Java tutorial
/* * The Gemma project * * Copyright (c) 2007 University of British Columbia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package chibi.gemmaanalysis; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch; import ubic.gemma.apps.ArrayDesignSequenceManipulatingCli; import ubic.gemma.genome.gene.service.GeneService; import ubic.gemma.genome.taxon.service.TaxonService; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.Status; import ubic.gemma.model.common.auditAndSecurity.StatusService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesign; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.arrayDesign.ArrayDesignService; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequence; import ubic.gemma.model.expression.designElement.CompositeSequenceService; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Gene; import ubic.gemma.model.genome.Taxon; import cern.colt.Arrays; /** * CLI for ArrayDesignMapSummaryService * * @author xwan * @version $Id$ */ public class ArrayDesignStatCli extends ArrayDesignSequenceManipulatingCli { private ArrayDesignService adService; private GeneService geneService; private final static int MAXIMUM_COUNT = 10; private Collection<Long> geneIds = new HashSet<Long>(); private CompositeSequenceService compositeSequenceService; private TaxonService taxonService; private final static String DEFAULT_OUT_FILE = "arraydesignsummary.txt"; private String outFile; private Taxon taxon; private StatusService statusService; private final static String NA = "NA"; @Override @SuppressWarnings("static-access") protected void buildOptions() { super.buildOptions(); Option expOption = OptionBuilder.hasArg().withArgName("outfile").withDescription("TSV output filename") .withLongOpt("outfile").create('o'); addOption(expOption); Option taxonOption = OptionBuilder.hasArg().withDescription("taxon name") .withDescription("Taxon of the expression experiments and genes").withLongOpt("taxon").create('t'); addOption(taxonOption); } @Override protected void processOptions() { super.processOptions(); // FIXME: add HTML output option. this.adService = this.getBean(ArrayDesignService.class); this.compositeSequenceService = this.getBean(CompositeSequenceService.class); this.geneService = this.getBean(GeneService.class); this.taxonService = this.getBean(TaxonService.class); this.statusService = this.getBean(StatusService.class); if (hasOption('o')) { this.outFile = getOptionValue('o');"Output will be written to " + outFile); } else { this.outFile = DEFAULT_OUT_FILE; } if (hasOption('t')) { String taxonName = getOptionValue('t'); this.taxon = taxonService.findByCommonName(taxonName); if (this.taxon == null) { log.error("ERROR: Cannot find taxon " + taxonName); } } } Map<Long, Collection<Long>> getGeneId2CSIdsMap(Map<Long, Collection<Long>> csId2geneIds) { Map<Long, Collection<Long>> geneId2csIds = new HashMap<Long, Collection<Long>>(); for (Long csId : csId2geneIds.keySet()) { Collection<Long> gids = csId2geneIds.get(csId); for (Long geneId : gids) { Collection<Long> csIds = geneId2csIds.get(geneId); if (csIds == null) { csIds = new HashSet<Long>(); geneId2csIds.put(geneId, csIds); } csIds.add(csId); } } return geneId2csIds; } int[] getStats(Map<Long, Collection<Long>> dataMap, boolean geneIdKey) { int[] res = new int[MAXIMUM_COUNT]; for (Long id : dataMap.keySet()) { if (geneIdKey) { if (!geneIds.contains(id)) continue; } int size = dataMap.get(id).size(); if (!geneIdKey) { size = 0; Collection<Long> ids = dataMap.get(id); for (Long geneId : ids) { if (geneIds.contains(geneId)) size++; } } if (size == 0) continue; if (size > MAXIMUM_COUNT) size = MAXIMUM_COUNT; res[size - 1]++; } return res; } private Map<Long, Collection<Long>> getCs2GeneMap(Collection<Long> csIds) { Map<CompositeSequence, Collection<Gene>> genes = compositeSequenceService .getGenes(compositeSequenceService.loadMultiple(csIds)); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> result = new HashMap<Long, Collection<Long>>(); for (CompositeSequence cs : genes.keySet()) { result.put(cs.getId(), new HashSet<Long>()); for (Gene g : genes.get(cs)) { result.get(cs.getId()).add(g.getId()); } } return result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ubic.gemma.util.AbstractCLI#doWork(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override protected Exception doWork(String[] args) { Collection<String> failedAds = new ArrayList<>(); Exception err = processCommandLine(args); if (err != null) return err; if (arrayDesignsToProcess == null || arrayDesignsToProcess.size() == 0) { this.arrayDesignsToProcess = adService.loadAll(); } Map<Taxon, Collection<ArrayDesign>> taxon2arraydesign = new HashMap<Taxon, Collection<ArrayDesign>>(); Collection<Long> adIds = new HashSet<Long>(); for (ArrayDesign ad : this.arrayDesignsToProcess) { Taxon taxon = ad.getPrimaryTaxon(); if (taxon == null) { System.err.println("ArrayDesign " + ad.getName() + " doesn't have a taxon"); continue; } taxon = taxonService.load(taxon.getId()); if (taxon != null && taxon.getCommonName() == null) { log.warn(ad.getShortName() + " taxon common name is null"); failedAds.add(ad.getShortName()); continue; } // filter out taxon if (this.taxon != null && this.taxon.getCommonName() != null && !taxon.getCommonName().equalsIgnoreCase(this.taxon.getCommonName())) { continue; } adIds.add(ad.getId()); Collection<ArrayDesign> ads = null; ads = taxon2arraydesign.get(taxon); if (ads == null) { ads = new HashSet<ArrayDesign>(); taxon2arraydesign.put(taxon, ads); } ads.add(ad); } Map<Long, Boolean> isMerged = adService.isMerged(adIds); Map<Long, Boolean> isSubsumed = adService.isSubsumed(adIds); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); timer.start(); int lineCount = 0; try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(new File(this.outFile));) { String header = "taxon\tshortName\tname\tisTroubled\texperiments\tmergees\tsubsumes\tsubsumedBy\tgenes\tprobes\tcsWithGenes\tcsBioSequences\tcsBlatResults\tP2G_0"; out.write(header); for (int i = 1; i <= MAXIMUM_COUNT; i++) out.write("\tP2G_" + i); for (int i = 1; i <= MAXIMUM_COUNT; i++) out.write("\tG2P_" + i); out.write("\n"); System.err.print(header + "\n"); for (Taxon taxon : taxon2arraydesign.keySet()) { Collection<ArrayDesign> ads = taxon2arraydesign.get(taxon); Collection<Gene> allGenes = geneService.getGenesByTaxon(taxon); for (Gene gene : allGenes) { geneIds.add(gene.getId()); } for (ArrayDesign ad : ads) { try { Status status = statusService.getStatus(ad); String isTroubled = status != null ? Boolean.toString(status.getTroubled().booleanValue()) : NA; ad = arrayDesignService.thawLite(ad); long mergees = ad.getMergees().size(); long subsumes = ad.getSubsumedArrayDesigns().size(); String subsumedBy = ad.getSubsumingArrayDesign() != null ? ad.getSubsumingArrayDesign().getShortName() : NA; long numEEs = arrayDesignService.getExpressionExperiments(ad).size(); // boolean merged = isMerged.get( ad.getId() ); // if ( merged ) continue; // boolean subsumed = isSubsumed.get( ad.getId() ); // if ( subsumed ) continue; long numProbes = getArrayDesignService().getCompositeSequenceCount(ad).longValue(); long numCsBioSequences = getArrayDesignService().numCompositeSequenceWithBioSequences(ad); long numCsBlatResults = getArrayDesignService().numCompositeSequenceWithBlatResults(ad); long numCsGenes = getArrayDesignService().numCompositeSequenceWithGenes(ad); long numGenes = getArrayDesignService().numGenes(ad); Collection<CompositeSequence> allCSs = getArrayDesignService().getCompositeSequences(ad); Collection<Long> csIds = new HashSet<Long>(); for (CompositeSequence cs : allCSs) csIds.add(cs.getId()); // FIXME this used to provide only known genes. Map<Long, Collection<Long>> csId2geneIds = this.getCs2GeneMap(csIds); Map<Long, Collection<Long>> geneId2csIds = getGeneId2CSIdsMap(csId2geneIds); int[] csStats = getStats(csId2geneIds, false); int[] geneStats = getStats(geneId2csIds, true); int cs2NoneGene = allCSs.size() - csId2geneIds.keySet().size(); String line = taxon.getCommonName() + "\t" + ad.getShortName() + "\t" + ad.getName() + "\t" + isTroubled + "\t" + numEEs + "\t" + mergees + "\t" + subsumes + "\t" + subsumedBy + "\t" + numGenes + "\t" + numProbes + "\t" + numCsGenes + "\t" + numCsBioSequences + "\t" + numCsBlatResults + "\t" + cs2NoneGene; out.write(line); for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_COUNT; i++) { out.write("\t" + csStats[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_COUNT; i++) { out.write("\t" + geneStats[i]); } out.write("\n"); System.err.print(line + "\n"); lineCount++; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); failedAds.add(ad.getShortName()); continue; } } } out.close();"Skipped " + failedAds.size() + " array designs : " + Arrays.toString(failedAds.toArray()));"Finished running in " + timer.getTime() + " ms.");"Wrote " + lineCount + " lines to " + outFile); } catch (Exception e) { return e; } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayDesignStatCli s = new ArrayDesignStatCli(); try { Exception ex = s.doWork(args); if (ex != null) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ubic.gemma.util.AbstractCLI#getCommandName() */ @Override public String getCommandName() { return "platformStats"; } }