Java tutorial
/* * AMW - Automated Middleware allows you to manage the configurations of * your Java EE applications on an unlimited number of different environments * with various versions, including the automated deployment of those apps. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 by Puzzle ITC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.*; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.exception.ElementAlreadyExistsException; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.exception.ResourceTypeNotFoundException; import ch.puzzle.itc.mobiliar.common.util.DefaultResourceTypeDefinition; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * A boundary for relation editing * * @author cweber */ @Stateless @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) public class RelationEditor { @Inject EntityManager entityManager; @Inject ResourceRelationService resourceRelationService; @Inject ResourceRelationBoundary resourceRelationBoundary; @Inject ResourceTypeDomainService resourceTypeDomainService; @Inject ResourceRepository resourceRepository; @Inject ResourceLocator resourceLocator; @Inject ResourceGroupLocator resourceGroupLocator; @Inject ForeignableService foreignableService; @Inject private ResourceGroupPersistenceService resourceGroupService; public enum ResourceRelationType { CONSUMED, PROVIDED } /** * Load all resourceGroups for the given type * * @param typeName * @param resourceId * - the resourceGroup for this resource will be excluded * @return a list with resourceGroup entities */ public List<? extends NamedIdentifiable> loadResourceGroupsForType(String typeName, Integer resourceId) { ResourceEntity resource = resourceRepository.loadWithResourceGroupAndRelatedResourcesForId(resourceId); return resourceGroupService.loadGroupsForTypeNameExcludeSelected(typeName, Collections.singletonList(resource.getResourceGroup().getId())); } /** * @param masterId * @param provided * @param relationName * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * @throws ElementAlreadyExistsException */ public void addRelation(Integer masterId, Integer slaveGroupId, boolean provided, String relationName, ForeignableOwner changingOwner) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ElementAlreadyExistsException { resourceRelationService.addRelationByGroup(masterId, slaveGroupId, provided, relationName, null, changingOwner); } /** * * @param masterGroupName * @param slaveGroupName * @param provided * @param relationName * @param typeIdentifier * @param releaseName * @param changingOwner * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * @throws ElementAlreadyExistsException * @throws ValidationException */ public void addResourceRelationForSpecificRelease(String masterGroupName, String slaveGroupName, boolean provided, String relationName, String typeIdentifier, String releaseName, ForeignableOwner changingOwner) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ElementAlreadyExistsException, ValidationException { ResourceEntity master = resourceLocator.getResourceByGroupNameAndRelease(masterGroupName, releaseName); if (master == null) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( "Resource with name '" + masterGroupName + "' and Release '" + releaseName + "' not found"); } // a Resource shall only be provided by one ResourceGroup if (typeIdentifier.toLowerCase().equals("provided") && !resourceRelationBoundary.isAddableAsProvidedResourceToResourceGroup(master, slaveGroupName)) { throw new ValidationException( "Resource '" + slaveGroupName + "' is already provided by another ResourceGroup"); } ResourceGroupEntity slaveGroup = null; try { slaveGroup = resourceGroupLocator.getResourceGroupByName(slaveGroupName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("ResourceGroup with name '" + slaveGroupName + "' not found"); } resourceRelationService.addRelationByGroup(master.getId(), slaveGroup.getId(), provided, relationName, typeIdentifier, changingOwner); } public void addResourceTypeRelation(ResourceTypeEntity masterType, Integer slaveResourceTypeId) throws ResourceTypeNotFoundException { ResourceTypeEntity slaveResourceType = entityManager.find(ResourceTypeEntity.class, slaveResourceTypeId); Set<ResourceRelationTypeEntity> relations = slaveResourceType.getResourceRelationTypesB(); List<String> identifiers = new ArrayList<>(); for (ResourceRelationTypeEntity relation : relations) { if (relation.getResourceTypeA().getId().equals(masterType.getId())) { identifiers.add(relation.getRelationIdentifier()); } } resourceTypeDomainService.createResourceTypeRelation(masterType.getId(), slaveResourceTypeId, resourceTypeDomainService.nextFreeIdentifier(identifiers, slaveResourceType.getName(), null)); } /** * Removes a consumed or provided ResourceRelationEntity, identified either by its relation name (aka relation identifier) or by the name of the slave resouce (group) * * @param relations a Collection containing consumed or provided ResourceRelationEntities (the haystack) * @param relationName the relation "name" or the name of the slave resource (group) * @return boolean true if it has been removed, false if it could not be found * @throws ForeignableOwnerViolationException * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * @throws ElementAlreadyExistsException */ public boolean removeMatchingRelation(Collection<? extends AbstractResourceRelationEntity> relations, String relationName) throws ForeignableOwnerViolationException, ResourceNotFoundException, ElementAlreadyExistsException { for (AbstractResourceRelationEntity relation : relations) { if (isMatchingRelationName(relation, relationName)) { removeRelation(ForeignableOwner.getSystemOwner(), relation.getId()); return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isMatchingRelationName(AbstractResourceRelationEntity relation, String relationName) { if (relation.getIdentifier() != null && relation.getIdentifier().equals(relationName)) { return true; } return relation.getIdentifier() == null && relation.getSlaveResource().getName().equals(relationName); } /** * @param relationId * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * @throws ElementAlreadyExistsException */ public void removeRelation(ForeignableOwner deletingOwner, Integer relationId) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ElementAlreadyExistsException, ForeignableOwnerViolationException { AbstractResourceRelationEntity resourceRelationEntity = resourceRelationService .getResourceRelation(relationId); foreignableService.verifyDeletableByOwner(deletingOwner, resourceRelationEntity); resourceRelationService.removeRelation(resourceRelationEntity); } /** * @throws ResourceNotFoundException * @throws ElementAlreadyExistsException */ public void removeResourceTypeRelation(Integer resourceTypeRelationId) throws ResourceTypeNotFoundException { resourceTypeDomainService.removeResourceTypeRelation(resourceTypeRelationId); } public Set<ResourceGroupEntity> getApplicationsFromOtherResourcesInGroup(ResourceEntity resource) { // ... but we can also add those applications, which are already consumed by another resource of our // own resoure group as long as it is not connected to our release... Set<ResourceGroupEntity> applicationsFromOtherResourcesInGroup = new HashSet<>(); resource = entityManager.find(ResourceEntity.class, resource.getId()); for (ResourceEntity r : resource.getResourceGroup().getResources()) { if (!resource.equals(r)) { List<ResourceEntity> resourceEntities = r .getConsumedRelatedResourcesByResourceType(DefaultResourceTypeDefinition.APPLICATION); if (resourceEntities != null) { for (ResourceEntity r2 : resourceEntities) { applicationsFromOtherResourcesInGroup .add(getResourceGroupWithAllResources(r2.getResourceGroup().getId())); } } } } return applicationsFromOtherResourcesInGroup; } public ResourceGroupEntity getResourceGroupWithAllResources(Integer resourceGroupId) { try { TypedQuery<ResourceGroupEntity> resGroupQuery = entityManager.createQuery( "select rg from ResourceGroupEntity rg left join fetch rg.resources where", ResourceGroupEntity.class).setParameter("id", resourceGroupId); return resGroupQuery.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException e) { return null; } } public boolean isValidResourceRelationType(String resourceRelationTypeString) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resourceRelationTypeString)) { return false; } return (Enums.getIfPresent(ResourceRelationType.class, resourceRelationTypeString.toUpperCase()) .isPresent()); } }