Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Fred Sauer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.allen_sauer.gwt.voices.crowd.client; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.voices.crowd.shared.MimeType; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.voices.crowd.shared.TestResultSummary; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.voices.crowd.shared.TestResults; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.voices.crowd.shared.UserAgent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; public class VoicesCrowd implements EntryPoint { public static native String canPlayType(String mimeType) /*-{ var audio = document.createElement('audio'); if (!audio.canPlayType) { return ""; } return audio.canPlayType(mimeType); }-*/; private boolean debug = Window.Location.getParameter("debug") != null; private boolean detail = Window.Location.getParameter("detail") != null; private boolean embed = Window.Location.getParameter("embed") != null; private TestResultSummary myTestResultSummary; private UserAgent myUserAgent; private RootPanel rootPanel; private final ResultsServiceAsync service = GWT.create(ResultsService.class); public void onModuleLoad() { rootPanel = RootPanel.get("demo-main-panel"); myUserAgent = new UserAgent(Window.Navigator.getUserAgent()); log("<br><b>Test results...</b>"); String[] results = new String[TestResults.MIME_TYPES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < TestResults.MIME_TYPES.length; i++) { String mimeType = TestResults.MIME_TYPES[i].toString(); String canPlayType = canPlayType(mimeType); results[i] = canPlayType; log(mimeType + ":" + canPlayType); } storeResults(new TestResults(results)); } private String formatPrettyUserAgentOrNull(String prettyUserAgent) { return prettyUserAgent != null ? prettyUserAgent : "<unknown>"; } private void getAndDisplaySummaryResults() { log("<br><b>Retrieving summary results...</b>"); service.getSummary(new AsyncCallback<List<TestResultSummary>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { logAlways("<b style='color:red;'>Failed to retrieve results. Check server logs for details.</b>"); removeLoadingMessage(); } public void onSuccess(List<TestResultSummary> list) { log("<b style='color:green;'>Results received.</b>"); renderSummary(list, detail); removeLoadingMessage(); } }); } private HashSet<Tuple<String>> getMatchingTuples(TestResults testResults, List<TestResultSummary> list, boolean includeUserAgentDetail) { HashSet<Tuple<String>> tuples = new HashSet<Tuple<String>>(); for (TestResultSummary summary : list) { TestResults tr = summary.getTestResults(); Tuple<String> tuple; tuple = makeTuple(summary, includeUserAgentDetail); if (testResults.equals(tr)) { tuples.add(tuple); } } return tuples; } private HashSet<TestResults> getUniqueTestResults(List<TestResultSummary> list) { HashSet<TestResults> testResultsSet; testResultsSet = new HashSet<TestResults>(); for (TestResultSummary summary : list) { testResultsSet.add(summary.getTestResults()); } return testResultsSet; } private void log(String text) { if (debug) { logAlways(text); } } private void logAlways(String text) { rootPanel.add(new HTML(text)); } private void makeHeaderRow(StringBuffer html, boolean includeUserAgentDetail) { // Header row html.append("<tr>"); // user agent headings String countText = "#"; String gwtUserAgentText = "GWT user.agent"; String originalUAText = "$wnd.navigator.userAgent"; String prettyUserAgentText = "Browser"; Tuple<String> tuple = includeUserAgentDetail ? new Tuple<String>(countText, gwtUserAgentText, originalUAText, prettyUserAgentText) : new Tuple<String>(prettyUserAgentText); for (int i = 0; i < tuple.getElements().length; i++) { html.append("<td style='text-align: center; background-color: #ccc; font-weight: bold;'>" + tuple.getElements()[i] + "</td>"); } // MIME type headings for (MimeType mimeType : TestResults.MIME_TYPES) { html.append( "<td style='text-align: center; padding: 0.2em 0.2em; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; background-color: #ccc;'>"); html.append(mimeType.toString()); html.append("</td>"); } html.append("</tr>"); } private void makeResultCells(StringBuffer html, TestResults testResults, int rowspan) { // result table cells String[] results = testResults.getResults(); for (int i = 0; i < TestResults.MIME_TYPES.length; i++) { String canPlayType = results[i]; String color = toColor(canPlayType); html.append( "<td style='text-align: center; font-family: monospace; padding: 0.2em 0.2em; background-color: "); html.append(color); html.append(";' rowspan='" + rowspan + "'>"); html.append(canPlayType == null ? "(null)" : "'" + canPlayType + "'"); html.append("</td>"); } } private Tuple<String> makeTuple(TestResultSummary summary, boolean includeUserAgentDetail) { Tuple<String> tuple; String prettyUA = formatPrettyUserAgentOrNull(summary.getPrettyUserAgent()); String gwtUA = summary.getGwtUserAgent(); if (includeUserAgentDetail) { String originalUA = summary.getUserAgent().toString(); tuple = new Tuple<String>("" + summary.getCount(), gwtUA, originalUA, prettyUA); } else { tuple = new Tuple<String>(prettyUA); } return tuple; } private void makeUserAgentCells(StringBuffer html, Tuple<String> tuple, boolean highlightRow) { String color = highlightRow ? "yellow" : "#ccc"; for (String elem : tuple.getElements()) { html.append("<td style='padding: 0.2em 0.2em; background-color: ").append(color) .append("; white-space: nowrap;'>").append(elem).append("</td>"); } } private void removeLoadingMessage() { DOM.getElementById("demo-loading").removeFromParent(); } private void renderSummary(List<TestResultSummary> list, boolean includeUserAgentDetail) { HashSet<TestResults> testResultsSet = getUniqueTestResults(list); // Build HTML table StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer(); if (!embed) { html.append("<div style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em;'>") .append("<a href=''>gwt-voices</a>") .append(" - Sound for your Google Web Toolkit projects.</div>") .append("<div style='font-style: italic; margin-bottom: 1em;'>by Fred Sauer</div>"); html.append("<h3>Your user agent</h3>"); html.append("<div style='margin-left: 1.5em;'>").append(myUserAgent.toString()).append("</div>"); html.append("<h3>Your browser</h3>"); String prettyUserAgent = myTestResultSummary.getPrettyUserAgent(); html.append("<div style='margin-left: 1.5em;'>").append(formatPrettyUserAgentOrNull(prettyUserAgent)) .append("</div>"); html.append("<h3 style='margin-top: 3em;'>HTML5 MIME Type support by User-Agent</h3>"); } UrlBuilder urlBuilder = Window.Location.createUrlBuilder(); urlBuilder = detail ? urlBuilder.removeParameter("detail") : urlBuilder.setParameter("detail", "1"); String text = (detail ? "Hide" : "Show full") + " user agent values"; html.append("<a href='" + urlBuilder.buildString() + "'>" + text + "</a>"); html.append("<table>"); for (TestResults testResults : testResultsSet) { makeHeaderRow(html, includeUserAgentDetail); HashSet<Tuple<String>> tuples = getMatchingTuples(testResults, list, includeUserAgentDetail); int count = 0; for (Tuple<String> tuple : tuples) { count++; html.append("<tr>"); boolean highlightRow = makeTuple(myTestResultSummary, includeUserAgentDetail).equals(tuple); makeUserAgentCells(html, tuple, highlightRow); if (count == 1) { makeResultCells(html, testResults, tuples.size()); } html.append("</tr>"); } } html.append("</table>"); rootPanel.add(new HTML(html.toString())); } private void storeResults(TestResults testResults) { log("<br><b>Storing our test results...</b>"); // TODO Use GwtUserAgentProvider instead, once GWT issue 5158 is fixed // See // GwtUserAgentProvider gwtUserAgentProvider = GWT.create(GwtUserAgentProvider.class); UserAgentProvider userAgent = GWT.create(UserAgentProvider.class); service.storeResults(myUserAgent, userAgent.getUserAgent(), testResults, new AsyncCallback<TestResultSummary>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { logAlways("<b style='color:#bbb;'>Failed to send our test results.</b>"); getAndDisplaySummaryResults(); } public void onSuccess(TestResultSummary testResultSummary) { myTestResultSummary = testResultSummary; if (testResultSummary != null) { log("<b style='color:green;'>Results sent and accepted.</b>"); } else { log("<b style='color:orange;'>Results sent and ignored.</b>"); } getAndDisplaySummaryResults(); } }); } private String toColor(String canPlayType) { if ("probably".equals(canPlayType)) { return "green"; } else if ("maybe".equals(canPlayType)) { return "orange"; } else { return "red"; } } }