Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import*; import; import com.intellij.ide.highlighter.XmlFileType; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Result; import com.intellij.openapi.application.RuntimeInterruptedException; import com.intellij.openapi.command.WriteCommandAction; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFileFactory; import com.intellij.psi.XmlElementFactory; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlAttribute; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag; import com.intellij.ui.components.JBLabel; import com.intellij.uiDesigner.core.GridLayoutManager; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import static*; public class AppBarConfigurationDialog extends JDialog { // TODO: Remove the hardcoded AppBar height (192dp) and ID (appbar). private static final String TAG_COORDINATOR_LAYOUT = // 1 = Prefix for android namespace "<\n" + // 2 = Prefix for auto namespace "%3$s" + // 3 = Namespace declarations "%4$s" + // 4 = FitsSystemWindows " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\">\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:id=\"@+id/appbar\"\n" + "%4$s" + // 4 = FitsSystemWindows " %1$s:layout_height=\"192dp\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\">\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %2$s:toolbarId=\"@+id/toolbar\"\n" + " %2$s:layout_scrollFlags=\"%5$s\"\n" + // 5 = ScrollFlags in CollapsingToolbarLayout "%6$s" + // 6 = ScrollInterpolator " %2$s:contentScrim=\"?attr/colorPrimary\">\n" + "%7$s" + // 7 = Optional background image " <\n" + " %1$s:id=\"@+id/toolbar\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"?attr/actionBarSize\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\">\n" + " </>\n" + " </>\n" + " </>\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + "%8$s" + // 8 = behavior_overlapTop "%9$s" + // 9 = scrollY position " %2$s:layout_behavior=\"$ScrollingViewBehavior\">\n" + "%10$s" + //10 = Page content as xml " </>\n" + "%11$s" + //11 = Optional FAB "</>\n"; private static final String TAG_COORDINATOR_WITH_TABS_LAYOUT = // 1 = Prefix for android namespace "<\n" + // 2 = Prefix for auto namespace "%3$s" + // 3 = Namespace declarations " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\">\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:id=\"@+id/appbar\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\">\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"?attr/actionBarSize\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %2$s:layout_scrollFlags=\"scroll|enterAlways\">\n" + " </>\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:id=\"@+id/tabs\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + "%4$s" + // 4 = ScrollFlags for TabLayout " %2$s:tabMode=\"scrollable\">\n" + "%5$s" + // 5 = TabItems " </>\n" + " </>\n" + " <\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + "%6$s" + // 6 = scrollY position " %2$s:layout_behavior=\"$ScrollingViewBehavior\">\n" + " %7$s\n" + // 7 = Page content as xml " </>\n" + "%8$s" + // 8 = Optional FAB "</>\n"; private static final String TAG_FLOATING_ACTION_BUTTON = // 1 = Prefix for android namespace "<\n" + // 2 = Prefix for auto namespace " %1$s:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " %2$s:layout_anchor=\"@id/appbar\"\n" + " %2$s:layout_anchorGravity=\"bottom|right|end\"\n" + " %1$s:src=\"%3$s\"\n" + // 3 = Image location " %1$s:layout_marginRight=\"16dp\"\n" + " %1$s:clickable=\"true\"\n" + " %2$s:fabSize=\"mini\"/>\n"; private static final String TAG_IMAGE_VIEW = // 1 = Prefix for android namespace "<ImageView\n" + " %1$s:id=\"@+id/app_bar_image\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n" + "%2$s" + // 2 = Collapse mode " %1$s:src=\"%3$s\"\n" + // 3 = Image src " %1$s:scaleType=\"centerCrop\"/>\n"; private static final String TAG_TEXT_VIEW = "<TextView\n" + " android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n" + " android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " android:text=\"%1$s\"\n" + // 1 = Text in the TextView " android:padding=\"16dp\"/>"; private static final String TAG_TAB_ITEM = "<\n" + " %1$s:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n" + // 1 = Prefix for android namespace " %1$s:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n" + " %1$s:text=\"%2$s\"/>\n"; // 2 = Text attribute private static final String DIALOG_TITLE = "Configure App Bar"; private static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "@android:drawable/sym_def_app_icon"; private static final String DEFAULT_FAB_IMAGE = "@android:drawable/ic_input_add"; private static final String PREVIEW_PLACEHOLDER_FILE = "preview.xml"; private static final String DUMMY_TEXT = "This text is present to test the Application Bar. "; private static final int DUMMY_REPETITION = 200; private static final String PREVIEW_HEADER = "Preview:"; private static final String RENDER_ERROR = "An error happened during rendering..."; private static final String OVERLAP_TOP_FORMAT = "%1$s:behavior_overlapTop=\"%2$s\""; private static final double FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.95; private static final int MIN_WIDTH = 40; private static final int MIN_HEIGHT = 60; private static final int START_WIDTH = 225; private static final int START_HEIGHT = 400; private final ViewEditor myEditor; private JPanel myContentPane; private JButton myButtonOK; private JButton myButtonCancel; private JBLabel myPreview; private JCheckBox myCollapsing; private JCheckBox myShowBackgroundImage; private JCheckBox myFloatingActionButton; private JCheckBox myFitStatusBar; private JCheckBox myContentOverlap; private JCheckBox myWithTabs; private JButton myBackgroundImageSelector; private JButton myFloatingActionButtonImageSelector; private JPanel myPreviewPanel; private JBLabel myCollapsedPreview; private JBLabel myExpandedPreview; private Future<?> myCollapsedPreviewFuture; private Future<?> myExpandedPreviewFuture; private JBLabel myExpandedLabel; private JBLabel myCollapsedLabel; private JCheckBox myParallax; private JTextField myContentOverlapAmount; private JSpinner myTabCount; private boolean myWasAccepted; private BufferedImage myExpandedImage; private BufferedImage myCollapsedImage; private String myBackgroundImage; private String myFloatingActionButtonImage; public AppBarConfigurationDialog(@NotNull ViewEditor editor) { myEditor = editor; setTitle(DIALOG_TITLE); setContentPane(myContentPane); setModal(true); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(myButtonOK); myBackgroundImage = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE; myFloatingActionButtonImage = DEFAULT_FAB_IMAGE; final ActionListener updatePreviewListener = event -> { updateControls(); generatePreviews(); }; myWithTabs.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myTabCount.setValue(3); myCollapsing.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myShowBackgroundImage.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myFloatingActionButton.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myFitStatusBar.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myParallax.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myContentOverlap.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); myContentOverlapAmount.addActionListener(updatePreviewListener); ((GridLayoutManager) myPreviewPanel.getLayout()).setRowStretch(0, 2); myTabCount.addChangeListener(event -> generatePreviews()); final ActionListener actionListener = event -> { if (event.getSource() == myBackgroundImageSelector) { String src = myEditor.displayResourceInput(EnumSet.of(ResourceType.DRAWABLE)); if (src != null) { myBackgroundImage = src; generatePreviews(); } } else if (event.getSource() == myFloatingActionButtonImageSelector) { String src = myEditor.displayResourceInput(EnumSet.of(ResourceType.DRAWABLE)); if (src != null) { myFloatingActionButtonImage = src; generatePreviews(); } } else if (event.getSource() == myButtonOK) { onOK(); } else if (event.getSource() == myButtonCancel || event.getSource() == myContentPane) { onCancel(); } }; myBackgroundImageSelector.addActionListener(actionListener); myFloatingActionButtonImageSelector.addActionListener(actionListener); myButtonOK.addActionListener(actionListener); myButtonCancel.addActionListener(actionListener); myContentPane.registerKeyboardAction(actionListener, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT); myPreviewPanel.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(final ComponentEvent e) { updatePreviewImages(); } }); setDefaultCloseOperation(DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { onCancel(); } }); } public boolean open(@NotNull final XmlFile file) { myCollapsedPreview.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(START_WIDTH, START_HEIGHT)); myExpandedPreview.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(START_WIDTH, START_HEIGHT)); pack(); myCollapsedPreview.setMinimumSize(null); myExpandedPreview.setMinimumSize(null); Dimension size = getSize(); Rectangle screen = getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds(); setLocation(screen.x + (screen.width - size.width) / 2, screen.y + (screen.height - size.height) / 2); updateControls(); myButtonOK.requestFocus(); generatePreviews(); setVisible(true); if (myWasAccepted) { Project project = file.getProject(); WriteCommandAction action = new WriteCommandAction(project, "Configure App Bar", file) { @Override protected void run(@NotNull Result result) throws Throwable { applyChanges(file); } }; action.execute(); } return myWasAccepted; } private void onOK() { myWasAccepted = true; dispose(); } private void onCancel() { dispose(); } private void updateControls() { myTabCount.setEnabled(myWithTabs.isSelected()); myShowBackgroundImage.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected()); myBackgroundImageSelector.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()); myFitStatusBar.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()); myParallax.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()); myFitStatusBar.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()); myContentOverlap.setEnabled(!myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()); myContentOverlapAmount.setEnabled( !myWithTabs.isSelected() && myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected() && myContentOverlap.isSelected()); myFloatingActionButtonImageSelector.setEnabled(myFloatingActionButton.isSelected()); } private void generatePreviews() { PsiFile expandedFile = generateXml(false); PsiFile collapsedFile = generateXml(true); myExpandedPreviewFuture = cancel(myExpandedPreviewFuture); myCollapsedPreviewFuture = cancel(myCollapsedPreviewFuture); Application application = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); myExpandedPreviewFuture = application.executeOnPooledThread(() -> updateExpandedImage(expandedFile)); myCollapsedPreviewFuture = application.executeOnPooledThread(() -> updateCollapsedImage(collapsedFile)); } @Nullable private static Future<?> cancel(@Nullable Future<?> future) { if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } return null; } private PsiFile generateXml(boolean collapsed) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(DUMMY_REPETITION * DUMMY_TEXT.length()); for (int i = 0; i < DUMMY_REPETITION; i++) { text.append(DUMMY_TEXT); } String content = String.format(TAG_TEXT_VIEW, text.toString()); Map<String, String> namespaces = getNameSpaces(null, collapsed); String xml = getXml(content, collapsed, namespaces); Project project = myEditor.getModel().getProject(); return PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).createFileFromText(PREVIEW_PLACEHOLDER_FILE, XmlFileType.INSTANCE, xml); } private void updatePreviewImages() { if (myCollapsedImage != null) { updatePreviewImage(myCollapsedImage, myCollapsedPreview); } if (myExpandedImage != null) { updatePreviewImage(myExpandedImage, myExpandedPreview); } } private void applyChanges(@NotNull XmlFile file) { Map<String, String> namespaces = getNameSpaces(file.getRootTag(), false); String xml = getXml(getDesignContent(file), false, namespaces); XmlElementFactory elementFactory = XmlElementFactory.getInstance(file.getProject()); XmlTag tag = elementFactory.createTagFromText(xml); if (file.getRootTag() == null) { file.add(tag); } else { file.getRootTag().replace(tag); } } @NotNull private String getXml(@NotNull String content, boolean collapsed, @NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { return myWithTabs.isSelected() ? getXmlWithTabs(content, collapsed, namespaces) : getXmlWithoutTabs(content, collapsed, namespaces); } @NotNull private String getXmlWithoutTabs(@NotNull String content, boolean collapsed, @NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { return String.format(TAG_COORDINATOR_LAYOUT, namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), namespaces.get(AUTO_URI), formatNamespaces(namespaces), getFitsSystemWindows(namespaces), getToolbarScrollBehavior(), getInterpolator(namespaces), getBackgroundImage(namespaces), getBehaviorOverlapTop(namespaces), getScrollPos(collapsed, namespaces), content, getFloatingActionButton(namespaces)); } @NotNull private String getXmlWithTabs(@NotNull String content, boolean collapsed, @NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { return String.format(TAG_COORDINATOR_WITH_TABS_LAYOUT, namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), namespaces.get(AUTO_URI), formatNamespaces(namespaces), getTabLayoutScroll(namespaces), getTabItems(namespaces), getScrollPos(collapsed, namespaces), content, getFloatingActionButton(namespaces)); } @NotNull private String getFitsSystemWindows(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected() || !myFitStatusBar.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(" %1$s:fitsSystemWindows=\"true\"\n", namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI)); } @NotNull private String getToolbarScrollBehavior() { return myCollapsing.isSelected() ? "scroll|enterAlways|enterAlwaysCollapsed" : "scroll|exitUntilCollapsed"; } @NotNull private String getTabLayoutScroll(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myCollapsing.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(" %1$s:layout_scrollFlags=\"scroll|enterAlways\"\n", namespaces.get(AUTO_URI)); } @NotNull private String getTabItems(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < (Integer) myTabCount.getValue(); index++) { builder.append(String.format(TAG_TAB_ITEM, namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), "Tab" + (index + 1))); } return builder.toString(); } @NotNull private String getInterpolator(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(" %2$s:layout_scrollInterpolator=\"@%1$s:anim/decelerate_interpolator\"\n", namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), namespaces.get(AUTO_URI)); } @NotNull private String getBackgroundImage(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myShowBackgroundImage.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(TAG_IMAGE_VIEW, namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), getBackgroundImageCollapseMode(namespaces), myBackgroundImage); } @NotNull private String getBehaviorOverlapTop(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myContentOverlap.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(OVERLAP_TOP_FORMAT, namespaces.get(AUTO_URI), myContentOverlapAmount.getText()); } @NotNull private static String getScrollPos(boolean collapsed, @NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!collapsed) { return ""; } return String.format(" %1$s:scrollY=\"830px\"\n", namespaces.get(TOOLS_URI)); } @NotNull private String getBackgroundImageCollapseMode(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (myParallax.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(" %1$s:layout_collapseMode=\"parallax\"\n", namespaces.get(AUTO_URI)); } @NotNull private String getFloatingActionButton(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { if (!myFloatingActionButton.isSelected()) { return ""; } return String.format(TAG_FLOATING_ACTION_BUTTON, namespaces.get(ANDROID_URI), namespaces.get(AUTO_URI), myFloatingActionButtonImage); } @NotNull private static Map<String, String> getNameSpaces(@Nullable XmlTag root, boolean includeToolsNamespace) { Map<String, String> reverse = new HashMap<>(); if (root != null) { Map<String, String> namespaces = root.getLocalNamespaceDeclarations(); for (String prefix : namespaces.keySet()) { reverse.put(namespaces.get(prefix), prefix); } } if (!reverse.containsKey(ANDROID_URI)) { reverse.put(ANDROID_URI, ANDROID_NS_NAME); } if (!reverse.containsKey(AUTO_URI)) { reverse.put(AUTO_URI, APP_PREFIX); } if (includeToolsNamespace && !reverse.containsKey(TOOLS_URI)) { reverse.put(TOOLS_URI, TOOLS_PREFIX); } return reverse; } @NotNull private static String formatNamespaces(@NotNull Map<String, String> namespaces) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String ns : namespaces.keySet()) { String prefix = namespaces.get(ns); result.append(String.format(" xmlns:%1$s=\"%2$s\"\n", prefix, ns)); } return result.toString(); } // If AppBarLayout is applied a second time it should replace the current AppBarLayout: @NotNull private static String getDesignContent(@NotNull XmlFile file) { XmlTag content = file.getRootTag(); if (content != null && content.getName().equals(COORDINATOR_LAYOUT)) { XmlTag root = content; content = null; for (XmlTag tag : root.getSubTags()) { if (!tag.getName().equals(APP_BAR_LAYOUT) && !tag.getName().equals(FLOATING_ACTION_BUTTON)) { if (tag.getName().equals(CLASS_NESTED_SCROLL_VIEW)) { content = tag.getSubTags().length > 0 ? tag.getSubTags()[0] : null; } else { content = tag; } break; } } } if (content == null) { return ""; } // Remove any xmlns: attributes since this element will be added into the document for (XmlAttribute attribute : content.getAttributes()) { if (attribute != null && attribute.getName().startsWith(XMLNS_PREFIX)) { attribute.delete(); } } return content.getText(); } private void updateCollapsedImage(@NotNull PsiFile collapsedXmlFile) { BufferedImage image = updateImage(collapsedXmlFile, myCollapsedPreview); if (image != null) { myCollapsedImage = image; } } private void updateExpandedImage(@NotNull PsiFile expandedXmlFile) { BufferedImage image = updateImage(expandedXmlFile, myExpandedPreview); if (image != null) { myExpandedImage = image; } } @Nullable private BufferedImage updateImage(@NotNull PsiFile xmlFile, @NotNull JBLabel preview) { BufferedImage image = null; try { image = renderImage(xmlFile); if (image == null) { return null; } } catch (RuntimeInterruptedException ex) { // Will happen if several rendering calls are stacked. return null; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { getLogger().error(ex); } BufferedImage finalImage = image; ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> updatePreviewImage(finalImage, preview)); return image; } private BufferedImage renderImage(@NotNull PsiFile xmlFile) { AndroidFacet facet = myEditor.getModel().getFacet(); RenderService renderService = RenderService.get(facet); RenderLogger logger = renderService.createLogger(); final RenderTask task = renderService.createTask(xmlFile, myEditor.getConfiguration(), logger, null); RenderResult result = null; if (task != null) { task.setRenderingMode(SessionParams.RenderingMode.NORMAL); task.setFolderType(ResourceFolderType.LAYOUT); //noinspection deprecation result = task.render(); task.dispose(); } if (result == null || !result.hasImage()) { return null; } ImagePool.Image image = result.getRenderedImage(); if (image.getWidth() < MIN_WIDTH || image.getHeight() < MIN_HEIGHT) { return null; } return result.getRenderedImage().getCopy(); } private void updatePreviewImage(@Nullable BufferedImage image, @NotNull JBLabel view) { if (image == null) { view.setIcon(null); myPreview.setText(RENDER_ERROR); return; } double width = myPreviewPanel.getWidth() / 2.0; double height = myPreviewPanel.getHeight() - myPreview.getHeight() - Math.max(myExpandedLabel.getHeight(), myCollapsedLabel.getHeight()); if (width < MIN_WIDTH || height < MIN_HEIGHT) { view.setIcon(null); } double scale = Math.min(width / image.getWidth(), height / image.getHeight()) * FUDGE_FACTOR; image = ImageUtils.scale(image, scale, scale); view.setIcon(new ImageIcon(image)); myPreview.setText(PREVIEW_HEADER); } private static Logger getLogger() { return Logger.getInstance(AppBarConfigurationDialog.class); } }