Java tutorial
/** * * AdConnect PhoneGap plugin (Android) * * Created by Mohamad Kouli. * Copyright 2012 Mohamad Kouli. All rights reserved. * MIT Licensed * */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult; import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout.LayoutParams; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.phonegap.api.Plugin; /** * * @author Mohamad Kouli (KoulMomo) * * Tutorial used to learn how to write a phonegap plugin: * * * Code was also adapted from * written by tommy-carlos williams (github username: devgeeks). * Most notably for the use of {@link PluginResult#setKeepCallback(boolean)} */ public class AdConnectLibrary extends Plugin implements AdListener { private static final String LOG_TAG = "AdConnectLibraryPhoneGapPlugin"; private static final boolean DO_LOG = true; private static final int MAX_LISTENERS = 5; private static final HashMap<String, String> _listeners = new HashMap<String, String>(MAX_LISTENERS); private static AdBlock _lib = null; private static AdRequest _currAdRequest = null; public AdConnectLibrary() { super(); _listeners.put("failedToReceiveAdListener", null); _listeners.put("receiveAdListener", null); _listeners.put("presentScreenListener", null); _listeners.put("leaveApplicationListener", null); _listeners.put("dismissScreenListener", null); } @Override public PluginResult execute(String action, JSONArray data, String callbackID) { JSONObject params = data.optJSONObject(0); if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("create")) { return createAdBlock(params, callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("loadAd")) { return loadAd(params, callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("pause")) { return pause(callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) { return resume(callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("hide")) { return hide(callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("show")) { return show(callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("isCreated")) { return isCreated(callbackID); } else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("addListener")) { return addListener(params, callbackID); } return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.INVALID_ACTION, "Unsupported Operation: " + action); } private PluginResult createAdBlock(JSONObject params, final String callbackID) { final String action = "create"; if (_lib != null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "There is already an instance of the library" + "currently running."); } if (params == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "No params passed for action " + action); } //_createCallbackID = callbackID; log("Creating a new AdBlock"); final String publisherID = params.optString("id"); if (publisherID.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "Missing publisher id"); } log("have publisher id."); JSONObject size = params.optJSONObject("size"); if (size == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "Missing AdSize"); } final int width = size.optInt("width"); final int height = size.optInt("height"); if (width < 1 || height < 1) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "AdSize is too small"); } final JSONObject layout = params.optJSONObject("layout"); log("have AdSize"); Handler h = new Handler(ctx.getContext().getMainLooper()); final AdConnectLibrary self = this; Runnable() { public void run() { _lib = new AdBlock(ctx.getContext(), new AdSize(width, height), publisherID); _lib.setAdListener(self); LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); if (layout != null) { log("setting the layout"); String gravity = layout.optString("gravity"); if (!gravity.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { log("Have gravity: " + gravity); layoutParams.gravity = getGravity(gravity); } } log("have a new lib"); ((LinearLayout) webView.getParent()).addView(_lib, layoutParams); log("successfully added adblock to webview"); updateAdBlockCreation(callbackID); } }); PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.NO_RESULT, "Awaiting AdBlockCreation"); result.setKeepCallback(true); return result; } private int getGravity(String gravity) { if (gravity.equalsIgnoreCase("bottom")) { return Gravity.BOTTOM; } return Gravity.NO_GRAVITY; } private void updateAdBlockCreation(String callbackID) { PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Successfully created AdBlock"); result.setKeepCallback(false); this.success(result, callbackID); } private PluginResult loadAd(JSONObject params, String callbackID) { log("called load ad function"); if (_lib == null) { log("_lib is null"); return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "Cannot load ad. " + "Have not created AdBlock library yet."); } log("creating AdRequest object"); AdRequest request = new AdRequest(); log("AdRequest object created"); if (params != null) { log("adrequest params are not null, setting them now."); request.setTestMode(params.optBoolean("isInTestMode")); String bday = params.optString("bday"); if (!bday.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { request.setBirthDate(bday); } String gender = params.optString("gender"); if (!gender.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { try { Gender g = Gender.valueOf(gender); request.setGender(g); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String lang = params.optString("lang"); if (!lang.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { request.setLanguage(lang); } log("Done setting adrequest params"); } log("Actually loading adrequest"); _currAdRequest = request; _lib.loadAd(request); log("Loading ads."); return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Loading ads."); } private PluginResult pause(String callbackID) { if (_lib == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "AdConnect Library is not created."); } _lib.stopLoading(); return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Stopped loading ads."); } private PluginResult resume(String callbackID) { if (_lib == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "AdConnect Library is not created."); } if (_currAdRequest == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "No previous AdRequest found to resume."); } _lib.loadAd(_currAdRequest); return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Resumed loading ads."); } private PluginResult hide(final String callbackID) { log("Hide function called."); if (_lib == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "AdConnect Library not created."); } Handler h = new Handler(ctx.getContext().getMainLooper()); Runnable() { public void run() { _lib.stopLoading(); _lib.setVisibility(View.GONE); updateHideStatus(callbackID); } }); PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.NO_RESULT, "Hiding..."); result.setKeepCallback(true); return result; } private void updateHideStatus(String callbackID) { PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Successfully hidden view."); result.setKeepCallback(false); this.success(result, callbackID); } private PluginResult show(final String callbackID) { log("Show function called."); if (_lib == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "AdConnect Library not created."); } Handler h = new Handler(ctx.getContext().getMainLooper()); Runnable() { public void run() { _lib.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (_currAdRequest != null) { _lib.loadAd(_currAdRequest); } updateShowStatus(callbackID); } }); PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.NO_RESULT, "Showing..."); result.setKeepCallback(true); return result; } private void updateShowStatus(String callbackID) { PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, "Shown"); result.setKeepCallback(false); this.success(result, callbackID); } private PluginResult isCreated(String callbackID) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); boolean created = _lib != null; try { response.put("isCreated", created); response.put("msg", "The library has already been created"); return new PluginResult(Status.OK, response); } catch (JSONException e) { return new PluginResult(Status.JSON_EXCEPTION, "The library has already been created."); } } private synchronized PluginResult addListener(JSONObject params, String callbackID) { log("Adding listener"); if (_lib == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "Library not created."); } log("Lib is not null."); if (params == null) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "No params have been passed"); } log("params are not null"); String listener = params.optString("listener"); log("listener is:" + listener); if (listener.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, "No listener has been passed."); } String oldCallbackID = _listeners.remove(listener); log("current callbackID for listener: " + oldCallbackID); if (oldCallbackID == null) { _listeners.put(listener, callbackID); PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.NO_RESULT, listener + " added successfully."); result.setKeepCallback(true); return result; } else { if (params.optBoolean("doForce")) { _listeners.put(listener, callbackID); PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.NO_RESULT, listener + "added successfully."); result.setKeepCallback(true); return result; } return createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.ERROR, listener + " previously added. Cannot add again unless sent the doForce param"); } } private PluginResult createResultWithJSONMessage(Status status, String msg) { JSONObject message = new JSONObject(); try { message.put("msg", msg); return new PluginResult(status, message); } catch (JSONException e) { return new PluginResult(status, msg); } } public void OnFailedToReceiveAd(Ad ad, ErrorCode code) { String callbackID = _listeners.get("failedToReceiveAdListener"); if (callbackID != null) { JSONObject message = new JSONObject(); try { message.put("msg", "Failed to receive ad: " + ad.toString()); message.put("error",; this.success(message, callbackID); } catch (JSONException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); PluginResult result = new PluginResult(Status.OK, message); result.setKeepCallback(true); this.success("Failed to receive ad: " + ad.toString() + "\n" + "error: " +, callbackID); } } } public void onDismissScreen(Ad ad) { String callbackID = _listeners.get("dismissScreenListener"); defaultListenerUpdate("dismissed screen", callbackID); } public void onLeaveApplication(Ad ad) { String callbackID = _listeners.get("leaveApplicationListener"); defaultListenerUpdate("left application.", callbackID); } public void onPresentScreen(Ad ad) { String callbackID = _listeners.get("presentScreenListener"); defaultListenerUpdate("presented screen", callbackID); } public void onReceiveAd(Ad ad) { log("Received ad in Phonegap Plugin. About to alert front-end."); String callbackID = _listeners.get("receiveAdListener"); log("callbackID: " + callbackID); defaultListenerUpdate("received ad.", callbackID); } public void defaultListenerUpdate(String msg, String callbackID) { if (callbackID != null) { PluginResult result = createResultWithJSONMessage(Status.OK, msg); result.setKeepCallback(true); this.success(result, callbackID); } } private void log(String msg) { if (DO_LOG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg); } } }