Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Trace; import android.provider.CallLog.Calls; import android.speech.RecognizerIntent; import; import; import; import android.telecom.PhoneAccount; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.Log; import android.view.DragEvent; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnDragListener; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.PopupMenu; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * The dialer tab's title is 'phone', a more common name (see strings.xml). */ public class DialtactsActivity extends TransactionSafeActivity implements View.OnClickListener, DialpadFragment.OnDialpadQueryChangedListener, OnListFragmentScrolledListener, CallLogFragment.HostInterface, DialpadFragment.HostInterface, ListsFragment.HostInterface, SpeedDialFragment.HostInterface, SearchFragment.HostInterface, OnDragDropListener, OnPhoneNumberPickerActionListener, PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener, ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener, ActionBarController.ActivityUi { private static final String TAG = "DialtactsActivity"; public static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final String SHARED_PREFS_NAME = ""; private static final String KEY_IN_REGULAR_SEARCH_UI = "in_regular_search_ui"; private static final String KEY_IN_DIALPAD_SEARCH_UI = "in_dialpad_search_ui"; private static final String KEY_SEARCH_QUERY = "search_query"; private static final String KEY_FIRST_LAUNCH = "first_launch"; private static final String KEY_IS_DIALPAD_SHOWN = "is_dialpad_shown"; @VisibleForTesting public static final String TAG_DIALPAD_FRAGMENT = "dialpad"; private static final String TAG_REGULAR_SEARCH_FRAGMENT = "search"; private static final String TAG_SMARTDIAL_SEARCH_FRAGMENT = "smartdial"; private static final String TAG_FAVORITES_FRAGMENT = "favorites"; /** * Just for backward compatibility. Should behave as same as {@link Intent#ACTION_DIAL}. */ private static final String ACTION_TOUCH_DIALER = ""; public static final String EXTRA_SHOW_TAB = "EXTRA_SHOW_TAB"; private static final int ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_VOICE_SEARCH = 1; private static final int FAB_SCALE_IN_DELAY_MS = 300; private CoordinatorLayout mParentLayout; /** * Fragment containing the dialpad that slides into view */ protected DialpadFragment mDialpadFragment; /** * Fragment for searching phone numbers using the alphanumeric keyboard. */ private RegularSearchFragment mRegularSearchFragment; /** * Fragment for searching phone numbers using the dialpad. */ private SmartDialSearchFragment mSmartDialSearchFragment; /** * Animation that slides in. */ private Animation mSlideIn; /** * Animation that slides out. */ private Animation mSlideOut; AnimationListenerAdapter mSlideInListener = new AnimationListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { maybeEnterSearchUi(); } }; /** * Listener for after slide out animation completes on dialer fragment. */ AnimationListenerAdapter mSlideOutListener = new AnimationListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { commitDialpadFragmentHide(); } }; /** * Fragment containing the speed dial list, call history list, and all contacts list. */ private ListsFragment mListsFragment; /** * Tracks whether onSaveInstanceState has been called. If true, no fragment transactions can * be commited. */ private boolean mStateSaved; private boolean mIsRestarting; private boolean mInDialpadSearch; private boolean mInRegularSearch; private boolean mClearSearchOnPause; private boolean mIsDialpadShown; private boolean mShowDialpadOnResume; /** * Whether or not the device is in landscape orientation. */ private boolean mIsLandscape; /** * True if the dialpad is only temporarily showing due to being in call */ private boolean mInCallDialpadUp; /** * True when this activity has been launched for the first time. */ private boolean mFirstLaunch; /** * Search query to be applied to the SearchView in the ActionBar once * onCreateOptionsMenu has been called. */ private String mPendingSearchViewQuery; private PopupMenu mOverflowMenu; private EditText mSearchView; private View mVoiceSearchButton; private String mSearchQuery; private String mDialpadQuery; private DialerDatabaseHelper mDialerDatabaseHelper; private DragDropController mDragDropController; private ActionBarController mActionBarController; private FloatingActionButtonController mFloatingActionButtonController; private int mActionBarHeight; private int mPreviouslySelectedTabIndex; /** * The text returned from a voice search query. Set in {@link #onActivityResult} and used in * {@link #onResume()} to populate the search box. */ private String mVoiceSearchQuery; protected class OptionsPopupMenu extends PopupMenu { public OptionsPopupMenu(Context context, View anchor) { super(context, anchor, Gravity.END); } @Override public void show() { final boolean hasContactsPermission = PermissionsUtil.hasContactsPermissions(DialtactsActivity.this); final Menu menu = getMenu(); final MenuItem clearFrequents = menu.findItem(; clearFrequents.setVisible(mListsFragment != null && mListsFragment.getSpeedDialFragment() != null && mListsFragment.getSpeedDialFragment().hasFrequents() && hasContactsPermission); menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; menu.findItem( .setVisible(PermissionsUtil.hasPhonePermissions(DialtactsActivity.this));; } } /** * Listener that listens to drag events and sends their x and y coordinates to a * {@link DragDropController}. */ private class LayoutOnDragListener implements OnDragListener { @Override public boolean onDrag(View v, DragEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == DragEvent.ACTION_DRAG_LOCATION) { mDragDropController.handleDragHovered(v, (int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY()); } return true; } } /** * Listener used to send search queries to the phone search fragment. */ private final TextWatcher mPhoneSearchQueryTextListener = new TextWatcher() { @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { final String newText = s.toString(); if (newText.equals(mSearchQuery)) { // If the query hasn't changed (perhaps due to activity being destroyed // and restored, or user launching the same DIAL intent twice), then there is // no need to do anything here. return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onTextChange for mSearchView called with new query: " + newText); Log.d(TAG, "Previous Query: " + mSearchQuery); } mSearchQuery = newText; // Show search fragment only when the query string is changed to non-empty text. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) { // Call enterSearchUi only if we are switching search modes, or showing a search // fragment for the first time. final boolean sameSearchMode = (mIsDialpadShown && mInDialpadSearch) || (!mIsDialpadShown && mInRegularSearch); if (!sameSearchMode) { enterSearchUi(mIsDialpadShown, mSearchQuery, true /* animate */); } } if (mSmartDialSearchFragment != null && mSmartDialSearchFragment.isVisible()) { mSmartDialSearchFragment.setQueryString(mSearchQuery, false /* delaySelection */); } else if (mRegularSearchFragment != null && mRegularSearchFragment.isVisible()) { mRegularSearchFragment.setQueryString(mSearchQuery, false /* delaySelection */); } } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { } }; /** * Open the search UI when the user clicks on the search box. */ private final View.OnClickListener mSearchViewOnClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (!isInSearchUi()) { mActionBarController.onSearchBoxTapped(); enterSearchUi(false /* smartDialSearch */, mSearchView.getText().toString(), true /* animate */); } } }; /** * Handles the user closing the soft keyboard. */ private final View.OnKeyListener mSearchEditTextLayoutListener = new View.OnKeyListener() { @Override public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchView.getText().toString())) { // If the search term is empty, close the search UI. maybeExitSearchUi(); } else { // If the search term is not empty, show the dialpad fab. showFabInSearchUi(); } } return false; } }; @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { TouchPointManager.getInstance().setPoint((int) ev.getRawX(), (int) ev.getRawY()); } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Trace.beginSection(TAG + " onCreate"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mFirstLaunch = true; final Resources resources = getResources(); mActionBarHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.action_bar_height_large); Trace.beginSection(TAG + " setContentView"); setContentView(R.layout.dialtacts_activity); Trace.endSection(); getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(null); Trace.beginSection(TAG + " setup Views"); final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.setCustomView(R.layout.search_edittext); actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled(true); actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(null); SearchEditTextLayout searchEditTextLayout = (SearchEditTextLayout) actionBar.getCustomView() .findViewById(; searchEditTextLayout.setPreImeKeyListener(mSearchEditTextLayoutListener); mActionBarController = new ActionBarController(this, searchEditTextLayout); mSearchView = (EditText) searchEditTextLayout.findViewById(; mSearchView.addTextChangedListener(mPhoneSearchQueryTextListener); mVoiceSearchButton = searchEditTextLayout.findViewById(; searchEditTextLayout.findViewById( .setOnClickListener(mSearchViewOnClickListener); searchEditTextLayout.findViewById( .setOnClickListener(mSearchViewOnClickListener); searchEditTextLayout.setOnClickListener(mSearchViewOnClickListener); searchEditTextLayout.setCallback(new SearchEditTextLayout.Callback() { @Override public void onBackButtonClicked() { onBackPressed(); } @Override public void onSearchViewClicked() { // Hide FAB, as the keyboard is shown. mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleOut(); } }); mIsLandscape = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; mPreviouslySelectedTabIndex = ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL; final View floatingActionButtonContainer = findViewById(; ImageButton floatingActionButton = (ImageButton) findViewById(; floatingActionButton.setOnClickListener(this); mFloatingActionButtonController = new FloatingActionButtonController(this, floatingActionButtonContainer, floatingActionButton); ImageButton optionsMenuButton = (ImageButton) searchEditTextLayout .findViewById(; optionsMenuButton.setOnClickListener(this); mOverflowMenu = buildOptionsMenu(searchEditTextLayout); optionsMenuButton.setOnTouchListener(mOverflowMenu.getDragToOpenListener()); // Add the favorites fragment but only if savedInstanceState is null. Otherwise the // fragment manager is responsible for recreating it. if (savedInstanceState == null) { getFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(, new ListsFragment(), TAG_FAVORITES_FRAGMENT).commit(); } else { mSearchQuery = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY); mInRegularSearch = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_IN_REGULAR_SEARCH_UI); mInDialpadSearch = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_IN_DIALPAD_SEARCH_UI); mFirstLaunch = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_FIRST_LAUNCH); mShowDialpadOnResume = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_IS_DIALPAD_SHOWN); mActionBarController.restoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); } final boolean isLayoutRtl = DialerUtils.isRtl(); if (mIsLandscape) { mSlideIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, isLayoutRtl ? R.anim.dialpad_slide_in_left : R.anim.dialpad_slide_in_right); mSlideOut = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, isLayoutRtl ? R.anim.dialpad_slide_out_left : R.anim.dialpad_slide_out_right); } else { mSlideIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.dialpad_slide_in_bottom); mSlideOut = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.dialpad_slide_out_bottom); } mSlideIn.setInterpolator(AnimUtils.EASE_IN); mSlideOut.setInterpolator(AnimUtils.EASE_OUT); mSlideIn.setAnimationListener(mSlideInListener); mSlideOut.setAnimationListener(mSlideOutListener); mParentLayout = (CoordinatorLayout) findViewById(; mParentLayout.setOnDragListener(new LayoutOnDragListener()); floatingActionButtonContainer.getViewTreeObserver() .addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { final ViewTreeObserver observer = floatingActionButtonContainer.getViewTreeObserver(); if (!observer.isAlive()) { return; } observer.removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); int screenWidth = mParentLayout.getWidth(); mFloatingActionButtonController.setScreenWidth(screenWidth); mFloatingActionButtonController.align(getFabAlignment(), false /* animate */); } }); Trace.endSection(); Trace.beginSection(TAG + " initialize smart dialing"); mDialerDatabaseHelper = DatabaseHelperManager.getDatabaseHelper(this); SmartDialPrefix.initializeNanpSettings(this); Trace.endSection(); Trace.endSection(); } @Override protected void onResume() { Trace.beginSection(TAG + " onResume"); super.onResume(); mStateSaved = false; if (mFirstLaunch) { displayFragment(getIntent()); } else if (!phoneIsInUse() && mInCallDialpadUp) { hideDialpadFragment(false, true); mInCallDialpadUp = false; } else if (mShowDialpadOnResume) { showDialpadFragment(false); mShowDialpadOnResume = false; } // If there was a voice query result returned in the {@link #onActivityResult} callback, it // will have been stashed in mVoiceSearchQuery since the search results fragment cannot be // shown until onResume has completed. Active the search UI and set the search term now. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mVoiceSearchQuery)) { mActionBarController.onSearchBoxTapped(); mSearchView.setText(mVoiceSearchQuery); mVoiceSearchQuery = null; } mFirstLaunch = false; if (mIsRestarting) { // This is only called when the activity goes from resumed -> paused -> resumed, so it // will not cause an extra view to be sent out on rotation if (mIsDialpadShown) { Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.DIALPAD, this); } mIsRestarting = false; } prepareVoiceSearchButton(); mDialerDatabaseHelper.startSmartDialUpdateThread(); mFloatingActionButtonController.align(getFabAlignment(), false /* animate */); if (Calls.CONTENT_TYPE.equals(getIntent().getType())) { // Externally specified extras take precedence to EXTRA_SHOW_TAB, which is only // used internally. final Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); if (extras != null && extras.getInt(Calls.EXTRA_CALL_TYPE_FILTER) == Calls.VOICEMAIL_TYPE) { mListsFragment.showTab(ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_VOICEMAIL); } else { mListsFragment.showTab(ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_HISTORY); } } else if (getIntent().hasExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_TAB)) { int index = getIntent().getIntExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_TAB, ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL); if (index < mListsFragment.getTabCount()) { mListsFragment.showTab(index); } } setSearchBoxHint(); Trace.endSection(); } @Override protected void onRestart() { super.onRestart(); mIsRestarting = true; } @Override protected void onPause() { // Only clear missed calls if the pause was not triggered by an orientation change // (or any other confirguration change) if (!isChangingConfigurations()) { updateMissedCalls(); } if (mClearSearchOnPause) { hideDialpadAndSearchUi(); mClearSearchOnPause = false; } if (mSlideOut.hasStarted() && !mSlideOut.hasEnded()) { commitDialpadFragmentHide(); } super.onPause(); } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putString(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY, mSearchQuery); outState.putBoolean(KEY_IN_REGULAR_SEARCH_UI, mInRegularSearch); outState.putBoolean(KEY_IN_DIALPAD_SEARCH_UI, mInDialpadSearch); outState.putBoolean(KEY_FIRST_LAUNCH, mFirstLaunch); outState.putBoolean(KEY_IS_DIALPAD_SHOWN, mIsDialpadShown); mActionBarController.saveInstanceState(outState); mStateSaved = true; } @Override public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) { if (fragment instanceof DialpadFragment) { mDialpadFragment = (DialpadFragment) fragment; if (!mIsDialpadShown && !mShowDialpadOnResume) { final FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); transaction.hide(mDialpadFragment); transaction.commit(); } } else if (fragment instanceof SmartDialSearchFragment) { mSmartDialSearchFragment = (SmartDialSearchFragment) fragment; mSmartDialSearchFragment.setOnPhoneNumberPickerActionListener(this); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mDialpadQuery)) { mSmartDialSearchFragment.setAddToContactNumber(mDialpadQuery); } } else if (fragment instanceof SearchFragment) { mRegularSearchFragment = (RegularSearchFragment) fragment; mRegularSearchFragment.setOnPhoneNumberPickerActionListener(this); } else if (fragment instanceof ListsFragment) { mListsFragment = (ListsFragment) fragment; mListsFragment.addOnPageChangeListener(this); } } protected void handleMenuSettings() { final Intent intent = new Intent(this, DialerSettingsActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } @Override public void onClick(View view) { int resId = view.getId(); if (resId == { if (mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex() == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_ALL_CONTACTS && !mInRegularSearch) { DialerUtils.startActivityWithErrorToast(this, IntentUtil.getNewContactIntent(), R.string.add_contact_not_available); } else if (!mIsDialpadShown) { mInCallDialpadUp = false; showDialpadFragment(true); } } else if (resId == { try { startActivityForResult(new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH), ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_VOICE_SEARCH); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(DialtactsActivity.this, R.string.voice_search_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } else if (resId == {; } else {, "Unexpected onClick event from " + view); } } @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { if (!isSafeToCommitTransactions()) { return true; } int resId = item.getItemId(); if (resId == {// Use explicit CallLogActivity intent instead of ACTION_VIEW + // CONTENT_TYPE, so that we always open our call log from our dialer final Intent intent = new Intent(this, CallLogActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } else if (resId == { DialerUtils.startActivityWithErrorToast(this, IntentUtil.getNewContactIntent(), R.string.add_contact_not_available); } else if (resId == {// We hard-code the "contactsAreAvailable" argument because doing it properly would // involve querying a {@link ProviderStatusLoader}, which we don't want to do right // now in Dialtacts for (potential) performance reasons. Compare with how it is // done in {@link PeopleActivity}. if (mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex() == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL) {, true, DialtactsActivity.class, ImportExportDialogFragment.EXPORT_MODE_FAVORITES); } else {, true, DialtactsActivity.class, ImportExportDialogFragment.EXPORT_MODE_DEFAULT); } Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.IMPORT_EXPORT_CONTACTS, this); return true; } else if (resId == {; Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.CLEAR_FREQUENTS, this); return true; } else if (resId == { handleMenuSettings(); Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.SETTINGS, this); return true; } else if (resId == { final Intent intent = new Intent(this, VoicemailArchiveActivity.class); startActivity(intent); return true; } return false; } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_VOICE_SEARCH) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { final ArrayList<String> matches = data.getStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS); if (matches.size() > 0) { final String match = matches.get(0); mVoiceSearchQuery = match; } else { Log.e(TAG, "Voice search - nothing heard"); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "Voice search failed"); } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } /** * Update the number of unread voicemails (potentially other tabs) displayed next to the tab * icon. */ public void updateTabUnreadCounts() { mListsFragment.updateTabUnreadCounts(); } /** * Initiates a fragment transaction to show the dialpad fragment. Animations and other visual * updates are handled by a callback which is invoked after the dialpad fragment is shown. * @see #onDialpadShown */ private void showDialpadFragment(boolean animate) { if (mIsDialpadShown || mStateSaved) { return; } mIsDialpadShown = true; mListsFragment.setUserVisibleHint(false); final FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); if (mDialpadFragment == null) { mDialpadFragment = new DialpadFragment(); ft.add(, mDialpadFragment, TAG_DIALPAD_FRAGMENT); } else {; } mDialpadFragment.setAnimate(animate); Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.DIALPAD, this); ft.commit(); if (animate) { mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleOut(); } else { mFloatingActionButtonController.setVisible(false); maybeEnterSearchUi(); } mActionBarController.onDialpadUp(); mListsFragment.getView().animate().alpha(0).withLayer(); //adjust the title, so the user will know where we're at when the activity start/resumes. setTitle(R.string.launcherDialpadActivityLabel); } /** * Callback from child DialpadFragment when the dialpad is shown. */ public void onDialpadShown() { Assert.assertNotNull(mDialpadFragment); if (mDialpadFragment.getAnimate()) { mDialpadFragment.getView().startAnimation(mSlideIn); } else { mDialpadFragment.setYFraction(0); } updateSearchFragmentPosition(); } /** * Initiates animations and other visual updates to hide the dialpad. The fragment is hidden in * a callback after the hide animation ends. * @see #commitDialpadFragmentHide */ public void hideDialpadFragment(boolean animate, boolean clearDialpad) { if (mDialpadFragment == null || mDialpadFragment.getView() == null) { return; } if (clearDialpad) { // Temporarily disable accessibility when we clear the dialpad, since it should be // invisible and should not announce anything. mDialpadFragment.getDigitsWidget().setImportantForAccessibility(View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO); mDialpadFragment.clearDialpad(); mDialpadFragment.getDigitsWidget().setImportantForAccessibility(View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO); } if (!mIsDialpadShown) { return; } mIsDialpadShown = false; mDialpadFragment.setAnimate(animate); mListsFragment.setUserVisibleHint(true); mListsFragment.sendScreenViewForCurrentPosition(); updateSearchFragmentPosition(); mFloatingActionButtonController.align(getFabAlignment(), animate); if (animate) { mDialpadFragment.getView().startAnimation(mSlideOut); } else { commitDialpadFragmentHide(); } mActionBarController.onDialpadDown(); if (isInSearchUi()) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchQuery)) { exitSearchUi(); } } //reset the title to normal. setTitle(R.string.launcherActivityLabel); } /** * Finishes hiding the dialpad fragment after any animations are completed. */ private void commitDialpadFragmentHide() { if (!mStateSaved && mDialpadFragment != null && !mDialpadFragment.isHidden()) { final FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); ft.hide(mDialpadFragment); ft.commit(); } mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleIn(AnimUtils.NO_DELAY); } private void updateSearchFragmentPosition() { SearchFragment fragment = null; if (mSmartDialSearchFragment != null && mSmartDialSearchFragment.isVisible()) { fragment = mSmartDialSearchFragment; } else if (mRegularSearchFragment != null && mRegularSearchFragment.isVisible()) { fragment = mRegularSearchFragment; } if (fragment != null && fragment.isVisible()) { fragment.updatePosition(true /* animate */); } } @Override public boolean isInSearchUi() { return mInDialpadSearch || mInRegularSearch; } @Override public boolean hasSearchQuery() { return !TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchQuery); } @Override public boolean shouldShowActionBar() { return mListsFragment.shouldShowActionBar(); } private void setNotInSearchUi() { mInDialpadSearch = false; mInRegularSearch = false; } private void hideDialpadAndSearchUi() { if (mIsDialpadShown) { hideDialpadFragment(false, true); } else { exitSearchUi(); } } private void prepareVoiceSearchButton() { final Intent voiceIntent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); if (canIntentBeHandled(voiceIntent)) { mVoiceSearchButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mVoiceSearchButton.setOnClickListener(this); } else { mVoiceSearchButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } public boolean isNearbyPlacesSearchEnabled() { return false; } protected int getSearchBoxHint() { return R.string.dialer_hint_find_contact; } /** * Sets the hint text for the contacts search box */ private void setSearchBoxHint() { SearchEditTextLayout searchEditTextLayout = (SearchEditTextLayout) getSupportActionBar().getCustomView() .findViewById(; ((TextView) searchEditTextLayout.findViewById(; } protected OptionsPopupMenu buildOptionsMenu(View invoker) { final OptionsPopupMenu popupMenu = new OptionsPopupMenu(this, invoker); popupMenu.inflate(; if (ObjectFactory.isVoicemailArchiveEnabled(this)) { popupMenu.getMenu().findItem(; } popupMenu.setOnMenuItemClickListener(this); return popupMenu; } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { if (mPendingSearchViewQuery != null) { mSearchView.setText(mPendingSearchViewQuery); mPendingSearchViewQuery = null; } if (mActionBarController != null) { mActionBarController.restoreActionBarOffset(); } return false; } /** * Returns true if the intent is due to hitting the green send key (hardware call button: * KEYCODE_CALL) while in a call. * * @param intent the intent that launched this activity * @return true if the intent is due to hitting the green send key while in a call */ private boolean isSendKeyWhileInCall(Intent intent) { // If there is a call in progress and the user launched the dialer by hitting the call // button, go straight to the in-call screen. final boolean callKey = Intent.ACTION_CALL_BUTTON.equals(intent.getAction()); if (callKey) { TelecomUtil.showInCallScreen(this, false); return true; } return false; } /** * Sets the current tab based on the intent's request type * * @param intent Intent that contains information about which tab should be selected */ private void displayFragment(Intent intent) { // If we got here by hitting send and we're in call forward along to the in-call activity if (isSendKeyWhileInCall(intent)) { finish(); return; } final boolean showDialpadChooser = phoneIsInUse() && !DialpadFragment.isAddCallMode(intent); if (showDialpadChooser || (intent.getData() != null && isDialIntent(intent))) { showDialpadFragment(false); mDialpadFragment.setStartedFromNewIntent(true); if (showDialpadChooser && !mDialpadFragment.isVisible()) { mInCallDialpadUp = true; } } } @Override public void onNewIntent(Intent newIntent) { setIntent(newIntent); mStateSaved = false; displayFragment(newIntent); invalidateOptionsMenu(); } /** Returns true if the given intent contains a phone number to populate the dialer with */ private boolean isDialIntent(Intent intent) { final String action = intent.getAction(); if (Intent.ACTION_DIAL.equals(action) || ACTION_TOUCH_DIALER.equals(action)) { return true; } if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(action)) { final Uri data = intent.getData(); if (data != null && PhoneAccount.SCHEME_TEL.equals(data.getScheme())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Shows the search fragment */ private void enterSearchUi(boolean smartDialSearch, String query, boolean animate) { if (mStateSaved || getFragmentManager().isDestroyed()) { // Weird race condition where fragment is doing work after the activity is destroyed // due to talkback being on (b/10209937). Just return since we can't do any // constructive here. return; } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Entering search UI - smart dial " + smartDialSearch); } final FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); if (mInDialpadSearch && mSmartDialSearchFragment != null) { transaction.remove(mSmartDialSearchFragment); } else if (mInRegularSearch && mRegularSearchFragment != null) { transaction.remove(mRegularSearchFragment); } final String tag; if (smartDialSearch) { tag = TAG_SMARTDIAL_SEARCH_FRAGMENT; } else { tag = TAG_REGULAR_SEARCH_FRAGMENT; } mInDialpadSearch = smartDialSearch; mInRegularSearch = !smartDialSearch; mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleOut(); SearchFragment fragment = (SearchFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(tag); if (animate) { transaction.setCustomAnimations(android.R.animator.fade_in, 0); } else { transaction.setTransition(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE); } if (fragment == null) { if (smartDialSearch) { fragment = new SmartDialSearchFragment(); } else { fragment = ObjectFactory.newRegularSearchFragment(); fragment.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { // Show the FAB when the user touches the lists fragment and the soft // keyboard is hidden. hideDialpadFragment(true, false); showFabInSearchUi(); return false; } }); } transaction.add(, fragment, tag); } else {; } // DialtactsActivity will provide the options menu fragment.setHasOptionsMenu(false); fragment.setShowEmptyListForNullQuery(true); if (!smartDialSearch) { fragment.setQueryString(query, false /* delaySelection */); } transaction.commit(); if (animate) { mListsFragment.getView().animate().alpha(0).withLayer(); } mListsFragment.setUserVisibleHint(false); if (smartDialSearch) { Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.SMART_DIAL_SEARCH, this); } else { Logger.logScreenView(ScreenEvent.REGULAR_SEARCH, this); } } /** * Hides the search fragment */ private void exitSearchUi() { // See related bug in enterSearchUI(); if (getFragmentManager().isDestroyed() || mStateSaved) { return; } mSearchView.setText(null); if (mDialpadFragment != null) { mDialpadFragment.clearDialpad(); } setNotInSearchUi(); // Restore the FAB for the lists fragment. if (getFabAlignment() != FloatingActionButtonController.ALIGN_END) { mFloatingActionButtonController.setVisible(false); } mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleIn(FAB_SCALE_IN_DELAY_MS); onPageScrolled(mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex(), 0 /* offset */, 0 /* pixelOffset */); onPageSelected(mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex()); final FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); if (mSmartDialSearchFragment != null) { transaction.remove(mSmartDialSearchFragment); } if (mRegularSearchFragment != null) { transaction.remove(mRegularSearchFragment); } transaction.commit(); mListsFragment.getView().animate().alpha(1).withLayer(); if (mDialpadFragment == null || !mDialpadFragment.isVisible()) { // If the dialpad fragment wasn't previously visible, then send a screen view because // we are exiting regular search. Otherwise, the screen view will be sent by // {@link #hideDialpadFragment}. mListsFragment.sendScreenViewForCurrentPosition(); mListsFragment.setUserVisibleHint(true); } mActionBarController.onSearchUiExited(); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { if (mStateSaved) { return; } if (mIsDialpadShown) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchQuery) || (mSmartDialSearchFragment != null && mSmartDialSearchFragment.isVisible() && mSmartDialSearchFragment.getAdapter().getCount() == 0)) { exitSearchUi(); } hideDialpadFragment(true, false); } else if (isInSearchUi()) { exitSearchUi(); DialerUtils.hideInputMethod(mParentLayout); } else { super.onBackPressed(); } } private void maybeEnterSearchUi() { if (!isInSearchUi()) { enterSearchUi(true /* isSmartDial */, mSearchQuery, false); } } /** * @return True if the search UI was exited, false otherwise */ private boolean maybeExitSearchUi() { if (isInSearchUi() && TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchQuery)) { exitSearchUi(); DialerUtils.hideInputMethod(mParentLayout); return true; } return false; } private void showFabInSearchUi() { mFloatingActionButtonController.changeIcon(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.fab_ic_dial), getResources().getString(R.string.action_menu_dialpad_button)); mFloatingActionButtonController.align(getFabAlignment(), false /* animate */); mFloatingActionButtonController.scaleIn(FAB_SCALE_IN_DELAY_MS); } @Override public void onDialpadQueryChanged(String query) { mDialpadQuery = query; if (mSmartDialSearchFragment != null) { mSmartDialSearchFragment.setAddToContactNumber(query); } final String normalizedQuery = SmartDialNameMatcher.normalizeNumber(query, SmartDialNameMatcher.LATIN_SMART_DIAL_MAP); if (!TextUtils.equals(mSearchView.getText(), normalizedQuery)) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "onDialpadQueryChanged - new query: " + query); } if (mDialpadFragment == null || !mDialpadFragment.isVisible()) { // This callback can happen if the dialpad fragment is recreated because of // activity destruction. In that case, don't update the search view because // that would bring the user back to the search fragment regardless of the // previous state of the application. Instead, just return here and let the // fragment manager correctly figure out whatever fragment was last displayed. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(normalizedQuery)) { mPendingSearchViewQuery = normalizedQuery; } return; } mSearchView.setText(normalizedQuery); } try { if (mDialpadFragment != null && mDialpadFragment.isVisible()) { mDialpadFragment.process_quote_emergency_unquote(normalizedQuery); } } catch (Exception ignored) { // Skip any exceptions for this piece of code } } @Override public boolean onDialpadSpacerTouchWithEmptyQuery() { if (mInDialpadSearch && mSmartDialSearchFragment != null && !mSmartDialSearchFragment.isShowingPermissionRequest()) { hideDialpadFragment(true /* animate */, true /* clearDialpad */); return true; } return false; } @Override public void onListFragmentScrollStateChange(int scrollState) { if (scrollState == OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL) { hideDialpadFragment(true, false); DialerUtils.hideInputMethod(mParentLayout); } } @Override public void onListFragmentScroll(int firstVisibleItem, int visibleItemCount, int totalItemCount) { // TODO: No-op for now. This should eventually show/hide the actionBar based on // interactions with the ListsFragments. } private boolean phoneIsInUse() { return TelecomUtil.isInCall(this); } private boolean canIntentBeHandled(Intent intent) { final PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager(); final List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfo = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); return resolveInfo != null && resolveInfo.size() > 0; } /** * Called when the user has long-pressed a contact tile to start a drag operation. */ @Override public void onDragStarted(int x, int y, PhoneFavoriteSquareTileView view) { mListsFragment.showRemoveView(true); } @Override public void onDragHovered(int x, int y, PhoneFavoriteSquareTileView view) { } /** * Called when the user has released a contact tile after long-pressing it. */ @Override public void onDragFinished(int x, int y) { mListsFragment.showRemoveView(false); } @Override public void onDroppedOnRemove() { } /** * Allows the SpeedDialFragment to attach the drag controller to mRemoveViewContainer * once it has been attached to the activity. */ @Override public void setDragDropController(DragDropController dragController) { mDragDropController = dragController; mListsFragment.getRemoveView().setDragDropController(dragController); } /** * Implemented to satisfy {@link SpeedDialFragment.HostInterface} */ @Override public void showAllContactsTab() { if (mListsFragment != null) { mListsFragment.showTab(ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_ALL_CONTACTS); } } /** * Implemented to satisfy {@link CallLogFragment.HostInterface} */ @Override public void showDialpad() { showDialpadFragment(true); } @Override public void onPickDataUri(Uri dataUri, boolean isVideoCall, int callInitiationType) { mClearSearchOnPause = true; PhoneNumberInteraction.startInteractionForPhoneCall(DialtactsActivity.this, dataUri, isVideoCall, callInitiationType); } @Override public void onPickPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, boolean isVideoCall, int callInitiationType) { if (phoneNumber == null) { // Invalid phone number, but let the call go through so that InCallUI can show // an error message. phoneNumber = ""; } final Intent intent = new CallIntentBuilder(phoneNumber).setIsVideoCall(isVideoCall) .setCallInitiationType(callInitiationType).build(); DialerUtils.startActivityWithErrorToast(this, intent); mClearSearchOnPause = true; } @Override public void onShortcutIntentCreated(Intent intent) { Log.w(TAG, "Unsupported intent has come (" + intent + "). Ignoring."); } @Override public void onHomeInActionBarSelected() { exitSearchUi(); } @Override public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) { int tabIndex = mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex(); // Scroll the button from center to end when moving from the Speed Dial to Call History tab. // In RTL, scroll when the current tab is Call History instead, since the order of the tabs // is reversed and the ViewPager returns the left tab position during scroll. boolean isRtl = DialerUtils.isRtl(); if (!isRtl && tabIndex == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL && !mIsLandscape) { mFloatingActionButtonController.onPageScrolled(positionOffset); } else if (isRtl && tabIndex == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_HISTORY && !mIsLandscape) { mFloatingActionButtonController.onPageScrolled(1 - positionOffset); } else if (tabIndex != ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL) { mFloatingActionButtonController.onPageScrolled(1); } } @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { updateMissedCalls(); int tabIndex = mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex(); mPreviouslySelectedTabIndex = tabIndex; if (tabIndex == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_ALL_CONTACTS) { mFloatingActionButtonController.changeIcon(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_person_add_24dp), getResources().getString(R.string.search_shortcut_create_new_contact)); } else { mFloatingActionButtonController.changeIcon(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.fab_ic_dial), getResources().getString(R.string.action_menu_dialpad_button)); } } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) { } @Override public boolean isActionBarShowing() { return mActionBarController.isActionBarShowing(); } @Override public ActionBarController getActionBarController() { return mActionBarController; } @Override public boolean isDialpadShown() { return mIsDialpadShown; } @Override public int getDialpadHeight() { if (mDialpadFragment != null) { return mDialpadFragment.getDialpadHeight(); } return 0; } @Override public int getActionBarHideOffset() { return getSupportActionBar().getHideOffset(); } @Override public void setActionBarHideOffset(int offset) { getSupportActionBar().setHideOffset(offset); } @Override public int getActionBarHeight() { return mActionBarHeight; } private int getFabAlignment() { if (!mIsLandscape && !isInSearchUi() && mListsFragment.getCurrentTabIndex() == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_SPEED_DIAL) { return FloatingActionButtonController.ALIGN_MIDDLE; } return FloatingActionButtonController.ALIGN_END; } private void updateMissedCalls() { if (mPreviouslySelectedTabIndex == ListsFragment.TAB_INDEX_HISTORY) { mListsFragment.markMissedCallsAsReadAndRemoveNotifications(); } } }