object version = values.get("version"); Mapper mapper = Mapper.of(model); Model entity = id == null ? null : JPA.find(model, id); if (id != null && version != null) { if (entity == null || !Objects.equal(version, entity.getVersion())) { Exception cause = new StaleObjectStateException(model.getName(), id); throw new OptimisticLockException(cause); } } for (String key : values.keySet()) { Object value = values.get(key); Property property = mapper.getProperty(key); if (property == null || property.getTarget() == null) continue; if (!(value instanceof Map || value instanceof Collection)) { continue; } if (property.isCollection() && value instanceof Collection) { int size = 0; try { size = ((Collection) property.get(entity)).size(); } catch (Exception e) { } if (size > ((Collection) value).size()) { Exception cause = new StaleObjectStateException(model.getName(), id); throw new OptimisticLockException(cause); } } if (value instanceof Map) { value = Lists.newArrayList(value); } for (Object item : (Collection<?>) value) { if (item instanceof Map) { verify((Class) property.getTarget(), (Map) item); } } } } /** * Edit an instance of the given model class using the given values.<br> * <br> * This is a convenient method to reconstruct model object from a key value * map, for example HTTP params. * * @param klass * a model class * @param values * key value map where key represents a field name * @return a JPA managed object of the given model class */ public static <T extends Model> T edit(Class<T> klass, Map<String, Object> values) { Set<Model> visited = Sets.newHashSet(); Multimap<String, Long> edited = HashMultimap.create(); try { return _edit(klass, values, visited, edited); } finally { visited.clear(); edited.clear(); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static <T extends Model> T _edit(Class<T> klass, Map<String, Object> values, Set<Model> visited, Multimap<String, Long> edited) { if (values == null) return null; Mapper mapper = Mapper.of(klass); Long id = null; T bean = null; try { id = Long.valueOf(values.get("id").toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } if (id == null || id <= 0) { id = null; try { bean = klass.newInstance(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } else { bean = JPA.em().find(klass, id); if (bean == null) { throw new OptimisticLockException(new StaleObjectStateException(klass.getName(), id)); } } // optimistic concurrency check Integer beanVersion = (Integer) values.get("version"); boolean beanChanged = false; if (visited.contains(bean) && beanVersion == null) { return bean; } visited.add(bean); // don't update reference objects if (id != null && (beanVersion == null || edited.containsEntry(klass.getName(), id))) { return bean; } if (id != null) { edited.put(klass.getName(), id); } for (String name : values.keySet()) { Property p = mapper.getProperty(name); if (p == null || p.isPrimary() || p.isVersion() || mapper.getSetter(name) == null) continue; Object value = values.get(name); Class<Model> target = (Class<Model>) p.getTarget(); if (p.isCollection()) { Collection items = new ArrayList(); if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getJavaType())) items = new HashSet(); if (value instanceof Collection) { for (Object val : (Collection) value) { if (val instanceof Map) { if (p.getMappedBy() != null) { if (val instanceof ImmutableMap) val = Maps.newHashMap((Map) val); ((Map) val).remove(p.getMappedBy()); } Model item = _edit(target, (Map) val, visited, edited); items.add(p.setAssociation(item, bean)); } else if (val instanceof Number) { items.add(JPA.find(target, Long.parseLong(val.toString()))); } } } Object old = mapper.get(bean, name); if (old instanceof Collection) { boolean changed = ((Collection) old).size() != items.size(); if (!changed) { for (Object item : items) { if (!((Collection) old).contains(item)) { changed = true; break; } } } if (changed) { if (p.isOrphan()) { for (Object item : (Collection) old) { if (!items.contains(item)) { p.setAssociation(item, null); } } } p.clear(bean); p.addAll(bean, items); beanChanged = true; } continue; } if (p.getType() == PropertyType.MANY_TO_MANY && p.getMappedBy() != null) { p.addAll(bean, items); } value = items; } else if (value instanceof Map) { value = _edit(target, (Map) value, visited, edited); } Object oldValue = mapper.set(bean, name, value); if (p.valueChanged(bean, oldValue)) { beanChanged = true; } } if (beanChanged) { checkVersion(bean, beanVersion); } else if (id != null) { edited.remove(klass.getName(), id); } return bean; } /** * A convenient method to persist reconstructed unmanaged objects.<br> * <br> * This method takes care of relational fields by inspecting the managed * state of the referenced objects and also sets reverse lookup fields * annotated with {@link OneToMany#mappedBy()} annotation. * * @see JPA#edit(Class, Map) * * @param bean * model instance * @return JPA managed model instance */ public static <T extends Model> T manage(T bean) { Set<Model> visited = Sets.newHashSet(); try { T managed = _manage(bean, visited); if (EntityHelper.isUninitialized(managed)) { return managed; } return persist(managed); } finally { visited.clear(); } } private static <T extends Model> T _manage(T bean, Set<Model> visited) { if (visited.contains(bean) || EntityHelper.isUninitialized(bean)) { return bean; } visited.add(bean); Mapper mapper = Mapper.of(bean.getClass()); for (Property property : mapper.getProperties()) { if (property.getTarget() == null || property.isReadonly()) continue; Object value = property.get(bean); if (value == null) continue; if (value instanceof PersistentCollection && !((PersistentCollection) value).wasInitialized()) continue; // bind M2O if (property.isReference()) { _manage((Model) value, visited); } // bind O2M & M2M else if (property.isCollection()) { for (Object val : (Collection<?>) value) { _manage(property.setAssociation((Model) val, bean), visited); } } } return bean; } /** * Return all the non-abstract models found in all the activated modules. * * @return Set of model classes */ public static Set<Class<?>> models() { return Sets.filter(JpaScanner.findModels(), new Predicate<Class<?>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Class<?> input) { return !Modifier.isAbstract(input.getModifiers()); } }); } /** * Return the model class for the given name. * * @param name * name of the model * @return model class */ public static Class<?> model(String name) { return JpaScanner.findModel(name); } /** * Return all the properties of the given model class. * */ public static <T extends Model> Property[] fields(Class<T> klass) { return Mapper.of(klass).getProperties(); } /** * Return a {@link Property} of the given model class. * * @param klass * a model class * @param name * name of the property * @return property or null if property doesn't exist */ public static <T extends Model> Property field(Class<T> klass, String name) { return Mapper.of(klass).getProperty(name); } /** * Create a duplicate copy of the given bean instance.<br> * <br> * In case of deep copy, one-to-many records are duplicated. Otherwise, * one-to-many records will be skipped. * * @param bean the bean to copy * @param deep whether to create a deep copy * @return a copy of the given bean */ public static <T extends Model> T copy(T bean, boolean deep) { Set<String> visited = Sets.newHashSet(); try { return _copy(bean, deep, visited); } finally { visited.clear(); } } @SuppressWarnings("all") private static <T extends Model> T _copy(T bean, boolean deep, Set<String> visited) { if (bean == null) { return bean; } bean = EntityHelper.getEntity(bean); final Class<?> beanClass = bean.getClass(); final String key = beanClass.getName() + "#" + bean.getId(); if (visited.contains(key)) { return null; } visited.add(key); Mapper mapper = Mapper.of(beanClass); final T obj = Mapper.toBean((Class<T>) beanClass, null); final int random = new Random().nextInt(); for (final Property p : mapper.getProperties()) { if (p.isVirtual() || p.isPrimary() || p.isVersion() || p.isSequence() || !p.isCopyable()) { continue; } Object value = p.get(bean); if (value instanceof List && deep) { List items = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object item : (List) value) { items.add(copy((Model) item, true)); } value = items; } else if (value instanceof List) { value = null; } else if (value instanceof Set) { value = new HashSet((Set) value); } if (value instanceof String && p.isUnique()) { value = ((String) value) + " Copy (" + random + ")"; } p.set(obj, value); } return obj; } /** * Run the given <code>task</code> inside a transaction that is committed * after the task is completed. * * @param task * the task to run. */ public static void runInTransaction(Runnable task) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(task); EntityTransaction txn = em().getTransaction(); boolean txnStarted = false; try { if (!txn.isActive()) { txn.begin(); txnStarted = true; }; if (txnStarted && txn.isActive() && !txn.getRollbackOnly()) { txn.commit(); } } finally { if (txnStarted && txn.isActive()) { txn.rollback(); } } } /** * Perform JDBC related work using the {@link Connection} managed by the current * {@link EntityManager}. * * @param work * The work to be performed * @throws PersistenceException * Generally indicates wrapped {@link SQLException} */ public static void jdbcWork(final JDBCWork work) { Session session = (Session) em().getDelegate(); try { session.doWork(new org.hibernate.jdbc.Work() { @Override public void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException { work.execute(connection); } }); } catch (HibernateException e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } } public static interface JDBCWork { /** * Execute the discrete work encapsulated by this work instance using * the supplied connection. * <p> * Generally, you should not close the connection as it's being used by * the current {@link EntityManager}. * * @param connection * The connection on which to perform the work. * @throws SQLException * Thrown during execution of the underlying JDBC * interaction. */ void execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException; } }