Java tutorial
/* * [y] hybris Platform * * Copyright (c) 2000-2016 hybris AG * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of hybris * ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the * license agreement you entered into with hybris. */ package com.arvato.thoroughly.exception; import com.arvato.thoroughly.util.CommonUtils; import com.arvato.thoroughly.vo.response.TmallAppResponse; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class TmallAppException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5325392504946334907L; protected static TmallAppResponse tmallAppResponse; /** * AppException */ public TmallAppException() { super(); } public TmallAppException(String code, TaobaoResponse taobaoResponse) { super(parseTaobaoResponse(code, taobaoResponse)); } /** * @param code * @param msg */ public TmallAppException(String code, String msg) { super(initErrorMessage(code, msg, null)); } /** * @param code * @param msg * @param body */ public TmallAppException(String code, String msg, Object body) { super(initErrorMessage(code, msg, body)); } private static String initErrorMessage(String code, String msg, Object body) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) { msg = "Unknown exception, please contact the administrator."; } tmallAppResponse = new TmallAppResponse(code, msg, body); String responseJson = CommonUtils.getGsonByBuilder(false).toJson(tmallAppResponse); return responseJson; } private static String parseTaobaoResponse(String code, TaobaoResponse taobaoResponse) { String msg = taobaoResponse.getSubMsg(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) { msg = taobaoResponse.getSubCode(); } return initErrorMessage(code, msg, null); } }