Source code

Java tutorial


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*                                                                        *
*  This file is part of the 20n/act project.                             *
*  20n/act enables DNA prediction for synthetic biology/bioengineering.  *
*  Copyright (C) 2017 20n Labs, Inc.                                     *
*                                                                        *
*  Please direct all queries to                             *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*  GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
*                                                                        *
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
*  along with this program.  If not, see <>. *
*                                                                        *

package com.act.lcms.db.analysis;

import com.act.lcms.Gnuplotter;
import com.act.lcms.LCMSNetCDFParser;
import com.act.lcms.LCMSSpectrum;
import com.act.lcms.MS1;
import com.act.lcms.XZ;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.ChemicalOfInterest;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.LCMSWell;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.Plate;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.PlateWell;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.ScanFile;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.StandardIonResult;
import com.act.lcms.db.model.StandardWell;
import com.act.lcms.plotter.WriteAndPlotMS1Results;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class AnalysisHelper {

    // This constant is the best score when a metlin ion is provided manually
    private static final Double MANUAL_OVERRIDE_BEST_SCORE = 0.0d;
    private static final Integer REPRESENTATIVE_INDEX = 0;
    private static final Set<String> EMPTY_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(0));
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getFormatterLogger(AnalysisHelper.class);

    private static <A, B> Pair<List<A>, List<B>> split(List<Pair<A, B>> lpairs) {
        List<A> a = new ArrayList<>();
        List<B> b = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Pair<A, B> p : lpairs) {
        return Pair.of(a, b);

     * Process a list of wells (LCMS or Standard), producing a list of scan objects that encapsulate the plate,
     * scan file, and masses for that well.
     * @param db The DB from which to extract plate data.
     * @param lcmsDir The directory where the LCMS scans live.
     * @param searchMZs A list of target M/Zs to search for in the scans (see API for {@link MS1}.
     * @param kind The role of this well in this analysis (standard, positive sample, negative control).
     * @param plateCache A hash of Plates already accessed from the DB.
     * @param samples A list of wells to process.
     * @param useSNRForPeakIdentification If true, signal-to-noise ratio will be used for peak identification.  If not,
     *                                    peaks will be identified by intensity.
     * @param <T> The PlateWell type whose scans to process.
     * @return A list of ScanData objects that wraps the objects required to produce a graph for each specified well.
     * @throws Exception
    public static <T extends PlateWell<T>> Pair<List<ScanData<T>>, Double> processScans(DB db, File lcmsDir,
            List<Pair<String, Double>> searchMZs, ScanData.KIND kind, HashMap<Integer, Plate> plateCache,
            List<T> samples, boolean useFineGrainedMZTolerance, Set<String> includeIons, Set<String> excludeIons,
            boolean useSNRForPeakIdentification) throws Exception {
        Double maxIntensity = 0.0d;
        List<ScanData<T>> allScans = new ArrayList<>(samples.size());
        for (T well : samples) {
            // The foreign key constraint on wells ensure that plate will be non-null.
            Plate plate = plateCache.get(well.getPlateId());
            if (plate == null) {
                plate = Plate.getPlateById(db, well.getPlateId());
                plateCache.put(plate.getId(), plate);

  "Processing LCMS well %s %s", plate.getBarcode(), well.getCoordinatesString());

            List<ScanFile> scanFiles = ScanFile.getScanFileByPlateIDRowAndColumn(db, well.getPlateId(),
                    well.getPlateRow(), well.getPlateColumn());
            if (scanFiles == null || scanFiles.size() == 0) {
                LOGGER.error("WARNING: No scan files available for %s %s", plate.getBarcode(),

            for (ScanFile sf : scanFiles) {
                if (sf.getFileType() != ScanFile.SCAN_FILE_TYPE.NC) {
                    // TODO: Migrate sysem.err to LOGGER framework
                    LOGGER.error("Skipping scan file with non-NetCDF format: %s", sf.getFilename());
                File localScanFile = new File(lcmsDir, sf.getFilename());
                if (!localScanFile.exists() && localScanFile.isFile()) {
                    LOGGER.error("WARNING: could not find regular file at expected path: %s",

                MS1 mm = new MS1(useFineGrainedMZTolerance, useSNRForPeakIdentification);
                for (Pair<String, Double> searchMZ : searchMZs) {
                    MS1.IonMode mode = MS1.IonMode.valueOf(sf.getMode().toString().toUpperCase());
                    Map<String, Double> allMasses = mm.getIonMasses(searchMZ.getRight(), mode);
                    Map<String, Double> metlinMasses = Utils.filterMasses(allMasses, includeIons, excludeIons);

                    MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResults;

                    List<ChemicalOfInterest> chemicalsOfInterest = ChemicalOfInterest.getInstance()
                            .getChemicalOfInterestByName(db, searchMZ.getLeft());

                    // Check if in the input chemical is valid
                    if (chemicalsOfInterest == null || chemicalsOfInterest.size() == 0) {
                        MS1 ms1 = new MS1();
                        ms1ScanResults = ms1.getMS1(metlinMasses, localScanFile.getAbsolutePath());
                    } else {
                        MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResultsCache = new MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge();
                        ms1ScanResults = ms1ScanResultsCache.getByPlateIdPlateRowPlateColUseSnrScanFileChemical(db,
                                plate, well, true, sf, searchMZ.getLeft(), metlinMasses, localScanFile);

                    maxIntensity = Math.max(ms1ScanResults.getMaxYAxis(), maxIntensity);

          "Max intensity for target %s (%f) in %s is %f", searchMZ.getLeft(),
                            searchMZ.getRight(), sf.getFilename(), ms1ScanResults.getMaxYAxis());

                    // TODO: purge the MS1 spectra from ms1ScanResults if this ends up hogging too much memory.
                    allScans.add(new ScanData<T>(kind, plate, well, sf, searchMZ.getLeft(), metlinMasses,
        return Pair.of(allScans, maxIntensity);

     * This function gets the intensity-time values for each mass charge in a scan file and packages that up into a mapping
     * * between the mass charge pair and ScanData.
     * @param db The db to query scan files from
     * @param lcmsDir The lcms dir where the lcms files are found
     * @param searchMZs The pair of chemical and mass charge pairs
     * @param kind The kind of plate the lcms was run over
     * @param plateCache The plate cache
     * @param scanFile The scan file being examined
     * @param well The well being analyzed
     * @param useFineGrainedMZTolerance boolean for MZ tolerance
     * @param useSNRForPeakIdentification If true, signal-to-noise ratio will be used for peak identification.  If not,
     *                                    peaks will be identified by intensity.
     * @param <T> The platewell abstraction
     * @return A mapping of mass charge to scandata
     * @throws Exception
    public static <T extends PlateWell<T>> Map<Pair<String, Double>, ScanData<T>> getIntensityTimeValuesForEachMassChargeInScanFile(
            DB db, File lcmsDir, Set<Pair<String, Double>> searchMZs, ScanData.KIND kind,
            HashMap<Integer, Plate> plateCache, ScanFile scanFile, T well, boolean useFineGrainedMZTolerance,
            boolean useSNRForPeakIdentification)
            throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, XMLStreamException, SQLException {

        // The foreign key constraint on wells ensure that plate will be non-null.
        Plate plate = plateCache.get(well.getPlateId());
        if (plate == null) {
            plate = Plate.getPlateById(db, well.getPlateId());
            plateCache.put(plate.getId(), plate);

        if (scanFile.getFileType() != ScanFile.SCAN_FILE_TYPE.NC) {
            LOGGER.error("Skipping scan file with non-NetCDF format: %s", scanFile.getFilename());
            return null;

        File localScanFile = new File(lcmsDir, scanFile.getFilename());
        if (!localScanFile.exists() && localScanFile.isFile()) {
            LOGGER.error("WARNING: could not find regular file at expected path: %s",
            return null;

        Map<Pair<String, Double>, ScanData<T>> result = new HashMap<>();
        MS1 mm = new MS1(useFineGrainedMZTolerance, useSNRForPeakIdentification);

        Map<Pair<String, Double>, MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge> massChargeToMS1Results = getMultipleMS1s(mm,
                searchMZs, localScanFile.getAbsolutePath());

        for (Map.Entry<Pair<String, Double>, MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge> entry : massChargeToMS1Results
                .entrySet()) {
            String chemicalName = entry.getKey().getLeft();
            Double massCharge = entry.getKey().getRight();
            MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanForWellAndMassCharge = entry.getValue();

            Map<String, Double> singletonMass = Collections.singletonMap(chemicalName, massCharge);
            result.put(entry.getKey(), new ScanData<T>(kind, plate, well, scanFile, chemicalName, singletonMass,

        return result;

    private static Map<Pair<String, Double>, MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge> getMultipleMS1s(MS1 ms1,
            Set<Pair<String, Double>> metlinMasses, String ms1File)
            throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, XMLStreamException {

        // In order for this to sit well with the data model we'll need to ensure the keys are all unique.
        Set<String> uniqueKeys = new HashSet<>(); -> {
            if (uniqueKeys.contains(x)) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        String.format("Assumption violation: found duplicate metlin mass keys: %s", x));

        Iterator<LCMSSpectrum> ms1Iterator = new LCMSNetCDFParser().getIterator(ms1File);

        Map<Double, List<XZ>> scanLists = new HashMap<>(metlinMasses.size());
        // Initialize reading buffers for all of the target masses.
        metlinMasses.forEach(x -> {
            if (!scanLists.containsKey(x.getRight())) {
                scanLists.put(x.getRight(), new ArrayList<>());
        // De-dupe by mass in case we have exact duplicates, sort for well-ordered extractions.
        List<Double> sortedMasses = new ArrayList<>(scanLists.keySet());

        /* Note: this operation is O(n * m) where n is the number of (mass, intensity) readings from the scan
         * and m is the number of mass targets specified.  We might be able to get this down to O(m log n), but
         * we'll save that for once we get this working at all. */

        while (ms1Iterator.hasNext()) {
            LCMSSpectrum timepoint =;

            // get all (mz, intensity) at this timepoint
            List<Pair<Double, Double>> intensities = timepoint.getIntensities();

            // for this timepoint, extract each of the ion masses from the METLIN set
            for (Double ionMz : sortedMasses) {
                // this time point is valid to look at if its max intensity is around
                // the mass we care about. So lets first get the max peak location
                double intensityForMz = ms1.extractMZ(ionMz, intensities);

                // the above is Pair(mz_extracted, intensity), where mz_extracted = mz
                // we now add the timepoint val and the intensity to the output
                XZ intensityAtThisTime = new XZ(timepoint.getTimeVal(), intensityForMz);

        Map<Pair<String, Double>, MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge> finalResults = new HashMap<>(metlinMasses.size());

        /* Note: we might be able to squeeze more performance out of this by computing the
         * stats once per trace and then storing them.  But the time to compute will probably
         * be dwarfed by the time to extract the data (assuming deduplication was done ahead
         * of time), so we'll leave it as is for now. */
        for (Pair<String, Double> pair : metlinMasses) {
            String label = pair.getLeft();
            Double mz = pair.getRight();
            MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge result = new MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge();

            result.getIonsToSpectra().put(label, scanLists.get(mz));
            ms1.computeAndStorePeakProfile(result, label);

            // DO NOT use isGoodPeak here.  We want positive and negative results alike.

            // There's only one ion in this scan, so just use its max.
            Double maxIntensity = result.getMaxIntensityForIon(label);
            // How/why is this not IonsToMax?  Just set it as such for this.
            result.setIndividualMaxIntensities(Collections.singletonMap(label, maxIntensity));

            finalResults.put(pair, result);

        return finalResults;

     * Write the time/intensity data for a given scan to an output stream.
     * Note that the signature of ScanData is intentionally weakened to allow us to conditionally handle LCMSWell or
     * StandardWell objects contained in scanData.
     * @param fos The output stream to which to write the time/intensity data.
     * @param lcmsDir The directory where the LCMS scan data can be found.
     * @param maxIntensity The maximum intensity for all scans in the ultimate graph to be produced.
     * @param scanData The scan data whose values will be written.
     * @param ionsToWrite A set of ions to write; all available ions are written if this is null.
     * @return A list of graph labels for each LCMS file in the scan.
     * @throws Exception
    public static List<String> writeScanData(FileOutputStream fos, File lcmsDir, Double maxIntensity,
            ScanData scanData, boolean makeHeatmaps, boolean applyThreshold, Set<String> ionsToWrite)
            throws Exception {
        if (ScanData.KIND.BLANK == scanData.getKind()) {
            return Collections.singletonList(Gnuplotter.DRAW_SEPARATOR);

        Plate plate = scanData.getPlate();
        ScanFile sf = scanData.getScanFile();
        Map<String, Double> metlinMasses = scanData.getMetlinMasses();
        File localScanFile = new File(lcmsDir, sf.getFilename());

        MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResults = scanData.getMs1ScanResults();

        WriteAndPlotMS1Results plottingUtil = new WriteAndPlotMS1Results();
        List<Pair<String, String>> ionsAndLabels = plottingUtil.writeMS1Values(ms1ScanResults.getIonsToSpectra(),
                maxIntensity, metlinMasses, fos, makeHeatmaps, applyThreshold, ionsToWrite);
        List<String> ionLabels = split(ionsAndLabels).getRight();"Scan for target %s has ion labels: %s", scanData.getTargetChemicalName(),
                StringUtils.join(ionLabels, ", "));

        List<String> graphLabels = new ArrayList<>(ionLabels.size());
        if (scanData.getWell() instanceof LCMSWell) {
            for (String label : ionLabels) {
                LCMSWell well = (LCMSWell) scanData.getWell();
                String l = String.format("%s (%s fed %s) @ %s %s %s, %s %s", well.getComposition(), well.getMsid(),
                        well.getChemical() == null || well.getChemical().isEmpty() ? "nothing" : well.getChemical(),
                        plate.getBarcode(), well.getCoordinatesString(), sf.getMode().toString().toLowerCase(),
                        scanData.getTargetChemicalName(), label);

      "Adding graph w/ label %s", l);
        } else if (scanData.getWell() instanceof StandardWell) {
            for (String label : ionLabels) {
                StandardWell well = (StandardWell) scanData.getWell();
                String l = String.format("Standard %s @ %s %s %s, %s %s",
                        well.getChemical() == null || well.getChemical().isEmpty() ? "nothing" : well.getChemical(),
                        plate.getBarcode(), well.getCoordinatesString(), sf.getMode().toString().toLowerCase(),
                        scanData.getTargetChemicalName(), label);
      "Adding graph w/ label %s", l);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Graph request for well type %s",
        }"Done processing file at %s", localScanFile.getAbsolutePath());
        return graphLabels;

     * This function picks the best scan file based on two critereon: a) The scan file has to be a positive scan file
     * b) The scan file has to be of the latest lcms run for the well.
     * @param db The db to query scan files from
     * @param well The well being used for the analysis
     * @param <T> The platewell type abstraction
     * @return The best ScanFile
     * @throws Exception
    public static <T extends PlateWell<T>> ScanFile pickBestScanFileForWell(DB db, T well) throws Exception {
        List<ScanFile> scanFiles = ScanFile.getScanFileByPlateIDRowAndColumn(db, well.getPlateId(),
                well.getPlateRow(), well.getPlateColumn());

        // TODO: We only analyze positive scan files for now since we are not confident with the negative scan file results.
        // Since we perform multiple scans on the same well, we need to categorize the data based on date.
        ScanFile latestScanFiles = null;
        LocalDateTime latestDateTime = null;

        for (ScanFile scanFile : scanFiles) {
            if (!scanFile.isNegativeScanFile()) {
                LocalDateTime scanDate = scanFile.getDateFromScanFileTitle();

                // Pick the newest scan files
                if (latestDateTime == null || scanDate.isAfter(latestDateTime)) {
                    latestScanFiles = scanFile;
                    latestDateTime = scanDate;

        return latestScanFiles;

    public static String constructChemicalAndScanTypeName(String name, ScanData.KIND kind) {
        return kind.equals(ScanData.KIND.POS_SAMPLE) ? name + "_Positive" : name + "_Negative";

     * This function constructs a ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues object from the scan data per mass charge
     * name and value.
     * @param massChargePairToScanDataResult A mapping for mass charge to scan data
     * @param kind The kind of well
     * @param <T>
     * @return A ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues object.
    public static <T extends PlateWell<T>> ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues constructChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValuesFromMassChargeData(
            Map<Pair<String, Double>, ScanData<T>> massChargePairToScanDataResult, ScanData.KIND kind) {

        ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues peakData = new ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues();

        for (Map.Entry<Pair<String, Double>, ScanData<T>> entry : massChargePairToScanDataResult.entrySet()) {
            String chemicalName = entry.getKey().getLeft();
            ScanData<T> scan = entry.getValue();

            // get all the scan results for each metlin mass combination for a given compound.
            Map<String, List<XZ>> ms1s = scan.getMs1ScanResults().getIonsToSpectra();

            String plotName = constructChemicalAndScanTypeName(chemicalName, kind);

            // Read intensity and time data for each metlin mass. We only expect one mass charge pair per ms1ScanResults
            // since we are extracting traces from the scan files via getMultipleMS1s.
            for (Map.Entry<String, List<XZ>> ms1ForIon : ms1s.entrySet()) {
                String ion = ms1ForIon.getKey();
                List<XZ> ms1 = ms1ForIon.getValue();
                peakData.addIonIntensityTimeValueToChemical(plotName, ion, ms1);

        return peakData;

     * This function filters out negative scan data, then categorizes the remaining based on dates, followed by finding
     * a set of scan data with the lowest noise. Based on this filtered set of data, it constructs a
     * ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues object that is a mapping of chemical to metlin ion to intensity/time
     * values for each ion.
     * @param db
     * @param lcmsDir - The directory where the LCMS scan data can be found.
     * @param searchMZs - A list of target M/Zs to search for in the scans (see API for {@link MS1}.
     * @param kind - The role of this well in this analysis (standard, positive sample, negative control)
     * @param plateCache - A hash of Plates already accessed from the DB.
     * @param samples - A list of wells to process.
     * @param useSNRForPeakIdentification - If true, signal-to-noise ratio will be used for peak identification.  If not,
     *                                    peaks will be identified by intensity.
     * @param targetChemical - A string associated with the chemical name.
     * @return - A mapping of chemical to metlin ion to intensity/time values.
     * @throws Exception
    public static ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues readStandardWellScanData(DB db, File lcmsDir,
            List<Pair<String, Double>> searchMZs, ScanData.KIND kind, HashMap<Integer, Plate> plateCache,
            List<StandardWell> samples, boolean useFineGrainedMZTolerance, Set<String> includeIons,
            Set<String> excludeIons, boolean useSNRForPeakIdentification, String targetChemical) throws Exception {

        List<ScanData<StandardWell>> allScans = processScans(db, lcmsDir, searchMZs, kind, plateCache, samples,
                useFineGrainedMZTolerance, includeIons, excludeIons, useSNRForPeakIdentification).getLeft();

        // If there are no scans found, the client should handle this situation. So we return null.
        if (allScans.size() == 0) {
            LOGGER.error("WARNING: No scans were found.");
            return null;

        // TODO: We only analyze positive scan files for now since we are not confident with the negative scan file results.
        // Since we can perform multiple scans on the same well, we need to categorize the data based on date.
        Map<LocalDateTime, List<ScanData<StandardWell>>> filteredScansCategorizedByDate = new HashMap<>();
        Map<LocalDateTime, List<ScanData<StandardWell>>> postFilteredScansCategorizedByDate = new HashMap<>();

        for (ScanData<StandardWell> scan : allScans) {
            if (!scan.scanFile.isNegativeScanFile()) {
                LocalDateTime scanDate = scan.scanFile.getDateFromScanFileTitle();
                List<ScanData<StandardWell>> scanDataForDate = filteredScansCategorizedByDate.get(scanDate);
                if (scanDataForDate == null) {
                    scanDataForDate = new ArrayList<>();
                filteredScansCategorizedByDate.put(scanDate, scanDataForDate);

        // Filter out date categories that do not contain the target chemical
        for (Map.Entry<LocalDateTime, List<ScanData<StandardWell>>> entry : filteredScansCategorizedByDate
                .entrySet()) {
            Boolean containsTargetChemical = false;
            for (ScanData<StandardWell> scanData : entry.getValue()) {
                if (scanData.getWell().getChemical().equals(targetChemical)) {
                    containsTargetChemical = true;

            if (containsTargetChemical) {
                postFilteredScansCategorizedByDate.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        // Choose the date where the target chemical's scan file has the lowest noise across all ions.
        // TODO: Is there a better way of choosing between scanfiles categorized between dates?
        LocalDateTime bestDate = null;
        Double lowestNoise = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        for (Map.Entry<LocalDateTime, List<ScanData<StandardWell>>> entry : postFilteredScansCategorizedByDate
                .entrySet()) {
            for (ScanData<StandardWell> scanData : entry.getValue()) {
                if (scanData.getWell().getChemical().equals(targetChemical)) {
                    if (WaveformAnalysis
                            .maxNoiseOfSpectra(scanData.getMs1ScanResults().getIonsToSpectra()) < lowestNoise) {
                        lowestNoise = WaveformAnalysis
                        bestDate = entry.getKey();

        // At this point, we guarantee that each standard well chemical is run only once on a given day.
        List<ScanData<StandardWell>> representativeListOfScanFiles = postFilteredScansCategorizedByDate

        // We use this below container to hold the scandata of a particular chemical with the highest hash code among
        // all scandata of the given chemical. We do so that if we find two standard wells of the same chemical run on the
        // same day, we consistently pick the same well over multiple runs.
        Map<String, ScanData<StandardWell>> chemicalToHighestScanDataHashCode = new HashMap<>();

        for (ScanData<StandardWell> scan : representativeListOfScanFiles) {
            ScanData<StandardWell> result = chemicalToHighestScanDataHashCode.get(scan.getWell().getChemical());
            if (result == null) {
                result = scan;
            } else {
                if (scan.hashCode() > result.hashCode()) {
                    result = scan;
            chemicalToHighestScanDataHashCode.put(scan.getWell().getChemical(), result);

        ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues peakData = new ChemicalToMapOfMetlinIonsToIntensityTimeValues();

        for (Map.Entry<String, ScanData<StandardWell>> chemicalToScanDataWithHighestHashCode : chemicalToHighestScanDataHashCode
                .entrySet()) {

            ScanData<StandardWell> scan = chemicalToScanDataWithHighestHashCode.getValue();

            // get all the scan results for each metlin mass combination for a given compound.
            MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResults = scan.getMs1ScanResults();
            Map<String, List<XZ>> ms1s = ms1ScanResults.getIonsToSpectra();

            // read intensity and time data for each metlin mass
            for (Map.Entry<String, List<XZ>> ms1ForIon : ms1s.entrySet()) {
                String ion = ms1ForIon.getKey();
                List<XZ> ms1 = ms1ForIon.getValue();
                peakData.addIonIntensityTimeValueToChemical(scan.getWell().getChemical(), ion, ms1);

        return peakData;

     * This function does a naive scoring algorithm where it just picks the first element of the sorted hashed map as
     * the best metlin ion.
     * @param sortedIonList - This is sorted map of ion to best intensity,time values.
     * @return The lowest score ion, which is the best prediction.
    public static String getBestMetlinIonFromPossibleMappings(LinkedHashMap<String, XZ> sortedIonList) {
        String result = "";
        for (Map.Entry<String, XZ> metlinIonToData : sortedIonList.entrySet()) {
            // Get the first value from the input since it is already sorted.
            result = metlinIonToData.getKey();
        return result;

    public static List<String> writeScanData(FileOutputStream fos, File lcmsDir, Double maxIntensity,
            ScanData scanData, boolean makeHeatmaps, boolean applyThreshold) throws Exception {
        return writeScanData(fos, lcmsDir, maxIntensity, scanData, makeHeatmaps, applyThreshold, null);

     * This function scores the various metlin ions from different standard ion results, sorts them and picks the
     * best ion. This is done by adding up the indexed positions of the ion in each sorted entry of the list of
     * standard ion results. Since the entries in the standard ion results are sorted, the lower magnitude summation ions
     * are better than the larger magnitude summations. Then, we add another feature, in this case, the normalized SNR/maxSNR
     * but multiplying the positional score with the normalized SNR. The exact calculation is as follows:
     * score = positional_score * (1 - SNR(i)/maxSNR). We have to do the (1 - rel_snr) since we choose the lowest score,
     * so if the rel_snr is huge (ie a good signal), the overall magnitude of score will reduce, which makes that a better
     * ranking for the ion. We then do a post filtering on these scores based on if we have only positive/negative scans
     * from the scan files which exist in the context of the caller.
     * @param standardIonResults The list of standard ion results
     * @param curatedMetlinIons A map from standard ion result to the best curated ion that was manual inputted.
     * @param areOtherPositiveModeScansAvailable This boolean is used to post filter and pick a positive metlin ion if and
     *                                       only if positive ion mode scans are available.
     * @param areOtherNegativeModeScansAvailable This boolean is used to post filter and pick a negative metlin ion if and
     *                                       only if negative ion mode scans are available.
     * @return The best metlin ion or null if none can be found
    public static String scoreAndReturnBestMetlinIonFromStandardIonResults(
            List<StandardIonResult> standardIonResults, Map<StandardIonResult, String> curatedMetlinIons,
            boolean areOtherPositiveModeScansAvailable, boolean areOtherNegativeModeScansAvailable) {
        if (standardIonResults == null) {
            return null;

        // We find the maximum SNR values for each standard ion result so that we can normalize individual SNR scores
        // during scoring.
        HashMap<StandardIonResult, Double> resultToMaxSNR = new HashMap<>();
        for (StandardIonResult result : standardIonResults) {
            Double maxSNR = 0.0d;
            for (Map.Entry<String, XZ> resultoDoublePair : result.getAnalysisResults().entrySet()) {
                if (resultoDoublePair.getValue().getIntensity() > maxSNR) {
                    maxSNR = resultoDoublePair.getValue().getIntensity();
            resultToMaxSNR.put(result, maxSNR);

        Map<String, Double> metlinScore = new HashMap<>();
        Set<String> ions = standardIonResults.get(0).getAnalysisResults().keySet();

        // For each ion, iterate through all the ion results to find the position of that ion in each result set (since the
        // ions are sorted) and then multiply that by a normalized value of the SNR.
        for (String ion : ions) {
            for (StandardIonResult result : standardIonResults) {
                Integer counter = 0;
                for (String localIon : result.getAnalysisResults().keySet()) {
                    if (localIon.equals(ion)) {
                        Double ionScore = metlinScore.get(ion);
                        if (ionScore == null) {
                            // Normalize the sample's SNR by dividing it by the maxSNR. Then we multiple a variant of it to the counter
                            // score so that if the total magnitude of the score is lower, the ion is ranked higher.
                            ionScore = (1.0 * counter) * (1 - (result.getAnalysisResults().get(ion).getIntensity()
                                    / resultToMaxSNR.get(result)));
                        } else {
                            ionScore += (1.0 * counter) * (1 - (result.getAnalysisResults().get(ion).getIntensity()
                                    / resultToMaxSNR.get(result)));
                        metlinScore.put(ion, ionScore);

        for (Map.Entry<StandardIonResult, String> resultToIon : curatedMetlinIons.entrySet()) {
            // Override all the scores of the manually curated standard ion result and set them to the highest rank.
            // Ideally, the user has been consistent for the best metlin ion across similar standard ion results, so
            // tie breakers will not happen. If a tie happen, it is broken arbitrarily.
            metlinScore.put(resultToIon.getValue(), MANUAL_OVERRIDE_BEST_SCORE);

        TreeMap<Double, List<String>> sortedScores = new TreeMap<>();
        for (String ion : metlinScore.keySet()) {
            if (MS1.getIonModeOfIon(ion) != null) {
                if ((MS1.getIonModeOfIon(ion).equals(MS1.IonMode.POS) && areOtherPositiveModeScansAvailable)
                        || (MS1.getIonModeOfIon(ion).equals(MS1.IonMode.NEG)
                                && areOtherNegativeModeScansAvailable)) {
                    List<String> ionBucket = sortedScores.get(metlinScore.get(ion));
                    if (ionBucket == null) {
                        ionBucket = new ArrayList<>();
                    sortedScores.put(metlinScore.get(ion), ionBucket);

        if (sortedScores.size() == 0) {
                    "Could not find any ions corresponding to the positive and negative scan mode conditionals");
            return null;
        } else {
            List<String> topMetlinIons = sortedScores.get(sortedScores.keySet().iterator().next());
            // In cases of a tie breaker, simply choose the first ion.
            return topMetlinIons.get(0);

     * This function takes a well as input, finds all the scan files associated with that well, then picks a representative
     * scan file, in this case, the first scan file which has the NC file format. It then extracts the ms1 scan results
     * corresponding to that scan file and packages it up into a ScanData container.
     * @param db - The db from which the data is extracteds
     * @param lcmsDir - The dir were scan files are present
     * @param well - The well based on which the scan file is founds
     * @param chemicalForMZValue - This is chemical from which the mz values that are needed from the ms1 analysis is extracted.
     * @param targetChemical - This is the target chemical for the analysis, ie find all chemicalForMZValue's mz variates
     *                       within targetChemical's ion profile.
     * @return ScanData - The resultant scan data.
     * @throws Exception
    public static ScanData<StandardWell> getScanDataForWell(DB db, File lcmsDir, StandardWell well,
            String chemicalForMZValue, String targetChemical) throws Exception {
        Plate plate = Plate.getPlateById(db, well.getPlateId());
        List<ScanFile> scanFiles = ScanFile.getScanFileByPlateIDRowAndColumn(db, well.getPlateId(),
                well.getPlateRow(), well.getPlateColumn());

        ScanFile representativeScanFile = null;

        for (ScanFile scanFile : scanFiles) {
            if (scanFile.getFileType() == ScanFile.SCAN_FILE_TYPE.NC) {
                representativeScanFile = scanFile;

        if (representativeScanFile == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("None of the scan files are of the NC format");

        File localScanFile = new File(lcmsDir, representativeScanFile.getFilename());
        if (!localScanFile.exists() && localScanFile.isFile()) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not find regular file at expected path: %s", localScanFile.getAbsolutePath());
            return null;

        Pair<String, Double> mzValue = Utils.extractMassFromString(db, chemicalForMZValue);
        MS1 mm = new MS1();

        // TODO: Unify these enums.
        MS1.IonMode mode = MS1.IonMode.valueOf(representativeScanFile.getMode().toString().toUpperCase());
        Map<String, Double> allMasses = mm.getIonMasses(mzValue.getRight(), mode);
        Map<String, Double> metlinMasses = Utils.filterMasses(allMasses, EMPTY_SET, EMPTY_SET);

        MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResultsCache = new MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge();
        MS1ScanForWellAndMassCharge ms1ScanResultsForPositiveControl = ms1ScanResultsCache
                .getByPlateIdPlateRowPlateColUseSnrScanFileChemical(db, plate, well, true, representativeScanFile,
                        targetChemical, metlinMasses, localScanFile);

        ScanData<StandardWell> encapsulatedDataForPositiveControl = new ScanData<StandardWell>(
                ScanData.KIND.STANDARD, plate, well, representativeScanFile, targetChemical, metlinMasses,

        return encapsulatedDataForPositiveControl;