Java tutorial
/** * <p>Description:UserManager</p> * <p>Company:</p> * @author afunms * @project afunms * @date 2006-08-07 */ package com.afunms.system.manage; import java.awt.Color; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPosition; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelWidthType; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CompassFormat; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.TickUnits; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedBarRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYAreaRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jfree.text.TextBlockAnchor; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleAnchor; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; import wfm.encode.MD5; import com.afunms.application.dao.ApacheConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.DBDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.DBTypeDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.DHCPConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.DominoConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.EmailConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.FTPConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.GrapesConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.IISConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.JBossConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.MQConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.OraclePartsDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.PSTypeDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.TFTPConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.TomcatDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.WasConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.WebConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.dao.WeblogicConfigDao; import com.afunms.application.model.ApacheConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.DBTypeVo; import com.afunms.application.model.DBVo; import com.afunms.application.model.DominoConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.EmailMonitorConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.FTPConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.GrapesConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.IISConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.JBossConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.MQConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.OracleEntity; import com.afunms.application.model.PSTypeVo; import com.afunms.application.model.Tomcat; import com.afunms.application.model.WasConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.WebConfig; import com.afunms.application.model.WeblogicConfig; import com.afunms.common.base.BaseManager; import com.afunms.common.base.BaseVo; import com.afunms.common.base.DaoInterface; import com.afunms.common.base.ErrorMessage; import com.afunms.common.base.ManagerInterface; import com.afunms.common.util.ChartXml; import com.afunms.common.util.CommonAppUtil; import com.afunms.common.util.FlexDataXml; import com.afunms.common.util.SessionConstant; import com.afunms.common.util.ShareData; import com.afunms.common.util.SysLogger; import com.afunms.common.util.SysUtil; import com.afunms.common.util.SystemConstant; import com.afunms.event.dao.EventListDao; import com.afunms.event.model.EventList; import com.afunms.event.service.AlarmSummarize; import com.afunms.home.role.dao.HomeRoleDao; import com.afunms.home.role.model.HomeRoleModel; import com.afunms.home.user.dao.HomeUserDao; import com.afunms.home.user.model.HomeUserModel; import com.afunms.polling.PollingEngine; import com.afunms.polling.api.I_HostCollectData; import com.afunms.polling.api.I_HostLastCollectData; import com.afunms.polling.impl.HostCollectDataManager; import com.afunms.polling.impl.HostLastCollectDataManager; import com.afunms.polling.node.Host; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.afunms.system.dao.DepartmentDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.PositionDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.RoleDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.SysLogDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.UserAuditDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.UserDao; import com.afunms.system.dao.equipDao; import com.afunms.system.model.SysLog; import com.afunms.system.model.User; import com.afunms.system.model.equip; import com.afunms.system.vo.EventVo; import com.afunms.system.vo.FlexVo; import com.afunms.topology.dao.HostNodeDao; import com.afunms.topology.dao.ManageXmlDao; import com.afunms.topology.dao.NodeMonitorDao; import com.afunms.topology.model.HostNode; import com.afunms.topology.model.MonitorHostDTO; import com.afunms.topology.model.MonitorNetDTO; import com.afunms.topology.model.MonitorNodeDTO; import com.afunms.topology.model.NodeMonitor; public class equipManager extends BaseManager implements ManagerInterface { // private FlexSession flexSession = FlexContext.getFlexSession(); public String execute(String action) { // ------------20091029 pm-------------------------------------------- if (action == null) action = ""; if (action.equals("ready_add")) return readyAdd(); if (action.equals("add")) return save(); if (action.equals("update")) return update(); if (action.equals("list")) { DaoInterface dao = new equipDao(); setTarget("/system/equip_pic/list.jsp"); return list(dao); } if (action.equals("delete")) { boolean result = false; String jsp = "/"; String[] id = getParaArrayValue("checkbox"); UserDao dao = new UserDao(); try { result = dao.delete(id); if (result) { equipDao userAuditDao = new equipDao(); try { for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { userAuditDao.deleteById(id[i]); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { userAuditDao.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dao.close(); } return jsp; } if (action.equals("ready_edit")) { return ready_edit(); // DaoInterface dao = new UserDao(); // setTarget("/system/user/edit.jsp"); // return readyEdit(dao); } if (action.equals("read")) { return read(); // DaoInterface dao = new UserDao(); // setTarget("/system/user/read.jsp"); // return readyEdit(dao); } setErrorCode(ErrorMessage.ACTION_NO_FOUND); return null; } private String save() { equip vo = new equip(); vo.setCategory(getParaIntValue("category1")); vo.setCn_name(getParaValue("cn_name")); vo.setEn_name(getParaValue("en_name")); vo.setTopo_image(getParaValue("topo_image")); vo.setLost_image(getParaValue("lost_image")); vo.setAlarm_image(getParaValue("alarm_image")); vo.setPath(getParaValue("path")); equipDao dao = new equipDao(); int result =; String target = "/"; // if (result == 0) { // target = "/"; // } else if (result == 1) // target = "/"; // else // target = null; return target; } private String update() { equip vo = new equip(); vo.setId(getParaIntValue("id")); vo.setCategory(getParaIntValue("category")); vo.setCn_name(getParaValue("cn_name")); vo.setEn_name(getParaValue("en_name")); vo.setTopo_image(getParaValue("topo_image")); vo.setLost_image(getParaValue("lost_image")); vo.setAlarm_image(getParaValue("alarm_image")); vo.setPath(getParaValue("path")); ; equipDao dao = new equipDao(); String target = null; if (dao.update(vo)) target = "/"; return target; } private String readyAdd() { String result = request.getParameter("result"); if (result != null && "".equals(result)) { request.setAttribute("result", "1"); } equipDao equip = new equipDao(); List list = equip.query( "select category,cn_name,en_name from topo_equip_pic group by category,cn_name,en_name order by category asc"); Map map = new HashMap(); equip vo = null; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { vo = (equip) list.get(i); map.put(vo.getCategory(), vo.getCn_name()); } request.setAttribute("map", map); request.setAttribute("list", list); return "/system/equip_pic/add.jsp"; } private String ready_edit() { String targetJsp = "/system/equip_pic/editEquip.jsp"; equip vo = null; equipDao dao = new equipDao(); try { vo = (equip) dao.findByID(getParaValue("id")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dao.close(); } if (vo != null) { request.setAttribute("vo", vo); } return targetJsp; } private String read() { String targetJsp = "/system/equip_pic/read.jsp"; equip vo = null; equipDao dao = new equipDao(); try { vo = (equip) dao.findByID(getParaValue("id")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dao.close(); } if (vo != null) { request.setAttribute("vo", vo); } return targetJsp; } /** * */ private String login() { if (getParaValue("password") == null) { setErrorCode(ErrorMessage.INCORRECT_PASSWORD); return null; } int flag = 0; try { // // LicenseUtil.checkLicense(); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace();;"LICENSE,..."); flag = 1; } MD5 md = new MD5(); String pwd = md.getMD5ofStr(getParaValue("password")); UserDao dao = new UserDao(); User vo = null; try { vo = dao.findByLogin(getParaValue("userid"), pwd); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { dao.close(); } if (vo == null) // { setErrorCode(ErrorMessage.INCORRECT_PASSWORD); return null; } session.setAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER, vo); // session.setMaxInactiveInterval(1800); CommonAppUtil.setSkin(vo.getSkins()); if (!"".equals(request.getRemoteAddr())) { SysLog slvo = new SysLog(); slvo.setUser(vo.getName()); slvo.setEvent(""); slvo.setLogTime(SysUtil.getCurrentTime()); slvo.setIp(request.getRemoteAddr()); SysLogDao sldao = new SysLogDao(); try {; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { sldao.close(); } } return "/common/index.jsp"; } /** * *<p></P> *<p></P> * @return * @author makewen * @date Jun 17, 2011 */ private void homeModuleSet() { String str = ""; // User uservo = (User) session.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); HomeRoleDao homeRoleDao = new HomeRoleDao(); HomeUserDao homeUserDao = new HomeUserDao(); String sqlCondition = " where user_id='" + uservo.getUserid() + "'"; List homeUserList = homeUserDao.findByCondition(sqlCondition); Hashtable smallHashtable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable bigHashtable = new Hashtable(); if (homeUserList.size() == 0 || homeUserList == null) { List homeRoleList = homeRoleDao.findByCondition(" where role_id='" + uservo.getRole() + "'"); for (int i = 0; i < homeRoleList.size(); i++) { HomeRoleModel homeRoleModel = (HomeRoleModel) homeRoleList.get(i); if (homeRoleModel.getType() == 0) { smallHashtable.put(homeRoleModel.getChName(), homeRoleModel.getVisible()); } if (homeRoleModel.getType() == 1) { bigHashtable.put(homeRoleModel.getChName(), homeRoleModel.getVisible()); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < homeUserList.size(); i++) { HomeUserModel homeUserModel = (HomeUserModel) homeUserList.get(i); if (homeUserModel.getType() == 0) { smallHashtable.put(homeUserModel.getChName(), homeUserModel.getVisible()); } if (homeUserModel.getType() == 1) { bigHashtable.put(homeUserModel.getChName(), homeUserModel.getVisible()); } } } request.setAttribute("smallHashtable", smallHashtable); request.setAttribute("bigHashtable", bigHashtable); } private String home() { this.getHome(); this.homeModuleSet(); return "/common/home.jsp"; } private String personhome() { this.getPersonHome(); return "/common/personhome.jsp"; } public void getHome() { User vo = (User) session.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); // Date d = new Date(); // SimpleDateFormat sdf0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // String startdate = sdf0.format(d); // String todate = sdf0.format(d); // // String starttime = startdate + " 00:00:00"; // String totime = todate + " 23:59:59"; // int info = 0; // int one = 0; // int two = 0; // int three = 0; // List networkCPUList = new ArrayList(); // List allinutillist = new ArrayList(); // List alloututillist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostcpulist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostmemorylist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostdisklist = new ArrayList(); List rpceventlist = new ArrayList(); // HostNodeDao nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); List networklist = new ArrayList(); List routelist = new ArrayList(); List switchlist = new ArrayList(); // List hostlist = new ArrayList(); // List dblist = new ArrayList(); // List seculist = new ArrayList(); // List storagelist = new ArrayList(); // int servicesize = 0; // int midsize = 0; int routesize = 0; int switchsize = 0; Hashtable lineHash = new Hashtable(); EventListDao eventdao = new EventListDao(); // try { servicesize = getServiceNum(vo); midsize = getMiddleService(vo); String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { bids = "-1"; } // try { rpceventlist = getEventList(bids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventdao.close(); } try { networklist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(1, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); seculist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(8, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); routelist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(1, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); switchlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(2, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); hostlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(4, bids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { nodedao.close(); } DBDao dbDao = new DBDao(); try { dblist = dbDao.getDbByMonFlag(1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // this.removeFlexSession(); ManageXmlDao manageXmlDao = new ManageXmlDao(); List xmlList = new ArrayList(); try { xmlList = manageXmlDao.loadByPerAll(bids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { manageXmlDao.close(); } try { if (xmlList != null && xmlList.size() > 0) { this.createBussTree(xmlList);// yangjun // this.createxmlfile(xmlList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (eventdao != null) { eventdao.close(); } nodedao.close(); } List monitornodelist = getMonitorListByCategory("net_server"); List hostcpusortlist = new ArrayList(); List hostmemorysortlist = new ArrayList(); NumberFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat(); numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String date = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()); if (monitornodelist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < monitornodelist.size(); i++) { HostNode hostNode = (HostNode) monitornodelist.get(i); MonitorNodeDTO monitorNodeDTO = getMonitorNodeDTOByHostNode(hostNode); hostcpusortlist.add(monitorNodeDTO); hostmemorysortlist.add(monitorNodeDTO); } } String field = "cpu"; ; String sorttype = "asc"; monitorListSort(hostcpusortlist, "net", "cpu", "desc"); monitorListSort(hostmemorysortlist, "net", "memory", "desc"); request.setAttribute("hostcpusortlist", hostcpusortlist); request.setAttribute("hostmemorysortlist", hostmemorysortlist); List monitornetlist = getMonitorListByCategory("net"); List netcpusortlist = new ArrayList(); List netoutsortlist = new ArrayList(); List netinsortlist = new ArrayList(); numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); if (monitornetlist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < monitornetlist.size(); i++) { HostNode hostNode = (HostNode) monitornetlist.get(i); MonitorNodeDTO monitorNodeDTO = getMonitorNodeDTOByHostNode(hostNode); netcpusortlist.add(monitorNodeDTO); netoutsortlist.add(monitorNodeDTO); netinsortlist.add(monitorNodeDTO); } } field = getParaValue("field"); sorttype = getParaValue("sorttype"); field = "cpu"; sorttype = "asc"; monitorListSort(netcpusortlist, "net", "cpu", "desc"); monitorListSort(netoutsortlist, "net", "oututilhdx", "desc"); monitorListSort(netinsortlist, "net", "inutilhdx", "desc"); if (routelist != null) routesize = routelist.size(); if (switchlist != null) switchsize = switchlist.size(); Hashtable deviceHash = new Hashtable(); deviceHash.put("routelist", routelist); deviceHash.put("hostlist", hostlist); deviceHash.put("switchlist", switchlist); deviceHash.put("dblist", dblist); deviceHash.put("seculist", seculist); // listsession.. // listsession.. Hashtable treeBidHash = getTreeBidHash(vo, deviceHash); // System.out.println(treeBidHash); request.setAttribute("treeBidHash", treeBidHash); session.setAttribute("rpceventlist", rpceventlist); session.setAttribute("networklist", networklist); session.setAttribute("hostlist", hostlist); session.setAttribute("midsize", midsize + ""); session.setAttribute("servicesize", servicesize + ""); session.setAttribute("securesize", seculist.size() + ""); session.setAttribute("dbsize", dblist.size() + ""); session.setAttribute("routesize", routesize + ""); session.setAttribute("switchsize", switchsize + ""); session.setAttribute("hostcpusortlist", hostcpusortlist); session.setAttribute("hostmemorysortlist", hostmemorysortlist); session.setAttribute("netcpusortlist", netcpusortlist); session.setAttribute("netoutsortlist", netoutsortlist); session.setAttribute("netinsortlist", netinsortlist); } /** * HONGLI bid * * @param vo * @param deviceHash * @return */ private Hashtable getTreeBidHash(User vo, Hashtable deviceHash) { Hashtable treeBidHash = new Hashtable(); String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); String[] bidsArr = bids.split(","); // id String treeBidRouter = ""; String treeBidHost = ""; String treeBidSwitch = ""; String treeBidDb = ""; String treeBidMid = ""; String treeBidService = ""; String treeBidSecu = ""; boolean loopRoute = true; boolean loopHost = true; boolean loopSwitch = true; boolean loopDb = true; boolean loopMid = true; boolean loopService = true; boolean loopSecu = true; // treeBid List routelist = null; List hostlist = null; List switchlist = null; List dblist = null; List seculist = null; // List iislist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("iislist"); List tomcatlist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("tomcatlist"); List weblogiclist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("weblogiclist"); List waslist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("waslist"); List dominolist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("dominolist"); List mqlist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("mqlist"); List jbosslist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("jbosslist"); List apachelist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("apachelist"); // List socketlist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("socketlist"); List ftplist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("ftplist"); List emaillist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("emaillist"); List weblist = (ArrayList) session.getAttribute("weblist"); if (deviceHash.containsKey("routelist")) { routelist = (ArrayList) deviceHash.get("routelist"); } if (deviceHash.containsKey("hostlist")) { hostlist = (ArrayList) deviceHash.get("hostlist"); } if (deviceHash.containsKey("switchlist")) { switchlist = (ArrayList) deviceHash.get("switchlist"); } if (deviceHash.containsKey("dblist")) { dblist = (List) deviceHash.get("dblist"); } if (deviceHash.containsKey("seculist")) { seculist = (ArrayList) deviceHash.get("seculist"); } for (int i = 0; i < bidsArr.length; i++) { if (bidsArr[i] != null && !bidsArr[i].equals("")) { // if (routelist != null && loopRoute) { for (int j = 0; j < routelist.size(); j++) { HostNode node = (HostNode) routelist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidRouter = bidsArr[i]; loopRoute = false; break; } } } // if (hostlist != null && loopHost) { for (int j = 0; j < hostlist.size(); j++) { HostNode node = (HostNode) hostlist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidHost = bidsArr[i]; loopHost = false; break; } } } // if (switchlist != null && loopSwitch) { for (int j = 0; j < switchlist.size(); j++) { HostNode node = (HostNode) switchlist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidSwitch = bidsArr[i]; loopSwitch = false; break; } } } // if (dblist != null && loopDb) { for (int j = 0; j < dblist.size(); j++) { DBVo node = (DBVo) dblist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidDb = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } // if (loopMid) { if (iislist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < iislist.size(); j++) { IISConfig node = (IISConfig) iislist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopMid = false; break; } } } if (tomcatlist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < tomcatlist.size(); j++) { Tomcat node = (Tomcat) tomcatlist.get(j); // System.out.println("-------"+node.getBid()); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (weblogiclist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < weblogiclist.size(); j++) { WeblogicConfig node = (WeblogicConfig) weblogiclist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (waslist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < waslist.size(); j++) { WasConfig node = (WasConfig) waslist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (dominolist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < dominolist.size(); j++) { DominoConfig node = (DominoConfig) dominolist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (mqlist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < mqlist.size(); j++) { MQConfig node = (MQConfig) mqlist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (jbosslist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < jbosslist.size(); j++) { JBossConfig node = (JBossConfig) jbosslist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } if (apachelist != null && loopMid) { for (int j = 0; j < apachelist.size(); j++) { ApacheConfig node = (ApacheConfig) apachelist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidMid = bidsArr[i]; loopDb = false; break; } } } } // if (loopService) { if (socketlist != null && loopService) { for (int j = 0; j < socketlist.size(); j++) { PSTypeVo node = (PSTypeVo) socketlist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidService = bidsArr[i]; loopService = false; break; } } } if (ftplist != null && loopService) { for (int j = 0; j < ftplist.size(); j++) { FTPConfig node = (FTPConfig) ftplist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // FTP continue; } else { // treeBidService = bidsArr[i]; loopService = false; break; } } } if (emaillist != null && loopService) { for (int j = 0; j < emaillist.size(); j++) { EmailMonitorConfig node = (EmailMonitorConfig) emaillist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidService = bidsArr[i]; loopService = false; break; } } } if (weblist != null && loopService) { for (int j = 0; j < weblist.size(); j++) { WebConfig node = (WebConfig) weblist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getNetid() != null && !node.getNetid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidService = bidsArr[i]; loopService = false; break; } } } } // if (seculist != null && loopSecu) { for (int j = 0; j < seculist.size(); j++) { HostNode node = (HostNode) seculist.get(j); if (node != null && node.getBid() != null && !node.getBid().contains(bidsArr[i])) { // continue; } else { // treeBidSecu = bidsArr[i]; loopSecu = false; break; } } } } } treeBidHash.put("treeBidRouter", treeBidRouter); treeBidHash.put("treeBidHost", treeBidHost); treeBidHash.put("treeBidSwitch", treeBidSwitch); treeBidHash.put("treeBidDb", treeBidDb); treeBidHash.put("treeBidMid", treeBidMid); treeBidHash.put("treeBidService", treeBidService); treeBidHash.put("treeBidSecu", treeBidSecu); return treeBidHash; } // public ArrayList<EventVo> getEventList() { // ArrayList<EventVo> rpceventlist = (ArrayList<EventVo>) flexSession // .getAttribute("rpceventlist"); // return rpceventlist; // } // private ArrayList<EventVo> getEventList(String bids) { ArrayList<EventVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<EventVo>(); List rpceventlist = new ArrayList(); String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " 00:00:00"; String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); EventListDao eventdao = new EventListDao(); String timeFormat = "MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; java.text.SimpleDateFormat timeFormatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(timeFormat); try { rpceventlist = eventdao.getQuery_flex(startTime, endTime, "99", "99", bids, 99); if (rpceventlist != null && rpceventlist.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rpceventlist.size(); i++) { EventVo Vo = new EventVo(); EventList event = (EventList) rpceventlist.get(i); Vo.setContent(event.getContent()); Vo.setEventlocation(event.getEventlocation()); Date d2 = event.getRecordtime().getTime(); String time = timeFormatter.format(d2); Vo.setRecordtime(time); String level = String.valueOf(event.getLevel1()); if ("0".equals(level)) { level = ""; } if ("1".equals(level)) { level = ""; } if ("2".equals(level)) { level = ""; } if ("3".equals(level)) { level = ""; } Vo.setLevel1(level); Vo.setNodeid(event.getNodeid()); flexDataList.add(Vo); if (i == 11) break; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventdao.close(); } return flexDataList; } public void getPersonHome() { User vo = (User) session.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); Date d = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String startdate = sdf0.format(d); String todate = sdf0.format(d); String starttime = startdate + " 00:00:00"; String totime = todate + " 23:59:59"; int one = 0; int two = 0; int three = 0; // List list = new ArrayList(); // List allinutillist = new ArrayList(); // List alloututillist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostcpulist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostmemorylist = new ArrayList(); // List allhostdisklist = new ArrayList(); List rpceventlist = new ArrayList(); // HostNodeDao nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); List networklist = new ArrayList(); List routelist = new ArrayList(); List switchlist = new ArrayList(); // List hostlist = new ArrayList(); // List dblist = new ArrayList(); DBDao dbdao = new DBDao(); // List seculist = new ArrayList(); // int servicesize = 0; // int midsize = 0; int routesize = 0; int switchsize = 0; Hashtable lineHash = new Hashtable(); EventListDao eventdao = new EventListDao(); // try { servicesize = getServiceNum(vo); midsize = getMiddleService(vo); String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { bids = "-1"; } // try { rpceventlist = eventdao.getQuery(starttime, totime, "99", "99", bids, -1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventdao.close(); } try { } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { nodedao.close(); } try { networklist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(1, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); seculist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(8, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); routelist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(1, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); switchlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(2, bids); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); hostlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(4, bids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { nodedao.close(); } OraclePartsDao partdao = null; DBTypeDao typedao = null; try { dblist = dbdao.getDbByBID(bids); typedao = new DBTypeDao(); List list1 = new LinkedList(); if (dblist != null) { DBTypeVo oracletypevo = null; oracletypevo = (DBTypeVo) typedao.findByDbtype("oracle"); for (int i = 0; i < dblist.size(); i++) { DBVo vo1 = (DBVo) dblist.get(i); if (vo1.getDbtype() != oracletypevo.getId()) { list1.add(vo1); } } String[] bidarr = bids.split(","); Vector vec = new Vector(); for (String bid : bidarr) { if (!"".equals(bid.trim())) { vec.add(bid); } } if (dbdao != null) dbdao.close(); dbdao = new DBDao(); List oraclelist = dbdao.getDbByType(oracletypevo.getId()); if (oraclelist != null) { for (int i = 0; i < oraclelist.size(); i++) { partdao = new OraclePartsDao(); try { DBVo oraclevo = (DBVo) oraclelist.get(i); List<OracleEntity> oracleparts = partdao.getOraclesByDbAndBid(oraclevo.getId(), vec); for (OracleEntity ora : oracleparts) { DBVo nvo = new DBVo(); nvo.setAlias(ora.getAlias()); nvo.setBid(ora.getBid()); nvo.setCategory(oraclevo.getCategory()); nvo.setCollecttype(ora.getCollectType()); nvo.setDbName(ora.getSid()); nvo.setDbtype(oraclevo.getDbtype()); nvo.setId(ora.getId()); nvo.setIpAddress(oraclevo.getIpAddress() + ":" + ora.getSid()); nvo.setManaged(oraclevo.getManaged()); nvo.setPassword(ora.getPassword()); nvo.setPort(oraclevo.getPort()); nvo.setSendemail(oraclevo.getSendemail()); nvo.setUser(ora.getUser()); list1.add(nvo); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { partdao.close(); } } } dblist = list1; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dbdao.close(); typedao.close(); } // List cpulist = new ArrayList(); // List inutilhdxlist = new ArrayList(); // List oututilhdxlist = new ArrayList(); // List hostcpulist = new ArrayList(); // List hostmemorylist = new ArrayList(); // List hostdisklist = new ArrayList(); // if (networklist != null && networklist.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < networklist.size(); i++) { // HostNode node = (HostNode) networklist.get(i); // I_HostCollectData hostManager = new // HostCollectDataManager(); // String startTime = new // SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " // 00:00:00"; // String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd // HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // // collectdatacpu, // Hashtable cpuHash = new Hashtable(); // try { // cpuHash = hostManager.getCategory(node.getIpAddress(), // "CPU", "Utilization", startTime, endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if(cpuHash.get("avgcpucon")!=null){ // String avgcpucon = (String) cpuHash.get("avgcpucon"); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgcpucon.replace("%", "")); // cpulist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // // Hashtable inutilHash = new Hashtable(); // try { // inutilHash = // hostManager.getAllutilhdx(node.getIpAddress(), // "AllInBandwidthUtilHdx", startTime, endTime, ""); // } catch (RuntimeException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if(inutilHash.get("avgput")!=null){ // String avgutilcon = (String) inutilHash.get("avgput"); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgutilcon); // inutilhdxlist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // Hashtable oututilHash = new Hashtable(); // try { // oututilHash = // hostManager.getAllutilhdx(node.getIpAddress(), // "AllOutBandwidthUtilHdx", startTime, endTime, ""); // } catch (RuntimeException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if(oututilHash.get("avgput")!=null){ // String avgutilcon = (String) oututilHash.get("avgput"); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgutilcon); // oututilhdxlist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // Hashtable ipAllData = (Hashtable) ShareData.getSharedata() // .get(node.getIpAddress()); // if (ipAllData != null) { // Vector cpuV = (Vector) ipAllData.get("cpu"); // if (cpuV != null && cpuV.size() > 0) { // // CPUcollectdata cpu = (CPUcollectdata) cpuV.get(0); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(cpu.getThevalue() // .replace("%", "")); // cpulist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // Vector allutil = (Vector) ipAllData.get("allutilhdx"); // if (allutil != null && allutil.size() == 3) { // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdatai = new Avgcollectdata(); // AllUtilHdx inutilhdx = (AllUtilHdx) allutil.get(0); // avgcollectdatai.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdatai // .setThevalue(inutilhdx.getThevalue()); // inutilhdxlist.add(avgcollectdatai); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdatao = new Avgcollectdata(); // AllUtilHdx oututilhdx = (AllUtilHdx) allutil.get(1); // avgcollectdatao.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdatao.setThevalue(oututilhdx // .getThevalue()); // oututilhdxlist.add(avgcollectdatao); // } // } // } // } // if (hostlist != null && hostlist.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < hostlist.size(); i++) { // HostNode node = (HostNode) hostlist.get(i); // I_HostCollectData hostManager = new // HostCollectDataManager(); // String startTime = new // SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " // 00:00:00"; // String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd // HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // // collectdatacpu, // Hashtable cpuHash = new Hashtable(); // try { // cpuHash = hostManager.getCategory(node.getIpAddress(), // "CPU", "Utilization", startTime, endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if(cpuHash.get("avgcpucon")!=null){ // String avgcpucon = (String) cpuHash.get("avgcpucon"); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgcpucon.replace("%", "")); // hostcpulist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // // collectdata, // Hashtable[] memoryHash = null; // try { // memoryHash = hostManager.getMemory(node.getIpAddress(), // "Memory", startTime, endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if (memoryHash != null && memoryHash.length > 0) { // Hashtable physicalMemoryHash = new Hashtable(); // physicalMemoryHash = (Hashtable)memoryHash[2]; // String avgmemory = (String) // physicalMemoryHash.get("PhysicalMemory"); // if(avgmemory!=null){ // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgmemory.replace("%", "")); // hostmemorylist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // } // Hashtable ipAllData = (Hashtable) ShareData.getSharedata() // .get(node.getIpAddress()); // if (ipAllData != null) { // Vector cpuV = (Vector) ipAllData.get("cpu"); // if (cpuV != null && cpuV.size() > 0) { // CPUcollectdata cpu = (CPUcollectdata) cpuV.get(0); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(cpu.getThevalue() // .replace("%", "")); // hostcpulist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // Vector memoryVector = (Vector) ipAllData.get("memory"); // Vector diskVector = null; // try { // diskVector = (Vector) ipAllData.get("disk"); // } catch (RuntimeException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); // if (memoryVector != null && memoryVector.size() > 0) { // for (int si = 0; si < memoryVector.size(); si++) { // Memorycollectdata memorydata = (Memorycollectdata) memoryVector // .elementAt(si); // if (memorydata.getEntity().equalsIgnoreCase( // "Utilization")) { // // // if (memorydata.getSubentity() // .equalsIgnoreCase("PhysicalMemory")) { // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node // .getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(df // .format(Double // .parseDouble(memorydata // .getThevalue() // .replace("%", // "")))); // hostmemorylist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // } // } // } // if (diskVector != null && diskVector.size() > 0) { // Hashtable hostdata = ShareData.getHostdata(); // for (int si = 0; si < diskVector.size(); si++) { // Diskcollectdata diskdata = (Diskcollectdata) diskVector // .elementAt(si); // if (diskdata.getEntity().equalsIgnoreCase( // "Utilization")) { // // // if (node.getOstype() == 4 // || node.getSysOid().startsWith( // "")) { // diskdata // .setSubentity(diskdata // .getSubentity() // .substring(0, 3)); // } // hostdisklist.add(diskdata); // } // } // } // } // } // } // orderListtheValue // list = null; // if (cpulist != null && cpulist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < cpulist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) cpulist.get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < cpulist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) cpulist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue().replace("%", "")) // .doubleValue() < new Double(hosdata // .getThevalue().replace("%", "")).doubleValue()) { // cpulist.remove(m); // cpulist.add(m, hosdata); // cpulist.remove(n); // cpulist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // list.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // if (inutilhdxlist != null && inutilhdxlist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < inutilhdxlist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) inutilhdxlist // .get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < inutilhdxlist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) inutilhdxlist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue() < new Double( // hosdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue()) { // inutilhdxlist.remove(m); // inutilhdxlist.add(m, hosdata); // inutilhdxlist.remove(n); // inutilhdxlist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // allinutillist.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // if (oututilhdxlist != null && oututilhdxlist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < oututilhdxlist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) oututilhdxlist // .get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < oututilhdxlist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) oututilhdxlist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue() < new Double( // hosdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue()) { // oututilhdxlist.remove(m); // oututilhdxlist.add(m, hosdata); // oututilhdxlist.remove(n); // oututilhdxlist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // alloututillist.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // if (hostcpulist != null && hostcpulist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < hostcpulist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostcpulist.get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < hostcpulist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostcpulist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue().replace("%", "")) // .doubleValue() < new Double(hosdata // .getThevalue().replace("%", "")).doubleValue()) { // hostcpulist.remove(m); // hostcpulist.add(m, hosdata); // hostcpulist.remove(n); // hostcpulist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // allhostcpulist.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // if (hostmemorylist != null && hostmemorylist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < hostmemorylist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostmemorylist // .get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < hostmemorylist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostmemorylist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue().replace("%", "")) // .doubleValue() < new Double(hosdata // .getThevalue().replace("%", "")).doubleValue()) { // hostmemorylist.remove(m); // hostmemorylist.add(m, hosdata); // hostmemorylist.remove(n); // hostmemorylist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // allhostmemorylist.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // if (hostdisklist != null && hostdisklist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < hostdisklist.size(); m++) { // Diskcollectdata hdata = (Diskcollectdata) hostdisklist // .get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < hostdisklist.size(); n++) { // Diskcollectdata hosdata = (Diskcollectdata) hostdisklist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue() < new Double( // hosdata.getThevalue()).doubleValue()) { // hostdisklist.remove(m); // hostdisklist.add(m, hosdata); // hostdisklist.remove(n); // hostdisklist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // allhostdisklist.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } //"size:"+list.size()+"=========="); // if(list != null) // } else { // rpceventlist = eventdao.getQuery(starttime, totime, "99", "99", // vo.getBusinessids(), 99); // networklist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(1, vo.getBusinessids()); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // hostlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(2, vo.getBusinessids()); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // seculist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(8, vo.getBusinessids()); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // routelist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(1, // vo.getBusinessids()); // nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // switchlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBidAndCategory(2, // vo.getBusinessids()); // dblist = dbdao.getDbByBID(vo.getBusinessids()); // } // if (rpceventlist != null && rpceventlist.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < rpceventlist.size(); i++) { // EventList eventlist = (EventList) rpceventlist.get(i); // // int hours = eventlist.getRecordtime().getTime().getHours(); // if (lineHash.get(hours) != null) { // Integer nums = (Integer) lineHash.get(hours); // nums = nums + 1; // lineHash.put(hours, nums); // } else { // lineHash.put(hours, new Integer(1)); // } // if (eventlist.getLevel1() == 1) { // one = one + 1; // } else if (eventlist.getLevel1() == 2) { // two = two + 1; // } else if (eventlist.getLevel1() == 3) { // three = three + 1; // } // } // } List<FlexVo> evList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); FlexVo fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(networklist.size() + ""); evList.add(fVo); fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(hostlist.size() + ""); evList.add(fVo); fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(dblist.size() + ""); evList.add(fVo); fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(servicesize + ""); evList.add(fVo); fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(midsize + ""); evList.add(fVo); fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(""); fVo.setObjectNumber(seculist.size() + ""); evList.add(fVo); // // // List evList = new ArrayList(); // Vector v = new Vector(); // v.add(0,""); // v.add(1,one+""); // evList.add(v); // v = new Vector(); // v.add(0,""); // v.add(1,two+""); // evList.add(v); // v = new Vector(); // v.add(0,""); // v.add(1,three+""); // evList.add(v); // createxmlfile(evList); this.removeFlexSession(); // session.setAttribute("deviceList", evList); // CPU // session.setAttribute("networkCPUList", list); // // session.setAttribute("networkInList", allinutillist); // // session.setAttribute("networkOutList", alloututillist); // CPU // session.setAttribute("hostCPUList", allhostcpulist); // // session.setAttribute("hostMemoryList", allhostmemorylist); // // session.setAttribute("hostDiskList", allhostdisklist); // // // this.createFlexXml(evList, "pie_summary_surveillance", 9999); // // CPU // this.setCPUList(list, "column_network_cpu_top10"); // // CPU // this.setCPUList(allhostcpulist, "column_host_cpu_top10"); // // // this.setUtilHdxList(allinutillist, "column_network_in_top10"); // // // this.setUtilHdxList(alloututillist, "column_network_out_top10"); // // // this.setMemoryList(allhostmemorylist, // "column_host_memory_top10"); // // // this.setDiskist(allhostdisklist, "column_host_disk_top10"); // this.createFlexXml(evList, null, "pie_summary_surveillance", 9999); // // CPU // this.setCPUList(list, "column_network_cpu_top10", "network_cpu"); // // CPU // this.setCPUList(allhostcpulist, "column_host_cpu_top10", // "host_cpu"); // // // this.setUtilHdxList(allinutillist, "column_network_in_top10", // "network_in","AllInBandwidthUtilHdx"); // // // this.setUtilHdxList(alloututillist, "column_network_out_top10", // "network_out","AllOutBandwidthUtilHdx"); // // // this.setMemoryList(allhostmemorylist, "column_host_memory_top10", // "host_memory"); // // // this.setDiskist(allhostdisklist, "column_host_disk_top10", // "host_disk"); // yangjun add ManageXmlDao manageXmlDao = new ManageXmlDao(); List xmlList = new ArrayList(); try { xmlList = manageXmlDao.loadByPerAll(bids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { manageXmlDao.close(); } try { if (xmlList != null && xmlList.size() > 0) { this.createBussTree(xmlList);// yangjun // this.createxmlfile(xmlList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // for(int i=0;i<xmlList.size();i++){ // ManageXml manageXml = (ManageXml)xmlList.get(i); // this.createOneXmlfile(manageXml.getXmlName().replace("jsp", // "xml"),manageXml.getTopoName(),"pod0"+(i+1),i+1+""); // } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventdao.close(); nodedao.close(); dbdao.close(); } // request.setAttribute("infoshowlist", list); if (routelist != null) routesize = routelist.size(); if (switchlist != null) switchsize = switchlist.size(); session.setAttribute("rpceventlist", rpceventlist); session.setAttribute("networklist", networklist); session.setAttribute("hostlist", hostlist); session.setAttribute("midsize", midsize + ""); session.setAttribute("servicesize", servicesize + ""); session.setAttribute("securesize", seculist.size() + ""); session.setAttribute("dbsize", dblist.size() + ""); session.setAttribute("routesize", routesize + ""); session.setAttribute("switchsize", switchsize + ""); } // yangjun add public void createEquipXmlfile(List list) { try { ChartXml chartxml; chartxml = new ChartXml("jianshi"); chartxml.addEquipXML(list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // yangjun add public void createequipXmlfile(List list) { try { ChartXml chartxml; chartxml = new ChartXml("equip"); chartxml.addequipXML(list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * */ private String logout() { session.removeAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_MENU); session.removeAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); return "/index.jsp"; } private String setReceiver() { DaoInterface dao = new UserDao(); List allUser = dao.loadAll(); request.setAttribute("allUser", allUser); String event = request.getParameter("event"); request.setAttribute("event", event); String value = request.getParameter("value"); List idList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0 && !"null".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { String email[] = value.split(","); if (email != null && email.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < email.length; i++) { idList.add(Integer.parseInt(email[i])); } } } request.setAttribute("idList", idList); return "/system/user/setreceiver.jsp"; } /**//* * 21 */ public JFreeChart creStackedBarChart(DefaultCategoryDataset defaultcategorydataset) { DefaultCategoryDataset _defaultcategorydataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(32.399999999999999D, "Series 1 ", "Category 1 "); // // _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(0, "Series 2 ", "Category 1 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(0, "Series 3 ", "Category 1 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(43.200000000000003D, "Series 1 ", "Category 2 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(15.6D, "Series 2 ", "Category 2 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(18.300000000000001D, "Series 3 ", "Category 2 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(23D, "Series 1 ", "Category 3 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(11.300000000000001D, "Series 2 ", "Category 3 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(25.5D, "Series 3 ", "Category 3 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(13D, "Series 1 ", "Category 4 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(11.800000000000001D, "Series 2 ", "Category 4 "); _defaultcategorydataset.addValue(29.5D, "Series 3 ", "Category 4 "); JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createStackedBarChart("Exception", "Segment Num", "Segment Average Motion", _defaultcategorydataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false); jfreechart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); CategoryPlot categoryplot = (CategoryPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); categoryplot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); categoryplot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); StackedBarRenderer stackedbarrenderer = (StackedBarRenderer) categoryplot.getRenderer(); stackedbarrenderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); stackedbarrenderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); stackedbarrenderer.setSeriesItemLabelGenerator(0, new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()); return jfreechart; } public int getMiddleService(User vo) { int midsize = 0; // List iislist = new ArrayList(); List tomcatlist = new ArrayList(); List weblogiclist = new ArrayList(); List waslist = new ArrayList(); List dominolist = new ArrayList(); List mqlist = new ArrayList(); List jbosslist = new ArrayList(); List apachelist = new ArrayList(); String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); String bid[] = bids.split(","); Vector rbids = new Vector(); if (bid != null && bid.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bid.length; i++) { if (bid[i] != null && bid[i].trim().length() > 0) rbids.add(bid[i].trim()); } } if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { // MQConfigDao mqdao = new MQConfigDao(); try { mqlist = mqdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { mqdao.close(); } if (mqlist != null && mqlist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + mqlist.size(); } DominoConfigDao dominodao = new DominoConfigDao(); try { dominolist = dominodao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dominodao.close(); } if (dominolist != null && dominolist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + dominolist.size(); } WasConfigDao wasdao = new WasConfigDao(); try { waslist = wasdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { wasdao.close(); } if (waslist != null && waslist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + waslist.size(); } WeblogicConfigDao weblogicdao = new WeblogicConfigDao(); try { weblogiclist = weblogicdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { weblogicdao.close(); } if (weblogiclist != null && weblogiclist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + weblogiclist.size(); } TomcatDao tomcatdao = new TomcatDao(); try { tomcatlist = tomcatdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tomcatdao.close(); } if (tomcatlist != null && tomcatlist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + tomcatlist.size(); } IISConfigDao iisdao = new IISConfigDao(); try { iislist = iisdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { iisdao.close(); } if (iislist != null && iislist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + iislist.size(); } ApacheConfigDao apachedao = new ApacheConfigDao(); try { apachelist = apachedao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { apachedao.close(); } if (apachelist != null && apachelist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + apachelist.size(); } JBossConfigDao jbossdao = new JBossConfigDao(); try { jbosslist = jbossdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { jbossdao.close(); } if (jbosslist != null && jbosslist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + jbosslist.size(); } } else { MQConfigDao mqdao = new MQConfigDao(); try { mqlist = mqdao.getMQByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { mqdao.close(); } if (mqlist != null && mqlist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + mqlist.size(); } DominoConfigDao dominodao = new DominoConfigDao(); try { dominolist = dominodao.getDominoByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dominodao.close(); } if (dominolist != null && dominolist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + dominolist.size(); } WasConfigDao wasdao = new WasConfigDao(); try { waslist = wasdao.getWasByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { wasdao.close(); } if (waslist != null && waslist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + waslist.size(); } WeblogicConfigDao weblogicdao = new WeblogicConfigDao(); try { weblogiclist = weblogicdao.getWeblogicByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { weblogicdao.close(); } if (weblogiclist != null && weblogiclist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + weblogiclist.size(); } TomcatDao tomcatdao = new TomcatDao(); try { tomcatlist = tomcatdao.getTomcatByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tomcatdao.close(); } if (tomcatlist != null && tomcatlist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + tomcatlist.size(); } IISConfigDao iisdao = new IISConfigDao(); try { iislist = iisdao.getIISByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { iisdao.close(); } if (iislist != null && iislist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + iislist.size(); } ApacheConfigDao apachedao = new ApacheConfigDao(); try { apachelist = apachedao.getApacheByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { apachedao.close(); } if (apachelist != null && apachelist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + apachelist.size(); } JBossConfigDao jbossdao = new JBossConfigDao(); try { jbosslist = jbossdao.getJBossByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { jbossdao.close(); } if (jbosslist != null && jbosslist.size() > 0) { midsize = midsize + jbosslist.size(); } } if (session != null) { session.setAttribute("iislist", iislist); session.setAttribute("tomcatlist", tomcatlist); session.setAttribute("weblogiclist", weblogiclist); session.setAttribute("waslist", waslist); session.setAttribute("dominolist", dominolist); session.setAttribute("mqlist", mqlist); session.setAttribute("jbosslist", jbosslist); session.setAttribute("apachelist", apachelist); } return midsize; } public int getServiceNum(User vo) { int servicesize = 0; // List socketlist = new ArrayList(); List ftplist = new ArrayList(); List tftplist = new ArrayList(); List dhcplist = new ArrayList(); List emaillist = new ArrayList(); List weblist = new ArrayList(); PSTypeDao psdao = new PSTypeDao(); FTPConfigDao ftpdao = new FTPConfigDao(); EmailConfigDao emaildao = new EmailConfigDao(); WebConfigDao webdao = new WebConfigDao(); String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); String bid[] = bids.split(","); Vector rbids = new Vector(); if (bid != null && bid.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bid.length; i++) { if (bid[i] != null && bid[i].trim().length() > 0) rbids.add(bid[i].trim()); } } if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { // try { socketlist = psdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { psdao.close(); } if (socketlist != null && socketlist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + socketlist.size(); } try { ftplist = ftpdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ftpdao.close(); } if (ftplist != null && ftplist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + ftplist.size(); } TFTPConfigDao tftpdao = new TFTPConfigDao(); try { tftplist = tftpdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { tftpdao.close(); } if (tftplist != null && tftplist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + tftplist.size(); } DHCPConfigDao dhcpdao = new DHCPConfigDao(); try { dhcplist = dhcpdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { dhcpdao.close(); } if (dhcplist != null && dhcplist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + dhcplist.size(); } try { emaillist = emaildao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { emaildao.close(); } if (emaillist != null && emaillist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + emaillist.size(); } try { weblist = webdao.loadAll(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { webdao.close(); } if (weblist != null && weblist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + weblist.size(); } } else { try { socketlist = psdao.getSocketByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { psdao.close(); } if (socketlist != null && socketlist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + socketlist.size(); } try { ftplist = ftpdao.getFtpByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ftpdao.close(); } if (ftplist != null && ftplist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + ftplist.size(); } try { emaillist = emaildao.getByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { emaildao.close(); } if (emaillist != null && emaillist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + emaillist.size(); } try { weblist = webdao.getWebByBID(rbids); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { webdao.close(); } if (weblist != null && weblist.size() > 0) { servicesize = servicesize + weblist.size(); } } if (session != null) { session.setAttribute("socketlist", socketlist); session.setAttribute("ftplist", ftplist); session.setAttribute("emaillist", emaillist); session.setAttribute("weblist", weblist); } return servicesize; } /** * ups * @param vo * @return */ public int getUpsNum(User vo) { int upssize = 0; String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); String bid[] = bids.split(","); Vector rbids = new Vector(); if (bid != null && bid.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bid.length; i++) { if (bid[i] != null && bid[i].trim().length() > 0) rbids.add(bid[i].trim()); } } List upslist = new ArrayList(); MgeUpsDao mgeUpsDao = new MgeUpsDao(); if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { upslist = mgeUpsDao.loadAll(); } else { upslist = mgeUpsDao.getUpsByBID(rbids); } if (session != null) { session.setAttribute("upslist", upslist); } upssize = upslist.size(); return upssize; } /** * CPUCPU */ // private void setCPUList(List list, String fileName) { // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // FlexVo fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // CPUcollectdata cPUcollectdata = (CPUcollectdata) list.get(i); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // fVo.setObjectName(cPUcollectdata.getIpaddress()); // fVo.setObjectNumber(cPUcollectdata.getThevalue()); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, fileName, 10); // } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ // private void setUtilHdxList(List list, String fileName) { // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // FlexVo fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // AllUtilHdx allUtilHdx = (AllUtilHdx) list.get(i); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // fVo.setObjectName(allUtilHdx.getIpaddress()); // fVo.setObjectNumber(allUtilHdx.getThevalue()); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, fileName, 10); // } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ // private void setMemoryList(List list, String fileName) { // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // FlexVo fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // Memorycollectdata memorycollectdata = (Memorycollectdata) list.get(i); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // fVo.setObjectName(memorycollectdata.getIpaddress()); // fVo.setObjectNumber(memorycollectdata.getThevalue()); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, fileName, 10); // } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ // private void setDiskist(List list, String fileName) { // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // FlexVo fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // Diskcollectdata diskcollectdata = (Diskcollectdata) list.get(i); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // fVo.setObjectName(diskcollectdata.getIpaddress() + " " + // diskcollectdata.getSubentity()); // fVo.setObjectNumber(diskcollectdata.getThevalue()); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, fileName, 10); // } /** * CPUCPU * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private void setCPUList(List list, String fileName, String dir) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Avgcollectdata cPUcollectdata = (Avgcollectdata) list.get(i); if (i < 10) { this.setCPUValue(cPUcollectdata.getIpaddress(), dir); } fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(cPUcollectdata.getIpaddress()); fVo.setObjectNumber(cPUcollectdata.getThevalue()); flexDataList.add(fVo); } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, null, fileName, 10); } /** * ipcpu * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-28 */ private void setCPUValue(String ipAddress, String dir) { I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " 00:00:00"; String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // collectdatacpu, Hashtable cpuHash = new Hashtable(); try { cpuHash = hostManager.getCategory(ipAddress, "CPU", "Utilization", startTime, endTime); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List cpuList = new ArrayList(); if (cpuHash.get("list") != null) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); cpuList = (ArrayList) cpuHash.get("list"); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < cpuList.size(); i++) { Vector cpuVector = new Vector(); fVo = new FlexVo(); cpuVector = (Vector) cpuList.get(i); if (cpuVector != null || cpuVector.size() > 0) { fVo.setObjectNumber((String) cpuVector.get(0) + "%"); fVo.setObjectName((String) cpuVector.get(1)); flexDataList.add(fVo); } } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, dir, ipAddress, 999999); } } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private void setUtilHdxList(List list, String fileName, String dir, String subentity) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Avgcollectdata allUtilHdx = (Avgcollectdata) list.get(i); if (i < 10) { this.setUtilHdxValue(allUtilHdx.getIpaddress(), subentity, dir); } fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(allUtilHdx.getIpaddress()); fVo.setObjectNumber(allUtilHdx.getThevalue() + "Kb/"); flexDataList.add(fVo); } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, null, fileName, 10); } /** * ip * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-28 */ private void setUtilHdxValue(String ipAddress, String subentity, String dir) { I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " 00:00:00"; String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // collectdata, Hashtable utilHash = null; try { utilHash = hostManager.getAllutilhdx(ipAddress, subentity, startTime, endTime, ""); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (utilHash != null) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); List utilHdxList = new ArrayList(); utilHdxList = (List) utilHash.get("list"); if (utilHdxList != null && utilHdxList.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < utilHdxList.size(); i++) { FlexVo fVo = new FlexVo(); Vector utilHdxVector = new Vector(); utilHdxVector = (Vector) utilHdxList.get(i); if (utilHdxVector != null) { fVo.setObjectNumber((String) utilHdxVector.get(0) + (String) utilHdxVector.get(2)); fVo.setObjectName((String) utilHdxVector.get(1)); flexDataList.add(fVo); } } } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, dir, ipAddress, 999999); } } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private void setMemoryList(List list, String fileName, String dir) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Avgcollectdata memorycollectdata = (Avgcollectdata) list.get(i); if (i < 10) { this.setMemoryValue(memorycollectdata.getIpaddress(), dir); } fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(memorycollectdata.getIpaddress()); fVo.setObjectNumber(memorycollectdata.getThevalue()); flexDataList.add(fVo); } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, null, fileName, 10); } /** * ip * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-28 */ private void setMemoryValue(String ipAddress, String dir) { I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " 00:00:00"; String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // collectdata, Hashtable[] memoryHash = null; try { memoryHash = hostManager.getMemory(ipAddress, "Memory", startTime, endTime); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (memoryHash != null && memoryHash.length > 0) { Hashtable physicalMemoryHash = new Hashtable(); physicalMemoryHash = (Hashtable) memoryHash[0]; Vector physicalMemoryVector = new Vector(); if (physicalMemoryHash.get("PhysicalMemory") != null) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); physicalMemoryVector = (Vector) physicalMemoryHash.get("PhysicalMemory"); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < physicalMemoryVector.size(); i++) { Vector memoryVector = new Vector(); fVo = new FlexVo(); memoryVector = (Vector) physicalMemoryVector.get(i); if (memoryVector != null || memoryVector.size() > 0) { fVo.setObjectNumber((String) memoryVector.get(0) + "%"); fVo.setObjectName((String) memoryVector.get(1)); flexDataList.add(fVo); } } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, dir, ipAddress, 999999); } } } /** * * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private void setDiskist(List list, String fileName, String dir) { List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); FlexVo fVo; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Diskcollectdata diskcollectdata = (Diskcollectdata) list.get(i); if (i < 10) { this.setDiskValue(diskcollectdata.getIpaddress(), dir); } fVo = new FlexVo(); fVo.setObjectName(diskcollectdata.getIpaddress() + " " + diskcollectdata.getSubentity()); fVo.setObjectNumber(diskcollectdata.getThevalue() + "%"); flexDataList.add(fVo); } this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, null, fileName, 10); } /** * ip * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-28 */ private void setDiskValue(String ipAddress, String dir) { I_HostLastCollectData hostlastmanager = new HostLastCollectDataManager(); String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " 00:00:00"; String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); // collectdata, Hashtable diskHash = new Hashtable(); try { diskHash = hostlastmanager.getDisk(ipAddress, "Disk", startTime, endTime); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List diskList = new ArrayList(); // if (diskHash.get("list") != null) { // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // diskList = (ArrayList) diskHash.get("list"); // FlexVo fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < diskList.size(); i++) { // Vector diskVector = new Vector(); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // diskVector = (Vector) diskList.get(i); // if (diskVector != null || diskVector.size() > 0) { // fVo.setObjectNumber((String) diskVector.get(0) + "%"); // fVo.setObjectName((String) diskVector.get(1)); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // } // this.createFlexXml(flexDataList, dir, ipAddress, 999999); // } } /** * xml * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private void createFlexXml(List list, String dir, String xmlFileName, int topN) { try { FlexDataXml xml = new FlexDataXml(dir, xmlFileName); xml.buildXml(list, topN); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // xml public void createxmlfile(List list) { try { ChartXml chartxml; chartxml = new ChartXml("yewu"); chartxml.addViewXML(list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // yangjun private void createBussTree(List list) { try { ChartXml chartxml; chartxml = new ChartXml("tree"); chartxml.addViewTree(list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void createOneXmlfile(String filename, String name, String id, String i) { try { ChartXml chartxml; chartxml = new ChartXml("yewu" + i); chartxml.addViewXML(filename, name, id); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * jQueryAjax * * @Author DHCC-huangguolong * @Date 2009-12-17 */ private String testJQury() { String param1 = new String(request.getParameter("param")); request.setAttribute("param1", param1); return "/common/device_list.jsp"; } /** * Creates a sample chart. * * @return a sample chart. */ private JFreeChart createChart() { final XYDataset direction = createDirectionDataset(600); final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("", "", "", direction, true, true, false); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); plot.getDomainAxis().setLowerMargin(0.0); plot.getDomainAxis().setUpperMargin(0.0); plot.setRangeCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setDomainCrosshairVisible(true); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.WHITE); plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.8f); plot.setRangeGridlinesVisible(true); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.darkGray); plot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(true); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(new Color(139, 69, 19)); XYLineAndShapeRenderer render0 = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(0); render0.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLUE); XYAreaRenderer xyarearenderer = new XYAreaRenderer(); xyarearenderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.GREEN); // xyarearenderer.setSeriesFillPaint(1, Color.GREEN); xyarearenderer.setPaint(Color.GREEN); // configure the range axis to display directions... final NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); final TickUnits units = new TickUnits(); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(180.0, new CompassFormat())); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(90.0, new CompassFormat())); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(45.0, new CompassFormat())); units.add(new NumberTickUnit(22.5, new CompassFormat())); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(units); // add the wind force with a secondary dataset/renderer/axis plot.setRangeAxis(rangeAxis); final XYItemRenderer renderer2 = new XYAreaRenderer(); final ValueAxis axis2 = new NumberAxis(""); axis2.setRange(0.0, 12.0); xyarearenderer.setSeriesPaint(1, new Color(0, 204, 0)); // xyarearenderer.setSeriesFillPaint(1, Color.GREEN); xyarearenderer.setPaint(Color.GREEN); plot.setDataset(1, createForceDataset(600)); plot.setRenderer(1, xyarearenderer); plot.setRangeAxis(1, axis2); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); return chart; } /** * Creates a sample dataset. * * @param count * the item count. * * @return the dataset. */ private XYDataset createForceDataset(final int count) { final TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); final TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("", Minute.class); RegularTimePeriod start = new Minute(); double force = 3.0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s1.add(start, force); start =; force = Math.max(0.5, force + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.5); } dataset.addSeries(s1); return dataset; } /** * Creates a sample dataset. * * @param count * the item count. * * @return the dataset. */ private XYDataset createDirectionDataset(final int count) { final TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); final TimeSeries s1 = new TimeSeries("", Minute.class); RegularTimePeriod start = new Minute(); double direction = 180.0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { s1.add(start, direction); start =; direction = direction + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 15.0; if (direction < 0.0) { direction = direction + 360.0; } else if (direction > 360.0) { direction = direction - 360.0; } } dataset.addSeries(s1); return dataset; } /** * Creates a chart. * * @param dataset * the dataset. * * @return The chart. */ private JFreeChart _createChart(final CategoryDataset dataset) { final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("IP", // chart // title "IP", // domain axis label "", // range axis label dataset, // data PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, // orientation true, // include legend true, // tooltips false // urls ); final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); plot.setForegroundAlpha(1.0f); // left align the category labels... final CategoryAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(); final CategoryLabelPositions p = axis.getCategoryLabelPositions(); final CategoryLabelPosition left = new CategoryLabelPosition(RectangleAnchor.LEFT, TextBlockAnchor.CENTER_LEFT, TextAnchor.CENTER_LEFT, 0.0, CategoryLabelWidthType.RANGE, 0.30f); axis.setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions.replaceLeftPosition(p, left)); return chart; } /** * CPU(flex) */ // public List<Avgcollectdata> getHostCPUList() { // User vo = (User) flexSession.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); // String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); // if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { // bids = "-1"; // } // HostNodeDao nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // List hostlist = new ArrayList(); // try { // hostlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(4, bids); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } finally { // nodedao.close(); // } // List hostCPUList = new ArrayList(); // List hostcpulist = new ArrayList(); // if (hostlist != null && hostlist.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < hostlist.size(); i++) { // HostNode node = (HostNode) hostlist.get(i); // I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); // String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") // .format(new Date()) // + " 00:00:00"; // String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") // .format(new Date()); // // collectdatacpu, // Hashtable cpuHash = new Hashtable(); // try { // cpuHash = hostManager.getCategory(node.getIpAddress(), // "CPU", "Utilization", startTime, endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if (cpuHash.get("avgcpucon") != null) { // String avgcpucon = (String) cpuHash.get("avgcpucon"); // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgcpucon.replace("%", "")); // hostcpulist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // } // if (hostcpulist != null && hostcpulist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < hostcpulist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostcpulist.get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < hostcpulist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostcpulist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue().replace("%", "")) // .doubleValue() < new Double(hosdata // .getThevalue().replace("%", "")).doubleValue()) { // hostcpulist.remove(m); // hostcpulist.add(m, hosdata); // hostcpulist.remove(n); // hostcpulist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // hostCPUList.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // } // return hostCPUList; // } // public List<Avgcollectdata> getHostTempCPUList() { // List<Avgcollectdata> hostCPUList = (List<Avgcollectdata>) flexSession.getAttribute("hostCPUList"); // return hostCPUList; // } /** * (flex) */ // public List<Memorycollectdata> getHostMemoryList() { // User vo = (User) flexSession.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); // String bids = vo.getBusinessids(); // if (vo.getRole() == 0 || vo.getRole() == 1) { // bids = "-1"; // } // List hostlist = new ArrayList(); // HostNodeDao nodedao = new HostNodeDao(); // try { // hostlist = nodedao.loadNetworkByBid(4, bids); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } finally { // nodedao.close(); // } // List hostmemorylist = new ArrayList(); // List hostMemoryList = new ArrayList(); // if (hostlist != null && hostlist.size() > 0) { // for (int i = 0; i < hostlist.size(); i++) { // HostNode node = (HostNode) hostlist.get(i); // I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); // String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") // .format(new Date()) // + " 00:00:00"; // String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") // .format(new Date()); // // collectdata, // Hashtable[] memoryHash = null; // try { // memoryHash = hostManager.getMemory(node.getIpAddress(), // "Memory", startTime, endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if (memoryHash != null && memoryHash.length > 0) { // Hashtable physicalMemoryHash = new Hashtable(); // physicalMemoryHash = (Hashtable) memoryHash[2]; // String avgmemory = (String) physicalMemoryHash // .get("PhysicalMemory"); // if (avgmemory != null) { // Avgcollectdata avgcollectdata = new Avgcollectdata(); // avgcollectdata.setIpaddress(node.getIpAddress()); // avgcollectdata.setThevalue(avgmemory.replace("%", "")); // hostmemorylist.add(avgcollectdata); // } // } // } // if (hostmemorylist != null && hostmemorylist.size() > 0) { // for (int m = 0; m < hostmemorylist.size(); m++) { // Avgcollectdata hdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostmemorylist // .get(m); // for (int n = m + 1; n < hostmemorylist.size(); n++) { // Avgcollectdata hosdata = (Avgcollectdata) hostmemorylist // .get(n); // if (new Double(hdata.getThevalue().replace("%", "")) // .doubleValue() < new Double(hosdata // .getThevalue().replace("%", "")).doubleValue()) { // hostmemorylist.remove(m); // hostmemorylist.add(m, hosdata); // hostmemorylist.remove(n); // hostmemorylist.add(n, hdata); // hdata = hosdata; // hosdata = null; // } // } // // Subentity // hostMemoryList.add(hdata); // hdata = null; // } // } // } // return hostMemoryList; // } // public List<Memorycollectdata> getHostTempMemoryList() { // List<Memorycollectdata> hostMemoryList = (List<Memorycollectdata>) flexSession // .getAttribute("hostMemoryList"); // return hostMemoryList; // } // /** // * ip(flex) // * // * @Date 2009-12-28 // */ // public ArrayList<Vos> getMemoryValue(String ipAddress) { // I_HostCollectData hostManager = new HostCollectDataManager(); // String startTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") // .format(new Date()) // + " 00:00:00"; // String endTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") // .format(new Date()); // // collectdata, // Hashtable[] memoryHash = null; // DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); // try { // memoryHash = hostManager.getMemory(ipAddress, "Memory", startTime, // endTime); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // if (memoryHash != null && memoryHash.length > 0) { // Hashtable physicalMemoryHash = new Hashtable(); // physicalMemoryHash = (Hashtable) memoryHash[0]; // Vector physicalMemoryVector = new Vector(); // if (physicalMemoryHash.get("PhysicalMemory") != null) { // ArrayList<Vos> flexDataList = new ArrayList<Vos>(); // physicalMemoryVector = (Vector) physicalMemoryHash // .get("PhysicalMemory"); // Vos fVo; // for (int i = 0; i < physicalMemoryVector.size(); i++) { // Vector memoryVector = new Vector(); // fVo = new Vos(); // memoryVector = (Vector) physicalMemoryVector.get(i); // if (memoryVector != null || memoryVector.size() > 0) { // fVo.setObjectNumber(df.format(Double // .parseDouble((String) memoryVector.get(0)))); // fVo.setObjectName2((String) memoryVector.get(1)); // fVo.setObjectName1(ipAddress); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // } // return flexDataList; // } // } // return null; // } // public List<CPUcollectdata> getNetworkTempCPUList() { // List<CPUcollectdata> networkCPUList = (List<CPUcollectdata>) flexSession.getAttribute("networkCPUList"); // return networkCPUList; // } // public List<AllUtilHdx> getNetworkTempInList() { // List<AllUtilHdx> networkInList = (List<AllUtilHdx>) flexSession // .getAttribute("networkInList"); // return networkInList; // } // public List<AllUtilHdx> getNetworkTempOutList() { // List<AllUtilHdx> networkOutList = (List<AllUtilHdx>) flexSession // .getAttribute("networkOutList"); // return networkOutList; // } /** * (flex) */ // public List<FlexVo> getHostDiskList() { // List<Diskcollectdata> hostDiskList = (List<Diskcollectdata>) flexSession // .getAttribute("hostDiskList"); // List<FlexVo> flexDataList = new ArrayList<FlexVo>(); // FlexVo fVo; // DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); // for (int i = 0; i < hostDiskList.size(); i++) { // Diskcollectdata diskcollectdata = (Diskcollectdata) hostDiskList // .get(i); // fVo = new FlexVo(); // fVo.setObjectName(diskcollectdata.getIpaddress() + " " // + diskcollectdata.getSubentity()); // fVo.setObjectNumber(df.format(Double.parseDouble(diskcollectdata // .getThevalue()))); // flexDataList.add(fVo); // } // return flexDataList; // } /** * session */ private void removeFlexSession() { // if (session.getAttribute("deviceList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("deviceList"); } // CPU if (session.getAttribute("networkCPUList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("networkCPUList"); } // if (session.getAttribute("networkInList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("networkInList"); } // if (session.getAttribute("networkOutList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("networkOutList"); } // CPU if (session.getAttribute("hostCPUList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("hostCPUList"); } // if (session.getAttribute("hostMemoryList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("hostMemoryList"); } // if (session.getAttribute("hostDiskList") != null) { session.removeAttribute("hostDiskList"); } } /** * * * @author nielin * @date 2010-08-09 * @param montinorList * <code></code> * @param category * <code></code> * @param field * <code></code> * @param type * <code></code> * @return */ public List monitorListSort(List montinorList, String category, String field, String type) { for (int i = 0; i < montinorList.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < montinorList.size(); j++) { MonitorNodeDTO monitorNodeDTO = (MonitorNodeDTO) montinorList.get(i); MonitorNodeDTO monitorNodeDTO2 = (MonitorNodeDTO) montinorList.get(j); String fieldValue = ""; String fieldValue2 = ""; if ("name".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getAlias(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getAlias(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) < 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) > 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("ipaddress".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getIpAddress(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getIpAddress(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) < 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) > 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("cpu".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getCpuValue(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getCpuValue(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) < Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) > Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("ping".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getPingValue(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getPingValue(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) < Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) > Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("memory".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getMemoryValue(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getMemoryValue(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) < Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) > Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("inutilhdx".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getInutilhdxValue(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getInutilhdxValue(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) < Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) > Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("oututilhdx".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getOututilhdxValue(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getOututilhdxValue(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) < Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (Double.valueOf(fieldValue) > Double.valueOf(fieldValue2)) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } else if ("category".equals(field)) { fieldValue = monitorNodeDTO.getCategory(); fieldValue2 = monitorNodeDTO2.getCategory(); if ("desc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) < 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } else if ("asc".equals(type)) { // if (fieldValue.compareTo(fieldValue2) > 0) { montinorList.set(i, monitorNodeDTO2); montinorList.set(j, monitorNodeDTO); } } } } } // } return montinorList; } public List getMonitorListByCategory(String category) { String where = ""; if ("node".equals(category)) { where = " where managed=1"; } else if ("net_server".equals(category)) { where = " where managed=1 and category=4"; } else if ("net".equals(category)) { where = " where managed=1 and (category=1 or category=2 or category=3 or category=7) "; } else if ("net_router".equals(category)) { where = " where managed=1 and category=1"; } else if ("net_switch".equals(category)) { where = " where managed=1 and (category=2 or category=3 or category=7) "; } where = where + getBidSql(); HostNodeDao dao = new HostNodeDao(); String key = getParaValue("key"); String value = getParaValue("value"); if (key != null && key.trim().length() > 0 && value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { where = where + " and " + key + "='" + value + "'"; // System.out.println(where); } try { list(dao, where); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { dao.close(); } // request.setAttribute("flag", 1); List list = (List) request.getAttribute("list"); return list; } /** * SQL * * @author nielin * @date 2010-08-09 * @return */ public String getBidSql() { User current_user = (User) session.getAttribute(SessionConstant.CURRENT_USER); StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); int _flag = 0; if (current_user.getBusinessids() != null) { if (current_user.getBusinessids() != "-1") { String[] bids = current_user.getBusinessids().split(","); if (bids.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bids.length; i++) { if (bids[i].trim().length() > 0) { if (_flag == 0) { s.append(" and ( bid like '%," + bids[i].trim() + ",%' "); _flag = 1; } else { // flag = 1; s.append(" or bid like '%," + bids[i].trim() + ",%' "); } } } s.append(") "); } } } //"select * from topo_host_node where managed=1 "+s); String sql = ""; if (current_user.getRole() == 0) { sql = ""; } else { sql = s.toString(); } return sql; } /** * hostNode MonitorNodeDTO * * @param hostNode * @return */ public MonitorNodeDTO getMonitorNodeDTOByHostNode(HostNode hostNode) { SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String date = simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()); String starttime = date + " 00:00:00"; String totime = date + " 23:59:59"; NumberFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat(); numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); MonitorNodeDTO monitorNodeDTO = null; String ipAddress = hostNode.getIpAddress(); int nodeId = hostNode.getId(); String alias = hostNode.getAlias(); int category = hostNode.getCategory(); if (category == 1) { monitorNodeDTO = new MonitorNetDTO(); monitorNodeDTO.setCategory(""); } else if (category == 4) { monitorNodeDTO = new MonitorHostDTO(); monitorNodeDTO.setCategory(""); } else { monitorNodeDTO = new MonitorNetDTO(); monitorNodeDTO.setCategory(""); } // id monitorNodeDTO.setId(nodeId); // ip monitorNodeDTO.setIpAddress(ipAddress); // monitorNodeDTO.setAlias(alias); Host node = (Host) PollingEngine.getInstance().getNodeByID(nodeId); // if (node != null) { monitorNodeDTO.setStatus(node.getStatus() + ""); } else { monitorNodeDTO.setStatus("0"); } // monitorNodeDTO.setStatus(node.getAlarmlevel() + ""); String cpuValue = "0"; // cpu 0 String memoryValue = "0"; // memory 0 String inutilhdxValue = "0"; // inutilhdx 0 String oututilhdxValue = "0"; // oututilhdx 0 String pingValue = "0"; // ping 0 String eventListCount = ""; // eventListCount 0 String collectType = ""; // String cpuValueColor = "green"; // cpu String memoryValueColor = "green"; // memory String generalAlarm = "0"; // 0 String urgentAlarm = "0"; // 0 String seriousAlarm = "0"; // 0 double cpuValueDouble = 0; double memeryValueDouble = 0; Hashtable eventListSummary = new Hashtable(); Hashtable sharedata = ShareData.getSharedata(); Hashtable ipAllData = (Hashtable) sharedata.get(ipAddress); Hashtable allpingdata = ShareData.getPingdata(); if (ipAllData != null) { Vector cpuV = (Vector) ipAllData.get("cpu"); if (cpuV != null && cpuV.size() > 0) { CPUcollectdata cpu = (CPUcollectdata) cpuV.get(0); if (cpu != null && cpu.getThevalue() != null) { cpuValueDouble = Double.valueOf(cpu.getThevalue()); cpuValue = numberFormat.format(cpuValueDouble); } } Vector memoryVector = (Vector) ipAllData.get("memory"); int allmemoryvalue = 0; if (memoryVector != null && memoryVector.size() > 0) { for (int si = 0; si < memoryVector.size(); si++) { Memorycollectdata memorydata = (Memorycollectdata) memoryVector.elementAt(si); if (memorydata.getEntity().equalsIgnoreCase("Utilization")) { // // if // (memorydata.getSubentity().equalsIgnoreCase("PhysicalMemory")) // { // memeryValueDouble = memeryValueDouble + // Double.valueOf(memorydata.getThevalue()); // } if (category == 4 && memorydata.getSubentity().equalsIgnoreCase("PhysicalMemory")) {// memeryValueDouble = Double.valueOf(memorydata.getThevalue()); } if (category == 1 || category == 2 || category == 3) {// allmemoryvalue = allmemoryvalue + Integer.parseInt(memorydata.getThevalue()); if (si == memoryVector.size() - 1) { memeryValueDouble = allmemoryvalue / memoryVector.size(); } } } } memoryValue = numberFormat.format(memeryValueDouble); } Vector allutil = (Vector) ipAllData.get("allutilhdx"); if (allutil != null && allutil.size() == 3) { AllUtilHdx inutilhdx = (AllUtilHdx) allutil.get(0); inutilhdxValue = inutilhdx.getThevalue(); AllUtilHdx oututilhdx = (AllUtilHdx) allutil.get(1); oututilhdxValue = oututilhdx.getThevalue(); } } if (allpingdata != null) { Vector pingData = (Vector) allpingdata.get(ipAddress); if (pingData != null && pingData.size() > 0) { Pingcollectdata pingcollectdata = (Pingcollectdata) pingData.get(0); pingValue = pingcollectdata.getThevalue(); } } String count = ""; EventListDao eventListDao = new EventListDao(); try { if ("mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(SystemConstant.DBType)) { generalAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere(" where nodeid='" + hostNode.getId() + "'" + " and level1='1' and recordtime>='" + starttime + "' and recordtime<='" + totime + "'"); urgentAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere(" where nodeid='" + hostNode.getId() + "'" + " and level1='2' and recordtime>='" + starttime + "' and recordtime<='" + totime + "'"); seriousAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere(" where nodeid='" + hostNode.getId() + "'" + " and level1='3' and recordtime>='" + starttime + "' and recordtime<='" + totime + "'"); } else if ("oracle".equalsIgnoreCase(SystemConstant.DBType)) { generalAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere( " where nodeid=" + hostNode.getId() + "" + " and level1=1 and recordtime>=to_date('" + starttime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and recordtime<=to_date('" + totime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"); urgentAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere( " where nodeid=" + hostNode.getId() + "" + " and level1=2 and recordtime>=to_date('" + starttime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and recordtime<=to_date('" + totime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"); seriousAlarm = eventListDao.getCountByWhere( " where nodeid=" + hostNode.getId() + "" + " and level1=3 and recordtime>=to_date('" + starttime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and recordtime<=to_date('" + totime + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { eventListDao.close(); } eventListCount = count; eventListSummary.put("generalAlarm", generalAlarm); eventListSummary.put("urgentAlarm", urgentAlarm); eventListSummary.put("seriousAlarm", seriousAlarm); monitorNodeDTO.setEventListSummary(eventListSummary); if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_SNMP == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "SNMP"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_PING == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "PING"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_REMOTEPING == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "REMOTEPING"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_SHELL == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "SHELL"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_SSH == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "SSH"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_TELNET == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "TELNET"; } else if (SystemConstant.COLLECTTYPE_WMI == hostNode.getCollecttype()) { collectType = "WMI"; } NodeMonitorDao nodeMonitorDao = new NodeMonitorDao(); List nodeMonitorList = null; try { nodeMonitorList = nodeMonitorDao.loadByNodeID(nodeId); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { nodeMonitorDao.close(); } if (nodeMonitorList != null) { for (int j = 0; j < nodeMonitorList.size(); j++) { NodeMonitor nodeMonitor = (NodeMonitor) nodeMonitorList.get(j); if ("cpu".equals(nodeMonitor.getCategory())) { if (cpuValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue2()) { cpuValueColor = "red"; } else if (cpuValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue1()) { cpuValueColor = "orange"; } else if (cpuValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue0()) { cpuValueColor = "yellow"; } else { cpuValueColor = "green"; } } if ("memory".equals(nodeMonitor.getCategory())) { if (memeryValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue2()) { memoryValueColor = "red"; } else if (memeryValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue1()) { memoryValueColor = "orange"; } else if (memeryValueDouble > nodeMonitor.getLimenvalue0()) { memoryValueColor = "yellow"; } else { memoryValueColor = "green"; } } } } monitorNodeDTO.setCpuValue(cpuValue); monitorNodeDTO.setMemoryValue(memoryValue); monitorNodeDTO.setInutilhdxValue(inutilhdxValue); monitorNodeDTO.setOututilhdxValue(oututilhdxValue); monitorNodeDTO.setPingValue(pingValue); monitorNodeDTO.setEventListCount(eventListCount); monitorNodeDTO.setCollectType(collectType); monitorNodeDTO.setCpuValueColor(cpuValueColor); monitorNodeDTO.setMemoryValueColor(memoryValueColor); return monitorNodeDTO; } }