Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package classes; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Rect; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import org.opencv.imgproc.Moments; /** * * @author ggmendez */ public class FloodFiller { private Mat image = null; private Scalar meanColor = null; private Point topLeftCorner = null; private Mat contoursImage = null; private Mat morphologicalImage = null; private Mat biggestContourImage = null; private Rect computedSearchWindow = null; private Point massCenter = null; private int filledArea = 0; private double contourArea = 0; private String path = ""; private String outImageName; private HttpServletRequest request = null; public FloodFiller(Mat image, String outImageName, HttpServletRequest request) { this.image = image; this.outImageName = outImageName; this.request = request; } public void fillFrom(Point seed, int lo, int up) { Scalar backgroundColor = new Scalar(255, 255, 255); // black background Scalar contourFillingColor = new Scalar(0, 0, 0); // white filled contour fillFrom(seed, lo, up, backgroundColor, contourFillingColor); backgroundColor = new Scalar(0, 0, 0); // white background contourFillingColor = new Scalar(255, 255, 255); // black filled contour fillFrom(seed, lo, up, backgroundColor, contourFillingColor); } private void fillFrom(Point seed, int lo, int up, Scalar backgroundColor, Scalar contourFillingColor) { Mat object = ObjectGenerator.extract(image, seed.x, seed.y, 10, 10); this.meanColor = Core.mean(object); Rect ccomp = new Rect(); Mat mask = Mat.zeros(image.rows() + 2, image.cols() + 2, CvType.CV_8UC1); int connectivity = 4; int newMaskVal = 255; int ffillMode = 1; int flags = connectivity + (newMaskVal << 8) + (ffillMode == 1 ? Imgproc.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE : 0); Scalar newVal = new Scalar(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); Imgproc.threshold(mask, mask, 1, 128, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY); filledArea = Imgproc.floodFill(image.clone(), mask, seed, newVal, ccomp, new Scalar(lo, lo, lo), new Scalar(up, up, up), flags); // Highgui.imwrite("mask.png", mask); ImageUtils.saveImage(mask, "mask.png", request); morphologicalImage = new Mat(image.size(), CvType.CV_8UC3); Mat element = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1)); ArrayList<Mat> mask3 = new ArrayList<Mat>(); mask3.add(mask); mask3.add(mask); mask3.add(mask); Core.merge(mask3, mask); // Applying morphological filters Imgproc.erode(mask, morphologicalImage, element); Imgproc.morphologyEx(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, element, new Point(-1, -1), 9); Imgproc.morphologyEx(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, Imgproc.MORPH_OPEN, element, new Point(-1, -1), 2); Imgproc.resize(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, image.size()); // Highgui.imwrite("morphologicalImage.png", morphologicalImage); ImageUtils.saveImage(morphologicalImage, "morphologicalImage.png", request); List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); Core.split(mask, mask3); Mat binarymorphologicalImage = mask3.get(0); Imgproc.findContours(binarymorphologicalImage.clone(), contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); contoursImage = new Mat(image.size(), CvType.CV_8UC3, backgroundColor); int thickness = -1; // Thicknes should be lower than zero in order to drawn the filled contours Imgproc.drawContours(contoursImage, contours, -1, contourFillingColor, thickness); // Drawing all the contours found // Highgui.imwrite("allContoursImage.png", contoursImage); ImageUtils.saveImage(contoursImage, "allContoursImage.png", request); if (contours.size() > 1) { int minContourWith = 20; int minContourHeight = 20; int maxContourWith = 6400 / 2; int maxContourHeight = 4800 / 2; contours = filterContours(contours, minContourWith, minContourHeight, maxContourWith, maxContourHeight); } if (contours.size() > 0) { MatOfPoint biggestContour = contours.get(0); // getting the biggest contour contourArea = Imgproc.contourArea(biggestContour); if (contours.size() > 1) { biggestContour = Collections.max(contours, new ContourComparator()); // getting the biggest contour in case there are more than one } Point[] points = biggestContour.toArray(); path = "M " + (int) points[0].x + " " + (int) points[0].y + " "; for (int i = 1; i < points.length; ++i) { Point v = points[i]; path += "L " + (int) v.x + " " + (int) v.y + " "; } path += "Z"; biggestContourImage = new Mat(image.size(), CvType.CV_8UC3, backgroundColor); Imgproc.drawContours(biggestContourImage, contours, 0, contourFillingColor, thickness); // Highgui.imwrite("biggestContourImage.png", biggestContourImage); ImageUtils.saveImage(biggestContourImage, "biggestContourImage.png", request); Mat maskForColorExtraction = biggestContourImage.clone(); if (isWhite(backgroundColor)) { Imgproc.dilate(maskForColorExtraction, maskForColorExtraction, new Mat(), new Point(-1, -1), 3); } else { Imgproc.erode(maskForColorExtraction, maskForColorExtraction, new Mat(), new Point(-1, -1), 3); } // Highgui.imwrite("maskForColorExtraction.png", maskForColorExtraction); ImageUtils.saveImage(maskForColorExtraction, "maskForColorExtraction.png", request); Mat extractedColor = new Mat(); if (isBlack(backgroundColor) && isWhite(contourFillingColor)) { Core.bitwise_and(maskForColorExtraction, image, extractedColor); } else { Core.bitwise_or(maskForColorExtraction, image, extractedColor); } // Highgui.imwrite("extractedColor.png", extractedColor); ImageUtils.saveImage(extractedColor, "extractedColor.png", request); computedSearchWindow = Imgproc.boundingRect(biggestContour); topLeftCorner =; Rect croppingRect = new Rect(computedSearchWindow.x, computedSearchWindow.y, computedSearchWindow.width - 1, computedSearchWindow.height - 1); Mat imageForTextRecognition = new Mat(extractedColor.clone(), croppingRect); // Highgui.imwrite(outImageName, imageForTextRecognition); ImageUtils.saveImage(imageForTextRecognition, outImageName, request); // // // Mat data = new Mat(imageForTextRecognition.size(), CvType.CV_8UC3, backgroundColor); // imageForTextRecognition.copyTo(data); // data.convertTo(data, CvType.CV_8UC3); // // // The meanColor variable represents the color in the GBR space, the following line transforms this to the RGB color space, which // // is assumed in the prepareImage method of the TextRecognitionPreparer class // Scalar userColor = new Scalar(meanColor.val[2], meanColor.val[1], meanColor.val[0]); // // ArrayList<String> recognizableImageNames = TextRecognitionPreparer.generateRecognizableImagesNames(data, backgroundColor, userColor); // for (String imageName : recognizableImageNames) { // // try { // // First recognition step // String recognizedText = TextRecognizer.recognize(imageName, true).trim(); // if (recognizedText != null && !recognizedText.isEmpty()) { // recognizedStrings.add(recognizedText); // } // // Second recognition step // recognizedText = TextRecognizer.recognize(imageName, false).trim(); // if (recognizedText != null && !recognizedText.isEmpty()) { // recognizedStrings.add(recognizedText); // } // // } catch (Exception e) { // } // } // //// ArrayList<BufferedImage> recognizableBufferedImages = TextRecognitionPreparer.generateRecognizableBufferedImages(data, backgroundColor, userColor); //// for (BufferedImage bufferedImage : recognizableBufferedImages) { //// try { //// // First recognition step //// String recognizedText = TextRecognizer.recognize(bufferedImage, true).trim(); //// if (recognizedText != null && !recognizedText.isEmpty()) { //// recognizedStrings.add(recognizedText); //// } //// // Second recognition step //// recognizedText = TextRecognizer.recognize(bufferedImage, false).trim(); //// if (recognizedText != null && !recognizedText.isEmpty()) { //// recognizedStrings.add(recognizedText); //// } //// //// } catch (Exception e) { //// } //// } // // // // compute all moments Moments mom = Imgproc.moments(biggestContour); massCenter = new Point(mom.get_m10() / mom.get_m00(), mom.get_m01() / mom.get_m00()); // draw black dot, massCenter, 4, contourFillingColor, 8); } } private static ArrayList<MatOfPoint> filterContours(List<MatOfPoint> contours, int minContourWith, int minContourHeight, int maxContourWith, int maxContourHeight) { ArrayList<MatOfPoint> results = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); for (MatOfPoint currentContour : contours) { Rect boundingBox = Imgproc.boundingRect(currentContour); if (boundingBox.width > minContourWith && boundingBox.height > minContourHeight) { if (boundingBox.width < maxContourWith && boundingBox.height < maxContourHeight) { results.add(currentContour); } } } return results; } public boolean isBlack(Scalar color) { return (color.val[0] == 0 && color.val[1] == 0 && color.val[2] == 0); } public boolean isWhite(Scalar color) { return (color.val[0] == 255 && color.val[1] == 255 && color.val[2] == 255); } public Mat getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(Mat image) { this.image = image; } public Scalar getMeanColor() { return meanColor; } public void setMeanColor(Scalar meanColor) { this.meanColor = meanColor; } public Point getTopLeftCorner() { return topLeftCorner; } public void setTopLeftCorner(Point topLeftCorner) { this.topLeftCorner = topLeftCorner; } public Mat getContoursImage() { return contoursImage; } public void setContoursImage(Mat contoursImage) { this.contoursImage = contoursImage; } public Mat getMorphologicalImage() { return morphologicalImage; } public void setMorphologicalImage(Mat morphologicalImage) { this.morphologicalImage = morphologicalImage; } public Mat getBiggestContourImage() { return biggestContourImage; } public void setBiggestContourImage(Mat biggestContourImage) { this.biggestContourImage = biggestContourImage; } public Rect getComputedSearchWindow() { return computedSearchWindow; } public void setComputedSearchWindow(Rect computedSearchWindow) { this.computedSearchWindow = computedSearchWindow; } public Point getMassCenter() { return massCenter; } public void setMassCenter(Point massCenter) { this.massCenter = massCenter; } public int getFilledArea() { return filledArea; } public void setFilledArea(int filledArea) { this.filledArea = filledArea; } public double getContourArea() { return contourArea; } public void setContourArea(double contourArea) { this.contourArea = contourArea; } // public ArrayList<String> getRecognizedStrings() { // return recognizedStrings; // } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public String getOutImageName() { return outImageName; } public void setOutImageName(String outImageName) { this.outImageName = outImageName; } } ///* // * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. // * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates // * and open the template in the editor. // */ //package classes; // //import java.util.ArrayList; //import java.util.Collections; //import java.util.List; //import org.opencv.core.Core; //import org.opencv.core.CvType; //import org.opencv.core.Mat; //import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint; //import org.opencv.core.Point; //import org.opencv.core.Rect; //import org.opencv.core.Scalar; //import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui; //import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; //import org.opencv.imgproc.Moments; // ///** // * // * @author ggmendez // */ //public class FloodFiller { // // private Mat image = null; // private Scalar meanColor = null; // private Point topLeftCorner = null; // private Mat contoursImage = null; // private Mat biggestContourImage = null; // private Rect computedSearchWindow = null; // private Point massCenter = null; // private int filledArea; // private double contourArea; // // public FloodFiller(Mat image) { // this.image = image; // } // // public String fillFrom(Point seed, int lo, int up) { // // String path = ""; // // Mat object = ObjectGenerator.extract(image, seed.x, seed.y, 10, 10); // this.meanColor = Core.mean(object); // // Rect ccomp = new Rect(); // Mat mask = Mat.zeros(image.rows() + 2, image.cols() + 2, CvType.CV_8UC1); // // int connectivity = 4; // int newMaskVal = 255; // int ffillMode = 1; // // int flags = connectivity + (newMaskVal << 8) + (ffillMode == 1 ? Imgproc.FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE : 0); // // Scalar newVal = new Scalar(0.299, 0.587, 0.114); // // Imgproc.threshold(mask, mask, 1, 128, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY); // //// OpenCVTest.imshow(image, "image"); // filledArea = Imgproc.floodFill(image, mask, seed, newVal, ccomp, new Scalar(lo, lo, lo), new Scalar(up, up, up), flags); // //// OpenCVTest.imshow(image, "image"); //// OpenCVTest.imshow(mask, "mask"); //// Highgui.imwrite("mask.png", mask); // Mat morphologicalImage = new Mat(); // //// Mat element = new Mat(5, 5, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1)); // Mat element = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1)); // Imgproc.erode(mask, morphologicalImage, element); // Imgproc.morphologyEx(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, element, new Point(-1, -1), 9); //// Imgproc.morphologyEx(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, element, new Point(-1, -1), 2); // Imgproc.morphologyEx(morphologicalImage, morphologicalImage, Imgproc.MORPH_OPEN, element, new Point(-1, -1), 2); // // Highgui.imwrite("morphologicalImage.png", morphologicalImage); // // List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); // Imgproc.findContours(morphologicalImage.clone(), contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_EXTERNAL, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // // // Draw black contours on a white image // contoursImage = new Mat(morphologicalImage.size(), CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(255)); // Scalar color = new Scalar(0); // int thickness = 2; // Imgproc.drawContours(contoursImage, contours, -1, color, thickness); // Highgui.imwrite("allContoursImage.png", contoursImage); // // if (contours.size() > 1) { // // int minContourWith = 20; // int minContourHeight = 20; // int maxContourWith = 6400 / 2; // int maxContourHeight = 4800 / 2; // // contours = filterContours(contours, minContourWith, minContourHeight, maxContourWith, maxContourHeight); // } // // if (contours.size() > 0) { // // MatOfPoint biggestContour = contours.get(0); // getting the bigger contour // contourArea = Imgproc.contourArea(biggestContour); // // if (contours.size() > 1) { // biggestContour = Collections.max(contours, new ContourComparator()); // getting the biggest contour in case there are more than one // } // // Point[] points = biggestContour.toArray(); // path = "M " + (int) points[0].x + " " + (int) points[0].y + " "; // for (int i = 1; i < points.length; ++i) { // Point v = points[i]; // path += "L " + (int) v.x + " " + (int) v.y + " "; // } // path += "Z"; // // // draw all contours in black with a thickness of 2 // biggestContourImage = Mat.zeros(morphologicalImage.size(), CvType.CV_8UC1); // ArrayList<MatOfPoint> biggestContourList = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); // biggestContourList.add(biggestContour); // Imgproc.drawContours(biggestContourImage, biggestContourList, -1, color, thickness); // // //// //// //// Mat colorArea = Mat.zeros(morphologicalImage.size(), CvType.CV_8UC1); //// Core.bitwise_and(biggestContourImage, morphologicalImage, colorArea); //// //// Highgui.imwrite("colorArea_antes.png", colorArea); //// //// ArrayList<Mat> list = new ArrayList<Mat>(); //// list.add(colorArea); //// list.add(colorArea); //// list.add(colorArea); //// //// Core.merge(list, colorArea); //// //// //// Core.bitwise_and(colorArea, image, colorArea); //// Highgui.imwrite("colorArea_Despues.png", colorArea); //// //// // // testing the bounding box // computedSearchWindow = Imgproc.boundingRect(biggestContour); // // topLeftCorner =; // // // compute all moments // Moments mom = Imgproc.moments(biggestContour); // // massCenter = new Point(mom.get_m10() / mom.get_m00(), mom.get_m01() / mom.get_m00()); // // // draw black dot //, massCenter, 4, color, 8); // } // // Highgui.imwrite("biggestContourImage.png", biggestContourImage); // // return path; // // } // // private static ArrayList<MatOfPoint> filterContours(List<MatOfPoint> contours, int minContourWith, int minContourHeight, int maxContourWith, int maxContourHeight) { // ArrayList<MatOfPoint> results = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>(); // for (MatOfPoint currentContour : contours) { // Rect boundingBox = Imgproc.boundingRect(currentContour); // if (boundingBox.width > minContourWith && boundingBox.height > minContourHeight) { // if (boundingBox.width < maxContourWith && boundingBox.height < maxContourHeight) { // results.add(currentContour); // } // } // } // return results; // } // // private static void applyMorphologicalFilters(Mat image) { // Mat element = new Mat(3, 3, CvType.CV_8U, new Scalar(1)); // Imgproc.erode(image, image, element); // Imgproc.morphologyEx(image, image, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, element, new Point(-1, -1), 2); // Imgproc.morphologyEx(image, image, Imgproc.MORPH_OPEN, element, new Point(-1, -1), 2); // } // // public Mat getImage() { // return image; // } // // public void setImage(Mat image) { // this.image = image; // } // // public Scalar getMeanColor() { // return meanColor; // } // // public void setMeanColor(Scalar meanColor) { // this.meanColor = meanColor; // } // // public Point getTopLeftCorner() { // return topLeftCorner; // } // // public void setTopLeftCorner(Point topLeftCorner) { // this.topLeftCorner = topLeftCorner; // } // // public Mat getContoursImage() { // return contoursImage; // } // // public void setContoursImage(Mat contoursImage) { // this.contoursImage = contoursImage; // } // // public Mat getBiggestContourImage() { // return biggestContourImage; // } // // public void setBiggestContourImage(Mat biggestContourImage) { // this.biggestContourImage = biggestContourImage; // } // // public Rect getComputedSearchWindow() { // return computedSearchWindow; // } // // public void setComputedSearchWindow(Rect computedSearchWindow) { // this.computedSearchWindow = computedSearchWindow; // } // // public Point getMassCenter() { // return massCenter; // } // // public void setMassCenter(Point massCenter) { // this.massCenter = massCenter; // } // // public int getFilledArea() { // return filledArea; // } // // public void setFilledArea(int filledArea) { // this.filledArea = filledArea; // } // // public double getContourArea() { // return contourArea; // } // // public void setContourArea(double contourArea) { // this.contourArea = contourArea; // } // // //}