Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import java.util.*; import static*; import static; import static; import static*; /** * To get a {@linkplain MergedManifest} use {@link MergedManifest#get(AndroidFacet)} or {@link MergedManifest#get(Module)} */ public class MergedManifest { private final Module myModule; private String myPackage; private String myApplicationId; private Integer myVersionCode; private String myManifestTheme; private Map<String, ActivityAttributes> myActivityAttributesMap; private ManifestInfo.ManifestFile myManifestFile; private long myLastChecked; private AndroidVersion myMinSdk; private AndroidVersion myTargetSdk; private String myApplicationIcon; private String myApplicationLabel; private boolean myApplicationSupportsRtl; private Boolean myApplicationDebuggable; private @Nullable Map<String, XmlNode.NodeKey> myNodeKeys; private Document myDocument; private List<VirtualFile> myManifestFiles; private ModulePermissions myPermissionHolder; /** * Constructs a new MergedManifest * @param module the module containing the manifest */ MergedManifest(@NotNull Module module) { myModule = module; } /** * Returns the {@link MergedManifest} for the given {@link Module}. * * @param module the android module * @return a {@link MergedManifest} for the given module, never null */ @NotNull public static MergedManifest get(@NotNull Module module) { if (module.isDisposed()) { return new MergedManifest(module) { @Override protected void syncWithReadPermission() { } }; } MergedManifest manifest = module.getComponent(MergedManifest.class); assert manifest != null; return manifest; } /** * Returns the {@link MergedManifest} for the given {@link AndroidFacet}. * * @param facet the Android facet associated with a module. * @return a {@link MergedManifest} for the given module */ @NotNull public static MergedManifest get(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet) { return get(facet.getModule()); } @Nullable public Document getDocument() { sync(); return myDocument; } /** * Returns the manifest files relevant to this merge * * @return the list of files that participated in the merge */ @Nullable public List<VirtualFile> getManifestFiles() { return myManifestFiles; } /** * Clears the cached manifest information. The next get call on one of the * properties will cause the information to be refreshed. */ @VisibleForTesting public void clear() { myLastChecked = 0; } /** * Returns the default package registered in the Android manifest * * @return the default package registered in the manifest */ @Nullable public String getPackage() { sync(); return myPackage; } /** * Gets the merged manifest application ID. */ @Nullable public String getApplicationId() { sync(); return myApplicationId; } @Nullable public Integer getVersionCode() { sync(); return myVersionCode; } /** * Returns a map from activity full class names to the corresponding {@link ActivityAttributes} * * @return a map from activity fqcn to ActivityAttributes */ @NotNull public Map<String, ActivityAttributes> getActivityAttributesMap() { sync(); if (myActivityAttributesMap == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } return myActivityAttributesMap; } /** * Returns the attributes of an activity. */ @Nullable public ActivityAttributes getActivityAttributes(@NotNull String activity) { int index = activity.indexOf('.'); if (index <= 0 && myApplicationId != null && !myApplicationId.isEmpty()) { activity = myApplicationId + (index == -1 ? "." : "") + activity; } return getActivityAttributesMap().get(activity); } /** * Returns the manifest theme registered on the application, if any * * @return a manifest theme, or null if none was registered */ @Nullable public String getManifestTheme() { sync(); return myManifestTheme; } /** * Returns the default theme for this project, by looking at the manifest default * theme registration, target SDK, rendering target, etc. * * @param renderingTarget the rendering target use to render the theme, or null * @param screenSize the screen size to obtain a default theme for, or null if unknown * @param device the device to obtain a default theme for, or null if unknown * @return the theme to use for this project, never null */ @NotNull public String getDefaultTheme(@Nullable IAndroidTarget renderingTarget, @Nullable ScreenSize screenSize, @Nullable Device device) { sync(); if (myManifestTheme != null) { return myManifestTheme; } // For Android Wear and Android TV, the defaults differ if (device != null) { if (HardwareConfigHelper.isWear(device)) { return "@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light"; } else if (HardwareConfigHelper.isTv(device)) { //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection return "@style/Theme.Leanback"; } } // From manifest theme documentation: // "If that attribute is also not set, the default system theme is used." int targetSdk; AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(myModule); assert facet != null; AndroidModuleInfo info = facet.getAndroidModuleInfo(); targetSdk = info.getTargetSdkVersion().getApiLevel(); int renderingTargetSdk = targetSdk; if (renderingTarget instanceof CompatibilityRenderTarget) { renderingTargetSdk = renderingTarget.getVersion().getApiLevel(); //targetSdk = SdkVersionInfo.HIGHEST_KNOWN_API } else if (renderingTarget != null) { renderingTargetSdk = renderingTarget.getVersion().getApiLevel(); } int apiLevel = Math.min(targetSdk, renderingTargetSdk); if (apiLevel >= 21) { return ANDROID_STYLE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + "Theme.Material.Light"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (apiLevel >= 14 || apiLevel >= 11 && screenSize == ScreenSize.XLARGE) { return ANDROID_STYLE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + "Theme.Holo"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { return ANDROID_STYLE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + "Theme"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Returns the application icon, or null * * @return the application icon, or null */ @Nullable public String getApplicationIcon() { sync(); return myApplicationIcon; } /** * Returns the application label, or null * * @return the application label, or null */ @Nullable public String getApplicationLabel() { sync(); return myApplicationLabel; } /** * Returns true if the application has RTL support. * * @return true if the application has RTL support. */ public boolean isRtlSupported() { sync(); return myApplicationSupportsRtl; } /** * Returns the value for the debuggable flag set in the manifest. Returns null if not set. */ @Nullable public Boolean getApplicationDebuggable() { sync(); return myApplicationDebuggable; } /** * Returns the target SDK version * * @return the target SDK version */ @NotNull public AndroidVersion getTargetSdkVersion() { sync(); return myTargetSdk != null ? myTargetSdk : getMinSdkVersion(); } /** * Returns the minimum SDK version * * @return the minimum SDK version */ @NotNull public AndroidVersion getMinSdkVersion() { sync(); return myMinSdk != null ? myMinSdk : AndroidVersion.DEFAULT; } /** * @return instance of {@link PermissionHolder} */ @NotNull public PermissionHolder getPermissionHolder() { sync(); if (myPermissionHolder == null) { return new ModulePermissions(Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet()); } return myPermissionHolder; } /** * Ensure that the package, theme and activity maps are initialized and up to date * with respect to the manifest file */ private void sync() { // Since each of the accessors call sync(), allow a bunch of immediate // accessors to all bypass the file stat() below long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now - myLastChecked < 50 && myManifestFile != null) { return; } myLastChecked = now; // TODO remove this time based checking // Ensure that two simultaneous sync requests from different threads don't interfere with each other. synchronized (this) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { syncWithReadPermission(); } }); } } static String getAttributeValue(@NotNull Element element, @Nullable String namespace, @NotNull String localName) { return Strings.emptyToNull(element.getAttributeNS(namespace, localName)); } protected void syncWithReadPermission() { AndroidFacet facet = AndroidFacet.getInstance(myModule); assert facet != null : "Attempt to obtain manifest info from a non Android module: " + myModule.getName(); if (myManifestFile == null) { myManifestFile = ManifestInfo.ManifestFile.create(facet); } // Check to see if our data is up to date boolean refresh = myManifestFile.refresh(); if (!refresh) { // Already have up to date data return; } myActivityAttributesMap = new HashMap<String, ActivityAttributes>(); myManifestTheme = null; myTargetSdk = AndroidVersion.DEFAULT; myMinSdk = AndroidVersion.DEFAULT; myPackage = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ myApplicationId = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ myVersionCode = null; myApplicationIcon = null; myApplicationLabel = null; myApplicationSupportsRtl = false; myNodeKeys = null; myActivities = Lists.newArrayList(); myActivityAliases = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(4); myServices = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(4); Set<String> permissions = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(30); Set<String> revocable = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(2); try { Document document = myManifestFile.getXmlDocument(); if (document == null) { return; } myDocument = document; myManifestFiles = myManifestFile.getManifestFiles(); Element root = document.getDocumentElement(); if (root == null) { return; } myApplicationId = getAttributeValue(root, null, ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE); // The package comes from the main manifest, NOT from the merged manifest. Manifest manifest = facet.getManifest(); myPackage = manifest == null ? myApplicationId : manifest.getPackage().getValue(); String versionCode = getAttributeValue(root, ANDROID_URI, SdkConstants.ATTR_VERSION_CODE); try { myVersionCode = Integer.valueOf(versionCode); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } Node node = root.getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); if (NODE_APPLICATION.equals(nodeName)) { Element application = (Element) node; myApplicationIcon = getAttributeValue(application, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_ICON); myApplicationLabel = getAttributeValue(application, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_LABEL); myManifestTheme = getAttributeValue(application, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_THEME); myApplicationSupportsRtl = VALUE_TRUE .equals(getAttributeValue(application, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORTS_RTL)); String debuggable = getAttributeValue(application, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_DEBUGGABLE); myApplicationDebuggable = debuggable == null ? null : VALUE_TRUE.equals(debuggable); Node child = node.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { String childNodeName = child.getNodeName(); if (NODE_ACTIVITY.equals(childNodeName)) { Element element = (Element) child; ActivityAttributes attributes = new ActivityAttributes(element, myApplicationId); myActivityAttributesMap.put(attributes.getName(), attributes); myActivities.add(element); } else if (NODE_ACTIVITY_ALIAS.equals(childNodeName)) { myActivityAliases.add((Element) child); } else if (NODE_SERVICE.equals(childNodeName)) { myServices.add((Element) child); } } child = child.getNextSibling(); } } else if (NODE_USES_SDK.equals(nodeName)) { // Look up target SDK Element usesSdk = (Element) node; myMinSdk = getApiVersion(usesSdk, ATTRIBUTE_MIN_SDK_VERSION, AndroidVersion.DEFAULT); myTargetSdk = getApiVersion(usesSdk, ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_SDK_VERSION, myMinSdk); } else if (TAG_USES_PERMISSION.equals(nodeName) || TAG_USES_PERMISSION_SDK_23.equals(nodeName) || TAG_USES_PERMISSION_SDK_M.equals(nodeName)) { Element element = (Element) node; String name = element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); if (!name.isEmpty()) { permissions.add(name); } } else if (nodeName.equals(TAG_PERMISSION)) { Element element = (Element) node; String protectionLevel = element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_PROTECTION_LEVEL); if (VALUE_DANGEROUS.equals(protectionLevel)) { String name = element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME); if (!name.isEmpty()) { revocable.add(name); } } } } node = node.getNextSibling(); } myPermissionHolder = new ModulePermissions(ImmutableSet.copyOf(permissions), ImmutableSet.copyOf(revocable)); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { myManifestFile = null; // clear the file, to make sure we reload everything on next call to this method myDocument = null; throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getInstance(MergedManifest.class).warn("Could not read Manifest data", e); } } private static AndroidVersion getApiVersion(Element usesSdk, String attribute, AndroidVersion defaultApiLevel) { String valueString = getAttributeValue(usesSdk, ANDROID_URI, attribute); if (valueString != null) { // TODO: Pass in platforms if we have them AndroidVersion version = SdkVersionInfo.getVersion(valueString, null); if (version != null) { return version; } } return defaultApiLevel; } @NotNull public List<Element> getActivities() { sync(); return myActivities; } private List<Element> myActivities = Collections.emptyList(); private List<Element> myActivityAliases = Collections.emptyList(); private List<Element> myServices = Collections.emptyList(); /** * @return the list of activity aliases defined in the manifest. */ @NotNull public List<Element> getActivityAliases() { sync(); return myActivityAliases; } /** * @return the list of services defined in the manifest. */ @NotNull public List<Element> getServices() { return myServices; } @Nullable public Element findUsedFeature(@NotNull String name) { sync(); if (myDocument == null) { return null; } Node node = myDocument.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && NODE_USES_FEATURE.equals(node.getNodeName())) { Element element = (Element) node; if (name.equals(element.getAttributeNS(ANDROID_URI, ATTR_NAME))) { return element; } } node = node.getNextSibling(); } return null; } @NotNull public ImmutableList<MergingReport.Record> getLoggingRecords() { sync(); return myManifestFile == null ? ImmutableList.<MergingReport.Record>of() : myManifestFile.getLoggingRecords(); } @Nullable public Actions getActions() { sync(); return myManifestFile == null ? null : myManifestFile.getActions(); } @Nullable public XmlNode.NodeKey getNodeKey(String name) { sync(); if (myNodeKeys == null) { HashMap<String, XmlNode.NodeKey> nodeKeys = new HashMap<>(); Actions actions = getActions(); if (actions != null) { Set<XmlNode.NodeKey> keys = actions.getNodeKeys(); for (XmlNode.NodeKey key : keys) { nodeKeys.put(key.toString(), key); } } myNodeKeys = nodeKeys; } return myNodeKeys.get(name); } @Nullable public Element findActivity(@Nullable String qualifiedName) { sync(); if (qualifiedName == null || myActivities == null) { return null; } return getActivityOrAliasByName(qualifiedName, myActivities); } @Nullable public Element findActivityAlias(@Nullable String qualifiedName) { sync(); if (qualifiedName == null || myActivityAliases == null) { return null; } return getActivityOrAliasByName(qualifiedName, myActivityAliases); } @Nullable private static Element getActivityOrAliasByName(@NotNull String qualifiedName, @NotNull List<Element> activityOrAliasElements) { for (Element activity : activityOrAliasElements) { if (qualifiedName.equals(ActivityLocatorUtils.getQualifiedName(activity))) { return activity; } } return null; } public static class ActivityAttributes { @NotNull private final Element myElement; @Nullable private final String myIcon; @Nullable private final String myLabel; @NotNull private final String myName; @Nullable private final String myParentActivity; @Nullable private final String myTheme; @Nullable private final String myUiOptions; public ActivityAttributes(@NotNull Element activity, @Nullable String packageName) { myElement = activity; // Get activity name. String name = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Activity name cannot be empty."); } int index = name.indexOf('.'); if (index <= 0 && packageName != null && !packageName.isEmpty()) { name = packageName + (index == -1 ? "." : "") + name; } myName = name; // Get activity icon. String value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_ICON); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { myIcon = value; } else { myIcon = null; } // Get activity label. value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_LABEL); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { myLabel = value; } else { myLabel = null; } // Get activity parent. Also search the meta-data for parent info. value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_ACTIVITY_NAME); if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { Node child = activity.getFirstChild(); // TODO: Not sure if meta data can be used for API Level > 16 while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && child.getNodeName().equals(NODE_METADATA)) { String metaDataName = getAttributeValue((Element) child, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (VALUE_PARENT_ACTIVITY.equals(metaDataName)) { value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); if (value != null) { index = value.indexOf('.'); if (index <= 0 && packageName != null && !packageName.isEmpty()) { value = packageName + (index == -1 ? "." : "") + value; break; } } } } child = child.getNextSibling(); } } if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { myParentActivity = value; } else { myParentActivity = null; } // Get activity theme. value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_THEME); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { myTheme = value; } else { myTheme = null; } // Get UI options. value = getAttributeValue(activity, ANDROID_URI, ATTRIBUTE_UI_OPTIONS); if (value != null && value.length() > 0) { myUiOptions = value; } else { myUiOptions = null; } } @NotNull public Element getElement() { return myElement; } @Nullable public String getIcon() { return myIcon; } @Nullable public String getLabel() { return myLabel; } @NotNull public String getName() { return myName; } @Nullable public String getParentActivity() { return myParentActivity; } @Nullable public String getTheme() { return myTheme; } @Nullable public String getUiOptions() { return myUiOptions; } } private class ModulePermissions implements PermissionHolder { @NotNull private final Set<String> myPermissions; @NotNull private final Set<String> myRevocable; private ModulePermissions(@NotNull Set<String> permissions, @NotNull Set<String> revocable) { myPermissions = permissions; myRevocable = revocable; } @Override public boolean hasPermission(@NotNull String permission) { return myPermissions.contains(permission); } @Override public boolean isRevocable(@NotNull String permission) { return myRevocable.contains(permission); } @NotNull @Override public AndroidVersion getMinSdkVersion() { AndroidModuleInfo androidModuleInfo = AndroidModuleInfo.get(myModule); return androidModuleInfo != null ? androidModuleInfo.getMinSdkVersion() : MergedManifest.this.getMinSdkVersion(); } @NotNull @Override public AndroidVersion getTargetSdkVersion() { AndroidModuleInfo androidModuleInfo = AndroidModuleInfo.get(myModule); return androidModuleInfo != null ? androidModuleInfo.getTargetSdkVersion() : MergedManifest.this.getTargetSdkVersion(); } } }