Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package clases; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import java.awt.Checkbox; import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author */ public class Funciones { public ReturnProperties p = new ReturnProperties(); public static int idClient = 0, idProvedor = 0; public static String Placas = ""; public String Datos_Nombre = "nombre"; public String Datos_Direccion = "direccion"; public String Datos_Rfc = "rfc"; public String Datos_Telefono = "telefono"; public final ArrayList ListClients = new ArrayList(); public final ArrayList ListProvedores = new ArrayList(); public final ArrayList ListVehiculos = new ArrayList(); public final ArrayList ListProducts = new ArrayList(); Conexion coneccion; //IdGlobal username private static int idUsername = 0; //Variables funcion back public static int idBack = 0, BackTmp = 0; public final ArrayList ListBack = new ArrayList(); public static int BackVehiculos_consultar = 1; public static int BackVehiculos_agregar = 2; public static int BackClientes_agregar = 3; public static int BackClientes_consultar = 4; public static int BackProvedores_Agregar = 5; public static int BackProvedores_Consultar = 6; public static int BackStock_Agregar = 7; public static int BackStock_Consultar = 8; //Permisos public static final String PermisoClients = "clientes"; public static final String PermisoClients_add = "clientes_agregar"; public static final String PermisoClients_edit = "clientes_editar"; public static final String PermisoClients_delete = "clientes_eliminar"; public static final String PermisoVehiculos = "vehiculos"; public static final String PermisoVehiculos_add = "vehiculos_agregar"; public static final String PermisoVehiculos_edit = "vehiculos_editar"; public static final String PermisoVehiculos_delete = "vehiculos_eliminar"; public static final String PermisoProvedores = "provedores"; public static final String PermisoProvedores_add = "provedores_agregar"; public static final String PermisoProvedores_edit = "provedores_editar"; public static final String PermisoProvedores_delete = "provedores_eliminar"; public static final String PermisoStock = "stock"; public static final String PermisoStocks_add = "stock_agregar"; public static final String PermisoStock_edit = "stock_editar"; public static final String PermisoStock_delete = "stock_eliminar"; public static final String PermisoInventory = "inventario"; public static final String PermisoUsers = "users"; public static final String PermisoUsers_add = "user_add"; public static final String PermisoUsers_edit = "user_update"; public static final String PermisoUsers_delete = "user_delete"; public static final String PermisoUpdate_datos = "update_dates"; public static final String PermisoService_Edit = "service_edit"; public static final String PermisoService_Delete = "servcice_delete"; public void SetModelForm(JFrame f) { f.setTitle(this.ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre) + ", " + this.ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Direccion) + " - RFC: " + this.ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Rfc)); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setIconImage(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("/Images/icon.png"))); } public void SetUpercase_Jtextfield(JTextField t) { t.setText(t.getText().toUpperCase()); } public void Jtext_SetModel(JTextField t) { //Centramos jtextfield t.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); } public void JtextField_SetEmpty(JTextField t) { //Limpiamos Jtextfield t.setText(""); } public void Alert(String msg) { //Se muestra notificaciones JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg.toUpperCase()); } public boolean Login(JTextField TxtUsername, JTextField TxtPassword) { boolean respuesta = false; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); try (ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id FROM users where username = '" + TxtUsername.getText() + "' and password = '" + TxtPassword.getText() + "' ")) { if ( { idUsername = rs.getInt(1); respuesta = true; } else { TxtUsername.setText(""); TxtPassword.setText(""); } } } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return respuesta; } public boolean AddClient(JTextField nombre, JTextField direccion, JTextField telefono, JTextField rfc, JTextField mail) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (nombre.getText().replace(" ", "").length() > 0 && Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoClients)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("insert into clients (nombre, direccion, telefono, rfc, mail) values ('" + nombre.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + direccion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + telefono.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + rfc.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + mail.getText().toUpperCase() + "')"); } else { return false; } } private void StyleJtable(JTable t) { try { //Tipo de letra if (p.ReturnMinuscula(p.Table_HeaderBold).equals("yes")) { t.getTableHeader().setFont( new Font(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondHeader), 1, p.ReturnINT(p.Table_FondZiseHeader))); } else { t.getTableHeader().setFont( new Font(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondHeader), 0, p.ReturnINT(p.Table_FondZiseHeader))); } if (p.ReturnMinuscula(p.Table_BodyBold).equals("yes")) { t.setFont(new java.awt.Font(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondBody), 1, p.ReturnINT(p.Table_FondZiseBody))); } else { t.setFont(new java.awt.Font(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondBody), 0, p.ReturnINT(p.Table_FondZiseBody))); } t.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); t.getTableHeader().setReorderingAllowed(false); t.getTableHeader().setResizingAllowed(false); //Centrar header DefaultTableCellRenderer renderer = (DefaultTableCellRenderer) t.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer(); renderer.setHorizontalAlignment(0); //Centrar celdas DefaultTableCellRenderer modelocentrar = new DefaultTableCellRenderer(); modelocentrar.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < t.getColumnCount(); i++) { t.getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setCellRenderer(modelocentrar); } //No permitir editar celdas DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; } catch (IOException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadClients(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); modelo.addColumn("RFC"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM clients order by id desc"); Object[] file = new Object[5]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(5); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadClientsSearch(JTable t, JTextField txt) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); modelo.addColumn("RFC"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM clients where nombre like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or direccion like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or rfc like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or mail like '%" + txt.getText() + "%'order by id desc"); Object[] file = new Object[5]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(5); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public String Detalles_TableClient(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String r = ""; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM clients where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); if ( { r = "NOMBRE:" + "\n" + rs.getString(2) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "DIRECCION:" + "\n" + rs.getString(3) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "TELEFONO:" + "\n" + rs.getString(4) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "RFC:" + "\n" + rs.getString(5) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "MAIL:" + "\n" + rs.getString(6) + "\n" + "\n"; } return r; } public boolean Delete_TableClient(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoClients_delete)) { return coneccion.ejecutar("delete from clients where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Delete_TableService(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoService_Delete)) { return coneccion.ejecutar("delete from services where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Delete_ItemVehiculo(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoVehiculos_delete)) { return coneccion.ejecutar( "delete from vehiculos where placas = '" + (String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 3) + "' "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Delete_ItemProvedores(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoProvedores_delete)) { return coneccion.ejecutar("delete from provedores where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Delete_ItemProducts(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoStock_delete)) { return coneccion.ejecutar( "delete from products where codebar = '" + (String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0) + "' "); } else { return false; } } public void SetImagenJLabel(String ruta, JLabel label) { File f = new File(ruta); if (f.exists()) { ImageIcon RutaImage = new ImageIcon(ruta); ImageIcon icono = new ImageIcon(RutaImage.getImage().getScaledInstance(label.getWidth(), label.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_DEFAULT)); label.setText(""); label.setIcon(icono); } else { //ImageIcon RutaImage = new ImageIcon(RutaPathClientes()+"/default.png"); //ImageIcon icono = new ImageIcon(RutaImage.getImage().getScaledInstance(label.getWidth(), label.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_DEFAULT)); label.setText("=0"); //label.setIcon(icono); } } public boolean Clients_EditLoad(JTable t, JTextField nombre, JTextField direccion, JTextField telefono, JTextField rfc, JTextField mail) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { boolean r = false; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM clients where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); if ( { r = true; idClient = rs.getInt(1); nombre.setText(rs.getString(2)); direccion.setText(rs.getString(3)); telefono.setText(rs.getString(4)); rfc.setText(rs.getString(5)); mail.setText(rs.getString(6)); } return r; } public boolean Client_Update(JTextField nombre, JTextField direccion, JTextField telefono, JTextField rfc, JTextField mail) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoClients_edit)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("update clients set nombre = '" + nombre.getText().toUpperCase() + "', direccion = '" + direccion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', telefono = '" + telefono.getText().toUpperCase() + "', rfc = '" + rfc.getText().toUpperCase() + "', mail = '" + mail.getText().toUpperCase() + "' where id = " + idClient + " "); } else { return false; } } public void Combo_LoadCients(JComboBox combo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { combo.removeAllItems(); ListClients.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id, nombre FROM clients order by nombre asc"); combo.addItem("CLIENTES"); ListClients.add("0"); while ( { ListClients.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } public void Combo_LoadCients(JComboBox combo, int client) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { combo.removeAllItems(); ListClients.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id, nombre FROM clients order by nombre asc"); combo.addItem("CLIENTES"); ListClients.add("0"); while ( { ListClients.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } for (Object item : ListClients) { if (client == Integer.parseInt((String) item)) { combo.setSelectedIndex(ListClients.indexOf(item)); break; } } } public void Combo_LoadProvedores(JComboBox combo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { combo.removeAllItems(); ListProvedores.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id, empresa FROM provedores order by empresa asc"); combo.addItem("PROVEDORES"); ListProvedores.add("0"); while ( { ListProvedores.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } public boolean Vehiculo_Agregar(JTextField placas, JTextField color, JTextField departamento, JTextField mtp, JTextField kilometros, JComboBox c) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (placas.getText().replace(" ", "").length() > 0 && c.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar( "insert into vehiculos (placas, color, departamento, mtp, kilometros, id_client) values ('" + placas.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + color.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + departamento.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + mtp.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + kilometros.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + ListClients.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + "')"); } else { return false; } } public boolean Product_Add(JTextField CodeBar, JTextField nombre, JTextField descripcion, JTextField precio, JTextField existencia, JComboBox c) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (CodeBar.getText().replace(" ", "").length() > 0 && c.getSelectedIndex() > 0 && Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoStocks_add)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar( "insert into products (codebar, nombre, descripcion, precio, existencia, vendidos, id_provedor) values ('" + CodeBar.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + nombre.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + descripcion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + precio.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + existencia.getText().toUpperCase() + "', 0,'" + ListProvedores.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + "')"); } else { return false; } } public boolean Add_User (JTextField TxtUsername, JTextField Contrasea, JTextField Nombre, JTextField Direccion, JTextField telefonos) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (!"".equals(TxtUsername.getText().replace(" ","")) && !"".equals(Contrasea.getText().replace(" ",""))) { coneccion = new Conexion(); if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoUsers_add)) { return coneccion.ejecutar("insert into users (username, password, nombre, direccion, telefono) values ('"+TxtUsername.getText()+"', '"+Contrasea.getText()+"', '"+Nombre.getText()+"', '"+Direccion.getText()+"', '"+telefonos.getText()+"')"); }else { return false; } }else { Alert("Ingrese almenos usuario y una contrasea"); return false; } } public void Table_LoadVehiculos(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("PROPIETARIO"); modelo.addColumn("M-T-P"); modelo.addColumn("COLOR"); modelo.addColumn("PLACAS"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT c.nombre, v.mtp, v.color, v.placas from vehiculos v, clients c where v.id_client = order by c.nombre asc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadProducts(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("CODIGO DE BARRA"); modelo.addColumn("PRODUCTO"); modelo.addColumn("PRECIO"); modelo.addColumn("STOCK"); modelo.addColumn("PROVEDOR"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT p.codebar, p.nombre, p.precio, p.existencia, p.vendidos, pp.empresa from provedores pp, products p where = p.id_provedor order by p.nombre asc"); Object[] file = new Object[5]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(6); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadInventory(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("CODIGO DE BARRA"); modelo.addColumn("PRODUCTO"); modelo.addColumn("PRECIO"); modelo.addColumn("PROVEDOR"); modelo.addColumn("STOCK"); modelo.addColumn("VENDIDOS"); modelo.addColumn("TOTAL"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT p.codebar, p.nombre, p.precio, pp.empresa, p.existencia, p.vendidos from provedores pp, products p where = p.id_provedor order by p.nombre asc"); Object[] file = new Object[7]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(5); file[5] = rs.getString(6); file[6] = rs.getInt(5) + rs.getInt(6); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadVehiculos_Search(JTable t, JTextField s) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("PROPIETARIO"); modelo.addColumn("M-T-P"); modelo.addColumn("COLOR"); modelo.addColumn("PLACAS"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT c.nombre, v.mtp, v.color, v.placas from vehiculos v, clients c where v.id_client = and v.placas like '%" + s.getText() + "%' or v.id_client = and v.mtp like '%" + s.getText() + "%' or v.id_client = and v.color like '%" + s.getText() + "%' or v.id_client = and c.nombre like '%" + s.getText() + "%' order by c.nombre asc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); JtextField_SetEmpty(s); } public String Detalles_TableVehiculos(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String r = ""; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT c.nombre, v.mtp, v.color, v.placas from vehiculos v, clients c where v.id_client = and v.placas = '" + (String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 3) + "' "); if ( { r = "PROPIETARIO:" + "\n" + rs.getString(1) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "MARCA, TIPO & MODELO:" + "\n" + rs.getString(2) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "COLOR:" + "\n" + rs.getString(3) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "PLACAS:" + "\n" + rs.getString(4) + "\n" + "\n"; } return r; } public boolean Vehiculos_LoadValuesEdit(JTable t, JTextField placas, JTextField color, JTextField departamento, JTextField mtp, JTextField kilometros, JComboBox c) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { boolean r = false; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT * from vehiculos where placas = '" + (String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 3) + "' "); if ( { r = true; Placas = rs.getString(1); placas.setText(Placas); color.setText(rs.getString(2)); departamento.setText(rs.getString(3)); mtp.setText(rs.getString(4)); kilometros.setText(rs.getString(5)); Combo_LoadCients(c); for (Object item : ListClients) { if (rs.getInt(6) == Integer.parseInt((String) item)) { c.setSelectedIndex(ListClients.indexOf(item)); break; } } } return r; } public boolean Product_LoadValuesEdit(JTable t, JTextField codebar, JTextField nombre, JTextField descripcion, JTextField precio, JTextField existencia, JComboBox c) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { boolean r = false; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT * from products where codebar = '" + (String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0) + "' "); if ( { r = true; codebar.setText(rs.getString(1)); nombre.setText(rs.getString(2)); descripcion.setText(rs.getString(3)); precio.setText(rs.getString(4)); existencia.setText(rs.getString(5)); Combo_LoadProvedores(c); for (Object item : ListProvedores) { if (rs.getInt(7) == Integer.parseInt((String) item)) { c.setSelectedIndex(ListProvedores.indexOf(item)); break; } } } return r; } public boolean Vehiculo_Update(JTextField placas, JTextField color, JTextField departamento, JTextField mtp, JTextField kilometros, JComboBox c) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (!"".equals(Placas.replace(" ", "")) && c.getSelectedIndex() > 0 && Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoVehiculos_edit)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("update vehiculos set placas = '" + placas.getText().toUpperCase() + "', color = '" + color.getText().toUpperCase() + "', departamento = '" + departamento.getText().toUpperCase() + "', mtp = '" + mtp.getText().toUpperCase() + "', kilometros = '" + kilometros.getText().toUpperCase() + "', id_client = " + Integer.parseInt((String) ListClients.get(c.getSelectedIndex())) + " where placas = '" + Placas + "' "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Product_Update(String code, JTextField codebar, JTextField nombre, JTextField descripcion, JTextField precio, JTextField existencia, JComboBox c) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (c.getSelectedIndex() > 0 && Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoStock_edit)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("update products set codebar = '" + codebar.getText().toUpperCase() + "', nombre = '" + nombre.getText().toUpperCase() + "', descripcion = '" + descripcion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', precio = '" + precio.getText().toUpperCase() + "', existencia = '" + existencia.getText().toUpperCase() + "', id_provedor = " + Integer.parseInt((String) ListProvedores.get(c.getSelectedIndex())) + " where codebar = '" + code + "' "); } else { return false; } } public String GenerateReport(JTable t, String title, int open) { String rs = null; Object[] options = { "PDF", "EXCEL", "NINGUNO" }; int r = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Seleccione el tipo de formato a generar.", "Generar reporte?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (r == 0) { rs = GenerateReporte_pdf(t, title, open); } else if (r == 1) { rs = GenerateReporte_xls(t, open); } return rs; } private String GenerateReporte_pdf(JTable t, String title, int open) { Document documento = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate(), 10, 10, 10, 10); FileOutputStream ficheroPdf; File ruta = null; com.itextpdf.text.Image imagen = null; try { imagen = com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_logo)); char rt = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) .charAt(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports).length() - 1); if ("/".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(rt))) { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } else { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + "/" + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } ficheroPdf = new FileOutputStream(ruta); PdfWriter.getInstance(documento, ficheroPdf).setInitialLeading(20); } catch (DocumentException | IOException ex) { Alert("Verifique las rutas de guardado de reportes y logo."); } try {; title += "\nGENER: " + ReturnNombreUsuario(); Paragraph Title = new Paragraph(title.toUpperCase()); Title.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title); imagen.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); imagen.scaleToFit(200, 100); String membrete = ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre) + "\n"; membrete += "DIRECCION: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Direccion) + "\n"; membrete += "RFC: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Rfc) + "\n"; membrete += "TELEFONO: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Telefono) + "\n"; membrete += "GENERO DOCUMENTO: " + ReturnNombreUsuario() + "\n"; membrete += "FECHA Y HORA DE GENERACION: " + GetFechaAndHourActual() + "\n"; ///////// PdfPTable HeaderDatos = new PdfPTable(2); HeaderDatos.setWidthPercentage(100); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(membrete)); cell.setBorder(0); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(imagen); cell.setBorder(0); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(1); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); documento.add(HeaderDatos); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); ///////// PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(t.getColumnCount()); tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); Paragraph footer = new Paragraph("SOFTWARE Y MAS ! - WWW.CYBERCHOAPAS.COM"); footer.setAlignment(1); documento.add(footer); documento.close(); if (open > 0) { Desktop.getDesktop().open(ruta); } } catch (IOException | DocumentException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return ruta.getAbsolutePath(); } private String GenerateReporte_xls(JTable t, int open) { String rutaArchivo = ""; try { char rt = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) .charAt(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports).length() - 1); if ("/".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(rt))) { rutaArchivo = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + rutaArchivo + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".xls"; } else { rutaArchivo = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + "/" + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + rutaArchivo + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(":", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".xls"; } File archivoXLS = new File(rutaArchivo); if (archivoXLS.exists()) archivoXLS.delete(); archivoXLS.createNewFile(); Workbook libro = new HSSFWorkbook(); FileOutputStream archivo = new FileOutputStream(archivoXLS); Sheet hoja = libro.createSheet(ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre)); for (int f = 0; f < t.getRowCount() + 1; f++) { Row fila = hoja.createRow(f); for (int c = 0; c < t.getColumnCount(); c++) { Cell celda = fila.createCell(c); if (f == 0) { celda.setCellValue(String.valueOf(t.getColumnName(c))); } else { celda.setCellValue(String.valueOf(t.getValueAt(f - 1, c))); } hoja.autoSizeColumn(c); } } libro.write(archivo); archivo.close(); if (open > 0) { Desktop.getDesktop().open(archivoXLS); } } catch (IOException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return rutaArchivo; } public String ReturnNombreUsuario() { String Cadena = null; try { Conexion c = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = c.Consulta("SELECT nombre FROM users where id = " + idUsername + " "); if ( { Cadena = rs.getString(1); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return Cadena.toUpperCase(); } public String GetFechaAndHourActual() { java.util.Date fecha = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat formato = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); return formato.format(fecha); } public String ReturnDatosFisicos(String campo) { String Cadena = null; try { Conexion c = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = c.Consulta("SELECT " + campo + " FROM datos where id = 1 "); if ( { Cadena = rs.getString(1); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return Cadena.toUpperCase(); } public boolean AddProvedor(JTextField TxtEmpresa, JTextField TxtTelEmpresa, JTextField TxtMail, JTextField TxtResponsable, JTextField TxtDireccion) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (TxtEmpresa.getText().replace(" ", "").length() > 0) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar( "insert into provedores (empresa, direccion, telefono_empresa, responsable, mail) values ('" + TxtEmpresa.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + TxtDireccion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + TxtTelEmpresa.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + TxtResponsable.getText().toUpperCase() + "', '" + TxtMail.getText().toUpperCase() + "' ) "); } else { return false; } } public void Table_LoadProvedores(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("EMPRESA"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("RESPONSABLE"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM provedores order by id desc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(5); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadUsers(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM users order by nombre desc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(4); file[2] = rs.getString(5); file[3] = rs.getString(6); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadProvedoresSearch(JTable t, JTextField txt) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("EMPRESA"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("RESPONSABLE"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT * FROM provedores where empresa like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or direccion like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or responsable like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' order by id desc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(5); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadProductsSearch(JTable t, JTextField txt) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("CODIGO DE BARRA"); modelo.addColumn("PRODUCTO"); modelo.addColumn("PRECIO"); modelo.addColumn("STOCK"); modelo.addColumn("PROVEDOR"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT p.codebar, p.nombre, p.precio, p.existencia, p.vendidos, pp.empresa from provedores pp, products p where = p.id_provedor and codebar LIKE '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or = p.id_provedor and nombre LIKE '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or = p.id_provedor and descripcion LIKE '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or = p.id_provedor and pp.empresa LIKE '%" + txt.getText() + "%' order by p.nombre asc"); Object[] file = new Object[5]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(6); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public String Detalles_TableProvedores(JTable t) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String r = ""; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM provedores where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); if ( { r = "EMPRESA:" + "\n" + rs.getString(2) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "DIRECCION:" + "\n" + rs.getString(3) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "TELEFONO EMPRESA:" + "\n" + rs.getString(4) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "RESPONDABLE:" + "\n" + rs.getString(5) + "\n" + "\n"; r += "CORREO ELECTRONICO:" + "\n" + rs.getString(6) + "\n" + "\n"; } return r; } public boolean Provedor_EditLoad(JTable t, JTextField TxtEmpresa, JTextField TxtTelEmpresa, JTextField TxtTelResponsable, JTextField TxtResponsable, JTextField TxtDireccion) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { boolean r = false; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM provedores where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " "); if ( { r = true; idProvedor = rs.getInt(1); TxtEmpresa.setText(rs.getString(2)); TxtDireccion.setText(rs.getString(3)); TxtTelEmpresa.setText(rs.getString(4)); TxtResponsable.setText(rs.getString(5)); TxtTelResponsable.setText(rs.getString(6)); } return r; } public boolean Provedor_Update(JTextField TxtEmpresa, JTextField TxtTelEmpresa, JTextField TxtTelResponsable, JTextField TxtResponsable, JTextField TxtDireccion) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoProvedores_edit)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("update provedores set empresa = '" + TxtEmpresa.getText().toUpperCase() + "', direccion = '" + TxtDireccion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', telefono_empresa = '" + TxtTelEmpresa.getText().toUpperCase() + "', responsable = '" + TxtResponsable.getText().toUpperCase() + "', mail = '" + TxtTelResponsable.getText().toUpperCase() + "' where id = " + idProvedor + " "); } else { return false; } } public boolean Get_Permiso(String campo) { boolean r = false; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT " + campo + " FROM permisos WHERE id_user = " + idUsername + " "); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) == 1) { r = true; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } if (r == false) { Alert("PERMISO NO AUTORIZADO" + "\n" + "O CON POCOS PRIVILEGIOS."); } return r; } public boolean ExistProduct(String code) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { boolean var = false; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT '" + code + "' FROM products"); if ( { var = true; } return var; } public void setvaluesUser(int id, JTextField TxtUsername, JTextField Contrasea, JTextField Nombre, JTextField Direccion, JTextField telefonos) { if (ValidarUserPermisos(id) == false) { User_AddFirstPermisos(id); }; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM users where id = "+id+" "); if ( { TxtUsername.setText(rs.getString(2)); Contrasea.setText(rs.getString(3)); Nombre.setText(rs.getString(4)); Direccion.setText(rs.getString(5)); telefonos.setText(rs.getString(6)); } } catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public boolean Update_valuesUser(int id, JTextField TxtUsername, JTextField Contrasea, JTextField Nombre, JTextField Direccion, JTextField telefonos) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoUsers_edit) && id > 0) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("update users set username = '"+TxtUsername.getText().toUpperCase()+"', password = '"+Contrasea.getText()+"', nombre = '"+Nombre.getText().toUpperCase()+"', direccion = '"+Direccion.getText().toUpperCase()+"', telefono = '"+telefonos.getText().toUpperCase()+"' where id = "+id+" "); }else { return false; } } public boolean Delete_User(int id) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoUsers_delete)) { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar("delete from users where id = " + id + " "); } else { return false; } } public boolean ValidarUserPermisos(int id) { boolean r = false; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); try (ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM permisos where id_user = " + id + " ")) { if ( { r = true; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return r; } public boolean User_AddFirstPermisos(int id) { boolean respuesta = false; try { respuesta = coneccion.ejecutar( "INSERT INTO `permisos` (`id_user`, `clientes`, `clientes_agregar`, `clientes_editar`, `clientes_eliminar`, `vehiculos`, `vehiculos_agregar`, `vehiculos_editar`, `vehiculos_eliminar`, `provedores`, `provedores_agregar`, `provedores_editar`, `provedores_eliminar`, `stock`, `stock_agregar`, `stock_editar`, `stock_eliminar`, `inventario`, `users`, `user_add`, `user_update`, `user_delete`, `update_dates`, `service_edit`, `servcice_delete`) VALUES (" + id + ", '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')"); } catch (SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return respuesta; } public void SetPermisosUsuario(int id, Checkbox clientes, Checkbox clientes_agregar, Checkbox clientes_editar, Checkbox clientes_eliminar, Checkbox vehiculos, Checkbox vehiculos_agregar, Checkbox vehiculos_editar, Checkbox vehiculos_eliminar, Checkbox provedores, Checkbox provedores_agregar, Checkbox provedores_editar, Checkbox provedores_eliminar, Checkbox stock, Checkbox stock_agregar, Checkbox stock_editar, Checkbox stock_eliminar, Checkbox inventario, Checkbox users, Checkbox user_add, Checkbox user_update, Checkbox user_delete, Checkbox update_dates, Checkbox service_edit, Checkbox servcice_delete) { if (id != 0) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM permisos WHERE id_user = " + id + " "); if ( { clientes.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(2))); clientes_agregar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(3))); clientes_editar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(4))); clientes_eliminar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(5))); vehiculos.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(6))); vehiculos_agregar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(7))); vehiculos_editar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(8))); vehiculos_eliminar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(9))); provedores.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(10))); provedores_agregar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(11))); provedores_editar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(12))); provedores_eliminar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(13))); stock.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(14))); stock_agregar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(15))); stock_editar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(16))); stock_eliminar.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(17))); inventario.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(18))); users.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(19))); user_add.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(20))); user_update.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(21))); user_delete.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(22))); update_dates.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(23))); service_edit.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(24))); servcice_delete.setState(ReturnState(rs.getInt(25))); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } } private boolean ReturnState(int num) { boolean r = false; if (num > 0) { r = true; } return r; } private boolean ReturnStateChecbox(Checkbox c) { boolean r = false; if (c.getState() == true) { r = true; } return r; } public boolean UpdatePermisosYacceso(int id, Checkbox clientes, Checkbox clientes_agregar, Checkbox clientes_editar, Checkbox clientes_eliminar, Checkbox vehiculos, Checkbox vehiculos_agregar, Checkbox vehiculos_editar, Checkbox vehiculos_eliminar, Checkbox provedores, Checkbox provedores_agregar, Checkbox provedores_editar, Checkbox provedores_eliminar, Checkbox stock, Checkbox stock_agregar, Checkbox stock_editar, Checkbox stock_eliminar, Checkbox inventario, Checkbox users, Checkbox user_add, Checkbox user_update, Checkbox user_delete, Checkbox update_dates, Checkbox service_edit, Checkbox servcice_delete) { boolean r = false; try { r = coneccion.ejecutar("update permisos set clientes = " + ReturnStateChecbox(clientes) + "," + " clientes_agregar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(clientes_agregar) + ", " + " clientes_editar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(clientes_editar) + ", " + " clientes_eliminar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(clientes_eliminar) + ", " + " vehiculos = " + ReturnStateChecbox(vehiculos) + ", " + " vehiculos_agregar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(vehiculos_agregar) + ", " + " vehiculos_editar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(vehiculos_editar) + ", " + " vehiculos_eliminar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(vehiculos_eliminar) + ", " + " provedores = " + ReturnStateChecbox(provedores) + ", " + " provedores_agregar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(provedores_agregar) + ", " + " provedores_editar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(provedores_editar) + ", " + " provedores_eliminar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(provedores_eliminar) + ", " + " stock = " + ReturnStateChecbox(stock) + ", " + " stock_agregar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(stock_agregar) + ", " + " stock_editar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(stock_editar) + ", " + " stock_eliminar = " + ReturnStateChecbox(stock_eliminar) + ", " + " inventario = " + ReturnStateChecbox(inventario) + ", " + " users = " + ReturnStateChecbox(users) + ", " + " user_add = " + ReturnStateChecbox(user_add) + ", " + " user_update = " + ReturnStateChecbox(user_update) + ", " + " user_delete = " + ReturnStateChecbox(user_delete) + ", " + " service_edit = " + ReturnStateChecbox(service_edit) + ", " + " servcice_delete = " + ReturnStateChecbox(servcice_delete) + ", " + " update_dates = " + ReturnStateChecbox(update_dates) + " where id_user = " + id + " "); } catch (SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return r; } public void Table_LoadUsersSearch(JTable t, JTextField txt) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM users where username like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' or nombre like '%" + txt.getText() + "%' order by nombre desc"); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(4); file[2] = rs.getString(5); file[3] = rs.getString(6); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public String GetRutaImagenJdataChooser() { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); FileNameExtensionFilter filtroImagen = new FileNameExtensionFilter("JPG, PNG & GIF", "jpg", "png", "gif"); chooser.setFileFilter(filtroImagen); chooser.showOpenDialog(null); return String.valueOf(chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsoluteFile()).replace("\\", "/"); } public String GetRutaFolderJdataChooser() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); return String.valueOf(fileChooser.getSelectedFile()).replace("\\", "/"); } public void AjustesGetProperties(JTextField TxtRuta_db, JTextField usuario_db, JTextField passwors_db, JTextField nombre_db, JTextField puerto_db, JTextField ruta_logo, JTextField ruta_savereports, JTextField TableFonfHeader, JTextField TableFondBody, JTextField TableFondZiseBody, JTextField TableFondZiseHeader, JRadioButton TableFondBodyBold, JRadioButton TableFondHeaderBold) { try { TxtRuta_db.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.ruta_db)); usuario_db.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.usuario_db)); passwors_db.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.passwors_db)); nombre_db.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.nombre_db)); puerto_db.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.puerto_db)); ruta_logo.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_logo)); ruta_savereports.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports)); TableFonfHeader.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondHeader)); TableFondBody.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondBody)); TableFondZiseBody.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondZiseBody)); TableFondZiseHeader.setText(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Table_FondZiseHeader)); if ("yes".equals(p.ReturnMinuscula(p.Table_BodyBold))) { TableFondBodyBold.setSelected(true); } if ("yes".equals(p.ReturnMinuscula(p.Table_HeaderBold))) { TableFondHeaderBold.setSelected(true); } } catch (IOException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void LoadValuesPyme(JTextField TxtNombre, JTextField TxtDireccion, JTextField TxtRfc, JTextField TxtTelefonos) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT * FROM datos where id = 1 "); if ( { TxtNombre.setText(rs.getString(2).toUpperCase()); TxtDireccion.setText(rs.getString(3).toUpperCase()); TxtRfc.setText(rs.getString(4).toUpperCase()); TxtTelefonos.setText(rs.getString(5).toUpperCase()); if (!Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoUpdate_datos)) { TxtNombre.enable(false); TxtDireccion.enable(false); TxtRfc.enable(false); TxtTelefonos.enable(false); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public boolean AjustesSetProperties(JTextField TxtRuta_db, JTextField usuario_db, JTextField passwors_db, JTextField nombre_db, JTextField puerto_db, JTextField ruta_logo, JTextField ruta_savereports, JTextField TableFonfHeader, JTextField TableFondBody, JTextField TableFondZiseBody, JTextField TableFondZiseHeader, JRadioButton TableFondBodyBold, JRadioButton TableFondHeaderBold) { boolean r = true; File path = new File("."); Properties propiedades = new Properties(); OutputStream salida = null; try { salida = new FileOutputStream(path.getCanonicalPath() + "/"); // asignamos los valores a las propiedades propiedades.setProperty(p.ruta_db, TxtRuta_db.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.usuario_db, usuario_db.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.passwors_db, passwors_db.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.nombre_db, nombre_db.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.puerto_db, puerto_db.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Ruta_logo, ruta_logo.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Ruta_SaveReports, ruta_savereports.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondHeader, TableFonfHeader.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondBody, TableFondBody.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondZiseBody, TableFondZiseBody.getText()); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondZiseHeader, TableFondZiseHeader.getText()); if (TableFondBodyBold.isSelected()) { propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_BodyBold, "yes"); } else { propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_BodyBold, "no"); } if (TableFondHeaderBold.isSelected()) { propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_HeaderBold, "yes"); } else { propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_HeaderBold, "no"); } // guardamos el archivo de propiedades en la carpeta de aplicacin, null); } catch (IOException io) { r = false; Alert(io.getMessage()); } finally { if (salida != null) { try { salida.close(); } catch (IOException e) { r = false; Alert(e.getMessage()); } } } return r; } public boolean AjustesRestoreProperties() { boolean r = true; File path = new File("."); Properties propiedades = new Properties(); OutputStream salida = null; try { salida = new FileOutputStream(path.getCanonicalPath() + "/"); // asignamos los valores a las propiedades propiedades.setProperty(p.ruta_db, "//server"); propiedades.setProperty(p.usuario_db, "username"); propiedades.setProperty(p.passwors_db, "***"); propiedades.setProperty(p.nombre_db, "nombre_db"); propiedades.setProperty(p.puerto_db, "3306"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Ruta_logo, "/logo.jpg"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Ruta_SaveReports, "/"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondHeader, "arial"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondBody, "arial"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondZiseBody, "12"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_FondZiseHeader, "16"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_BodyBold, "no"); propiedades.setProperty(p.Table_HeaderBold, "yes"); // guardamos el archivo de propiedades en la carpeta de aplicacin, null); } catch (IOException io) { r = false; Alert(io.getMessage()); } finally { if (salida != null) { try { salida.close(); } catch (IOException e) { r = false; Alert(e.getMessage()); } } } return r; } public void UpdateDatosEmpresa(JTextField TxtNombre, JTextField TxtDireccion, JTextField TxtRfc, JTextField TxtTelefonos) { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoUpdate_datos)) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); coneccion.ejecutar("update datos set nombre = '" + TxtNombre.getText().toUpperCase() + "', direccion = '" + TxtDireccion.getText().toUpperCase() + "', rfc = '" + TxtRfc.getText().toUpperCase() + "', telefono = '" + TxtTelefonos.getText().toUpperCase() + "' where id = 1 "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } } public void Combo_LoadVehiculos(JComboBox combo, JComboBox combocli) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (combocli.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { combo.removeAllItems(); ListVehiculos.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT placas, mtp FROM vehiculos where id_client = " + ListClients.get(combocli.getSelectedIndex()) + " order by mtp asc"); combo.addItem("VEHICULOS"); ListVehiculos.add("0"); while ( { ListVehiculos.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } } public void Combo_LoadVehiculos(JComboBox combo, JComboBox combocli, String Id_vehiculo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (combocli.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { combo.removeAllItems(); ListVehiculos.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT placas, mtp FROM vehiculos where id_client = " + ListClients.get(combocli.getSelectedIndex()) + " order by mtp asc"); combo.addItem("VEHICULOS"); ListVehiculos.add("0"); while ( { ListVehiculos.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } for (Object item : ListVehiculos) { if (Id_vehiculo.equals((String) item)) { combo.setSelectedIndex(ListVehiculos.indexOf(item)); break; } } } } public void Combo_LoadValuesVehiculos(JComboBox c, JLabel TxtPlacas, JLabel TxtColor, JLabel TxtDepartamento, JTextField TxtKilometraje) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (c.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT placas, color, departamento, kilometros FROM vehiculos where placas = '" + ListVehiculos.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + "' "); if ( { TxtPlacas.setText(rs.getString(1)); TxtColor.setText(rs.getString(2)); TxtDepartamento.setText(rs.getString(3)); TxtKilometraje.setText(rs.getString(4)); } } } public void LoadValues_EditService(int id, JTextArea s_sol, JTextArea s_rea, JTable productos, JLabel total, JRadioButton urgente, JRadioButton programar) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT s_solicitado, s_realizado, productos, total, p_urgente FROM services where id = " + id + " "); if ( { s_sol.setText(rs.getString(1)); s_rea.setText(rs.getString(2)); Table_LoadProductsServicio(productos); String[] result = rs.getString(3).replace("+", ",").split(","); if (result.length >= 1) { for (String r : result) { if (!r.equalsIgnoreCase("") || !r.isEmpty()) { if (ExistProduct(r)) { Table_AddProductsServicio(productos, r); } } } } total.setText(rs.getString(4)); if (rs.getBoolean(5)) { urgente.setSelected(true); } else { programar.setSelected(true); } } } public void Combo_LoadProductos(JComboBox combo) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { combo.removeAllItems(); ListProducts.clear(); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT codebar, nombre FROM products order by nombre asc"); combo.addItem("PRODUCTOS & SERVICIOS"); ListProducts.add("0"); while ( { ListProducts.add(rs.getString(1)); combo.addItem(rs.getString(2)); } } public void Table_LoadProductsServicio(JTable t) { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("CODEBAR"); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("PRECIO"); StyleJtable(t); } public void Table_AddProductsServicio(JTable t, JComboBox c, JLabel total) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (c.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT codebar, nombre, precio FROM products where codebar = '" + ListProducts.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + "' "); if ( { DefaultTableModel temp = (DefaultTableModel) t.getModel(); Object nuevo[] = { rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getDouble(3) }; total.setText(String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(total.getText()) + rs.getDouble(3))); temp.addRow(nuevo); } } } public void Table_AddProductsServicio(JTable t, String code) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT codebar, nombre, precio FROM products where codebar = '" + code + "' "); if ( { DefaultTableModel temp = (DefaultTableModel) t.getModel(); Object nuevo[] = { rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2), rs.getDouble(3) }; temp.addRow(nuevo); } } public boolean GenerateReporte_Service(JTable t_client, JTable t_vehiculos, int open, String S_solicitad, String S_realizado, JTable t_productos, String Total, String Prioridad, JComboBox client, JComboBox vehiculos, Double km) { boolean r = false; int Folio = GenerateFolioService(); if (AddService(client, vehiculos, S_solicitad, S_realizado, t_productos, Double.parseDouble(Total), "URGENTE".equals(Prioridad)) && vehiculos.getSelectedIndex() > 0) { UpdateKilometraje((String) ListVehiculos.get(vehiculos.getSelectedIndex()), km); Table_LoadClient(t_client, client); Table_LoadCar(t_vehiculos, vehiculos); Document documento = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 10, 10, 10, 10); FileOutputStream ficheroPdf; File ruta = null; com.itextpdf.text.Image imagen = null; try { imagen = com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_logo)); char rt = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) .charAt(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports).length() - 1); if ("/".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(rt))) { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } else { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + "/" + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } ficheroPdf = new FileOutputStream(ruta); PdfWriter.getInstance(documento, ficheroPdf).setInitialLeading(20); } catch (DocumentException | IOException ex) { Alert("Verifique las rutas de guardado de reportes y logo."); } try {; imagen.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); imagen.scaleToFit(200, 100); String membrete = "REPORTE DE SERVICIO NO: " + Folio + "\n\n"; membrete += ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre) + "\n"; membrete += "DIRECCION: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Direccion) + "\n"; membrete += "RFC: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Rfc) + "\n"; membrete += "TELEFONO: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Telefono) + "\n"; membrete += "GENERO DOCUMENTO: " + ReturnNombreUsuario() + "\n"; membrete += "GENERADO: " + GetFechaAndHourActual() + "\n"; PdfPTable HeaderDatos = new PdfPTable(2); HeaderDatos.setWidthPercentage(100); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(membrete)); cell.setBorder(0); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(imagen); cell.setBorder(0); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(1); cell.setVerticalAlignment(1); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); documento.add(HeaderDatos); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); ///////// //Tabla_Clientes String Client_header = "CLIENTE"; Paragraph Title = new Paragraph(Client_header.toUpperCase()); Title.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(t_client.getColumnCount()); tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_client.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_client.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_client.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); //Tabla_Vehiculos String Vehiculos_header = "VEHICULO"; Paragraph Title1 = new Paragraph(Vehiculos_header.toUpperCase()); Title1.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title1); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla_vehiculos = new PdfPTable(t_vehiculos.getColumnCount()); tabla_vehiculos.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_vehiculos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_vehiculos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_vehiculos); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO SOLICITADO: " + S_solicitad.toUpperCase())); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO REALIZADO: " + S_realizado.toUpperCase())); documento.add(new Paragraph("PRIORIDAD: " + Prioridad)); //Tabla de servicios y productos String Service_header = "\nSERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS UTILIZADOS"; Paragraph Title2 = new Paragraph(Service_header.toUpperCase()); Title2.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title2); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla_PRODUCTS = new PdfPTable(t_productos.getColumnCount()); tabla_PRODUCTS.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_productos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_productos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_productos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_PRODUCTS); documento.add(new Paragraph("")); // documento.add(new Paragraph("COSTO TOTAL DE SERVICIO $ " + Total)); documento.add(new Paragraph( "FECHA Y HORA DE ENTREGA: ____________________________________________________")); documento.add(new Paragraph( "NOMBRE Y FIRMA DEL QUE REALIZA: _____________________________________________")); documento.add(new Paragraph( "CONFORMIDAD, NOMBRE Y FIRMA DE QUIEN RECIBE: _______________________________")); documento.add(new Paragraph( "PROXIMO SERVICIO: ___________________________________________________________")); Paragraph footer = new Paragraph("SOFTWARE Y MAS ! - WWW.CYBERCHOAPAS.COM"); footer.setAlignment(1); documento.add(footer); documento.close(); r = true; if (open > 0) { Desktop.getDesktop().open(ruta); } } catch (IOException | DocumentException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } else { Alert("VERIFIQUE SU INFORMACION"); } return r; } public void Table_LoadClient(JTable t, JComboBox c) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); modelo.addColumn("RFC"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT nombre, direccion, telefono, rfc FROM clients where id = " + ListClients.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + " "); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadCar(JTable t, JComboBox c) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("MODELO"); modelo.addColumn("COLOR"); modelo.addColumn("PLACAS"); modelo.addColumn("KILOMETRAJE"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT mtp, color, placas, kilometros FROM vehiculos where placas = '" + ListVehiculos.get(c.getSelectedIndex()) + "' "); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadClient(JTable t, int id) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("NOMBRE"); modelo.addColumn("DIRECCION"); modelo.addColumn("TELEFONO"); modelo.addColumn("RFC"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion .Consulta("SELECT nombre, direccion, telefono, rfc FROM clients where id = " + id + " "); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void Table_LoadCar(JTable t, String placa) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("MODELO"); modelo.addColumn("COLOR"); modelo.addColumn("PLACAS"); modelo.addColumn("KILOMETRAJE"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT mtp, color, placas, kilometros FROM vehiculos where placas = '" + placa + "' "); Object[] file = new Object[4]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } private int GenerateFolioService() { int respuesta = 0; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); try (ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT MAX(id) FROM services")) { if ( { respuesta = rs.getInt(1) + 1; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } return respuesta; } public boolean AddService(JComboBox Client, JComboBox Vehiculo, String S_solicitado, String S_ealizado, JTable productos, Double Total, boolean P_urgente) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); String p = ""; for (int i = 0; i < productos.getRowCount(); i++) { if (ExistProduct((String) productos.getValueAt(i, 0))) { p += productos.getValueAt(i, 0) + ","; ProductsRemoveOne((String) productos.getValueAt(i, 0)); } } return coneccion.ejecutar( "insert into services (id_cliente, id_vehiculo, s_solicitado, s_realizado, productos, total, p_urgente) values (" + ListClients.get(Client.getSelectedIndex()) + ", '" + ListVehiculos.get(Vehiculo.getSelectedIndex()) + "', '" + S_solicitado.toUpperCase() + "', '" + S_solicitado.toUpperCase() + "', '" + p + "', " + Total + ", " + P_urgente + " )"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } public boolean ProductsRemoveOne(String code) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar( "update products set existencia = existencia - 1, vendidos = vendidos + 1 where codebar = '" + code + "' "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } public boolean UpdateKilometraje(String placa, Double Kilometros) { try { coneccion = new Conexion(); return coneccion.ejecutar( "update vehiculos set kilometros = " + Kilometros + " where placas = '" + placa + "' "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } public void Table_LoadServices(JTable t) { try { DefaultTableModel modelo; modelo = new DefaultTableModel() { @Override public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; t.setModel(modelo); modelo.addColumn("ID"); modelo.addColumn("CLIENTE"); modelo.addColumn("VEHICULO"); modelo.addColumn("SERVICIO"); modelo.addColumn("COSTO"); coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT, c.nombre, v.mtp, s.s_realizado, FROM services s, clients c, vehiculos v WHERE s.id_cliente = and s.id_vehiculo = v.placas order by desc"); Object[] file = new Object[5]; while ( { file[0] = rs.getString(1); file[1] = rs.getString(2); file[2] = rs.getString(3); file[3] = rs.getString(4); file[4] = rs.getString(5); modelo.addRow(file); } StyleJtable(t); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void RemoveItemSelectedJtable(JTable t) { int item = t.getSelectedRow(); if (item == -1) { Alert("Accion no permitida"); } else { DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) t.getModel(); model.removeRow(item); } } public void Service_Total(JTable t, JLabel l) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t.getRowCount(); i++) { d += Double.parseDouble(String.valueOf(t.getValueAt(i, 2))); } l.setText(String.valueOf(d)); } public void ReGenerateReporte_Service(JTable t) { int id = 0, id_cliente = 0; double total = 0; String id_vehiculo = "", s_solicitado = "", s_realizado = "", productos = ""; boolean p_urgente = false; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); try (ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT id, id_cliente, id_vehiculo, s_solicitado, s_realizado, productos, total, p_urgente FROM services where id = " + Integer.parseInt((String) t.getValueAt(t.getSelectedRow(), 0)) + " ")) { if ( { id = rs.getInt(1); id_cliente = rs.getInt(2); id_vehiculo = rs.getString(3); s_solicitado = rs.getString(4); s_realizado = rs.getString(5); productos = rs.getString(6); total = rs.getDouble(7); p_urgente = rs.getBoolean(8); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } int Folio = id; JTable t_client = new JTable(); JTable t_vehiculos = new JTable(); Table_LoadClient(t_client, id_cliente); Table_LoadCar(t_vehiculos, id_vehiculo); Document documento = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 10, 10, 10, 10); FileOutputStream ficheroPdf; File ruta = null; com.itextpdf.text.Image imagen = null; try { imagen = com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_logo)); char rt = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) .charAt(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports).length() - 1); if ("/".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(rt))) { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } else { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + "/" + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } ficheroPdf = new FileOutputStream(ruta); PdfWriter.getInstance(documento, ficheroPdf).setInitialLeading(20); } catch (DocumentException | IOException ex) { Alert("Verifique las rutas de guardado de reportes y logo."); } try {; imagen.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); imagen.scaleToFit(200, 100); String membrete = "REPORTE DE SERVICIO NO: " + Folio + "\n\n"; membrete += ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre) + "\n"; membrete += "DIRECCION: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Direccion) + "\n"; membrete += "RFC: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Rfc) + "\n"; membrete += "TELEFONO: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Telefono) + "\n"; membrete += "GENERO DOCUMENTO: " + ReturnNombreUsuario() + "\n"; membrete += "GENERADO: " + GetFechaAndHourActual() + "\n"; PdfPTable HeaderDatos = new PdfPTable(2); HeaderDatos.setWidthPercentage(100); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(membrete)); cell.setBorder(0); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(imagen); cell.setBorder(0); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(1); cell.setVerticalAlignment(1); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); documento.add(HeaderDatos); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); ///////// //Tabla_Clientes String Client_header = "CLIENTE"; Paragraph Title = new Paragraph(Client_header.toUpperCase()); Title.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(t_client.getColumnCount()); tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_client.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_client.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_client.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); //Tabla_Vehiculos String Vehiculos_header = "VEHICULO"; Paragraph Title1 = new Paragraph(Vehiculos_header.toUpperCase()); Title1.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title1); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla_vehiculos = new PdfPTable(t_vehiculos.getColumnCount()); tabla_vehiculos.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_vehiculos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_vehiculos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_vehiculos); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO SOLICITADO: " + s_solicitado.toUpperCase())); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO REALIZADO: " + s_realizado.toUpperCase())); String var = ""; if (p_urgente) { var = "URGENTE"; } else { var = "PROGRAMAR"; } documento.add(new Paragraph("PRIORIDAD: " + var)); //Tabla de servicios y productos String Service_header = "\nSERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS UTILIZADOS"; Paragraph Title2 = new Paragraph(Service_header.toUpperCase()); Title2.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title2); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); JTable t_productos = new JTable(); Table_LoadProductsServicio(t_productos); String[] result = productos.replace("+", ",").split(","); if (result.length >= 1) { for (String r : result) { if (!r.equalsIgnoreCase("") || !r.isEmpty()) { if (ExistProduct(r)) { Table_AddProductsServicio(t_productos, r); } } } } PdfPTable tabla_PRODUCTS = new PdfPTable(t_productos.getColumnCount()); tabla_PRODUCTS.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_productos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_productos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_productos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_PRODUCTS); documento.add(new Paragraph("")); // documento.add(new Paragraph("COSTO TOTAL DE SERVICIO $ " + total)); documento.add( new Paragraph("FECHA Y HORA DE ENTREGA: ____________________________________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("NOMBRE Y FIRMA DEL QUE REALIZA: _____________________________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("CONFORMIDAD, NOMBRE Y FIRMA DE QUIEN RECIBE: _______________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("PROXIMO SERVICIO: ___________________________________________________________")); Paragraph footer = new Paragraph("SOFTWARE Y MAS ! - WWW.CYBERCHOAPAS.COM"); footer.setAlignment(1); documento.add(footer); documento.close(); Desktop.getDesktop().open(ruta); } catch (IOException | DocumentException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public void ReGenerateReporte_Service(int id_service) { int id = 0, id_cliente = 0; double total = 0; String id_vehiculo = "", s_solicitado = "", s_realizado = "", productos = ""; boolean p_urgente = false; try { coneccion = new Conexion(); try (ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta( "SELECT id, id_cliente, id_vehiculo, s_solicitado, s_realizado, productos, total, p_urgente FROM services where id = " + id_service + " ")) { if ( { id = rs.getInt(1); id_cliente = rs.getInt(2); id_vehiculo = rs.getString(3); s_solicitado = rs.getString(4); s_realizado = rs.getString(5); productos = rs.getString(6); total = rs.getDouble(7); p_urgente = rs.getBoolean(8); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | SQLException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } int Folio = id; JTable t_client = new JTable(); JTable t_vehiculos = new JTable(); Table_LoadClient(t_client, id_cliente); Table_LoadCar(t_vehiculos, id_vehiculo); Document documento = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 10, 10, 10, 10); FileOutputStream ficheroPdf; File ruta = null; com.itextpdf.text.Image imagen = null; try { imagen = com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_logo)); char rt = p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) .charAt(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports).length() - 1); if ("/".equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(rt))) { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } else { ruta = new File(p.ReturnPropiedad(p.Ruta_SaveReports) + "/" + ReturnNombreUsuario().replace(" ", "_") + "_" + GetFechaAndHourActual().replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_").replace("-", "_") + ".pdf"); } ficheroPdf = new FileOutputStream(ruta); PdfWriter.getInstance(documento, ficheroPdf).setInitialLeading(20); } catch (DocumentException | IOException ex) { Alert("Verifique las rutas de guardado de reportes y logo."); } try {; imagen.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); imagen.scaleToFit(200, 100); String membrete = "REPORTE DE SERVICIO NO: " + Folio + "\n\n"; membrete += ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Nombre) + "\n"; membrete += "DIRECCION: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Direccion) + "\n"; membrete += "RFC: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Rfc) + "\n"; membrete += "TELEFONO: " + ReturnDatosFisicos(this.Datos_Telefono) + "\n"; membrete += "GENERO DOCUMENTO: " + ReturnNombreUsuario() + "\n"; membrete += "GENERADO: " + GetFechaAndHourActual() + "\n"; PdfPTable HeaderDatos = new PdfPTable(2); HeaderDatos.setWidthPercentage(100); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(membrete)); cell.setBorder(0); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(imagen); cell.setBorder(0); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(1); cell.setVerticalAlignment(1); HeaderDatos.addCell(cell); documento.add(HeaderDatos); documento.add(new Paragraph("\n")); ///////// //Tabla_Clientes String Client_header = "CLIENTE"; Paragraph Title = new Paragraph(Client_header.toUpperCase()); Title.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(t_client.getColumnCount()); tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_client.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_client.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_client.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_client.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); //Tabla_Vehiculos String Vehiculos_header = "VEHICULO"; Paragraph Title1 = new Paragraph(Vehiculos_header.toUpperCase()); Title1.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title1); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); PdfPTable tabla_vehiculos = new PdfPTable(t_vehiculos.getColumnCount()); tabla_vehiculos.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_vehiculos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_vehiculos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_vehiculos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_vehiculos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_vehiculos.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_vehiculos); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO SOLICITADO: " + s_solicitado.toUpperCase())); documento.add(new Paragraph("SERVICIO REALIZADO: " + s_realizado.toUpperCase())); String var = ""; if (p_urgente) { var = "URGENTE"; } else { var = "PROGRAMAR"; } documento.add(new Paragraph("PRIORIDAD: " + var)); //Tabla de servicios y productos String Service_header = "\nSERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS UTILIZADOS"; Paragraph Title2 = new Paragraph(Service_header.toUpperCase()); Title2.setAlignment(1); documento.add(Title2); documento.add(new Paragraph(" ")); JTable t_productos = new JTable(); Table_LoadProductsServicio(t_productos); String[] result = productos.replace("+", ",").split(","); if (result.length >= 1) { for (String r : result) { if (!r.equalsIgnoreCase("") || !r.isEmpty()) { if (ExistProduct(r)) { Table_AddProductsServicio(t_productos, r); } } } } PdfPTable tabla_PRODUCTS = new PdfPTable(t_productos.getColumnCount()); tabla_PRODUCTS.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getColumnCount(); i++) { Paragraph header = new Paragraph(t_productos.getColumnName(i)); header.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(header); } for (int i = 0; i < t_productos.getRowCount(); i++) { for (int a = 0; a < t_productos.getColumnCount(); a++) { Paragraph campo = new Paragraph(String.valueOf(t_productos.getValueAt(i, a))); campo.setAlignment(1); tabla_PRODUCTS.addCell(campo); } } documento.add(tabla_PRODUCTS); documento.add(new Paragraph("")); // documento.add(new Paragraph("COSTO TOTAL DE SERVICIO $ " + total)); documento.add( new Paragraph("FECHA Y HORA DE ENTREGA: ____________________________________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("NOMBRE Y FIRMA DEL QUE REALIZA: _____________________________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("CONFORMIDAD, NOMBRE Y FIRMA DE QUIEN RECIBE: _______________________________")); documento.add( new Paragraph("PROXIMO SERVICIO: ___________________________________________________________")); Paragraph footer = new Paragraph("SOFTWARE Y MAS ! - WWW.CYBERCHOAPAS.COM"); footer.setAlignment(1); documento.add(footer); documento.close(); Desktop.getDesktop().open(ruta); } catch (IOException | DocumentException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); } } public int Return_IdClient(int id) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { int r = 0; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id_cliente from services where id = " + id + " "); if ( { r = rs.getInt(1); } return r; } public String Return_IdVehiculo(int id) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String r = ""; coneccion = new Conexion(); ResultSet rs = coneccion.Consulta("SELECT id_vehiculo from services where id = " + id + " "); if ( { r = rs.getString(1); } return r; } public boolean UpdateService(int id, JComboBox Client, JComboBox Vehiculo, String S_solicitado, String S_realizado, JTable productos, Double Total, boolean P_urgente, Double km) { if (Get_Permiso(Funciones.PermisoService_Edit)) { UpdateKilometraje((String) ListVehiculos.get(Vehiculo.getSelectedIndex()), km); try { coneccion = new Conexion(); String p = ""; for (int i = 0; i < productos.getRowCount(); i++) { if (ExistProduct((String) productos.getValueAt(i, 0))) { p += productos.getValueAt(i, 0) + ","; } } return coneccion.ejecutar("update services set id_cliente = " + ListClients.get(Client.getSelectedIndex()) + ", id_vehiculo = '" + ListVehiculos.get(Vehiculo.getSelectedIndex()) + "', s_solicitado = '" + S_solicitado + "', s_realizado = '" + S_realizado + "', productos = '" + p + "', total = " + Total + ", p_urgente = " + P_urgente + " where id = " + id + " "); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Alert(ex.getMessage()); return false; } } else { return false; } } }