Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


*                                                                        *
*  This file is part of the 20n/act project.                             *
*  20n/act enables DNA prediction for synthetic biology/bioengineering.  *
*  Copyright (C) 2017 20n Labs, Inc.                                     *
*                                                                        *
*  Please direct all queries to                             *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*  GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                        *
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
*  along with this program.  If not, see <>. *
*                                                                        *

package com.act.lcms.v2.fullindex;

import com.act.lcms.LCMSNetCDFParser;
import com.act.lcms.LCMSSpectrum;
import com.act.lcms.MS1;
import com.act.utils.CLIUtil;
import com.act.utils.rocksdb.DBUtil;
import com.act.utils.rocksdb.RocksDBAndHandles;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDB;
import org.rocksdb.RocksDBException;
import org.rocksdb.WriteOptions;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

public class Builder {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getFormatterLogger(Builder.class);
    private static final Charset UTF8 = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
    /* TIMEPOINTS_KEY is a fixed key into a separate column family in the index that just holds a list of time points.
     * Within that column family, there is only one entry:
     *   "timepoints" -> serialized array of time point doubles
     * and we use this key to write/read those time points.  Since time points are shared across all traces, we can
     * maintain this one copy in the index and reconstruct the XZ pairs as we read trace intensity arrays. */
    // All of these are intentionally package private.
    static final byte[] TIMEPOINTS_KEY = "timepoints".getBytes(UTF8);

    /* This step size should make it impossible for us to miss any readings in the index due to FP error.
     * We could make the index more compact by spacing these windows out a bit, but I'll leave that as a TODO. */
    static final Double MZ_STEP_SIZE = MS1.MS1_MZ_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT / 2.0;
    static final Double MIN_MZ = 50.0;
    static final Double MAX_MZ = 950.0;

    public static final String OPTION_INDEX_PATH = "x";
    public static final String OPTION_SCAN_FILE = "i";

    public static final String HELP_MESSAGE = StringUtils
            .join(new String[] { "This class extracts and indexes readings from an LCMS scan files, ",
                    "and writes them to an on-disk index for later processing." }, "");

    public static final List<Option.Builder> OPTION_BUILDERS = new ArrayList<Option.Builder>() {
            add(Option.builder(OPTION_INDEX_PATH).argName("index path")
                    .desc("A path to the directory where the on-disk index will be stored; must not already exist")
            add(Option.builder(OPTION_SCAN_FILE).argName("scan file")
                    .desc("A path to the LCMS NetCDF scan file to read").hasArg().required().longOpt("input"));
            add(Option.builder("h").argName("help").desc("Prints this help message").longOpt("help"));

    public static class Factory {
        public static Builder makeBuilder(File indexDir) throws RocksDBException {
  "Creating index at %s", indexDir.getAbsolutePath());
            RocksDBAndHandles<ColumnFamilies> dbAndHandles = DBUtil.createNewRocksDB(indexDir,
            return new Builder(dbAndHandles);

    private RocksDBAndHandles<ColumnFamilies> dbAndHandles;

    Builder(RocksDBAndHandles<ColumnFamilies> dbAndHandles) {
        this.dbAndHandles = dbAndHandles;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        CLIUtil cliUtil = new CLIUtil(Builder.class, HELP_MESSAGE, OPTION_BUILDERS);
        CommandLine cl = cliUtil.parseCommandLine(args);

        File inputFile = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_SCAN_FILE));
        if (!inputFile.exists()) {
            cliUtil.failWithMessage("Cannot find input scan file at %s", inputFile.getAbsolutePath());

        File indexDir = new File(cl.getOptionValue(OPTION_INDEX_PATH));
        if (indexDir.exists()) {
            cliUtil.failWithMessage("Index file at %s already exists--remove and retry",

        Builder indexBuilder = Factory.makeBuilder(indexDir);
        try {
            indexBuilder.processScan(indexBuilder.makeTargetMasses(), inputFile);
        } finally {
            if (indexBuilder != null) {

    public void close() throws RocksDBException {

    private List<Double> makeTargetMasses() {
        List<Double> targets = new ArrayList<>();
        for (double m = MIN_MZ - MZ_STEP_SIZE; m <= MAX_MZ + MZ_STEP_SIZE; m += MZ_STEP_SIZE) {
        return targets;

    public void processScan(List<Double> targetMZs, File scanFile)
            throws RocksDBException, ParserConfigurationException, XMLStreamException, IOException {
        DateTime start =;"Accessing scan file at %s", scanFile.getAbsolutePath());
        LCMSNetCDFParser parser = new LCMSNetCDFParser();
        Iterator<LCMSSpectrum> spectrumIterator = parser.getIterator(scanFile.getAbsolutePath());

        WriteOptions writeOptions = new WriteOptions();
        /* The write-ahead log and disk synchronization features are useful when we need our writes to be durable (i.e. to
         * survive a crash).  However, our index construction is effectively a one-shot deal: if it doesn't succeed, we'll
         * just start from scratch.  Since we don't care about durability while we're constructing the index, the WAL and
         * sync features eat a lot of disk space and I/O bandwidth, which slows us down.  So long as we cleanly close the
         * index once it's built, nobody has to know that we disabled these features. */

        // TODO: split targetMZs into batches of ~100k and extract incrementally to allow huge input sets."Extracting traces");
        List<MZWindow> windows = targetsToWindows(targetMZs);
        extractTriples(spectrumIterator, windows);"Writing search targets to on-disk index");

        DateTime end =;"Index construction completed in %dms", end.getMillis() - start.getMillis());

    private List<MZWindow> targetsToWindows(List<Double> targetMZs) {
        List<MZWindow> windows = new ArrayList<MZWindow>() {
                int i = 0;
                for (Double targetMZ : targetMZs) {
                    add(new MZWindow(i, targetMZ));

        /* We *must* ensure the windows are sorted in m/z order for the sweep line to work.  However, we don't know anything
         * about the input targetMZs list, which may be immutable or may be in some order the client wants to preserve.
         * Rather than mess with that array, we'll sort the windows in our internal array and leave be the client's targets.
        Collections.sort(windows, (a, b) -> a.getTargetMZ().compareTo(b.getTargetMZ()));

        return windows;

    protected void extractTriples(Iterator<LCMSSpectrum> iter, List<MZWindow> windows)
            throws RocksDBException, IOException {
        /* Warning: this method makes heavy use of ByteBuffers to perform memory efficient collection of values and
         * conversion of those values into byte arrays that RocksDB can consume.  If you haven't already, go read this
         * tutorial on ByteBuffers:
         * ByteBuffers are quite low-level structures, and they use some terms you need to watch out for:
         *   capacity: The total number of bytes in the array backing the buffer.  Don't write more than this.
         *   position: The next index in the buffer to read or write a byte.  Moves with each read or write op.
         *   limit:    A mark of where the final byte in the buffer was written.  Don't read past this.
         *             The remaining() call is affected by the limit.
         *   mark:     Ignore this for now, we don't use it.  (We'll always, always read buffers from 0.)
         * And here are some methods that we'll use often:
         *   clear:     Set position = 0, limit = 0.  Pretend the buffer is empty, and is ready for more writes.
         *   flip:      Set limit = position, then position = 0.  This remembers how many bytes were written to the buffer
         *              (as the current position), and then puts the position at the beginning.
         *              Always call this after the write before a read.
         *   rewind:    Set position = 0.  Buffer is ready for reading, but unless the limit was set we might now know how
         *              many bytes there are to read.  Always call flip() before rewind().  Can rewind many times to re-read
         *              the buffer repeatedly.
         *   remaining: How many bytes do we have left to read?  Requires an accurate limit value to avoid garbage bytes.
         *   reset:     Don't use this.  It uses the mark, which we don't need currently.
         * Write/read patterns look like:
         *   buffer.clear(); // Clear out anything already in the buffer.
         *   buffer.put(thing1).put(thing2)... // write a bunch of stuff
         *   buffer.flip(); // Prep for reading.  Call *once*!
         *   while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { buffer.get(); } // Read a bunch of stuff.
         *   buffer.rewind(); // Ready for reading again!
         *   while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { buffer.get(); } // Etc.
         *   buffer.reset(); // Forget what was written previously, buffer is ready for reuse.
         * We use byte buffers because they're fast, efficient, and offer incredibly convenient means of serializing a
         * stream of primitive types to their minimal binary representations.  The same operations on objects + object
         * streams require significantly more CPU cycles, consume more memory, and tend to be brittle (i.e. if a class
         * definition changes slightly, serialization may break).  Since the data we're dealing with is pretty simple, we
         * opt for the low-level approach.

        /* Because we'll eventually use the window indices to map a mz range to a list of triples that fall within that
         * range, verify that all of the indices are unique.  If they're not, we'll end up overwriting the data in and
         * corrupting the structure of the index. */

        // For every mz window, allocate a buffer to hold the indices of the triples that fall in that window.
        ByteBuffer[] mzWindowTripleBuffers = new ByteBuffer[windows.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < mzWindowTripleBuffers.length; i++) {
            /* Note: the mapping between these buffers and their respective mzWindows is purely positional.  Specifically,
             * mzWindows.get(i).getIndex() != i, but mzWindowTripleBuffers[i] belongs to mzWindows.get(i).  We'll map windows
             * indices to the contents of mzWindowTripleBuffers at the very end of this function. */
            mzWindowTripleBuffers[i] = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES * 4096); // Start with 4096 longs = 8 pages per window.

        // Every TMzI gets an index which we'll use later when we're querying by m/z and time.
        long counter = -1; // We increment at the top of the loop.
        // Note: we could also write to an mmapped file and just track pointers, but then we might lose out on compression.

        // We allocate all the buffers strictly here, as we know how many bytes a long and a triple will take.  Then reuse!
        ByteBuffer counterBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES);
        ByteBuffer valBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(TMzI.BYTES);
        List<Float> timepoints = new ArrayList<>(2000); // We can be sloppy here, as the count is small.

        /* We use a sweep-line approach to scanning through the m/z windows so that we can aggregate all intensities in
         * one pass over the current LCMSSpectrum (this saves us one inner loop in our extraction process).  The m/z
         * values in the LCMSSpectrum become our "critical" or "interesting points" over which we sweep our m/z ranges.
         * The next window in m/z order is guaranteed to be the next one we want to consider since we address the points
         * in m/z order as well.  As soon as we've passed out of the range of one of our windows, we discard it.  It is
         * valid for a window to be added to and discarded from the working queue in one application of the work loop. */
        LinkedList<MZWindow> tbdQueueTemplate = new LinkedList<>(windows); // We can reuse this template to init the sweep.

        int spectrumCounter = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            LCMSSpectrum spectrum =;
            float time = spectrum.getTimeVal().floatValue();

            // This will record all the m/z + intensity readings that correspond to this timepoint.  Exactly sized too!
            ByteBuffer triplesForThisTime = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES * spectrum.getIntensities().size());

            // Batch up all the triple writes to reduce the number of times we hit the disk in this loop.
            // Note: huge success!
            RocksDBAndHandles.RocksDBWriteBatch<ColumnFamilies> writeBatch = dbAndHandles.makeWriteBatch();

            // Initialize the sweep line lists.  Windows go follow: tbd -> working -> done (nowhere).
            LinkedList<MZWindow> workingQueue = new LinkedList<>();
            LinkedList<MZWindow> tbdQueue = (LinkedList<MZWindow>) tbdQueueTemplate.clone(); // clone is in the docs, so okay!
            for (Pair<Double, Double> mzIntensity : spectrum.getIntensities()) {
                // Very important: increment the counter for every triple.  Otherwise we'll overwrite triples = Very Bad (tm).

                // Brevity = soul of wit!
                Double mz = mzIntensity.getLeft();
                Double intensity = mzIntensity.getRight();

                // Reset the buffers so we end up re-using the few bytes we've allocated.
                counterBuffer.clear(); // Empty (virtually).
                counterBuffer.flip(); // Prep for reading.

                valBuffer.clear(); // Empty (virtually).
                TMzI.writeToByteBuffer(valBuffer, time, mz, intensity.floatValue());
                valBuffer.flip(); // Prep for reading.

                // First, shift any applicable ranges onto the working queue based on their minimum mz.
                while (!tbdQueue.isEmpty() && tbdQueue.peekFirst().getMin() <= mz) {

                // Next, remove any ranges we've passed.
                while (!workingQueue.isEmpty() && workingQueue.peekFirst().getMax() < mz) {
                    workingQueue.pop(); // TODO: add() this to a recovery queue which can then become the tbdQueue.  Edge cases!
                /* In the old indexed trace extractor world, we could bail here if there were no target m/z's in our window set
                 * that matched with the m/z of our current mzIntensity.  However, since we're now also recording the links
                 * between timepoints and their (t, m/z, i) triples, we need to keep on keepin' on regardless of whether we have
                 * any m/z windows in the working set right now. */

                // The working queue should now hold only ranges that include this m/z value.  Sweep line swept!

                /* Now add this intensity to the buffers of all the windows in the working queue.  Note that since we're only
                 * storing the *index* of the triple, these buffers are going to consume less space than they would if we
                 * stored everything together. */
                for (MZWindow window : workingQueue) {
                    // TODO: count the number of times we add intensities to each window's accumulator for MS1-style warnings.
                    counterBuffer.rewind(); // Already flipped.
                    mzWindowTripleBuffers[window.getIndex()] = // Must assign when calling appendOrRealloc.
                            Utils.appendOrRealloc(mzWindowTripleBuffers[window.getIndex()], counterBuffer);

                // We flipped after reading, so we should be good to rewind (to be safe) and write here.
                writeBatch.put(ColumnFamilies.ID_TO_TRIPLE, Utils.toCompactArray(counterBuffer),

                // Rewind again for another read.


            assert (triplesForThisTime.position() == triplesForThisTime.capacity());

            ByteBuffer timeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Float.BYTES).putFloat(time);
            timeBuffer.flip(); // Prep both bufers for reading so they can be written to the DB.
            dbAndHandles.put(ColumnFamilies.TIMEPOINT_TO_TRIPLES, Utils.toCompactArray(timeBuffer),


            if (spectrumCounter % 1000 == 0) {
      "Extracted %d time spectra", spectrumCounter);
        }"Extracted %d total time spectra", spectrumCounter);

        // Now write all the mzWindow to triple indexes.
        RocksDBAndHandles.RocksDBWriteBatch<ColumnFamilies> writeBatch = dbAndHandles.makeWriteBatch();
        ByteBuffer idBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES);
        for (int i = 0; i < mzWindowTripleBuffers.length; i++) {

            ByteBuffer triplesBuffer = mzWindowTripleBuffers[i];
            triplesBuffer.flip(); // Prep for read.

            writeBatch.put(ColumnFamilies.WINDOW_ID_TO_TRIPLES, Utils.toCompactArray(idBuffer),

        dbAndHandles.put(ColumnFamilies.TIMEPOINTS, TIMEPOINTS_KEY, Utils.floatListToByteArray(timepoints));

    private void ensureUniqueMZWindowIndices(List<MZWindow> windows) {
        Set<Integer> ids = new HashSet<>(windows.size());
        for (MZWindow window : windows) {
            if (ids.contains(window.getIndex())) {
                String msg = String.format(
                        "Assumption violation: found duplicate mzWindow index when all should be unique: %d",
                // A hard invariant has been violated, so crash the program.
                throw new RuntimeException(msg);

     * Writes all MZWindows to the DB as serialized objects.  Windows are keyed by target MZ (as a Double) for easy lookup
     * in the case that we have a target m/z that exactly matches a window.
     * @param windows The windows to write.
     * @throws RocksDBException
     * @throws IOException
    protected void writeWindowsToDB(List<MZWindow> windows) throws RocksDBException, IOException {
        for (MZWindow window : windows) {
            byte[] keyBytes = Utils.serializeObject(window.getTargetMZ());
            byte[] valBytes = Utils.serializeObject(window);

            dbAndHandles.put(ColumnFamilies.TARGET_TO_WINDOW, keyBytes, valBytes);

        dbAndHandles.flush(true);"Done writing window data to index");