Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 ETH Zuerich, CISD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.util; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import ch.rinn.restrictions.Private; import ch.systemsx.cisd.base.exceptions.CheckedExceptionTunnel; import ch.systemsx.cisd.common.filesystem.FileUtilities; import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.client.web.client.application.plugin.DefaultClientPluginFactoryProvider; /** * Class which updates <code>OpenBIS.gwt.xml</code> and {@link DefaultClientPluginFactoryProvider}. * <p> * Usage: * <tt>java {@link WebClientFilesUpdater} [<working directory> [<technology 1> <technology 2> ...]]</tt> * Without technology arguments all technologies found in the code base are available. If at least * one technology is specified only the specified technologies will be available. * * @author Christian Ribeaud */ public final class WebClientFilesUpdater { @Private static final String SOURCE_TAG_TEMPLATE = "<source path=\"plugin/%s/client/web/client\"/>"; @Private static final String SCRIPT_TAG_TEMPLATE = "<script src=\"%s-dictionary.js\"/>"; @Private static final String PUBLIC_TAG_TEMPLATE = "<public path=\"plugin/%s/client/web/public\"/>"; @Private static final String JAVA_MARKER_START = "// Automatically generated part - START"; @Private static final String XML_MARKER_START = "<!-- Automatically generated part - START -->"; @Private static final String JAVA_MARKER_END = "// Automatically generated part - END"; @Private static final String XML_MARKER_END = "<!-- Automatically generated part - END -->"; @Private static final String PLUGIN_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME_TEMPLATE = "ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.%s.client.web.client.application.ClientPluginFactory"; @Private static final String PLUGIN_FACTORY_REGISTRATION_TEMPLATE = "registerPluginFactory(new " + PLUGIN_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME_TEMPLATE + "(originalViewContext));"; @Private static final String PLUGIN_PACKAGE_NAME = "plugin"; @Private static final String CLIENT_PLUGIN_PROVIDER_CLASS = "ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.client.web.client.application.plugin.DefaultClientPluginFactoryProvider"; @Private static final String OPENBIS_GWT_XML_FILE_NAME = "OpenBIS-without-entry-point.gwt.xml"; @Private static final String OPENBIS_PACKAGE_NAME = "ch/systemsx/cisd/openbis"; private final String[] allTechnologies; private final String[] technologies; private final File workingDirectory; @Private WebClientFilesUpdater(final String workingDirectory, final String... technologies) { assert workingDirectory != null : "Unspecified working directory."; this.workingDirectory = getWorkingDirectory(workingDirectory); this.allTechnologies = scanAllTechnologies(this.workingDirectory); this.technologies = getTechnologies(allTechnologies, technologies); } private final static void checkTechnologies(final String[] allTechnologies, final String[] technologies) { for (final String technology : technologies) { if (ArrayUtils.indexOf(allTechnologies, technology) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Technology '%s' must be one of '%s'.", technology, Arrays.toString(allTechnologies))); } } } private final static File getWorkingDirectory(final String workingDirectory) { return workingDirectory == null ? new File(".") : new File(workingDirectory); } private final static String[] getTechnologies(final String[] allTechnologies, final String[] technologies) { if (technologies == null || technologies.length == 0) { return allTechnologies; } else { checkTechnologies(allTechnologies, technologies); return technologies; } } private final static String[] scanAllTechnologies(final File rootDirectory) { final File pluginRootDirectory = getPluginRootDirectory(rootDirectory); final File[] pluginDirs = pluginRootDirectory .listFiles((FileFilter) FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware(FileFilterUtils.directoryFileFilter())); return FileUtilities.toFileNames(pluginDirs); } private final static File getPluginRootDirectory(final File rootDirectory) { final File openBISPackage = new File(rootDirectory, OPENBIS_PACKAGE_NAME + "/" + PLUGIN_PACKAGE_NAME); final String response = FileUtilities.checkDirectoryFullyAccessible(openBISPackage, "openBIS package"); if (response != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response); } return openBISPackage; } private final static StringBuilder createTag(final String template, final String indent, final String technology) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(indent); builder.append(String.format(template, technology)); builder.append("\n"); return builder; } /** * Updates the <code>OpenBIS.gwt.xml</code> up to the technologies found. */ public final void updateOpenBISGwtXmlFile() { final File openBISGwtXmlFile = new File(workingDirectory, OPENBIS_PACKAGE_NAME + "/" + OPENBIS_GWT_XML_FILE_NAME); final String response = FileUtilities.checkFileFullyAccessible(openBISGwtXmlFile, "xml"); if (response != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response); } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(XML_MARKER_START); final String sep = "\n"; builder.append(sep); final String indent = StringUtils.repeat(" ", 4); boolean first = true; for (final String technology : technologies) { if (first == false) { builder.append(sep); } first = false; builder.append(indent); builder.append(String.format("<!-- %s plugin -->", StringUtils.capitalize(technology))); builder.append(sep); // <script>-tag builder.append(createTag(SCRIPT_TAG_TEMPLATE, indent, technology)); // <public>-tag builder.append(createTag(PUBLIC_TAG_TEMPLATE, indent, technology)); // <source>-tag builder.append(createTag(SOURCE_TAG_TEMPLATE, indent, technology)); } builder.append(indent); String content = FileUtilities.loadToString(openBISGwtXmlFile); content = content.substring(0, content.indexOf(XML_MARKER_START)) + builder.toString() + content.substring(content.indexOf(XML_MARKER_END), content.length()); FileUtilities.writeToFile(openBISGwtXmlFile, content); } /** * Updates {@link DefaultClientPluginFactoryProvider} class up to the technologies found. */ public final void updateClientPluginProvider() { final File clientPluginProviderJavaFile = new File(workingDirectory, CLIENT_PLUGIN_PROVIDER_CLASS.replace(".", "/") + ".java"); final String response = FileUtilities.checkFileFullyAccessible(clientPluginProviderJavaFile, "java"); if (response != null) { throw new RuntimeException(response); } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(JAVA_MARKER_START); builder.append("\n"); final String indent = StringUtils.repeat(" ", 8); for (final String technology : technologies) { if (technology.equals("generic")) { continue; } try { Class.forName(String.format(PLUGIN_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME_TEMPLATE, technology)); } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw CheckedExceptionTunnel.wrapIfNecessary(ex); } builder.append(indent); builder.append(String.format(PLUGIN_FACTORY_REGISTRATION_TEMPLATE, technology)); builder.append("\n"); } builder.append(indent); String content = FileUtilities.loadToString(clientPluginProviderJavaFile); content = content.substring(0, content.indexOf(JAVA_MARKER_START)) + builder.toString() + content.substring(content.indexOf(JAVA_MARKER_END), content.length()); FileUtilities.writeToFile(clientPluginProviderJavaFile, content); } // // Main method // public static void main(final String[] args) { final int len = args.length; final String workingDirectory; final String[] technologies; switch (len) { case 0: workingDirectory = null; technologies = null; break; default: workingDirectory = args[0]; technologies = new String[len - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { technologies[i - 0] = args[i]; } break; } final WebClientFilesUpdater webClientFilesUpdater = new WebClientFilesUpdater(workingDirectory, technologies); webClientFilesUpdater.updateOpenBISGwtXmlFile(); System.out.println(String.format("'%s' has been updated.", OPENBIS_GWT_XML_FILE_NAME)); webClientFilesUpdater.updateClientPluginProvider(); System.out.println(String.format("'%s' has been updated.", CLIENT_PLUGIN_PROVIDER_CLASS)); } }