Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2010 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * $Id:,v 1.6 2010/08/22 07:11:03 xp Exp $ */ package com.abssh.util; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaSpecification; import org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projection; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.internal.CriteriaImpl; import org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer; import org.hibernate.transform.Transformers; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import com.abssh.util.Page; import com.abssh.util.PropertyFilter; import com.abssh.util.PropertyFilter.MatchType; import com.abssh.util.ReflectionUtils; /** * ???Dao. * * ,?. ?Service,?DAO?,?. * * @param <T> * DAO? * @param <PK> * * * @author pub * */ public class GenericDao<T, PK extends Serializable> extends SimpleHibernateDao<T, PK> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 64398323349897817L; private static String DEF_SEPARATOR = ".";// /** * Dao?. ??Class. * * <br/> * eg. public class UserDao extends GenericDao<User, Long>{ } */ public GenericDao() { super(); } /** * ?Dao, ServiceGenericDao. Class. * * <br/> * eg. GenericDao<User, Long> userDao = new GenericDao<User, * Long>(sessionFactory, User.class); */ public GenericDao(final SessionFactory sessionFactory, final Class<T> entityClass) { super(sessionFactory, entityClass); } /** * ?page?null. */ public Page<T> getAll(final Page<T> page) { return findPage(page); } private boolean matchOrderClause(String hql) { String regEx = "(?i)\\s+order(\\s+)by\\s+"; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regEx, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(hql); return m.find(); } private String getOrderClause(Page<T> page, String hql) { StringBuffer orderByClause = new StringBuffer(); if ((!matchOrderClause(hql)) && page.isOrderBySetted()) { orderByClause.append(" order by "); String[] orderByArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrderBy(), ','); String[] orderArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrder(), ','); Assert.isTrue(orderByArray.length == orderArray.length, "orderBy and order is not suited!"); for (int i = 0; i < orderByArray.length; i++) { orderByClause.append(orderByArray[i]).append(" ").append(orderArray[i]); if (i != orderByArray.length - 1) { orderByClause.append(","); } } } return orderByClause.toString(); } /** * HQLhqlorder by * * @param page * ??null * @param hql * hql??order bypageorder by. * @param params * ????,?. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final String hql, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), params); if (page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(hql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); page.setResult(q.list()); return page; } /** * HQL. * * @param page * ??null * @param hql * hql?. * @param values * ???,??. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final String hql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), values); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(hql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * ??hql? * * @author zhirong * @param page * @param sql * ?HQL? * @param countSql * HQL? * @param params * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final String hql, String countHql, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), params); if (page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(countHql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); page.setResult(q.list()); return page; } /** * ??hql? * * @author zhirong * @param page * @param sql * ?HQL? * @param countSql * HQL? * @param params * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final String hql, String countHql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), values); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(hql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * SQLsqlorder by * * @author zhirong * @param page * ??null * @param sql * sql??order bypageorder by. * @param params * ????,?. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageSQL(final Page<T> page, final String sql, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), params).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); page.setResult(q.list()); return page; } /** * SQL. * * @author zhirong * @param page * ??null * @param sql * sql?. * @param values * ???,??. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageSQL(final Page<T> page, final String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), values).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * SQL. * * @author zhirong * @param page * ??null * @param sql * sql?. * @param values * ???,??. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageSQLNonHibernateEntity(final Page<T> page, final String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); String order = getOrderClause(page, sql); String selectSQL = sql + order; Query q = createSQLQuery(selectSQL, values).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(entityClass)); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * SQL. * * @author zhirong * @param <M> * @param page * ??null * @param sql * sql?. * @param values * ???,??. * * @return , ??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<Map> findPageSQLNonHibernateMap(final Page<Map> page, final String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql, values).setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameterMap(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * SQL?. * * @author zhirong * @param values * ????,?. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Map<String, Object>> findSQL(final String sql, final Map<String, String> searchParam) { return (List<Map<String, Object>>) createSQLQuery(sql, searchParam) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP).list(); } /** * SQL?. * * @author zhirong * @param values * ????,?. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Map<String, Object>> findSQL(final String sql) { return (List<Map<String, Object>>) createSQLQuery(sql) .setResultTransformer(Transformers.ALIAS_TO_ENTITY_MAP).list(); } /** * ??sql? * * @author zhirong * @param page * @param sql * ?SQL? * @param countSql * SQL? * @param params * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageSQL(final Page<T> page, final String sql, String countSql, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), params).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(countSql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); page.setResult(q.list()); return page; } /** * ??sql? * * @author zhirong * @param page * @param sql * ?SQL? * @param countSql * SQL? * @param values * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageSQL(final Page<T> page, final String sql, String countSql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), values).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(countSql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * Criteria. * * @param page * ??null. * @param criterions * ???Criterion. * * @return .??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final Criterion... criterions) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Criteria c = createCriteria(criterions); if (page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(c); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(c, page); List result = c.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * Criteria. * * @author zhangxy * @param page * ??null. * @param Criteria * Criteria * @return .??. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, Criteria c) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); if (page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(c); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(c, page); List result = c.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * @NamedQuery * * @param page * @param queryName * ?? * @param params * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> namedFindPage(final Page<T> page, final String queryName, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); String hql = getNamedQuery(queryName).getQueryString(); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), params); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(hql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (null != page && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * @NamedQuery * * @param page * @param queryName * ?? * @param values * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> namedFindPage(final Page<T> page, final String queryName, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); String hql = getNamedQuery(queryName, values).getQueryString(); Query q = createQuery(hql + getOrderClause(page, hql), values); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countHqlResult(hql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (null != page && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * @NamedNativeQuery * * @param page * @param queryName * ?? * @param params * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> namedNativeFindPage(final Page<T> page, final String queryName, final Object... params) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); String sql = getNamedQuery(queryName).getQueryString(); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), params).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, params); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (null != page && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * @NamedNativeQuery * * @param page * @param queryName * ?? * @param values * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> namedNativeFindPage(final Page<T> page, final String queryName, final Map<String, Object> values) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); String sql = getNamedQuery(queryName, values).getQueryString(); Query q = createSQLQuery(sql + getOrderClause(page, sql), values).addEntity(entityClass); if (page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.isAutoCount()) { long totalCount = countSqlResult(sql, values); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (null != page && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(q, page); List result = q.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * ?Query,. */ protected Query setPageParameter(final Query q, final Page<T> page) { // hibernatefirstResult??0 if (page.getPageSize() > 0) { q.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1); q.setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); } return q; } /** * ?Query,. */ protected Query setPageParameterMap(final Query q, final Page<?> page) { // hibernatefirstResult??0 if (page.getPageSize() > 0) { q.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1); q.setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); } return q; } /** * ?Criteria,. */ protected Criteria setPageParameter(final Criteria c, final Page<T> page) { // hibernatefirstResult??0 if (page.getPageSize() > 0) { c.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1); c.setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); } if (page.isOrderBySetted()) { String[] orderByArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrderBy(), ','); String[] orderArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrder(), ','); Assert.isTrue(orderByArray.length == orderArray.length, "orderBy and order is not suited!"); for (int i = 0; i < orderByArray.length; i++) { if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { c.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i])); } else { c.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i])); } } } return c; } /** * countHql.hql??select count(*)? * * <br/> * ???hql?,??hql?count?. */ protected long countHqlResult(final String hql, final Object... params) { String fromHql = hql; // select??order by???count,?. fromHql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromHql, "from"); if (fromHql.indexOf("order by") > 0) { fromHql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromHql, "order by"); } String countHql = "select count(*) " + fromHql; try { Long count = findUnique(countHql, params); return count; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't auto count,hql is:" + countHql, e); } } /** * countHql.hql??select count(*)? * * ???hql?,??hql?count?. */ protected long countHqlResult(final String hql, final Map<String, Object> values) { String fromHql = hql; // select??order by???count,?. fromHql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromHql, "from"); if (fromHql.indexOf("order by") > 0) { fromHql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromHql, "order by"); } String countHql = "select count(*) " + fromHql; try { Long count = findUnique(countHql, values); return count; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't auto count,hql is:" + countHql, e); } } /** * countSQL.hql??select count(*)? * * <br/> * ???sql?,??sql?count?. * * @author zhirong */ protected long countSqlResult(final String sql, final Object... params) { String fromSql = sql; // select??order by???count,?. fromSql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromSql, "from"); if (fromSql.indexOf("order by") > 0) { fromSql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromSql, "order by"); } String countSql = "select count(*) " + fromSql; try { Long count = null; Object obj = findUniqueSQL(countSql, params); if (obj instanceof BigInteger) { count = ((BigInteger) obj).longValue(); } else if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) { count = ((BigDecimal) obj).longValue(); } return count; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("can't auto count,sql is:" + countSql, e); } } /** * countSQL.hql??select count(*)? * * <br/> * ???sql?,??sql?count?. * * @author zhirong */ protected long countSqlResult(final String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { String fromSql = sql; // select??order by???count,?. // ====================================================??Distinct?SQL? // fromSql = "from " + StringUtils.substringAfter(fromSql, "from"); // if (fromSql.indexOf("order by") > 0) { // fromSql = StringUtils.substringBefore(fromSql, "order by"); // } // ============================================================== String countSql = "select count(*) from (" + fromSql + ")"; try { Long count = ((BigDecimal) findUniqueSQL(countSql, values)).longValue(); return count; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't auto count,sql is:" + countSql, e); } } /** * countCriteria. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected int countCriteriaResult(final Criteria c) { CriteriaImpl impl = (CriteriaImpl) c; // Projection?ResultTransformer?OrderBy??,??Count? Projection projection = impl.getProjection(); ResultTransformer transformer = impl.getResultTransformer(); List<CriteriaImpl.OrderEntry> orderEntries = null; try { orderEntries = (List) ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries"); ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries", new ArrayList()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("can not throw Exception:{}", e.getMessage()); } // Count Long ct = (Long) c.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult(); int totalCount = ct == null ? 0 : ct.intValue(); // ?Projection,ResultTransformerOrderBy?? c.setProjection(projection); if (projection == null) { c.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ROOT_ENTITY); } if (transformer != null) { c.setResultTransformer(transformer); } try { ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries", orderEntries); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("can not throw Exception:{}", e.getMessage()); } return totalCount; } /** * countCriteria. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected int sumCriteriaResult(final String propertyName, final Criteria c) { CriteriaImpl impl = (CriteriaImpl) c; // Projection?ResultTransformer?OrderBy??,??Sum? Projection projection = impl.getProjection(); ResultTransformer transformer = impl.getResultTransformer(); List<CriteriaImpl.OrderEntry> orderEntries = null; try { orderEntries = (List) ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries"); ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries", new ArrayList()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("can not throw Exception:{}", e.getMessage()); } // Sum Integer sum = (Integer) c.setProjection(Projections.sum(propertyName)).uniqueResult(); // ?Projection,ResultTransformerOrderBy?? c.setProjection(projection); if (projection == null) { c.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.ROOT_ENTITY); } if (transformer != null) { c.setResultTransformer(transformer); } try { ReflectionUtils.setFieldValue(impl, "orderEntries", orderEntries); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("can not throw Exception:{}", e.getMessage()); } return sum == null ? 0 : sum; } // -- ?(PropertyFilter) --// /** * ,????. * * @param matchType * ??,????PropertyFilterMatcheType enum. */ public List<T> findBy(final String propertyName, final Object value, final MatchType matchType) { Criterion criterion = buildPropertyFilterCriterion(propertyName, new Object[] { value }, matchType); return find(criterion); } public int sum(String propertyName, List<PropertyFilter> filters) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); for (String propName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } criteria.add(disjunction); } } return sumCriteriaResult(propertyName, criteria); } public int count(List<PropertyFilter> filters) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); for (String propName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } criteria.add(disjunction); } } return countCriteriaResult(criteria); } /** * ?. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<T> find(List<PropertyFilter> filters) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propertyName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); for (String propertyName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } criteria.add(disjunction); } } return criteria.list(); } /** * SQL (=?) * * @param sql * SQL * @param param * ? * @return ??object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findList(String sql, Object... param) { SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.list(); } /** * SQL (=:property) * * @param sql * SQL * @param values * ? * @return ??object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findListByProperty(String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (values != null && values.size() > 0) { query.setProperties(values); } return query.list(); } /** * ?SQL * * @param pageSize * ??,0? * @param pageNo * ??1? * @param sql * SQL * @param param * ? * @return ??object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findList(int pageSize, int pageNo, String sql, Object... param) { if (pageSize <= 0 || pageNo <= 0) { // ? return findList(sql, param); } SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setFirstResult(((pageNo - 1) * pageSize)); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.list(); } /** * SQL * * @param sql * : SQL * @param clazz * ?list * @param param * ? * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findList(String sql, Class clazz, Object... param) { Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).addEntity(clazz); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.list(); } /** * SQL * * @param pageSize * ??,0? * @param pageNo * ??1? * @param sql * SQL * @param clazz * ?list * @param param * ? * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List findList(int pageSize, int pageNo, String sql, Class clazz, Object... param) { if (pageSize <= 0 || pageNo <= 0) { // ? return findList(sql, clazz, param); } SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql).addEntity(clazz); query.setFirstResult(((pageNo - 1) * pageSize)); query.setMaxResults(pageSize); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.list(); } /** * HQL * * @param hql * : hql * @param param * ? * @return ?? */ public int executeHQL(String hql, Object... param) { Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.executeUpdate(); } /** * SQL * * @param sql * : SQL * @param param * ? * @return ?? */ public int executeSQL(String sql, Object... param) { SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); if (param != null && param.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { query.setParameter(i, param[i]); } } return query.executeUpdate(); } /** * * * @param id * @param clazz * @return id */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object get(PK id, Class clazz, final String... lazyObjects) { // StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("from "); // hql.append(clazz.getName()); // hql.append(" where id = ?"); // List l = this.find(hql.toString(), new Object[] { id }); // if (l == null || l.size() == 0) { // return null; // } else { // return l.get(0); // } List<PropertyFilter> filters = new ArrayList<PropertyFilter>(); if (id.getClass().equals(String.class)) { filters.add(new PropertyFilter("EQS_id", id)); } else if (id.getClass().equals(Integer.class)) { filters.add(new PropertyFilter("EQI_id", id)); } else { filters.add(new PropertyFilter("EQL_id", id)); } return _get(filters, clazz, lazyObjects); } public Object get(final List<PropertyFilter> filters, Class clazz, final String... lazyObjects) { return _get(filters, clazz, lazyObjects); } private Object _get(final List<PropertyFilter> filters, Class clazz, final String... lazyObjects) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(clazz); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propertyName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); for (String propertyName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } criteria.add(disjunction); } } // criteria.setMaxResults(1); if (lazyObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lazyObjects.length; i++) { criteria.setFetchMode(lazyObjects[i], FetchMode.EAGER); } } List result = criteria.list(); if (result == null || result.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return result.get(0); } } /** * ?. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final List<PropertyFilter> filters) { return this.findPageDynamicFetch(page, filters); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageDynamicFetch(final Page<T> page, final List<PropertyFilter> filters, final String... lazyObjects) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!MatchType.INS.equals(filter.getMatchType())) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propertyName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); String[] propertyNames = filter.getPropertyNames(); for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { // Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, // propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); // parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], // propertyValue, matchType)); for (int i = 0; i <= tmp.length - 2; i++) { criteria.createAlias(tmp[i], tmp[i], CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN); } // } criteria.add(Restrictions.or([0], propertyValue[0].toString(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE),[1], propertyValue[0].toString(), MatchMode.ANYWHERE))); // criteria.add(disjunction); } } else { criteria.add(org.hibernate.criterion.Expression.sql("this_." + filter.getPropertyName() + " in " + String.valueOf(filter.getPropertyValue()[0]))); } } if (lazyObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lazyObjects.length; i++) { criteria.setFetchMode(lazyObjects[i], FetchMode.EAGER); } } if (page != null && page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(criteria); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0) { if (page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } criteria.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1); criteria.setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); } if (page != null && page.isOrderBySetted()) { String[] orderByArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrderBy(), ','); String[] orderArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrder(), ','); Assert.isTrue(orderByArray.length == orderArray.length, "orderBy and order is not suited!"); for (int i = 0; i < orderByArray.length; i++) { if (orderByArray[i].indexOf(".") > 0) { // ??? if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } else { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } } else { if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i])); } else { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i])); } } } } List result = criteria.list(); if (page == null) { Page p = new Page<T>(); p.setResult(result); p.setTotalCount(result.size()); p.setPageNo(1L); p.setPageSize(result.size()); return p; } page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * OR * * @new date 2012-04-23 * @param page * @param filters * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPageWithOR(final Page<T> page, final List<PropertyFilter> filters) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propertyName = filter.getPropertyName(); createSubCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); } else { for (String propertyName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { createSubCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); } } } boundCriterion(criteria, buildPropertyFilterCriterions(filters)); if (page != null && page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(criteria); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0) { if (page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } criteria.setFirstResult(page.getFirst() - 1); criteria.setMaxResults(page.getPageSize()); } if (page != null && page.isOrderBySetted()) { String[] orderByArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrderBy(), ','); String[] orderArray = StringUtils.split(page.getOrder(), ','); Assert.isTrue(orderByArray.length == orderArray.length, "orderBy and order is not suited!"); for (int i = 0; i < orderByArray.length; i++) { if (orderByArray[i].indexOf(".") > 0) { // ??? if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } else { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } } else { if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i])); } else { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i])); } } } } List result = criteria.list(); if (page == null) { Page p = new Page<T>(); p.setResult(result); p.setTotalCount(result.size()); p.setPageNo(1L); p.setPageSize(result.size()); return p; } page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * * * @date 2012-04-06 * @param page * @param filters * @param criterions * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final List<PropertyFilter> filters, final Criterion... criterions) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Criterion[] cs = (Criterion[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(buildPropertyFilterCriterions(filters), criterions); Criteria c = createCriteria(cs); if (page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(c); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(c, page); List<T> result = c.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * * * @date 2012-04-06 * @param page * @param filters * @param criterions * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Page<T> findPage(final Page<T> page, final List<PropertyFilter> filters, String[] fetchObject, final Criterion... criterions) { Assert.notNull(page, "page should not be null!"); Criterion[] cs = (Criterion[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(buildPropertyFilterCriterions(filters), criterions); Criteria c = createCriteria(cs); if (page.isAutoCount()) { int totalCount = countCriteriaResult(c); page.setTotalCount(totalCount); } if (page != null && page.getPageSize() > 0 && page.getTotalPages() < page.getPageNo()) { page.setPageNo(1L); } setPageParameter(c, page); if (fetchObject != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fetchObject.length; i++) { c.setFetchMode(fetchObject[i], FetchMode.JOIN); } } List<T> result = c.list(); page.setResult(result); return page; } /** * ?, * * @return */ private Criteria findParentCriteria(Criteria root, String propertyName, Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap) { if (propertyName.indexOf(DEF_SEPARATOR) > 0) { String parentName = propertyName.substring(0, propertyName.lastIndexOf(DEF_SEPARATOR)); Criteria t = criteriaMap.get(parentName); if (t == null) { Criteria p = findParentCriteria(root, parentName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(parentName, DEF_SEPARATOR); Criteria c = p.createCriteria(tmp[tmp.length - 1], CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN); criteriaMap.put(parentName, c); return c; } else { return t; } } else { return root; } } /** * [findPageWithOR] ? * * @new date 2012-04-23 * @param criteria * @param propertyName * @param criteriaMap */ private void createSubCriteria(Criteria criteria, String propertyName, Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap) { if (propertyName.indexOf(DEF_SEPARATOR) > 0) { String parentName = propertyName.substring(0, propertyName.indexOf(DEF_SEPARATOR)); propertyName = propertyName.substring(propertyName.indexOf(DEF_SEPARATOR) + 1); Criteria sub = null; if (!criteriaMap.containsKey(parentName)) { sub = criteria.createAlias(parentName, parentName, CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN); criteriaMap.put(parentName, sub); } else { sub = criteriaMap.get(parentName); } createSubCriteria(sub, propertyName, criteriaMap); } } /** * [findPageWithOR] ?? * * @new date 2012-04-23 * @param criteria * @param criterions * @return */ public Criteria boundCriterion(Criteria criteria, final Criterion... criterions) { for (Criterion c : criterions) { criteria.add(c); } return criteria; } /** * ?Criterion,. */ protected Criterion[] buildPropertyFilterCriterions(final List<PropertyFilter> filters) { List<Criterion> criterionList = new ArrayList<Criterion>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { // ??. Criterion criterion = buildPropertyFilterCriterion(filter.getPropertyName(), filter.getPropertyValue(), filter.getMatchType()); criterionList.add(criterion); } else {// ??,or?. Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); for (String param : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criterion criterion = buildPropertyFilterCriterion(param, filter.getPropertyValue(), filter.getMatchType()); disjunction.add(criterion); } criterionList.add(disjunction); } } return criterionList.toArray(new Criterion[criterionList.size()]); } /** * ??Criterion,. */ protected Criterion buildPropertyFilterCriterion(final String propertyName, final Object[] propertyValue, final MatchType matchType) { Assert.hasText(propertyName, "propertyName should not be null!"); Criterion criterion = null; try { // ?MatchTypecriterion if (MatchType.EQ.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.eq(propertyName, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.LIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, (String) propertyValue[0], MatchMode.ANYWHERE); } else if (MatchType.ELIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, (String) propertyValue[0], MatchMode.END); } else if (MatchType.SLIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, (String) propertyValue[0], MatchMode.START); } else if (MatchType.LE.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.le(propertyName, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.LT.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.GE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.GT.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.NE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.ISNULL.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNull(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISNOTNULL.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNotNull(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISEMPTY.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isEmpty(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISNOTEMPTY.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNotEmpty(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.IN.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue); } } catch (Exception e) { throw ReflectionUtils.convertReflectionExceptionToUnchecked(e); } return criterion; } /** * ??. * * ,(value)?(orgValue)?. */ public boolean isPropertyUnique(final String propertyName, final Object newValue, final Object oldValue) { if (newValue == null || newValue.equals(oldValue)) { return true; } Object object = findUniqueBy(propertyName, newValue); return (object == null); } /** * ?? */ private Criterion getCriterion(String propertyName, Object[] propertyValue, MatchType matchType) { Criterion criterion = null; try { // ?MatchTypecriterion if (MatchType.EQ.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.eq(propertyName, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.LIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion = RestrictionsUtils.ilike(propertyName, String.valueOf(propertyValue[0]), MatchMode.ANYWHERE); } else if (MatchType.ELIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion = RestrictionsUtils.ilike(propertyName, (String) propertyValue[0], MatchMode.END); } else if (MatchType.SLIKE.equals(matchType)) { criterion = RestrictionsUtils.ilike(propertyName, (String) propertyValue[0], MatchMode.START); } else if (MatchType.LE.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.le(propertyName, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.LT.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.GE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.GT.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.NE.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue[0]); } else if (MatchType.ISNULL.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNull(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISNOTNULL.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNotNull(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISEMPTY.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isEmpty(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.ISNOTEMPTY.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.isNotEmpty(propertyName); } else if (MatchType.IN.equals(matchType)) { criterion =, propertyValue); } else if (MatchType.LEN.equals(matchType)) { criterion = Restrictions.le(propertyName, propertyValue[0]); } } catch (Exception e) { throw ReflectionUtils.convertReflectionExceptionToUnchecked(e); } return criterion; } /** * hibernate? * */ public void evictEntity(final T entity) { if (entity != null) { getSession().evict(entity); } } /** * ?sql */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T findSQLNonHibernateEntity(final String sql, final Map<String, Object> values) { Query query = createSQLQuery(sql, values).setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(entityClass)); query.setMaxResults(1); return (T) query.uniqueResult(); } public List<T> findDynamicFetch(final List<PropertyFilter> filters, String orderBy, String order, final String... lazyObjects) { Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(entityClass); Map<String, Criteria> criteriaMap = new HashMap<String, Criteria>(); for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.isMultiProperty()) { String propertyName = filter.getPropertyName(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } else { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); Object[] propertyValue = filter.getPropertyValue(); MatchType matchType = filter.getMatchType(); for (String propertyName : filter.getPropertyNames()) { Criteria parent = findParentCriteria(criteria, propertyName, criteriaMap); String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(propertyName, DEF_SEPARATOR); parent.add(getCriterion(tmp[tmp.length - 1], propertyValue, matchType)); } criteria.add(disjunction); } } if (orderBy != null && !"".equals(orderBy)) { String[] orderByArray = StringUtils.split(orderBy, ','); String[] orderArray = StringUtils.split(order, ','); Assert.isTrue(orderByArray.length == orderArray.length, "orderBy and order is not suited!"); for (int i = 0; i < orderByArray.length; i++) { if (orderByArray[i].indexOf(".") > 0) { // ??? if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } else { Criteria p = criteriaMap .get(orderByArray[i].substring(0, orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf("."))); if (p == null) { p = findParentCriteria(criteria, orderByArray[i], criteriaMap);// ?? } p.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i].substring(orderByArray[i].lastIndexOf(".") + 1))); } } else { if (Page.ASC.equals(orderArray[i])) { criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(orderByArray[i])); } else { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc(orderByArray[i])); } } } } if (lazyObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lazyObjects.length; i++) { criteria.setFetchMode(lazyObjects[i], FetchMode.JOIN); } } criteria.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); List result = criteria.list(); return result; } }