Java tutorial
//* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, Miracle A/S, and * //* Alexandra Instituttet A/S * //* eu.abc4trust.pabce.1.0 * //* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2012. All Rights Reserved. * //* (C) Copyright Miracle A/S, Denmark. 2012. All Rights Reserved. * //* (C) Copyright Alexandra Instituttet A/S, Denmark. 2012. All * //* Rights Reserved. * //* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * //* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * //* * //* This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * //* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * //* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * //* * //* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * //* software distributed under the License is distributed on an * //* "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * //* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * //* specific language governing permissions and limitations * //* under the License. * //*/**/**************************************************************** package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationUtils; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.ext.XLogger; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import ch.zhaw.ficore.p2abc.configuration.ServicesConfiguration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.zhaw.ficore.p2abc.xml.PresentationPolicyAlternativesCollection; import ch.zhaw.ficore.p2abc.xml.Settings; import eu.abc4trust.cryptoEngine.CryptoEngineException; import eu.abc4trust.exceptions.TokenVerificationException; import eu.abc4trust.guice.ProductionModuleFactory.CryptoEngine; import eu.abc4trust.keyManager.KeyManager; import eu.abc4trust.keyManager.KeyStorage; import eu.abc4trust.xml.ApplicationData; import eu.abc4trust.xml.AttributeDescription; import eu.abc4trust.xml.AttributePredicate; import eu.abc4trust.xml.AttributePredicate.Attribute; import eu.abc4trust.xml.CredentialInPolicy; import eu.abc4trust.xml.CredentialInPolicy.CredentialSpecAlternatives; import eu.abc4trust.xml.CredentialInPolicy.IssuerAlternatives; import eu.abc4trust.xml.CredentialInPolicy.IssuerAlternatives.IssuerParametersUID; import eu.abc4trust.xml.CredentialSpecification; import eu.abc4trust.xml.IssuerParameters; import eu.abc4trust.xml.Message; import eu.abc4trust.xml.ObjectFactory; import eu.abc4trust.xml.PresentationPolicy; import eu.abc4trust.xml.PresentationPolicyAlternatives; import eu.abc4trust.xml.PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken; import eu.abc4trust.xml.PresentationToken; import eu.abc4trust.xml.PresentationTokenDescription; import eu.abc4trust.xml.SystemParameters; import eu.abc4trust.xml.VerifierIdentity; //import java.util.logging.Logger; //import eu.abc4trust.ri.servicehelper.verifier.VerificationHelper; @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Path("/verification") public class VerificationService { private static final XLogger log = new XLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(VerificationService.class)); private static final String errMagicCookie = "Magic cookie is not correct!"; private static Map<String, String> accessTokens = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static Map<String, byte[]> nonces = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); private static final String ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "The requested operation is not supported and/or not implemented."; private static final String ERR_NO_ATTRIB = "The attribute was not found in any credential specification alternative."; private static final String ERR_UID = "The given UID in the path does not match the actual UID."; private static final String ERR_NOT_FOUND = "The requested resource or parts of it could not be found."; private static final int MAX_TOKENS = 4096 * 4; // limit number of valid // tokens in pool ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory(); public VerificationService() throws Exception { if (VerificationHelper.isInit()) {"init already done"); } else { if (System.getProperty("PathToUProveExe", null) == null) { String uprovePath = "./../uprove/UProveWSDLService/ABC4Trust-UProve/bin/Release"; System.setProperty("PathToUProveExe", uprovePath); } VerificationHelper.initInstance(CryptoEngine.IDEMIX, StorageModuleFactory.getModulesForServiceConfiguration(ServiceType.VERIFICATION)); } VerificationHelper instance = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); try { SystemParameters sp = instance.keyManager.getSystemParameters(); if (sp != null) { this.storeSystemParameters(sp); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.catching(ex); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/status/ * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description This method is available when the service is * running. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/protected/status/") public Response status() { return Response.ok().build(); } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/reset * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description: This method reloads the configuration of the * webservice(s) and will completely wipe all * storage of the webservice(s). Use with extreme * caution! * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @return Response * @throws Exception * when something went wrong */ @POST() @Path("/protected/reset") public Response reset() throws Exception { /* [FLOW TEST] */ log.entry(); VerificationHelper.getInstance(); URIBytesStorage.clearEverything(); return log.exit(Response.ok().build()); } /** * @fiware-rest-path /verifyTokenAgainstPolicy * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description This method verifies a given presentation token * against a given PresentationPolicyAlternatives. * This method will return a * PresentationTokenDescription. * * @fiware-rest-request-param token a presentation token (of type * PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken * ) * * @fiware-rest-response status 200 OK (PresentationTokenDescription as * application/xml) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param ppaAndpt * PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken * @return Response * @throws TokenVerificationException * when something went wrong. * @throws CryptoEngineException * when something went wrong. */ @Path("/verifyTokenAgainstPolicy") @POST() public Response verifyTokenAgainstPolicy( /* [FLOW TEST] */ final JAXBElement<PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken> ppaAndpt) throws TokenVerificationException, CryptoEngineException { log.entry(); try { boolean store = false; VerificationHelper verficationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken value = ppaAndpt.getValue(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives presentationPolicyAlternatives = value .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(); PresentationToken presentationToken = value.getPresentationToken(); PresentationTokenDescription ptd = verficationHelper.engine .verifyTokenAgainstPolicy(presentationPolicyAlternatives, presentationToken, store); return log.exit( Response.ok(of.createPresentationTokenDescription(ptd), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/ * addCredentialSpecificationAlternative * /{resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description This method adds a credential specification * alternative to a presentation policy inside * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUID UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * @fiware-rest-request-param cs UID of the credential specification * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param alias * Alias * @param credSpecUid * UID of the credential specification * @param policyUid * UID of the presantation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addCredentialSpecificationAlternative/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response addCredentialSpecificationAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @FormParam("cs") final String credSpecUid, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { if (cip.getAlias().toString().equals(alias)) { found = true; cip.getCredentialSpecAlternatives().getCredentialSpecUID().add(new URI(credSpecUid)); break; } } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/ * deleteCredentialSpecificationAlternative * /{resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes a credential specification alternative * from a presentation policy inside a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * @fiware-rest-request-param cs UID of the credential specification * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param alias * Alias * @param credSpecUid * UID of the credential specification * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deleteCredentialSpecificationAlternative/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response deleteCredentialSpecificationAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @FormParam("cs") final String credSpecUid, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; URI founduid = null; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { if (cip.getAlias().toString().equals(alias)) { for (URI uri : cip.getCredentialSpecAlternatives().getCredentialSpecUID()) { if (uri.toString().equals(credSpecUid)) { found = true; founduid = uri; break; } } if (found) { cip.getCredentialSpecAlternatives().getCredentialSpecUID().remove(founduid); break; } } } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addIssuerAlternative * /{resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Adds an issuer alternative to a presentation * policy inside a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * @fiware-rest-request-param ip UID of the issuer parameters * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param alias * Alias * @param issuerParamsUid * UID of the issuer parameters * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addIssuerAlternative/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response addIssuerAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @FormParam("ip") final String issuerParamsUid, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { if (cip.getAlias().toString().equals(alias)) { found = true; IssuerParametersUID ipuid = new IssuerParametersUID(); ipuid.setValue(new URI(issuerParamsUid)); cip.getIssuerAlternatives().getIssuerParametersUID().add(ipuid); break; } } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deleteIssuerAlternative * /{resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes an issuer alternative from a * presentation policy inside a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * @fiware-rest-request-param ip UID of the issuer parameters * * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param alias * Alias * @param issuerParamsUid * UID of the issuer parameters * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deleteIssuerAlternative/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response deleteIssuerAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @FormParam("ip") final String issuerParamsUid, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; IssuerParametersUID founduid = null; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { if (cip.getAlias().toString().equals(alias)) { for (IssuerParametersUID ipuid : cip.getIssuerAlternatives().getIssuerParametersUID()) { if (ipuid.getValue().toString().equals(issuerParamsUid)) { founduid = ipuid; found = true; break; } } if (found) { cip.getIssuerAlternatives().getIssuerParametersUID().remove(founduid); break; } } } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addPolicyAlternative * /{resource} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Adds a presentation policy alternative to a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-request-param puid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addPolicyAlternative/{resource}") /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response addPolicyAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("puid") final String policyUid) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } PresentationPolicy pp = new PresentationPolicy(); pp.setPolicyUID(new URI(policyUid)); ppa.getPresentationPolicy().add(pp); Message m = new Message(); ApplicationData apd = new ApplicationData(); apd.getContent().add("n/a"); m.setApplicationData(apd); pp.setMessage(m); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deletePolicyAlternative * /{resource} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Delete a presentation policy alternative from a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-request-param puid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the alias, the resource or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deletePolicyAlternative/{resource}") /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response deletePolicyAlternative(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("puid") final String policyUid) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; PresentationPolicy toDelete = null; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } toDelete = pp; found = true; break; } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } ppa.getPresentationPolicy().remove(toDelete); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/resource/create/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Creates a resource under the URI given as part * of the path. This will create an empty * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> stored * under the resource URI as the key. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-request-param redirectURI Redirect URI (in almost all cases * this will most likely be an URL of a website) * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param redirectURI * Redirect URI * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/resource/create/{resource}") /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response createResource(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("redirectURI") final String redirectURI) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = new PresentationPolicyAlternatives(); ppa.setVersion("1.0"); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addRedirectURI(new URI(resource), new URI(redirectURI)); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * Adds an alias to a presentation policy. * * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addAlias/{resource * }/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * @fiware-rest-description Adds an alias to a presentation policy in a * <code>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</code>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource the resource URL * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid the UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param al alias (must be a valid URI) * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 Error * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the resource, the alias or the * presentation policy could not be found * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @param alias * name of the alias * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addAlias/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response addAlias(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid, @FormParam("al") final String alias) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; CredentialInPolicy foundcip = null; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } found = true; CredentialInPolicy cip = new CredentialInPolicy(); cip.setCredentialSpecAlternatives(new CredentialSpecAlternatives()); cip.setIssuerAlternatives(new IssuerAlternatives()); cip.setAlias(new URI(alias)); pp.getCredential().add(cip); } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deleteAlias/{resource * }/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes an alias from a presentation policy * inside a <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> * . * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the resource, the alias or the * presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param alias * Alias * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deleteAlias/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response deleteAlias(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; CredentialInPolicy foundcip = null; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { if (cip.getAlias().toString().equals(alias)) { found = true; foundcip = cip; break; } } if (found) { pp.getCredential().remove(foundcip); break; } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deletePredicate * /{resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes a predicate from a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param index Index of the attribute as in the list of * predicates inside the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 The predicate or presentation policy does not * exist. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @param index * Index of the predicate * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/deletePredicate/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response deletePredicate(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid, @FormParam("index") final int index) { /* [GUI TEST] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } pp.getAttributePredicate().remove(index); found = true; } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addPredicate/{ * resource}/{policyUid} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Add a predicate to a presentation policy in a * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. The * predicate <tt>p</tt> is a function (e.g. * integer-less) with two argument. An attribute * <tt>at</tt> as lvalue and a constant value (e.g. * 123) as rvalue. This method does not allow * comparing attributes with other attributes as of * now. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * @fiware-rest-path-param policyUid UID of the presentation policy * * @fiware-rest-request-param cv Constant Value * @fiware-rest-request-param at Attribute * @fiware-rest-request-param p Predicate * @fiware-rest-request-param al Alias * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 Either the resource, the attribute, the alias * or the presentation policy could not be found. * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param constantValue * Constant Value * @param attribute * Attribute * @param predicate * Predicate * @param alias * Alias * @param policyUid * UID of the presentation policy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/addPredicate/{resource}/{policyUid}") public Response addPredicate(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, @FormParam("cv") final String constantValue, @FormParam("at") final String attribute, @FormParam("p") final String predicate, @FormParam("al") final String alias, @PathParam("policyUid") final String policyUid) { /* [GUI TEST] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } boolean found = false; for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { if (!pp.getPolicyUID().toString().equals(policyUid)) { continue; } AttributePredicate ap = new AttributePredicate(); ap.setFunction(new URI(predicate)); Attribute atr = new Attribute(); for (CredentialInPolicy cip : pp.getCredential()) { for (URI credSpecUid : cip.getCredentialSpecAlternatives().getCredentialSpecUID()) { CredentialSpecification credSpec = verificationHelper.keyManager .getCredentialSpecification(credSpecUid); for (AttributeDescription attrDesc : credSpec.getAttributeDescriptions() .getAttributeDescription()) { if (attrDesc.getType().toString().equals(attribute)) { atr.setAttributeType(attrDesc.getType()); atr.setCredentialAlias(new URI(alias)); found = true; } } } } if (found) { ap.getAttributeOrConstantValue().add(atr); Element e = createW3DomElement("ConstantValue", constantValue); ap.getAttributeOrConstantValue().add(e); pp.getAttributePredicate().add(ap); break; } } if (!found) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NO_ATTRIB).build()); } verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } return Response.ok().build(); } private static Element createW3DomElement(final String elementName, final String value) { Element element; try { element = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument() .createElement(elementName); } catch (DOMException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("This should always work!", e); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("This should always work!", e); } element.setTextContent(value); return element; } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/systemParameters/store * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Stores system parameters at this service. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK (application xml) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-input-type SystemParameters * @param systemParameters * SystemParameters * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/systemParameters/store") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response storeSystemParameters(final SystemParameters systemParameters) { /* * [ FLOW TEST ] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyManager keyManager = verificationHelper.keyManager; boolean r = keyManager.storeSystemParameters(systemParameters); if (!r) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not store system parameters."); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/issuerParameters/delete/{issuerParametersUid} * @fiware-rest-method DELETE * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes issuer parameters. * * @fiware-rest-path-param issuerParametersUid UID of the issuer parameters * to delete * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param issuerParametersUid * UID of the IssuerParameters * @return Response */ @DELETE() @Path("/protected/issuerParameters/delete/{issuerParametersUid}") public Response deleteIssuerParameters( /* [TEST EXISTS] */ @PathParam("issuerParametersUid") final String issuerParametersUid) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyStorage keyStorage = verificationHelper.keyStorage; // @#@#^%$ KeyStorage has no delete() if (keyStorage instanceof GenericKeyStorage) { GenericKeyStorage gkeyStorage = (GenericKeyStorage) keyStorage; gkeyStorage.delete(new URI(issuerParametersUid)); } else { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) .build(); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/issuerParameters/store/{issuerParametersUid} * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Stores issuer parameters at this service. The * UID given as part of the path must match the UID * of the passed issuer parameters. * * @fiware-rest-path-param issuerParametersUid UID of the issuer parameters * to store * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 409 The issuerParemetersUid does not match the * actual issuer parameters' UID. * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-input-type IssuerParameters * @param issuerParametersUid * UID of the IssuerParameters * @param issuerParameters * IssuerParameters * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/issuerParameters/store/{issuerParametersUid}") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response storeIssuerParameters(@PathParam("issuerParametersUid") final URI issuerParametersUid, final IssuerParameters issuerParameters) { log.entry();"VerificationService - storeIssuerParameters - issuerParametersUid: " + issuerParametersUid + ", " + issuerParameters.getParametersUID()); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyManager keyManager = verificationHelper.keyManager; if (!issuerParametersUid.toString().equals(issuerParameters.getParametersUID().toString())) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.CONFLICT).build()); } boolean r = keyManager.storeIssuerParameters(issuerParametersUid, issuerParameters); if (!r) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not store issuer parameters!"); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /createPresentationPolicy/ * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Given a presentation policy template creates a * presentation policy (while also embedding nonce * bytes). * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK (application/xml) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-input-type PresentationPolicyAlternatives * @fiware-rest-return-type PresentationPolicyAlternatives * @param applicationData * Application Data * @param presentationPolicy * PresentationPolicy * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/createPresentationPolicy") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) /* [FLOW TEST] */ public Response createPresentationPolicy(@PathParam("applicationData") final String applicationData, final PresentationPolicyAlternatives presentationPolicy) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); Map<URI, URI> revocationInformationUids = new HashMap<URI, URI>(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives modifiedPresentationPolicyAlternatives = verificationHelper .createPresentationPolicy(presentationPolicy, applicationData, revocationInformationUids);"VerificationService - createPresentationPolicy - done "); return log.exit( Response.ok(of.createPresentationPolicyAlternatives(modifiedPresentationPolicyAlternatives), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/credentialSpecification/store/{credentialSpecificationUid * } * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Stores a credential specification at this * service. The UID given as part of the path must * match the UID of the passed credential * specification. * * @fiware-rest-path-param credentialSpecificationUid UID of the credential * specification to store. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 409 UID given on the path does not match the actual * UID. * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-input-type CredentialSpecification * @param credentialSpecificationUid * UID of the credential specification * @param credSpec * Credential specification * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/credentialSpecification/store/{credentialSpecifationUid}") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response storeCredentialSpecification( @PathParam("credentialSpecifationUid") final URI credentialSpecificationUid, final CredentialSpecification credSpec) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyManager keyManager = verificationHelper.keyManager; if (!credentialSpecificationUid.toString().equals(credSpec.getSpecificationUID().toString())) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.CONFLICT).entity(ERR_UID).build()); } boolean r = keyManager.storeCredentialSpecification(credentialSpecificationUid, credSpec); if (!r) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not store the credential specification"); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/credentialSpecification/get/{credentialSpecificationUid * } * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Retreive a credential specification stored at * this service. * * @fiware-rest-path-param credentialSpecificationUid UID of the credential * specification to retrieve. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK (application/xml) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 The credential specification could not be * found. * * @fiware-rest-return-type CredentialSpecification * @param credSpecUid * UID of the credential specification * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/protected/credentialSpecification/get/{credentialSpecificationUid}") /* [TEST EXISTS] */ public Response getCredentialSpecification(@PathParam("credentialSpecificationUid") final String credSpecUid) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyManager keyManager = verificationHelper.keyManager; CredentialSpecification credSpec = keyManager.getCredentialSpecification(new URI(credSpecUid)); if (credSpec == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } return log.exit( Response.ok(of.createCredentialSpecification(credSpec), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/credentialSpecification/delete/{credentialSpecificationUid * } * @fiware-rest-method DELETE * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes a credential specification. * * @fiware-rest-path-param credentialSpecificationUid UID of the credential * specification to delete. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param credSpecUid * UID of the credential specification to delete * @return Response */ @DELETE() @Path("/protected/credentialSpecification/delete/{credentialSpecificationUid}") public Response deleteCredentialSpecification( /* [TEST EXISTS] */ @PathParam("credentialSpecificationUid") final String credSpecUid) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); KeyStorage keyStorage = verificationHelper.keyStorage; // @#@#^%$ KeyStorage has no delete() if (keyStorage instanceof GenericKeyStorage) { GenericKeyStorage gkeyStorage = (GenericKeyStorage) keyStorage; gkeyStorage.delete(new URI(credSpecUid)); } else { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) .build(); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/resource/delete/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method DELETE * * @fiware-rest-description Deletes a resource. This means, it deletes the * associated redirect URI and * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives.</tt> * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param resource * Resource URI * @return Response */ @DELETE() @Path("/protected/resource/delete/{resource}") public Response deleteResource(@PathParam("resource") final String resource) { /* * [ * TEST * EXISTS * ] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); try { verificationHelper.verificationStorage.deleteRedirectURI(new URI(resource)); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); } try { verificationHelper.verificationStorage.deletePresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); } return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/store/{resource * } * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Stores <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> * using the resource URI as part of the path as * the key (i.e. associates the * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> with the * resource URI) * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-input-type PresentationPolicyAlternatives * @param resource * Resource URI * @param ppa * PresentationPolicyAlternatives * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/store/{resource}") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response storePresentationPolicy( /* [FLOW TEST] */ @PathParam("resource") final String resource, final PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa) { log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource), ppa); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path * /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/get/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Retrieves * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt>. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI the * <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> are * associated with. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-response 404 <tt>PresentationPolicyAlternatives</tt> could * not be found. * * @fiware-rest-return-type PresentationPolicyAlternatives * @param resource * Resource URI * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/get/{resource}") public Response getPresentationPolicy(@PathParam("resource") final String resource) { /* * [ TEST EXISTS ] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); if (ppa == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } return log.exit( Response.ok(of.createPresentationPolicyAlternatives(ppa), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/list * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Lists all presentation policies stored at this * service. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-return-type PresentationPolicyAlternativesCollection * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/protected/presentationPolicyAlternatives/list") public Response presentationPolicies() { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternativesCollection ppac = new PresentationPolicyAlternativesCollection(); ppac.presentationPolicyAlternatives = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .listPresentationPolicyAlternatives(); List<String> uris = new ArrayList<String>(); for (URI uri : verificationHelper.verificationStorage.listResourceURIs()) { uris.add(uri.toString()); } List<String> redirectURIs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (URI uri : verificationHelper.verificationStorage.listResourceURIs()) { redirectURIs.add(verificationHelper.verificationStorage.getRedirectURI(uri).toString()); } ppac.redirectURIs = redirectURIs; ppac.uris = uris; return log.exit(Response.ok(ppac, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/redirectURI/store/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method PUT * * @fiware-rest-description Stores a redirect URI (URL) and associates it * with a resource. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Name/URI of the resource. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-input-type String * @param resourceUri * URI of the resource * @param redirectUri * Redirect URL * @return Response */ @PUT() @Path("/protected/redirectURI/store/{resource}") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response storeRedirectURI(@PathParam("resource") final String resourceUri, final String redirectUri) { /* [FLOW TEST] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); verificationHelper.verificationStorage.addRedirectURI(new URI(resourceUri), new URI(redirectUri)); return log.exit(Response.ok("OK").build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/redirectURI/get/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Retrieves a redirect URI. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Resource URI * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-return-type String * @param resource * Resource URI * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/protected/redirectURI/get/{resource}") public Response getRedirectURI(@PathParam("resource") final String resource) { /* * [ * FLOW * TEST * ] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); URI uri = verificationHelper.verificationStorage.getRedirectURI(new URI(resource)); if (uri == null) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(ERR_NOT_FOUND).build()); } return log.exit(Response.ok(uri.toString()).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /requestResource/{resource} * * @fiware-rest-description First step for a user to request a resource. * This method will look-up the corresponding * presentation policy alternatives and return them * for the user to create presentation tokens for. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Name/URI of the resource to request * access to/for. * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param resource * URI of the resource * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/requestResource/{resource}") public Response requestResource(@PathParam("resource") final String resource) { /* * [ * FLOW * TEST * ] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource)); String key = System.currentTimeMillis() + ";" + new SecureRandom().nextInt(); byte[] nonce = verificationHelper.generateNonce(); ppa = verificationHelper.modifyPPA(ppa, key, nonce, ServicesConfiguration.getVerifierIdentity()); synchronized (nonces) { nonces.put(key, nonce); } return log.exit(Response.ok(of.createPresentationPolicyAlternatives(ppa)).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /requestResource2/{resource} * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description The second step for a user to request access to * a resource. This method will verify the * presentation token for the user and if * successful return the redirect URI and an access * token. * * @fiware-rest-path-param resource Name/URI of the resource. * * @fiware-rest-input-type PresentationToken * @fiware-rest-return-type String * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 403 FORBIDDEN (Access to resource denied) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param resource * Resource URI * @param pt * PresentationToken * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/requestResource2/{resource}/") @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.TEXT_XML }) public Response requestResource2(@PathParam("resource") final String resource, final PresentationToken pt) { /* [FLOW TEST] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper verificationHelper = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); PresentationPolicyAlternatives ppa = verificationHelper.verificationStorage .getPresentationPolicyAlternatives(new URI(resource));"APD 0 is : " + pt.getPresentationTokenDescription().getMessage().getApplicationData().getContent().get(0)); String uid = (String) pt.getPresentationTokenDescription().getMessage().getApplicationData() .getContent().get(0); for (PresentationPolicy pp : ppa.getPresentationPolicy()) { byte[] nonce; synchronized (nonces) { nonce = nonces.get(uid); nonces.remove(uid); } pp.getMessage().setNonce(nonce); pp.getMessage().getApplicationData().getContent().clear(); pp.getMessage().getApplicationData().getContent().add(uid); VerifierIdentity vi = new VerifierIdentity(); vi.getContent().clear(); vi.getContent().add(ServicesConfiguration.getVerifierIdentity()); pp.getMessage().setVerifierIdentity(vi); }"VI 0 is " + pt.getPresentationTokenDescription().getMessage().getVerifierIdentity().getContent().get(0)); PresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken ppat = of .createPresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken(); ppat.setPresentationPolicyAlternatives(ppa); ppat.setPresentationToken(pt); Response r = this .verifyTokenAgainstPolicy(of.createPresentationPolicyAlternativesAndPresentationToken(ppat)); if (r.getStatus() != 200) { return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).entity("NOT OK").build()); } URI redirect = verificationHelper.verificationStorage.getRedirectURI(new URI(resource)); String token = generateAccessToken();"VPut: " + token + "," + resource); synchronized (accessTokens) { if (accessTokens.size() > MAX_TOKENS) { for (String key : accessTokens.keySet()) { accessTokens.remove(key); } } accessTokens.put(token, resource); } return log.exit( Response.ok(redirect.toString() + "?accesstoken=" + URLEncoder.encode(token, "UTF-8")).build()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /verifyAccessToken * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Verifies that an access token is valid. This * means, that a user successfully verified his * credentials at this service for a resource. This * method will return the name/URI of the resource * the user requested. Once verified the access * token is deleted. * * @fiware-rest-request-param accesstoken The access token to verify. * * @fiware-rest-response 403 Token not valid. * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @fiware-rest-return-type String * * @param accessToken * Access Token * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/verifyAccessToken/") public Response verifyAccessToken(@QueryParam("accesstoken") final String accessToken) { /* * [FLOW * TEST] */"VGet: " + accessToken); synchronized (accessTokens) { if (ServicesConfiguration.getAllowFakeAccesstoken()) { if (accessToken.equals("FAKE")) { return Response.ok("FAKE").build(); } } if (!accessTokens.containsKey(accessToken)) { for (String key : accessTokens.keySet()) { log.warn(" atkn: " + key); }"Accesstoken not found!" + accessToken); return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN).build(); } else {"Accesstoken found! " + accessToken); String resourceString = accessTokens.get(accessToken);"Resource string is: " + resourceString); accessTokens.remove(accessToken); return Response.ok(resourceString).build(); } } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /protected/loadSettings/ * @fiware-rest-method POST * * @fiware-rest-description Download and load settings from an issuer or any * settings provider. This method will cause the * user service to make a <tt>GET</tt> request to * the specified <tt>url</tt> and download the * contents which must be valid <tt>Settings</tt>. * DO NOT use this method with untrusted URLs or * issuers (or any other settings providers) with * DIFFERENT system parameters as this method will * overwrite existing system parameters. (see * {@link #getSettings()}) * * @fiware-rest-request-param url a valid URL (String) * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * * @param url * URL to download settings from. * @return Response */ @POST() @Path("/protected/loadSettings/") public Response loadSettings(@QueryParam("url") final String url) { /* * [FLOW * TEST] */ log.entry(); try { Settings settings = (Settings) RESTHelper.getRequest(url, Settings.class); for (IssuerParameters ip : settings.issuerParametersList) { Response r = this.storeIssuerParameters(ip.getParametersUID(), ip); if (r.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load issuer parameters!"); } } for (CredentialSpecification cs : settings.credentialSpecifications) { Response r = this.storeCredentialSpecification(cs.getSpecificationUID(), cs); if (r.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load credential specification!"); } } Response r = this.storeSystemParameters(settings.systemParameters); + "|" + settings.systemParameters.toString()); if (r.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load system parameters!"); } return log.exit(Response.ok().build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(ExceptionDumper.dumpException(e, log)); } } /** * @fiware-rest-path /getSettings/ * @fiware-rest-method GET * * @fiware-rest-description Returns the settings of the service as obtained * from an issuance service. Settings includes * issuer parameters, credential specifications and * the system parameters. This method may thus be * used to retrieve all credential specifications * stored at the user service and their * corresponding issuer parameters. The return type * of this method is <tt>Settings</tt>. * * The user service is capable of downloading * settings from an issuer (or from anything that * provides settings). To download settings use * <tt>/loadSettings?url=...</tt> ( * {@link #loadSettings(String)}). * * @fiware-rest-response 200 OK (application/xml) * @fiware-rest-response 500 ERROR * @fiware-rest-return-type Settings * @return Response */ @GET() @Path("/getSettings/") public Response getSettings() { /* [TEST EXISTS] */ log.entry(); try { VerificationHelper instance = VerificationHelper.getInstance(); Settings settings = new Settings(); List<IssuerParameters> issuerParams = new ArrayList<IssuerParameters>(); for (URI uri : instance.keyStorage.listUris()) { Object obj = SerializationUtils.deserialize(instance.keyStorage.getValue(uri)); if (obj instanceof IssuerParameters) { IssuerParameters ip = (IssuerParameters) obj; SystemParameters serializeSp = (ip.getSystemParameters()); ip.setSystemParameters(serializeSp); issuerParams.add(ip); } } List<CredentialSpecification> credSpecs = new ArrayList<CredentialSpecification>(); for (URI uri : instance.keyStorage.listUris()) { Object obj = SerializationUtils.deserialize(instance.keyStorage.getValue(uri)); if (obj instanceof CredentialSpecification) { credSpecs.add((CredentialSpecification) obj); } } settings.credentialSpecifications = credSpecs; settings.issuerParametersList = issuerParams; try { settings.systemParameters = /* SystemParametersUtil.serialize */(instance.keyManager .getSystemParameters()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); } return log.exit(Response.ok(settings, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).build()); } catch (Exception e) { log.catching(e); return log.exit(Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .entity(ExceptionDumper.dumpExceptionStr(e, log))).build(); } } private String generateAccessToken() { Random rand = new SecureRandom(); String prefix = "" + rand.nextInt() + "-"; byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; rand.nextBytes(bytes); return prefix + DigestUtils.sha1Hex(bytes); } }