Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Adaptris Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.adaptris.core.fs; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.adaptris.core.Adapter; import com.adaptris.core.AdaptrisMessage; import com.adaptris.core.Channel; import com.adaptris.core.ConfiguredConsumeDestination; import com.adaptris.core.ConsumeDestination; import com.adaptris.core.ConsumerCase; import com.adaptris.core.CoreException; import com.adaptris.core.FixedIntervalPoller; import com.adaptris.core.Poller; import com.adaptris.core.QuartzCronPoller; import com.adaptris.core.StandaloneConsumer; import com.adaptris.core.StandardWorkflow; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticAscending; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.AlphabeticDescending; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.FileSorter; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.LastModifiedAscending; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.LastModifiedDescending; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.NoSorting; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SizeAscending; import com.adaptris.core.fs.enhanced.SizeDescending; import com.adaptris.core.runtime.AdapterManager; import com.adaptris.core.util.JmxHelper; import com.adaptris.core.util.LifecycleHelper; import com.adaptris.util.GuidGenerator; import com.adaptris.util.TimeInterval; public abstract class FsConsumerCase extends ConsumerCase { protected static final String COLON = ":"; protected static final String HYPHEN = "-"; /** * Key in that defines where example goes unless overriden {@link #setBaseDir(String)}. * */ public static final String BASE_DIR_KEY = "FsConsumerCase.baseDir"; public static final String BASE_KEY = "FsMessageConsumerTest.destinationName"; private static final Poller[] POLLERS = { new FixedIntervalPoller(new TimeInterval(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)), new QuartzCronPoller("0 */5 * * * ?"), new FsImmediateEventPoller() }; private static final List<Poller> POLLER_LIST = Arrays.asList(POLLERS); private enum FileSortImplementation { AlphabeticAscending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new AlphabeticAscending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> allows you to sort filenames alphabetically ascending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return AlphabeticAscending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, AlphabeticDescending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new AlphabeticDescending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> allows you to sort filenames alphabetically descending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return AlphabeticDescending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, NoSort() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new NoSorting(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> does no sorting (and is the default) of the files" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return NoSorting.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, LastModifiedAscending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new LastModifiedAscending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> sorts the filenames, by lastmodified, ascending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return LastModifiedAscending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, LastModifiedDescending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new LastModifiedDescending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> sorts the filenames, by lastmodified, descending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return LastModifiedDescending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, SizeAscending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new SizeAscending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> sorts the filenames, by actual file size, ascending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return SizeAscending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }, SizeDescending() { @Override public FileSorter getImplementation() { return new SizeDescending(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-sorter> sorts the filenames, by actual file size, descending" + "\nbefore processing the files found in a directory. \n\n-->\n"; } @Override public boolean matches(FileSorter impl) { return SizeDescending.class.equals(impl.getClass()); } }; public abstract FileSorter getImplementation(); public abstract String getXmlHeader(); public abstract boolean matches(FileSorter impl); } private enum FilterImplementation { Regex { @Override public String getExpression() { return ".*\\.xml"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return RegexFileFilter.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-filter-imp> you to filter filenames based on an java.util.regex regular expression" + "\n<filter-expression> contains the regular expression" + "\nIt is the default if not explicitly configured." + "\n\n-->\n"; } }, Awk { @Override public String getExpression() { return "*.xml"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return AwkFilenameFilter.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-filter-imp> you to filter filenames based on an AWK regular expression" + "\n<filter-expression> contains the AWK regular expression" + "\nDEPRECATED since 3.7.0" + "\n\n-->\n"; } }, Glob { @Override public String getExpression() { return "*.xml"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return GlobFilenameFilter.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter filenames based on a simple GLOB regular expression" + "\n<filter-expression> contains the GLOB regular expression" + "\nDEPRECATED since 3.7.0" + "\n\n-->\n"; } }, Perl { @Override public String getExpression() { return ".*\\.xml"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return Perl5FilenameFilter.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\nThe configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter filenames based on a Perl regular expression" + "\n<filter-expression> contains the Perl regular expression" + "\nDEPRECATED since 3.7.0" + "\n\n-->\n"; } }, LargerThan { @Override public String getExpression() { return "102480"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return SizeGreaterThan.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files based on the size of each file, it must be" + "\n greater than the size specified (in bytes) in <filter-expression> \n\n-->\n"; } }, LargerThanOrEqual { @Override public String getExpression() { return "102480"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return SizeGreaterThanOrEqual.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files based on the size of each file, it must be" + "\n greater than or equal to the size specified (in bytes) in <filter-expression> \n\n-->\n"; } }, LessThan { @Override public String getExpression() { return "4096"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return SizeLessThan.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files based on the size of each file, it must be" + "\n less than the size specified (in bytes) in <filter-expression> \n\n-->\n"; } }, LessThanOrEqual { @Override public String getExpression() { return "4096"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return SizeLessThanOrEqual.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files based on the size of each file, it must be" + "\n less than or equal to the size specified (in bytes) in <filter-expression> \n\n-->\n"; } }, OlderThan { @Override public String getExpression() { return "-P1D"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return OlderThan.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files based on the last modified of each file, it must be" + "\n in this instance older than 1 day based on the <filter-expression> \n\n-->\n"; } }, Composite { @Override public String getExpression() { return "SizeGT=4096__@@__Perl=.*\\.xml"; } @Override public String getImpl() { return CompositeFileFilter.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getXmlHeader() { return "<!--\n\n " + "The configured <file-filter-imp> allows you to filter files a based on a chain of filters, <filter-expression>" + "\ncontains directives about the type of filter and expression to be used for each filter.\n\n-->\n"; } }; public ConsumeDestination createDestination() { return new ConfiguredConsumeDestination("file:////path/to/consume-directory", getExpression()); } public abstract String getExpression(); public abstract String getImpl(); public abstract String getXmlHeader(); } public FsConsumerCase(java.lang.String testName) { super(testName); configureExampleConfigBaseDir(); } /* * The reason for this is due to the possible number of combinations that are created as part of retrieveObjectsForSampleConfig... * At the current time it is 112 example-xml files for each consumer (a combination of poller-impl/file-filter/file-sort)... which * is just going to be fscking insane for a normal example-xml directory. */ protected abstract void configureExampleConfigBaseDir(); protected abstract FsConsumerImpl createConsumer(String subDir); protected abstract FsConsumerImpl createConsumer(); protected abstract void assertMessages(List<AdaptrisMessage> list, int count, File[] remaining); public void testBasicInit() throws Exception { String subDir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl consumer = createConsumer(subDir); try { FsConsumerImpl consumer2 = createConsumer(); try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer2); fail("no destination - should throw Exception"); } catch (CoreException e) { // expected } // test creation of file filter imp... consumer.getDestination().setFilterExpression(".*\\.xml"); consumer.setFileFilterImp(Perl5FilenameFilter.class.getName()); try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer); } catch (CoreException e) { fail("Exception calling init with valid FileFilter " + e); } LifecycleHelper.close(consumer); // test creation of invalid FF Imp consumer.setFileFilterImp("com.class.does.not.exist.FileFilter"); try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer); fail("Calling init with invalid FileFilter "); } catch (CoreException e) { } } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subDir)); } } public void testFileSorter() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl consumer = createConsumer(subdir); assertEquals(NoSorting.class, consumer.getFileSorter().getClass()); consumer.setFileSorter(new LastModifiedAscending()); assertEquals(LastModifiedAscending.class, consumer.getFileSorter().getClass()); try { consumer.setFileSorter(null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testSetFileFilterImp() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl consumer = createConsumer(subdir); ((ConfiguredConsumeDestination) consumer.getDestination()).setFilterExpression(".*"); assertNull(consumer.getFileFilterImp()); assertEquals(, consumer.fileFilterImp()); try { try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer); } catch (CoreException e) { fail("Exception calling init with valid FileFilter " + e); } // test creation of file filter imp... consumer.setFileFilterImp(Perl5FilenameFilter.class.getName()); assertEquals(Perl5FilenameFilter.class.getName(), consumer.getFileFilterImp()); assertEquals(Perl5FilenameFilter.class.getName(), consumer.fileFilterImp()); try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer); } catch (CoreException e) { fail("Exception calling init with valid FileFilter " + e); } finally { LifecycleHelper.close(consumer); } // test creation of invalid FF Imp consumer.setFileFilterImp("com.class.does.not.exist.FileFilter"); assertEquals("com.class.does.not.exist.FileFilter", consumer.getFileFilterImp()); assertEquals("com.class.does.not.exist.FileFilter", consumer.fileFilterImp()); try { LifecycleHelper.init(consumer); fail("Calling init with invalid FileFilter "); } catch (CoreException e) { } finally { LifecycleHelper.close(consumer); } } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subdir)); } } public void testSetDestination() { FsConsumerImpl consumer = createConsumer(); // 1 - valid ConfiguredConsumeDestination ConfiguredConsumeDestination dest = new ConfiguredConsumeDestination("dest"); consumer.setDestination(dest); assertTrue(consumer.getDestination().equals(dest)); try { consumer.setDestination(null); fail("no Exc. when dest is null"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // ok } } public void testInitWithMkdirs() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(subdir); try { fs.setCreateDirs(true); LifecycleHelper.init(fs); } finally { LifecycleHelper.close(fs); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subdir)); } } public void testSetCreateDirs() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); try { FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(subdir); fs.setCreateDirs(null); assertNull(fs.getCreateDirs()); assertFalse(fs.shouldCreateDirs()); fs.setCreateDirs(Boolean.TRUE); assertNotNull(fs.getCreateDirs()); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, fs.getCreateDirs()); assertTrue(fs.shouldCreateDirs()); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subdir)); } } public void testSetLogAllExceptions() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); try { FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(subdir); fs.setLogAllExceptions(null); assertNull(fs.getLogAllExceptions()); assertTrue(fs.logAllExceptions()); fs.setLogAllExceptions(Boolean.FALSE); assertNotNull(fs.getLogAllExceptions()); assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, fs.getLogAllExceptions()); assertFalse(fs.logAllExceptions()); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subdir)); } } public void testInitWithoutMkdirs() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(subdir); fs.setCreateDirs(false); try { LifecycleHelper.init(fs); fail("Should not have been able to init with [" + fs.getDestination().getDestination() + "] w/o creating the directory"); } catch (CoreException e) { ;// Expected } finally { LifecycleHelper.close(fs); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(PROPERTIES.getProperty(BASE_KEY), subdir)); } } public void testSetQuietPeriod() throws Exception { FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(); TimeInterval defaultInterval = new TimeInterval(0L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertNull(fs.getQuietInterval()); assertEquals(defaultInterval.toMilliseconds(), fs.olderThanMs()); TimeInterval interval = new TimeInterval(20L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); fs.setQuietInterval(interval); assertEquals(interval, fs.getQuietInterval()); assertEquals(interval.toMilliseconds(), fs.olderThanMs()); fs.setQuietInterval(null); assertNull(fs.getQuietInterval()); assertEquals(defaultInterval.toMilliseconds(), fs.olderThanMs()); } public void testFsMonitor() throws Exception { String subdir = new GuidGenerator().safeUUID(); FsConsumerImpl fs = createConsumer(subdir); fs.setUniqueId(getName()); Adapter adapter = new Adapter(); adapter.setUniqueId(getName()); Channel channel = new Channel(); channel.setUniqueId(getName()); StandardWorkflow wf = new StandardWorkflow(); wf.setUniqueId(getName()); wf.setConsumer(fs); channel.getWorkflowList().add(wf); adapter.getChannelList().add(channel); AdapterManager am = new AdapterManager(adapter); try { am.registerMBean(); am.requestInit(); String objectNameString = String.format( "com.adaptris:type=ConsumerMonitor,adapter=%s,channel=%s,workflow=%s,id=%s", getName(), getName(), getName(), getName()); MBeanServer mBeanServer = JmxHelper.findMBeanServer(); FsConsumerMonitorMBean mbean = JMX.newMBeanProxy(mBeanServer, ObjectName.getInstance(objectNameString), FsConsumerMonitorMBean.class); assertEquals(0, mbean.messagesRemaining()); } finally { am.requestClose(); am.unregisterMBean(); } } @Override protected List retrieveObjectsForSampleConfig() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); for (FilterImplementation filter : FilterImplementation.values()) { for (Poller poller : POLLER_LIST) { for (FileSortImplementation sort : FileSortImplementation.values()) { StandaloneConsumer sc = new StandaloneConsumer(createConsumer(null)); ((FsConsumerImpl) sc.getConsumer()).setPoller(poller); ((FsConsumerImpl) sc.getConsumer()).setDestination(filter.createDestination()); ((FsConsumerImpl) sc.getConsumer()).setFileFilterImp(filter.getImpl()); ((FsConsumerImpl) sc.getConsumer()).setFileSorter(sort.getImplementation()); result.add(sc); } } } return result; } /** * @see com.adaptris.core.ExampleConfigCase#retrieveObjectForSampleConfig() */ @Override protected Object retrieveObjectForSampleConfig() { return null; } @Override protected String getExampleCommentHeader(Object object) { return super.getExampleCommentHeader(object) + getFilterImplementation((FsConsumerImpl) ((StandaloneConsumer) object).getConsumer()) .getXmlHeader() + getFileSortImplementation((FsConsumerImpl) ((StandaloneConsumer) object).getConsumer()) .getXmlHeader(); } @Override protected String createBaseFileName(Object object) { FsConsumerImpl p = (FsConsumerImpl) ((StandaloneConsumer) object).getConsumer(); String filterImpl; String fileSortImpl; try { filterImpl = Class.forName(p.getFileFilterImp()).getSimpleName(); fileSortImpl = p.getFileSorter().getClass().getSimpleName(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return super.createBaseFileName(object) + HYPHEN + p.getPoller().getClass().getSimpleName() + HYPHEN + filterImpl + HYPHEN + fileSortImpl; } private FilterImplementation getFilterImplementation(FsConsumerImpl consumer) { if (isBlank(consumer.getFileFilterImp())) { throw new RuntimeException(); } FilterImplementation result = null; for (FilterImplementation filter : FilterImplementation.values()) { if (filter.getImpl().equals(consumer.getFileFilterImp())) { result = filter; break; } } return result; } private FileSortImplementation getFileSortImplementation(FsConsumerImpl consumer) { FileSortImplementation result = null; for (FileSortImplementation sort : FileSortImplementation.values()) { if (sort.matches(consumer.getFileSorter())) { result = sort; break; } } return result; } }