Java tutorial
/* _______________________ Apatar Open Source Data Integration Copyright (C) 2005-2007, Apatar, Inc. 195 Meadow St., 2nd Floor Chicopee, MA 01013 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ________________________ */ package com.apatar.http; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JDialog; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.FilePart; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.MultipartRequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.Part; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.multipart.StringPart; import org.jdom.Element; import propertysheet.JPropertySheetPage; import com.apatar.core.AbstractApatarActions; import com.apatar.core.AbstractDataBaseNode; import com.apatar.core.AbstractNonJdbcDataBaseNode; import com.apatar.core.ApplicationData; import com.apatar.core.DBTypeRecord; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseInfo; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseTools; import com.apatar.core.DataConversionAlgorithm; import com.apatar.core.DataProcessingInfo; import com.apatar.core.ERecordType; import com.apatar.core.ETableMode; import com.apatar.core.JdbcObject; import com.apatar.core.KeyInsensitiveMap; import com.apatar.core.RDBTable; import com.apatar.core.Record; import com.apatar.core.SchemaTable; import com.apatar.core.TableInfo; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseTools.SQLCreationData; import com.apatar.core.DataBaseTools.SQLQueryString; import com.apatar.http.ui.TableSchemaDescriptor; import com.apatar.ui.schematable.JTableSchemaPanel; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.DBConnectionDescriptor; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.Wizard; import com.apatar.ui.wizard.WizardPanelDescriptor; public class HttpNode extends AbstractNonJdbcDataBaseNode { static final DataBaseInfo dataBaseInfo = new DataBaseInfo("", "", "\"", "\"", true, true, false, true, false); static { List<DBTypeRecord> rcList = dataBaseInfo.getAvailableTypes(); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "BIGINT", 8, 8, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "INT", 4, 4, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "INTEGER", 4, 4, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "SMALLINT", 2, 2, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "TINYINT", 1, 1, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Decimal, "FLOAT", 8, 8, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Decimal, "DOUBLE", 8, 8, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Decimal, "REAL", 8, 8, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Boolean, "BIT", 1, 1, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Boolean, "BOOLEAN", 1, 1, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Decimal, "DECIMAL", 16, 16, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Decimal, "NUMERIC", 16, 16, false, true)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Text, "CHAR", 1, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Text, "CHARACTER", 1, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Text, "VARCHAR", 1, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Text, "VARCHAR_IGNORECASE", 1, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Text, "LONGVARCHAR", 1, 255, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Date, "DATE", 4, 4, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Time, "TIME", 3, 3, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Date, "DATETIME", 8, 8, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Numeric, "TIMESTAMP", 8, 8, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Binary, "BINARY", 0, 65535, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Binary, "VARBINARY", 0, 65535, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Binary, "LONGVARBINARY", 0, 65535, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Object, "OBJECT", 0, 65535, false, false)); rcList.add(new DBTypeRecord(ERecordType.Object, "OTHER", 0, 65535, false, false)); } // data to be inserted before the transformation Object data[][] = new Object[0][0]; public Object[][] getData() { return data; } public void setData(Object[][] data) { = data; } public HttpNode() { super(); title = "HTTP"; // table name is the name of the output table table = new RDBTable(getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getTableName(), ETableMode.ReadWrite); SchemaTable sch = getTiForConnection(AbstractDataBaseNode.OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable(); DBTypeRecord dbtRec = DataConversionAlgorithm.bestRecordLookup(getDataBaseInfo().getAvailableTypes(), ERecordType.Text, 255); sch.getRecords().add(0, new Record(dbtRec, "Response", 255, false, false, false)); ; } @Override public void createDatabaseParam(Wizard wizard) { JDialog wd = wizard.getDialog(); wd.setTitle(title + " Property"); try { WizardPanelDescriptor descriptor1; descriptor1 = new DBConnectionDescriptor(this, new JPropertySheetPage(wd), TableSchemaDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, ApplicationData.classForName("com.apatar.http.HttpConnection"), "db_connector", "http"); wizard.registerWizardPanel(DBConnectionDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, descriptor1); SchemaTable schema = getTiForConnection(AbstractDataBaseNode.OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable(); TableSchemaDescriptor descriptor2 = new TableSchemaDescriptor( new JTableSchemaPanel(ApplicationData.getTempDataBase().getDataBaseInfo().getAvailableTypes(), schema.getRecords()), this); wizard.registerWizardPanel(TableSchemaDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, descriptor2); wizard.setKeyForReferringToDescription("help.connector.http"); wizard.setCurrentPanel(DBConnectionDescriptor.IDENTIFIER, Wizard.NEXT_BUTTON_ACTION_COMMAND); wizard.showModalDialog(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public ImageIcon getIcon() { return HttpUtils.READ_CUSTOM_TABLE_NODE_ICON; } @Override public Element saveToElement() { Element node = super.saveToElement(); Element datas = new Element("datas"); for (Object[] element : data) { Element dataElement = new Element("data"); for (int j = 0; j < element.length; j++) { Element column = new Element("column"); if (element[j] != null) { column.addContent(element[j].toString()); column.setAttribute("index", "" + j); dataElement.addContent(column); } } datas.addContent(dataElement); } node.addContent(datas); return node; } @Override public void initFromElement(Element node) { super.initFromElement(node); } @Override public List<RDBTable> getTableList() throws Exception { ArrayList<RDBTable> rv = new ArrayList<RDBTable>(); rv.add(table); return rv; } // this method is called before any transformation to make sure that // all the required internal tables exist @Override public void BeforeExecute() { super.BeforeExecute(); // fill the resulting database after creation with the data that has to // be filled in try { KeyInsensitiveMap datas = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); TableInfo ti = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME); List<Record> records = ti.getSchemaTable().getRecords(); for (Object[] element : data) { datas.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < element.length; j++) { datas.put(records.get(j).getFieldName(), element[j].toString()); } DataBaseTools.insertData(new DataProcessingInfo(dataBaseInfo, ti.getTableName(), ti.getRecords(), ApplicationData.getTempJDBC()), datas); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void TransformRDBtoTDB() { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); // This method logically is not required for HttpNode // all the data is already stored in the output table } @Override protected void TransformTDBtoRDB(int mode) { DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); HttpConnection conn = (HttpConnection) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(getConnectionDataID()) .getData(); String url = conn.getUrl(); HttpRequestMethod httpRequestMethod = (HttpRequestMethod) conn.getMethod(); TableInfo ti = getTiForConnection(IN_CONN_POINT_NAME); TableInfo tiOut = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME); List<Record> selectionList = DataBaseTools.intersectionRecords(tiOut.getRecords(), ti.getRecords(), true); // read values from result set and put it in request SQLQueryString sqs = DataBaseTools.CreateSelectString(ApplicationData.getTempDataBase().getDataBaseInfo(), new SQLCreationData(selectionList, ti.getTableName()), null); if (sqs == null) { return; } ResultSet rs; try { rs = DataBaseTools.executeSelect(sqs, ApplicationData.getTempJDBC()); while ( { KeyInsensitiveMap rsData = DataBaseTools.GetDataFromRS(rs); HttpMethod hm; if (httpRequestMethod == { hm = sendPost(url, rsData); } else { hm = sendGet(url, rsData); } HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); if (ApplicationData.httpClient.isUseProxy()) { HostConfiguration hostConfig = client.getHostConfiguration(); hostConfig.setProxy(ApplicationData.httpClient.getHost(), ApplicationData.httpClient.getPort()); String proxyUser = ApplicationData.httpClient.getUserName(); if (proxyUser != null) { client.getState().setProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxyUser, ApplicationData.httpClient.getPassword())); } } client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(5000); int status = client.executeMethod(hm); KeyInsensitiveMap datas = new KeyInsensitiveMap(); if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { datas.put("Response", "Upload failed, response=" + HttpStatus.getStatusText(status)); } else { datas.put("Response", hm.getResponseBodyAsString()); } ti = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME); List<Record> recs = getTiForConnection(AbstractDataBaseNode.OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable() .getRecords(); for (int j = 1; j < recs.size(); j++) { Record rec = recs.get(j); datas.put(rec.getFieldName(), rs.getObject(rec.getFieldName())); } DataBaseTools.insertData(new DataProcessingInfo(ApplicationData.getTempDataBase().getDataBaseInfo(), ti.getTableName(), ti.getRecords(), ApplicationData.getTempJDBC()), datas); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DataBaseTools.completeTransfer(); } private HttpMethod sendPost(String url, KeyInsensitiveMap data) { try { PostMethod post = new PostMethod(url); List<Record> recs = getTiForConnection(AbstractDataBaseNode.OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable() .getRecords(); Part[] parts = new Part[recs.size() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < recs.size(); i++) { Record rec = recs.get(i); String fieldName = rec.getFieldName(); Object obj = data.get(fieldName, true); if (obj instanceof JdbcObject) { obj = ((JdbcObject) obj).getValue(); } if (rec.getType() == ERecordType.Binary) { parts[i - 1] = new FilePart(fieldName, ApplicationData.createFile("temp.temp", (byte[]) obj)); } else { parts[i - 1] = new StringPart(fieldName, obj.toString()); } } post.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, post.getParams())); return post; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private HttpMethod sendGet(String url, KeyInsensitiveMap data) { try { GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url); List<Record> recs = getTiForConnection(AbstractDataBaseNode.OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME).getSchemaTable() .getRecords(); for (int i = 1; i < recs.size(); i++) { Record rec = recs.get(i); String fieldName = rec.getFieldName(); Object obj = data.get(fieldName, true); if (obj instanceof JdbcObject) { obj = ((JdbcObject) obj).getValue(); } if (rec.getType() == ERecordType.Binary) { continue; } else { get.addRequestHeader(fieldName, obj.toString()); } } return get; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } // table is internal it is already created @Override public void createSchemaTable(AbstractApatarActions actions) throws Exception { } @Override public void deleteAllRecordsInRDB() throws Exception { } @Override public List<Record> getFieldList(AbstractApatarActions actions) throws Exception { TableInfo ti = getTiForConnection(OUT_CONN_POINT_NAME); List<Record> res = new ArrayList<Record>(); for (Record rec : ti.getSchemaTable().getRecords()) { DBTypeRecord dbirec = DBTypeRecord.getRecordByOriginalType(getDataBaseInfo().getAvailableTypes(), rec.getOriginalType()); res.add(new Record(dbirec, rec.getFieldName(), rec.getLength(), rec.isNullable(), false, rec.isPrimaryKey())); } return ti.getSchemaTable().getRecords(); } @Override public DataBaseInfo getDataBaseInfo() { return dataBaseInfo; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.apatar.core.AbstractDataBaseNode#validateConnectionData() */ @Override public boolean validateConnectionData() { HttpConnection conn = (HttpConnection) ApplicationData.getProject().getProjectData(connectionDataId) .getData(); if (conn.getUrl() == null || "".equals(conn.getUrl())) { lastErrorMessage = "URL should not be empty"; return false; } return true; } }