Java tutorial
package com.ah.ui.actions.hiveap; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ah.ui.actions.BaseAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.config.MacFiltersAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.config.SsidProfilesAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.config.VpnServiceAction; import com.ah.ui.actions.gml.TemporaryAccountAction; import com.ah.util.CheckItem; import com.ah.util.CountryCode; import com.ah.util.EnumItem; import com.ah.util.HiveApUtils; import com.ah.util.HmException; import com.ah.util.HmMessageCodes; import com.ah.util.MgrUtil; import com.ah.util.NameValuePair; import com.ah.util.TextItem; import com.ah.util.Tracer; import; import com.ah.util.devices.impl.Device; import com.ah.util.http.HttpCommunication; public class HiveApUpdateAction extends BaseAction implements QueryBo, UpdateParameters { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Tracer log = new Tracer(HiveApUpdateAction.class.getSimpleName()); private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE = "hiveAp_update_list_type"; private static final String UPDATE_RESULT_LIST = "hiveApUpdateResultsList"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE = "imageInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_L7_SIGNATURE = "signatureInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_CONFIG = "configInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_BOOTSTRAP = "bootstrapInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE = "countryCodeInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_POE = "poeInput"; private static final String UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_NETDUMP = "netdumpInput"; private static final String UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS = "outdoorSettingsInput"; public static final String UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs = "initialSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs = "imageSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_OS_DETECTION_IDs = "osDetectionIds"; public static final String UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS = "configSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS_EX = "configSelectedIds_ex"; public static final String UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs = "bootstrapSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs = "countryCodeSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs = "poeSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs = "netdumpSelectedIds"; public static final String UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS = "outdoorSettingsSelectedids"; public static final String UPDATE_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER_LIST_GROUP_BY_HIVE = "disSerListGPHive"; public static final String UPDATE_ID_AND_HOSTNAME_MAPPING = "idAndHostnameMapping"; public static final String UPDATE_ID_AND_HIVENAME_MAPPING = "idAndHivenameMapping"; public static final String UPDATE_CURRENT_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER = "currentDistributedServer"; public static final String UPDATE_HIVEAP_NETWORKPOLICY_CHANGED = "hiveApsNWPolicyChanged"; public static final String UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs = "l7SignatureSelectedIds"; public static final String SIMPLIFIED_UPDATE_SELECTED_IDs = "simplifiedUpdateSelectedIds"; public static final String JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY = "resultType"; public static final String JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX = "_result"; // private String domainName = ""; @Override public String execute() throws Exception { String forward = globalForward(); if (forward != null) { return forward; } try { // check session token for CSRF attack if (!isCSRFTokenValida() && ("updateCountryCode".equals(operation) || "updateBootstrap".equals(operation) || "uploadWizard".equals(operation) || "uploadImage".equals(operation) || "uploadSignature".equals(operation) || "updateBootstrap".equals(operation) || "updatePoe".equals(operation) || "updateNetdump".equals(operation))) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_FAILURE, MgrUtil.getUserMessage("security.csrfattack") + getLastTitle()); throw new HmException(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(""), HmMessageCodes.SECURITY_REQUEST_INVALID, new String[] { "mitigate" }); } if ("wizard".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareConfigtBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_CONFIG); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_CONFIG; } else if ("imageInput".equals(operation)) { new Thread(new DAInformationTimer()).start(); removeSessionAttrs(); prepareImageBoList(); checkSupportedUpdateImage(); prepareDistributedDownload(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE; } else if ("signatureInput".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareL7SignatureBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_L7_SIGNATURE); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_L7_SIGNATURE; } else if ("bootstrapInput".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareBootstrapBoList(); prepareBootstrapParams(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_BOOTSTRAP); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_BOOTSTRAP; } else if ("countryCodeInput".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareCountryCodeBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE; } else if ("countryCodeInputJson".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareCountryCodeBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE); return "countryCodeInputJson"; } else if (UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS.equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareOutdoorSettingsBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS); return UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS; } else if ("poeInput".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); preparePoeBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_POE); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_POE; } else if ("netdumpInput".equals(operation)) { removeSessionAttrs(); prepareNetdumpBoList(); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE, UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_NETDUMP); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_NETDUMP; } else if ("uploadWizard".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation + ", configConfiguration:" + configConfiguration + ", configCwp:" + configCwp + ", configCertificate:" + configCertificate + ", configUserDatabase:" + configUserDatabase); if ("uploadConfigEx".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getExConfigGuideFeature())) { removeSessionAttrs(); removeUploadWaringSession(); } Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS, selectedConfigIds, getPageIds()); if ("uploadConfigEx".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getExConfigGuideFeature())) { storeExIdListToSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS_EX, selectedConfigIds); } if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); removeUploadWaringSession(); removeNWPolicyChangeSession(); logUpdateOperation(); if ("uploadConfigEx".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getExConfigGuideFeature())) { jsonObject = getUploadConfigExJson(operation); if (getUserContext().isSourceFromIdm()) { jsonObject.put("disDone", true); } return "json"; } else { return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } } else { prepareConfigtBoList(); if ("uploadConfigEx".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getExConfigGuideFeature())) { jsonObject = getUploadConfigExJson(operation); if (getUserContext().isSourceFromIdm()) { jsonObject.put("disDone", true); } return "json"; } else { return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_CONFIG; } } } else if ("doneToIDM".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); try { JSONObject js; JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(); String sql = "select distinct s.ssidname,s.accessMode,s.cwpSelectEnabled from config_template_ssid c, ssid_profile s " + "where and s.enabledIDM=true and s.owner=" + getDomain().getId(); List<?> lst = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(sql); if (!lst.isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : lst) { Object[] items = (Object[]) obj; String ssidName = items[0].toString(); int accessMode = Integer.parseInt(items[1].toString()); boolean cwpEnabled = Boolean.valueOf(items[2].toString()); if (accessMode == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_8021X || accessMode == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK) { js = new JSONObject(); js.put("n", ssidName); js.put("t", accessMode); ja.put(js); } else { if (cwpEnabled) { js = new JSONObject(); js.put("n", ssidName); js.put("t", accessMode); ja.put(js); } } } } jsonObject.put("url", getUserContext().getSourceUrl()); if (getUserContext().getSourceUrl() != null && getUserContext().getSourceUrl().indexOf("?") > 0) { jsonObject.put("params", "&ssids="); jsonObject.put("paramsValue", ja.toString()); } else { jsonObject.put("params", "?ssids="); jsonObject.put("paramsValue", ja.toString()); } //jsonObject.put("url", "hm/reports.action?operation=summary&tid=1001"); //jsonObject.put("params", "&v=" + ja.toString()); jsonObject.put("t", true); } catch (Exception e) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("m", e.getMessage()); } return "json"; } else if ("checkNetworkPolicy".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation + ", configConfiguration:" + configConfiguration + ", configCwp:" + configCwp + ", configCertificate:" + configCertificate + ", configUserDatabase:" + configUserDatabase); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); if (isEasyMode()) { jsonObject.put("t", true); return "json"; } else { clearErrorsAndMessages(); Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); StringBuilder idLstStr = new StringBuilder(); for (Long idObj : selectedConfigIds) { if (idLstStr.length() != 0) { idLstStr.append(","); } idLstStr.append(idObj.toString()); } String strSql = "select _t1.hostName, _t2.enabledhcp, _t1.TEMPLATE_ID, from HIVE_AP _t1 left join hiveap_device_interface _t2 on _t2.hiveap_id and _t2.deviceiftype=" + AhInterface.DEVICE_IF_TYPE_ETH0 + " where in (" + idLstStr.toString() + ")"; List<?> apList = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(strSql); StringBuffer warningMsg = new StringBuffer(); //when the port type is Phone&Data,the lldp should be enabled StringBuffer lldpWarningMsg = new StringBuffer(); Set<String> setPolicyName = new HashSet<>(); boolean blnWarnMsgDisplay = false; StringBuilder bufferWarningMsg = new StringBuilder(); HashMap<Long, ConfigTemplate> mapConfigTemplate = new HashMap<>(); for (Object oneObj : apList) { Object[] oneAp = (Object[]) oneObj; ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy; if (mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())) != null) { wlanPolicy = mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())); } else { wlanPolicy = findBoById(ConfigTemplate.class, Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString()), this); mapConfigTemplate.put(wlanPolicy.getId(), wlanPolicy); } HiveAp oneHiveAP = findBoById(HiveAp.class, Long.parseLong(oneAp[3].toString()), this); if (oneHiveAP.isBranchRouter()) { blnWarnMsgDisplay = true; } if (oneHiveAP.isVpnGateway()) { if (oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface() == null || oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getIpAddress() == null || oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getIpAddress().equals("")) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", getText("error.hiveap.cvg.wan.ip.empty", new String[] { oneHiveAP.getHostName() })); return "json"; } } // if (oneAp[1]==null || oneAp[1].toString().equals("") || // Boolean.valueOf(oneAp[1].toString()) // /*|| !wlanPolicy.isBlnWirelessRouter()*/ // || // if (!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isRouterContained() // || !oneHiveAP.isBranchRouter() // || (oneHiveAP.isBranchRouter() && !checkDhcpWhenUpload(oneHiveAP))){ // connection type is pppoe and eth0 is primary // oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getConnectionType().equals("3") && // oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getWanOrder() == 1 )){ String ret = ""; if (!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { ret = checkNetworkPolicy(wlanPolicy, false, warningMsg, setPolicyName, oneHiveAP, lldpWarningMsg); } if (!"".equals(ret)) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", ret); return "json"; } // } else { // String ret=""; // if (!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { // ret= checkNetworkPolicy(wlanPolicy, true, warningMsg, setPolicyName,oneHiveAP,lldpWarningMsg); // } // if (!"".equals(ret)){ // jsonObject.put("t", false); // jsonObject.put("m", ret); // return "json"; // } // } if (oneHiveAP.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_BRANCH_ROUTER) { if (mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())) != null) { if (mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())) .getRoutingProfilePolicy() != null) { if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(oneHiveAP.getSoftVer(), "") < 0) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", getText("error.hiveAp.upload.RoutigPolicy.notmatach.ApVersion", new String[] { oneHiveAP.getHostName() })); return "json"; } } } } //check stp settings if (oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings() != null && oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings().isOverrideStp() && oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings().isEnableStp()) { String ret1 = checkStpSettings(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAP); if (!"".equals(ret1)) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", ret1); return "json"; } } if (oneHiveAP.isWifi1Available() && oneHiveAP.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { if (oneHiveAP.getWifi0RadioProfile() != null && oneHiveAP.getWifi1RadioProfile() != null) { boolean wifi0Model = false; if (oneHiveAP.getWifi0RadioProfile().isEnableClientLoadBalance() && oneHiveAP .getWifi0RadioProfile() .getLoadBalancingMode() == RadioProfile.LOAD_BALANCE_MODE_STATION_NUMBER) { wifi0Model = true; } boolean wifi1Model = false; if (oneHiveAP.getWifi1RadioProfile().isEnableClientLoadBalance() && oneHiveAP .getWifi1RadioProfile() .getLoadBalancingMode() == RadioProfile.LOAD_BALANCE_MODE_STATION_NUMBER) { wifi1Model = true; } if (wifi0Model ^ wifi1Model) { blnWarnMsgDisplay = true; if (!bufferWarningMsg.toString().equals("")) { bufferWarningMsg.append(", (").append(oneHiveAP.getHostName()).append(")"); } else { bufferWarningMsg.append("(").append(oneHiveAP.getHostName()).append(")"); } } } } } if (!getActionMessages().isEmpty()) { blnWarnMsgDisplay = true; } if (lldpWarningMsg.length() > 0) { blnWarnMsgDisplay = true; } if ((!warningMsg.toString().equals("") || !bufferWarningMsg.toString().equals("") || !lldpWarningMsg.toString().equals("") || !getActionMessages().isEmpty()) && blnWarnMsgDisplay) { StringBuilder wn = new StringBuilder(); if (!warningMsg.toString().equals("")) { wn.append(warningMsg.toString()).append("<br/><br/>"); } if (!lldpWarningMsg.toString().equals("")) { wn.append(lldpWarningMsg.toString()).append(".<br/><br/>"); } if (!bufferWarningMsg.toString().equals("")) { wn.append(getText("", new String[] { bufferWarningMsg.toString() })); wn.append("<br/><br/>"); } if (!getActionMessages().isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : getActionMessages()) { wn.append(obj.toString()); wn.append("<br/><br/>"); } } jsonObject.put("wn", wn.toString()); } clearErrorsAndMessages(); jsonObject.put("t", true); return "json"; } } else if ("checkWiFiClientMode".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); StringBuilder wfcmHosts = new StringBuilder(); boolean wfcmMsgDisplay = false; clearErrorsAndMessages(); Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); for (Long idObj : selectedConfigIds) { HiveAp oneHiveAP = findBoById(HiveAp.class, idObj, this); if ((oneHiveAP.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR200_WP || oneHiveAP.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR200_LTE_VZ) && oneHiveAP.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_BRANCH_ROUTER && oneHiveAP.getRadioConfigType() == HiveAp.RADIO_MODE_ACCESS_WAN) { if (configSelectType.equals(HiveApUpdateSettings.ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.toString()) || configSelectType.equals( && oneHiveAP.getLastCfgTime() != 0) { wfcmMsgDisplay = true; wfcmHosts.append(oneHiveAP.getHostName()).append(","); } } } if (wfcmMsgDisplay) { int index = wfcmHosts.lastIndexOf(","); if (index > 0) { wfcmHosts.deleteCharAt(index); } jsonObject.put("msg", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("info.wificlientmode.clioverride", wfcmHosts.toString())); } jsonObject.put("t", wfcmMsgDisplay); return "json"; } else if ("uploadImage".equals(operation)) { // if(!checkUploadQueue()){ // prepareImageBoList(); // return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE; // } Set<Long> selectedImageIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedImageIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { prepareImageBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE; } } else if ("uploadSignature".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedSignatureIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_L7_SIGNATURE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedSignatureIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { prepareL7SignatureBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_L7_SIGNATURE; } } else if ("updateBootstrap".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedBootstrapIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs, selectedBootstrapIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { prepareBootstrapBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_BOOTSTRAP; } } else if ("updateCountryCode".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedDtlsIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedDtlsIds, getPageIds()); if (updateCountryCodeParams() && generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { prepareCountryCodeBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE; } } else if ("updateCountryCodeJson".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedDtlsIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedDtlsIds, getPageIds()); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (updateCountryCodeParams() && generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); jsonObject.put("t", true); return "json"; } else { jsonObject.put("t", false); for (Object errorMsg : getActionErrors()) { jsonObject.put("m", errorMsg); break; } return "json"; } } else if ("updateOutdoorSettings".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedDtlsIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_OUTDOORSTTINGS); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS, selectedDtlsIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { prepareOutdoorSettingsBoList(); return UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS; } } else if ("updatePoe".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedPoeIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_POE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedPoeIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { preparePoeBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_POE; } } else if ("uploadOsDetection".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); jsonObject.put("suc", true); } else { jsonObject.put("suc", false); } return "json"; } else if ("updateOsDetection".equals(operation)) { prepareOsDetection(); return "json"; } else if ("updateNetdump".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedNetdumpIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_NET_DUMP); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs, selectedNetdumpIds, getPageIds()); if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); logUpdateOperation(); return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } else { preparePoeBoList(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_NETDUMP; } } else if ("importImage".equals(operation)) { addLstTitle(getText("hiveAp.update.image")); addLstForward("hiveApImageUpdate"); Set<Long> selectedImageIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedImageIds, getPageIds()); return operation; } else if ("continueImage".equals(operation)) { prepareImageBoList(); removeLstTitle(); removeLstForward(); return UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE; } else if ("viewScript".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation + ", ap id:" + id); String strSql = "select _t1.hostName, _t2.enabledhcp, _t1.TEMPLATE_ID, from HIVE_AP _t1 left join hiveap_device_interface _t2 on _t2.hiveap_id and _t2.deviceiftype=" + AhInterface.DEVICE_IF_TYPE_ETH0 + " where" + id; // String strSql = "select hostName, dhcp, TEMPLATE_ID, id from HIVE_AP where id =" + id; List<?> apList = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(strSql); StringBuffer warningMsg = new StringBuffer(); HashMap<Long, ConfigTemplate> mapConfigTemplate = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> setPolicyName = new HashSet<>(); ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy = null; for (Object oneObj : apList) { Object[] oneAp = (Object[]) oneObj; if (mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())) != null) { wlanPolicy = mapConfigTemplate.get(Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString())); } else { wlanPolicy = findBoById(ConfigTemplate.class, Long.parseLong(oneAp[2].toString()), this); mapConfigTemplate.put(wlanPolicy.getId(), wlanPolicy); } HiveAp oneHiveAP = findBoById(HiveAp.class, Long.parseLong(oneAp[3].toString()), this); if (oneHiveAP.isVpnGateway()) { if (oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface() == null || oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getIpAddress() == null || oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getIpAddress().equals("")) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("err", getText("error.hiveap.cvg.wan.ip.empty", new String[] { oneHiveAP.getHostName() })); return "json"; } } // if (oneAp[1]==null || oneAp[1].toString().equals("") || // Boolean.valueOf(oneAp[1].toString()) /*|| !wlanPolicy.isBlnWirelessRouter()*/ // if(!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isRouterContained() // || !oneHiveAP.isBranchRouter() // || (oneHiveAP.isBranchRouter() && !checkDhcpWhenUpload(oneHiveAP))){ // connection type is pppoe and eth0 is primary // oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getConnectionType().equals("3") && // oneHiveAP.getEth0Interface().getWanOrder() == 1 )){ // String ret=""; /*if (!wlanPolicy.isBlnBonjourOnly()) {*/ // if (!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { String ret = checkNetworkPolicy(wlanPolicy, false, warningMsg, setPolicyName, oneHiveAP, null); // } if (!"".equals(ret)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("err", ret); return "json"; } // } else { // String ret=""; // if (!wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { // ret= checkNetworkPolicy(wlanPolicy, true, warningMsg, setPolicyName,oneHiveAP,null); // } // if (!"".equals(ret)){ // jsonObject = new JSONObject(); // jsonObject.put("err", ret); // return "json"; // } // } //check stp settings if (oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings() != null && oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings().isOverrideStp() && oneHiveAP.getDeviceStpSettings().isEnableStp()) { String ret1 = checkStpSettings(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAP); if (!"".equals(ret1)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("err", ret1); return "json"; } } } jsonObject = getScriptDetails(id, wlanPolicy); return "json"; } else if ("viewBootstrap".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation + ", ap id:" + id); jsonObject = getBootstrapDetails(id); return "json"; } else if ("viewPsk".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation + ", ap id:" + id); jsonObject = getPskDetails(id); return "json"; } else if ("enableTftp".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = getTftpResult(); return "json"; } else if ("saveSignatureOption".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation); jsonObject = saveSignatureOptions(); return "json"; } else if ("saveImageOption".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation); jsonObject = saveImageOptions(); return "json"; } else if ("saveConfigOption".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation); jsonObject = saveConfigOptions(); return "json"; } else if ("fetchImageInfo".equals(operation)) {"operation: " + operation + ", selectedVersion: " + selectedVersion + ", selectedImage: " + selectedImage); jsonObject = fetchImageInfo(); return "json"; } else if ("fetchSignatureInfo".equals(operation)) {"operation: " + operation + ", selectedVersion: " + selectedVersion + ", selectedImage: " + selectedImage); jsonObject = fetchSignatureInfo(); return "json"; } else if ("fetchImageList".equals(operation)) {"operation: " + operation); jsonObject = fetchImageList(); return "json"; } else if ("fetchSignatureList".equals(operation)) {"operation: " + operation); jsonObject = fetchSignatureList(); return "json"; } else if ("distributedDownloadList".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation); Set<Long> selectedImageIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs, selectedImageIds, getPageIds()); jsonObject = getDistributedDownloadList(); return "json"; } else if ("saveSelectedDistServer".equals(operation)) {"execute", "operation:" + operation); return "json"; } // else if("uploadMsg".equals(operation)){ //"execute", "operation:" + operation); // jsonObject = getUploadWaitingMessage(); // return "json"; // } else if ("updateOptionEx".equals(operation)) { return "updateOptionEx"; } else if ("updateOptionJson".equals(operation)) { return "updateOptionJson"; } else if ("checkSelectedNWPolicy".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (selectedNWPolicy == null) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", "Update selected Network Policy error"); } jsonObject.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); for (Long hiveApId : selectedConfigIds) { HiveAp hiveApBo = QueryUtil.findBoById(HiveAp.class, hiveApId, this); if (!hiveApBo.getConfigTemplate().getId().equals(selectedNWPolicy) && hiveApBo.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { jsonObject.put("t", true); jsonObject.put("update", true); return "json"; } } jsonObject.put("t", true); jsonObject.put("update", false); return "json"; } else if ("updateNetworkPolicy".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); if (selectedNWPolicy == null) { jsonObject.put("t", false); jsonObject.put("errorMsg", "Update selected Network Policy error"); } Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); Set<Long> hiveApsNWPolicyChg = new HashSet<>(); List<Long> ignoreList = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuffer ignoreMsg = new StringBuffer(""); ConfigTemplate nwPolicyBo = QueryUtil.findBoById(ConfigTemplate.class, selectedNWPolicy); for (Long hiveApId : selectedConfigIds) { HiveAp hiveApBo = QueryUtil.findBoById(HiveAp.class, hiveApId, this); if (hiveApBo.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY && !hiveApBo.getConfigTemplate().getId().equals(selectedNWPolicy)) { if (isMatchingForDeviceAndNetworkPolicy(hiveApBo, nwPolicyBo, ignoreMsg)) { hiveApBo.setConfigTemplate(nwPolicyBo); //fix bug 22808 start // generate realm name when network policy changes Long topologyMapId = hiveApBo.getMapContainer() == null ? null : hiveApBo.getMapContainer().getId(); String realmName = HiveApAction.generateRealmName(nwPolicyBo.getId(), topologyMapId, hiveApBo.isLockRealmName(), hiveApBo.getRealmName()); hiveApBo.setRealmName(realmName); // end QueryUtil.updateBo(hiveApBo); hiveApsNWPolicyChg.add(hiveApId); //update device network history data final Long vHMdomain = hiveApBo.getOwner().getId(); String[] tags = null; List<String> tagsStr = new ArrayList<>(); if (null != hiveApBo.getClassificationTag1() && !"".equals(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag1())) { tagsStr.add(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag1()); } if (null != hiveApBo.getClassificationTag2() && !"".equals(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag2())) { tagsStr.add(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag2()); } if (null != hiveApBo.getClassificationTag3() && !"".equals(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag3())) { tagsStr.add(hiveApBo.getClassificationTag3()); } if (null != tagsStr && tagsStr.size() > 0) { tags = new String[tagsStr.size()]; tagsStr.toArray(tags); } if (hiveApBo.getMapContainer() == null) { String sql = "select id from map_node where parent_map_id = " + "(select id from map_node where parent_map_id is null) and owner=" + vHMdomain; List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeNativeQuery(sql, 1); if (!list.isEmpty()) { NetworkDeviceConfigTracking.topologyChanged(Calendar.getInstance(), vHMdomain, hiveApBo.getMacAddress(), hiveApBo.getTimeZoneOffset(), new long[] { Long.parseLong(list.get(0).toString()) }, tags); } } else { NetworkDeviceConfigTracking.topologyChanged(Calendar.getInstance(), vHMdomain, hiveApBo.getMacAddress(), hiveApBo.getTimeZoneOffset(), new long[] { hiveApBo.getMapContainer().getId() }, tags); //TODO topologyGroupPkFromTop(exclusive)ToBottom(inclusive) } } else { ignoreList.add(hiveApId); } } } MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_HIVEAP_NETWORKPOLICY_CHANGED, hiveApsNWPolicyChg); jsonObject.put("t", true); jsonObject.put("ignore", ignoreList); if (!"".equals(ignoreMsg.toString())) { jsonObject.put("ignoreMsg", ignoreMsg.toString()); } return "json"; } else if ("rebootHiveAPs".equals(operation)) { String errorMsg = null; if (generateUpdateList() && addToUploadList()) { removeSessionAttrs(); } else { errorMsg = getAllActionErrorMsg(); } if (this.isJsonMode()) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (errorMsg != null) { jsonObject.put("r", false); jsonObject.put("m", errorMsg); } else { jsonObject.put("r", true); } return "json"; } else { return UPDATE_RESULT_LIST; } } else if ("getDeviceCounts".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); //get all devices Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_REBOOT); jsonObject.put("all", selectedConfigIds == null ? 0 : selectedConfigIds.size()); //get image upgrade devices Map<Long, String> lowerDeviceMap = getSimpleUpdateImageIds(selectedConfigIds, false); jsonObject.put("lowerImage", lowerDeviceMap == null ? 0 : lowerDeviceMap.size()); //get image upgrade devices Map<Long, String> forceDeviceMap = getSimpleUpdateImageIds(selectedConfigIds, true); jsonObject.put("forceImage", forceDeviceMap == null ? 0 : forceDeviceMap.size()); String imageNote = getSimpleImageUpdateNotes(selectedConfigIds); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(imageNote)) { jsonObject.put("imageWarning", MgrUtil.getResourceString("geneva_06.update.ui.image.desc")); } else { jsonObject.put("imageWarning", imageNote); } //clear session removeSessionAttrs(); jsonObject.put("t", true); return "json"; } else if ("getRebootDevices".equals(operation)) { jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("t", true); jsonObject.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); //get all devices Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_REBOOT); Map<Long, HiveAp> rebootAps = getSimpleUpdateRebootDevices(selectedConfigIds); jsonObject.put("counts", rebootAps == null ? 0 : rebootAps.size()); JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(); jsonObject.put("names", jsonArray); for (HiveAp ap : rebootAps.values()) { jArray.put(ap.getHostName()); } //clear session removeSessionAttrs(); return "json"; } else if ("checkConnectStatus".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD); jsonObject = getConnectionStatusCheckRes(selectedConfigIds); //clear session removeSessionAttrs(); return "json"; } else if (baseOperation()) { String listType = getStringSessionAttribute(UPDATE_LIST_TYPE); if (null == listType) { removeSessionAttrs(); return "managedHiveAps"; } else { preparePage(listType); return listType; } } else { removeSessionAttrs(); return "managedHiveAps"; } } catch (Exception e) { setL3Features(null); log.error("prepareActionError", MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e), e); addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage(e)); return "managedHiveAps"; } } private boolean checkDhcpWhenUpload(HiveAp ap) { for (Long key : ap.getDeviceInterfaces().keySet()) { DeviceInterface di = ap.getDeviceInterfaces().get(key); if (di != null && di.getWanOrder() != 0 && di.getConnectionType().equals("2")) { return true; } } return false; } private Long selectedNWPolicy; private String selectedDeviceIdStr; public Long getSelectedNWPolicy() { return selectedNWPolicy; } public void setSelectedNWPolicy(Long selectedNWPolicy) { this.selectedNWPolicy = selectedNWPolicy; } public String getSelectedDeviceIdStr() { return selectedDeviceIdStr; } public void setSelectedDeviceIdStr(String selectedDeviceIdStr) { this.selectedDeviceIdStr = selectedDeviceIdStr; } private JSONObject getTftpResult() throws JSONException { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (HmBeAdminUtil.setTftpEnable(true)) { result.put("suc", true); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("getTftpResult", e.getMessage()); } return result; } private JSONObject saveSignatureOptions() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (null != getDataSource()) { getDataSource().setSignatureSelectType(ImageSelectionType.valueOf(imageSelectType)); } if (null == getDataSource().getId()) { getDataSource().setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.createBo(getDataSource()); } else { QueryUtil.updateBo(getDataSource()); } result.put("suc", true); result.put("select", getDataSource().getSignatureSelectType().toString()); result.put("conn", getDataSource().getSignatureConnectionString()); result.put("timedout", getDataSource().getSignatureTimedoutString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("saveSignatureOptions", e); } return result; } private JSONObject saveImageOptions() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (ActivateType.activateAtTime.toString().equals(imageActivateType)) { long longTime = parseTime(imageDate, imageHour, imageMin); getDataSource().setImageActivateTime(longTime); getDataSource().setImageActivateOffset(5); } getDataSource().setImageActivateType(ActivateType.valueOf(imageActivateType)); getDataSource().setImageSelectType(ImageSelectionType.valueOf(imageSelectType)); // getDataSource().setDistributedUpgrades(distributedUpgrades); if (TransferType.tftp.toString().equals(imageTransfer)) { getDataSource().setImageConnType(HiveApUpdateSettings.CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL); getDataSource().setImageTransfer(TransferType.tftp); } else { getDataSource().setImageTransfer(TransferType.scp); } } if (null == getDataSource().getId()) { getDataSource().setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.createBo(getDataSource()); } else { QueryUtil.updateBo(getDataSource()); } result.put("suc", true); result.put("select", getDataSource().getImageSelectType().toString()); result.put("time", getDataSource().getImageActivateTimeHtmlString()); result.put("protocol", getDataSource().getProtocolString()); result.put("conn", getDataSource().getConnectionString()); result.put("timedout", getDataSource().getTimedoutString()); result.put("distributed", getDataSource().isDistributedUpgrades()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("saveImageOptions", e); } return result; } private JSONObject saveConfigOptions() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (ActivateType.activateAtTime.toString().equals(configActivateType)) { long longTime = parseTime(configDate, configHour, configMin); getDataSource().setConfigActivateTime(longTime); getDataSource().setConfigActivateOffset(5); } getDataSource().setConfigActivateType(ActivateType.valueOf(configActivateType)); getDataSource().setConfigSelectType(ConfigSelectType.valueOf(configSelectType)); } if (null == getDataSource().getId()) { getDataSource().setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.createBo(getDataSource()); } else { QueryUtil.updateBo(getDataSource()); } boolean showLabel = getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == || getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.full; result.put("suc", true); result.put("type", getDataSource().getUploadTypeHtmlString()); result.put("items", getDataSource().getConfigItemHtmlString()); result.put("time", getDataSource().getConfigActivateTimeHtmlString()); result.put("show", showLabel); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("saveConfigOptions", e); } return result; } private JSONObject fetchImageInfo() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedImage)) { selectedImage = selectedImage.trim(); HiveApImageInfo image = ImageManager.findImageByFileName(selectedImage); JSONObject fileInfo = new JSONObject(); if (null != image) { fileInfo.put("fn", image.getImageName()); fileInfo.put("ver", image.getImageVersion()); //fileInfo.put("dr", imageimage.getDateReleased()); fileInfo.put("pf", image.getImagePlatformString()); fileInfo.put("sz", image.getImageSizeString()); } jsonObject.put("file", fileInfo); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedVersion)) { selectedVersion = selectedVersion.trim(); List<HiveApImageInfo> list = ImageManager.findImagesByFullVersion(selectedVersion); JSONArray verInfo = new JSONArray(); for (HiveApImageInfo image : list) { JSONObject fileInfo = new JSONObject(); fileInfo.put("fn", image.getImageName()); fileInfo.put("ver", image.getImageVersion()); //fileInfo.put("dr", ls.getDateReleased()); fileInfo.put("pf", image.getImagePlatformString()); fileInfo.put("sz", image.getImageSizeString()); verInfo.put(fileInfo); } jsonObject.put("ver", verInfo); } return jsonObject; } private JSONObject fetchSignatureInfo() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedImage)) { selectedImage = selectedImage.trim(); LSevenSignatures ls = QueryUtil.findBoByAttribute(LSevenSignatures.class, "fileName", selectedImage); JSONObject fileInfo = new JSONObject(); if (null != ls) { fileInfo.put("fn", ls.getFileName()); fileInfo.put("ver", ls.getAhVersion()); fileInfo.put("dr", ls.getDateReleased()); fileInfo.put("pf", ls.getPlatformIdString()); fileInfo.put("pt", ls.getPackageTypeString()); } jsonObject.put("file", fileInfo); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedVersion)) { selectedVersion = selectedVersion.trim(); List<LSevenSignatures> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(LSevenSignatures.class, null, new FilterParams("ahVersion", selectedVersion)); JSONArray verInfo = new JSONArray(); for (LSevenSignatures ls : list) { JSONObject fileInfo = new JSONObject(); fileInfo.put("fn", ls.getFileName()); fileInfo.put("ver", ls.getAhVersion()); fileInfo.put("dr", ls.getDateReleased()); fileInfo.put("pf", ls.getPlatformIdString()); fileInfo.put("pt", ls.getPackageTypeString()); verInfo.put(fileInfo); } jsonObject.put("ver", verInfo); } return jsonObject; } private JSONObject fetchImageList() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); List<TextItem> imageFiles = getAvailableImageFiles(); List<String> imageVers = getAvailableImageVersions(); JSONArray files = new JSONArray(); JSONArray vers = new JSONArray(); for (TextItem file : imageFiles) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("fn", file.getKey()); obj.put("fnDisp", file.getValue()); files.put(obj); } for (String ver : imageVers) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("ver", ver); obj.put("verDisp", ver); vers.put(obj); } jsonObject.put("files", files); jsonObject.put("vers", vers); return jsonObject; } private JSONObject fetchSignatureList() throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); List<String> signatureFiles = getAvailableSignatureFiles(); List<TextItem> signatureVers = getAvailableSignatureVersions(); JSONArray files = new JSONArray(); JSONArray vers = new JSONArray(); for (String file : signatureFiles) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("fn", file); files.put(obj); } for (TextItem ver : signatureVers) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("ver", ver.getKey()); obj.put("verDisp", ver.getValue()); vers.put(obj); } jsonObject.put("files", files); jsonObject.put("vers", vers); return jsonObject; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JSONObject getDistributedDownloadList() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); try { Set<Long> select_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs); String sessHive = this.getCurrentHiveName(); Map<Long, String> idHivenameMapping = (Map<Long, String>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HIVENAME_MAPPING); String currHive; Long distributedServer; if (select_ids != null && !select_ids.isEmpty()) { Set<String> hiveSet = new HashSet<>(); for (Long id : select_ids) { hiveSet.add(idHivenameMapping.get(id)); } currHive = (String) hiveSet.toArray()[0]; if (hiveSet.isEmpty() || currHive == null || "".equals(currHive)) { result.put("noneHive", true); distributedServer = null; this.setDistributedServer(distributedServer); return result; } if (hiveSet.size() > 1) { result.put("multiHive", true); distributedServer = null; this.setDistributedServer(distributedServer); return result; } if (hiveSet.size() == 1 && currHive.equals(sessHive)) { result.put("sameHive", true); // distributedServer = this.getDistributedServer(); // this.setDistributedServer(distributedServer); return result; } List<CheckItem> disList = getDistributedServerList(currHive); if (disList != null && !disList.isEmpty()) { setDistributedServer(disList.get(0).getId()); result.put("suc", true); result.put("disServerId", disList.get(0).getId()); result.put("disServerStr", disList.get(0).getValue()); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); result.put("disList", jsonArray); for (CheckItem item : disList) { JSONObject jItem = new JSONObject(); jItem.put("key", item.getId()); jItem.put("value", item.getValue()); jsonArray.put(jItem); } } } else { setDistributedServer(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("getDistributedDownloadList", ex); } return result; } private JSONObject getUploadConfigExJson(String operation) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (Object errorMsg : getActionErrors()) { jsonArray.put(errorMsg); } try { result.put("t", true); result.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); result.put("actionErrors", jsonArray); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("getUploadConfigExJson", ex); } return result; } private long parseTime(String date, String hour, String minute) { long value = System.currentTimeMillis(); value += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // default value is one day later if (null != date && null != hour && null != minute) { try { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date day = formatter.parse(date); Calendar cd = Calendar.getInstance(); cd.setTime(day); cd.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(hour)); cd.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(minute)); value = cd.getTimeInMillis(); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("parseTime", e); } } return value; } private void removeSessionAttrs() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER_LIST_GROUP_BY_HIVE); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HOSTNAME_MAPPING); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HIVENAME_MAPPING); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_CURRENT_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER); MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(SIMPLIFIED_UPDATE_SELECTED_IDs); } private void removeUploadWaringSession() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(GUIDED_CONFIG_WARNING_MSG); } private void removeNWPolicyChangeSession() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_HIVEAP_NETWORKPOLICY_CHANGED); } private void removeUploadOsDetectionSession() { MgrUtil.removeSessionAttribute(UPDATE_OS_DETECTION_IDs); } private void logUpdateOperation() { try { if (null != updateHiveAps && updateHiveAps.size() > 0) { String label = ""; if ("uploadWizard".equals(operation)) { label = "Configuration"; } else if ("uploadImage".equals(operation)) { label = "Image"; } else if ("updateBootstrap".equals(operation)) { label = "Bootstrap"; } else if ("updateCountryCode".equals(operation)) { label = "Country Code"; } else if ("updatePoe".equals(operation)) { label = "PoE Max Power"; } else if ("updateOutdoorSettings".equals(operation)) { label = "Outdoor Settings"; } else if ("uploadOsDetection".equals(operation)) { label = "Os Detection"; } else if ("uploadSignature".equals(operation)) { label = "Application Signature"; } if (!"".equals(label)) { if (updateHiveAps.size() > 50) { // just combine into one audit log generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_EXECUTE, updateHiveAps.size() + " " + NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + "s " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.hiveap.update") + " " + label + "."); } else { for (UpdateHiveAp hiveAp : updateHiveAps) { generateAuditLog(HmAuditLog.STATUS_EXECUTE, NmsUtil.getOEMCustomer().getAccessPonitName() + " " + hiveAp.getHiveAp().getHostName() + " " + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hm.audit.log.hiveap.update") + " " + label + "."); } } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected JSONObject getPskDetails(Long id) throws Exception { HiveAp hiveAp = findBoById(HiveAp.class, id, this); JSONObject scriptDetails = new JSONObject(); String message; if (null != hiveAp) { scriptDetails.put("t", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("") + " - " + hiveAp.getHostName()); BeConfigModule.ConfigType type; HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.USER_FULL; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.USER_DELTA; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.USER_AUDIT; } else { if (hiveAp.getLastCfgTime() == 0) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.USER_FULL; } else { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.USER_AUDIT; } } message = ConfigAuditProcessor.view(type, hiveAp); } else { message = getText("error.hiveap.update.notExisted"); } scriptDetails.put("v", message); return scriptDetails; } protected JSONObject getScriptDetails(Long id, ConfigTemplate ct) throws Exception { HiveAp hiveAp = findBoById(HiveAp.class, id, this); JSONObject scriptDetails = new JSONObject(); String message; if (null != hiveAp) { hiveAp.setConfigTemplate(ct); scriptDetails.put("t", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("") + " - " + hiveAp.getHostName()); BeConfigModule.ConfigType type; HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.AP_FULL; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.AP_DELTA; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.AP_AUDIT; } else { if (hiveAp.getLastCfgTime() == 0) { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.AP_FULL; } else { type = BeConfigModule.ConfigType.AP_AUDIT; } } message = ConfigAuditProcessor.view(type, hiveAp); } else { message = getText("error.hiveap.update.notExisted"); } scriptDetails.put("v", message); scriptDetails.put("h", MgrUtil.getUserMessage("")); return scriptDetails; } protected JSONObject getBootstrapDetails(Long id) throws Exception { HiveAp hiveAp = findBoById(HiveAp.class, id, this); JSONObject scriptDetails = new JSONObject(); String message; try { AhBootstrapGeneratedEvent b_event = new AhBootstrapGeneratedEvent(hiveAp); b_event.setCapwapServer("[" + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.capwap.primaryCapwapIP") + "]"); b_event.setCapwapServerBackup("[" + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.capwap.backupCapwapIP") + "]"); b_event.setVhmName("[" + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("admin.vhmMgr.vhmName") + "]"); b_event.setAdminUser("[" + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hiveAp.update.bootstrap.adminName") + "]"); b_event.setAdminPwd("[" + MgrUtil.getUserMessage("hiveAp.update.bootstrap.password") + "]"); b_event.setCwpUdpPort(12222); b_event.setEchoTimeOut(30); b_event.setDeadInterval(105); b_event.setEnableDtls(true); b_event.setDtlsPassWord("******"); message = AhAppContainer.getBeConfigModule().generateBootstrapConfig(b_event); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getBootstrapDetails", "get bootstrap details error for HiveAP:" + id, e); message = e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknow Error while generate script file." : e.getMessage(); } scriptDetails.put("v", message); scriptDetails.put("t", hiveAp.getHostName()); return scriptDetails; } private void addIntoUpdateList(Map<String, UpdateHiveAp> updateList, Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> updateObjects, short updateType, HiveApUpdateSettings setting) { if (null != updateObjects) { for (HiveAp hiveAp : updateObjects.keySet()) { UpdateHiveAp upHiveAp = updateList.get(hiveAp.getMacAddress()); if (null == upHiveAp) { boolean withReboot = isHiveApWithReboot(updateType, setting, hiveAp); upHiveAp = new UpdateHiveAp(); upHiveAp.setHiveAp(hiveAp); upHiveAp.setUpdateType(updateType); upHiveAp.setWithReboot(withReboot); upHiveAp.setAutoProvision(false); updateList.put(hiveAp.getMacAddress(), upHiveAp); } upHiveAp.addUpdateObject(updateObjects.get(hiveAp)); } } } private void addIntoUpdateListCfg(Map<String, UpdateHiveAp> updateList, Map<HiveAp, List<UpdateObject>> updateObjects, short updateType, HiveApUpdateSettings setting) { if (null != updateObjects) { for (HiveAp hiveAp : updateObjects.keySet()) { UpdateHiveAp upHiveAp = updateList.get(hiveAp.getMacAddress()); if (null == upHiveAp) { boolean withReboot = isHiveApWithReboot(updateType, setting, hiveAp); upHiveAp = new UpdateHiveAp(); upHiveAp.setHiveAp(hiveAp); upHiveAp.setUpdateType(updateType); upHiveAp.setWithReboot(withReboot); upHiveAp.setAutoProvision(false); updateList.put(hiveAp.getMacAddress(), upHiveAp); } for (UpdateObject obj : updateObjects.get(hiveAp)) { upHiveAp.addUpdateObject(obj); } } } } private boolean isHiveApWithReboot(short updateType, HiveApUpdateSettings setting, HiveAp hiveAp) { boolean withReboot = false; if (null != setting) { if (updateType == AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE) { //for fix bug 16604, BR100 upload image auto reboot withReboot = hiveAp.getHiveApModel() != HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100 && !ActivateType.activateNextTime.equals(setting.getImageActivateType()); } else { if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { if (!ActivateType.activateNextTime.equals(setting.getConfigActivateType())) { withReboot = true; } } else if ( { if (hiveAp.getLastCfgTime() == 0 && !ActivateType.activateNextTime.equals(setting.getConfigActivateType())) { withReboot = true; } } } } return withReboot; } private List<UpdateHiveAp> updateHiveAps; private boolean generateUpdateList() throws Exception { Map<String, UpdateHiveAp> updateList = new HashMap<>(); if ("uploadWizard".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS); Set<Long> selectedCwpIds = null, selectedCertIds = null, selectedVpnIds = null, selectedCAIds = null, selectedScriptIds = null, selectedPskIds = null, selectedImageIds = null; Map<Long, String> imageUpgradeMap = null; boolean saveCwpFiles = false, saveRadiusFiles = false, saveVpnFiles = false, saveCAFile = false, saveConfigFiles = false, saveUdFiles = false; // // get setting HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getDataSource(); if (null == setting) { setting = getUpdateSetting(); } //auto select IDM proxy try { AutoSelectDeviceServer.getInstance().autoSelectIDManagerProxy(selectedConfigIds, false); } catch (Exception ex) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(ex.getMessage()); return false; } if (simpleUpdate) { setting = new HiveApUpdateSettings(); if (simplifiedRebootType == REBOOT_TYPE_AUTO) { setting.setConfigActivateType(ActivateType.activateAfterTime); } else { setting.setConfigActivateType(ActivateType.activateNextTime); } if (completeCfgUpdate) { setting.setConfigSelectType(ConfigSelectType.full); } configConfiguration = setting.isConfigConfiguration(); configCwp = setting.isConfigCwp(); configCertificate = setting.isConfigCertificate(); configUserDatabase = setting.isConfigUserDatabase(); } else if ("uploadConfigEx".equalsIgnoreCase(this.getExConfigGuideFeature())) { if (!saveUploadSetting) { setting.setConfigConfiguration(this.getDataSource().isConfigConfiguration()); setting.setConfigCwp(this.getDataSource().isConfigCwp()); setting.setConfigCertificate(this.getDataSource().isConfigCertificate()); setting.setConfigUserDatabase(this.getDataSource().isConfigUserDatabase()); long longTime = parseTime(configDate, configHour, configMin); setting.setConfigActivateTime(longTime); setting.setConfigActivateOffset(5); if (configActivateType != null) { setting.setConfigActivateType(ActivateType.valueOf(configActivateType)); } if (configSelectType != null) { setting.setConfigSelectType(ConfigSelectType.valueOf(configSelectType)); } } else { configConfiguration = setting.isConfigConfiguration(); configCwp = setting.isConfigCwp(); configCertificate = setting.isConfigCertificate(); configUserDatabase = setting.isConfigUserDatabase(); } } else { setting.setConfigConfiguration(configConfiguration); setting.setConfigCwp(configCwp); setting.setConfigCertificate(configCertificate); setting.setConfigUserDatabase(configUserDatabase); if (null == setting.getId()) { setting.setOwner(getDomain()); QueryUtil.createBo(setting); } else { QueryUtil.updateBo(setting); } } if (configCwp) { // CWP saveCwpFiles = true; selectedCwpIds = new HashSet<>(); FilterParams filter = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_CWP, selectedConfigIds); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " ap", null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedCwpIds.add((Long) id); } } } } if (configCertificate) {// RADIUS, VPN, Cloud Auth saveRadiusFiles = saveVpnFiles = saveCAFile = true; selectedCertIds = new HashSet<>(); FilterParams filter = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_RADIUS_CERTIFICATE, selectedConfigIds); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " as ap", null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedCertIds.add((Long) id); } } } selectedVpnIds = new HashSet<>(); filter = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_VPN_CERTIFICATE, selectedConfigIds); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " as ap", null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedVpnIds.add((Long) id); } } } //upload cloud auth certificate if (NmsUtil.isVhmEnableIdm(domainId)) { selectedCAIds = new HashSet<>(); filter = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_CLOUDAUTH_CERTIFICATE, selectedConfigIds); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " as ap", null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedCAIds.add((Long) id); } } } //radius server auto use for IDM auth proxy. if (selectedCertIds != null && !selectedCertIds.isEmpty()) { List<Short> idmSupportModel = DevicePropertyManage.getInstance() .getSupportDeviceList(DeviceInfo.SPT_IDM_PROXY); filter = new FilterParams("id in (:s1) and hiveApModel in (:s2)", new Object[] { selectedCertIds, idmSupportModel }); List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName() + " as ap", null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedCAIds.add((Long) id); } } } } } if (configUserDatabase) {// User Database saveUdFiles = true; // saveCwpFiles = saveRadiusFiles = saveVpnFiles = false; selectedPskIds = new HashSet<>(); FilterParams filter = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_PSK, selectedConfigIds); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { selectedPskIds.add((Long) id); } } //fix bug 26578: 1. Before uploading user data to APs, need to clear the status of the user accounts. The methods can be found in User Manager. TemporaryAccountAction.clearRotatedAccounts(this.getDomain()); } } if (configConfiguration) {// Configuration saveConfigFiles = true; // saveUdFiles = saveCwpFiles = saveRadiusFiles = saveVpnFiles = saveCAFile = false; selectedScriptIds = selectedConfigIds; } if (imageUpgrade || forceImageUpgrade) { imageUpgradeMap = getSimpleUpdateImageIds(selectedConfigIds, forceImageUpgrade); if (imageUpgradeMap != null) { selectedImageIds = imageUpgradeMap.keySet(); } } List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedCwpIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedCwpIds);// index=0 idList.add(selectedCertIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedCertIds);// index=1 idList.add(selectedVpnIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedVpnIds);// index=2 idList.add(selectedScriptIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedScriptIds);// index=3 idList.add(selectedPskIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedPskIds);// index=4 idList.add(selectedCAIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedCAIds);// index=5 idList.add(selectedImageIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedImageIds);// index=6 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedCwpHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); Set<HiveAp> selectedCertHiveAps = hiveAps.get(1); Set<HiveAp> selectedVpnHiveAps = hiveAps.get(2); Set<HiveAp> selectedScriptHiveAps = hiveAps.get(3); Set<HiveAp> selectedPskHiveAps = hiveAps.get(4); Set<HiveAp> selectedCAHiveAps = hiveAps.get(5); Set<HiveAp> selectedImageHiveAps = hiveAps.get(6); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> cwpObjects = getCwpUpdateObjects(selectedCwpHiveAps, saveCwpFiles, false); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, cwpObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> certObjects = getCertUpdateObjects(selectedCertHiveAps, saveRadiusFiles, false); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, certObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> vpnObjects = getVpnUpdateObjects(selectedVpnHiveAps, saveVpnFiles, false); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, vpnObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> caRequestObjects = getCAUpdateObjects(selectedCAHiveAps, UpdateParameters.AH_DOWNLOAD_CLOUDAUTH_CERTIFICATE, false); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, caRequestObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); //config update Set<HiveAp> selectCfgHiveAps = new HashSet<>(); selectCfgHiveAps.addAll(selectedScriptHiveAps); selectCfgHiveAps.addAll(selectedPskHiveAps); Map<HiveAp, List<UpdateObject>> cfgMap = getConfigUpdateObjects(selectCfgHiveAps, saveConfigFiles, false, setting, configConfiguration, configUserDatabase, selectedImageHiveAps); addIntoUpdateListCfg(updateList, cfgMap, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); //image upgrade Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> imageObjects = getImageUpdateObjects(selectedImageHiveAps, false, setting, imageUpgradeMap); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, imageObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, setting); //device reboot Set<HiveAp> deviceNeedReboot = new HashSet<>(); Set<HiveAp> cfgNeedReboot = getCompleteUpdateDevices(selectCfgHiveAps, setting); if (cfgNeedReboot != null && !cfgNeedReboot.isEmpty()) { deviceNeedReboot.addAll(cfgNeedReboot); } if (selectedImageHiveAps != null && !selectedImageHiveAps.isEmpty()) { deviceNeedReboot.addAll(selectedImageHiveAps); } Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> rebootObjects = getRebootUpdateObjects(deviceNeedReboot, setting); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, rebootObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_REBOOT, setting); //simplify update cache every device for L7 signature update. if (simpleUpdate) { for (Set<HiveAp> deviceSet : hiveAps) { if (deviceSet != null) { for (HiveAp device : deviceSet) { HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateManager().simplifyUpdateTag(device.getMacAddress()); } } } } } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("uploadImage".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedImageIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedImageIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedImageIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); //If upload image with image name check all device with same image type. boolean isSelectVer = ImageSelectionType.softVer.equals(getUpdateSetting().getImageSelectType()); if (!isSelectVer) { boolean isSameImage = this.validateImageType(selectedHiveAps); if (!isSameImage) { return false; } } // get settings HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> imageObjects = getImageUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps, true, setting, null); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, imageObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE, setting); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("uploadSignature".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedSignatureIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedSignatureIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedSignatureIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); // get settings HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); L7SignatureMng mgmt = new L7SignatureMng(); Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> map; boolean isSelectFileName = ImageSelectionType.imgName.equals(setting.getSignatureSelectType()); int limit = setting.getSignatureConnectionLimit(); int maxTimeout = setting.getSignatureTimedout() == 0 ? UpdateParameters.L7_SIGNATURE_TIMEOUT_MAX : (int) setting.getSignatureTimedout() * 60 * 1000; if (isSelectFileName) { // validate file String fileName = getSelectedImage();"selected signature file: " + fileName); LSevenSignatures signature = mgmt.findSignatureByFileName(fileName); if (null == signature) { log.error(String.format( "Cannot file LSevenSignatures record for selected signature file name: %s", fileName)); return false; } map = validateSignatureFile(selectedHiveAps, signature, mgmt); if (null == map) { return false; } } else { // validate version String version; if (VER_SELECT_LATEST.equals(signatureVersionSelectType)) { version = this.latestVersion; } else { version = this.selectedVersion; }"selected signature version: " + version); List<LSevenSignatures> signatures = mgmt.findSignaturesByVersion(version); if (null == signatures || signatures.isEmpty()) { log.error(String.format( "Cannot file LSevenSignatures record for selected signature version: %s", version)); return false; } map = validateSignatureVersion(selectedHiveAps, signatures, mgmt, version); if (null == map) { return false; } } try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> signatureObjects = getSignatureUpdateObjects(map, limit, maxTimeout); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, signatureObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_L7_SIGNATURE, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("updateBootstrap".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedBootstrapIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedBootstrapIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedBootstrapIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> bootstrapObjects = getBootstrapUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, bootstrapObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("updateCountryCode".equals(operation) || "updateCountryCodeJson".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedCodeIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedCodeIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedCodeIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> countryCodeObjects = getCountryCodeUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, countryCodeObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("updateOutdoorSettings".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedCodeIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedCodeIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedCodeIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> outdoorSettingsObjects = getOutdoorSettingsUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, outdoorSettingsObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_OUTDOORSTTINGS, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("updatePoe".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedPoeIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedPoeIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedPoeIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> poeObjects = getPoeUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, poeObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_POE, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("uploadOsDetection".equals(operation)) { filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_OS_DETECTION, null); List<HiveAp> hiveAps = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveAp.class, sortParams, filterParams); HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = new HashSet<>(hiveAps); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> osDetectionObjects = getOsDetectionUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps, false, setting); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, osDetectionObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_OS_DETECTION, null); if (osDetectionObjects != null) { Object objects = new Object[] { System.currentTimeMillis(), osDetectionObjects.size() }; MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_OS_DETECTION_IDs, objects); } } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("updateNetdump".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedNetdumpIds = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedNetdumpIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedNetdumpIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> netdumpObjects = getNetdumpUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps, this.isEnableNetdump(), this.getNetdumpServer(), this.getNetdumpVlan(), this.getNetdumpNVlan(), this.getNetdumpDevice(), this.getNetdumpGateway(), this.getIpMode(), this.getManagerPortStr()); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, netdumpObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_NET_DUMP, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } else if ("rebootHiveAPs".equals(operation)) { Set<Long> selectedConfigIds = getCurrentSelectedBoIds(AH_DOWNLOAD_REBOOT); List<Set<Long>> idList = new ArrayList<>(); idList.add(selectedConfigIds == null ? new HashSet<Long>() : selectedConfigIds);// index=0 List<Set<HiveAp>> hiveAps = convertToHiveAp(idList); Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps = hiveAps.get(0); HiveApUpdateSettings settings = new HiveApUpdateSettings(); settings.setConfigActivateType(ActivateType.activateAfterTime); try { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> rebootObjects = getRebootUpdateObjects(selectedHiveAps, settings); addIntoUpdateList(updateList, rebootObjects, AH_DOWNLOAD_REBOOT, null); } catch (UpdateObjectException e) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(e.getMessage()); return false; } } updateHiveAps = new ArrayList<>(); for (String sn : updateList.keySet()) { UpdateHiveAp upHiveAp = updateList.get(sn); if (upHiveAp.getRemainUpdateObjectCount() > 0) { updateHiveAps.add(upHiveAp); } } if (updateHiveAps.size() == 0) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.config.item.notfound")); return false; } return true; } /* pass in id list, return HiveAP list */ private List<Set<HiveAp>> convertToHiveAp(List<Set<Long>> idList) { List<Set<HiveAp>> list = new ArrayList<>(idList.size()); Set<Long> total = new HashSet<>(); for (Set<Long> ids : idList) { total.addAll(ids); } Map<Long, HiveAp> totalHiveAps = queryHiveApsLazyInfo(total); for (Set<Long> ids : idList) { Set<HiveAp> hiveAps = new HashSet<>(ids.size()); for (Long id : ids) { HiveAp hiveAp = totalHiveAps.get(id); if (null != hiveAp) { hiveAps.add(hiveAp); } } list.add(hiveAps); } return list; } private Map<Long, HiveAp> queryHiveApsLazyInfo(Set<Long> ids) { Map<Long, HiveAp> map = new HashMap<>(); if (null != ids && !ids.isEmpty()) { List<HiveAp> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveAp.class, null, new FilterParams("id", ids), domainId, this); for (HiveAp hiveAp : list) { map.put(hiveAp.getId(), hiveAp); } } return map; } private void prepareOsDetection() throws JSONException { String where; Object[] objects; Object[] obj; List<String> errList = new ArrayList<>(); jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String succid = String.valueOf(UpdateParameters.UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL); where = "updateType = :s1 AND starttime >= :s2"; obj = (Object[]) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_OS_DETECTION_IDs); objects = new Object[] { UpdateParameters.AH_DOWNLOAD_OS_DETECTION, obj[0] }; List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select hostname,result from " + HiveApUpdateResult.class.getSimpleName(), new SortParams("id", true), new FilterParams(where, objects)); for (Object object : list) { Object[] attr = (Object[]) object; if (!attr[1].toString().equals(succid)) { String hostname = attr[0] + ","; errList.add(hostname); } } if (list.size() == (Integer) obj[1]) { jsonObject.put("end", true); removeUploadOsDetectionSession(); } jsonObject.put("err", errList.size()); jsonObject.put("errhost", errList.toString()); jsonObject.put("succ", list.size() - errList.size()); } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getPoeUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getPoeUpdateObject(hiveAp, maxPower); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getNetdumpUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean enableNetdump, String netdumpServer, String vlanId, String nVlanId, String device, String gateway, String ipMode, String managerPortStr) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { String portStr = ""; if (isSupportPort(hiveAp)) { portStr = managerPortStr; } UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getNetdumpUpdateObject(hiveAp, enableNetdump, netdumpServer, vlanId, nVlanId, device, gateway, ipMode, portStr); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getCwpUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean saveServerFiles, boolean continued) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getCwpUpdateObject(hiveAp, saveServerFiles, continued, false); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getCertUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean saveServerFiles, boolean continued) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getCertUpdateObject(hiveAp, saveServerFiles, continued, false); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getVpnUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean saveServerFiles, boolean continued) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getVpnUpdateObject(hiveAp, saveServerFiles, continued, false); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getCountryCodeUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getCountryCodeUpdateObject(hiveAp, false, countryCode, str_countryCodeOffset); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private String outdoorString; public String getOutdoorString() { return outdoorString; } public void setOutdoorString(String outdoorString) { this.outdoorString = outdoorString; } // offSet for Outdoor Settings .. private int commonOffSet = 5; public int getCommonOffSet() { return commonOffSet; } public void setCommonOffSet(int commonOffSet) { this.commonOffSet = commonOffSet; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getOutdoorSettingsUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getOutdoorSettingsUpdateObject( hiveAp, false, Boolean.valueOf(getOutdoorString()), NmsUtil.getCLIFormatString(commonOffSet + BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_REBOOT_DELAY)); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getBootstrapUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { BootstrapConfigObject bcObject = new BootstrapConfigObject(); bcObject.setAdminName(bootstrapAdmin); bcObject.setPassword(bootstrapPassword); bcObject.setCapwapServer(capwapServer); bcObject.setUdpPort(udpPort); bcObject.setEchoTimeout(timeOut); bcObject.setDeadInterval(deadInterval); bcObject.setEnableDtls(enabledDTLS); if (enabledDTLS && (!defaultPassPhrase)) { bcObject.setPassPhrase(newPassPhrase); } else { bcObject.setPassPhrase(""); } bcObject.setCapwapServerBackup(capwapServerBackup); bcObject.setVhmName(vhmName); UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getBootstrapUpdateObject(hiveAp, bcObject); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getImageUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean continued, HiveApUpdateSettings setting, Map<Long, String> imageMapping) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); boolean tftp = TransferType.tftp.equals(setting.getImageTransfer()); boolean isRelative = ActivateType.activateAfterTime.equals(setting.getImageActivateType()); boolean isSelectVer = ImageSelectionType.softVer.equals(setting.getImageSelectType()); String activateTime = setting.getImageActivateTimeString(); String br100ActivateTime = setting.getBr100ImageActivateTimeString(); int limit = setting.getConnectionLimit(); int maxTimeout = setting.getImageTimedout() == 0 ? UpdateParameters.IMAGE_TIMEOUT_MAX : (int) setting.getImageTimedout() * 60 * 1000; String version; if (VER_SELECT_LATEST.equals(imageVersionSelectType)) { version = this.latestVersion; } else { version = this.selectedVersion; } for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { String imageName; if (imageMapping != null && imageMapping.containsKey(hiveAp.getId())) { imageName = imageMapping.get(hiveAp.getId()); } else if (MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer()) { imageName = isSelectVer ? null : getSelectedImage(); } else { if (isSelectVer) { short apModel; if (hiveAp.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_SR2124P && "01".equals(hiveAp.getHardwareRevision())) { apModel = (short) (0 - HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_SR2124P); } else { apModel = hiveAp.getHiveApModel(); } HiveApImageInfo imageInfo =, version); imageName = imageInfo == null ? null : imageInfo.getImageName(); } else { imageName = getSelectedImage(); } } UpdateObject updateObj; //for fix bug 16604, BR100 upload image auto reboot if (hiveAp.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100) { updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getImageUpdateObject(hiveAp, br100ActivateTime, true, imageName, continued, false, tftp, limit, maxTimeout, isSelectVer, version); } else { updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getImageUpdateObject(hiveAp, activateTime, isRelative, imageName, continued, false, tftp, limit, maxTimeout, isSelectVer, version); } if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getSignatureUpdateObjects(Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> map, int limit, int maxTimeout) throws Exception { if (null != map && map.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : map.keySet()) { String signatureName = map.get(hiveAp).getFileName(); "Device '%s' wrap into a signature update object with signature file name '%s', connection limit '%s', max timeout '%s'", hiveAp.getHostName(), signatureName, limit, maxTimeout)); UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getSignatureUpdateObject(hiveAp, signatureName, limit, maxTimeout); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, List<UpdateObject>> getConfigUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean saveServerFiles, boolean continued, HiveApUpdateSettings setting, boolean upConfigs, boolean upUsers, Set<HiveAp> selectedImageHiveAps) throws Exception { if (selectedHiveAps == null || selectedHiveAps.isEmpty()) { return null; } if (!upConfigs && !upUsers) { return null; } Map<HiveAp, List<UpdateObject>> resMap = new HashMap<>(); boolean isRelative = ActivateType.activateAfterTime.equals(setting.getConfigActivateType()); // String activateTime = setting.getConfigActivateTimeString(); //reboot device at last use reboot cli. String activateTime = null; // Object netChangeObj = MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_HIVEAP_NETWORKPOLICY_CHANGED); // Set<?> hiveApsNWPolicyChg = null; // if(netChangeObj instanceof Set<?>){ // hiveApsNWPolicyChg = (Set<?>)netChangeObj; // } String hmVersion = NmsUtil.getHMCurrentVersion(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { resMap.put(hiveAp, new ArrayList<UpdateObject>()); short type; if (selectedImageHiveAps.contains(hiveAp)) { //exists image upgrade. hiveAp.setSoftVer(hmVersion); type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; } // else if(hiveApsNWPolicyChg != null && hiveApsNWPolicyChg.contains(hiveAp.getId())){ // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // } else if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_LAST; } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; } else { if (hiveAp.isNeedCompleteUpdate()) { type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; } else { type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; } } //All complete config and audit config version > support download server download. boolean completeUpload = type == UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; boolean useDSDownload = MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer() && (completeUpload || NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(hiveAp.getSoftVer(), "") >= 0); if (completeUpload || !useDSDownload) { if (upConfigs) { UpdateObject updateObj; if (isHiveApWithReboot(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT, setting, hiveAp) && upUsers) { updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getConfigUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, null, false, saveServerFiles, continued, false, useDSDownload); } else { updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getConfigUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, activateTime, isRelative, saveServerFiles, continued, false, useDSDownload); } if (updateObj != null) { resMap.get(hiveAp).add(updateObj); } } if (upUsers) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getPskUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, activateTime, isRelative, saveServerFiles, continued, false, useDSDownload); if (updateObj != null) { resMap.get(hiveAp).add(updateObj); } } } else { short dsUploadType; if (upConfigs && upUsers) { dsUploadType = UpdateParameters.UPLOAD_TYPE_AUDIT_ALL; } else if (upConfigs) { dsUploadType = UpdateParameters.UPLOAD_TYPE_AUDIT_CONFIG; } else if (upUsers) { dsUploadType = UpdateParameters.UPLOAD_TYPE_AUDIT_USER; } else { dsUploadType = UpdateParameters.UPLOAD_TYPE_AUDIT_ALL; } UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getDsConfigUpdateObject(hiveAp, dsUploadType, false); if (updateObj != null) { resMap.get(hiveAp).add(updateObj); } } } return resMap; } // private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getScriptUpdateObjects( // Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, Set<HiveAp> selectedPskHiveAPs, // boolean saveServerFiles, boolean continued, // HiveApUpdateSettings setting) throws Exception { // if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { // Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<HiveAp, UpdateObject>(); // boolean isRelative = ActivateType.activateAfterTime.equals(setting // .getConfigActivateType()); // String activateTime = setting.getConfigActivateTimeString(); // // Object netChangeObj = MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_HIVEAP_NETWORKPOLICY_CHANGED); // Set<?> hiveApsNWPolicyChg = null; // if(netChangeObj instanceof Set<?>){ // hiveApsNWPolicyChg = (Set<?>)netChangeObj; // } // // for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { // short type; // if(hiveApsNWPolicyChg != null && hiveApsNWPolicyChg.contains(hiveAp.getId())){ // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // }else if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.equals(setting // .getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_LAST; // } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.equals(setting // .getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; // } else { // if (hiveAp.getLastCfgTime() == 0) { // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // } else { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; // } // } // UpdateObject updateObj; // if (isHiveApWithReboot(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT, setting, hiveAp) // && selectedPskHiveAPs.contains(hiveAp)) { // updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder() // .getConfigUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, null, false, // saveServerFiles, continued, false); // } else { // updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder() // .getConfigUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, activateTime, // isRelative, saveServerFiles, continued, // false); // } // if (null != updateObj) { // ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); // } // } // return ht_up; // } // return null; // } // // private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getPskUpdateObjects( // Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean saveServerFiles, // boolean continued, HiveApUpdateSettings setting) throws Exception { // if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { // Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<HiveAp, UpdateObject>(); // boolean isRelative = ActivateType.activateAfterTime.equals(setting // .getConfigActivateType()); // String activateTime = setting.getConfigActivateTimeString(); // for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { // short type; // if (ConfigSelectType.full.equals(setting.getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.equals(setting // .getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_LAST; // } else if (ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.equals(setting // .getConfigSelectType())) { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; // } else { // if (hiveAp.getLastCfgTime() == 0) { // type = UpdateParameters.COMPLETE_SCRIPT; // } else { // type = UpdateParameters.DELTA_SCRIPT_RUNNING; // } // } // UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder() // .getPskUpdateObject(hiveAp, type, activateTime, // isRelative, saveServerFiles, continued, false); // if (null != updateObj) { // ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); // } // } // return ht_up; // } // return null; // } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getOsDetectionUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, boolean continued, HiveApUpdateSettings setting) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getOsDetectionUpdateObject(hiveAp, continued, false); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getCAUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, short type, boolean continued) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> ht_up = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getCloadAuthUpdateObject(hiveAp, continued, true); if (null != updateObj) { ht_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return ht_up; } return null; } private Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> getRebootUpdateObjects(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, HiveApUpdateSettings settings) throws Exception { if (null != selectedHiveAps && selectedHiveAps.size() > 0 && settings != null) { Map<HiveAp, UpdateObject> reboot_up = new HashMap<>(); String offset = null; String date = null, time = null; if (settings.getConfigActivateType() == ActivateType.activateNextTime) { return null; } else if (settings.getConfigActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAtTime) { String atTimeStr = settings.getConfigActivateTimeString(); String[] paramArg = atTimeStr.split(" "); if (paramArg != null && paramArg.length == 2) { time = paramArg[0]; date = paramArg[1]; } } else { offset = settings.getConfigActivateTimeString(); } if (offset == null) { offset = NmsUtil.getCLIFormatString(BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_REBOOT_DELAY); } for (HiveAp hiveAp : selectedHiveAps) { UpdateObject updateObj = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateObjectBuilder().getRebootUpdateObject(hiveAp, offset, date, time); if (null != updateObj) { reboot_up.put(hiveAp, updateObj); } } return reboot_up; } return null; } protected void preparePage(String listType) throws Exception { Set<Long> selected = new HashSet<>(); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Long id : selectedIds) { if (null != id) { selected.add(id); } } } if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_CONFIG.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS, selected, getPageIds()); prepareConfigtBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_IMAGE.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); prepareImageBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_L7_SIGNATURE.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); prepareL7SignatureBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_BOOTSTRAP.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); prepareBootstrapBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_COUNTRYCODE.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); prepareCountryCodeBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_POE.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); preparePoeBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_LIST_TYPE_NETDUMP.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs, selected, getPageIds()); prepareNetdumpBoList(); } else if (UPDATE_OUTDOOR_SETTINGS.equals(listType)) { storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS, selected, getPageIds()); prepareOutdoorSettingsBoList(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void prepareOutdoorSettingsBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_OUTDOORSTTINGS, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<HiveAp> selectedBos = (List<HiveAp>) QueryUtil.executeQuery(boClass, sortParams, filterParams, domainId); checkAPVersion(init_ids, selectedBos, ""); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedBos.size()); for (HiveAp ap : selectedBos) { selected_ids.add(ap.getId()); } if (selected_ids.isEmpty()) { selected_ids = null; } filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_OUTDOORSTTINGS, selected_ids); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_OUTDOORSETTINGS_SELECTED_IDS, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } private void prepareImageBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_IMAGE, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } private void prepareConfigtBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT_WIZARD, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_CONFIG_SELECTED_IDS, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); if (null == selected_ids || selected_ids.isEmpty()) { rebuildFilterParam(); } page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } /** * filter the device by device type * * @author Yunzhi Lin * - Time: Oct 19, 2011 2:32:19 PM */ private void rebuildFilterParam() { String listType = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(HiveApAction.HM_LIST_TYPE); List<Short> deviceTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if ("managedVPNGateways".equals(listType)) { deviceTypes.add(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY); deviceTypes.add(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_BR); } else if ("managedRouters".equals(listType)) { deviceTypes.add(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_BRANCH_ROUTER); } else if ("managedSwitches".equals(listType)) { deviceTypes.add(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_SWITCH); } else if ("managedDeviceAPs".equals(listType)) { deviceTypes.add(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_HIVEAP); } else { // All devices return; } String where = filterParams.getWhere(); Object[] bingds = filterParams.getBindings(); Object[] newbingds; if (null == bingds) { where = "deviceType in :s1"; newbingds = new Object[] { deviceTypes }; } else { int newLength = bingds.length + 1; where += " and deviceType in :s" + newLength; newbingds = new Object[newLength]; System.arraycopy(bingds, 0, newbingds, 0, bingds.length); newbingds[bingds.length] = deviceTypes; } filterParams = new FilterParams(where, newbingds); } private void preparePoeBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_POE, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_POE_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void prepareNetdumpBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_NET_DUMP, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<HiveAp> selectedBos = (List<HiveAp>) QueryUtil.executeQuery(boClass, null, filterParams, domainId); checkAPDeviceType(init_ids, selectedBos, HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedBos.size()); for (HiveAp ap : selectedBos) { selected_ids.add(ap.getId()); } if (selected_ids.isEmpty()) { selected_ids = null; } filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_NET_DUMP, selected_ids); storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_NETDUMP_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } for (Object obj : page) { HiveAp hiveAp = (HiveAp) obj; short hiveApModel = hiveAp.getHiveApModel(); if (isSupportPort(hiveAp)) { showPort = true; if (portRange > HiveAp.getPortRange(hiveApModel)) { portRange = HiveAp.getPortRange(hiveApModel); } } } } private void prepareCountryCodeBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_COUNTRYCODE_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } private void prepareBootstrapBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_BOOTSTRAP, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_BOOTSTRAP_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); } } private void prepareL7SignatureBoList() throws Exception { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> selected_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs); enableSorting(); enablePaging(); filterParams = getListFilterParams(AH_DOWNLOAD_L7_SIGNATURE, init_ids); if (null == filterParams) { page = new ArrayList<HiveAp>(); } else { if (null == selected_ids && null != init_ids && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { generateFilteredMessage(init_ids, LSevenSignatures.getAllSuppportedPlatform(), ""); List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); selected_ids = new HashSet<>(selectedIds.size()); for (Object object : selectedIds) { selected_ids.add((Long) object); } storeIdListToSession(UPDATE_L7_SIGNATURE_SELECTED_IDs, selected_ids, null); } paging.setSelectedIds(selected_ids); page = paging.executeQuery(sortParams, filterParams, domainId); // smart select signature file if just one device is selected, bug // 28981 if (paging.getAvailableRowCount() == 1 && null != selected_ids && selected_ids.size() == 1) { HiveAp hiveAp = QueryUtil.findBoById(HiveAp.class, selected_ids.toArray(new Long[0])[0]); L7SignatureMng l7MngObj = new L7SignatureMng(); // get latest signature file name String latestVer = l7MngObj.findLatestSupportedVersion(hiveAp.getSignatureVerString(), hiveAp.getHiveApModel()); String signatureName = l7MngObj.findSignatureFileNameByVersion(latestVer, hiveAp.getHiveApModel()); this.selectedImage = signatureName; } } } private void prepareBootstrapParams() { try { List<CapwapSettings> capwapSettings = QueryUtil.executeQuery(CapwapSettings.class, null, null); if (!capwapSettings.isEmpty()) { CapwapSettings setting = capwapSettings.get(0); capwapServer = setting.getPrimaryCapwapIP(); if (null == capwapServer || "".equals(capwapServer)) { capwapServer = HmBeOsUtil.getHiveManagerIPAddr(); } capwapServerBackup = setting.getBackupCapwapIP(); udpPort = setting.getUdpPort(); timeOut = setting.getTimeOut(); deadInterval = setting.getNeighborDeadInterval(); newPassPhrase = setting.getBootStrap(); byte capability = setting.getDtlsCapability(); enabledDTLS = CapwapSettings.DTLS_AUTO == capability || CapwapSettings.DTLS_DTLSONLY == capability; newPassPhrase = setting.getBootStrap(); confirmPassPhrase = newPassPhrase; defaultPassPhrase = (newPassPhrase == null || newPassPhrase.length() == 0); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("prepareBootstrapParams", e.getMessage()); } } private FilterParams getListFilterParams(short updateType, Set<Long> init_ids) { List<Short> status = new ArrayList<>(2); status.add(HiveAp.STATUS_MANAGED); status.add(HiveAp.STATUS_NEW); FilterParams filter; if (AH_DOWNLOAD_CWP == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.isEmpty()) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND (" + "ethCwpCwpProfile != null " + "or exists (select 1 from ap.configTemplate c1 inner join c1.ssidInterfaces si " + "where si.ssidProfile != null and (si.ssidProfile.cwp != null or si.ssidProfile.userPolicy != null or si.ssidProfile.ppskECwp != null or si.ssidProfile.wpaECwp != null)) " + "or exists (select 1 from ap.configTemplate c1 inner join c1.portProfiles p inner join p.basicProfiles b " + "where b.accessProfile != null and b.accessProfile.cwp != null and ap.deviceType != :s2)" + ")"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = HiveAp.Device_TYPE_SWITCH; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) and id in (:s2) and (" + "ethCwpCwpProfile != null " + "or exists (select 1 from ap.configTemplate c1 inner join c1.ssidInterfaces si " + "where si.ssidProfile != null and (si.ssidProfile.cwp != null or si.ssidProfile.userPolicy != null or si.ssidProfile.ppskECwp != null or si.ssidProfile.wpaECwp != null)) " + "or exists (select 1 from ap.configTemplate c1 inner join c1.portProfiles p inner join p.basicProfiles b " + "where b.accessProfile != null and b.accessProfile.cwp != null and ap.deviceType != :s3)" + ")"; Object[] values = new Object[3]; values[0] = status; values[1] = init_ids; values[2] = HiveAp.Device_TYPE_SWITCH; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_RADIUS_CERTIFICATE == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.isEmpty()) { filter = HiveApUtils.getRadiusServerApFilter(false, false); } else { filter = HiveApUtils.getRadiusServerApFilter(false, false, init_ids); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_POE == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND hiveApModel in (:s2)"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; Set<Short> models = new HashSet<>(); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_320); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_340); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_380); values[1] = models; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND hiveApModel in (:s2) AND id in (:s3)"; Object[] values = new Object[3]; values[0] = status; Set<Short> models = new HashSet<>(); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_320); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_340); models.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_380); values[1] = models; values[2] = init_ids; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_OS_DETECTION == updateType) { List<Short> status2 = new ArrayList<>(); status2.add(HiveAp.STATUS_MANAGED); String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND SIMULATED = 'false' AND softVer >= ''"; Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status2; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_NET_DUMP == updateType) { if (null == init_ids) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND 1=2 AND deviceType<>" + String.valueOf(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY); Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else if (init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND deviceType<>" + String.valueOf(HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY); Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND id in (:s2)"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = init_ids; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_VPN_CERTIFICATE == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND vpnMark != :s2 AND (configTemplate.vpnService != null or exists (select 1 from " + VpnService.class.getSimpleName() + " vpn join vpn.vpnGateWaysSetting as joined where = joined.hiveApId))"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = HiveAp.VPN_MARK_NONE; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND vpnMark != :s2 AND id in (:s3) AND (configTemplate.vpnService != null or exists (select 1 from " + VpnService.class.getSimpleName() + " vpn join vpn.vpnGateWaysSetting as joined where = joined.hiveApId))"; Object[] values = new Object[3]; values[0] = status; values[1] = HiveAp.VPN_MARK_NONE; values[2] = init_ids; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_CLOUDAUTH_CERTIFICATE == updateType) { filter = HiveApUtils.getIdmCertFilter(init_ids); } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_OUTDOORSTTINGS == updateType) {// all selected ap are not pass version check so add '1=2' to show no records if (null == init_ids) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND 1=2 AND hiveApModel=" + String.valueOf(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_170); Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else if (init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND softVer>='' AND hiveApModel=" + String.valueOf(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_170); Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND id in (:s2) AND hiveApModel=" + String.valueOf(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_170); Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = init_ids; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_COUNTRY_CODE == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) and deviceType != :s2"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND id in (:s2) AND deviceType != :s3"; Object[] values = new Object[3]; values[0] = status; values[1] = init_ids; values[2] = HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } else if (AH_DOWNLOAD_L7_SIGNATURE == updateType) { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.isEmpty()) { filter = HiveApUtils.getL7SignatureDeviceFilter(null); } else { filter = HiveApUtils.getL7SignatureDeviceFilter(init_ids); } } else { if (null == init_ids || init_ids.size() == 0) { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1)"; Object[] values = new Object[1]; values[0] = status; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } else { String where = "manageStatus in (:s1) AND id in (:s2)"; Object[] values = new Object[2]; values[0] = status; values[1] = init_ids; filter = new FilterParams(where, values); } } return filter; } private Set<Long> getCurrentSelectedBoIds(short updateType) throws Exception { Set<Long> s_ids = new HashSet<>(); if (selectedDeviceIdStr != null && !"".equals(selectedDeviceIdStr)) { String[] ids = selectedDeviceIdStr.split(","); for (String id : ids) { s_ids.add(Long.valueOf(id)); } } else if (allItemsSelected) { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); FilterParams filter = getListFilterParams(updateType, init_ids); if (null != filter) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filter, domainId); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Object id : selectedIds) { s_ids.add((Long) id); } } } } else if (getIdListFromSession(SIMPLIFIED_UPDATE_SELECTED_IDs) != null) { //redirect from hiveAp.action? s_ids.addAll(getIdListFromSession(SIMPLIFIED_UPDATE_SELECTED_IDs)); } else { List<Long> selectedIds = getSelectedIds(); if (null != selectedIds) { for (Long id : selectedIds) { s_ids.add(id); } } } return s_ids; } private void prepareDistributedDownload() { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); Set<Long> allHiveAps = new HashSet<>(); if (init_ids == null || (init_ids.isEmpty())) { List<?> selectedIds = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select id from " + boClass.getSimpleName(), null, filterParams, domainId); for (Object object : selectedIds) { allHiveAps.add((Long) object); } } else { allHiveAps.addAll(init_ids); } Map<String, List<Long>> disServerMap = HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor() .getPortalAPListByHive(allHiveAps, domainId); Map<Long, String> idHostMapping = HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor().getIdAndHostnameMapping(domainId); Map<Long, String> idHivenameMapping = HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor() .getIdAndHiveNameMapping(domainId); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER_LIST_GROUP_BY_HIVE, disServerMap); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HOSTNAME_MAPPING, idHostMapping); MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HIVENAME_MAPPING, idHivenameMapping); //set distributed server String currentHive = getUniqueHiveName(init_ids, domainId); if (currentHive != null) { List<Long> disListIds = disServerMap.get(currentHive); if (disListIds != null && !disListIds.isEmpty()) { this.setDistributedServer(disListIds.get(0)); } } } private String getUniqueHiveName(Set<Long> hiveApIds, Long domainId) { String currentHive; if (hiveApIds == null || (hiveApIds.isEmpty())) { currentHive = null; } else { Set<String> hiveSet = HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor().getHiveName(hiveApIds, domainId); if (hiveSet != null && hiveSet.size() == 1) { currentHive = (String) (hiveSet.toArray())[0]; } else { currentHive = null; } } return currentHive; } public static final EnumItem[] ENUM_HOURS = enumItems(24, "hr"); public static final EnumItem[] ENUM_MINUTES = enumItems(60, "min"); private static EnumItem[] enumItems(int len, String unit) { EnumItem[] enumItems = new EnumItem[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String tmp = String.valueOf(i); if (tmp.length() == 1) tmp = "0" + tmp; enumItems[i] = new EnumItem(i, tmp + " " + unit); } return enumItems; } public static EnumItem[] getENUM_HOURS() { return ENUM_HOURS; } public static EnumItem[] getENUM_MINUTES() { return ENUM_MINUTES; } public TextItem[] getImageSelectType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ImageSelectionType.softVer.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.images.selection.type.ver")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageSelectType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ImageSelectionType.imgName.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.images.selection.type.file")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageVersionSelectType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(VER_SELECT_LATEST, getText("hiveAp.update.images.version.latest.label")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageVersionSelectType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem("others", getText("hiveAp.update.images.version.others.label")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageActivateType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateAtTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateAt")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageActivateType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateAfterTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateAfter")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageActivateType3() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateNextTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateNext")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageTransfer1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.TransferType.scp.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.images.transfer.type.scp")) }; } public TextItem[] getImageTransfer2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.TransferType.tftp.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.images.transfer.type.tftp")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigSelectType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(, getText("")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigSelectType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ConfigSelectType.full.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.uploadType.full")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigSelectType3() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.uploadType.deltaConfig")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigSelectType4() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.uploadType.deltaRunning")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigActivateType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateAtTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateAt")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigActivateType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateAfterTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateAfter")) }; } public TextItem[] getConfigActivateType3() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ActivateType.activateNextTime.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.configuration.activateNext")) }; } public TextItem[] getSignatureSelectType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ImageSelectionType.softVer.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.l7.signature.selection.type.ver")) }; } public TextItem[] getSignatureSelectType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(HiveApUpdateSettings.ImageSelectionType.imgName.toString(), getText("hiveAp.update.l7.signature.selection.type.file")) }; } public TextItem[] getSignatureVersionSelectType1() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem(VER_SELECT_LATEST, getText("hiveAp.file.l7.signature.version.latest.label")) }; } public TextItem[] getSignatureVersionSelectType2() { return new TextItem[] { new TextItem("others", getText("hiveAp.file.l7.signature.version.others.label")) }; } private String bootstrapAdmin; private String bootstrapPassword; /* for image upload settings and L7 signature upload settings */ private String selectedImage; private String selectedVersion; private String imageTransfer; private String imageSelectType; private short connectType = HiveApUpdateSettings.CONNECT_TYPE_LOCAL; private String latestVersion; /* for image upload settings */ private String imageDate; private String imageHour; private String imageMin; private String imageActivateType; private String imageVersionSelectType = VER_SELECT_LATEST; /* for signature upload settings */ private static final String VER_SELECT_LATEST = "latest"; private String signatureVersionSelectType = VER_SELECT_LATEST; /* for configure upload settings */ private String configDate; private String configHour; private String configMin; private String configActivateType; private String configSelectType; private boolean configConfiguration; private boolean configCwp; private boolean configCertificate; private boolean configUserDatabase; private boolean imageUpgrade = false; private boolean forceImageUpgrade = false; private boolean completeCfgUpdate = false; private boolean saveUploadSetting = true; private boolean simpleUpdate = false; public static final short REBOOT_TYPE_AUTO = 0; public static final short REBOOT_TYPE_MANUAL = 1; private short simplifiedRebootType = REBOOT_TYPE_AUTO; // private Long distributedServer; public String getConfigDate() { if (null == configDate) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar cd = Calendar.getInstance(); cd.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); configDate = formatter.format(cd.getTime()); } return configDate; } public void setConfigDate(String configDate) { this.configDate = configDate; } public String getConfigHour() { return configHour; } public void setConfigHour(String configHour) { this.configHour = configHour; } public String getConfigMin() { return configMin; } public void setConfigMin(String configMin) { this.configMin = configMin; } public String getConfigActivateType() { return configActivateType; } public void setConfigActivateType(String configActivateType) { this.configActivateType = configActivateType; } public String getConfigSelectType() { return configSelectType; } public void setConfigSelectType(String configSelectType) { this.configSelectType = configSelectType; } public void setConfigConfiguration(boolean configConfiguration) { this.configConfiguration = configConfiguration; } public void setConfigCwp(boolean configCwp) { this.configCwp = configCwp; } public void setConfigCertificate(boolean configCertificate) { this.configCertificate = configCertificate; } public void setConfigUserDatabase(boolean configUserDatabase) { this.configUserDatabase = configUserDatabase; } public boolean isSaveUploadSetting() { return this.saveUploadSetting; } public void setSaveUploadSetting(boolean saveUploadSetting) { this.saveUploadSetting = saveUploadSetting; } public String getImageDate() { if (null == imageDate) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Calendar cd = Calendar.getInstance(); cd.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); imageDate = formatter.format(cd.getTime()); } return imageDate; } public void setImageDate(String imageDate) { this.imageDate = imageDate; } public String getImageHour() { return imageHour; } public void setImageHour(String imageHour) { this.imageHour = imageHour; } public String getImageMin() { return imageMin; } public void setImageMin(String imageMin) { this.imageMin = imageMin; } public String getImageTransfer() { return imageTransfer; } public void setImageTransfer(String imageTransfer) { this.imageTransfer = imageTransfer; } public String getImageActivateType() { return imageActivateType; } public void setImageActivateType(String imageActivateType) { this.imageActivateType = imageActivateType; } public String getSignatureVersionSelectType() { return signatureVersionSelectType; } public void setSignatureVersionSelectType(String signatureVersionSelectType) { this.signatureVersionSelectType = signatureVersionSelectType; } public String getImageVersionSelectType() { return imageVersionSelectType; } public void setImageVersionSelectType(String imageVersionSelectType) { this.imageVersionSelectType = imageVersionSelectType; } public String getImageSelectType() { return imageSelectType; } public void setImageSelectType(String imageSelectType) { this.imageSelectType = imageSelectType; } public short getConnectType() { return connectType; } public void setConnectType(short connectType) { this.connectType = connectType; } public EnumItem[] getConnectTypes() { return HiveApUpdateSettings.CONNECT_TYPE; } // PoE power parameters public static final int NO_MAX_POWER = 0; public static final int MAX_POWER_802_3AF = 1; public static final int MAX_POWER_HIGH = 20000; public static final int MAX_POWER_MEDIUM_HIGH = 18000; public static final int MAX_POWER_MEDIUM = 16500; public static final int MAX_POWER_MEDIUM_LOW = 15000; public static final int MAX_POWER_LOW = 13600; private int maxPower; public int getMaxPower() { return maxPower; } public void setMaxPower(int maxPower) { this.maxPower = maxPower; } public EnumItem[] getMaxPowers() { return MgrUtil.enumItems("enum.poe.max.power.", new int[] { NO_MAX_POWER, MAX_POWER_802_3AF, MAX_POWER_HIGH, MAX_POWER_MEDIUM_HIGH, MAX_POWER_MEDIUM, MAX_POWER_MEDIUM_LOW, MAX_POWER_LOW }); } //Netdump parameters private boolean enableNetdump; private String netdumpServer = ""; private String netdumpVlan = ""; private String netdumpNVlan = ""; private String netdumpDevice = ""; private String netdumpGateway = ""; private String ipMode = "1"; //Specified transport port Settings for Switch private String transportEth; private int transportY = 1; private boolean showPort; private int portRange = 104; public boolean isEnableNetdump() { return this.enableNetdump; } public void setEnableNetdump(boolean enableNetdump) { this.enableNetdump = enableNetdump; } public String getNetdumpServer() { return this.netdumpServer; } public void setNetdumpServer(String netdumpServer) { this.netdumpServer = netdumpServer; } public String getNetdumpVlan() { return netdumpVlan; } public void setNetdumpVlan(String netdumpVlan) { this.netdumpVlan = netdumpVlan; } public String getNetdumpNVlan() { return netdumpNVlan; } public void setNetdumpNVlan(String netdumpNVlan) { this.netdumpNVlan = netdumpNVlan; } public String getNetdumpDevice() { return netdumpDevice; } public void setNetdumpDevice(String netdumpDevice) { this.netdumpDevice = netdumpDevice; } public String getNetdumpGateway() { return netdumpGateway; } public void setNetdumpGateway(String netdumpGateway) { this.netdumpGateway = netdumpGateway; } public String getIpMode() { return ipMode; } public void setIpMode(String ipMode) { this.ipMode = ipMode; } public String getTransportEth() { return transportEth; } public void setTransportEth(String transportEth) { this.transportEth = transportEth; } public int getTransportY() { return transportY; } public void setTransportY(int transportY) { this.transportY = transportY; } public boolean isShowPort() { return showPort; } public String getManagerPortStr() { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(transportEth)) { return transportEth + "/" + transportY; } return ""; } public List<CheckItem> getPortList() { List<CheckItem> portList = new ArrayList<>(); for (long i = 1; i <= portRange; i++) { CheckItem item = new CheckItem(i, String.valueOf(i)); portList.add(item); } return portList; } public static boolean isSupportPort(HiveAp hiveAp) { if (null == hiveAp) { return false; } String version = ""; String softVer = hiveAp.getSoftVer(); return softVer != null && HiveAp.isSwitchProduct(hiveAp.getHiveApModel()) && NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(version, softVer) <= 0; } // Capwap settings parameters private String capwapServer = ""; private String capwapServerBackup = ""; private String vhmName; private int udpPort = 12222; private short timeOut = 30; private short deadInterval = 105; private String newPassPhrase = ""; private String confirmPassPhrase = ""; private boolean enabledDTLS; private boolean defaultPassPhrase; // Country Code parameters private int countryCode; private int countryCode_offSet = 5; public int getCountryCode() { return countryCode; } public void setCountryCode(int countryCode) { this.countryCode = countryCode; } public int getCountryCode_offSet() { return countryCode_offSet; } public void setCountryCode_offSet(int countryCode_offSet) { this.countryCode_offSet = countryCode_offSet; } public String getCapwapServer() { return capwapServer; } public void setCapwapServer(String capwapServer) { this.capwapServer = capwapServer; } public String getCapwapServerBackup() { return capwapServerBackup; } public void setCapwapServerBackup(String capwapServerBackup) { this.capwapServerBackup = capwapServerBackup; } public String getVhmName() { if (vhmName == null || "".equals(vhmName)) { List<?> resList = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select domainName from " + HmDomain.class.getSimpleName(), null, new FilterParams("id", this.getDomainId())); if (resList != null && !resList.isEmpty()) { return resList.get(0).toString(); } } return vhmName; } public void setVhmName(String vhmName) { this.vhmName = vhmName; } public int getUdpPort() { return udpPort; } public void setUdpPort(int udpPort) { this.udpPort = udpPort; } public short getTimeOut() { return timeOut; } public void setTimeOut(short timeOut) { this.timeOut = timeOut; } public short getDeadInterval() { return deadInterval; } public void setDeadInterval(short deadInterval) { this.deadInterval = deadInterval; } public String getNewPassPhrase() { return newPassPhrase; } public void setNewPassPhrase(String newPassPhrase) { this.newPassPhrase = newPassPhrase; } public String getConfirmPassPhrase() { return confirmPassPhrase; } public void setConfirmPassPhrase(String confirmPassPhrase) { this.confirmPassPhrase = confirmPassPhrase; } public boolean isEnabledDTLS() { return enabledDTLS; } public void setEnabledDTLS(boolean enabledDTLS) { this.enabledDTLS = enabledDTLS; } public boolean isDefaultPassPhrase() { return defaultPassPhrase; } public void setDefaultPassPhrase(boolean defaultPassPhrase) { this.defaultPassPhrase = defaultPassPhrase; } public String getSelectedImage() { return selectedImage; } public void setSelectedImage(String selectedImage) { this.selectedImage = selectedImage; } public String getSelectedVersion() { return selectedVersion; } public void setSelectedVersion(String selectedVersion) { this.selectedVersion = selectedVersion; } public void setLatestVersion(String latestVersion) { this.latestVersion = latestVersion; } public String getBootstrapAdmin() { return bootstrapAdmin; } public void setBootstrapAdmin(String bootstrapAdmin) { this.bootstrapAdmin = bootstrapAdmin; } public String getBootstrapPassword() { return bootstrapPassword; } public void setBootstrapPassword(String bootstrapPassword) { this.bootstrapPassword = bootstrapPassword; } public boolean isSimpleUpdate() { return simpleUpdate; } public void setSimpleUpdate(boolean simpleUpdate) { this.simpleUpdate = simpleUpdate; } public String getDtlsStyle() { if (enabledDTLS) { return "false"; } else { return "true"; } } public String getSignatureSelTypeVerStyle() { if (ImageSelectionType.softVer.equals(getDataSource().getSignatureSelectType())) { return ""; } return "none"; } public String getSignatureSelTypeFileStyle() { if (ImageSelectionType.imgName.equals(getDataSource().getSignatureSelectType())) { return ""; } return "none"; } public String getOtherSignatureVersionDisabled() { if (VER_SELECT_LATEST.equals(signatureVersionSelectType)) { return "true"; } return "false"; } public String getImageActiveAtDisabled() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getImageActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAtTime) { return "false"; } } return "true"; } public String getImageActiveAfterDisabled() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getImageActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAfterTime) { return "false"; } } return "true"; } public String getImageSelTypeVerStyle() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (ImageSelectionType.softVer.equals(getDataSource().getImageSelectType())) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getImageSelTypeFileStyle() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (ImageSelectionType.imgName.equals(getDataSource().getImageSelectType())) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getOtherImageVersionDisabled() { if (VER_SELECT_LATEST.equals(imageVersionSelectType)) { return "true"; } return "false"; } public String getDistributedUpgradesStyle() { if (this.isDsEnable()) { return "none"; } if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().isDistributedUpgrades()) { return ""; } } return "none"; } public String getConfigActiveAtDisabled() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getConfigActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAtTime) { return "false"; } } return "true"; } public String getConfigActiveAfterDisabled() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getConfigActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAfterTime) { return "false"; } } return "true"; } public String getActivateTimeStyle() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig || getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning) { return "none"; } } return ""; } public String getActiveTimeLabelStyle() { if (null != getDataSource()) { if (getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.deltaConfig || getDataSource().getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.deltaRunning) { return "hidden"; } } return "visible"; } private String str_countryCodeOffset; protected boolean updateCountryCodeParams() throws Exception { str_countryCodeOffset = NmsUtil .getCLIFormatString(countryCode_offSet + BeTopoModuleParameters.DEFAULT_REBOOT_DELAY); return true; } protected boolean addToUploadList() throws Exception { // check license first! int newHiveApCount = 0, newSimHiveApCount = 0, newCvgCount = 0; if (null != updateHiveAps) { for (UpdateHiveAp hiveAp : updateHiveAps) { if (hiveAp.getHiveAp().getManageStatus() == HiveAp.STATUS_NEW) { if (hiveAp.getHiveAp().isSimulated()) { newSimHiveApCount++; } else { if (hiveAp.getHiveAp().getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_VPN_GATEWAY_VA) { newCvgCount++; } else { newHiveApCount++; } } } } } if (newHiveApCount > 0) { String error = BeTopoModuleUtil.isDomainAllowManageRealHiveAP(domainId, newHiveApCount, false); if (null != error && !"".equals(error.trim())) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(error); return false; } } if (newCvgCount > 0) { String error = BeTopoModuleUtil.isDomainAllowManageRealHiveAP(domainId, newCvgCount, true); if (null != error && !"".equals(error.trim())) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(error); return false; } } if (newSimHiveApCount > 0) { String error = BeTopoModuleUtil.isDomainAllowManageSimHiveAP(domainId, newSimHiveApCount); if (null != error && !"".equals(error.trim())) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(error); return false; } } if ("uploadImage".equals(operation)) { // try image distributor first! if (null != updateHiveAps && !updateHiveAps.isEmpty()) { HiveApUpdateSettings setting = getUpdateSetting(); boolean isSelectVer = ImageSelectionType.softVer.equals(setting.getImageSelectType()); String version; if (VER_SELECT_LATEST.equals(imageVersionSelectType)) { version = this.latestVersion; } else { version = this.selectedVersion; } if (setting.isDistributedUpgrades() || MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer()) { try { Collection<ImageUploadGroup> resGoups = HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor() .generateUploadGroup(updateHiveAps, getSelectedImage(), isSelectVer, version, setting); Iterator<ImageUploadGroup> iteGoups = resGoups.iterator(); updateHiveAps.clear(); while (iteGoups.hasNext()) { ImageUploadGroup group =; if (group.getUpdateList().size() > 1) { group.countDistributedServer(); HmBeConfigUtil.getImageDistributor().addImageRequest(group); } else if (group.getUpdateList().size() == 1) { updateHiveAps.add(group.getUpdateList().get(0)); } } } catch (UpdateObjectException ue) { log.error("addToUploadList", "Try to upload image distributor failed, try to use old way. Reason:" + ue.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("addToUploadList", "Try to upload image distributor failed, try to use old way.", e); } } else {"addToUploadList", "distributed turned off, try to use old way."); } } } List<String[]> errList = HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateManager().addUpdateObjects(updateHiveAps); if (null != errList && errList.size() > 0) { for (String[] errInfo : errList) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(errInfo[1]); } return false; } else { return true; } } public List<TextItem> getAvailableImageFiles() { List<Short> disApModels = getDistinctApModel(); if (MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer()) { List<String> images = getAllImageFromDS(disApModels, false); List<TextItem> imageItems = new ArrayList<>(images.size()); for (String image : images) { imageItems.add(new TextItem(image, image)); } return imageItems; } else { List<HiveApImageInfo> imageInfoList =; List<TextItem> imageFiles = new ArrayList<TextItem>(); if (imageInfoList != null) { for (HiveApImageInfo imgInfo : imageInfoList) { imageFiles.add(new TextItem(imgInfo.getImageName(), imgInfo.getImageVersion() + " - " + imgInfo.getImageName())); } } return imageFiles; } } private List<Short> getDistinctApModel() { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs); FilterParams params = null; if (init_ids != null && !init_ids.isEmpty()) { params = new FilterParams("id in (:s1)", new Object[] { init_ids }); } List<?> results = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select distinct hiveApModel from " + HiveAp.class.getSimpleName(), null, params); List<Short> allModel = new ArrayList<Short>(); if (results != null && !results.isEmpty()) { for (Object obj : results) { allModel.add((Short) obj); } } return allModel; } public List<String> getAvailableImageVersions() { List<Short> disApModels = getDistinctApModel(); Collection<String> versions = null; if (MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer()) { versions = getAllImageFromDS(disApModels, true); } else { List<HiveApImageInfo> imageInfoList =; versions = new HashSet<String>(); if (imageInfoList != null) { for (HiveApImageInfo image : imageInfoList) { versions.add(image.getImageVersion().trim()); } } if (versions.isEmpty()) { versions.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none")); } } List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(versions); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { try { return o2.hashCode() - o1.hashCode(); } catch (Exception e) { return 0; } } }); return list; } public String getLatestImageVersion() { return getAvailableImageVersions().get(0); } public List<String> getAvailableSignatureFiles() { SortParams sp = new SortParams("fileName"); sp.setPrimaryOrderBy("ahVersion"); sp.setPrimaryAscending(false); List<String> items = new ArrayList<>(); List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery("select fileName from " + LSevenSignatures.class.getCanonicalName(), sp, null); for (Object object : list) { items.add((String) object); } if (list.isEmpty()) { items.add(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none")); } return items; } public List<TextItem> getAvailableSignatureVersions() { List<TextItem> items = new ArrayList<>(); List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select distinct ahVersion, dateReleased from " + LSevenSignatures.class.getCanonicalName(), new SortParams("ahVersion", false), null); for (Object object : list) { Object[] objects = (Object[]) object; String version = (String) objects[0]; String date = LSevenSignatures.getDateReleasedString((String) objects[1]); items.add(new TextItem(version, version + " (" + date + ")")); } if (list.isEmpty()) { String none = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.optionsTransfer.none"); items.add(new TextItem(none, none)); } return items; } public TextItem getLatestSignatureVersion() { return getAvailableSignatureVersions().get(0); } public List<Entry<Integer, String>> getCountryCodeValues() { return CountryCode.getCountryCodeList(); } @Override public void prepare() throws Exception { super.prepare(); setDataSource(HiveAp.class); prepareDataSource(); // setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_MANAGED_HIVE_APS); String listTypeFromSession = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(HiveApAction.HM_LIST_TYPE); String viewType = (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(HiveApAction.MANAGED_LIST_VIEW); if ("managedVPNGateways".equals(listTypeFromSession)) { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_VPN_GATEWAYS); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_VPN_GATEWAYS); } } else if ("managedRouters".equals(listTypeFromSession)) { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_BRANCH_ROUTERS); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_BRANCH_ROUTERS); } } else if ("managedSwitches".equals(listTypeFromSession)) { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_SWITCHES); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_SWITCHES); } } else if ("managedDeviceAPs".equals(listTypeFromSession)) { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_DEVICE_HIVEAPS); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_DEVICE_HIVEAPS); } } else if ("managedHiveAps".equals(listTypeFromSession)) { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_HIVE_APS); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_MANAGED_HIVE_APS); } } else { if ("config".equals(viewType)) { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_CONFIG_HIVE_APS); } else { setSelectedL2Feature(L2_FEATURE_MANAGED_HIVE_APS); } } } private void prepareDataSource() { setSessionDataSource(getUpdateSetting()); } private HiveApUpdateSettings getUpdateSetting() { List<HiveApUpdateSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveApUpdateSettings.class, null, null, domainId); if (list.isEmpty()) { return new HiveApUpdateSettings(); } else { return list.get(0); } } @Override public HiveApUpdateSettings getDataSource() { if (dataSource != null && dataSource instanceof HiveApUpdateSettings) { return (HiveApUpdateSettings) dataSource; } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Set<Long> getIdListFromSession(String sessionKey) { return (Set<Long>) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); } private String getStringSessionAttribute(String sessionKey) { return (String) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(sessionKey); } private void storeIdListToSession(String sessionKey, Set<Long> newIds, Set<Long> pageIds) { if (null != pageIds) { Set<Long> previousIds = getIdListFromSession(sessionKey); if (null != previousIds) { previousIds.removeAll(pageIds); } } if (null != newIds) { Set<Long> previousIds = getIdListFromSession(sessionKey); if (null != previousIds) { previousIds.addAll(newIds); } else { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, newIds); } } } private void storeExIdListToSession(String sessionKey, Set<Long> newIds) { if (null != newIds) { Set<Long> previousIds = getIdListFromSession(sessionKey); if (null != previousIds) { previousIds.addAll(newIds); } else { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(sessionKey, newIds); } } } public boolean isTftpBtnEnabled() { try { if (HmBeAdminUtil.isTftpEnable()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getTftpBtnDisabled", e.getMessage()); } return false; } public boolean isNeedShowEnableLabel() { return !isTftpBtnEnabled() && getIsInHomeDomain(); } public boolean isUsingTftpTransfer() { return null != getDataSource() && TransferType.tftp.equals(getDataSource().getImageTransfer()); } public List<CheckItem> getDistributedServers() { return getDistributedServerList(this.getCurrentHiveName()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<CheckItem> getDistributedServerList(String hiveName) { Map<String, List<Long>> disServerMap = (Map<String, List<Long>>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER_LIST_GROUP_BY_HIVE); Map<Long, String> idHostMapping = (Map<Long, String>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HOSTNAME_MAPPING); List<Long> disServerList = disServerMap.get(hiveName); List<CheckItem> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (disServerList != null) { for (Long id : disServerList) { list.add(new CheckItem(id, idHostMapping.get(id))); } } return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getDistributedServerHost() { Map<Long, String> idHostMapping = (Map<Long, String>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HOSTNAME_MAPPING); if (getDistributedServer() != null) { return idHostMapping.get(getDistributedServer()); } else { return "None"; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String getCurrentHiveName() { Map<Long, String> idHiveMapping = (Map<Long, String>) MgrUtil .getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_ID_AND_HIVENAME_MAPPING); return idHiveMapping.get(getDistributedServer()); } public Long getDistributedServer() { return (Long) MgrUtil.getSessionAttribute(UPDATE_CURRENT_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER); } public void setDistributedServer(Long distributedServer) { MgrUtil.setSessionAttribute(UPDATE_CURRENT_DISTRIBUTED_SERVER, distributedServer); } @Override public Collection<HmBo> load(HmBo bo) { if (null == bo) { return null; } if (bo instanceof HiveAp) { HiveAp hiveAp = (HiveAp) bo; if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getId(); if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate() != null) { loadRadiusOnHiveap(hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getRadiusServerProfile()); } if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy().getId(); if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy().getRules() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy().getRules().size(); } } if (hiveAp.getEth0UserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getEth0UserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getEth1UserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getEth1UserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getAgg0UserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getAgg0UserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getRed0UserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getRed0UserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getWifi0RadioProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getWifi0RadioProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getWifi1RadioProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getWifi1RadioProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getPppoeAuthProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getPppoeAuthProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultAuthUserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultAuthUserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultRegUserProfile() != null) { hiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultRegUserProfile().getId(); } if (hiveAp.getEthCwpRadiusUserProfiles() != null) { hiveAp.getEthCwpRadiusUserProfiles().size(); } Collection<ConfigTemplateSsid> cfSsids = hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getSsidInterfaces().values(); for (ConfigTemplateSsid cfSsid : cfSsids) { SsidProfile ssid = cfSsid.getSsidProfile(); if (null != ssid && null != ssid.getCwp() && null != ssid.getCwp().getCertificate()) { ssid.getCwp().getCertificate().getId(); } if (null != ssid && null != ssid.getUserPolicy() && null != ssid.getUserPolicy().getCertificate()) { ssid.getUserPolicy().getCertificate().getId(); } if (null != ssid && null != ssid.getPpskECwp() && null != ssid.getPpskECwp().getCertificate()) { ssid.getPpskECwp().getCertificate().getId(); } if (null != ssid && null != ssid.getWpaECwp() && null != ssid.getWpaECwp().getCertificate()) { ssid.getWpaECwp().getCertificate().getId(); } } Collection<PortGroupProfile> ports = hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getPortProfiles(); if (ports != null) { for (PortGroupProfile pgProfile : ports) { if (pgProfile.getBasicProfiles() == null) { continue; } for (PortBasicProfile base : pgProfile.getBasicProfiles()) { if (base.getAccessProfile() != null && base.getAccessProfile().getCwp() != null && base.getAccessProfile().getCwp().getCertificate() != null) { base.getAccessProfile().getCwp().getCertificate().getId(); } } } } if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getVpnService() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getVpnService().getId(); if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getVpnService().getVpnGateWaysSetting() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getVpnService().getVpnGateWaysSetting().size(); } } if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getSwitchSettings() != null) { if (hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings() != null) { hiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings().getId(); } } } loadRadiusOnHiveap(hiveAp.getRadiusServerProfile()); Cwp ethCwp = hiveAp.getEthCwpCwpProfile(); if (ethCwp != null) { ethCwp.getId(); if (null != ethCwp.getCertificate()) { ethCwp.getCertificate().getId(); } } if (hiveAp.getDeviceInterfaces() != null) { hiveAp.getDeviceInterfaces().values(); } if (hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings() != null) { hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getId(); } } if (bo instanceof ConfigTemplate) { ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy = (ConfigTemplate) bo; if (wlanPolicy.getHiveProfile() != null) wlanPolicy.getHiveProfile().getId(); if (wlanPolicy.getMgmtServiceDns() != null) wlanPolicy.getMgmtServiceDns().getId(); if (wlanPolicy.getMgmtServiceOption() != null) wlanPolicy.getMgmtServiceOption().getId(); if (wlanPolicy.getVlan() != null) wlanPolicy.getVlan().getId(); if (wlanPolicy.getVpnService() != null) { wlanPolicy.getVpnService().getId(); if (wlanPolicy.getVpnService().getVpnGateWaysSetting() != null) { wlanPolicy.getVpnService().getVpnGateWaysSetting().size(); } } if (wlanPolicy.getVlanNetwork() != null) { wlanPolicy.getVlanNetwork().size(); for (ConfigTemplateVlanNetwork cvn : wlanPolicy.getVlanNetwork()) { if (cvn.getNetworkObj() != null) { cvn.getNetworkObj().getId(); if (cvn.getNetworkObj().getSubItems() != null) { cvn.getNetworkObj().getSubItems().size(); } if (cvn.getNetworkObj().getPortForwardings() != null) { cvn.getNetworkObj().getPortForwardings().size(); } if (cvn.getNetworkObj().getVpnDnsService() != null) { cvn.getNetworkObj().getVpnDnsService().getId(); } } if (cvn.getVlan() != null) { cvn.getVlan().getId(); if (cvn.getVlan().getItems() != null) { cvn.getVlan().getItems().size(); } } } } if (wlanPolicy.getUpVlanMapping() != null) { wlanPolicy.getUpVlanMapping().size(); for (UserProfileVlanMapping mapping : wlanPolicy.getUpVlanMapping()) { if (mapping.getUserProfile() != null) { mapping.getUserProfile().getId(); } if (mapping.getVlan() != null) { mapping.getVlan().getId(); } } } if (wlanPolicy.getVlanNetwork() != null) { wlanPolicy.getVlanNetwork().size(); } for (ConfigTemplateSsid tmpTemplate : wlanPolicy.getSsidInterfaces().values()) { if (tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile() != null) { if (tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserProfile() != null) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserProfile().size(); for (UserProfile up : tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserProfile()) { up.getId(); } } if (null != tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getLocalUserGroups()) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getLocalUserGroups().size(); } if (null != tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserGroups()) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserGroups().size(); } if (null != tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getMacFilters()) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getMacFilters().size(); } if (tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault() != null) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault().getId(); } if (tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg() != null) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg().getId(); } if (tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest() != null) { tmpTemplate.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest().getId(); } } } for (PortAccessProfile pap : wlanPolicy.getAccessProfiles()) { if (pap == null) continue; if (pap.getVoiceVlan() != null) { pap.getVoiceVlan(); } if (pap.getDataVlan() != null) { pap.getDataVlan(); } if (pap.getDefUserProfile() != null) { pap.getDefUserProfile().getVlan(); } if (pap.getSelfRegUserProfile() != null) { pap.getSelfRegUserProfile().getVlan(); } if (pap.getGuestUserProfile() != null) { pap.getGuestUserProfile().getVlan(); } if (pap.getAuthOkDataUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile up : pap.getAuthOkDataUserProfile()) if (up != null) up.getVlan(); } if (pap.getAuthOkUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile up : pap.getAuthOkUserProfile()) if (up != null) up.getVlan(); } if (pap.getAuthFailUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile up : pap.getAuthFailUserProfile()) if (up != null) up.getVlan(); } } if (null != wlanPolicy.getSwitchSettings()) { wlanPolicy.getSwitchSettings().getId(); } if (null != wlanPolicy.getLldpCdp()) { wlanPolicy.getLldpCdp().getId(); } // load LAN profiles if (null != wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles()) { wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles().size(); for (PortGroupProfile gp : wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles()) { if (gp.getBasicProfiles() != null) { gp.getBasicProfiles().size(); for (PortBasicProfile pbp : gp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile() != null) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getId(); if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getNativeVlan()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getNativeVlan().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getVoiceVlan()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getVoiceVlan().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getDataVlan()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getDataVlan().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusAssignment()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusAssignment().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile().getId(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkUserProfile().size(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthFailUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthFailUserProfile().size(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkDataUserProfile()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkDataUserProfile().size(); } if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusUserGroups()) { pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusUserGroups().size(); } } } } } } if (wlanPolicy.getSwitchSettings() != null) { if (wlanPolicy.getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings() != null) { wlanPolicy.getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings().getId(); } } } if (bo instanceof UserProfile) { UserProfile userp = (UserProfile) bo; if (userp.getVlan() != null) userp.getVlan().getId(); if (userp.getQosRateControl() != null) userp.getQosRateControl().getId(); if (userp.getIpPolicyFrom() != null) userp.getIpPolicyFrom().getId(); if (userp.getIpPolicyTo() != null) userp.getIpPolicyTo().getId(); if (userp.getMacPolicyFrom() != null) userp.getMacPolicyFrom().getId(); if (userp.getMacPolicyTo() != null) userp.getMacPolicyTo().getId(); if (userp.getUserProfileAttribute() != null) { userp.getUserProfileAttribute().getId(); if (userp.getUserProfileAttribute().getItems() != null) { userp.getUserProfileAttribute().getItems().size(); } } if (null != userp.getAssignRules()) { userp.getAssignRules().size(); } } if (bo instanceof MacFilter) { MacFilter macFilter = (MacFilter) bo; macFilter.getFilterInfo().size(); } if (bo instanceof Vlan) { Vlan profile = (Vlan) bo; if (profile.getItems() != null) { profile.getItems().size(); } } if (bo instanceof VpnNetwork) { VpnNetwork profile = (VpnNetwork) bo; if (profile.getSubItems() != null) { profile.getSubItems().size(); } if (profile.getPortForwardings() != null) { profile.getPortForwardings().size(); } if (profile.getVpnDnsService() != null) { profile.getVpnDnsService().getId(); } } return null; } private void loadRadiusOnHiveap(RadiusOnHiveap radiusObj) { if (radiusObj == null) { return; } radiusObj.getId(); if (radiusObj.getDirectoryOrLdap() != null) { radiusObj.getDirectoryOrLdap().size(); } if (radiusObj.getLdapOuUserProfiles() != null) { radiusObj.getLdapOuUserProfiles().size(); } } // private JSONObject getUploadWaitingMessage() throws JSONException{ // JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); // String waitingMsg; // String resultMsg = null; // if(HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateManager().getWaitingQueueSize() > 0){ // waitingMsg = this.getText("info.hiveAp.update.image.howManyApWaiting", // new String[]{String.valueOf(HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateManager().getWaitingQueueSize())}); // resultMsg = "<html><body>"+waitingMsg+"</body></html>"; // // if(this.getDataSource().getImageActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAfterTime || // this.getDataSource().getImageActivateType() == ActivateType.activateAtTime){ // String rebootMsg = this.getText("info.hiveAp.update.image.manualReboot"); // // if(waitingMsg != null && !"".equals(waitingMsg)){ // resultMsg = "<html><body>"+waitingMsg+"<br/><br/>"+rebootMsg+"</body></html>"; // }else{ // resultMsg = "<html><body>"+rebootMsg+"</body></html>"; // } // } // } // result.put("message", resultMsg); // // return result; // } // return result; // } // private boolean checkUploadQueue(){ // if(this.isHMOnline() && HmBeConfigUtil.getUpdateManager().isExistsHiveApUploadImage(this.domainId)){ // String errorMsg = MgrUtil .getUserMessage("error.hiveAp.update.image.inQueue"); // addActionPermanentErrorMsg(errorMsg); // return false; // }else{ // return true; // } // } public int getMaxUploadNum() { if (!this.isHMOnline()) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } List<HMServicesSettings> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HMServicesSettings.class, null, new FilterParams("owner.domainName", HmDomain.HOME_DOMAIN)); if (list.isEmpty()) { return HMServicesSettings.MAX_HIVEOS_SOFTVER_UPDATE_NUM; } else { return list.get(0).getMaxUpdateNum(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void checkSupportedUpdateImage() throws JSONException { List<HiveAp> selectedAps = page; List<HiveAp> unSupportAps = new ArrayList<>(); for (HiveAp ap : selectedAps) { Boolean enabled = AhConstantUtil.isTrueAll(Device.SUPPORTED_UPDATE_IMAGE, ap.getHiveApModel()); if (!(null == enabled || enabled)) { // unsupport unSupportAps.add(ap); } } if (unSupportAps.size() > 0) { String hostNames = ""; for (HiveAp uap : unSupportAps) { hostNames += uap.getHostName() + ","; } unsupportedApsMessage = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", hostNames.substring(0, hostNames.length() - 1)); page.removeAll(unSupportAps); // don't show in next page } } public void checkAPVersion(Set<Long> initIds, List<HiveAp> selectedBos, String version) throws JSONException { List<HiveAp> unSupportAps = new ArrayList<>(); for (HiveAp ap : selectedBos) { // check ap version if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(ap.getSoftVer(), version) < 0) { // is not 4.0r2 or high unSupportAps.add(ap); // update UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs initIds.remove(ap.getId()); } } if (unSupportAps.size() > 0) { String hostNames = ""; for (HiveAp uap : unSupportAps) { hostNames += uap.getHostName() + ","; } unsupportedApsMessage += MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.outdoor.version.unsupport", hostNames.substring(0, hostNames.length() - 1)); selectedBos.removeAll(unSupportAps); // don't show in next page } } public void checkAPDeviceType(Set<Long> initIds, List<HiveAp> selectedBos, short deviceType) throws JSONException { List<HiveAp> unSupportAps = new ArrayList<>(); for (HiveAp ap : selectedBos) { // check ap deviceType if (ap.isCVGAppliance()) { // is CVG unSupportAps.add(ap); // update UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs initIds.remove(ap.getId()); } } if (unSupportAps.size() > 0) { String hostNames = ""; for (HiveAp uap : unSupportAps) { hostNames += uap.getHostName() + ","; } unsupportedApsMessage += MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.netdump.devicetype.unsupport", hostNames.substring(0, hostNames.length() - 1)); selectedBos.removeAll(unSupportAps); // don't show in next page } } /** * * @param initIds - * @param supportPlatforms - * @param supportVer - */ private void generateFilteredMessage(Set<Long> initIds, short[] supportPlatforms, String supportVer) { boolean hasUnsupportVer = false; boolean hasUnsupportPlat = false; String query = "select softVer, hiveApModel from " + HiveAp.class.getCanonicalName(); List<?> list = QueryUtil.executeQuery(query, null, new FilterParams("id", initIds)); Arrays.sort(supportPlatforms); for (Object object : list) { Object[] objects = (Object[]) object; String deviceVer = (String) objects[0]; Short platform = (Short) objects[1]; if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(deviceVer, supportVer) < 0) { hasUnsupportVer = true; break; } if (null != platform) { int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(supportPlatforms, platform.shortValue()); if (pos < 0) { hasUnsupportPlat = true; break; } } } if (hasUnsupportVer) { unsupportedApsMessage = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveAp.feature.discard.unsupport.version", supportVer); } if (hasUnsupportPlat) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveAp.feature.discard.unsupport.model", LSevenSignatures.getAllSupportedPlatformsString())); } } private String unsupportedApsMessage = ""; public String getUnsupportedApsMessage() { return unsupportedApsMessage; } public void setUnsupportedApsMessage(String unsupportedApsMessage) { this.unsupportedApsMessage = unsupportedApsMessage; } // fnr code for check network policy begin 2011/08/18 private String checkNetworkPolicy(ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy, boolean checkDhcp, StringBuffer warningMsg, Set<String> setPolicyName, HiveAp oneHiveAp, StringBuffer lldpWarningMsg) { if (wlanPolicy.isDefaultFlag() && wlanPolicy.getConfigName().equals(BeParaModule.DEFAULT_DEVICE_GROUP_NAME) && oneHiveAp.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.cannotusedefault", new String[] { wlanPolicy.getConfigName(), oneHiveAp.getHostName() }); } if (oneHiveAp.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_BRANCH_ROUTER && oneHiveAp.getRoutingProfilePolicy() != null) { if (NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(oneHiveAp.getSoftVer(), "") < 0) { return getText("error.hiveAp.upload.RoutigPolicy.notmatach.ApVersion", new String[] { oneHiveAp.getHostName() }); } } if (oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter() && !wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isRouterContained()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { wlanPolicy.getConfigName(), "routers", "routing" }); } if (oneHiveAp.isSwitch() && !wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isSwitchContained() && !wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { wlanPolicy.getConfigName(), "switches", "switching" }); } if (oneHiveAp.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_HIVEAP) { boolean checkPass; if (oneHiveAp.getDeviceInfo().isSupportAttribute(DeviceInfo.SPT_BONJOUR_SERVICE)) { checkPass = wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isWirelessContained() || wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly(); } else { checkPass = wlanPolicy.getConfigType().isWirelessContained(); } if (!checkPass) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { oneHiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getConfigName(), "APs", "wireless access" }); } } Map<String, Long> userGoupUserIdMap = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<String> ssidNameSet = new HashSet<>(); if (NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil.wirelessIncludeByDevice(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel())) { for (ConfigTemplateSsid cs : wlanPolicy.getSsidInterfaces().values()) { if (cs.getSsidProfile() != null) { if (cs.getSsidProfile().isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { if (cs.getSsidProfile().getLocalUserGroups() != null && cs.getSsidProfile().getLocalUserGroups().size() > 1) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreLocalusergroup", new String[] { cs.getSsidProfile().getSsidName(), wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } String ret = checkSsidAndUserAndRadius(cs.getSsidProfile(), wlanPolicy, userGoupUserIdMap); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkUserProfileSize(cs.getSsidProfile(), wlanPolicy); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkMacFilterAction(cs.getSsidProfile()); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkPskUserSize(cs.getSsidProfile()); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } if (cs.getSsidProfile().getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK && cs.getSsidProfile().isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { ssidNameSet.add(cs.getSsidProfile().getPpskOpenSsid()); } ssidNameSet.add(cs.getSsidProfile().getSsid()); } } } ssidNameSet.add(wlanPolicy.getHiveProfile().getHiveName()); String ret = checkPortProfile(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAp, ssidNameSet); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } if (isSwitchTypeForDevice(oneHiveAp)) { ret = checkInterfaceLLDPConfig(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAp, lldpWarningMsg); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } } //check Lan profile // each network object should be has his owner VLAN, vlan cannot same // how many VLAN (16) and how many network object(16) for lan policy and ssid profile // check vpn when enabled layer2 or layer3 // check management network, cannot be in same subnet for all policy // user profile is for both ssid and lan ret = checkVpnSize(wlanPolicy); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkManagementNetwork(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAp); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } if (NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil.wirelessIncludeByDevice(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel())) { ret = checkRadioModeSize(wlanPolicy); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } } Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfile = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfileAssign = new HashMap<>(); ret = checkCacAirTime(mapUserProfile, wlanPolicy, mapUserProfileAssign, oneHiveAp); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } Map<Long, UserProfile> allUserProfileMaps = new HashMap<>(); allUserProfileMaps.putAll(mapUserProfile); allUserProfileMaps.putAll(mapUserProfileAssign); if (allUserProfileMaps.values().size() > 64) { return getText("error.template.moreUserProfileForNetworkPolicy", new String[] { wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } ret = checkIpPolicyAndMacPolicySize(mapUserProfile, mapUserProfileAssign); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkUserProfileAttribute(mapUserProfile, mapUserProfileAssign); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } ret = checkNetworkObjectVlan(wlanPolicy, checkDhcp, oneHiveAp, warningMsg); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } //if (NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil.wirelessIncludeByDevice(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel())) { ret = checkTotalPskGroupSize(wlanPolicy); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } //} //if (NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil.wirelessIncludeByDevice(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel())) { ret = checkTotalPmkUserSize(wlanPolicy, oneHiveAp); if (!ret.equals("")) { return ret; } //} return ""; } private boolean isSwitchTypeForDevice(HiveAp oneHiveAp) { return oneHiveAp.isSwitchProduct(); } private String checkPortProfile(ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy, HiveAp oneHiveAp, HashSet<String> ssidNames) { // check the duplicate name for both Access and SSID if (null != wlanPolicy && null != wlanPolicy.getAccessProfiles()) { for (PortAccessProfile access : wlanPolicy.getAccessProfiles()) { if (null != access) { if (!ssidNames.isEmpty() && ssidNames.contains(access.getName())) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.cannotsame", new String[] { access.getName(), wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } } //Port Template Profiles //validate only "Use external DHCP and DNS servers on the network" is supported on switch ports. if (null != wlanPolicy && null != wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles()) { Set<PortGroupProfile> pgps = wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles(); for (PortGroupProfile pgp : pgps) { if (pgp.getDeviceType() != oneHiveAp.getDeviceType()) { continue; } String[] models = pgp.getDeviceModelStrs(); if (models == null) { continue; } boolean continueOp = true; for (String key : models) { if (key.equals(String.valueOf(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel()))) { continueOp = false; } } if (continueOp) { continue; } if (isSwitchTypeForDevice(oneHiveAp)) { // init usb count int wanCount = 1; int mirrorCount = 0; if (oneHiveAp.isSwitch()) { if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_WAN) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.connotConfig3Args", new String[] { "WAN type", "switch port", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_MONITOR) { if (pbp.getSFPs() != null) { mirrorCount = mirrorCount + pbp.getSFPs().length; } if (pbp.getETHs() != null) { mirrorCount = mirrorCount + pbp.getETHs().length; } } } } if (mirrorCount > 4) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreport", new String[] { "4", "mirror type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_WAN) { // if (pbp.getSFPs()!=null && pbp.getSFPs().length>0) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.connotConfig", // new String[]{"WAN type","SFP port", // wlanPolicy.getConfigName()}); // } if (pbp.getSFPs() != null) { wanCount = wanCount + pbp.getSFPs().length; } if (pbp.getETHs() != null) { wanCount = wanCount + pbp.getETHs().length; } // if (pbp.getUSBs()!=null) { // wanCount = wanCount + pbp.getUSBs().length; // } else { // // USB will taken one wan port // wanCount = wanCount + 1; // } } else { if (pbp.getUSBs() != null && pbp.getUSBs().length > 0) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "USB port", "WAN type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_MONITOR) { if (pbp.getSFPs() != null) { mirrorCount = mirrorCount + pbp.getSFPs().length; } if (pbp.getETHs() != null) { mirrorCount = mirrorCount + pbp.getETHs().length; } } } } if (wanCount > 3) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreport", new String[] { "3", "WAN type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } if (mirrorCount > 4) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreport", new String[] { "4", "mirror type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } else if (oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter()) { int wanCount = 2; if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_WAN) { //wanCount = wanCount + 1; if (pbp.getETHs() != null) { wanCount = wanCount + pbp.getETHs().length; } // if (pbp.getUSBs()!=null) { // wanCount = wanCount + pbp.getUSBs().length; // } else { // // USB will taken one wan port // wanCount = wanCount + 1; // } } else { if (pbp.getUSBs() != null && pbp.getUSBs().length > 0) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "USB port", "WAN type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } } if (wanCount > 3) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreport", new String[] { "2", "WAN type", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_MONITOR || pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_WAN) { continue; } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledCWP()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "CWP", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } else { if (isSwitchTypeForDevice(oneHiveAp)) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledCWP()) { if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() && pbp.getAccessProfile() .getCwp().getServerType() != Cwp.CWP_EXTERNAL) { return getText("error.port.access.dhcp.server.type", new String[] { "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_8021Q) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getNativeVlan() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Native VLAN", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabled8021X() || pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledMAC() || (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledCWP() && (pbp.getAccessProfile() .getCwp() .getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_AUTHENTICATED || pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() .getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_BOTH || pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() .getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_EXTERNAL))) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusAssignment() == null && !pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS Server", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusUserGroups() != null) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS User Groups", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getRadiusAssignment() != null) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledCWP() && pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() .getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_BOTH) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "registration User Profile", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } else { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().isEnabledCWP() && pbp.getAccessProfile().getCwp() .getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_REGISTERED) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "registration User Profile", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } if (pbp.getAccessProfile() .getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_PHONEDATA) { if (!pbp.getAccessProfile().isRadiusAuthEnable()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getDataVlan() == null && pbp.getAccessProfile().getVoiceVlan() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Voice VLAN and Data VLAN", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } else if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getDataVlan() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Data VLAN", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } else if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getVoiceVlan() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Voice VLAN", "Port Type (" + pbp.getAccessProfile().getName() + ")", wlanPolicy.getConfigName() }); } } } } } } } } } } } return ""; } private String checkInterfaceLLDPConfig(ConfigTemplate wlanPolicy, HiveAp oneHiveAp, StringBuffer lldpWarningMsg) { if (null != wlanPolicy && null != wlanPolicy.getLldpCdp() && !wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles().isEmpty() && null != oneHiveAp && null != lldpWarningMsg) { List<CheckItem> interfaceOptions = new ArrayList<>(); if (null != wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles()) { Set<PortGroupProfile> pgps = wlanPolicy.getPortProfiles(); for (PortGroupProfile pgp : pgps) { if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile() && pbp.getAccessProfile() .getPortType() == PortAccessProfile.PORT_TYPE_PHONEDATA) { String[] ethPorts = pbp.getETHs(); String[] sfpPorts = pbp.getSFPs(); if (null != ethPorts) { for (String ethPort : ethPorts) { short tempConst = DeviceInfType.Gigabit.getFinalValue( Integer.valueOf(ethPort), oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel()); CheckItem item = new CheckItem((long) tempConst, "ETH" + ethPort); interfaceOptions.add(item); } } if (null != sfpPorts) { for (String sfpPort : sfpPorts) { short tempConst = DeviceInfType.SFP.getFinalValue(Integer.valueOf(sfpPort), oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel()); CheckItem item = new CheckItem((long) tempConst, "SFP" + sfpPort); interfaceOptions.add(item); } } } } } } } //Phone&Data port is defined if (!interfaceOptions.isEmpty()) { if (!wlanPolicy.getLldpCdp().isEnableLLDPNonHostPorts()) { lldpWarningMsg.append(getText("warn.template.switchsetting.nonhost.lldp.disable")); return ""; } else if (oneHiveAp.isOverrideNetworkPolicySetting()) { for (CheckItem interfaceOption : interfaceOptions) { for (Long key : oneHiveAp.getDeviceInterfaces().keySet()) { DeviceInterface di = oneHiveAp.getDeviceInterfaces().get(key); if (interfaceOption.getId().intValue() == di.getDeviceIfType()) { if (!di.isLldpTransmit() || !di.isLldpReceive()) { lldpWarningMsg .append(getText("warn.template.switchsetting.nonhost.lldp.disable")); return ""; } } } } } } } return ""; } private String checkNetworkObjectVlan(ConfigTemplate wlan, boolean checkDhcp, HiveAp oneHiveAp, StringBuffer warningMsg) { Set<VpnNetwork> setNetWork = new HashSet<>(); try { if (wlan.getConfigType().isRouterContained() && oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter()) { Set<Vlan> vlanSet = new HashSet<>(); Map<Long, UserProfileVlanMapping> mappings = NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil .getFullUpVlanMappings(wlan, true, true, oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel()); if (mappings != null) { for (UserProfileVlanMapping mapping : mappings.values()) { vlanSet.add(mapping.getVlan()); } } // fetch all native Vlan in port assess profile when routing mode List<String> allowVlans = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Vlan> nativeVlan = NpUserProfileVlanMappingUtil.getAllRoutingNativeVlan(wlan, oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel(), allowVlans); if (!nativeVlan.isEmpty()) { vlanSet.addAll(nativeVlan); } if (wlan.getVlan() != null) { vlanSet.add(wlan.getVlan()); } List<Long> vlanIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (Vlan v : vlanSet) { vlanIds.add(v.getId()); } Set<String> allVlanList = MgrUtil.convertRangeToVlaue(allowVlans); StringBuilder vlanNames = new StringBuilder(); for (ConfigTemplateVlanNetwork cvn : wlan.getVlanNetwork()) { if (cvn.isBlnRemoved()) { continue; } if (!cvn.isBlnUserAdd()) { if (vlanIds.contains(cvn.getVlan().getId())) { if (cvn.getNetworkObj() == null) { if (vlanNames.length() == 0) { vlanNames.append(cvn.getVlan().getVlanName()); } else { vlanNames.append(", ").append(cvn.getVlan().getVlanName()); } // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Network mapping by VLAN(" + cvn.getVlan().getVlanName() +")" , // "VLAN-to-Network Mapping section", // wlan.getConfigName()}); } else { setNetWork.add(cvn.getNetworkObj()); } } else { if (cvn.getNetworkObj() != null) { for (SingleTableItem st1 : cvn.getVlan().getItems()) { if (allVlanList.contains("all") || allVlanList.contains(String.valueOf(st1.getVlanId()))) { vlanIds.add(cvn.getVlan().getId()); setNetWork.add(cvn.getNetworkObj()); break; } } } } } else { if (cvn.getNetworkObj() != null) { for (SingleTableItem st1 : cvn.getVlan().getItems()) { if (allVlanList.contains("all") || allVlanList.contains(String.valueOf(st1.getVlanId()))) { vlanIds.add(cvn.getVlan().getId()); setNetWork.add(cvn.getNetworkObj()); break; } } } } } if (vlanNames.length() != 0) { StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(); temp.append("The network policy (").append(wlan.getConfigName()).append(")") .append(" does not have a network assigned to the following VLANs: ") .append(vlanNames.toString()).append("."); if (warningMsg.length() == 0) { warningMsg.append(temp.toString()); } else if (!warningMsg.toString().contains(temp.toString())) { warningMsg.append("<br/><br/>"); warningMsg.append(temp.toString()); } } List<Vlan> vlanList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(Vlan.class, null, new FilterParams("id", vlanIds), null, this); for (int i = 0; i < vlanList.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < vlanList.size(); j++) { for (SingleTableItem st1 : vlanList.get(i).getItems()) { for (SingleTableItem stn : vlanList.get(j).getItems()) { if (st1.getVlanId() == stn.getVlanId()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.vlansame", new String[] { vlanList.get(i).getVlanName(), vlanList.get(j).getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } } } // this check moved to hiveap upload check // if (vlanList.size()!=wlan.getVlanNetwork().size()) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Network", // "VLAN-to-Network Mapping section", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // for(ConfigTemplateVlanNetwork cvn:wlan.getVlanNetwork()){ // if(!cvn.getVlan().equals(wlan.getVlan())) { // if (cvn.getNetworkObj()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Network", // "VLAN-to-Network Mapping section", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } else { // setNetWork.add(cvn.getNetworkObj()); // } // } // } if (oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter()) { if (oneHiveAp.isSwitchProduct()) { if (setNetWork.size() > 65) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreVlan", new String[] { "65", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (setNetWork.size() > 17) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.moreVlan", new String[] { "17", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } String ret = checkSubNetworkInSameNet(setNetWork, wlan); if (!"".equals(ret)) { return ret; } ret = checkSubLocalNetworkInSameNet(setNetWork, wlan); if (!"".equals(ret)) { return ret; } if (checkDhcp) { if (wlan.getMgmtServiceDns() != null) { return ""; } else { for (VpnNetwork vn : setNetWork) { if (vn.getVpnDnsService() != null && vn.getVpnDnsService() .getExternalServerType() == DnsServiceProfile.LOCAL_DNS_TYPE) { String tempStr[] = { getText("config.configTemplate.mgtDns"), "Additional Settings", wlan.getConfigName() }; return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", tempStr); } } } } //check the DestinationPortNumber Duplicate List<String> outsidePortList = new LinkedList<>(); for (VpnNetwork vn : setNetWork) { if (null != vn.getPortForwardings()) { for (PortForwarding portForwarding : vn.getPortForwardings()) { if (PortForwarding.PROTOCOL_ANY == portForwarding.getProtocol()) { if (outsidePortList .contains(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + PortForwarding.PROTOCOL_TCP) || outsidePortList.contains(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + PortForwarding.PROTOCOL_UDP)) { return getText( "error.config.networkPolicy.check.destinationPortNumberDuplicate", new String[] { portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() }); } outsidePortList.add(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + PortForwarding.PROTOCOL_TCP); outsidePortList.add(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + PortForwarding.PROTOCOL_UDP); } else { if (outsidePortList.contains(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + portForwarding.getProtocol())) { return getText( "error.config.networkPolicy.check.destinationPortNumberDuplicate", new String[] { portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() }); } outsidePortList.add(portForwarding.getDestinationPortNumber() + "_" + portForwarding.getProtocol()); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } return ""; } private String checkSubLocalNetworkInSameNet(Set<VpnNetwork> setNetWork, ConfigTemplate wlan) { for (VpnNetwork vn1 : setNetWork) { Set<String> vn1NetIP = new HashSet<>(); if (vn1.getNetworkType() == VpnNetwork.VPN_NETWORK_TYPE_GUEST) { vn1NetIP.add(vn1.getIpAddressSpace()); } else { for (VpnNetworkSub vn1Sub : vn1.getSubItems()) { vn1NetIP.add(vn1Sub.getLocalIpNetwork()); } } if (!vn1NetIP.isEmpty()) { for (VpnNetwork vn2 : setNetWork) { if (!vn1.getNetworkName().equals(vn2.getNetworkName())) { Set<String> vn2NetIP = new HashSet<>(); if (vn2.getNetworkType() == VpnNetwork.VPN_NETWORK_TYPE_GUEST) { vn2NetIP.add(vn2.getIpAddressSpace()); } else { for (VpnNetworkSub vn2Sub : vn2.getSubItems()) { vn2NetIP.add(vn2Sub.getLocalIpNetwork()); } } if (!vn2NetIP.isEmpty()) { for (String vnIp1 : vn1NetIP) { for (String vnIp2 : vn2NetIP) { if (MgrUtil.checkIpInSameNetwork(vnIp1, vnIp2)) { String tempStr[] = { vn1.getNetworkName(), vn2.getNetworkName(), wlan.getConfigName() }; return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.sublocalnetworksame", tempStr); } } } } } } } } return ""; } private String checkSubNetworkInSameNet(Set<VpnNetwork> setNetWork, ConfigTemplate wlan) { for (VpnNetwork vn1 : setNetWork) { Set<String> vn1NetIP = new HashSet<>(); if (vn1.getNetworkType() == VpnNetwork.VPN_NETWORK_TYPE_GUEST) { vn1NetIP.add(vn1.getIpAddressSpace()); } else { for (VpnNetworkSub vn1Sub : vn1.getSubItems()) { vn1NetIP.add(vn1Sub.getIpNetwork()); } } if (!vn1NetIP.isEmpty()) { for (VpnNetwork vn2 : setNetWork) { if (!vn1.getNetworkName().equals(vn2.getNetworkName())) { Set<String> vn2NetIP = new HashSet<>(); if (vn2.getNetworkType() == VpnNetwork.VPN_NETWORK_TYPE_GUEST) { vn2NetIP.add(vn2.getIpAddressSpace()); } else { for (VpnNetworkSub vn2Sub : vn2.getSubItems()) { vn2NetIP.add(vn2Sub.getIpNetwork()); } } if (!vn2NetIP.isEmpty()) { for (String vnIp1 : vn1NetIP) { for (String vnIp2 : vn2NetIP) { if (MgrUtil.checkIpInSameNetwork(vnIp1, vnIp2)) { String tempStr[] = { vn1.getNetworkName(), vn2.getNetworkName() }; return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.subnetworksame", tempStr); } } } } } } } } return ""; } // private String checkLanAndUserAndRadius(LanProfile sp, ConfigTemplate wlan){ // if (!sp.isEnabled8021Q()){ // if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && sp.getCwp()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"CWP", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // // if (sp.isRadiusAuthEnable() && sp.getRadiusAssignment()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"RADIUS Server", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // // if (sp.isRadiusAuthEnable() && sp.isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { // if (sp.getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"RADIUS User Groups", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } // // if (sp.isRadiusAuthEnable() && sp.getUserProfileDefault()==null){ // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"default User Profile", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // // if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && null != sp.getCwp() // && (sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_REGISTERED // || sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_BOTH)) { // if (sp.getUserProfileSelfReg()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"registration User Profile", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } // if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && null != sp.getCwp() // && sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() != Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_REGISTERED) { // if (sp.getUserProfileDefault()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"default User Profile", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } // if (!sp.isEnabled8021X() && !sp.isCwpSelectEnabled()){ // if (sp.getUserProfileDefault()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"default User Profile", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } // // } else { // /*if (wlan.isBlnWirelessRouter()) {*/ // if (wlan.getConfigType().isWirelessAndRouterContainedNeedCheck()) { // if (sp.getNativeNetwork()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Untagged Network/VLAN", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } else { // if (sp.getNativeVlan()==null) { // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Untagged VLAN", // "Lan Profile (" + sp.getName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } //// else { //// if (!sp.getNativeNetwork().getVlan().getId().equals(wlan.getVlanNative().getId())){ //// return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustsame", //// new String[]{"VLAN in untagged Network Object (" //// + sp.getNativeNetwork().getNetworkName() + ") in Lan Profile (" + //// sp.getName() + ")", //// "Native (Untagged) VLAN", //// wlan.getConfigName()}); //// } //// } // } // return ""; // } // // private String checkLanProfileUserProfile(LanProfile sp, ConfigTemplate wlan) { //// boolean isWirelessRouterMode = wlan.getConfigType().isWirelessAndRouterContainedNeedCheck(); //// if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() != null) { //// if (isWirelessRouterMode? sp.getUserProfileDefault().getNetworkObj()==null : //// (sp.getUserProfileDefault().getNetworkObj()==null && sp.getUserProfileDefault().getVlan()==null)) { //// return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", //// new String[]{"Network/VLAN", //// "User Profile (" + sp.getUserProfileDefault().getUserProfileName() + ")", //// wlan.getConfigName()}); //// } //// } //// if (sp.getUserProfileSelfReg() != null) { //// if (isWirelessRouterMode ? sp.getUserProfileSelfReg().getNetworkObj()==null : //// (sp.getUserProfileSelfReg().getNetworkObj()==null && sp.getUserProfileSelfReg().getVlan()==null)) { //// return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", //// new String[]{"Network/VLAN", //// "User Profile (" + sp.getUserProfileSelfReg().getUserProfileName() + ")", //// wlan.getConfigName()}); //// } //// } //// if (sp.getRadiusUserProfile() != null) { //// for(UserProfile us: sp.getRadiusUserProfile()){ //// if (isWirelessRouterMode ? us.getNetworkObj()==null : (us.getNetworkObj()==null && us.getVlan()==null)) { //// return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", //// new String[]{"Network/VLAN", //// "User Profile (" + us.getUserProfileName() + ")", //// wlan.getConfigName()}); //// } //// } //// } // // return ""; // } private String checkSsidAndUserAndRadius(SsidProfile sp, ConfigTemplate wlan, Map<String, Long> userGoupUserIdMap) { if (sp.getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK) { if (!sp.isEnabledIDM() && (sp.getLocalUserGroups() == null || sp.getLocalUserGroups().size() < 1)) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Local User Groups", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } for (LocalUserGroup up : sp.getLocalUserGroups()) { if (up.getUserProfileId() < 0) { if (userGoupUserIdMap.get(up.getGroupName()) == null) { userGoupUserIdMap.put(up.getGroupName(), sp.getUserProfileDefault().getId()); } else { if (!userGoupUserIdMap.get(up.getGroupName()).equals(sp.getUserProfileDefault().getId())) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.sameusergroup.diffuser", new String[] { up.getGroupName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } } // if (sp.getRadiusUserProfile()==null || sp.getRadiusUserProfile().size()<1){ // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"User Profiles", // "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && sp.getUserPolicy() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "CWP", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.isMacAuthEnabled() || sp.getEnabledUseGuestManager()) { if (sp.getRadiusAssignment() == null && !sp.isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { if (sp.getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS User Groups", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } if (sp.isEnablePpskSelfReg() || sp.getSsidSecurity().isBlnMacBindingEnable()) { /*if (wlan.isBlnWirelessRouter() || wlan.isBlnWirelessOnly()) {*/ // if (wlan.getConfigType().isWirelessContained()) { if (!sp.isBlnBrAsPpskServer() && !sp.isEnabledIDM() && (sp.getPpskServer() == null || sp.getPpskServer().isDhcp())) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Device Private PSK Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } // } else { // if (sp.getPpskServer()==null || sp.getPpskServer().isDhcp()){ // return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", // new String[]{"Device Private PSK Server", // "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", // wlan.getConfigName()}); // } // } } if (sp.isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { if (sp.getPpskECwp() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Private PSK CWP", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } else { if (sp.getPpskECwp().getPpskServerType() == Cwp.PPSK_SERVER_TYPE_AUTH) { if (sp.getRadiusAssignmentPpsk() == null && !sp.isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "Private PSK RADIUS Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } } } else if (sp.getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_8021X || sp.getMgmtKey() == SsidProfile.KEY_MGMT_DYNAMIC_WEP) { if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && sp.getUserPolicy() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "CWP", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.getRadiusAssignment() == null && !sp.isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { if (sp.getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS User Groups", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (sp.isCwpSelectEnabled() && sp.getCwp() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "CWP", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.getCwp() != null && (sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_REGISTERED || sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_BOTH)) { if (sp.getUserProfileSelfReg() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "registration User Profile", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (sp.getCwp() == null || (sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() != Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_REGISTERED)) { if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (sp.isMacAuthEnabled()) { if (sp.getRadiusAssignment() == null && !sp.isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { if (sp.getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS User Groups", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "default User Profile", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (sp.getCwp() != null && (sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_AUTHENTICATED || sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_BOTH || sp.getCwp().getRegistrationType() == Cwp.REGISTRATION_TYPE_EXTERNAL)) { if (sp.getRadiusAssignment() == null && !sp.isEnabledIDM()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS Server", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (sp.isEnableAssignUserProfile()) { if (sp.getRadiusUserGroups().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "RADIUS User Groups", "SSID Profile (" + sp.getSsidName() + ")", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } } } return ""; } private String checkUserProfileSize(SsidProfile sp, ConfigTemplate wlan) { int usSize = 0; if (sp.getUserProfileDefault() != null) { usSize++; } if (sp.getUserProfileSelfReg() != null) { usSize++; } if (sp.getRadiusUserProfile() != null) { usSize = usSize + sp.getRadiusUserProfile().size(); } if (usSize > 64) { return getText("error.template.moreUserProfile"); } return ""; } private String checkMacFilterAction(SsidProfile sp) { try { Map<String, String> tmpMacFilter = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> totalMacOUI = new HashSet<>(); for (MacFilter lazyMacfilter : sp.getMacFilters()) { MacFilter filter = findBoById(MacFilter.class, lazyMacfilter.getId(), this); for (MacFilterInfo filterInfo : filter.getFilterInfo()) { totalMacOUI.add(filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName()); if (filterInfo.getFilterAction() == MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_PERMIT) { if (tmpMacFilter.get(filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName() + MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_DENY) != null) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.differentMacOuiAction", filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName()); } else { tmpMacFilter.put( filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName() + MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_PERMIT, "true"); } } else if (filterInfo.getFilterAction() == MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_DENY) { if (tmpMacFilter.get(filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName() + MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_PERMIT) != null) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.differentMacOuiAction", filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName()); } else { tmpMacFilter.put( filterInfo.getMacOrOui().getMacOrOuiName() + MacFilter.FILTER_ACTION_DENY, "true"); } } } } if (totalMacOUI.size() > MacFiltersAction.MAX_MACFILTER_ENTER) { return getText("error.config.macFilter.maxNumber.reference", new String[] { String.valueOf(MacFiltersAction.MAX_MACFILTER_ENTER) }); } } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } return ""; } private String checkPskUserSize(SsidProfile sp) { long count = SsidProfilesAction.getPskUserCount(sp); if (count > LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_AP30_USERPERSSID) { return getText("error.template.morePskUsers"); } return ""; } private String checkManagementNetwork(ConfigTemplate wlan, HiveAp oneHiveAp) { try { if (wlan.getConfigType().isRouterContained() && oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter()) { VpnNetwork mgtNetwork = wlan.getNetworkByVlan(wlan.getVlan()); if (mgtNetwork == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.empty", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } else { mgtNetwork = findBoById(VpnNetwork.class, mgtNetwork.getId(), this); if (mgtNetwork.getNetworkType() != VpnNetwork.VPN_NETWORK_TYPE_MANAGERMENT) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.guest", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } else if (mgtNetwork.getVpnDnsService() == null) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.noDns", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } else if (mgtNetwork.getSubItems() == null || mgtNetwork.getSubItems().isEmpty()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.nosubnet", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } else { for (VpnNetworkSub vpnSub : mgtNetwork.getSubItems()) { if (!vpnSub.isEnableDhcp()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.noDhcp", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (vpnSub.getIpBranches() == 1) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.subnetBranchError", new String[] { wlan.getVlan().getVlanName(), wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (!vpnSub.isUniqueSubnetworkForEachBranches()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.subnetSameMode"); } if (vpnSub.isEnableNat()) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mnk.subnetEnableNat"); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } return ""; } // // private boolean checkIpInSameSubNet(String ip1, String ip2) { // String[] ipArray1 = ip1.split("/"); // String[] ipArray2 = ip2.split("/"); // int minMask=Math.min(Integer.parseInt(ipArray1[1]), Integer.parseInt(ipArray2[1])); // return MgrUtil.checkIpInSameSubnet(ipArray1[0], ipArray2[0], // AhDecoder.int2Netmask(minMask)); // } private String checkRadioModeSize(ConfigTemplate wlan) { int amodelCount = 0; int bmodelConnt = 0; for (ConfigTemplateSsid configTemplateSsid : wlan.getSsidInterfaces().values()) { if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile() != null) { if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getRadioMode() == SsidProfile.RADIOMODE_A) { amodelCount++; if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK && configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { amodelCount++; } } else if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getRadioMode() == SsidProfile.RADIOMODE_BG) { bmodelConnt++; if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK && configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { bmodelConnt++; } } else if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getRadioMode() == SsidProfile.RADIOMODE_BOTH) { amodelCount++; bmodelConnt++; if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getAccessMode() == SsidProfile.ACCESS_MODE_PSK && configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().isEnablePpskSelfReg()) { amodelCount++; bmodelConnt++; } } } } if (amodelCount > 16) { String tempStr[] = { "16", getText("config.configTemplate.model.typeA") }; return getText("error.assignSsid.range", tempStr); } if (bmodelConnt > 16) { String tempStr[] = { "16", getText("config.configTemplate.model.typeBG") }; return getText("error.assignSsid.range", tempStr); } return ""; } private String checkIpPolicyAndMacPolicySize(Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfile, Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfileAssign) { Set<String> ipPolicyName = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> macPolicyName = new HashSet<>(); Map<Long, UserProfile> allUserProfileMap = new HashMap<>(); allUserProfileMap.putAll(mapUserProfile); allUserProfileMap.putAll(mapUserProfileAssign); for (UserProfile tempUserProfile : allUserProfileMap.values()) { if (tempUserProfile.getIpPolicyTo() != null) { ipPolicyName.add(tempUserProfile.getIpPolicyTo().getPolicyName()); } if (tempUserProfile.getMacPolicyTo() != null) { macPolicyName.add(tempUserProfile.getMacPolicyTo().getPolicyName()); } if (tempUserProfile.getIpPolicyFrom() != null) { ipPolicyName.add(tempUserProfile.getIpPolicyFrom().getPolicyName()); } if (tempUserProfile.getMacPolicyFrom() != null) { macPolicyName.add(tempUserProfile.getMacPolicyFrom().getPolicyName()); } } if (ipPolicyName.size() > 32) { // ipPolicyName size must less than 32 return getText("error.template.moreIPPolicy"); } if (macPolicyName.size() > 32) { // macPolicyName size must less than 32 return getText("error.template.moreMACPolicy"); } return ""; } private String checkUserProfileAttribute(Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfile, Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfileAssign) { Set<String> setUsedUserProfile = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> setUsedAttrValue = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> userProfileCount = new HashSet<>(); Set<Long> qosIds = new HashSet<>(); Map<Long, UserProfile> allUserProfileMap = new HashMap<>(); allUserProfileMap.putAll(mapUserProfile); allUserProfileMap.putAll(mapUserProfileAssign); for (UserProfile forAttrUserProfile : allUserProfileMap.values()) { if (forAttrUserProfile.getQosRateControl() != null) { qosIds.add(forAttrUserProfile.getQosRateControl().getId()); } if (!setUsedUserProfile.contains(forAttrUserProfile.getId().toString()) && setUsedAttrValue.contains(String.valueOf(forAttrUserProfile.getAttributeValue()))) { return getText("error.template.sameAttribute"); } UserProfileAttribute userProfileAttr = forAttrUserProfile.getUserProfileAttribute(); if (!setUsedUserProfile.contains(forAttrUserProfile.getId().toString()) && userProfileAttr != null) { for (SingleTableItem singleTable : userProfileAttr.getItems()) { String[] strAttrValue = singleTable.getAttributeValue().split(","); for (String attrValue : strAttrValue) { String[] attrRange = attrValue.split("-"); if (attrRange.length > 1) { for (int addCount = Integer.parseInt(attrRange[0]); addCount < Integer .parseInt(attrRange[1]) + 1; addCount++) { if (setUsedAttrValue.contains(String.valueOf(addCount))) { return getText("error.template.sameAttribute"); } } } else { if (setUsedAttrValue.contains(attrRange[0])) { return getText("error.template.sameAttribute"); } } } } for (SingleTableItem singleTable : userProfileAttr.getItems()) { String[] strAttrValue = singleTable.getAttributeValue().split(","); for (String attrValue : strAttrValue) { String[] attrRange = attrValue.split("-"); if (attrRange.length > 1) { for (int addCount = Integer.parseInt(attrRange[0]); addCount < Integer .parseInt(attrRange[1]) + 1; addCount++) { setUsedAttrValue.add(String.valueOf(addCount)); } } else { setUsedAttrValue.add(attrRange[0]); } } } } setUsedUserProfile.add(forAttrUserProfile.getId().toString()); setUsedAttrValue.add(String.valueOf(forAttrUserProfile.getAttributeValue())); if (userProfileAttr != null) { userProfileCount.add(userProfileAttr.getId().toString()); } } if (userProfileCount.size() > 64) { return getText("error.template.moreUserProfileAttributeGroup"); } if (qosIds.size() > 16) { return getText("error.template.moreUserProfileQos"); } return ""; } private boolean wirelessCheckUserprofileIncludeByDevice(HiveAp oneHiveAp) { return oneHiveAp.isBranchRouter() || (!oneHiveAp.isCVGAppliance()) || ((oneHiveAp.isCVGAppliance()) && oneHiveAp.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_HIVEAP); } public String checkCacAirTime(Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfile, ConfigTemplate wlan, Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfileAssign, HiveAp oneHiveAp) { int cacPercent = 0; if (wlan.getMgmtServiceOption() != null) { if (!wlan.getMgmtServiceOption().getDisableCallAdmissionControl()) { cacPercent = cacPercent + wlan.getMgmtServiceOption().getRoamingGuaranteedAirtime(); } } else { cacPercent = cacPercent + 20; } Set<Long> setUserProfile = new HashSet<>(); if (wirelessCheckUserprofileIncludeByDevice(oneHiveAp)) { for (ConfigTemplateSsid configTemplateSsid : wlan.getSsidInterfaces().values()) { if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile() != null) { if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault() != null) { if (!setUserProfile .contains(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault() .getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileDefault().getId()); } } if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg() != null) { if (!setUserProfile .contains(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg() .getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileSelfReg().getId()); } } if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest() != null) { if (!setUserProfile .contains(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest() .getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getUserProfileGuest().getId()); } } if (configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile tempUser : configTemplateSsid.getSsidProfile().getRadiusUserProfile()) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(tempUser.getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + tempUser.getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(tempUser.getId()); } } } } } } // Port Template Profiles if (null != wlan && null != wlan.getPortProfiles()) { Set<PortGroupProfile> pgps = wlan.getPortProfiles(); for (PortGroupProfile pgp : pgps) { if (pgp.getDeviceType() != oneHiveAp.getDeviceType()) { continue; } String[] models = pgp.getDeviceModelStrs(); if (models == null) { continue; } boolean continueOp = true; for (String key : models) { if (key.equals(String.valueOf(oneHiveAp.getHiveApModel()))) { continueOp = false; } } if (continueOp) { continue; } if (null != pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { for (PortBasicProfile pbp : pgp.getBasicProfiles()) { if (null != pbp.getAccessProfile()) { if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile() != null) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile().getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(pbp.getAccessProfile().getDefUserProfile().getId()); } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile() != null) { if (!setUserProfile .contains(pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile().getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(pbp.getAccessProfile().getSelfRegUserProfile().getId()); } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile() != null) { if (!setUserProfile .contains(pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile().getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile().getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(pbp.getAccessProfile().getGuestUserProfile().getId()); } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile tempUser : pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkUserProfile()) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(tempUser.getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + tempUser.getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(tempUser.getId()); } } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthFailUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile tempUser : pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthFailUserProfile()) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(tempUser.getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + tempUser.getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(tempUser.getId()); } } } if (pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkDataUserProfile() != null) { for (UserProfile tempUser : pbp.getAccessProfile().getAuthOkDataUserProfile()) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(tempUser.getId())) { cacPercent = cacPercent + tempUser.getGuarantedAirTime(); setUserProfile.add(tempUser.getId()); } } } } } } } } Set<Long> radiusServerUspId = new HashSet<>(); if (oneHiveAp.getDeviceType() != HiveAp.Device_TYPE_VPN_GATEWAY) { if (oneHiveAp.getRadiusServerProfile() != null) { List<LdapServerOuUserProfile> ldapOuUserProfiles = oneHiveAp.getRadiusServerProfile() .getLdapOuUserProfiles(); if (ldapOuUserProfiles != null && !ldapOuUserProfiles.isEmpty()) { for (LdapServerOuUserProfile upItem : ldapOuUserProfiles) { if (upItem.getUserProfileId() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(upItem.getUserProfileId()); } } } } } /** UserProfile from Network Firewall */ if (oneHiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy() != null && oneHiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy().getRules() != null) { for (FirewallPolicyRule rule : oneHiveAp.getConfigTemplate().getFwPolicy().getRules()) { if (rule != null && !rule.isDisableRule() && rule.getSourceUp() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(rule.getSourceUp().getId()); } } } /** interface eth0 */ if (oneHiveAp.getEthConfigType() == HiveAp.USE_ETHERNET_BOTH && oneHiveAp.getEth0().getOperationMode() != AhInterface.OPERATION_MODE_BACKHAUL && oneHiveAp.getEth0UserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getEth0UserProfile().getId()); } /** interface eth1 */ if (oneHiveAp.getEthConfigType() == HiveAp.USE_ETHERNET_BOTH && oneHiveAp.getEth1().getOperationMode() != AhInterface.OPERATION_MODE_BACKHAUL && oneHiveAp.getEth1UserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getEth1UserProfile().getId()); } /** interface agg0 */ if (oneHiveAp.getEthConfigType() == HiveAp.USE_ETHERNET_AGG0 && oneHiveAp.getAgg0().getOperationMode() != AhInterface.OPERATION_MODE_BACKHAUL && oneHiveAp.getAgg0UserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getAgg0UserProfile().getId()); } /** interface red0 */ if (oneHiveAp.getEthConfigType() == HiveAp.USE_ETHERNET_RED0 && oneHiveAp.getRed0().getOperationMode() != AhInterface.OPERATION_MODE_BACKHAUL && oneHiveAp.getRed0UserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getRed0UserProfile().getId()); } /** interface eth0|eth1 cwp */ if (oneHiveAp.isEthCwpEnableEthCwp() || oneHiveAp.isEthCwpEnableMacAuth()) { if (oneHiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultAuthUserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultAuthUserProfile().getId()); } if (oneHiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultRegUserProfile() != null) { radiusServerUspId.add(oneHiveAp.getEthCwpDefaultRegUserProfile().getId()); } if (oneHiveAp.getEthCwpRadiusUserProfiles() != null) { for (UserProfile up : oneHiveAp.getEthCwpRadiusUserProfiles()) { radiusServerUspId.add(up.getId()); } } } // check reassign user profile if (!setUserProfile.isEmpty()) { Set<Long> newSetUserProfile = new HashSet<>(); for (Long upId : setUserProfile) { UserProfile upObj = QueryUtil.findBoById(UserProfile.class, upId, this); if (mapUserProfile.get(upObj.getId()) == null) { mapUserProfile.put(upObj.getId(), upObj); } cacPercent = loadUserProfileFromDPRule(upObj, mapUserProfileAssign, newSetUserProfile, setUserProfile, cacPercent); } for (Long upId : radiusServerUspId) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(upId) && !newSetUserProfile.contains(upId)) { UserProfile upObj = QueryUtil.findBoById(UserProfile.class, upId, this); newSetUserProfile.add(upId); if (mapUserProfileAssign.get(upId) == null) { mapUserProfileAssign.put(upId, upObj); } cacPercent = loadUserProfileFromDPRule(upObj, mapUserProfileAssign, newSetUserProfile, setUserProfile, cacPercent); } } } if (cacPercent > 100) { return getText("error.template.guaranteedAirTime"); } return ""; } private int loadUserProfileFromDPRule(UserProfile upObj, Map<Long, UserProfile> mapUserProfileAssign, Set<Long> newSetUserProfile, Set<Long> setUserProfile, int cacPercent) { if (upObj.isEnableAssign()) { for (DevicePolicyRule rule : upObj.getAssignRules()) { if (!setUserProfile.contains(rule.getUserProfileId()) && !newSetUserProfile.contains(rule.getUserProfileId())) { UserProfile upObj2 = QueryUtil.findBoById(UserProfile.class, rule.getUserProfileId(), this); cacPercent = cacPercent + upObj2.getGuarantedAirTime(); newSetUserProfile.add(rule.getUserProfileId()); if (mapUserProfileAssign.get(upObj2.getId()) == null) { mapUserProfileAssign.put(upObj2.getId(), upObj2); } cacPercent = loadUserProfileFromDPRule(upObj, mapUserProfileAssign, newSetUserProfile, setUserProfile, cacPercent); } } } return cacPercent; } private String checkTotalPskGroupSize(ConfigTemplate wlan) { long totalUserCount = ConfigTemplateAction.getTotalPskGroupId(wlan).size(); if (totalUserCount > LocalUserGroup.MAX_COUNT_AP_USERGROUPPERAP) { return getText("error.template.morePskGroupPerTemplate"); } return ""; } private String checkTotalPmkUserSize(ConfigTemplate wlan, HiveAp oneAp) { long count = ConfigTemplateAction.getTotalPmkUserSize(wlan); int maxPmkUserCount = oneAp.isDevicePPSK9999Support() ? LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_AP30_USERPERAP : LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_AP10_USERPERAP; int maxUserCount = oneAp.isDevicePPSK9999Support() ? LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_AP30_USERCOUNT_PERAP : LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_AP10_USERCOUNT_PERAP; if (count > maxPmkUserCount) { return getText("error.template.morePskUsersPerTemplate", new String[] { String.valueOf(maxPmkUserCount) }); } long totalCount = ConfigTemplateAction.getTotalPSKUserSize(wlan); if (totalCount > maxUserCount) { return getText("error.template.morePskUsersPerTemplate.psk", new String[] { String.valueOf(maxUserCount) }); } if (oneAp.getHiveApModel() == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100 && totalCount > LocalUser.MAX_COUNT_BR100_USERPERBR) { if (getActionMessages().isEmpty()) { addActionMessage(getText("config.localUser.br100.limit.warning")); } } return ""; } private String checkVpnSize(ConfigTemplate wlan) { if (wlan.getVpnService() != null) { /*if (wlan.isBlnWirelessRouter()) {*/ if (wlan.getConfigType().isRouterContained()) { if (wlan.getVpnService().getVpnServerType() == VpnService.IPSEC_VPN_LAYER_2) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.connotConfig", new String[] { "Layer 2 IPsec VPN", wlan.getConfigName() }); } if (wlan.getVpnService().getVpnGateWaysSetting().size() < 1) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.mustConfig", new String[] { "VPN Gateway", "Layer 3 IPsec VPN", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } else { if (wlan.getVpnService().getVpnServerType() == VpnService.IPSEC_VPN_LAYER_3) { return getText("error.config.networkPolicy.check.connotConfig", new String[] { "Layer 3 IPsec VPN", wlan.getConfigName() }); } } if (!wlan.getConfigType().isRouterContained() && !wlan.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { String msg = VpnServiceAction.validateIpPoolCapability(wlan.getId(), wlan.getVpnService().getId()); if (!msg.equals("")) { return msg; } } } return ""; } private boolean isMatchingForDeviceAndNetworkPolicy(HiveAp hiveAp, ConfigTemplate networkPol, StringBuffer errorMsg) { if (hiveAp.isBranchRouter() && !networkPol.getConfigType().isRouterContained()) { String message = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { networkPol.getConfigName(), "routers", "routing" }); if (errorMsg.length() == 0) { errorMsg.append(message); } else { errorMsg.append("<br>"); errorMsg.append(message); } return false; } if (hiveAp.isSwitch() && !networkPol.getConfigType().isSwitchContained() && !networkPol.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { String message = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { networkPol.getConfigName(), "switches", "switching" }); if (errorMsg.length() == 0) { errorMsg.append(message); } else { errorMsg.append("<br>"); errorMsg.append(message); } return false; } if (hiveAp.getDeviceType() == HiveAp.Device_TYPE_HIVEAP && !networkPol.getConfigType().isWirelessContained() && !networkPol.getConfigType().isBonjourOnly()) { String message = MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.config.hiveAp.networkpolicy.type.notmatch", new String[] { networkPol.getConfigName(), "APs", "wireless access" }); if (errorMsg.length() == 0) { errorMsg.append(message); } else { errorMsg.append("<br>"); errorMsg.append(message); } return false; } return true; } //fnr code for check network policy end 2011/08/18 //for fix bug 16604, BR100 upload image auto reboot public boolean isUploadImageAllBr100() { Set<Long> init_ids = getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_INITIAL_IDs); if (init_ids == null || init_ids.isEmpty()) { return false; } String sql = "select count(id) from " + HiveAp.class.getSimpleName(); List<?> rsList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(sql, null, new FilterParams("id in (:s1) and hiveApModel != :s2", new Object[] { init_ids, HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_BR100 })); if (rsList == null || rsList.size() != 1) return false; try { long count = Long.parseLong(rsList.get(0).toString()); return count == 0; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return false; } private boolean validateImageType(Collection<HiveAp> hiveAps) { boolean result = ImageManager.isSameImageType(hiveAps); if (!result) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("image.distributor.imageType")); } return result; } /** * See if selected signature file fit for all devices to be updated. * * @param devices - * @param signature - * @param mgmt - * @return - */ private Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> validateSignatureFile(Collection<HiveAp> devices, LSevenSignatures signature, L7SignatureMng mgmt) { String version = signature.getAhVersion(); // 1) is selected devices using same signature file? Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> map = new HashMap<>(devices.size()); List<String> invalid = new ArrayList<>(); for (HiveAp device : devices) { // platform check boolean isSupport = signature.isMatchDevicePlatform(device.getHiveApModel()); if (!isSupport) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.file.multiple.platform", new String[] { signature.getPlatformIdString(), device.getHostName() })); return null; } // version check String currentVer = device.getSignatureVerString(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currentVer)) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.current.version.empty", device.getHostName())); return null; } try { boolean support = signature.isMatchDeviceSignatureVersion(currentVer); if (!support) { invalid.add(device.getHostName()); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("validateSignatureFile", "error to compare signature config version to current version", e); addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { version, device.getHostName(), currentVer })); return null; } map.put(device, signature); } if (!invalid.isEmpty()) { if (signature.isPreFujiSignatureVersion()) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.pre.fuji.compatible.m1")); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.pre.fuji.compatible.m2")); } else { String sigVer = signature.getDPIEngineVersion(); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.compatible.m1", sigVer)); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.compatible.m2", sigVer)); } // list device name only if the list < 10. if (invalid.size() < 10) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.comm.compatible.m", StringUtils.join(invalid, ", "))); } return null; } // 2) is patch package, and if patch support all devices with current // version? boolean isPatch = signature.isPatchPackage(); if (isPatch) { for (HiveAp device : devices) { String currentVer = device.getSignatureVerString(); boolean isSupport; try { isSupport = signature.isSupportVersionUpdate(currentVer); if (!isSupport) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.patch.unsupport", new String[] { device.getHostName(), currentVer, version })); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("validateSignatureFile", "error to compare signature config version to current version", e); addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { version, device.getHostName(), currentVer })); return null; } } } return map; } private Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> validateSignatureVersion(Collection<HiveAp> devices, List<LSevenSignatures> signatures, L7SignatureMng mgmt, String version) { Map<HiveAp, LSevenSignatures> map = new HashMap<>(devices.size()); List<String> invalid = new ArrayList<>(); LSevenSignatures sig = null; // 1) is selected devices has matched signature file? for (HiveAp device : devices) { // platform check LSevenSignatures matched = null; for (LSevenSignatures signature : signatures) { if (signature.isMatchDevicePlatform(device.getHiveApModel())) { matched = signature; break; } } if (null == matched) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", device.getHostName())); return null; } sig = matched; // version check String currentVer = device.getSignatureVerString(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(currentVer)) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.current.version.empty", device.getHostName())); return null; } try { boolean support = matched.isMatchDeviceSignatureVersion(currentVer); if (!support) { invalid.add(device.getHostName()); continue; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("validateSignatureVersion", "error to compare signature config version to current version", e); addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { version, device.getHostName(), currentVer })); return null; } map.put(device, matched); } if (!invalid.isEmpty()) { if (sig.isPreFujiSignatureVersion()) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.pre.fuji.compatible.m1")); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.pre.fuji.compatible.m2")); } else { String sigVer = sig.getDPIEngineVersion(); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.compatible.m1", sigVer)); addActionPermanentErrorMsg( MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.compatible.m2", sigVer)); } // list device name only if the list < 10. if (invalid.size() < 10) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.comm.compatible.m", StringUtils.join(invalid, ", "))); } return null; } // 2) is patch package, and if patch support all devices with current // version? for (HiveAp device : map.keySet()) { LSevenSignatures signature = map.get(device); if (!signature.isPatchPackage()) { // full package always works for devices continue; } String currentVer = device.getSignatureVerString(); boolean isSupport; try { isSupport = signature.isSupportVersionUpdate(currentVer); if (!isSupport) { addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("error.hiveap.l7.signature.patch.unsupport", new String[] { device.getHostName(), currentVer, version })); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("validateSignatureVersion", "error to compare signature config version to current version", e); addActionPermanentErrorMsg(MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { version, device.getHostName(), currentVer })); return null; } } return map; } private List<String> getAllImageFromDS(List<Short> apModels, boolean byVersion) { try { String url = "https://" + MgrUtil.getDownloadServerHost() + "/ds/imagemanage.action"; String dsOperation; if (byVersion) { dsOperation = "getAllImageVer"; } else { dsOperation = "getAllImageName"; } StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (Short apModel : apModels) { if (sBuffer.length() > 0) { sBuffer.append(","); } sBuffer.append(apModel); } HttpCommunication httpCommunication = new HttpCommunication(url); List<NameValuePair> parms = new ArrayList<>(); parms.add(new NameValuePair("dsOperation", dsOperation)); if (sBuffer.length() > 0) { parms.add(new NameValuePair("deviceModels", sBuffer.toString())); } HttpEntity entity = httpCommunication.sendRequestByGet(parms); String results = EntityUtils.toString(entity); results = results.replace("[", ""); results = results.replace("]", ""); results = results.replace("\"", ""); results = results.replace("\r", ""); results = results.replace("\n", ""); String[] resArg = results.split(","); return Arrays.asList(resArg); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("getAllImageFromDS", e); } return new ArrayList<>(); } public boolean isDsEnable() { return MgrUtil.isEnableDownloadServer(); } public boolean isImageUpgrade() { return imageUpgrade; } public void setImageUpgrade(boolean imageUpgrade) { this.imageUpgrade = imageUpgrade; } public boolean isForceImageUpgrade() { return forceImageUpgrade; } public void setForceImageUpgrade(boolean forceImageUpgrade) { this.forceImageUpgrade = forceImageUpgrade; } public boolean isCompleteCfgUpdate() { return completeCfgUpdate; } public void setCompleteCfgUpdate(boolean completeCfgUpdate) { this.completeCfgUpdate = completeCfgUpdate; } private String checkStpSettings(ConfigTemplate policy, HiveAp hiveAp) { if (policy.getSwitchSettings() != null && policy.getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings() != null) { short stp_mode = policy.getSwitchSettings().getStpSettings().getStp_mode(); switch (stp_mode) { case StpSettings.STP_MODE_STP: if (!(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 0 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings() .getForceVersion() == DeviceStpSettings.DEFAULT_FORCE_VERSION)) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { Short.toString(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion()), MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.switchSettings.STPmode.stp") }); } else { return ""; } case StpSettings.STP_MODE_RSTP: if (!(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 0 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 2 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings() .getForceVersion() == DeviceStpSettings.DEFAULT_FORCE_VERSION)) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { Short.toString(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion()), MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.switchSettings.STPmode.rstp") }); } else { return ""; } case StpSettings.STP_MODE_MSTP: if (!(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 0 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 2 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion() == 3 || hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings() .getForceVersion() == DeviceStpSettings.DEFAULT_FORCE_VERSION)) { return MgrUtil.getUserMessage("", new String[] { Short.toString(hiveAp.getDeviceStpSettings().getForceVersion()), MgrUtil.getUserMessage("config.switchSettings.STPmode.mstp") }); } else { return ""; } } } return ""; } private Map<Long, String> getSimpleUpdateImageIds(Set<Long> selectedIds, boolean forceUpdate) { FilterParams filter = null; if (selectedIds != null && !selectedIds.isEmpty()) { filter = new FilterParams("id in (:s1)", new Object[] { selectedIds }); } List<?> resList = QueryUtil.executeQuery( "select id, hiveApModel, softVer, hardwareRevision from " + HiveAp.class.getSimpleName(), null, filter); if (resList == null || resList.isEmpty()) { return null; } //get all devices model List<Short> allDeviceModels = DevicePropertyManage.getInstance().getAllDeviceKey(); //mapping between hiveApModel and image file name. Map<Short, HiveApImageInfo> model_ImageInfo_Map = new HashMap<>(); for (Short apModel : allDeviceModels) { HiveApImageInfo imageInfo =; if (imageInfo != null) { model_ImageInfo_Map.put(apModel, imageInfo); } } //mapping between device ID and image Name. Map<Long, String> idImageMap = new HashMap<>(); Long devcieId; Short hiveApModel; String softver, hardwareRevision; for (Object queryObj : resList) { Object[] queryArg = (Object[]) queryObj; devcieId = Long.valueOf(queryArg[0].toString()); hiveApModel = Short.valueOf(queryArg[1].toString()); softver = queryArg[2].toString(); hardwareRevision = queryArg[3] != null ? queryArg[3].toString() : null; if (hiveApModel == HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_SR2124P && "01".equals(hardwareRevision)) { hiveApModel = (short) (0 - HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_SR2124P); } if (!model_ImageInfo_Map.containsKey(hiveApModel)) { continue; } HiveApImageInfo imageInfo = model_ImageInfo_Map.get(hiveApModel); int verCompareInt = NmsUtil.compareSoftwareVersion(imageInfo.getImageVersionNum(), softver); if (verCompareInt > 0) { idImageMap.put(devcieId, imageInfo.getImageName()); } else if (verCompareInt == 0 && forceUpdate) { idImageMap.put(devcieId, imageInfo.getImageName()); } } return idImageMap; } private String getSimpleImageUpdateNotes(Set<Long> selectedIds) { if (selectedIds == null || selectedIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } String sqlStr = "select count(id) from " + HiveAp.class.getSimpleName(); List<Short> series_100 = new ArrayList<Short>(); series_100.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_110); series_100.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_120); series_100.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_121); series_100.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_141); series_100.add(HiveAp.HIVEAP_MODEL_170); List<?> resList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(sqlStr, null, new FilterParams("id in (:s1) and softver <= :s2 and hiveApModel in (:s3)", new Object[] { selectedIds, "", series_100 })); int count = resList.isEmpty() ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(resList.get(0).toString()); if (count > 0) { return MgrUtil.getResourceString("geneva_06.update.ui.reboot.warning"); } else { return null; } } private Map<Long, HiveAp> getSimpleUpdateRebootDevices(Set<Long> selectedIds) { if (selectedIds == null || selectedIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } //query all device. List<HiveAp> deviceList = QueryUtil.executeQuery(HiveAp.class, null, new FilterParams("id", selectedIds)); if (deviceList == null || deviceList.isEmpty()) { return null; } Map<Long, HiveAp> allDeviceMap = new HashMap<>(); for (HiveAp device : deviceList) { allDeviceMap.put(device.getId(), device); } //complete configuration upload return all device. if (completeCfgUpdate) { return allDeviceMap; } Map<Long, HiveAp> resMap = new HashMap<>(); //device need upgrade image. Map<Long, String> imageMap = null; if (imageUpgrade) { imageMap = getSimpleUpdateImageIds(selectedIds, false); } else if (forceImageUpgrade) { imageMap = getSimpleUpdateImageIds(selectedIds, true); } if (imageMap != null && !imageMap.isEmpty()) { for (Long id : imageMap.keySet()) { resMap.put(id, allDeviceMap.get(id)); } } //simplified update need complete update. for (HiveAp ap : allDeviceMap.values()) { if (ap.isNeedCompleteUpdate()) { resMap.put(ap.getId(), ap); } } return resMap; } public short getSimplifiedRebootType() { return simplifiedRebootType; } public void setSimplifiedRebootType(short simplifiedRebootType) { this.simplifiedRebootType = simplifiedRebootType; } public String getImageUpgradeNote() { return getSimpleImageUpdateNotes(getIdListFromSession(UPDATE_IMAGE_SELECTED_IDs)); } private Set<HiveAp> getCompleteUpdateDevices(Set<HiveAp> selectedHiveAps, HiveApUpdateSettings setting) { if (selectedHiveAps == null || selectedHiveAps.isEmpty() || setting == null) { return null; } if (setting.getConfigSelectType() == ConfigSelectType.full) { return selectedHiveAps; } else if (setting.getConfigSelectType() == { Set<HiveAp> results = new HashSet<>(); for (HiveAp ap : selectedHiveAps) { if (ap.isNeedCompleteUpdate()) { results.add(ap); } } return results; } else { return null; } } private String getAllActionErrorMsg() { Collection<String> allErrors = this.getActionErrors(); StringBuilder allMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (String msg : allErrors) { if (allMsg.length() == 0) { allMsg.append(msg); } else { allMsg.append("<br>").append(msg); } } if (allMsg.length() > 0) { return allMsg.toString(); } else { return null; } } private JSONObject getConnectionStatusCheckRes(Set<Long> selectedIds) throws JSONException { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(JSON_RESULT_TYPE_KEY, this.operation + JSON_RESULT_TYPE_SUFFIX); try { String querySql = "select count(id) from " + HiveAp.class.getName(); List<?> reslistMajor = QueryUtil.executeQuery(querySql, null, new FilterParams( "id in :s1 and connectStatus = :s2", new Object[] { selectedIds, HiveAp.CONNECT_UP_MAJOR })); // List<?> reslistDisconn = QueryUtil.executeQuery(querySql, null, // new FilterParams("id in :s1 and connectStatus = :s2", new Object[]{selectedIds, HiveAp.CONNECT_DOWN})); long majorCounts = (Long) reslistMajor.get(0); // long disconnectCounts = (Long)reslistDisconn.get(0); String message = null; // if(majorCounts > 0 && disconnectCounts > 0){ // message = getText("config.guid.hiveAp.update.networkMajor.disconnect.warning", // new String[]{String.valueOf(disconnectCounts), String.valueOf(majorCounts)}); // }else if(disconnectCounts > 0){ // message = getText("config.guid.hiveAp.update.disconnect.warning", // new String[]{String.valueOf(disconnectCounts)}); // }else if (majorCounts > 0) { message = getText("warning.hiveAp.update.networkMajor"); } if (message != null) { jsonObj.put("msg", message); } jsonObj.put("t", true); } catch (Exception e) { jsonObj.put("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); jsonObj.put("t", false); } return jsonObj; } }