Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * Clus - Software for Predictive Clustering * * Copyright (C) 2007 * * Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium * * Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * * Contact information: <>. * *************************************************************************/ /* * Created on May 17, 2005 */ package clus.ext.hierarchical; import*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.*; import org.apache.commons.math.*; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; import*; import*; import clus.ext.timeseries.TimeSeries; import clus.main.*; import clus.statistic.*; import clus.util.*; import jeans.util.array.*; public class WHTDStatistic extends RegressionStatBinaryNomiss { public final static long serialVersionUID = Settings.SERIAL_VERSION_ID; protected static DistributionFactory m_Fac = DistributionFactory.newInstance(); protected ClassHierarchy m_Hier; protected boolean[] m_DiscrMean; protected WHTDStatistic m_Global, m_Validation, m_Training; protected double m_SigLevel; protected double m_Threshold = -1.0; protected int m_Compatibility; public WHTDStatistic(ClassHierarchy hier, int comp) { this(hier, false, comp); } public WHTDStatistic(ClassHierarchy hier, boolean onlymean, int comp) { super(hier.getDummyAttrs(), onlymean); m_Compatibility = comp; m_Hier = hier; } public int getCompatibility() { return m_Compatibility; } public void setTrainingStat(ClusStatistic train) { m_Training = (WHTDStatistic) train; } public void setValidationStat(WHTDStatistic valid) { m_Validation = valid; } public void setGlobalStat(WHTDStatistic global) { m_Global = global; } public void setSigLevel(double sig) { m_SigLevel = sig; } public void setThreshold(double threshold) { m_Threshold = threshold; } public double getThreshold() { return m_Threshold; } public ClusStatistic cloneStat() { return new WHTDStatistic(m_Hier, false, m_Compatibility); } public ClusStatistic cloneSimple() { WHTDStatistic res = new WHTDStatistic(m_Hier, true, m_Compatibility); res.m_Threshold = m_Threshold; res.m_Training = m_Training; if (m_Validation != null) { res.m_Validation = (WHTDStatistic) m_Validation.cloneSimple(); res.m_Global = m_Global; res.m_SigLevel = m_SigLevel; } return res; } public void copyAll(ClusStatistic other) { super.copy(other); WHTDStatistic my_other = (WHTDStatistic) other; m_Global = my_other.m_Global; m_Validation = my_other.m_Validation; m_SigLevel = my_other.m_SigLevel; } public void addPrediction(ClusStatistic other, double weight) { WHTDStatistic or = (WHTDStatistic) other; super.addPrediction(other, weight); if (m_Validation != null) { m_Validation.addPrediction(or.m_Validation, weight); } } public void updateWeighted(DataTuple tuple, double weight) { int sidx = m_Hier.getType().getArrayIndex(); ClassesTuple tp = (ClassesTuple) tuple.getObjVal(sidx); m_SumWeight += weight; // Add one to the elements in the tuple, zero to the others for (int j = 0; j < tp.getNbClasses(); j++) { ClassesValue val = tp.getClass(j); int idx = val.getIndex(); // if (Settings.VERBOSE > 10) System.out.println("idx = "+idx+" weight = "+weight); m_SumValues[idx] += weight; } } public final ClassHierarchy getHier() { return m_Hier; } public final void setHier(ClassHierarchy hier) throws ClusException { if (m_Hier != null && m_Hier.getTotal() != hier.getTotal()) { throw new ClusException("Different number of classes in new hierarchy: " + hier.getTotal() + " <> " + m_Hier.getTotal()); } m_Hier = hier; } public int getNbPredictedClasses() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_DiscrMean.length; i++) { if (m_DiscrMean[i]) { count++; } } return count; } public ClassesTuple computeMeanTuple() { return m_Hier.getTuple(m_DiscrMean); } public ClassesTuple computePrintTuple() { // Same tuple with intermediate elements indicated as such // Useful for printing the tree without the intermediate classes ClassesTuple printTuple = m_Hier.getTuple(m_DiscrMean); ArrayList added = new ArrayList(); boolean[] interms = new boolean[m_Hier.getTotal()]; printTuple.addIntermediateElems(m_Hier, interms, added); return printTuple; } public void computePrediction() { ClassesTuple meantuple = m_Hier.getBestTupleMaj(m_Means, m_Threshold); m_DiscrMean = meantuple.getVectorBooleanNodeAndAncestors(m_Hier); performSignificanceTest(); } public void calcMean(double[] means) { if (Settings.useMEstimate() && m_Training != null) { // Use m-estimate for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { means[i] = (m_SumValues[i] + m_Training.m_Means[i]) / (m_SumWeight + 1.0); } } else { // Use default definition (no m-estimate) for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { means[i] = m_SumWeight != 0.0 ? m_SumValues[i] / m_SumWeight : 0.0; } } } public double getMean(int i) { if (Settings.useMEstimate() && m_Training != null) { // Use m-estimate return (m_SumValues[i] + m_Training.m_Means[i]) / (m_SumWeight + 1.0); } else { // Use default definition (no m-estimate) return m_SumWeight != 0.0 ? m_SumValues[i] / m_SumWeight : 0.0; } } public void calcMean() { super.calcMean(); computePrediction(); } public int round(double value) { if (getCompatibility() == Settings.COMPATIBILITY_CMB05) { return (int) value; } else { return (int) Math.round(value); } } public void performSignificanceTest() { if (m_Validation != null) { for (int i = 0; i < m_DiscrMean.length; i++) { if (m_DiscrMean[i]) { /* Predicted class i, check sig? */ int pop_tot = round(m_Global.getTotalWeight()); int pop_cls = round(m_Global.getTotalWeight() * m_Global.m_Means[i]); int rule_tot = round(m_Validation.getTotalWeight()); int rule_cls = round(m_Validation.getTotalWeight() * m_Validation.m_Means[i]); int upper = Math.min(rule_tot, pop_cls); int nb_other = pop_tot - pop_cls; int min_this = rule_tot - nb_other; int lower = Math.max(rule_cls, min_this); if (rule_cls < min_this || lower > upper) { System.err.println("BUG?"); System.out.println("rule = " + m_Validation.getTotalWeight() * m_Validation.m_Means[i]); System.out.println("pop_tot = " + pop_tot + " pop_cls = " + pop_cls + " rule_tot = " + rule_tot + " rule_cls = " + rule_cls); } HypergeometricDistribution dist = m_Fac.createHypergeometricDistribution(pop_tot, pop_cls, rule_tot); try { double stat = dist.cumulativeProbability(lower, upper); if (stat >= m_SigLevel) { m_DiscrMean[i] = false; } } catch (MathException me) { System.err.println("Math error: " + me.getMessage()); } } } } } public void setMeanTuple(ClassesTuple tuple) { setMeanTuple(tuple.getVectorBoolean(m_Hier)); } public void setMeanTuple(boolean[] cls) { m_DiscrMean = new boolean[cls.length]; System.arraycopy(cls, 0, m_DiscrMean, 0, cls.length); Arrays.fill(m_Means, 0.0); for (int i = 0; i < m_DiscrMean.length; i++) { if (m_DiscrMean[i]) m_Means[i] = 1.0; } } public boolean[] getDiscretePred() { return m_DiscrMean; } /* * Compute squared Euclidean distance between tuple's target attributes and this statistic's mean. **/ public double getSquaredDistance(DataTuple tuple, ClusAttributeWeights weights) { double sum = 0.0; boolean[] actual = new boolean[m_Hier.getTotal()]; ClassesTuple tp = (ClassesTuple) tuple.getObjVal(m_Hier.getType().getArrayIndex()); tp.fillBoolArrayNodeAndAncestors(actual); for (int i = 0; i < m_Hier.getTotal(); i++) { NumericAttrType type = getAttribute(i); double actual_zo = actual[i] ? 1.0 : 0.0; double dist = actual_zo - m_Means[i]; sum += dist * dist * weights.getWeight(type); } return sum / getNbAttributes(); } public double getAbsoluteDistance(DataTuple tuple, ClusAttributeWeights weights, ClusStatManager statmanager) { double sum = 0.0; boolean[] actual = new boolean[m_Hier.getTotal()]; ClassesTuple tp = (ClassesTuple) tuple.getObjVal(m_Hier.getType().getArrayIndex()); tp.fillBoolArrayNodeAndAncestors(actual); for (int i = 0; i < m_Hier.getTotal(); i++) { NumericAttrType type = getAttribute(i); double actual_zo = actual[i] ? 1.0 : 0.0; double dist = actual_zo - m_Means[i]; WHTDStatistic tstat = (WHTDStatistic) statmanager.getTrainSetStat(ClusAttrType.ATTR_USE_CLUSTERING); if (tstat.getVariance(i) != 0) dist = dist / Math.pow(tstat.getVariance(i), 0.5); sum += Math.abs(dist) * weights.getWeight(type); } return sum / getNbAttributes(); } public void printTree() { m_Hier.print(ClusFormat.OUT_WRITER, m_SumValues); ClusFormat.OUT_WRITER.flush(); } public String getString(StatisticPrintInfo info) { String pred = null; if (m_Threshold >= 0.0) { pred = computePrintTuple().toStringHuman(getHier()); return pred + " [" + ClusFormat.TWO_AFTER_DOT.format(getTotalWeight()) + "]"; } else { NumberFormat fr = ClusFormat.SIX_AFTER_DOT; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < getHier().getTotal(); i++) { if (i != 0) buf.append(","); if (m_SumWeight == 0.0) buf.append("?"); else buf.append(fr.format(getMean(i))); } buf.append("]"); if (info.SHOW_EXAMPLE_COUNT) { buf.append(": "); buf.append(fr.format(m_SumWeight)); } return buf.toString(); } } @Override public Element getPredictElement(Document doc) { Element stats = doc.createElement("WHTDStat"); NumberFormat fr = ClusFormat.SIX_AFTER_DOT; Attr examples = doc.createAttribute("examples"); examples.setValue(fr.format(m_SumWeight)); stats.setAttributeNode(examples); if (m_Threshold >= 0.0) { String pred = computePrintTuple().toStringHuman(getHier()); Element predictions = doc.createElement("Predictions"); stats.appendChild(predictions); String[] predictionS = pred.split(","); for (String prediction : predictionS) { Element attr = doc.createElement("Prediction"); predictions.appendChild(attr); attr.setTextContent(prediction); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { Element attr = doc.createElement("Target"); Attr name = doc.createAttribute("name"); name.setValue(m_Attrs[i].getName()); attr.setAttributeNode(name); if (m_SumWeight == 0.0) { attr.setTextContent("?"); } else { attr.setTextContent(fr.format(getMean(i))); } stats.appendChild(attr); } } return stats; } public String getPredictString() { return "[" + computeMeanTuple().toStringHuman(getHier()) + "]"; } //public boolean isValidPrediction() { // return !m_MeanTuple.isRoot(); //} public void showRootInfo() { try { PrintWriter wrt = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("hierarchy.txt"))); wrt.println("Hier #nodes: " + m_Hier.getTotal()); wrt.println("Hier classes by level: " + MIntArray.toString(m_Hier.getClassesByLevel())); m_Hier.print(wrt, m_SumValues, null); wrt.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } public void printDistributionRec(PrintWriter out, ClassTerm node) { int idx = node.getIndex(); ClassesValue val = new ClassesValue(node); out.println(val.toPathString() + ", " + m_Means[idx]); for (int i = 0; i < node.getNbChildren(); i++) { printDistributionRec(out, (ClassTerm) node.getChild(i)); } } public void printDistribution(PrintWriter wrt) throws IOException { wrt.println("Total: " + m_SumWeight); ClassTerm root = m_Hier.getRoot(); for (int i = 0; i < root.getNbChildren(); i++) { printDistributionRec(wrt, (ClassTerm) root.getChild(i)); } } public void getExtraInfoRec(ClassTerm node, double[] discrmean, StringBuffer out) { if (m_Validation != null) { int i = node.getIndex(); if (discrmean[i] > 0.5) { /* Predicted class i, check sig? */ int pop_tot = round(m_Global.getTotalWeight()); int pop_cls = round(m_Global.getTotalWeight() * m_Global.m_Means[i]); int rule_tot = round(m_Validation.getTotalWeight()); int rule_cls = round(m_Validation.getTotalWeight() * m_Validation.m_Means[i]); int upper = Math.min(rule_tot, pop_cls); int nb_other = pop_tot - pop_cls; int min_this = rule_tot - nb_other; int lower = Math.max(rule_cls, min_this); HypergeometricDistribution dist = m_Fac.createHypergeometricDistribution(pop_tot, pop_cls, rule_tot); try { double stat = dist.cumulativeProbability(lower, upper); out.append(node.toStringHuman(getHier()) + ":"); out.append(" pop_tot = " + String.valueOf(pop_tot)); out.append(" pop_cls = " + String.valueOf(pop_cls)); out.append(" rule_tot = " + String.valueOf(rule_tot)); out.append(" rule_cls = " + String.valueOf(rule_cls)); out.append(" upper = " + String.valueOf(upper)); out.append(" prob = " + ClusFormat.SIX_AFTER_DOT.format(stat)); // out.append(" siglevel = "+m_SigLevel); out.append("\n"); } catch (MathException me) { System.err.println("Math error: " + me.getMessage()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < node.getNbChildren(); i++) { getExtraInfoRec((ClassTerm) node.getChild(i), discrmean, out); } } public String getExtraInfo() { StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(); ClassesTuple meantuple = m_Hier.getBestTupleMaj(m_Means, 50.0); double[] discrmean = meantuple.getVectorNodeAndAncestors(m_Hier); for (int i = 0; i < m_Hier.getRoot().getNbChildren(); i++) { getExtraInfoRec((ClassTerm) m_Hier.getRoot().getChild(i), discrmean, res); } return res.toString(); } public void addPredictWriterSchema(String prefix, ClusSchema schema) { ClassHierarchy hier = getHier(); for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { ClusAttrType type = m_Attrs[i].cloneType(); ClassTerm term = hier.getTermAt(i); type.setName(prefix + "-p-" + term.toStringHuman(hier)); schema.addAttrType(type); } } public void unionInit() { m_DiscrMean = new boolean[m_Means.length]; } public void union(ClusStatistic other) { boolean[] discr_mean = ((WHTDStatistic) other).m_DiscrMean; for (int i = 0; i < m_DiscrMean.length; i++) { if (discr_mean[i]) m_DiscrMean[i] = true; } } public void unionDone() { } public void vote(ArrayList votes) { reset(); m_Means = new double[m_NbAttrs]; WHTDStatistic vote; int nb_votes = votes.size(); for (int j = 0; j < nb_votes; j++) { vote = (WHTDStatistic) votes.get(j); for (int i = 0; i < m_NbAttrs; i++) { m_Means[i] += vote.m_Means[i] / nb_votes; } } computePrediction(); } /** * Used for the hierarchical rules heuristic */ public double getDispersion(ClusAttributeWeights scale, RowData data) { return getSVarS(scale); } public String getDistanceName() { return "Hierarchical Weighted Euclidean Distance"; } }