Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Adaptris Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.adaptris.ftp; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import; import; import; import; import; import com.adaptris.core.util.Args; import com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClient; import com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferClientImp; import com.adaptris.filetransfer.FileTransferException; import com.adaptris.util.FifoMutexLock; /** * Base implementation of {@link FileTransferClient} that uses the apache * commons net FTP implementation. * */ public abstract class ApacheFtpClientImpl<T extends FTPClient> extends FileTransferClientImp implements FtpFileTransferClient { private transient T ftp; private transient TimezoneDateHandler tzHandler; private transient String remoteHost; private transient int timeout; private transient int port; protected transient Map<String, String> additionalSettings; // This is to handle possible thread safety from Usage from // FileTransferConnection private transient FifoMutexLock lock; private ApacheFtpClientImpl() { super(); lock = new FifoMutexLock(); additionalSettings = new HashMap<String, String>(); } /** * Constructor * * @param remoteHost the remote hostname * @param port connection port * @param timeout connection timeout */ public ApacheFtpClientImpl(String remoteHost, int port, int timeout) throws IOException { this(); this.remoteHost = remoteHost; this.port = port; setTimeout(timeout); tzHandler = new TimezoneDateHandler(TimeZone.getDefault()); } public <S extends ApacheFtpClientImpl> S withAdditionalSettings(Map<String, String> settings) { additionalSettings = Args.notNull(settings, "additionalSettings"); return (S) this; } private T ftpClient() throws IOException { if (ftp == null) { ftp = createFTPClient(); preConnectSettings(ftp); ftp.setConnectTimeout(getTimeout()); ftp.setDataTimeout(getTimeout()); try { ftp.connect(remoteHost, port); logReply(ftp.getReplyStrings()); int replyCode = ftp.getReplyCode(); if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(replyCode)) { throw new IOException("FTP Server refused connection"); } postConnectSettings(ftp); } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) { if (ftp.isConnected()) { ftp.disconnect(); ftp = null; } throw e; } } return ftp; } /** * Create the base commons net client. * * @return the actual FtpClient implementation that will be used. */ protected abstract T createFTPClient(); protected abstract void preConnectSettings(T client) throws IOException; protected abstract void postConnectSettings(T client) throws IOException; public int getTimeout() throws IOException { return timeout; } public void setTimeout(int millis) { timeout = millis; } private void acquireLock() { try { lock.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } private void releaseLock() { lock.release(); } @Override public void connect(String user, String password) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.USER, user); log("{} ********", FTPCmd.PASS); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().login(user, password)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } @Override public void connect(String user, String password, String account) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.USER, user); log("{} ********", FTPCmd.PASS); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.ACCT, user); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().login(user, password, account)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } @Override public void put(InputStream srcStream, String remoteFile, boolean append) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); if (append) { log("{} {}", FTPCmd.APPE, remoteFile); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().appendFile(remoteFile, srcStream)); } else { log("{} {}", FTPCmd.STOR, remoteFile); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().storeFile(remoteFile, srcStream)); } } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * Get data from a remote file * * @param destStream output target data stream * @param remoteFile file to be read on the server */ @Override public void get(OutputStream destStream, String remoteFile) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.RETR, remoteFile); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().retrieveFile(remoteFile, destStream)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * Get data as a byte array from a server file * * @param remoteFile file to be read on the server */ @Override public byte[] get(String remoteFile) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.RETR, remoteFile); try (InputStream i = ftpClient().retrieveFileStream(remoteFile); OutputStream o = out) { IOUtils.copy(i, o); } ftpClient().completePendingCommand(); logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); log("Transferred {} bytes from remote host", out.size()); } finally { releaseLock(); } return out.toByteArray(); } /** * list files in the current server directory */ @Override public String[] dir(String dirname, boolean full) throws IOException { String[] listing = new String[0]; try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.LIST, dirname); FTPFile[] results = ftpClient().listFiles(dirname); logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); List<String> output = new ArrayList<String>(); for (FTPFile file : results) { if (full) { output.add(file.toFormattedString()); } else { output.add(file.getName()); } listing = output.toArray(new String[output.size()]); } } finally { releaseLock(); } return listing; } /** * delete a file on the server * * @param remoteFile to be deleted */ @Override public void delete(String remoteFile) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.DELE, remoteFile); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().deleteFile(remoteFile)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * rename a file on the server * * @param from file to be renamed * @param to new name for file */ @Override public void rename(String from, String to) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.RNFR, from); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.RNTO, to); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().rename(from, to)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * remove a directory from the server * * @param dir directory name */ @Override public void rmdir(String dir) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.RMD, dir); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().removeDirectory(dir)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * create a directory on the server * * @param dir directory name */ @Override public void mkdir(String dir) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.MKD, dir); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().makeDirectory(dir)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * change directory on the server * * @param dir directory name */ @Override public void chdir(String dir) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("{} {}", FTPCmd.CWD, dir); handleReturnValue(ftpClient().changeWorkingDirectory(dir)); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } } /** * disconnect from the server */ @Override public void disconnect() throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); log("BYE"); ftpClient().disconnect(); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); ftp = null; } } /** * Set transfer type eg. ASCII, BINARY * * @param ftpFileType FILE_TYPE constant from the Apache commons net FtpClient * class */ public void setType(TransferType ftpFileType) throws IOException { ftpFileType.applyTransferType(ftpClient()); } /** * Get last modified date time of file */ @Override public long lastModified(String path) throws IOException { long lastModified = 0; try { acquireLock(); log("MDTM {}", path); ftpClient().sendCommand("MDTM", path); Reply reply = validateReply(ftpClient().getReplyString(), "213"); lastModified = tzHandler.asLong(reply.getReplyText()); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } return lastModified; } /** * Get last modified date time of file */ @Override public Date lastModifiedDate(String path) throws IOException { Date lastModified = null; try { acquireLock(); log("MDTM {}", path); ftpClient().sendCommand("MDTM", path); Reply reply = validateReply(ftpClient().getReplyString(), "213"); lastModified = tzHandler.asDate(reply.getReplyText()); } finally { logReply(ftpClient().getReplyStrings()); releaseLock(); } return lastModified; } /** * Set the FTP Server timezone handler for modification times. * * If not explicitly set, then the server is assumed to be in the same * timezone as the client; this could lead to incorrect modification times * being reported. * * @param tz the handler. */ public void setServerTimezone(TimeZone tz) { tzHandler = new TimezoneDateHandler(tz); } private void logReply(String[] replyText) { if (replyText == null || replyText.length == 0) { return; } if (isAdditionaDebug()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < replyText.length; i++) { sb.append(replyText[i]); if (i + 1 < replyText.length) { sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); } } logR.trace(sb.toString()); } } /** * Get the type of the OS at the server * * @return the type of server OS * @throws IOException if a comms error occurs */ public String system() throws IOException { String result = null; try { acquireLock(); ftpClient().syst(); result = ftpClient().getReplyString(); } finally { releaseLock(); } return result; } /** * Get the current working directory on the server * * @return the directory * @throws IOException if a comms error occurs */ public String pwd() throws IOException { String result = null; try { acquireLock(); ftpClient().pwd(); result = ftpClient().getReplyString(); } finally { releaseLock(); } return result; } private class TimezoneDateHandler { /** * Format to interpret MTDM timestamp */ private transient SimpleDateFormat tsFormat; TimezoneDateHandler(TimeZone tz) { tsFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); if (tz != null) { tsFormat.setTimeZone(tz); } } Date asDate(String mdtmString) { return tsFormat.parse(mdtmString, new ParsePosition(0)); } long asLong(String mdtmString) { return asDate(mdtmString).getTime(); } } public void setDataMode(FtpDataMode mode) throws IOException { try { acquireLock(); mode.applyDataMode(ftpClient()); } finally { releaseLock(); } } /** * Validate the response the host has supplied against the expected reply. If * we get an unexpected reply we throw an exception, setting the message to * that returned by the FTP server * * @param reply the entire reply string we received * @param expectedReplyCode the reply we expected to receive * */ private Reply validateReply(String reply, String expectedReplyCode) throws IOException, FileTransferException { // all reply codes are 3 chars long String replyCode = reply.substring(0, 3); String replyText = reply.substring(4); Reply replyObj = new Reply(replyCode, replyText); if (replyCode.equals(expectedReplyCode)) { return replyObj; } // if unexpected reply, throw an exception throw new FtpException(replyText, replyCode); } @Override public long getKeepAliveTimeout() throws FileTransferException { try { acquireLock(); return ftpClient().getControlKeepAliveTimeout(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FtpException(e); } finally { releaseLock(); } } @Override public void setKeepAliveTimeout(long seconds) throws FileTransferException { try { acquireLock(); ftpClient().setControlKeepAliveTimeout(seconds); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FileTransferException(e); } finally { releaseLock(); } } @Override public boolean isConnected() { try { acquireLock(); return ftpClient().sendNoOp(); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } finally { releaseLock(); } } protected void handleReturnValue(boolean value) throws IOException { if (!value) { throw new IOException(ftpClient().getReplyString()); } } }