Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.aliyun.odps.mapred.bridge.streaming; import static com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.UTF8ByteArrayUtils.unescapeSeparator; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import com.aliyun.odps.Column; import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsException; import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsType; import com.aliyun.odps.Resource; import com.aliyun.odps.conf.Configuration; import; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.JobClient; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.RunningJob; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.bridge.MetaExplorer; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.bridge.MetaExplorerImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.conf.JobConf; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.conf.SessionState; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.InputUtils; import com.aliyun.odps.mapred.utils.OutputUtils; /** * All the client-side work happens here. * (Jar packaging, MapRed job submission and monitoring) */ public class StreamJob { protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(StreamJob.class.getName()); final static String REDUCE_NONE = "NONE"; /** * -----------Streaming CLI Implementation * */ private CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); private Options allOptions; public StreamJob() { setupOptions(); this.config_ = new JobConf(); } public Configuration getConf() { return config_; } public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { for (String aa : args) { LOG.debug("arg: '" + aa + "'"); } try { this.argv_ = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length); init(); preProcessArgs(); parseArgv(); if (printUsage) { printUsage(detailedUsage_); return 0; } postProcessArgs(); setJobConf(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { //ignore, since log will already be printed // print the log in debug mode. LOG.debug("Error in streaming job", ex); ex.printStackTrace(); return 1; } return submitAndMonitorJob(); } /** * This method creates a streaming job from the given argument list. * The created object can be used and/or submitted to a jobtracker for * execution by a job agent such as JobControl * * @param argv * the list args for creating a streaming job * @return the created JobConf object * @throws IOException */ static public JobConf createJob(String[] argv) throws IOException { StreamJob job = new StreamJob(); job.argv_ = argv; job.init(); job.preProcessArgs(); job.parseArgv(); job.postProcessArgs(); job.setJobConf(); return job.jobConf_; } protected void init() { try { env_ = new Environment(); } catch (IOException io) { throw new RuntimeException(io); } } void preProcessArgs() { verbose_ = false; // Unset HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER in case streaming job // invokes additional hadoop commands. addTaskEnvironment_ = "HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER="; } void postProcessArgs() throws IOException { msg("addTaskEnvironment=" + addTaskEnvironment_); for (final String packageFile : packageFiles_) { File f = new File(packageFile); if (f.isFile()) { shippedCanonFiles_.add(f.getCanonicalPath()); } } msg("shippedCanonFiles_=" + shippedCanonFiles_); // careful with class names.. mapCmd_ = unqualifyIfLocalPath(mapCmd_); comCmd_ = unqualifyIfLocalPath(comCmd_); redCmd_ = unqualifyIfLocalPath(redCmd_); } String unqualifyIfLocalPath(String cmd) throws IOException { if (cmd == null) { // } else { String prog = cmd; String args = ""; int s = cmd.indexOf(" "); if (s != -1) { prog = cmd.substring(0, s); args = cmd.substring(s + 1); } String progCanon; try { progCanon = new File(prog).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException io) { progCanon = prog; } boolean shipped = shippedCanonFiles_.contains(progCanon); msg("shipped: " + shipped + " " + progCanon); if (shipped) { // Change path to simple filename. // That way when PipeMapRed calls Runtime.exec(), // it will look for the excutable in Task's working dir. // And this is where TaskRunner unjars our job jar. prog = new File(prog).getName(); if (args.length() > 0) { cmd = prog + " " + args; } else { cmd = prog; } } } msg("cmd=" + cmd); return cmd; } void parseArgv() { CommandLine cmdLine = null; try { cmdLine = parser.parse(allOptions, argv_); } catch (Exception oe) { LOG.error(oe.getMessage()); exitUsage(argv_.length > 0 && "-info".equals(argv_[0])); } if (cmdLine == null) { exitUsage(argv_.length > 0 && "-info".equals(argv_[0])); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> args = cmdLine.getArgList(); if (args != null && args.size() > 0) { fail("Found " + args.size() + " unexpected arguments on the " + "command line " + args); } detailedUsage_ = cmdLine.hasOption("info"); if (cmdLine.hasOption("help") || detailedUsage_) { printUsage = true; return; } verbose_ = cmdLine.hasOption("verbose"); background_ = cmdLine.hasOption("background"); debug_ = cmdLine.hasOption("debug") ? debug_ + 1 : debug_; output_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("output"); comCmd_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("combiner"); redCmd_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("reducer"); lazyOutput_ = cmdLine.hasOption("lazyOutput"); String[] values = cmdLine.getOptionValues("file"); SessionState ss = SessionState.get(); MetaExplorer metaExplorer = new MetaExplorerImpl(ss.getOdps()); Map<String, String> aliasToTempResource = new HashMap<String, String>(); String padding = "_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (values != null && values.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { String file = values[i]; packageFiles_.add(file); try { aliasToTempResource.put(FilenameUtils.getName(file), metaExplorer.addFileResourceWithRetry(file, Resource.Type.FILE, padding, true)); } catch (OdpsException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } config_.set("stream.temp.resource.alias", JSON.toJSONString(aliasToTempResource)); String[] res = config_.getResources(); Set<String> resources = aliasToTempResource.keySet(); if (res != null) { config_.setResources(StringUtils.join(res, ",") + "," + StringUtils.join(resources, ",")); } else { config_.setResources(StringUtils.join(resources, ",")); } } additionalConfSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("additionalconfspec"); numReduceTasksSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("numReduceTasks"); partitionerSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("partitioner"); mapDebugSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("mapdebug"); reduceDebugSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("reducedebug"); ioSpec_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("io"); String[] car = cmdLine.getOptionValues("cacheArchive"); if (null != car) { fail("no -cacheArchive option any more, please use -resources instead."); } String[] caf = cmdLine.getOptionValues("cacheFile"); if (null != caf) { fail("no -cacheFile option any more, please use -resources instead."); } mapCmd_ = cmdLine.getOptionValue("mapper"); String[] cmd = cmdLine.getOptionValues("cmdenv"); if (null != cmd && cmd.length > 0) { for (String s : cmd) { if (addTaskEnvironment_.length() > 0) { addTaskEnvironment_ += " "; } addTaskEnvironment_ += s; } } // per table input config Map<String, Map<String, String>> inputConfigs = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); String[] columns = null; for (Option opt : cmdLine.getOptions()) { if ("jobconf".equals(opt.getOpt())) { String[] jobconf = opt.getValues(); if (null != jobconf && jobconf.length > 0) { for (String s : jobconf) { String[] parts = s.split("=", 2); config_.set(parts[0], parts[1]); } } } else if ("columns".equals(opt.getOpt())) { String columnsValue = opt.getValue(); if (columnsValue.equals("ALL")) { columns = null; } else { columns = columnsValue.split(","); } } else if ("input".equals(opt.getOpt())) { values = opt.getValues(); if (values != null && values.length > 0) { for (String input : values) { TableInfo ti = parseTableInfo(input); if (columns != null) { ti.setCols(columns); } inputSpecs_.add(ti); String inputKey = (ti.getProjectName() + "." + ti.getTableName()).toLowerCase(); // XXX only apply once per table if (inputConfigs.get(inputKey) != null) { continue; } Map<String, String> inputConfig = new HashMap<String, String>(); inputConfig.put("", config_.get("", "\t")); // TODO other per table input config: cols, etc. inputConfigs.put(inputKey, inputConfig); } } } } try { config_.set("", JSON.toJSONString(inputConfigs)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("fail to set input configs"); } } protected void msg(String msg) { if (verbose_) { System.out.println("STREAM: " + msg); } } private Option createOption(String name, String desc, String argName, int max, boolean required) { return OptionBuilder.withArgName(argName).hasArgs(max).withDescription(desc).isRequired(required) .create(name); } private Option createBoolOption(String name, String desc) { return OptionBuilder.withDescription(desc).create(name); } private void setupOptions() { // input and output are not required for -info and -help options, // though they are required for streaming job to be run. Option input = createOption("input", "Input tables/partitions for the Map step", "path", Integer.MAX_VALUE, false); Option columns = createOption("columns", "Input table column names for the Map step", "spec", 1, false); Option output = createOption("output", "Result table/partition for the Reduce step", "path", 1, false); Option mapper = createOption("mapper", "The streaming command to run", "cmd", 1, false); Option combiner = createOption("combiner", "The streaming command to run", "cmd", 1, false); // reducer could be NONE Option reducer = createOption("reducer", "The streaming command to run", "cmd", 1, false); Option file = createOption("file", "File to be shipped in the Job jar file", "file", Integer.MAX_VALUE, false); Option additionalconfspec = createOption("additionalconfspec", "Optional.", "spec", 1, false); Option partitioner = createOption("partitioner", "Optional.", "spec", 1, false); Option numReduceTasks = createOption("numReduceTasks", "Optional.", "spec", 1, false); Option mapDebug = createOption("mapdebug", "Optional.", "spec", 1, false); Option reduceDebug = createOption("reducedebug", "Optional", "spec", 1, false); Option jobconf = createOption("jobconf", "(n=v) Optional. Add or override a JobConf property.", "spec", 1, false); Option cmdenv = createOption("cmdenv", "(n=v) Pass env.var to streaming commands.", "spec", 1, false); Option cacheFile = createOption("cacheFile", "File name URI", "fileNameURI", Integer.MAX_VALUE, false); Option cacheArchive = createOption("cacheArchive", "File name URI", "fileNameURI", Integer.MAX_VALUE, false); Option io = createOption("io", "Optional.", "spec", 1, false); // boolean properties Option background = createBoolOption("background", "Submit the job and don't wait till it completes."); Option verbose = createBoolOption("verbose", "print verbose output"); Option info = createBoolOption("info", "print verbose output"); Option help = createBoolOption("help", "print this help message"); Option debug = createBoolOption("debug", "print debug output"); Option lazyOutput = createBoolOption("lazyOutput", "create outputs lazily"); allOptions = new Options().addOption(input).addOption(columns).addOption(output).addOption(mapper) .addOption(combiner).addOption(reducer).addOption(file).addOption(additionalconfspec) .addOption(partitioner).addOption(numReduceTasks).addOption(mapDebug).addOption(reduceDebug) .addOption(jobconf).addOption(cmdenv).addOption(cacheFile).addOption(cacheArchive).addOption(io) .addOption(background).addOption(verbose).addOption(info).addOption(debug).addOption(help) .addOption(lazyOutput); } public void exitUsage(boolean detailed) { printUsage(detailed); fail(""); } private void printUsage(boolean detailed) { System.out.println( "Usage: jar [-classpath ...] [-resources ...] com.aliyun.odps.mapred.bridge.streaming.StreamJob" + " [options]"); System.out.println("Options:"); System.out.println( " -input <[/prj/]tbl/[pt=x[/ds=y]]> input table/partition for the Map" + " step."); System.out.println( " -output <[/prj/]tbl/[pt=x[/ds=y]]> output table/partition for the" + " Reduce step."); System.out.println(" -mapper <cmd|JavaClassName> Optional. Command" + " to be run as mapper."); System.out.println(" -combiner <cmd|JavaClassName> Optional. Command" + " to be run as combiner."); System.out.println(" -reducer <cmd|JavaClassName> Optional. Command" + " to be run as reducer."); System.out.println( " -file <file> Optional. Local file/dir to be " + "shipped with the streaming job."); System.out.println(" -partitioner <JavaClassName> Optional. The" + " partitioner class."); System.out.println(" -numReduceTasks <num> Optional. Number of reduce " + "tasks."); System.out.println(" -cmdenv <n>=<v> Optional. Pass env.var to" + " streaming commands."); System.out.println(" -lazyOutput Optional. Lazily create Output."); System.out.println(" -background Optional. Submit the job and don't wait till it completes."); System.out.println(" -verbose Optional. Print verbose output."); System.out.println(" -info Optional. Print detailed usage."); System.out.println(" -help Optional. Print help message."); System.out.println(); if (!detailed) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("For more details about these options use -info option."); return; } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Usage tips:"); System.out.println("To set the number of reduce tasks (num. of output " + "files) as, say 10:"); System.out.println(" Use -numReduceTasks 10"); System.out.println("To skip the sort/combine/shuffle/sort/reduce step:"); System.out.println(" Use -numReduceTasks 0"); System.out.println(" Map output then becomes a 'side-effect " + "output' rather than a reduce input."); System.out.println(" This speeds up processing. This also feels " + "more like \"in-place\" processing"); System.out.println(" because the input filename and the map " + "input order are preserved."); System.out.println(" This is equivalent to -reducer NONE"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("To treat tasks with non-zero exit status as SUCCEDED:"); System.out.println(" -D"); System.out.println("To set an environement variable in a streaming " + "command:"); System.out.println(" -cmdenv EXAMPLE_DIR=/home/example/dictionaries/"); } public void fail(String message) { System.err.println(message); System.err.println("Try -help for more information"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } // -------------------------------------------- /** * Parse table input/output path to TableInfo. * Supported pattern: * /prj/tbl * /prj/tbl/pt=x/ds=y * tbl * tbl/pt=x/ds=y */ private static TableInfo parseTableInfo(String tableInfoStr) { String prj = SessionState.get().getOdps().getDefaultProject(); if (prj == null) { // should not happen throw new RuntimeException("default project should have been set"); } String tbl = null; String part = null; if (tableInfoStr.startsWith("/")) { String[] parts = tableInfoStr.substring(1).split("/", 3); if (parts.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid table info: " + tableInfoStr); } prj = parts[0]; tbl = parts[1]; if (parts.length == 3) { part = parts[2]; } } else { String[] parts = tableInfoStr.split("/", 2); if (parts.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid table info: " + tableInfoStr); } tbl = parts[0]; if (parts.length == 2) { part = parts[1]; } } TableInfo.TableInfoBuilder builder = TableInfo.builder(); builder.projectName(prj); builder.tableName(tbl); if (part != null) { builder.partSpec(part); } return; } protected void setJobConf() throws IOException { // general MapRed job properties jobConf_ = new JobConf(config_); // All streaming jobs get the task timeout value // from the configuration settings. for (int i = 0; i < inputSpecs_.size(); i++) { InputUtils.addTable(inputSpecs_.get(i), jobConf_); } String defaultPackage = this.getClass().getPackage().getName(); if (ioSpec_ != null) { jobConf_.set("", ioSpec_); jobConf_.set("", ioSpec_); jobConf_.set("stream.reduce.input", ioSpec_); jobConf_.set("stream.reduce.output", ioSpec_); } //Class<? extends IdentifierResolver> idResolverClass = // jobConf_.getClass("", // IdentifierResolver.class, IdentifierResolver.class); //IdentifierResolver idResolver = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(idResolverClass, jobConf_); //idResolver.resolve(jobConf_.get("", IdentifierResolver.TEXT_ID)); //jobConf_.setClass("", // idResolver.getInputWriterClass(), InputWriter.class); jobConf_.setClass("", RecordInputWriter.class, InputWriter.class); //idResolver.resolve(jobConf_.get("stream.reduce.input", IdentifierResolver.TEXT_ID)); //jobConf_.setClass("stream.reduce.input.writer.class", // idResolver.getInputWriterClass(), InputWriter.class); jobConf_.setClass("stream.reduce.input.writer.class", TextInputWriter.class, InputWriter.class); jobConf_.set("stream.addenvironment", addTaskEnvironment_); boolean isMapperACommand = false; Class c = null; if (mapCmd_ != null) { c = StreamUtil.goodClassOrNull(jobConf_, mapCmd_, defaultPackage); if (c != null) { jobConf_.setMapperClass(c); } else { isMapperACommand = true; jobConf_.setMapperClass(PipeMapper.class); //jobConf_.setMapRunnerClass(PipeMapRunner.class); jobConf_.set("", URLEncoder.encode(mapCmd_, "UTF-8")); } } if (comCmd_ != null) { c = StreamUtil.goodClassOrNull(jobConf_, comCmd_, defaultPackage); if (c != null) { jobConf_.setCombinerClass(c); } else { jobConf_.setCombinerClass(PipeCombiner.class); jobConf_.set("stream.combine.streamprocessor", URLEncoder.encode(comCmd_, "UTF-8")); } } if (numReduceTasksSpec_ != null) { int numReduceTasks = Integer.parseInt(numReduceTasksSpec_); jobConf_.setNumReduceTasks(numReduceTasks); } boolean isReducerACommand = false; if (redCmd_ != null) { if (redCmd_.equals(REDUCE_NONE)) { jobConf_.setNumReduceTasks(0); } if (jobConf_.getNumReduceTasks() != 0) { if (redCmd_.compareToIgnoreCase("aggregate") == 0) { //jobConf_.setReducerClass(ValueAggregatorReducer.class); //jobConf_.setCombinerClass(ValueAggregatorCombiner.class); // TODO reducer lib throw new UnsupportedOperationException("'aggregate' reducer not supported yet"); } else { c = StreamUtil.goodClassOrNull(jobConf_, redCmd_, defaultPackage); if (c != null) { jobConf_.setReducerClass(c); } else { isReducerACommand = true; jobConf_.setReducerClass(PipeReducer.class); jobConf_.set("stream.reduce.streamprocessor", URLEncoder.encode(redCmd_, "UTF-8")); } } } } String mapOutputFieldSeparator = unescapeSeparator(jobConf_.get("", "\t")); String reduceInputFieldSeparator = unescapeSeparator( jobConf_.get("stream.reduce.input.field.separator", "\t")); int numOfMapOutputKeyFields = jobConf_.getInt("", 1); if (numOfMapOutputKeyFields > 1 && !mapOutputFieldSeparator.equals(reduceInputFieldSeparator)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "for multiple-fields key, stream.reduce.input.field.separator should be the same as to avoid confusion"); } Column[] mapOutputKeySchema = new Column[numOfMapOutputKeyFields]; Map<Integer, KeyDescription> keyOptions = parseKeyOptions( jobConf_.get("", "")); for (int i = 0; i < mapOutputKeySchema.length; i++) { KeyDescription keyDesc = keyOptions.get(i + 1); OdpsType t = (keyDesc == null || !keyDesc.numeric) ? OdpsType.STRING : OdpsType.BIGINT; mapOutputKeySchema[i] = new Column("map_out_key" + i, t); } jobConf_.setMapOutputKeySchema(mapOutputKeySchema); if (!keyOptions.isEmpty()) { JobConf.SortOrder[] sortOrder = new JobConf.SortOrder[mapOutputKeySchema.length]; for (int i = 0; i < mapOutputKeySchema.length; i++) { KeyDescription keyDesc = keyOptions.get(i + 1); sortOrder[i] = (keyDesc == null || !keyDesc.reverse) ? JobConf.SortOrder.ASC : JobConf.SortOrder.DESC; } jobConf_.setOutputKeySortOrder(sortOrder); } jobConf_.setMapOutputValueSchema(new Column[] { new Column("map_out_value", OdpsType.STRING) }); // use setPartitionColumns for KeyFieldBasedPartitioner if (partitionerSpec_ != null) { if (partitionerSpec_.equals("KeyFieldBasedPartitioner")) { partitionerSpec_ = "com.aliyun.odps.mapred.lib.KeyFieldBasedPartitioner"; } if (partitionerSpec_.equals("com.aliyun.odps.mapred.lib.KeyFieldBasedPartitioner")) { String mapOutputKeyFieldSeparator = unescapeSeparator( jobConf_.get("map.output.key.field.separator", "\t")); if (mapOutputFieldSeparator.equals(mapOutputKeyFieldSeparator)) { int numOfKeyFieldsForPartition = jobConf_.getInt("num.key.fields.for.partition", 1); if (numOfKeyFieldsForPartition > numOfMapOutputKeyFields) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "num.key.fields.for.partition should not bigger than"); } if (numOfKeyFieldsForPartition < numOfMapOutputKeyFields) { String[] partitionColumns = new String[numOfKeyFieldsForPartition]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfKeyFieldsForPartition; i++) { partitionColumns[i] = mapOutputKeySchema[i].getName(); } jobConf_.setPartitionColumns(partitionColumns); } } else { // need to split the first field for partition, only for compatible with hadoop. // FIXME this partitioner would be implemented by the StreamingOperator at runtime... c = StreamUtil.goodClassOrNull(jobConf_, partitionerSpec_, defaultPackage); if (c != null) { jobConf_.setPartitionerClass(c); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User defined partitioner not supported for streaming job"); } } Class mapOutputReaderClass = TextOutputReader.class; Class reduceOutputReaderClass = RecordOutputReader.class; if (jobConf_.getNumReduceTasks() > 0) { boolean hasKey = jobConf_.getInt("stream.num.reduce.output.key.fields", 0) > 0; reduceOutputReaderClass = hasKey ? TextOutputReader.class : RecordOutputReader.class; } else { boolean hasKey = jobConf_.getInt("", 0) > 0; mapOutputReaderClass = hasKey ? TextOutputReader.class : RecordOutputReader.class; } jobConf_.setClass("", mapOutputReaderClass, OutputReader.class); jobConf_.setClass("stream.reduce.output.reader.class", reduceOutputReaderClass, OutputReader.class); // XXX no-output allowed if (output_ != null) { OutputUtils.addTable(parseTableInfo(output_), jobConf_); } //if(mapDebugSpec_ != null){ // jobConf_.setMapDebugScript(mapDebugSpec_); //} //if(reduceDebugSpec_ != null){ // jobConf_.setReduceDebugScript(reduceDebugSpec_); //} // last, allow user to override anything // (although typically used with properties we didn't touch) // FIXME resources linkname if (verbose_) { listJobConfProperties(); } } /** * Prints out the jobconf properties on stdout * when verbose is specified. */ protected void listJobConfProperties() { msg("==== JobConf properties:"); TreeMap<String, String> sorted = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> en : jobConf_) { sorted.put(en.getKey(), en.getValue()); } for (final Map.Entry<String, String> en : sorted.entrySet()) { msg(en.getKey() + "=" + en.getValue()); } msg("===="); } // Based on JobClient public int submitAndMonitorJob() throws Exception { running_ = JobClient.submitJob(jobConf_); LOG.debug("submit job done"); if (background_) {"Job is running in background."); } else { running_.waitForCompletion(); if (!running_.isSuccessful()) { return 1; } } return 0; } private static class KeyDescription { boolean numeric = false; boolean reverse = false; } ; /** * Parse key option; * option is like f[n][r],f[n][r],... */ private Map<Integer, KeyDescription> parseKeyOptions(String options) { Map<Integer, KeyDescription> keys = new HashMap<Integer, KeyDescription>(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(options, "nr,", true); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken(); int fieldId; try { fieldId = Integer.parseInt(token); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid key options format, expect field number at '" + token + "'"); } KeyDescription keyDesc = new KeyDescription(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (token.equals(",")) { break; } else if (token.equals("n")) { keyDesc.numeric = true; } else if (token.equals("r")) { keyDesc.reverse = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid key options format, unknown option '" + token + "'"); } } keys.put(fieldId, keyDesc); } return keys; } protected String[] argv_; protected boolean background_; protected boolean verbose_; protected boolean detailedUsage_; protected boolean printUsage = false; protected int debug_; protected Environment env_; protected JobConf config_; protected JobConf jobConf_; // command-line arguments protected ArrayList<TableInfo> inputSpecs_ = new ArrayList<TableInfo>(); protected ArrayList<String> packageFiles_ = new ArrayList<String>(); protected ArrayList<String> shippedCanonFiles_ = new ArrayList<String>(); //protected TreeMap<String, String> userJobConfProps_ = new TreeMap<String, String>(); protected String output_; protected String mapCmd_; protected String comCmd_; protected String redCmd_; protected String partitionerSpec_; protected String numReduceTasksSpec_; protected String additionalConfSpec_; protected String mapDebugSpec_; protected String reduceDebugSpec_; protected String ioSpec_; protected boolean lazyOutput_; // Use to communicate config to the external processes (ex env.var.HADOOP_USER) // encoding "a=b c=d" protected String addTaskEnvironment_; protected RunningJob running_; protected static final String LINK_URI = "You need to specify the uris as scheme://path#linkname," + "Please specify a different link name for all of your caching URIs"; public static void main(String[] args) { StreamJob job = new StreamJob(); try { System.exit(; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } }