Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package cimav.client.view.catalogos.tabulador; import cimav.client.view.common.EMethod; import cimav.client.view.common.MethodEvent; import; import cimav.client.view.provider.BaseProvider; import cimav.client.view.provider.NivelesProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; /** * * @author juan.calderon */ public class NivelesUi extends Composite { private static NivelesUiUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(NivelesUiUiBinder.class); interface NivelesUiUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, NivelesUi> { } @UiField(provided = true) CellTable<Tabulador> dataGrid; @UiField(provided = true) SimplePager pager; public NivelesUi() { buildGrid(); initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); NivelesProvider.get().findAll(); NivelesProvider.get().addMethodExecutedListener(new BaseProvider.MethodExecutedListener() { @Override public void onMethodExecuted(MethodEvent methodEvent) { if (EMethod.FIND_ALL.equals(methodEvent.getMethod()) || EMethod.FIND_BASE_ALL.equals(methodEvent.getMethod())) { // List<Tabulador> niveles = (List<Tabulador>) methodEvent.getResult(); // Window.alert(niveles.size() + " niveles cargados."); // DataGrid es un Widget tipo RequireSize; por lo tanto debe ser hijo de un widget tipo ProvidesResize. // De lo contrario se "desaparece" al no poder ajustar a los cambios de tamao. dataGrid.setWidth("100%"); dataGrid.setHeight("100%"); dataGrid.redraw(); } } }); } private void buildGrid() { // super.onLoad(); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. /* * Set a key provider that provides a unique key for each contact. If key is * used to identify contacts when fields (such as the name and address) * change. */ dataGrid = new CellTable<>(NivelesProvider.get().getDataProvider()); //cellTable.setWidth("100%"); //cellTable.setHeight("100%"); /* * Do not refresh the headers every time the data is updated. The footer * depends on the current data, so we do not disable auto refresh on the * footer. */ dataGrid.setAutoHeaderRefreshDisabled(true); // Set the message to display when the table is empty. dataGrid.setEmptyTableWidget(new Label("No hay Niveles")); // Attach a column sort handler to the ListDataProvider to sort the list. ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<Tabulador> sortHandler = new ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<>( NivelesProvider.get().getDataProvider().getList()); dataGrid.addColumnSortHandler(sortHandler); // Create a Pager to control the table. SimplePager.Resources pagerResources = GWT.create(SimplePager.Resources.class); pager = new SimplePager(SimplePager.TextLocation.CENTER, pagerResources, false, 0, true); pager.setDisplay(dataGrid); dataGrid.setPageSize(50); // Add a selection model so we can select cells. final SelectionModel<Tabulador> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<>( NivelesProvider.get().getDataProvider()); selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { @Override public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { //System.out.println("123> " + event.getSource() + " - " + event.getAssociatedType()); if (event.getSource() instanceof SingleSelectionModel) { SingleSelectionModel selecter = (SingleSelectionModel) event.getSource(); Tabulador sel = (Tabulador) selecter.getSelectedObject(); GWT.log("Sel>> " + sel); } } }); dataGrid.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); dataGrid.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) { // DataGrid<Departamento> grid = (DataGrid<Departamento>) event.getSource(); // int row = grid.getKeyboardSelectedRow(); // Departamento item = grid.getVisibleItem(row); } }, DoubleClickEvent.getType()); initTableColumns(sortHandler); // Add the CellList to the adapter in the database. NivelesProvider.get().getDataProvider().addDataDisplay(dataGrid); } /** * Add the columns to the table. */ private void initTableColumns(ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<Tabulador> sortHandler) { // ID Column<Tabulador, String> idCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getId().toString(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(idCol, "ID"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(idCol, 40, Style.Unit.PX); // Code Column<Tabulador, String> codigoCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>((new TextCell())) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getCode(); } }; codigoCol.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(codigoCol, new Comparator<Tabulador>() { @Override public int compare(Tabulador o1, Tabulador o2) { return o1.getCode().compareTo(o2.getCode()); } }); dataGrid.addColumn(codigoCol, "Cdigo"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(codigoCol, 70, Style.Unit.PX); // Sueldo Column<Tabulador, String> sueldoCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyFormat(); String output = object.getSueldo().toString(); Double value = Double.parseDouble(output); String formatted = fmt.format(value); return formatted; } }; sueldoCol.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); sueldoCol.setSortable(true); sortHandler.setComparator(sueldoCol, new Comparator<Tabulador>() { @Override public int compare(Tabulador o1, Tabulador o2) { return o1.getSueldo().compareTo(o2.getSueldo()); } }); dataGrid.addColumn(sueldoCol, "Sueldo"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(sueldoCol, 60, Style.Unit.PX); // matDidacticos Column<Tabulador, String> matDidacticosCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getMatDidacticos().toString(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(matDidacticosCol, "Mat. Didacticos"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(matDidacticosCol, 60, Style.Unit.PX); // honorarios Column<Tabulador, String> honorariosCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getHonorarios().toString(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(honorariosCol, "Honorarios"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(honorariosCol, 60, Style.Unit.PX); // compGarantizadaCol Column<Tabulador, String> compGarantizadaCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getCompGarantizada().toString(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(compGarantizadaCol, "Comp. Garantizada"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(compGarantizadaCol, 60, Style.Unit.PX); // cargaAdmin Column<Tabulador, String> cargaAdminCol = new Column<Tabulador, String>(new TextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(Tabulador object) { return object.getCargaAdmin().toString(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(cargaAdminCol, "Carga Admin."); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(cargaAdminCol, 60, Style.Unit.PX); } }