Java tutorial
/* DVR Commander for TiVo allows control of a TiVo Premiere device. Copyright (C) 2011 Anthony Lieuallen ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package com.arantius.tivocommander; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ViewFlipper; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.MindRpc; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.request.BodyConfigSearch; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.request.OfferSearch; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.request.RecordingSearch; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.request.VideoPlaybackInfoEventRegister; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.request.WhatsOnSearch; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.response.MindRpcResponse; import com.arantius.tivocommander.rpc.response.MindRpcResponseListener; import com.arantius.tivocommander.views.TivoScrubBar; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; public class NowShowing extends Activity { private enum ContentType { LIVE, RECORDING, TBA; } private class PlaybackRange { public long absoluteBegin; public long absoluteEnd; public int activeMin; public int progress; public int activeMax; public int max; } private final MindRpcResponseListener mBodyConfigCallback = new MindRpcResponseListener() { public void onResponse(MindRpcResponse response) { final JsonNode bodyConfig = response.getBody().path("bodyConfig").path(0); MindRpc.saveBodyId(bodyConfig.path("bodyId").asText(), NowShowing.this); int gmtOffsetSeconds = bodyConfig.path("secondsFromGmt").asInt(); mGmtOffsetMillis = gmtOffsetSeconds * 1000; rpcComplete(); } }; private String mCollectionId = null; private String mContentId = null; private ContentType mContentType = null; final private SimpleDateFormat mDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US); final private SimpleDateFormat mDisplayTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm", Locale.US); private String mOfferId = null; private String mRecordingId = null; private String mWhatsOnId = null; private Integer mGmtOffsetMillis = null; private Long mMillisActualBegin = null; private Long mMillisContentBegin = null; private Long mMillisContentEnd = null; private Integer mMillisPosition = null; private Integer mMillisRecordingBegin = null; private Integer mMillisRecordingEnd = null; private Long mMillisVirtualPosition = null; private boolean mRpcComplete = false; private TivoScrubBar mScrubBar = null; private final MindRpcResponseListener mOfferCallback = new MindRpcResponseListener() { public void onResponse(MindRpcResponse response) { if (response.getBody().path("offer").size() == 0) { setTba(); return; } final JsonNode offer = response.getBody().path("offer").path(0); final Integer durationSec = offer.path("duration").asInt(); final String startTimeStr = offer.path("startTime").asText(); if (durationSec == null || startTimeStr == null) { setTba(); return; } setTitleFromContent(offer); try { Date beginDate = mDateFormat.parse(startTimeStr); mMillisContentBegin = beginDate.getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { Utils.logError("Failed to parse start time " + startTimeStr, e); mMillisContentBegin = 0L; } mMillisContentEnd = mMillisContentBegin + (durationSec * 1000); rpcComplete(); }; }; private final MindRpcResponseListener mPlaybackInfoCallback = new MindRpcResponseListener() { public void onResponse(MindRpcResponse response) { JsonNode playbackInfo = response.getBody(); mMillisPosition = playbackInfo.path("position").asInt(); mMillisRecordingBegin = playbackInfo.path("begin").asInt(); mMillisRecordingEnd = playbackInfo.path("end").asInt(); mMillisVirtualPosition = playbackInfo.path("virtualPosition").asLong(); rpcComplete(); // Update these every time, not just the first via rpcComplete(). setScrubBar(); }; }; private final MindRpcResponseListener mRecordingCallback = new MindRpcResponseListener() { public void onResponse(MindRpcResponse response) { JsonNode recording = response.getBody().path("recording").path(0); setTitleFromContent(recording); // The time that this recording actually started. final String actualBeginTimeStr = recording.path("actualStartTime").asText(); try { mMillisActualBegin = mDateFormat.parse(actualBeginTimeStr).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { Utils.logError("Failed to parse start time " + actualBeginTimeStr, e); mMillisActualBegin = 0L; } // The time this recording (content?) was scheduled to begin. final String beginTimeStr = recording.path("scheduledStartTime").asText(); try { mMillisContentBegin = mDateFormat.parse(beginTimeStr).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { Utils.logError("Failed to parse start time " + beginTimeStr, e); mMillisContentBegin = 0L; } // The time this recording (content?) was scheduled to end. final String endTimeStr = recording.path("scheduledEndTime").asText(); try { final Date endDate = mDateFormat.parse(endTimeStr); mMillisContentEnd = endDate.getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { Utils.logError("Failed to parse start time " + endTimeStr, e); mMillisContentEnd = 0L; } rpcComplete(); } }; private final MindRpcResponseListener mWhatsOnCallback = new MindRpcResponseListener() { public void onResponse(MindRpcResponse response) { JsonNode whatsOn = response.getBody().path("whatsOn").path(0); String playbackType = whatsOn.path("playbackType").asText(); String whatsOnId = null; if ("recording".equals(playbackType)) { whatsOnId = whatsOn.path("recordingId").asText(); } else if ("liveCache".equals(playbackType)) { whatsOnId = whatsOn.path("offerId").asText(); } else { setTba(); return; } mScrubBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mCollectionId = whatsOn.path("collectionId").textValue(); mContentId = whatsOn.path("contentId").textValue(); mOfferId = whatsOn.path("offerId").textValue(); mRecordingId = whatsOn.path("recordingId").textValue(); if (mWhatsOnId != null) { // Ignore extra callbacks where the content has not changed. if (mWhatsOnId.equals(whatsOnId)) { return; } // Otherwise, start over with new requests and data. initInstanceVars(); } mWhatsOnId = whatsOnId; ((ViewFlipper) findViewById(; if ("recording".equals(playbackType)) { mContentType = ContentType.RECORDING; RecordingSearch request = new RecordingSearch(whatsOnId); request.setLevelOfDetail("low"); MindRpc.addRequest(request, mRecordingCallback); } else if ("liveCache".equals(playbackType)) { mContentType = ContentType.LIVE; OfferSearch request = new OfferSearch("offerId", whatsOnId); MindRpc.addRequest(request, mOfferCallback); } }; }; /** * Calculate everything about the range we should display. Absolute start * and end times of the whole bar, the active range that is recorded, and * the progress through that range. */ private PlaybackRange getPlaybackRange() { final int millisHalfHour = 1000 * 60 * 30; PlaybackRange range = new PlaybackRange(); if (mMillisContentBegin == null || mMillisContentEnd == null) { return null; } range.absoluteBegin = mMillisContentBegin; range.absoluteEnd = mMillisContentEnd; range.max = (int) (mMillisContentEnd - mMillisContentBegin); if (mContentType == ContentType.LIVE) { // TODO: Recording starts 1/2 hour+ after absolute begin. range.progress = (int) (mMillisVirtualPosition - mMillisContentBegin); range.activeMin = range.progress - mMillisPosition; range.activeMax = range.activeMin + mMillisRecordingEnd; // If the active range is too far from the content beginning, shrink // the range to hold it. while (range.activeMin > millisHalfHour) { range.absoluteBegin += millisHalfHour; range.activeMin -= millisHalfHour; range.progress -= millisHalfHour; range.activeMax -= millisHalfHour; range.max -= millisHalfHour; } } else { range.activeMin = (int) (mMillisActualBegin - mMillisContentBegin); range.activeMax = range.activeMin + mMillisRecordingEnd; range.progress = range.activeMin + mMillisPosition; } // If the recording extends beyond the scheduled period (by more than half // a minute) extend the scrub bar by half an hour. // TODO: Do these need to be whiles in case of big padding? if (range.activeMin < -30000) { Utils.logDebug(String.format(Locale.US, "Adjusting beginning back becase %d < 0", range.activeMin)); range.absoluteBegin -= millisHalfHour; // Since min must be 0, actually shift everything else forward. range.max += millisHalfHour; range.progress += millisHalfHour; range.activeMin += millisHalfHour; range.activeMax += millisHalfHour; } else if (range.activeMin < 0) { range.activeMin = 0; } if (range.activeMax > range.max + 30000) { Utils.logDebug( String.format(Locale.US, "Adjusting end forward becase %d > %d", range.activeMax, range.max)); range.absoluteEnd += millisHalfHour; range.max += millisHalfHour; } else if (range.activeMax > range.max) { range.activeMax = range.max; } return range; } /** (Re-)Initialize instance variables. */ private void initInstanceVars() { mCollectionId = null; mContentId = null; mContentType = null; mMillisActualBegin = null; mMillisContentBegin = null; mMillisContentEnd = null; mOfferId = null; mRecordingId = null; mRpcComplete = false; mWhatsOnId = null; } public void doExplore(View unused) { if (mContentType == ContentType.TBA) { return; } Intent intent = new Intent(this, ExploreTabs.class); if (mCollectionId != null) { intent.putExtra("collectionId", mCollectionId); } if (mContentId != null) { intent.putExtra("contentId", mContentId); } if (mOfferId != null) { intent.putExtra("offerId", mOfferId); } if (mRecordingId != null) { intent.putExtra("recordingId", mRecordingId); } startActivity(intent); } public void onClickButton(View target) { Intent intent = null; switch (target.getId()) { case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), Remote.class); break; case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), MyShows.class); break; case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), Search.class); break; case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), SeasonPass.class); break; case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), Discover.class); break; case intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), ToDo.class); break; } if (intent != null) { startActivity(intent); } } public void onClickRemote(View v) { MindRpc.addRequest(Remote.viewIdToEvent(v.getId()), null); } public final boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { Utils.createShortOptionsMenu(menu, this); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { return Utils.onOptionsItemSelected(item, this); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); Utils.log("Activity:Pause:NowShowing"); MindRpc.cancelAll(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Utils.log("Activity:Resume:NowShowing"); if (MindRpc.init(this, null)) { return; } setContentView(R.layout.now_showing); setTitle("Now Showing"); mScrubBar = (TivoScrubBar) findViewById(; TimeZone gmtTz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"); mDateFormat.setTimeZone(gmtTz); // Turn on loading indicator. ((ViewFlipper) findViewById(; initInstanceVars(); MindRpc.addRequest(new BodyConfigSearch(), mBodyConfigCallback); WhatsOnSearch whatsOnRequest = new WhatsOnSearch(); MindRpc.addRequest(whatsOnRequest, mWhatsOnCallback); VideoPlaybackInfoEventRegister playbackInfoRequest = new VideoPlaybackInfoEventRegister(1001); MindRpc.addRequest(playbackInfoRequest, mPlaybackInfoCallback); } /** After any given RPC completes, check state (given all) and continue. */ private void rpcComplete() { // @formatter:off if (mRpcComplete) return; if (mContentType == ContentType.TBA) { // No-op. } else { if (mGmtOffsetMillis == null) return; if (mMillisContentBegin == null) return; if (mMillisContentEnd == null) return; if (mContentType == ContentType.RECORDING) { if (mMillisActualBegin == null) return; } if (mMillisPosition == null) return; if (mMillisRecordingBegin == null) return; if (mMillisRecordingEnd == null) return; if (mMillisVirtualPosition == null) return; } // @formatter:on mRpcComplete = true; // Run this for sure once. setScrubBar(); // Then make them visible. ((ViewFlipper) findViewById(; } /** Set the start/end time labels of the seek bar. */ private void setScrubBar() { if (!mRpcComplete) { return; } if (mContentType == ContentType.TBA) { mScrubBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } else { mScrubBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } PlaybackRange range = getPlaybackRange(); if (range == null) { mScrubBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); return; } String labelLeft = null; String labelRight = null; if (mContentType == ContentType.LIVE) { // Show absolute start and end time. labelLeft = mDisplayTimeFormat.format(new Date(range.absoluteBegin)); labelRight = mDisplayTimeFormat.format(new Date(range.absoluteEnd)); } else if (mContentType == ContentType.RECORDING) { final int millis = (int) (mMillisContentEnd - mMillisContentBegin); int minutes = (int) Math.ceil((millis) / (1000 * 60)); labelRight = ""; if (minutes >= 60) { labelRight += String.format(Locale.US, "%dh", (minutes / 60)); } minutes %= 60; if (minutes != 0) { if (!"".equals(labelRight)) { labelRight += " "; } labelRight += String.format(Locale.US, "%dm", minutes); } } mScrubBar.update(range.activeMin, range.progress, range.activeMax, range.max, labelLeft, labelRight); } private void setTitleFromContent(JsonNode content) { String title, movieYear, subtitle; if (mContentType == ContentType.TBA) { title = "To Be Announced"; subtitle = "No Information Available"; } else { title = content.path("title").asText(); movieYear = content.path("movieYear").asText(); if (movieYear != null && !"".equals(movieYear)) { title += " (" + movieYear + ")"; } subtitle = content.path("subtitle").textValue(); } TextView titleView = (TextView) findViewById(; TextView subtitleView = (TextView) findViewById(; titleView.setText(title); if (null == subtitle) { subtitleView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { subtitleView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); subtitleView.setText(subtitle); } } protected void setTba() { initInstanceVars(); mContentType = ContentType.TBA; mWhatsOnId = null; setTitleFromContent(null); rpcComplete(); } }