Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.androidinspain.deskclock.stopwatch; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.transition.TransitionManager; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.AnimatorUtils; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.DeskClockFragment; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.LogUtils; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.R; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.StopwatchTextController; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.ThemeUtils; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.uidata.TabListener; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel; import com.androidinspain.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel.Tab; import static android.R.attr.state_activated; import static android.R.attr.state_pressed; import static; import static android.view.View.GONE; import static android.view.View.INVISIBLE; import static android.view.View.VISIBLE; import static com.androidinspain.deskclock.uidata.UiDataModel.Tab.STOPWATCH; /** * Fragment that shows the stopwatch and recorded laps. */ public final class StopwatchFragment extends DeskClockFragment { /** Milliseconds between redraws while running. */ private static final int REDRAW_PERIOD_RUNNING = 25; /** Milliseconds between redraws while paused. */ private static final int REDRAW_PERIOD_PAUSED = 500; /** Keep the screen on when this tab is selected. */ private final TabListener mTabWatcher = new TabWatcher(); /** Scheduled to update the stopwatch time and current lap time while stopwatch is running. */ private final Runnable mTimeUpdateRunnable = new TimeUpdateRunnable(); /** Updates the user interface in response to stopwatch changes. */ private final StopwatchListener mStopwatchWatcher = new StopwatchWatcher(); /** Draws a gradient over the bottom of the {@link #mLapsList} to reduce clash with the fab. */ private GradientItemDecoration mGradientItemDecoration; /** The data source for {@link #mLapsList}. */ private LapsAdapter mLapsAdapter; /** The layout manager for the {@link #mLapsAdapter}. */ private LinearLayoutManager mLapsLayoutManager; /** Draws the reference lap while the stopwatch is running. */ private StopwatchCircleView mTime; /** The View containing both TextViews of the stopwatch. */ private View mStopwatchWrapper; /** Displays the recorded lap times. */ private RecyclerView mLapsList; /** Displays the current stopwatch time (seconds and above only). */ private TextView mMainTimeText; /** Displays the current stopwatch time (hundredths only). */ private TextView mHundredthsTimeText; /** Formats and displays the text in the stopwatch. */ private StopwatchTextController mStopwatchTextController; /** The public no-arg constructor required by all fragments. */ public StopwatchFragment() { super(STOPWATCH); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle state) { mLapsAdapter = new LapsAdapter(getActivity()); mLapsLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(getActivity()); mGradientItemDecoration = new GradientItemDecoration(getActivity()); final View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.stopwatch_fragment, container, false); mTime = (StopwatchCircleView) v.findViewById(; mLapsList = (RecyclerView) v.findViewById(; ((SimpleItemAnimator) mLapsList.getItemAnimator()).setSupportsChangeAnimations(false); mLapsList.setLayoutManager(mLapsLayoutManager); mLapsList.addItemDecoration(mGradientItemDecoration); // In landscape layouts, the laps list can reach the top of the screen and thus can cause // a drop shadow to appear. The same is not true for portrait landscapes. if (Utils.isLandscape(getActivity())) { final ScrollPositionWatcher scrollPositionWatcher = new ScrollPositionWatcher(); mLapsList.addOnLayoutChangeListener(scrollPositionWatcher); mLapsList.addOnScrollListener(scrollPositionWatcher); } else { setTabScrolledToTop(true); } mLapsList.setAdapter(mLapsAdapter); // Timer text serves as a virtual start/stop button. mMainTimeText = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mHundredthsTimeText = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mStopwatchTextController = new StopwatchTextController(mMainTimeText, mHundredthsTimeText); mStopwatchWrapper = v.findViewById(; DataModel.getDataModel().addStopwatchListener(mStopwatchWatcher); mStopwatchWrapper.setOnClickListener(new TimeClickListener()); if (mTime != null) { mStopwatchWrapper.setOnTouchListener(new CircleTouchListener()); } final Context c = mMainTimeText.getContext(); final int colorAccent = ThemeUtils.resolveColor(c, R.attr.colorAccent); final int textColorPrimary = ThemeUtils.resolveColor(c, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary); final ColorStateList timeTextColor = new ColorStateList( new int[][] { { -state_activated, -state_pressed }, {} }, new int[] { textColorPrimary, colorAccent }); mMainTimeText.setTextColor(timeTextColor); mHundredthsTimeText.setTextColor(timeTextColor); return v; } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); final Activity activity = getActivity(); final Intent intent = activity.getIntent(); if (intent != null) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (StopwatchService.ACTION_START_STOPWATCH.equals(action)) { DataModel.getDataModel().startStopwatch(); // Consume the intent activity.setIntent(null); } else if (StopwatchService.ACTION_PAUSE_STOPWATCH.equals(action)) { DataModel.getDataModel().pauseStopwatch(); // Consume the intent activity.setIntent(null); } } // Conservatively assume the data in the adapter has changed while the fragment was paused. mLapsAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); // Synchronize the user interface with the data model. updateUI(FAB_AND_BUTTONS_IMMEDIATE); // Start watching for page changes away from this fragment. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().addTabListener(mTabWatcher); } @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); // Stop all updates while the fragment is not visible. stopUpdatingTime(); // Stop watching for page changes away from this fragment. UiDataModel.getUiDataModel().removeTabListener(mTabWatcher); // Release the wake lock if it is currently held. releaseWakeLock(); } @Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); DataModel.getDataModel().removeStopwatchListener(mStopwatchWatcher); } @Override public void onFabClick(@NonNull ImageView fab) { toggleStopwatchState(); } @Override public void onLeftButtonClick(@NonNull Button left) { doReset(); } @Override public void onRightButtonClick(@NonNull Button right) { switch (getStopwatch().getState()) { case RUNNING: doAddLap(); break; case PAUSED: doShare(); break; } } private void updateFab(@NonNull ImageView fab, boolean animate) { if (getStopwatch().isRunning()) { if (animate) { fab.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_play_pause_animation); } else { fab.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_play_pause); } fab.setContentDescription(fab.getResources().getString(R.string.sw_pause_button)); } else { if (animate) { fab.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_pause_play_animation); } else { fab.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_pause_play); } fab.setContentDescription(fab.getResources().getString(R.string.sw_start_button)); } fab.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } public void onUpdateFab(@NonNull ImageView fab) { updateFab(fab, false); } @Override public void onMorphFab(@NonNull ImageView fab) { // Update the fab's drawable to match the current timer state. updateFab(fab, Utils.isNOrLater()); // Animate the drawable. AnimatorUtils.startDrawableAnimation(fab); } @Override public void onUpdateFabButtons(@NonNull Button left, @NonNull Button right) { final Resources resources = getResources(); left.setClickable(true); left.setText(R.string.sw_reset_button); left.setContentDescription(resources.getString(R.string.sw_reset_button)); switch (getStopwatch().getState()) { case RESET: left.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); right.setClickable(true); right.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); break; case RUNNING: left.setVisibility(VISIBLE); final boolean canRecordLaps = canRecordMoreLaps(); right.setText(R.string.sw_lap_button); right.setContentDescription(resources.getString(R.string.sw_lap_button)); right.setClickable(canRecordLaps); right.setVisibility(canRecordLaps ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); break; case PAUSED: left.setVisibility(VISIBLE); right.setClickable(true); right.setVisibility(VISIBLE); right.setText(R.string.sw_share_button); right.setContentDescription(resources.getString(R.string.sw_share_button)); break; } } /** * @param color the newly installed app window color */ protected void onAppColorChanged(@ColorInt int color) { if (mGradientItemDecoration != null) { mGradientItemDecoration.updateGradientColors(color); } if (mLapsList != null) { mLapsList.invalidateItemDecorations(); } } /** * Start the stopwatch. */ private void doStart() { Events.sendStopwatchEvent(R.string.action_start, R.string.label_deskclock); DataModel.getDataModel().startStopwatch(); } /** * Pause the stopwatch. */ private void doPause() { Events.sendStopwatchEvent(R.string.action_pause, R.string.label_deskclock); DataModel.getDataModel().pauseStopwatch(); } /** * Reset the stopwatch. */ private void doReset() { final Stopwatch.State priorState = getStopwatch().getState(); Events.sendStopwatchEvent(R.string.action_reset, R.string.label_deskclock); DataModel.getDataModel().resetStopwatch(); mMainTimeText.setAlpha(1f); mHundredthsTimeText.setAlpha(1f); if (priorState == Stopwatch.State.RUNNING) { updateFab(FAB_MORPH); } } /** * Send stopwatch time and lap times to an external sharing application. */ private void doShare() { // Disable the fab buttons to avoid double-taps on the share button. updateFab(BUTTONS_DISABLE); final String[] subjects = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.sw_share_strings); final String subject = subjects[(int) (Math.random() * subjects.length)]; final String text = mLapsAdapter.getShareText(); @SuppressLint("InlinedApi") @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final Intent shareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND) .addFlags(Utils.isLOrLater() ? Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT : Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET) .putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject).putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text).setType("text/plain"); final Context context = getActivity(); final String title = context.getString(R.string.sw_share_button); final Intent shareChooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(shareIntent, title); try { context.startActivity(shareChooserIntent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException anfe) { LogUtils.e("Cannot share lap data because no suitable receiving Activity exists"); updateFab(BUTTONS_IMMEDIATE); } } /** * Record and add a new lap ending now. */ private void doAddLap() { Events.sendStopwatchEvent(R.string.action_lap, R.string.label_deskclock); // Record a new lap. final Lap lap = mLapsAdapter.addLap(); if (lap == null) { return; } // Update button states. updateFab(BUTTONS_IMMEDIATE); if (lap.getLapNumber() == 1) { // Child views from prior lap sets hang around and blit to the screen when adding the // first lap of the subsequent lap set. Remove those superfluous children here manually // to ensure they aren't seen as the first lap is drawn. mLapsList.removeAllViewsInLayout(); if (mTime != null) { // Start animating the reference lap. mTime.update(); } // Recording the first lap transitions the UI to display the laps list. showOrHideLaps(false); } // Ensure the newly added lap is visible on screen. mLapsList.scrollToPosition(0); } /** * Show or hide the list of laps. */ private void showOrHideLaps(boolean clearLaps) { final ViewGroup sceneRoot = (ViewGroup) getView(); if (sceneRoot == null) { return; } TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition(sceneRoot); if (clearLaps) { mLapsAdapter.clearLaps(); } final boolean lapsVisible = mLapsAdapter.getItemCount() > 0; mLapsList.setVisibility(lapsVisible ? VISIBLE : GONE); if (Utils.isPortrait(getActivity())) { // When the lap list is visible, it includes the bottom padding. When it is absent the // appropriate bottom padding must be applied to the container. final Resources res = getResources(); final int bottom = lapsVisible ? 0 : res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.fab_height); final int top = sceneRoot.getPaddingTop(); final int left = sceneRoot.getPaddingLeft(); final int right = sceneRoot.getPaddingRight(); sceneRoot.setPadding(left, top, right, bottom); } } private void adjustWakeLock() { final boolean appInForeground = DataModel.getDataModel().isApplicationInForeground(); if (getStopwatch().isRunning() && isTabSelected() && appInForeground) { getActivity().getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } else { releaseWakeLock(); } } private void releaseWakeLock() { getActivity().getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } /** * Either pause or start the stopwatch based on its current state. */ private void toggleStopwatchState() { if (getStopwatch().isRunning()) { doPause(); } else { doStart(); } } private Stopwatch getStopwatch() { return DataModel.getDataModel().getStopwatch(); } private boolean canRecordMoreLaps() { return DataModel.getDataModel().canAddMoreLaps(); } /** * Post the first runnable to update times within the UI. It will reschedule itself as needed. */ private void startUpdatingTime() { // Ensure only one copy of the runnable is ever scheduled by first stopping updates. stopUpdatingTime();; } /** * Remove the runnable that updates times within the UI. */ private void stopUpdatingTime() { mMainTimeText.removeCallbacks(mTimeUpdateRunnable); } /** * Update all time displays based on a single snapshot of the stopwatch progress. This includes * the stopwatch time drawn in the circle, the current lap time and the total elapsed time in * the list of laps. */ private void updateTime() { // Compute the total time of the stopwatch. final Stopwatch stopwatch = getStopwatch(); final long totalTime = stopwatch.getTotalTime(); mStopwatchTextController.setTimeString(totalTime); // Update the current lap. final boolean currentLapIsVisible = mLapsLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition() == 0; if (!stopwatch.isReset() && currentLapIsVisible) { mLapsAdapter.updateCurrentLap(mLapsList, totalTime); } } /** * Synchronize the UI state with the model data. */ private void updateUI(@UpdateFabFlag int updateTypes) { adjustWakeLock(); // Draw the latest stopwatch and current lap times. updateTime(); if (mTime != null) { mTime.update(); } final Stopwatch stopwatch = getStopwatch(); if (!stopwatch.isReset()) { startUpdatingTime(); } // Adjust the visibility of the list of laps. showOrHideLaps(stopwatch.isReset()); // Update button states. updateFab(updateTypes); } /** * This runnable periodically updates times throughout the UI. It stops these updates when the * stopwatch is no longer running. */ private final class TimeUpdateRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { final long startTime =; updateTime(); // Blink text iff the stopwatch is paused and not pressed. final View touchTarget = mTime != null ? mTime : mStopwatchWrapper; final Stopwatch stopwatch = getStopwatch(); final boolean blink = stopwatch.isPaused() && startTime % 1000 < 500 && !touchTarget.isPressed(); if (blink) { mMainTimeText.setAlpha(0f); mHundredthsTimeText.setAlpha(0f); } else { mMainTimeText.setAlpha(1f); mHundredthsTimeText.setAlpha(1f); } if (!stopwatch.isReset()) { final long period = stopwatch.isPaused() ? REDRAW_PERIOD_PAUSED : REDRAW_PERIOD_RUNNING; final long endTime =; final long delay = Math.max(0, startTime + period - endTime); mMainTimeText.postDelayed(this, delay); } } } /** * Acquire or release the wake lock based on the tab state. */ private final class TabWatcher implements TabListener { @Override public void selectedTabChanged(Tab oldSelectedTab, Tab newSelectedTab) { adjustWakeLock(); } } /** * Update the user interface in response to a stopwatch change. */ private class StopwatchWatcher implements StopwatchListener { @Override public void stopwatchUpdated(Stopwatch before, Stopwatch after) { if (after.isReset()) { // Ensure the drop shadow is hidden when the stopwatch is reset. setTabScrolledToTop(true); if (DataModel.getDataModel().isApplicationInForeground()) { updateUI(BUTTONS_IMMEDIATE); } return; } if (DataModel.getDataModel().isApplicationInForeground()) { updateUI(FAB_MORPH | BUTTONS_IMMEDIATE); } } @Override public void lapAdded(Lap lap) { } } /** * Toggles stopwatch state when user taps stopwatch. */ private final class TimeClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (getStopwatch().isRunning()) { DataModel.getDataModel().pauseStopwatch(); } else { DataModel.getDataModel().startStopwatch(); } } } /** * Checks if the user is pressing inside of the stopwatch circle. */ private final class CircleTouchListener implements View.OnTouchListener { @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { final int actionMasked = event.getActionMasked(); if (actionMasked != MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { return false; } final float rX = view.getWidth() / 2f; final float rY = (view.getHeight() - view.getPaddingBottom()) / 2f; final float r = Math.min(rX, rY); final float x = event.getX() - rX; final float y = event.getY() - rY; final boolean inCircle = Math.pow(x / r, 2.0) + Math.pow(y / r, 2.0) <= 1.0; // Consume the event if it is outside the circle return !inCircle; } } /** * Updates the vertical scroll state of this tab in the {@link UiDataModel} as the user scrolls * the recyclerview or when the size/position of elements within the recyclerview changes. */ private final class ScrollPositionWatcher extends RecyclerView.OnScrollListener implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { setTabScrolledToTop(Utils.isScrolledToTop(mLapsList)); } @Override public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) { setTabScrolledToTop(Utils.isScrolledToTop(mLapsList)); } } /** * Draws a tinting gradient over the bottom of the stopwatch laps list. This reduces the * contrast between floating buttons and the laps list content. */ private static final class GradientItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration { // 0% - 25% of gradient length -> opacity changes from 0% to 50% // 25% - 90% of gradient length -> opacity changes from 50% to 100% // 90% - 100% of gradient length -> opacity remains at 100% private static final int[] ALPHAS = { 0x00, // 0% 0x1A, // 10% 0x33, // 20% 0x4D, // 30% 0x66, // 40% 0x80, // 50% 0x89, // 53.8% 0x93, // 57.6% 0x9D, // 61.5% 0xA7, // 65.3% 0xB1, // 69.2% 0xBA, // 73.0% 0xC4, // 76.9% 0xCE, // 80.7% 0xD8, // 84.6% 0xE2, // 88.4% 0xEB, // 92.3% 0xF5, // 96.1% 0xFF, // 100% 0xFF, // 100% 0xFF, // 100% }; /** * A reusable array of control point colors that define the gradient. It is based on the * background color of the window and thus recomputed each time that color is changed. */ private final int[] mGradientColors = new int[ALPHAS.length]; /** The drawable that produces the tinting gradient effect of this decoration. */ private final GradientDrawable mGradient = new GradientDrawable(); /** The height of the gradient; sized relative to the fab height. */ private final int mGradientHeight; GradientItemDecoration(Context context) { mGradient.setOrientation(TOP_BOTTOM); updateGradientColors(ThemeUtils.resolveColor(context, android.R.attr.windowBackground)); final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final float fabHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.fab_height); mGradientHeight = Math.round(fabHeight * 1.2f); } @Override public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) { super.onDrawOver(c, parent, state); final int w = parent.getWidth(); final int h = parent.getHeight(); mGradient.setBounds(0, h - mGradientHeight, w, h); mGradient.draw(c); } /** * Given a {@code baseColor}, compute a gradient of tinted colors that define the fade * effect to apply to the bottom of the lap list. * * @param baseColor a base color to which the gradient tint should be applied */ void updateGradientColors(@ColorInt int baseColor) { // Compute the tinted colors that form the gradient. for (int i = 0; i < mGradientColors.length; i++) { mGradientColors[i] = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(baseColor, ALPHAS[i]); } // Set the gradient colors into the drawable. mGradient.setColors(mGradientColors); } } }