Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 ArcBees Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.arcbees.chosen.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.SelectParser.GroupItem; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.SelectParser.OptionItem; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.SelectParser.SelectItem; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.ChosenChangeEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.ChosenEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.HidingDropDownEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.ReadyEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.ShowingDropDownEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.event.UpdatedEvent; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.resources.ChosenCss; import com.arcbees.chosen.client.resources.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static$; import static; import static; public abstract class ChosenImpl { public static final String MULTIPLE_DEFAULT_TEXT = "Select Some Options"; public static final String SINGLE_DEFAULT_TEXT = "Select an Option"; static final int BACKSPACE = 8; static final String TABINDEX_PROPERTY = "tabindex"; private static final int TAB = 9; private static final int ENTER = 13; private static final int SHIFT = 16; private static final int CTRL = 17; private static final int ESCAPE = 27; private static final int UP_ARROW = 38; private static final int DOWN_ARROW = 40; private static final int LEFT_WINDOW_KEY = 91; private static final RegExp containerIdRegExp = RegExp.compile("[^\\w]", "g"); private static final int HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = -9000; private static final int VERTICAL_OFFSET = -9000; private static final String DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID = "chosen_container__"; private static final Set<Class> INJECTED_RESOURCES = new HashSet<Class>(); private static int idCounter; protected boolean activeField; // TODO protected int choices; protected Function clickTestAction; protected boolean resultsShowing; protected GQuery searchChoices; protected GQuery searchContainer; protected String defaultText; private GQuery $selectElement; private GQuery container; private String containerId; private ChosenCss css; private List<String> selectedValues = new ArrayList<String>(); private GQuery dropdown; private EventBus eventBus; private int fWidth; private boolean isDisabled; private boolean isRTL; private boolean customFilter; private boolean mouseOnContainer; private ChosenOptions options; private GQuery resultHighlight; private String resultsNoneFound; private GQuery searchField; private GQuery searchResults; private SelectElement selectElement; private List<SelectItem> selectItems; private GQuery selectedItem; private HandlerRegistration updateEventHandlerRegistration; private ResultsFilter resultsFilter; public GQuery getContainer() { return container; } public String getCurrentValue() { if (!selectedValues.isEmpty()) { return selectedValues.get(selectedValues.size() - 1); } return null; } public ChosenOptions getOptions() { return options; } /** * Return the highlighted result or null if the. */ public GQuery getResultHighlight() { return resultHighlight; } public SelectElement getSelectElement() { return selectElement; } public List<SelectItem> getSelectItems() { return selectItems; } public List<String> getSelectedValues() { return selectedValues; } public boolean isMultiple() { return false; } public void rebuildResultItems() { rebuildResultItems(false); } protected boolean activateField() { activeTabIndexProperty(); container.addClass(css.chznContainerActive()); activeField = true; searchField.val(searchField.val()); searchField.focus(); return false; } protected void activeTabIndexProperty() { if (!activeField) { searchField.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, selectedItem.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY)); selectedItem.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, -1); } } protected void bind() { container.mousedown(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return containerMouseDown(e); } }); container.mouseup(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return containerMouseUp(e); } }); container.mouseenter(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { mouseOnContainer = true; return false; } }); container.mouseleave(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { mouseOnContainer = false; return false; } }); searchResults.mouseup(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return searchResultsMouseUp(e); } }); searchResults.mouseover(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return searchResultsMouseOver(e); } }); searchResults.mouseout(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return searchResultsMouseOut(e); } }); if (eventBus != null) { updateEventHandlerRegistration = eventBus.addHandler(UpdatedEvent.getType(), new UpdatedEvent.UpdatedHandler() { public void onUpdated() { update(); } }); } searchField.blur(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return inputBlur(); } }); searchField.keyup(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return keyupChecker(e); } }); searchField.keydown(new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return keydownChecker(e); } }); searchField.on("paste", new Function() { @Override public void f() { doSearch(); } }); searchField.on("drop", new Function() { @Override public void f() { doSearch(); } }); } protected abstract SafeHtml buildContainerHtml(String defaultText, SafeStylesBuilder ssb); protected String buildDropdownWidth(int ddWidth) { return ddWidth + "px"; } protected StringBuilder buildOptionStyleClass(OptionItem option) { StringBuilder classes = new StringBuilder(); if (option.isSelected()) { classes.append(css.resultSelected()).append(" "); } if (option.getGroupArrayIndex() != -1) { classes.append(css.groupOption()).append(" "); } if (option.getClasses() != null) { classes.append(option.getClasses()); } return classes; } protected int calculateDropdownTop() { int ddTop; DropdownPosition dropdownPosition = options.getDropdownPosition(); switch (dropdownPosition) { case ABOVE: ddTop = positionAbove(); break; case AUTO: if (container.hasClass(css.resultAbove())) { // if dropdown is already above, let it there. ddTop = positionAbove(); } else if (options.getDropdownBoundaries() == null && options.getDropdownBoundariesProvider() == null) { ddTop = positionRelativeToWindow(); } else { ddTop = positionRelativeToBoundaries(); } break; case BELOW: default: ddTop = positionBelow(); break; } return ddTop; } protected void choiceDestroy(GQuery link) { choices--; showSearchFieldDefault(defaultText); if (isMultiple() && choices > 0 && searchField.val() != null && searchField.val().length() < 1) { resultsHide(); } resultDeselect(Integer.parseInt(link.attr("rel")), link.attr("data-chosen-value")); link.parents("li").first().remove(); } protected boolean containerMouseDown(Event e) { if (isDisabled) { return true; } Element mouseDownTarget = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(mouseDownTarget); boolean targetCloseLink = $e.hasClass(css.searchChoiceClose()); if (!resultsShowing) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (!targetCloseLink) { containerMouseDownImpl(e, $e); } return false; } protected void containerMouseDownImpl(Event e, GQuery element) { if (!activeField) { $(document).click(clickTestAction); resultsShow(); } else if (!element.isEmpty() && (element.get(0) == selectedItem.get(0) || element.parents("a." + css.chznSingle()).length() > 0)) { e.preventDefault(); resultsToggle(); } if (!element.hasClass(css.activeResult())) { activateField(); } } protected void deactiveTabIndexProperty() { selectedItem.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, searchField.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY)); searchField.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, "-1"); } protected void fireEvent(ChosenEvent<?> event) { if (eventBus != null) { eventBus.fireEvent(event); } } protected String getContainerClass() { return css.chznContainer(); } protected String getContainerId() { return containerId; } protected ChosenCss getCss() { return css; } protected GQuery getDropdown() { return dropdown; } protected GQuery getSearchChoices() { return searchChoices; } protected void setSearchChoices(GQuery searchChoices) { this.searchChoices = searchChoices; } protected GQuery getSearchContainer() { return searchContainer; } protected void setSearchContainer(GQuery searchContainer) { this.searchContainer = searchContainer; } protected GQuery getSearchField() { return searchField; } protected GQuery getSearchResults() { return searchResults; } protected GQuery getSelectedItem() { return selectedItem; } protected void setSelectedItem(GQuery selectedItem) { this.selectedItem = selectedItem; } protected int getSideBorderPadding(GQuery elmt, boolean isHidden) { if (isHidden) { // bug in gquery when one parent of the element is hidden return (int) (elmt.cur("padding-left", true) + elmt.cur("padding-right", true) + elmt.cur("border-left-width", true) + elmt.cur("border-right-width", true)); } return elmt.outerWidth() - elmt.width(); } protected void init(SelectElement element, ChosenOptions options, EventBus eventBus) { this.selectElement = element; this.options = options; this.eventBus = eventBus; $selectElement = $(selectElement); setDefaultValues(); setDefaultText(); setup(); bind(); finishSetup(); } protected void initSearchElement(int ddWidth, boolean isHidden) { setSearchContainer(getContainer().find("div." + getCss().chznSearch()).first()); setSelectedItem(getContainer().find("." + getCss().chznSingle()).first()); } protected boolean isRTL() { return isRTL; } protected boolean isDisabled() { return isDisabled; } protected boolean keydownChecker(Event e) { int stroke = e.getKeyCode(); searchFieldScale(fWidth); switch (stroke) { case TAB: onTabKeydown(e); break; case ENTER: if (resultsShowing) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; case UP_ARROW: e.preventDefault(); keyupArrow(); return false; case DOWN_ARROW: this.keydownArrow(); return false; } return true; } protected boolean maxSelectedOptionsReached() { return options.getMaxSelectedOptions() != -1 && options.getMaxSelectedOptions() <= choices; } protected void onKeydownBackstroke() { resultClearHighlight(); resultsSearch(); } protected void onTabKeydown(Event e) { mouseOnContainer = false; } protected int positionBelow() { return container.outerHeight() - 1; } protected GQuery querySelectedResults() { return searchResults.find("." + css.resultSelected() + "." + css.activeResult()); } protected void release() { if (updateEventHandlerRegistration != null) { updateEventHandlerRegistration.removeHandler(); updateEventHandlerRegistration = null; } // empty the searchResult to speed up the container.remove() if (searchResults != null) { searchResults.html(""); } // remove method clean listener and cie container.remove(); $selectElement.removeClass(css.chznDone(), "chzn-done").show(); } protected void resetSelectedItem() { selectedItem.find("span").text(defaultText); selectedItem.addClass(css.chznDefault()); } protected void resultSelect(Event e) { if (resultHighlight != null) { GQuery high = resultHighlight; resultClearHighlight(); resultDeactivate(high, true); high.addClass(css.resultSelected()); OptionItem item = getOptionItem(high); item.setSelected(true); OptionElement option = selectElement.getOptions().getItem(item.getOptionsIndex()); if (option != null) { option.setSelected(true); } addChoice(item); winnowResultsClear(); String oldValue = getCurrentValue(); String newValue = item.getValue(); selectedValues.add(newValue); onResultSelected(item, newValue, oldValue, e.getMetaKey()); searchFieldScale(fWidth); } } protected OptionItem getOptionItem(GQuery result) { String highId = result.attr("id"); int position = Integer.parseInt(highId.substring(highId.lastIndexOf("_") + 1)); return (OptionItem) selectItems.get(position); } protected void onResultSelected(OptionItem item, String newValue, String oldValue, boolean metaKeyPressed) { fireChosenChangeEventIfNotEqual(item, newValue, oldValue); resultsHide(); } protected void fireChosenChangeEventIfNotEqual(OptionItem item, String newValue, String oldValue) { if (oldValue == null || !oldValue.equals(newValue)) { fireEvent(new ChosenChangeEvent(newValue, item.getArrayIndex(), this)); } } protected void addChoice(OptionItem item) { selectedItem.find("span").text(item.getText()); singleDeselectControlBuild(); selectedValues.clear(); } protected void resultsBuild(boolean init) { resultsBuild(init, defaultText, customFilter); } protected void resultsBuild(boolean init, String defaultText, boolean customFilter) { selectItems = new SelectParser().parse(selectElement); rebuildResultItems(init); } protected void resultsHide() { if (!resultsShowing) { return; } if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.removeClass(css.chznSingleWithDrop()); } resultClearHighlight(); fireEvent(new HidingDropDownEvent(this)); dropdown.css(isRTL ? "right" : "left", HORIZONTAL_OFFSET + "px"); dropdown.css("top", VERTICAL_OFFSET + "px"); container.removeClass(css.resultAbove()); resultsShowing = false; } protected void resultsResetCleanup() { if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.find("abbr").remove(); } } protected void resultsSearch() { if (resultsShowing) { winnowResults(resultsShowing); } else { resultsShow(); } } protected boolean resultsShow() { if (!beforeShowResult()) { return false; } fireEvent(new ShowingDropDownEvent(this)); resultsShowing = true; searchField.val(searchField.val()); winnowResults(true); positionDropdownResult(); searchField.focus(); return true; } protected boolean beforeShowResult() { return true; } protected void searchFieldScale(int fWidth) { // do nothing } protected boolean searchResultsMouseOut(Event e) { Element targetEl = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(targetEl); if ($e.hasClass(css.activeResult()) || $e.parents("." + css.activeResult()).length() > 0) { resultClearHighlight(); } return false; } protected boolean searchResultsMouseUp(Event e) { Element targetEvent = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(targetEvent); GQuery target = $e.hasClass(css.activeResult()) ? $e : $e.parents("." + css.activeResult()).first(); if (!target.isEmpty()) { resultHighlight = target; resultSelect(e); } return false; } protected void setTabIndexProperty(String tabIndexProperty) { selectedItem.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, tabIndexProperty); searchField.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, -1); } protected void setupDisabledSearchField() { container.addClass(css.chznDisabled());; } protected void setupEnabledSearchField() { container.removeClass(css.chznDisabled());; } protected boolean shouldActivateResult(GQuery result) { return true; } protected void showSearchFieldDefault(String defaultText) { searchField.val(""); searchField.removeClass(css.defaultClass()); } protected void update() { setDefaultText(); resultClearHighlight(); resultsBuild(false); } void noResults(String terms) { GQuery noResults = $(ChosenTemplate.templates.noResults(css.noResults(), resultsNoneFound).asString()); noResults.find("span").html(terms); searchResults.append(noResults); } void positionDropdownResult() { int ddTop = calculateDropdownTop(); if (ddTop < 0) { dropdown.prepend(searchResults); container.addClass(css.resultAbove()); } dropdown.css("top", ddTop + "px").css(isRTL ? "right" : "left", "0"); } void resultActivate(GQuery query) { query.addClass(css.activeResult()); } void resultClearHighlight() { if (resultHighlight != null) { resultHighlight.removeClass(css.highlighted()); resultHighlight = null; } } void resultDeactivate(GQuery query) { resultDeactivate(query, false); } boolean searchResultsMouseOver(Event e) { Element targetEl = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(targetEl); GQuery target = $e.hasClass(css.activeResult()) ? $e : $e.parents("." + css.activeResult()).first(); if (!target.isEmpty()) { resultDoHighlight(target); } return false; } protected void resultDeactivate(GQuery query, boolean selected) { if (!selected) { query.removeClass(getCss().activeResult(), getCss().foundResult()); } else { searchResults.find("." + css.resultSelected()).removeClass(css.resultSelected()); selectedItem.removeClass(css.chznDefault()); } } void winnowResultsSetHighlight() { if (resultHighlight == null) { GQuery selectedResults = querySelectedResults(); GQuery doHigh = selectedResults != null && selectedResults.length() > 0 ? selectedResults.first() : getFirstActive(); if (doHigh != null) { resultDoHighlight(doHigh); } } } private void activateFirstResult() { GQuery firstActive = getActiveResults().first(); resultDoHighlight(firstActive); } private void activateLastResult() { GQuery lastActive = getActiveResults().last(); resultDoHighlight(lastActive); } private void blurTest() { if (!activeField && container.hasClass(css.chznContainerActive())) { closeField(); } } private String buildContainerId() { String id; String selectElementId = selectElement.getId(); if (selectElementId != null && selectElementId.length() > 0) { id = containerIdRegExp.replace(selectElementId, "_"); } else { id = generateContainerId(); selectElement.setId(id); } id += "_chzn"; return id; } protected void closeField() { $(document).unbind("click", clickTestAction); deactiveTabIndexProperty(); activeField = false; resultsHide(); container.removeClass(css.chznContainerActive()); winnowResultsClear(); showSearchFieldDefault(defaultText); searchFieldScale(fWidth); } private boolean containerMouseUp(Event e) { Element target = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(target); if (!$e.isEmpty() && "ABBR".equalsIgnoreCase($e.get(0).getNodeName()) && !isDisabled) { resultsReset(); return false; } return true; } private SafeHtml createEmptyOption() { SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); builder.append(fromTrustedString("<option value=''></option>")); return builder.toSafeHtml(); } private SafeHtml createOption(OptionItem item) { SafeHtmlBuilder builder = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); builder.append(fromTrustedString("<option value='")).appendEscaped(item.getValue()) .append(fromTrustedString("'")); if (item.isSelected()) { builder.append(fromTrustedString(" selected")); } if (item.isDisabled()) { builder.append(fromTrustedString(" disabled")); } builder.append(fromTrustedString(">")).appendEscaped(item.getText()); builder.append(fromTrustedString("</option>")); return builder.toSafeHtml(); } private void deselect(String value) { List<String> newValues = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean found = false; for (String s : selectedValues) { if (found || !s.equals(value)) { newValues.add(s); } else { // in case of the same item has been selected many times found = true; } } selectedValues = newValues; } private void doSearch() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { resultsSearch(); } }); } private void finishSetup() { $selectElement.addClass(css.chznDone(), "chzn-done"); } private String generateContainerId() { String id = DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID + idCounter++; while (!$("#" + id).isEmpty()) { idCounter++; id = DEFAULT_CONTAINER_ID + idCounter; } return id; } private GQuery getActiveResults() { return searchResults.find("li." + css.activeResult()); } private GQuery getFirstActive() { for (Element element : searchResults.elements()) { GQuery gq = $(element); if (gq.hasClass(css.activeResult())) { return gq; } } return $(); } private boolean inputBlur() { if (!mouseOnContainer) { activeField = false; Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new RepeatingCommand() { public boolean execute() { blurTest(); return false; } }, 100); } return false; } private boolean isDetached(GQuery element) { return element.parents().filter("body").isEmpty(); } private boolean isNotResultHighlighted() { return resultHighlight == null || isDetached(resultHighlight); } private void keydownArrow() { if (isNotResultHighlighted()) { activateFirstResult(); } else if (resultsShowing) { // TODO should be replaced by : // GQuery nextSibling = resultHighlight.nextAll("li."+css.activeResult()).first(); // but performance is bad... See GQuery nextSibling =; while (!nextSibling.isEmpty() && !"li." + css.activeResult())) { nextSibling =; } resultDoHighlight(nextSibling); } if (!resultsShowing) { resultsShow(); } } private void keyupArrow() { if (!resultsShowing) { resultsShow(); } else if (isNotResultHighlighted()) { activateLastResult(); } else if (resultHighlight != null) { // TODO should be replaced by : // GQuery prevSibs = resultHighlight.prevAll("li." + css.activeResult()); // but performance is bad... See GQuery prevSibling = resultHighlight.prev(); while (!prevSibling.isEmpty() && !"li." + css.activeResult())) { prevSibling = prevSibling.prev(); } if (prevSibling.length() > 0) { resultDoHighlight(prevSibling.first()); } else { if (choices > 0) { resultsHide(); } resultClearHighlight(); } } } private boolean keyupChecker(Event e) { int stroke = e.getKeyCode(); searchFieldScale(fWidth); switch (stroke) { case BACKSPACE: onKeydownBackstroke(); break; case ENTER: if (resultsShowing) { resultSelect(e); } return true; case ESCAPE: if (resultsShowing) { resultsHide(); } return false; case TAB: case SHIFT: case CTRL: case UP_ARROW: case DOWN_ARROW: case LEFT_WINDOW_KEY: // do nothing break; default: resultsSearch(); break; } return true; } private void noResultClear() { searchResults.find("." + css.noResults()).remove(); } private int positionAbove() { return -dropdown.outerHeight(); } private int positionRelativeToBoundaries() { Element dropdownBoundaries = options.getDropdownBoundaries(); if (dropdownBoundaries == null) { dropdownBoundaries = options.getDropdownBoundariesProvider().getDropdownBoundaries(); } GQuery ddContainer = $(dropdownBoundaries); int ddContainerOffsetTop = ddContainer.offset().top; int containerOffsetTop = container.offset().top; int spaceAbove = containerOffsetTop - ddContainerOffsetTop; int spaceBelow = ddContainer.outerHeight() - spaceAbove - container.outerHeight(); int ddHeight = dropdown.outerHeight(); return spaceBelow < ddHeight ? positionAbove() : positionBelow(); } private int positionRelativeToWindow() { int ddHeight = dropdown.outerHeight(); int spaceBelow = Window.getClientHeight() - container.offset().top - container.outerHeight(); return spaceBelow < ddHeight ? positionAbove() : positionBelow(); } private void rebuildResultItems(boolean init) { if (selectedItem != null) { selectedItem.toggleClass(css.chznDefault(), selectedValues.isEmpty()); } SafeHtmlBuilder content = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); SafeHtmlBuilder optionsHtml = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); selectedValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SelectItem item : selectItems) { if (item.isGroup()) { SafeHtml result = resultAddGroup((GroupItem) item); if (result != null) { content.append(result); } } else { OptionItem optionItem = (OptionItem) item; if (optionItem.isEmpty()) { optionsHtml.append(createEmptyOption()); continue; } if (customFilter) { optionsHtml.append(createOption(optionItem)); } SafeHtml optionHtml = resultAddOption(optionItem); if (optionHtml != null) { content.append(optionHtml); } if (optionItem.isSelected()) { addChoice(optionItem); selectedValues.add(optionItem.getValue()); } } } isDisabled = selectElement.isDisabled(); if (isDisabled) { setupDisabledSearchField(); } else { setupEnabledSearchField(); } if (init) { showSearchFieldDefault(defaultText); searchFieldScale(fWidth); } if (customFilter) { // keep the html select element synchronized with the new result. $selectElement.html(optionsHtml.toSafeHtml().asString()); } searchResults.html(content.toSafeHtml().asString()); if (resultsShowing) { positionDropdownResult(); } } private SafeHtml resultAddGroup(GroupItem group) { if (!group.isDisabled()) { group.domId = containerId + "_g_" + group.getArrayIndex(); return, css.groupResult(), group.getLabel()); } else { return null; } } private SafeHtml resultAddOption(OptionItem option) { if (!option.isDisabled()) { option.domId = containerId + "_o_" + option.getArrayIndex(); StringBuilder classes = buildOptionStyleClass(option); classes.append(" ").append(css.activeResult()); SafeStyles safeStyles = SafeStylesUtils.fromTrustedString(option.getStyle()); if (option.getHtml() != null && !option.getHtml().trim().isEmpty()) { SafeHtml html = fromTrustedString(option.getHtml()); return ChosenTemplate.templates.option(option.getDomId(), classes.toString().trim(), safeStyles, html); } else { return ChosenTemplate.templates.option(option.getDomId(), classes.toString().trim(), safeStyles, option.getText()); } } return null; } private void resultDeselect(int index, String value) { if (index < selectItems.size()) { OptionItem item = (OptionItem) selectItems.get(index); if (item.getValue().equals(value)) { item.setSelected(false); // select option in original element OptionElement option = selectElement.getOptions().getItem(item.getOptionsIndex()); if (option != null) { option.setSelected(false); } $("#" + containerId + "_o_" + index).removeClass(css.resultSelected()).addClass(css.activeResult()) .show(); } } resultClearHighlight(); winnowResults(false); deselect(value); fireEvent(new ChosenChangeEvent(value, index, false, this)); searchFieldScale(fWidth); } protected void resultDoHighlight(GQuery el) { if (el == null || el.length() == 0 || isDetached(el)) { return; } resultClearHighlight(); resultHighlight = el; el.addClass(css.highlighted()); int searchResultHeight = searchResults.innerHeight(); int visibleTop = searchResults.scrollTop(); int visibleBottom = searchResultHeight + visibleTop; int highTop = resultHighlight.position().top + searchResults.scrollTop(); int highBottom = highTop + resultHighlight.outerHeight(); if (highBottom >= visibleBottom) { int toScroll = highBottom - searchResultHeight; searchResults.scrollTop(toScroll > 0 ? toScroll : 0); } else if (highTop < visibleTop) { searchResults.scrollTop(highTop); } } private void resultsReset() { OptionElement firstoption = selectElement.getOptions().getItem(0); selectedValues = new ArrayList<String>(); if (firstoption != null) { firstoption.setSelected(true); selectedValues.add(firstoption.getValue()); } resetSelectedItem(); showSearchFieldDefault(defaultText); resultsResetCleanup(); fireEvent(new ChosenChangeEvent(null, 0, this)); if (activeField) { resultsHide(); } } private void resultsToggle() { if (resultsShowing) { resultsHide(); } else { resultsShow(); } } private void setDefaultText() { String dataPlaceHolder = selectElement.getAttribute("data-placeholder"); if (dataPlaceHolder != null && dataPlaceHolder.length() > 0) { defaultText = dataPlaceHolder; } else if (isMultiple()) { if (options.getPlaceholderTextMultiple() != null) { defaultText = options.getPlaceholderTextMultiple(); } else if (options.getPlaceholderText() != null) { defaultText = options.getPlaceholderText(); } else { defaultText = MULTIPLE_DEFAULT_TEXT; } } else { if (options.getPlaceholderTextSingle() != null) { defaultText = options.getPlaceholderTextSingle(); } else if (options.getPlaceholderText() != null) { defaultText = options.getPlaceholderText(); } else { defaultText = SINGLE_DEFAULT_TEXT; } } String dataNoResultsText = selectElement.getAttribute("data-no_results_text"); if (dataNoResultsText != null && dataNoResultsText.length() > 0) { resultsNoneFound = dataNoResultsText; } else if (options.getNoResultsText() != null) { resultsNoneFound = options.getNoResultsText(); } else { resultsNoneFound = "No results match "; } } private void setDefaultValues() { clickTestAction = new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return testActiveClick(e); } }; activeField = false; mouseOnContainer = false; resultsShowing = false; choices = 0; if (options.getResources() != null) { css = options.getResources().css(); } else { css = GWT.<Resources>create(Resources.class).css(); } Class<?> resourceClass = options.getResources() != null ? options.getResources().getClass() : Resources.class; if (!INJECTED_RESOURCES.contains(resourceClass)) { StyleInjector.inject(css.getText(), true); INJECTED_RESOURCES.add(resourceClass); } resultsFilter = options.getResultFilter(); customFilter = resultsFilter != null; if (!customFilter) { resultsFilter = new ClientResultsFilter(); } } private boolean isAllowSingleDeselect() { NodeList<OptionElement> optionsList = selectElement.getOptions(); return options.isAllowSingleDeselect() && optionsList.getLength() > 0 && "".equals(optionsList.getItem(0).getText()); } private void setTabIndex() { String tabIndexProperty = $selectElement.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY); if (tabIndexProperty != null && tabIndexProperty.length() > 0) { $selectElement.attr(TABINDEX_PROPERTY, -1); setTabIndexProperty(tabIndexProperty); } } private void setup() { boolean isHidden = false; containerId = buildContainerId(); fWidth = $selectElement.outerWidth(); isRTL = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL() || $selectElement.hasClass("chzn-rtl"); // Temporary fix. IIf the select element is inside a hidden container // GQuery cannot get the size of the select element. if (fWidth == 0) { $("body").append("<div id='gwt_chosen_temp_div' style='display:block;position:absolute;" + (isRTL ? "right" : "left") + ":-9000px; visibility:hidden'> </div>"); GQuery tempDiv = $("#gwt_chosen_temp_div"); tempDiv.append($selectElement.clone()); fWidth = tempDiv.children("select").outerWidth(); tempDiv.remove(); isHidden = fWidth > 0; } String containerClass = getContainerClass(); String cssClasses = isRTL ? containerClass + " " + css.chznRtl() : containerClass; // recopy classes present on the select element cssClasses += " " + selectElement.getClassName(); GQuery containerTemp = $(ChosenTemplate.templates.container(containerId, cssClasses).asString()) .width(fWidth); final SafeStylesBuilder ssb = new SafeStylesBuilder(); if (isRTL) { ssb.right(HORIZONTAL_OFFSET, Style.Unit.PX); } else { ssb.left(HORIZONTAL_OFFSET, Style.Unit.PX); }, Style.Unit.PX); containerTemp.html(buildContainerHtml(defaultText, ssb).asString()); // insert container after the select elements $selectElement.hide().after(containerTemp); container = $("#" + containerId); container.addClass(isMultiple() ? css.chznContainerMulti() : css.chznContainerSingle()); dropdown = container.find("div." + css.chznDrop()).first(); int ddWidth = fWidth - getSideBorderPadding(dropdown, isHidden); dropdown.css("width", buildDropdownWidth(ddWidth)); searchField = container.find("input").first(); searchResults = container.find("ul." + css.chznResults()).first(); searchFieldScale(fWidth); initSearchElement(ddWidth, isHidden); resultsBuild(true); setTabIndex(); fireEvent(new ReadyEvent(this)); } private void singleDeselectControlBuild() { if (isAllowSingleDeselect() && selectedItem.find("abbr").isEmpty()) { selectedItem.find("span").first() .after("<abbr class=\"" + css.searchChoiceClose() + " " + css.iconCross() + "\"></abbr>"); } } private boolean testActiveClick(Event e) { Element target = e.getEventTarget().cast(); GQuery $e = $(target); if ($e.parents("#" + containerId).length() > 0) { activeField = true; } else { closeField(); } return true; } private void winnowResults(boolean isShowing) { noResultClear(); String searchText = defaultText.equals(searchField.val()) ? "" : searchField.val().trim(); searchText = SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(searchText); resultsFilter.filter(searchText, this, isShowing); } private void winnowResultsClear() { searchField.val(""); GQuery lis = searchResults.find("li"); for (Element li : lis.elements()) { GQuery $li = $(li); if ($li.hasClass(css.groupResult())) { $li.css("display", ""); } else if (shouldActivateResult($li)) { resultActivate($li); } $li.removeClass(css.foundResult()); } } }