Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 AppDynamics, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.appdynamics.extensions.elasticsearch; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ElasticSearchMonitor extends AManagedMonitor { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ElasticSearchMonitor.class.getName()); private static final String METRIC_PATH_PREFIX = "Custom Metrics|Elastic Search|"; private static final String INDEX_STATS_RESOURCE = "_stats"; private static final String NODE_STATS_RESOURCE_v090 = "_cluster/nodes/stats?all=true"; private static final String NODE_STATS_RESOURCE_v100 = "_nodes/stats"; private static final String CLUSTER_STATS_RESOURCE = "_cluster/health"; private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private String host; private String port; private String elasticSearchVersion; public ElasticSearchMonitor() { LOGGER.setLevel(Level.INFO); String msg = "Using Monitor Version [" + getImplementationVersion() + "]";; } /* * Main execution method that uploads the metrics to AppDynamics Controller * * @see *, * */ public TaskOutput execute(Map<String, String> taskArguments, TaskExecutionContext arg1) throws TaskExecutionException { try { // checks for arguments in monitor.xml (host and port) extractArguments(taskArguments); determineElasticSearchVersion(); populateIndexStats(); populateNodeStats(); populateClusterStats(); return new TaskOutput("Elastic Search Metric Upload Complete"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); return new TaskOutput("Elastic Search Metric upload failed"); } } private void determineElasticSearchVersion() { try { String baseEsInfo = getJsonResponseString(constructUrl());"Monitoring ElasticSearch: " + baseEsInfo.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")); JsonNode node = MAPPER.readValue(baseEsInfo.getBytes(), JsonNode.class); elasticSearchVersion = node.path("version").path("number").asText(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting base Elasticsearch info: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Checks if the arguments supplied from monitor.xml are valid and extracts required host and port arguments. * * @param taskArguments Argument map * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the host and port are either not provided or are null or empty strings */ private void extractArguments(Map<String, String> taskArguments) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (argumentInvalid(taskArguments, "host") || argumentInvalid(taskArguments, "port")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Required task arguments are missing in monitor.xml, Please provide elastic search host and port"); } host = taskArguments.get("host"); port = taskArguments.get("port"); } private boolean argumentInvalid(Map<String, String> taskArguments, String argumentKey) { String value = taskArguments.get(argumentKey); return value == null || "".equals(value.trim()); } /** * Connects to the provided web resource and returns the JSON response string * * @param resource The URL for the resource * @return The JSON response string */ private String getJsonResponseString(String resource) { IHttpClientWrapper httpClient = HttpClientWrapper.getInstance(); HttpExecutionRequest request = new HttpExecutionRequest(resource, "", HttpOperation.GET); HttpExecutionResponse response = httpClient.executeHttpOperation(request, new Log4JLogger(LOGGER)); if (response.isExceptionHappened() || response.getStatusCode() >= 400) { throw new RuntimeException("Elastic search instance down OR URL " + resource + " not supported"); } return response.getResponseBody(); } /** * Retrieves the desired index stats and uploads them to AppDynamics Controller * * @throws Exception */ private void populateIndexStats() throws Exception { try { String jsonString = getJsonResponseString(getIndexStatsResourcePath()); JsonNode indicesRootNode = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class).path("indices"); if (indicesRootNode != null && indicesRootNode.size() <= 0) { indicesRootNode = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class).path("_all") .path("indices"); } if (indicesRootNode != null) { Iterator<String> nodes = indicesRootNode.fieldNames(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { String indexName =; JsonNode node = indicesRootNode.path(indexName); int primarySize = convertBytesToKB( node.path("primaries").path("store").path("size_in_bytes").asInt()); int size = convertBytesToKB(node.path("total").path("store").path("size_in_bytes").asInt()); int num_docs = node.path("primaries").path("docs").path("count").asInt(); String indexMetricPath = "Indices|" + indexName + "|"; printMetric(indexMetricPath, "primary size", primarySize); printMetric(indexMetricPath, "size", size); printMetric(indexMetricPath, "num docs", num_docs); }"No of indices: " + MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class).findValue("indices").size()); LOGGER.debug("Retrieved Index statistics successfully"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in retrieving index statistics: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Retrieves the desired node stats and uploads them to AppDynamics * Controller * * @throws Exception */ private void populateNodeStats() throws Exception { try { String jsonString = getJsonResponseString(getNodeStatsResourcePath()); JsonNode nodesRootNode = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class).path("nodes"); Iterator<String> nodes = nodesRootNode.fieldNames(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { JsonNode node = nodesRootNode.path(; String nodeName = node.path("name").asText(); int indicesSize = convertBytesToKB( node.path("indices").path("store").path("size_in_bytes").asInt()); int num_docs = node.path("indices").path("docs").path("count").asInt(); int open_file_descriptors = node.path("process").path("open_file_descriptors").asInt(); JsonNode memory = node.path("jvm").path("mem"); int heap_used = convertBytesToKB(memory.path("heap_used_in_bytes").asInt()); int heap_committed = convertBytesToKB(memory.path("heap_committed_in_bytes").asInt()); int non_heap_used = convertBytesToKB(memory.path("non_heap_used_in_bytes").asInt()); int non_heap_committed = convertBytesToKB(memory.path("non_heap_committed_in_bytes").asInt()); int threads_count = node.path("jvm").path("threads").path("count").asInt(); String nodeMetricPath = "Nodes|" + nodeName + "|"; printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "size of indices", indicesSize); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "num docs", num_docs); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "open file descriptors", open_file_descriptors); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "heap used", heap_used); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "heap committed", heap_committed); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "non heap used", non_heap_used); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "non heap committed", non_heap_committed); printMetric(nodeMetricPath, "threads count", threads_count); }"No of nodes: " + MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class).findValue("nodes").size()); LOGGER.debug("Retrieved Node statistics successfully"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in retrieving node statistics: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Retrieves the desired cluster stats and uploads them to AppDynamics * Controller * * @throws Exception */ private void populateClusterStats() throws Exception { try { String jsonString = getJsonResponseString(getClusterStatsResourcePath()); JsonNode clusterNode = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class); String clusterName = clusterNode.path("cluster_name").asText(); if ("".equals(clusterName)) { LOGGER.error("Cluster not configured, so no cluster stats available"); } else { int number_of_nodes = clusterNode.path("number_of_nodes").asInt(); int number_of_data_nodes = clusterNode.path("number_of_data_nodes").asInt(); int active_primary_shards = clusterNode.path("active_primary_shards").asInt(); int active_shards = clusterNode.path("active_shards").asInt(); int relocating_shards = clusterNode.path("relocating_shards").asInt(); int initializing_shards = clusterNode.path("initializing_shards").asInt(); int unassigned_shards = clusterNode.path("unassigned_shards").asInt(); int status = defineStatus(clusterNode.path("status").asText()); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "status", status); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "number of nodes", number_of_nodes); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "number of data nodes", number_of_data_nodes); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "active primary shards", active_primary_shards); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "active shards", active_shards); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "relocating shards", relocating_shards); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "initializing shards", initializing_shards); printMetric(clusterName + "|", "unassigned shards", unassigned_shards); LOGGER.debug("Retrieved cluster statistics successfully"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in retrieving cluster statistics: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void printMetric(String metricPath, String metricName, Object metricValue) { printMetric(getMetricPrefix() + metricPath, metricName, metricValue, MetricWriter.METRIC_AGGREGATION_TYPE_AVERAGE, MetricWriter.METRIC_TIME_ROLLUP_TYPE_AVERAGE, MetricWriter.METRIC_CLUSTER_ROLLUP_TYPE_COLLECTIVE); } private void printMetric(String metricPath, String metricName, Object metricValue, String aggregation, String timeRollup, String cluster) { MetricWriter metricWriter = super.getMetricWriter(metricPath + metricName, aggregation, timeRollup, cluster); metricWriter.printMetric(String.valueOf(metricValue)); } private String getIndexStatsResourcePath() { return constructUrl() + INDEX_STATS_RESOURCE; } private String getNodeStatsResourcePath() { if (elasticSearchVersion.startsWith("1")) { return constructUrl() + NODE_STATS_RESOURCE_v100; } else { return constructUrl() + NODE_STATS_RESOURCE_v090; } } private String getClusterStatsResourcePath() { return constructUrl() + CLUSTER_STATS_RESOURCE; } private String constructUrl() { return "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/"; } private String getMetricPrefix() { return METRIC_PATH_PREFIX; } private int convertBytesToKB(int bytes) { return (int) Math.round(bytes / 1024.0); } /** * Assigns an integer value to show the cluster status in AppDynamics controller * green -> 2 * yellow -> 1 * red -> 0 * * @param status Status string (green, yellow, or red) * @return corresponding integer value (2, 1, or 0) */ private int defineStatus(String status) { if (status.equals("green")) { return 2; } else if (status.equals("yellow")) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public static String getImplementationVersion() { return ElasticSearchMonitor.class.getPackage().getImplementationTitle(); } }