Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gradle.api.logging.Logger; import org.gradle.api.logging.Logging; import org.gradle.api.tasks.incremental.InputFileDetails; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Helper to handle the folder structure in the output of transforms. */ public class IntermediateFolderUtils { public static final String FOLDERS = "folders"; public static final String JARS = "jars"; /** * Returns the location of content for a given set of Scopes, Content Types, and format. * * If the format is {@link Format#DIRECTORY} then the result is the file location of the folder. * If the format is {@link Format#JAR} then the result is a file representing the jar to create. * * @param rootLocation the root location from which to create the content. * @param name a unique name for the content. For a given set of scopes/types/format it must * be unique. * @param types the content types associated with this content. * @param scopes the scopes associated with this content. * @param format the format of the content. * @return the location of the content. */ @NonNull public static File getContentLocation(@NonNull File rootLocation, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes, @NonNull Format format) { // runtime check these since it's (indirectly) called by 3rd party transforms. checkNotNull(name); checkNotNull(types); checkNotNull(scopes); checkNotNull(format); checkState(!name.isEmpty()); checkState(!types.isEmpty()); checkState(!scopes.isEmpty()); switch (format) { case DIRECTORY: { File location = FileUtils.join(rootLocation, FOLDERS, typesToString(types), scopesToString(scopes), name); return location; } case JAR: { File location = FileUtils.join(rootLocation, JARS, typesToString(types), scopesToString(scopes), name + DOT_JAR); return location; } default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Format: " + format); } } @NonNull public static TransformInput computeNonIncrementalInputFromFolder(@NonNull File folder, @NonNull Set<ContentType> requiredTypes, @NonNull Set<Scope> requiredScopes) { final List<JarInput> jarInputs = Lists.newArrayList(); final List<DirectoryInput> directoryInputs = Lists.newArrayList(); File jarsFolder = new File(folder, JARS); if (jarsFolder.isDirectory()) { parseTypeLevelFolders(jarsFolder, requiredTypes, requiredScopes, new InputGenerator() { @Override public boolean accept(@NonNull File file) { return file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(DOT_JAR); } @Override public void generate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes) { jarInputs.add(new ImmutableJarInput( file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - DOT_JAR.length()), file, Status.NOTCHANGED, types, scopes)); } }); } File foldersFolder = new File(folder, FOLDERS); if (foldersFolder.isDirectory()) { parseTypeLevelFolders(foldersFolder, requiredTypes, requiredScopes, new InputGenerator() { @Override public boolean accept(@NonNull File file) { return file.isDirectory(); } @Override public void generate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes) { directoryInputs.add(new ImmutableDirectoryInput(file.getName(), file, types, scopes)); } }); } return new ImmutableTransformInput(jarInputs, directoryInputs, folder); } static class IntermediateTransformInput extends IncrementalTransformInput { @NonNull private final File inputRoot; private List<String> rootLocationSegments = null; IntermediateTransformInput(@NonNull File inputRoot) { this.inputRoot = inputRoot; } @Override protected boolean checkRemovedFolder(@NonNull Set<Scope> transformScopes, @NonNull Set<ContentType> transformInputTypes, @NonNull File file, @NonNull List<String> fileSegments) { if (!checkRootSegments(fileSegments)) { return false; } // there must be at least 5 additional segments (4 to the root of the folder and 1 for // the file inside. if (fileSegments.size() <= rootLocationSegments.size() + 4) { return false; } // now check that the segments after the root are what we expect. int index = rootLocationSegments.size(); if (!fileSegments.get(index++).equals(FOLDERS)) { return false; } // get the types. Set<ContentType> types = stringToTypes(fileSegments.get(index++)); if (types == null) { return false; } // if the transform is not interested in this folder type, we don't care about those // changes if (Sets.intersection(transformInputTypes, types).isEmpty()) { return true; } // get the scopes. Set<Scope> scopes = stringToScopes(fileSegments.get(index++)); if (scopes == null) { return false; } // if the scopes do not match the transform scope, we don't care about those changes. if (Sets.intersection(transformScopes, scopes).isEmpty()) { return true; } String name = fileSegments.get(index); // create the folder input. a mutable one so that it can be directly used // for other removed files from the same folder. // The root location of this folder is fileSegments, up to rootLocation + 4 (as the // rest is the changed file. File root = new File(FileUtils.join(fileSegments.subList(0, rootLocationSegments.size() + 4))); MutableDirectoryInput folder = new MutableDirectoryInput(name, root, types, scopes); // add this file to it. Logging.getLogger(TransformManager.class).info("Tagged" + file.getAbsolutePath() + " as removed"); folder.addChangedFile(file, Status.REMOVED); // add it to the list. addFolderInput(folder); return true; } @Override boolean checkRemovedJarFile(@NonNull Set<Scope> transformScopes, @NonNull Set<ContentType> transformInputTypes, @NonNull File file, @NonNull List<String> fileSegments) { if (!checkRootSegments(fileSegments)) { return false; } // there must be only 4 additional segments. if (fileSegments.size() != rootLocationSegments.size() + 4) { return false; } // last segment must end in .jar if (!file.getPath().endsWith(DOT_JAR)) { return false; } // now check that the segments after the root are what we expect. int index = rootLocationSegments.size(); if (!fileSegments.get(index++).equals(JARS)) { return false; } // get the types. Set<ContentType> types = stringToTypes(fileSegments.get(index++)); if (types == null) { return false; } // if the transform is not interested in this jar type, we don't care about those // changes if (Sets.intersection(transformInputTypes, types).isEmpty()) { return true; } // get the scopes. Set<Scope> scopes = stringToScopes(fileSegments.get(index++)); if (scopes == null) { return false; } // if the scopes do not match the transform scope, we don't care about those changes. if (Sets.intersection(transformScopes, scopes).isEmpty()) { return true; } String name = fileSegments.get(index); // create the jar input addImmutableJar(new ImmutableJarInput(name, file, Status.REMOVED, types, scopes)); return true; } private boolean checkRootSegments(@NonNull List<String> fileSegments) { if (rootLocationSegments == null) { rootLocationSegments = Lists .newArrayList(Splitter.on(File.separatorChar).split(inputRoot.getAbsolutePath())); } if (fileSegments.size() <= rootLocationSegments.size()) { return false; } // compare segments going backward as the leafs are more likely to be different. // We can ignore the segments of the file that are beyond the segments for the folder. for (int i = rootLocationSegments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!rootLocationSegments.get(i).equals(fileSegments.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; } } @NonNull public static IncrementalTransformInput computeIncrementalInputFromFolder(@NonNull File rootLocation, @NonNull Set<ContentType> requiredTypes, @NonNull Set<Scope> requiredScopes) { final IncrementalTransformInput input = new IntermediateTransformInput(rootLocation); File jarsFolder = new File(rootLocation, JARS); if (jarsFolder.isDirectory()) { parseTypeLevelFolders(jarsFolder, requiredTypes, requiredScopes, new InputGenerator() { @Override public boolean accept(@NonNull File file) { return file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(DOT_JAR); } @Override public void generate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes) { input.addJarInput(new QualifiedContentImpl( file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().length() - DOT_JAR.length()), file, types, scopes) { }); } }); } File foldersFolder = new File(rootLocation, FOLDERS); if (foldersFolder.isDirectory()) { parseTypeLevelFolders(foldersFolder, requiredTypes, requiredScopes, new InputGenerator() { @Override public boolean accept(@NonNull File file) { return file.isDirectory(); } @Override public void generate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes) { input.addFolderInput(new MutableDirectoryInput(file.getName(), file, types, scopes)); } }); } return input; } private interface InputGenerator { boolean accept(@NonNull File file); void generate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes); } private static void parseTypeLevelFolders(@NonNull File rootFolder, @NonNull Set<ContentType> requiredTypes, @NonNull Set<Scope> requiredScopes, @NonNull InputGenerator generator) { File[] files = rootFolder.listFiles(File::isDirectory); if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (File file : files) { Set<ContentType> types = stringToTypes(file.getName()); if (types != null) { // check these are types we care about and only pass down types we care about. // In this case we can safely return the content with a limited type, // as file extension allows for differentiation. Set<ContentType> limitedTypes = Sets.intersection(requiredTypes, types); if (!limitedTypes.isEmpty()) { parseScopeLevelFolders(file, limitedTypes, requiredScopes, generator); } } } } } private static void parseScopeLevelFolders(@NonNull File rootFolder, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> requiredScopes, @NonNull InputGenerator generator) { File[] files = rootFolder.listFiles(File::isDirectory); if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (File file : files) { Set<Scope> scopes = stringToScopes(file.getName()); if (scopes != null) { // we need up to the requiredScopes, but no more. // content that only contains unwanted Scope can be safely dropped, however // content that is both in and out of Scope will trigger a runtime error. // check these are the scope we want, and only pass down scopes we care about. Set<Scope> limitedScopes = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(requiredScopes.size()); boolean foundUnwanted = false; for (Scope scope : scopes) { if (requiredScopes.contains(scope)) { limitedScopes.add(scope); } else { foundUnwanted = true; } } if (!limitedScopes.isEmpty()) { if (foundUnwanted) { throw new RuntimeException("error"); } parseContentLevelFolders(file, types, Sets.immutableEnumSet(limitedScopes), generator); } } } } } private static void parseContentLevelFolders(@NonNull File rootFolder, @NonNull Set<ContentType> types, @NonNull Set<Scope> scopes, @NonNull final InputGenerator generator) { File[] files = rootFolder.listFiles(generator::accept); if (files != null && files.length > 0) { for (File file : files) { generator.generate(file, types, scopes); } } } @Nullable private static Set<ContentType> stringToTypes(String folderName) { int value; try { value = Integer.parseInt(folderName, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } ImmutableSet.Builder<ContentType> typesBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (ContentType type : ExtendedContentType.getAllContentTypes()) { if ((type.getValue() & value) != 0) { typesBuilder.add(type); } } Set<ContentType> types =; if (types.isEmpty()) { return null; } return types; } private static String typesToString(@NonNull Set<ContentType> types) { int value = 0; for (ContentType type : types) { value += type.getValue(); } return String.format("%x", value); } @Nullable private static Set<Scope> stringToScopes(String folderName) { int value; try { value = Integer.parseInt(folderName, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } Set<Scope> scopes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Scope scope : Scope.values()) { if ((scope.getValue() & value) != 0) { scopes.add(scope); } } if (scopes.isEmpty()) { return null; } return Sets.immutableEnumSet(scopes); } private static String scopesToString(@NonNull Set<Scope> scopes) { int value = 0; for (Scope scope : scopes) { value += scope.getValue(); } return String.format("%x", value); } @NonNull static Status inputFileDetailsToStatus(@NonNull InputFileDetails inputFileDetails) { if (inputFileDetails.isAdded()) return Status.ADDED; if (inputFileDetails.isModified()) return Status.CHANGED; if (inputFileDetails.isRemoved()) return Status.REMOVED; return Status.NOTCHANGED; } }