Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014, Apptentive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Please refer to the LICENSE file for the terms and conditions
 * under which redistribution and use of this file is permitted.


import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.*;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author Sky Kelsey
public class InteractionsActivity extends ApptentiveActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final AutoCompleteTextView eventName = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
        String[] events = getResources().getStringArray(;
        ArrayAdapter<String> eventAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(InteractionsActivity.this,
                android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, events);
        eventName.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                return false;

    public void doEngage(boolean internal) {
        AutoCompleteTextView eventName = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
        CheckBox includeCustomData = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
        CheckBox includeTime = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
        CheckBox includeLocation = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
        CheckBox includeCommerce = (CheckBox) findViewById(;

        Map<String, Object> customData = null;
        if (includeCustomData.isEnabled() && includeCustomData.isChecked()) {
            customData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            customData.put("string", "bar");
            customData.put("number", 12345);

        List<ExtendedData> extendedData = null;
        if (includeTime.isEnabled() && includeTime.isChecked()) {
            if (extendedData == null) {
                extendedData = new ArrayList<ExtendedData>();
            extendedData.add(new TimeExtendedData());

        if (includeLocation.isEnabled() && includeLocation.isChecked()) {
            if (extendedData == null) {
                extendedData = new ArrayList<ExtendedData>();
            extendedData.add(new LocationExtendedData(-122.349273, 47.620509));

        if (includeCommerce.isEnabled() && includeCommerce.isChecked()) {
            if (extendedData == null) {
                extendedData = new ArrayList<ExtendedData>();
            CommerceExtendedData commerce = new CommerceExtendedData("id", "affiliation", 100, 5, 10, "USD");
            commerce.addItem("id", "name", "category", 20, 5, "USD");

        if (!internal) {
            Log.e("Testing engage(%s)", eventName.getText().toString());
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (extendedData != null) {
                Apptentive.engage(this, eventName.getText().toString(), customData,
                        extendedData.toArray(new ExtendedData[extendedData.size()]));
            } else {
                Apptentive.engage(this, eventName.getText().toString(), customData);
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Log.e("Engage call took %d millis", end - start);
        } else {
            Log.e("Testing engageInternal(%s)", eventName.getText().toString());
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            EngagementModule.engageInternal(this, eventName.getText().toString());
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Log.e("Code point storage took %d millis", end - start);

    public void engage(@SuppressWarnings("unused") View view) {

    public void engageInternal(@SuppressWarnings("unused") View view) {

    public void willShowInteraction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") View view) {
        AutoCompleteTextView eventName = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
        boolean willShowInteraction = Apptentive.willShowInteraction(this, eventName.getText().toString());
        Toast.makeText(this, willShowInteraction ? "Interaction will show." : "Interaction will NOT show.",

    private static final String UPGRADE_MESSAGE_BRANDING_INTERACTION = "" + "{\n"
            + "  \"id\": \"528d14854712c7bfd7000002\",\n" + "  \"priority\": 1,\n" + "  \"criteria\": {\n"
            + "    \"code_point/app.launch/invokes/version\": 1,\n" + "    \"application_version\": \"4.0\"\n"
            + "  },\n" + "  \"type\": \"UpgradeMessage\",\n" + "  \"version\": null,\n" + "  \"active\": true,\n"
            + "  \"configuration\": {\n" + "    \"active\": true,\n" + "    \"app_version\": \"4.0\",\n"
            + "    \"show_app_icon\": true,\n" + "    \"show_powered_by\": true,\n"
            + "    \"body\": \"<html><head><style>\\nbody {\\n\\tfont-family: \\\"Helvetica Neue\\\", Helvetica;\\n\\tcolor: #4d4d4d;\\n\\tfont-size: .875em;\\n\\tline-height: 1.36em;\\n\\t-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;\\n}\\n\\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\\n\\tcolor: #000000;\\n\\tline-height: 1.25em;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\nh1 {font-size: 22px;}\\nh2 {font-size: 18px;}\\nh3 {font-size: 16px;}\\nh4 {font-size: 14px;}\\nh5, h6 {font-size: 12px;}\\nh6 {font-weight: normal;}\\n\\nblockquote {\\n\\tmargin: 1em 1.75em;\\n\\tfont-style: italic;\\n}\\n\\nul, ol {\\n\\tpadding-left: 1.75em;\\n}\\n\\ntable {\\n\\tborder-collapse: collapse;\\n\\tborder-spacing: 0;\\n\\tempty-cells: show;\\n}\\n\\ntable caption {\\n\\tpadding: 1em 0;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\ntable td,\\ntable th {\\n\\tborder-left: 1px solid #cbcbcb;\\n\\tborder-width: 0 0 0 1px;\\n\\tfont-size: inherit;\\n\\tmargin: 0;\\n\\tpadding: .25em .5em;\\n\\n}\\ntable td:first-child,\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-left-width: 0;\\n}\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;\\n}\\ntable th:last-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;\\n}\\n\\ntable thead {\\n\\tbackground: #E5E5E5;\\n\\tcolor: #000;\\n\\ttext-align: left;\\n\\tvertical-align: bottom;\\n}\\n\\ntable td {\\n\\tbackground-color: transparent;\\n\\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #E5E5E5;\\n}\\n</style></head><body><p>Hello. A lot has happened since the last release. Here's a quick list of changes.</p><hr><ul><li>I built the thing you are seeing here. It will let me tell you about updates to this app.</li><li>It's super useful, since Google Play now downloads updates automatically, and you never see release notes otherwise.</li></ul><p>Some other things:</p><pre>I wrote a lot of code.</pre><p><strong>I made some bold statements.</strong></p><blockquote>I quoted some quotes.</blockquote><p><em>I italicized some itals.</em></p><p><del>I struck through some suckers.</del></p><p>Some plans for the future:</p><ol><li>Use the new Engagement Framework for Ratings as well.</li><li>Make sure everything is tested and documented before I release this to valentines.</li><li>Get everyone on the team to test it out :)</li></ol><p style=\\\"text-align: center;\\\">Center text</p><p style=\\\"text-align: right;\\\">Right aligned</p><p style=\\\"text-align: justify;\\\">Some justified text. What will this look like on a mobile device anyway? Will if look good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horrendously hideous, or possess the qualities of an altogether different adjective? Your guess is as good as mine.</p><p>Some unjustified text. What will it look like on a mobile device anyway?\\n Will if look good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horrendously hideous, or \\npossess the qualities of an altogether different adjective? Your guess is as good as mine.</p><p>Some</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 20px;\\\">Indented</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">Text</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 60px;\\\">Will</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 80px;\\\">This</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 100px;\\\">Work?</p></body></html>\"\n"
            + "  }\n" + "}";

    private static final String UPGRADE_MESSAGE_NO_BRANDING_INTERACTION = "" + "{\n"
            + "  \"id\": \"528d14854712c7bfd7000002\",\n" + "  \"priority\": 1,\n" + "  \"criteria\": {\n"
            + "    \"code_point/app.launch/invokes/version\": 1,\n" + "    \"application_version\": \"4.0\"\n"
            + "  },\n" + "  \"type\": \"UpgradeMessage\",\n" + "  \"version\": null,\n" + "  \"active\": true,\n"
            + "  \"configuration\": {\n" + "    \"active\": true,\n" + "    \"app_version\": \"4.0\",\n"
            + "    \"show_app_icon\": true,\n" + "    \"show_powered_by\": false,\n"
            + "    \"body\": \"<html><head><style>\\nbody {\\n\\tfont-family: \\\"Helvetica Neue\\\", Helvetica;\\n\\tcolor: #4d4d4d;\\n\\tfont-size: .875em;\\n\\tline-height: 1.36em;\\n\\t-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;\\n}\\n\\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\\n\\tcolor: #000000;\\n\\tline-height: 1.25em;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\nh1 {font-size: 22px;}\\nh2 {font-size: 18px;}\\nh3 {font-size: 16px;}\\nh4 {font-size: 14px;}\\nh5, h6 {font-size: 12px;}\\nh6 {font-weight: normal;}\\n\\nblockquote {\\n\\tmargin: 1em 1.75em;\\n\\tfont-style: italic;\\n}\\n\\nul, ol {\\n\\tpadding-left: 1.75em;\\n}\\n\\ntable {\\n\\tborder-collapse: collapse;\\n\\tborder-spacing: 0;\\n\\tempty-cells: show;\\n}\\n\\ntable caption {\\n\\tpadding: 1em 0;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\ntable td,\\ntable th {\\n\\tborder-left: 1px solid #cbcbcb;\\n\\tborder-width: 0 0 0 1px;\\n\\tfont-size: inherit;\\n\\tmargin: 0;\\n\\tpadding: .25em .5em;\\n\\n}\\ntable td:first-child,\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-left-width: 0;\\n}\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;\\n}\\ntable th:last-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;\\n}\\n\\ntable thead {\\n\\tbackground: #E5E5E5;\\n\\tcolor: #000;\\n\\ttext-align: left;\\n\\tvertical-align: bottom;\\n}\\n\\ntable td {\\n\\tbackground-color: transparent;\\n\\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #E5E5E5;\\n}\\n</style></head><body><p>Hello. A lot has happened since the last release. Here's a quick list of changes.</p><hr><ul><li>I built the thing you are seeing here. It will let me tell you about updates to this app.</li><li>It's super useful, since Google Play now downloads updates automatically, and you never see release notes otherwise.</li></ul><p>Some other things:</p><pre>I wrote a lot of code.</pre><p><strong>I made some bold statements.</strong></p><blockquote>I quoted some quotes.</blockquote><p><em>I italicized some itals.</em></p><p><del>I struck through some suckers.</del></p><p>Some plans for the future:</p><ol><li>Use the new Engagement Framework for Ratings as well.</li><li>Make sure everything is tested and documented before I release this to valentines.</li><li>Get everyone on the team to test it out :)</li></ol><p style=\\\"text-align: center;\\\">Center text</p><p style=\\\"text-align: right;\\\">Right aligned</p><p style=\\\"text-align: justify;\\\">Some justified text. What will this look like on a mobile device anyway? Will if look good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horrendously hideous, or possess the qualities of an altogether different adjective? Your guess is as good as mine.</p><p>Some unjustified text. What will it look like on a mobile device anyway?\\n Will if look good, bad, ugly, beautiful, horrendously hideous, or \\npossess the qualities of an altogether different adjective? Your guess is as good as mine.</p><p>Some</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 20px;\\\">Indented</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 40px;\\\">Text</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 60px;\\\">Will</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 80px;\\\">This</p><p style=\\\"margin-left: 100px;\\\">Work?</p></body></html>\"\n"
            + "  }\n" + "}";

    private static final String UPGRADE_MESSAGE_REAL_EXAMPLE = "" + "{\n"
            + "  \"id\": \"52e8091f7724c5cf1f00007b\",\n" + "  \"priority\": 2,\n" + "  \"criteria\": {\n"
            + "  \"code_point/app.launch/invokes/version\": 1,\n" + "  \"application_version\": \"4.1\"\n"
            + "  },\n" + "    \"type\": \"UpgradeMessage\",\n" + "    \"configuration\": {\n"
            + "    \"show_app_icon\": true,\n" + "    \"show_powered_by\": true,\n"
            + "    \"body\": \"<html><head><style>\\nbody {\\n\\tfont-family: \\\"Helvetica Neue\\\", Helvetica;\\n\\tcolor: #4d4d4d;\\n\\tfont-size: .875em;\\n\\tline-height: 1.36em;\\n\\t-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;\\n}\\n\\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\\n\\tcolor: #000000;\\n\\tline-height: 1.25em;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\nh1 {font-size: 22px;}\\nh2 {font-size: 18px;}\\nh3 {font-size: 16px;}\\nh4 {font-size: 14px;}\\nh5, h6 {font-size: 12px;}\\nh6 {font-weight: normal;}\\n\\nblockquote {\\n\\tmargin: 1em 1.75em;\\n\\tfont-style: italic;\\n}\\n\\nul, ol {\\n\\tpadding-left: 1.75em;\\n}\\n\\ntable {\\n\\tborder-collapse: collapse;\\n\\tborder-spacing: 0;\\n\\tempty-cells: show;\\n}\\n\\ntable caption {\\n\\tpadding: 1em 0;\\n\\ttext-align: center;\\n}\\n\\ntable td,\\ntable th {\\n\\tborder-left: 1px solid #cbcbcb;\\n\\tborder-width: 0 0 0 1px;\\n\\tfont-size: inherit;\\n\\tmargin: 0;\\n\\tpadding: .25em .5em;\\n\\n}\\ntable td:first-child,\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-left-width: 0;\\n}\\ntable th:first-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;\\n}\\ntable th:last-child {\\n\\tborder-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;\\n}\\n\\ntable thead {\\n\\tbackground: #E5E5E5;\\n\\tcolor: #000;\\n\\ttext-align: left;\\n\\tvertical-align: bottom;\\n}\\n\\ntable td {\\n\\tbackground-color: transparent;\\n\\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #E5E5E5;\\n}\\n</style></head><body><p style=\\\"text-align: center;\\\"><strong>Apptentive SDK</strong></p><hr><p>New in version 1.2.8:</p><ul><li>A new system for sending engagements to the user.</li><li>A new engagement: Upgrade Messages!</li><li>Support for Push Notifications through Urban Airship.</li><li>Several bug fixes, and a nicer looking dev app.</li></ul><p>Enjoy!</p></body></html>\"\n"
            + "  }\n" + "}";

    private static final String ENJOYMENT_DIALOG_INTERACTION = "" + "{" + "  \"priority\": 1," + "  \"criteria\": {"
            + "    \"interactions/enjoyment_dialog_interaction_1234567890/invokes/total\": 0" + "  },"
            + "  \"id\": \"enjoyment_dialog_interaction_1234567890\"," + "  \"type\": \"EnjoymentDialog\","
            + "  \"configuration\": {" + "  }" + "}";

    private static final String RATING_DIALOG_INTERACTION = "" + "{" + "  \"priority\": 1," + "  \"criteria\": {"
            + "  }," + "  \"id\": \"rating_dialog_interaction_1234567890\"," + "  \"type\": \"RatingDialog\","
            + "  \"configuration\": {" + "    \"title\": \"Thank You\","
            + "    \"body\": \"We're so happy to hear that you love Urbanspoon! It'd be really helpful if you rated us. Thanks so much for spending some time with us.\","
            + "    \"rate_text\": \"Rate\"," + "    \"remind_text\": \"Remind Me Later\","
            + "    \"no_text\": \"No Thanks\"" + "  }" + "}";

    private static final String FEEDBACK_DIALOG_INTERACTION = "" + "{" + "  \"priority\": 1," + "  \"criteria\": {"
            + "  }," + "  \"id\": \"<interaction_id>\"," + "  \"type\": \"FeedbackDialog\","
            + "  \"configuration\": {" + "    \"ask_for_email\": true," + "    \"email_required\": false,"
            + "    \"enable_message_center\": true," + "    \"title\": \"Thanks for your feedback!\","
            + "    \"body\": \"Please let us know how to make this app better for you!\","
            + "    \"email_hint_text\": \"Your Email Address\","
            + "    \"message_hint_text\": \"Tell us how we can help. (required)\","
            + "    \"no_text\": \"No Thanks\"," + "    \"send_text\": \"Send\","
            + "    \"thank_you_title\": \"Thanks!\","
            + "    \"thank_you_body\": \"Your response has been saved in the Message Center, where you\\'ll be able to view replies and send us other messages.\","
            + "    \"thank_you_close_text\": \"Close\"," + "    \"thank_you_view_messages_text\": \"View Messages\""
            + "  }" + "}";

    private static final String APP_STORE_RATING_INTERACTION = "" + "{" + "  \"priority\": 1," + "  \"criteria\": {"
            + "  }," + "  \"id\": \"app_store_rating_interaction\"," + "  \"type\": \"AppStoreRating\","
            + "  \"configuration\": {" + "    store_id: \"12345678\"," + "    method: \"magic\","
            + "    url: \"itms-apps://\""
            + "  }" + "}";

    private static final String SURVEY_INTERACTION = "" + "{" + "    \"id\": \"526fe2836dd8bf546a00000c\","
            + "    \"priority\": 3," + "    \"criteria\": {}," + "    \"type\": \"Survey\","
            + "    \"configuration\": {" + "        \"questions\": [" + "            {"
            + "                \"id\": \"multi-choice-question\"," + "                \"answer_choices\": ["
            + "                    {" + "                        \"id\": \"multi-choice-answer-0\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Better user interface\"" + "                    },"
            + "                    {" + "                        \"id\": \"multi-choice-answer-1\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Cloud support\"" + "                    },"
            + "                    {" + "                        \"id\": \"multi-choice-answer-2\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Login with Facebook / Google / Twitter\""
            + "                    }" + "                ]," + "                \"instructions\": \"select one\","
            + "                \"value\": \"Which would you like to see first?\","
            + "                \"type\": \"multichoice\"," + "                \"required\": true" + "            },"
            + "            {" + "                \"id\": \"multi-select-question\","
            + "                \"answer_choices\": [" + "                    {"
            + "                        \"id\": \"multi-select-answer-0\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Speed\"" + "                    }," + "                    {"
            + "                        \"id\": \"multi-select-answer-1\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Easy to use\"" + "                    },"
            + "                    {" + "                        \"id\": \"multi-select-answer-2\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Reliability\"" + "                    },"
            + "                    {" + "                        \"id\": \"multi-select-answer-3\","
            + "                        \"value\": \"Works offline\"" + "                    }"
            + "                ]," + "                \"instructions\": \"select up to 2\","
            + "                \"min_selections\": 0," + "                \"max_selections\": 2,"
            + "                \"value\": \"Which two qualities for an app are the most important to you?\","
            + "                \"type\": \"multiselect\"," + "                \"required\": false"
            + "            }," + "            {" + "                \"id\": \"single-line-question\","
            + "                \"multiline\": false,"
            + "                \"value\": \"Is there anything you'd like to add?\","
            + "                \"type\": \"singleline\"," + "                \"required\": false" + "            }"
            + "        ]," + "        \"name\": \"What should we build?\","
            + "        \"show_success_message\": true,"
            + "        \"success_message\": \"Thank you for your input.\","
            + "        \"description\": \"Please help us figure this out!\","
            + "        \"app_id\": \"517884df584ef064fc00000e\"," + "        \"active\": true,"
            + "        \"date\": \"2014-01-19T04:51:14Z\"," + "        \"device_attrs\": {"
            + "            \"os_name\": \"Android\"," + "            \"os_version\": \"4.4.2\"" + "        }"
            + "    }" + "}";

    public void interaction(@SuppressWarnings("unused") View view) {
        Spinner interactionsSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(;
        String interactionName = (String) interactionsSpinner.getSelectedItem();
        Log.e("Testing engage(%s)", interactionName);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            Interaction interaction = null;
            if (interactionName.equals("UpgradeMessage exercise with branding")) {
                interaction = new UpgradeMessageInteraction(UPGRADE_MESSAGE_BRANDING_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("UpgradeMessage exercise no branding")) {
                interaction = new UpgradeMessageInteraction(UPGRADE_MESSAGE_NO_BRANDING_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("UpgradeMessage real example")) {
                interaction = new UpgradeMessageInteraction(UPGRADE_MESSAGE_REAL_EXAMPLE);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Enjoyment Dialog")) {
                interaction = new EnjoymentDialogInteraction(ENJOYMENT_DIALOG_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Rating Dialog")) {
                interaction = new EnjoymentDialogInteraction(RATING_DIALOG_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("App Store Rating")) {
                interaction = new AppStoreRatingInteraction(APP_STORE_RATING_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Feedback Dialog")) {
                interaction = new FeedbackDialogInteraction(FEEDBACK_DIALOG_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Survey")) {
                interaction = new SurveyInteraction(SURVEY_INTERACTION);
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Working Rating Flow Default Text")) {
                String json = FileUtil.loadTextAssetAsString(this, "ratingFlowInteractionsDefaultText.json");
                // Overwrites any existing interactions.
                InteractionManager.storeInteractions(this, json);
                Apptentive.engage(this, "init");
            } else if (interactionName.equals("Working Rating Flow Modified Text")) {
                String json = FileUtil.loadTextAssetAsString(this, "ratingFlowInteractionsModifiedText.json");
                // Overwrites any existing interactions.
                InteractionManager.storeInteractions(this, json);
                Apptentive.engage(this, "init");
            if (interaction != null) {
                EngagementModule.launchInteraction((Activity) view.getContext(), interaction);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Log.e("Error loading test Interaction.", e);
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Log.e("Interaction storage took %d millis", end - start);

    public void fetchInteractions(View view) {

    public void forceRatingsPrompt(View view) {
        String eventName = ((EditText) findViewById(;
        boolean shown = forceShowRatingsPromptInteraction(this, eventName);
        Log.e("Force showed Ratings Prompt? %b", shown);

    public static boolean forceShowRatingsPromptInteraction(Activity activity, String eventName) {
        if (eventName == null) {
            Log.w("Event name is null. Can't force show Ratings Prompt.");
            return false;

        try {
            String eventLabel = EngagementModule.generateEventLabel("local", "app", eventName);
            Log.d("Force Showing Ratings Prompt at: ", eventLabel);

            Interaction interaction = getRatingsPromptInteraction(activity, eventLabel);

            if (interaction != null) {
                CodePointStore.storeCodePointForCurrentAppVersion(activity.getApplicationContext(), eventLabel);
                EventManager.sendEvent(activity.getApplicationContext(), new Event(eventLabel, (JSONObject) null));

                CodePointStore.storeInteractionForCurrentAppVersion(activity, interaction.getId());
                EngagementModule.launchInteraction(activity, interaction);
                return true;
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(activity, "No Ratings Prompt available for that Interaction.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MetricModule.sendError(activity.getApplicationContext(), e, null, null);
            Log.e("Error:", e);
        return false;

    public static Interaction getRatingsPromptInteraction(Context context, String eventLabel) {
        Interactions interactions = InteractionManager.loadInteractions(context);
        List<Interaction> interactionList = interactions.getInteractionList(eventLabel);

        for (Interaction interaction : interactionList) {
            switch (interaction.getType()) {
            case EnjoymentDialog:
                return interaction;
        return null;